Skunks in Milford

You know, I really liked Massachusetts. I used to live in Milford, Massachusetts. It was really great.

Beautiful, pleasant. A really nice place, and I often miss what it was like.

You know… there is one thing about Milford…


Lots and lots of skunks. LOL.

That and foxes. Who would thunk it?

Oh, they would really leave you alone. But, you know, you don’t want to get them upset.


They would just meander about. Clueless, without a care in the world. Funny.

Skunks in Milford.

Meandering about. Not a care in the world.


Puts a smile on my face.


Is it really worth it to live to over 80 years?

When he was 87 and slipping into dementia, I asked my father exactly this on one of his “good days.” He smiled and said that it had been worth it, even when he became the last of his siblings alive and started to lose his ability to remember names, first, and other things later.

He became a very gentle person to be around (he had been an angry and argumentative Democrat for most of his life) and enjoyed his children, grandchildren, and even their pets. We got along better than we ever had. I remember taking him to the Fourth of July parade and whispering the names of people who came up to greet him. Once he knew their names, he could have a great conversation. Then I brought him back to a school reunion and that was wonderful. He needed no introductions as everyone wore a name tag.

Having watched my father in those years, I hope that I may live long enough to navigate old age just the way he did despite his obvious infirmities.

What situation made you wish you never reported it?

I’ve worked with the company I’m presently employed with for not quite 12 years. Up until a year ago, we were a small personable, easy going, family owned company of about 250 drivers. If you were around for any length of time, everyone in the office and shop knew you, and vice versa. That was up until about a year ago when the owner of the company retired and threw us under the bus by selling us out to a larger company and everything changed.

It’s common practice for just about any trucking company to require any damage to their equipment be reported and documented. With my company, if the damage was minimal, the report would still go in the driver’s jacket, but no further. It would stay in-house instead of being reported to a national data base.

I’ve always been the type to man-up in situations such as this. I was raised that way, and it was the right thing to do. Even leaving small damage unreported could result in the next driver having to have it repaired and possibly being late for a delivery.

So, after pulling out of a customer’s driveway and cutting it too tighly, I felt something go bump in the night. Upon further inspection, it appears I clipped one of those large landscaping rocks placed to prevent idiot drivers like me from cutting corners too tightly, and running over their curbs. When I stopped for the day and was doing my mandatory post-trip inspection, I came upon this,

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Thinking it was no biggie, and my company would normally think likewise, and wanting to do the right thing, I called it it. What happened next was nothing short of a shit storm. The new people acted like I ran over a carload of nuns. Initial phone call to my parent company, followed by a call to the new company’s safety department, followed by a call-back the next day from same, followed by submitting pictures and a full accident report, followed by a call-back from the new company to review of same, followed by a never-heard-of-before-review from Greg in our safety department.

When I related the story to the former head of our . safety department, her reaction was, “It was just a fuckin’ rim!”, as she shook her head.

Trust me, if it ever happens again, I won’t think twice about going palms up with a “Dunno nuthin’ ‘bout it. When I dropped it off, it was fine “, should anyone inquire.

Something to accept

What has been the most life changing health issue you’ve experienced? Did it change your life for the better or worse?

I was driving down the freeway and all of a sudden I couldn’t see the cars ahead of me. It was if someone had pulled a shade down in front of my line of vision. I could see all around the shade, but not right in front. Although it was only for a few moments, the terror I felt was devasting.

I was a 21-year old college student, a senior at academically prestigious school, getting good grades, working part time, and enjoying a fun social life.

So, what was the matter? Where did the intense headaches come from? Why did I frequently wake up in the middle of the night, jumping out of bed and running to the bathroom, to vomit repeatedly? Why did I feel that I was about to fall down whenever the sidewalk was a little uneven?

Then there were those crazy nightmares I was having.…. I dreamed one night that I was driving on the freeway. The car next to me pulled up right beside me. The driver pulled a gun out. He shot me in the head. My head exploded. Everything became dark. I woke up in a terrified sweat. What on earth was wrong with my head that I would have such a dream?

In spite of everything, I was doing okay and maintaining my studies. But finally it became too much for me to handle. Especially the shade covering my eyes on the freeway.

I saw several doctors. They said I was fine.

I went to a psychologist. I figured that since the doctors said I was fine, it must be all in my mind. The psychologist listened to my symptoms. He said that I didn’t need to see a psychologist. Instead, I needed to see a neurologist and he urged me to see one right away.

I took his advice and went to a neurologist. The neurologist admitted me to a hospital. Still no answers. Many tests were done, but it was during the days before C-T scans or MRI’s were used, so it was hard to figure this out. Finally a diagnosis was made: brain tumor.

Surgery was scheduled. They operated for 10 hours, and were able to remove half of the tumor. The surgeon told me the tumor was the size of a large orange and that if I hadn’t been diagnosed when I was, I would have had 6 months left to live. It was just taking over my whole brain and growing so fast.

I was in intensive care for 2 weeks. I can’t remember too much about that time. It seemed like a dream, for just a few hours.

Then, more surgery. And then some more.

I lost the ability to walk. I couldn’t see very well. I lost hearing. I was fed intravenously. Because I had stroke-like symptoms, one side of my body became weak and uncoordinated. I no longer could hold a pen and write.

I had physical therapy and occupational therapy to regain some of the skills that I had lost.

I finally left the hospital and went home to live with my parents. The tumor was not all gone, but I needed a break. I needed time to get stronger before the next onslaught of surgery.

While I was home, I had physical and occupational therapy at a nearby hospital. I still couldn’t walk or write, but I was beginning to feel better. In physical therapy I worked on learning to walk with a walker and then eventually on my own. In occupational therapy I worked on strengthening my very weak hand. I did many activities with my hands, including making some beautiful crafts. Occupational therapy was so much fun! I loved therapy.

I went back to the hospital and had the last surgery. Finally the tumor was gone. After some more time had passed I felt that maybe it was time to return to school.

Living on my own again was not easy. I still couldn’t walk or write well. But I persevered. Sometimes I fell down. I used a tape recorder during lectures since I couldn’t write fast enough to take notes, and my professors gave me extra time to write exams. With the support of my family and professors, I did well and succeeded.

As graduation approached, a brilliant idea occurred to me. I remembered the great time I had in occupational therapy, and how I had been helped so much. Maybe I too could become an occupational therapist. I thought of how wonderful it would be to spend my life helping others just like I had been helped. I decided that yes, I would try, and so I applied to a master’s degree program in occupational therapy.

There were many more applicants than spots available, but much to my delight I was accepted into the program!

The program was so difficult and very competitive. But I worked hard and after two years became an occupational therapist.

That was 40 years ago, and I am still going strong. I have worked with literally thousands of patients during my career, from little 1-pound premature babies all the way up to 103 year-old patients in nursing homes, and everything in-between. I have loved every minute of it.

Occupational therapy is a flexible career with an abundance of interesting and meaningful jobs available. During my career, I traveled the world, met and married my husband, gave birth to and raised two beautiful children, and enjoyed my life!

I turned what could have been a terrible, frightening experience into something really wonderful.

Swapping phones

How does a rescuer deal with a person who has been cut in half by a truck and obviously will not survive, but is still alive?

Not a truck. A railroad train.

The kid had attempted to jump on a boxcar from a bridge.

He dropped instead between the cars and rolled onto a rail.

A wheel cut him in half at the belly, but at the same time sealed the wound.

He was fully conscious, and asked a rescue worker if he would be “OK.”

The first responder said, “Sure, son, you’ll be fine.”

Then his two halves unsealed, and his guts poured forth. He died.


In Cumberland, Maryland. Here:

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Right behind my house, years ago.

What’s something you can’t believe you had to explain to another adult?

My sister-in-law once called me to borrow my fax machine. This was in the days before most people had computers and internet. She had a very important document that had to be faxed to a company showing proof of payment.

I took my fax machine to her house that night, hooked it up, walked her through the simple instructions and left.

She called me at work the next day in a panic. She said she had tried to send her document several times and it would not go. This was important, and she needed it sent right away. I was getting off early that day so I agreed to go by her house and help her with it.

When I arrived I checked the machine and connections and everything seemed fine. I told her to send it again so I could see what was going on. She did everything correctly and at the tone hit Send. The fax machine pulled the paper through and indicated a successful receipt at the other end. My sister-in-law grabbed the paper as it came back out of the machine and said, “See. It doesn’t go, it just spits it back out.” My jaw hit the floor. It turns out she thought the actual paper was being sent over the phone lines.

After I explained the concept to her, I let her know that this story would be told at every family get together for the rest of my life. It is now firmly a part of the family lore and enjoyed by each successive generation.

My sister-in-law fortunately took it in stride. She declared it her worst blonde moment and laughs as hard as anyone when the story is retold.

P.S. My sister-in-law did call the company still to confirm receipt. They told her they had four copies and that was absolutely sufficient.

Have you ever accidentally found out that you were about to be fired?

Close? I accidentally found out I was going to be demoted which lead to me quitting.

In my 20s I worked at one of those places that made huge cookies, I was specifically hired by the manager to be the assistant manager, she’d worked with me as a key holder at another place so she knew I would be good at it. A few months after I was hired the owner sold the business.

One day I was hanging out with the Manager L when she got a call from one of the kids at cookie shop. “Hey L, the owner is in here with some chick he says is the new Manager, what’s going on?”

Too bad L had no answers for her, we had no damned idea what was happening. She and I jumped in the car and headed to the cookie shop to talk, in person, to the owner.

Sure enough, he was demoting L into Assistant and me into just a regular employee. Neither of us had done anything wrong, the new owner just planned to make this new lady a manager. He told us a bunch of BS saying she had experience bla bla… but we found out later she was actually just his girlfriend. We told him how messed up that was, and that both of us would quit if he planned to do this. He was unrepentant, even gaving us the whole “I’m sorry you feel you need an apology” line.

She and I looked at each other, got up and walked away.

Apparently he truly didn’t understand what had just happened because when he saw the kid who called us changing the schedule he was confused. When he was told by her we had just quit, he was completely stunned and didn’t understand why we would have done that. Dude, we literally told you to your face that’s what we’d do if you demoted us for no reason other than to put someone else in as manager, WTF did you think would happen?

Turns out the girlfriend was horrible as a manager, and the owner ended up folding in a few months. Funny how that happens when you take actions that force the people with a clue out, and put someone clueless in just because you are dating them. The two of us were the ones who knew how to run the store, knew how to run the fundraising side, which is where most of the money was made. He screwed himself by being an idiot.

Cajun Butt

2023 11 09 14 20
2023 11 09 14 20

Yield: about 8 to 10 servings


  • 1 (6 pound) boneless pork butt
  • 15 to 20 garlic slivers
  • 3 tablespoons red pepper flakes (or less)
  • 4 tablespoons yellow mustard
  • 3 tablespoons Tony Chachere’s Original Seasoning
  • 3 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper


  1. Cut 15 to 20 slits 1 inch deep on external surface of pork butt. Press one garlic sliver into each slit with thumb, to bottom of slit. On top of each garlic sliver, insert 1/4 teaspoon of red pepper flakes in the slit. Pinch slit closed.
  2. In a bowl, mix mustard, Cajun seasoning, brown sugar and black pepper. Mix well and apply to pork butt. Lightly dust with a coating of red pepper flakes.
  3. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.
  4. Smoke-cook using apple and hickory chips on a covered barbecue pit off the heat for 1 hour per pound or until the internal temperature reaches 190 degrees F.

What is the strangest way you have seen someone repair a broken object?

I drove around a 1988 Toyota Corolla when I was 16 years old.

It looked like this, only a lot more beat up and ugly:

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The car had a habit of making strange noises, but there was one noise in particular that I just couldn’t deal with anymore.

I drove it over to my dad’s house to see if he could tell what the problem was.

Dad: “Oh that’s just your heat shield.”

Me: “My what?”

Dad: “It’s basically just there to keep stuff from catching on fire when you park somewhere.”

Me: “That sounds kind of important. Is it something that can be fixed?”

Dad: “Hmmm… Probably.”

My dad grabbed a stick from the yard, shoved it somewhere on the heat shield, and the noise magically stopped.

I thought that stick would eventually catch on fire, but it never did and the noise never came back.

There are some benefits to having a redneck dad.

What is one of the most effective improvised weapons made by soldiers in the field?

Perhaps one of the most effective improvised weapons was the Rhino tank. An ordinary tank – usually a Sherman but with improvised steel teeth welded to the front.

In 1944 just after D-Day the Americans, Canadians and British troops were getting held up in the ‘bocage’ countryside of Normandy. Bocage consisted of high hedgerows built on thick banks of earth. This environment proved ideal for German ambushes, providing plenty of defensive cover. It also meant that the Germans could pick off tanks because they would be funnelled down the lanes, or forced through the narrow gaps in the bocage hedgerows. The Germans knew exactly where the tanks would come through and could lay anti tank mines, or train their guns on that exact spot. If the tanks tried to avoid the gaps and instead drive over the top of bocage embankment, it was so steep that it would expose the thin underside armour. Allied tanks were getting wiped out. Until this man, Sergeant Curtis G. Culin had an idea.

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When one of his fellow soldiers joked and said they needed a big set of teeth to bite their way through, Culin didn’t laugh but took the idea seriously. He welded some of the steel that the Germans had used as tank traps to the front of his tank, like this.

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The teeth allowed the Sherman to burst straight through the hedgerow, surprise and then destroy any Germans waiting in ambush on the other side.

When General Omar Bradley saw what Culin had done and saw how his tank was able to smash its way though the bocage hedgerows, the General ordered that as many tanks as possible be fitted with this improvised weapon. The Normandy beaches had been filled with landing spikes which were conveniently just the right shape and type of steel to make the ‘teeth’.

This simple but effective innovation enabled the Americans to swiftly move on and cut off the Cotentin Peninsula and then move south and meet up with the British and Canadians cutting off the Germans in the Falaise Pocket.

What problems did you encounter when buying a house in an “as-is” condition?

I bought the house we are in now exactly 10 years ago in “as is” condition. In fact this was the entire listing:

“Seller and agents make no representations and warranties. Sold as is.”

The house is in a fairly upscale suburb, and was about 15 years old at the time. There was plenty of cosmetic damage — water damage on the hardwood floors, a filthy kitchen, holes in some drywall, a half-full leaky pool clogged with algae. Plus the interior and exterior were just sad looking, with ugly brown paint and outdated stained oak stairs.

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But the funny thing was that no matter how carefully I looked, I could not see any actual serious problems. In fact, it was a bank repossession, and I eventually figured out that since it looked so bad they just assumed there were real problems, and they listed it the way they did to avoid any liability. Over 100 people looked at the house, and we were the only ones who put in an offer, and we got it way (way!) under the asking price, which is rare in Toronto.

I was planning on doing a full renovation anyhow, so I didn’t care about the drywall and flooring. The entire kitchen went in the dumpster. And for $600 we repaired the pool, and it worked perfectly.

I’ve been here for 10 years now and we have not had a single serious problem with the house.

I am sitting outside Quoraing this morning and I took this picture 60 seconds ago:

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From the Agreement of Purchase and Sale:

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What are the most mind-blowing tricks used during any war?

When you can’t destroy a target by dropping bombs vertically, you can drop them horizontally. That’s what the 617 Royal Air Force Squadron did in May 1943.

The squadron carried out Operation Chastise, designed to destroy German dams and hydroelectric power stations. Reconnaissance and simulated bombing runs revealed that bombs dropped vertically on top of dams were not effective. So instead, the RAF used an experimental bouncing bomb, designed by Sir Barnes Wallis, that was dropped at low altitude onto the surface of the reservoir and skipped along the water horizontally until it hit the face of the dam.

The strategy proved effective. “The Möhne and Edersee Dams were breached…Two hydroelectric power stations were destroyed and several more were damaged. Factories and mines were also either damaged or destroyed.”

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Lancaster bomber dropping bouncing bomb during the Operation Chastise raids on Germany’s Ruhr Valley.

The operation was later the subject of the movie Dambusters, released in 1955.

West will choke on Putin’s terms for Ukraine

Discussion on the Ukraine surrender terms.

Who was the most delusional person you’ve ever met? Why were they so delusional?

I remember seeing a girl, her parents were millionaires due to a massive inheritance.

She would try and talk about her “Working class background” how the struggle was real.

One day she was telling me how her parents only bought her a brand new mini when she passed her test and how that went to show how much her family had struggled. One of her school friends got a brand new Range Rover.

I listened to that thinking “My Mum couldn’t have afforded a driving lesson let alone a car”

Have you ever felt disgusted by the actions of a family member?

My sister’s daughter and her husband were about to lose their house in Texas because neither of them had jobs, they had one very young daughter and were expecting another baby. My 80 year old mother couldn’t stand to watch this happen. So, she took out an equity loan on her house and lent them $100,000. They were supposed to make the equity payments for my mom, and at first they did and were supposed to pay the whole loan back when they sold their house.

A few months later, they sold their house but told my mother they needed her money as a down payment on their new house in california. So, they kept the money, and continued making the monthly payments until they had a big fight and split up. Suddenly, no one wanted to make the payments on my mother’s equity loan so my mother had to. If she couldn’t keep up on them, she would have lost her house.

She is now 85 years old, completely disabled, living on a tiny pension, and trying to pay off this loan. Since my niece split with her husband, they did not make payments on their house either. So, it went into foreclosure, and Mom cannot even put a lien on it to get her money back.

Needless to say, I am truly disgusted by my niece’s behavior as well as her husband’s. I have now sent my mother money; my sister has sent her money, and another one of my nieces has sent money. The only people in the family who do not seem to feel terrible about this are the two people who should.

How did one small decision change your life?

When i decided not to break up with my boyfriend at that moment.

I had just joined post graduation course and found this guy who was extremely caring about me. Within a month, he proposed me. I was confused however i said yes.

We use to talk, study and laugh together. However even after six months, i was not sure about our relationship.

AND Here comes the blow. He was back to his hometown. He was ill since a week. Meanwhile, i had a introspection round with my roommates. I found i was still unsure about our relationship. So i decided, on the next call, i will tell him that this is not the right time to fall in love etc., we should be friends only.

He called me around 8 PM. I was full prepared to say him a No. As soon as i picked the phone, he was crying on the other side. He was suffering from a fatal disease, Meningitis. I could not gather courage to leave him at this crucial moment. I just said, “I am with you today and always. No matter what happens.”

He was not in position to join college. His parents was insisting him to leave the college and repeat next time. He refused and joined the college next month. He had not recovered fully. In fact, he lost his hearing power around 40%. When he came back, he told me – how my words motivated him to join the college again. I took care of him. I used to call him reminding his medicines, diets etc. Meanwhile, i actually fell for him and then never told about that breakup thought.

Today, i am happily married with him.

P.S. I do not want my husband to know about my breakup thought even today. He is on quora. So i am writing anonymously.

What did you notice during an interview that made you not want the job?

I visited a radio station for an interview, at the station manager’s request. At the time I was somewhat “known” as a pleasing radio “personality” and therefore many stations wanted to talk to me.

Part of the interview process includes a station tour where the owner or manager shows off their office, production facilities, etc.

But at this particular station, I noticed all the shelved albums (well over a thousand) were locked in place by a steel bar which prevented their removal from the shelf, unless the bar was unlocked.

But who the Hell would steal the records? During business hours, when the station was open, advertisers or promoters might come in, but they were always accompanied by station staff, so visitors couldn’t steal an album (or even a 45). So, when the doors were locked after 5 PM, who did that leave as a potential thief?

Answer: the DJ who was on air, and the news guy or gal. Sometimes, the sales manager might come in.

So, the owner of the station was paranoid about theft from his or her own people! I had worked at a number of stations, and had never seen a lockdown of the music library. It had to mean that employees and top management were not happy with each other, and I was NOT going to work in that kind of environment.

Thus, I stopped in my tracks and said, “Thanks for the tour, but I don’t think this will work for me.” And I was out the door before anyone could say, “Huh?”

What’s the pettiest thing you’ve done to get back at a nuisance neighbor?

Years ago, I lived in an apartment in a two-family building. Upstairs and downstairs.

The landlord had rented the downstairs to a woman and her three teenage kids. They were obnoxious, had fights constantly, played music so loud it literally shook the walls, and despite multiple complaints by other neighbors to the landlord and the police (because yes it was that bad), nothing was done.

While technically, landlords are supposed to do snow clearing after a snow fall, getting some landlords to do so in a timely manner is more effort than digging out the snow yourself. This was one such landlord.

That winter we had a bad snow storm, a few feet of snow.

The downstairs neighbor knocked on my door to ask when I, the older woman with no kids, would be shoveling out the apartments and driveway, all of it, by myself.

I told her I wouldn’t, but we could split the cost to have someone come over and do it since the landlord was extra full of excuses as to why it would take days to get to the property and do so.

She laughed and said she wasn’t paying. She then told me I was welcome to hire her 3 kids to dig out the entire property. Her kids were a big part of the problem as to why the cops were coming over constantly, and so no. I’d previously had problems with her children opening my mail and putting it back in my mail box or opening deliveries of mine. There was no way I’d pay them.

Oh hell no, first you expect someone older than you to do the work for free, then expect that I will pay your kids, who are apparently perfectly able to do so, to dig YOU out? Fuck that.

A friend’s husband was offering to dig people out for a reasonable rate. I contacted him and hired him. When he got there, I explained the neighbor issue and what I wanted and was willing to pay for. He was only to clear out MY half of the driveway/garage/sidewalk. Her sides were still untouched, because no one(Me) would pay her kids to do it.

He went the extra mile, splitting the snow between the yard, and her side, of everything. AKA her side ended up with more snow that needed to be cleared.

This level of petty

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Picture from Google.

She complained to the landlord that:

1. I refused to shovel her side of the property for her and her family (I was not obligated to do ANY property maintenance at all)

2. I had refused to hire her kids to do it

3. I had hired someone and refused to pay him to clear her side.

Now this was a kinda shitty landlord, but still… I was amused that the landlord contacted me about it and agreed to reduce my rent the amount I paid to have MY side cleared, as well as tell me about the downstairs neighbor’s complaints about me.

Until I moved out, whenever there was snowfall, you would see a similar clearing pattern on the property. SO much so the other neighbors joked about it, and refused to hire her kids to clear their properties as well.

EDIT: Apparently there are a large number of people who feel the need to comment about how she could just use my side of the stairs as if I lack a functioning brain. Seriously, the level of condescending ‘splaining in the comments is a sad statement on so many here. Thanks all you Captain Obvious’.

Of course she could, as could the postal worker who had to use them to deliver mail(Something not one of those commenting about her using the stairs seemed to consider).

Her being able to use them or not wasn’t the point. So many of you making the same comment as if the more of you who say it, the more I will regret it, or as if I didn’t realize that years ago when I did it is mind-boggling.

For those clueless ones that feel the need to comment the obvious, you all missed the obvious point that it wasn’t about her use of the stairs, but the refusal to clear her side on her command.

What’s something your husband did to you that you will never forget?

My partner (not my husband). My mother had been really sick from cancer for 18 months, we were told that she was unlikely to make it past the weekend. With that being said I was completely distraught… my partner of 9 years said pack your stuff and leave first thing in the morning (400km drive). He woke me up at 430 am, had already packed the car and fueled it up for me. Had a travel mug of coffee ready and said call me when you get there. I left 5am Friday morning.

mum passed 8am Saturday morning (the next day). I called my partner and told him, he said I’ll move heaven and hell to get there as soon as I can. I said, don’t worry, there is nothing you can do, just be here in time for mums funeral (the upcoming Friday).

in the mean time, it was my birthday 4 days after mum had passed. My family tried to make it as special as it could be. But, it was quite a somber occasion. At 8pm, there were headlights at the top of the drive way (rural property). I know the sound of his car. I’m like it’s *partners name.

he had worked 12 hour shift (construction) then drove 400km to be with me in my darkest time to help me feel better on my birthday. In the days after mums passing I had not been able to sleep, or cry or anything but just barely function. I slept solidly that night.

I know most would say that or like to think their spouse would do the same. But, that level of love and support got me through my darkest days. Love this man so very much.

The USA is so filthy rich to fund $100+B to Ukraine and $14B to Israel to support their wars but they can’t agree in Congress to avert a government shutdown this Friday, lifeline extended since 30 Sep. Where is the America First mindset?

Unfortunately, this is the point. The U.S. is not filty rich but filty poor.

All those money for Ukraine and Israel we got by using the printing press. We’re now $33 trillion in debt.

We can’t pay for basic utilities to keep our house in order but we believe we’re still able to live the high life of showing off to the rest of the world how powerful we are.

Strange things caught on camera

How did Genghis Khan treat his soldiers?

Genghis Khan, the legendary Mongol conqueror, had a unique approach when it came to treating his soldiers. Known for his strategic brilliance and military prowess, Khan understood the importance of a strong and loyal army in his quest to build the largest empire in history. So how did he treat his soldiers?

First and foremost, Genghis Khan believed in meritocracy. He valued skill, loyalty, and bravery above all else. Regardless of their background or social status, anyone who demonstrated these qualities had the opportunity to rise through the ranks of his army. This approach fostered a sense of unity and purpose among his soldiers, as they knew that their achievements would be rewarded.

Khan was also an astute observer of human nature. He recognized that soldiers needed to be motivated and inspired to fight with unwavering dedication. To achieve this, he led by example. Genghis Khan was renowned for his courage on the battlefield, often placing himself at the forefront of his troops during crucial engagements. This not only boosted morale but also instilled a sense of camaraderie and trust among his soldiers.

In addition to leading from the front, Khan took great care of his troops’ physical well-being. He ensured that his soldiers were adequately fed, equipped, and cared for. The Mongol army was known for its skilled horsemen, and Khan prioritized the breeding and training of horses to provide his soldiers with superior mounts. This gave them a significant advantage in maneuverability and speed during battles.

Furthermore, Genghis Khan implemented a system of rewards and recognition for valorous acts. Soldiers who displayed exceptional bravery or achieved notable successes on the battlefield were given honors, titles, and even land. This not only motivated his soldiers to excel but also created a sense of pride and camaraderie within the ranks.

However, Khan was also a strict disciplinarian. He demanded discipline and obedience from his soldiers, as he believed that a well-disciplined army was crucial for maintaining order and achieving victory. Disobedience or betrayal was met with severe consequences, ensuring that his troops remained loyal and committed to the cause.

Woman EXPOSES The INEVITABLE Problem With Dating Modern Women | TRAINED/GROOMED To Be Masculine

What is the most ridiculous way you have seen someone make a lot of money?

I was in talks to design a business plan for one of those “Become a Millionaire” guys – aka a “Life Coach”.

As we moved along in talks I immediately got the heeby jeebies from the guy.

He was in his late 50’s and only seemed to brag about things he did in high school and his early 20’s. When I would ask about subsequent years, just to understand his career narrative, he would get thin on details and then squirm and change the subject.

So then I watched a few of his media interviews where his go-to story was about this incredible and vivid vision that came upon him when he was a child. A vision that he would someday become rich.

To his credit, it indeed came true. He was a wealthy man.

But it became true because he inherited his dad’s company when his dad passed away unexpectedly. He then immediately sold the company and spent the next 30 years doing a whole lot of nothing.

So now he is one of those people going around telling everyone he knows “that ONE special secret to getting rich”. He released his first book on becoming wealthy, which a bunch of unfortunate suckers bought.

And, no, I won’t tell you the title because he will sue the hell out of me.

But I’ll give you the cliff notes version, “Get rich by having a rich dad.”

Unfortunately, there are a lot of people out there that are like him.

Preying on people’s hopes and dreams in search of a dollar.

Can the United States build a new carrier group every five years for the next fifty years?

The American industrial system does not have such production capacity.

  • American shipyards do not have such production capacity: There is only a dry dock suitable for manufacturing aircraft carriers, and aircraft carriers waiting for repair are still queuing;
  • The steel mills in the United States do not have such production capacity: The last scandal involving the use of low-quality steel made in Kobe, Japan, by US nuclear submarines has not yet passed. This batch of nuclear submarines with quality issues cannot dive at all, and diving into deep water will explode due to increased pressure. American warships are even unable to withstand the impact of fishing vessels, which fully proves the quality issues of the steel used in their shipbuilding.
  • There are not enough skilled workers in the United States

20 And Back – The Super Soldiers Defending the Kuiper Belt

Another fun video.

Is it a crime to say in China, “Xi Jinping is destroying China. He must be kicked out! He is a dictator!”? In the West, saying such things about one’s president is perfectly normal.

Joe Biden is taking the World to the brink of World War III

What can the American people do about it?


Until 19/1/2025 at least, there is nothing any American citizen can do about it except watch the World plunge into war under the watch of a senile idiot who needs Diapers

So what is the use of saying

Biden is destroying USA and he must be kicked out

It’s just empty gas isn’t it. It’s just 10 words at the end of the day. Biden laughs and keeps doing whatever he likes for four years, unchecked

Same with every Democracy in the Planet



Either the Media suppresses it or people shrug and brazenly keep doing what they are doing

Take India

We have had Protests on every decision that has ruined the country

Demonetization, CAA, NCR etc

They matter Squat

Once in, Modi is in power for minimum 5 years and he can’t be shaken by the common man


Same story

All those Protests and Screams and Shrieks about Pension reforms and Macron did exactly what he wanted

He is in charge till 2027

Same with South Korea , exports plunge to historic lows and people scream and protest but does it matter? Nopes




So many protests begging to end the war and Germany openly and brazenly calls for Escalation

So what is the use of this damn free speech? You can say the words but they are worthless in every possible way

Now China


Maybe in China, saying these 10 words could be counter productive

However the people’s voice in China is heard much better than in any democracy

  • Lockdowns were ended post protests
  • Rural Banking Reforms were initiated after Protests
  • Crackdowns on Real Estate Financing was initiated after Protests
  • 1.03 Crore Jobs have been added due to vigorous Weibo Netizen criticism
  • Tagging Schoolkids Or regulating online gaming has been deferred due to Weibo online protests

Plus the Biggest Biggest Thing…

Recently on the XI Jingping app, they asked if Chinas History for 6–9 Classes be modified and whether Chapters on the Boxer Rebellion and the Opium Wars had to be reduced

The Question was asked of Students who had already passed out their 9th Grade and above

79% Students said NO.


They didn’t.

In India, US, and all those wonderful democracies – they don’t ask the kids do they????

So on one hand you have Western Democracies and their lapdogs where you can say what ever you want but can do zilch

Or China where your criticism must be tempered but as citizens you can achieve much greater control on Governance


I kinda agree with them

So you keep your Senile Alzheimer’s Ridden President and your ‘Freedom and Democracy’ and let the Chinese have their own version

Perceptions on making money

What would you consider a legitimate Italian cuisine that the US actually gets right?

I think you might want to edit the question to ask which item from Italian cuisine does the US actually get right.

Italian American cuisine is a cuisine in its own right. Millions of Italians immigrated to America and they adapted their traditional dishes to use American ingredients. Some of the ingredients they used at home were unavailable or too expensive in America, so changes were made. Successive generations didn’t know there was a difference between what they were eating and what was being cooked in the old country. They just accepted the food their families prepared as being Italian cuisine, which at heart, it is.

There’s a lot of water between America’s East Coast, the epicenter of Italian American cuisine, and the old boot herself. It’s that distance that led the creation of Italian American classics. If I had to point at one item the made the leap unmolested though, I’d name Sfogliatelle.

Sfogliatelle are a flaky pastry that originated in Campania. They’re made by rolling out dough, brushing it with lard or oil, rolling it up, cutting it into portions, shaping the pastry, filling it and baking. Sfogliatelle can be baked unfilled or filled with sweetened ricotta, almond paste or candied citrus zest. They’re simple to make and don’t call for any exotic ingredients. It’s the thin flakey layers that make sfogliatelle unique.

image 116
image 116

Ricotta filled:

image 115
image 115

If you’ve never tried these pastries, seek them out. They’re amazing and their recipe has not been molested by time or distance.

The 80/20 rule

Why is a partner at a Chinese semiconductor investment fund calling the U.S. ban on certain chip exports to China “great news”?

It’s simple

Today YMTC makes products that are maybe 75% as good as NVDIA

Other Chinese Entities make products that are around 60% of the quality of products of entities like Samsung & SK Hynix

Spending $ 100 on NVDIA chips means $ 88 goes to US or Taiwan or other such companies

Spending $ 100 on YMTC chips means $ 61 comes to Mainland China

That’s 5 times more money than otherwise

And these Companies, they won’t use this extra revenue and put in a Swiss Bank account somewhere

They will use this money to invest into more researchers, more hours and match the same quality of the superior western brands

Today there is a vast stockpile in China to handle maybe 30 months of inventory

That gives a transition gap of approximately 2 1/2 years or until 2027 January

This is a big boost to the Chinese local entities because you can’t rely on Government largesse for ever

What robbed you of your childhood, and how?

Life robbed me of my childhood. My parents had to quit school after grade 9 to help support their families. They vowed that my brother and I would not be barred from finishing school and going to University.

But we were poor, so they had no way to pay for it. So they propped me early. I knew by grade six that if I wanted to go to university, I would have to pay for it myself.

So in grade 8, I started mowing lawns and shoveling snow.

In grade 9 I got a part time job and worked 20 hours a week, in grade 10 ,30 hours, and grades 11 and 12 it was 40 hours. I graduated first in my class. I lived in a 10×14 ft room, with a roommate and the bathroom, was down the hall. I worked in the dorm cafeteria. When summer came I got a camp job, where I worked 360–380 hours a month, and they also paid room and board.

This was the way I graduated from university debt free.

So, as soon as I turned 13, I stopped having a childhood, and had an adulthood instead. So much for life being easy for baby boomers.

I’d do it all over again in a heart beat. Its what it took to break the cycle of poverty.

What is your most embarrassing restaurant experience?

I was bar tending during a lunch shift at a horseshoe shaped bar in the middle of a restaurant.

The bartender who closed the bar the previous night did not shut off the hose inside the bar.

Unbeknown to me, the nozzle had fallen off the hook and was resting right under the service bar, where I was making drinks.

About 30 minutes into the lunch rush I had a full bar and a miles worth of service bar drinks to make.

All I remember is hearing yelling and commotion coming from my right, yet continue slave away as I had a million and one things to do.

Finally, hearing a “WHAT THE F*#K IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” towards my direction I turned to see the hose dousing half the restaurant in water.

I had been stepping on the nozzle for at least 30-45 seconds.

The entire left side of the restaurant, it’s customers, the food, everything was drenched in water.

Everyone who had food, had it ruined, men in business suits… soaked.

Water was literally dripping off the ceiling.

Looking back it was kind of awesome to see around 100 people all giving you the rageface all at the same time.

What is something that people were better at 100 years ago?

Because I am 71, I knew people who were in their prime of life a hundred years ago (1918) and there were definitely things that they did easily and routinely that are rarely done today:

  • Baking bread and caramel rolls. My grandmother learned it from her mother but did not pass it on to her daughters, probably because sliced store bread had essentially taken over.
  • Writing cursive and writing letters. I have saved some of my grandfather’s letters. For a person with an eighth grade education, he wrote simply but beautifully.
  • Sewing and mending. My grandmother was not wealthy, but she was capable of producing wonderful pajamas for all of her grandchildren on her trusty Singer. My generation has lost the ability to create heirlooms.
  • Gardening and canning the things they grew. In an era when you were not going to see fresh fruit or vegetables in stores after growing season, people developed great preservation skills. Things like pickles, berries, tomatoes were canned as were peaches and plums when in season. I do not remember kale or zucchini, however, and that was also a blessing.
  • Memory work. I grew up with great uncles and aunts (all born about 1900) who had memorized massive amounts of poetry and famous speeches as well as scripture. Rote learning was fairly normal in their education, so they did group memorization. We loved to hear their recitations.

I miss those folks. They just slipped away one at a time between the seventies and today.

What was the bravest thing you ever did in a job interview?

This wasn’t me, this was my wife. She is a lawyer and was interviewing for a job managing the sale of properties. She was interviewing at a firm that specialised in really expensive and tricky sales and when she turned up to the interview she was told by the recruiter that the partners had told the last two people who were interviewed to leave midway through so they were quite abrupt!

She went to the interview, which went quite well, and they asked her to prepare an answer to a legal sale question. When she looked at it, she knew she had no hope: it was madly complicated and about a type of property sale that is known to be horrendous to do. She thought about trying to brazen it off and decided to be honest and say she had no idea.

It turned out the partners knew from looking at her CV she would have no idea about how to do it; it was something so complex the partner himself had had to do it himself. What they were trying to do was see how she reacted to something she didn’t know. The last two people interviewed had tried to make something up and so failed the test.

They offered her the job on the spot!

Have you, while repairing a computer, ever found anything that made your jaw drop?

I was nowhere qualified as a computer tech but one time a friend of mine brought over a a desktop machine and keyboard and asked me to see if I could get it running as it wouldn’t boot up. Every time you’d plug in the power cord to the wall socket a strange odor would start permiating from the cover. I figured something was wrong with the power supply, which if push came to shove I could’ve probably went to an electronics supply store and bought another one and installed it. I was adept at soldering and replacing some common components at the time, which is why my friend thought that I could fix it.

Anyhoo, I removed the screws holding the cover to the unit, lifted the cover off and got the most absolute shock of my life!! Hundreds of live cockroaches start running out all over everywhere not to mention many more that were obviously dead inside that cover!

I came unglued along with a major panic attack! I’d never, ever had to deal with roaches after I became an adult. I despised them because while growing up my family and I always had a major problem with roaches and they were always into everything and would drop from the ceiling when you went into a room after turning on lights, etc etc etc.

I spent 2 hours stomping on and smashing roaches trying to prevent them from getting into places in my apartment where I couldn’t reach and in the long run wasn’t successful. Ended up moving out to get away from them making sure in the process that I didn’t inadvertently take any with me.

I was not happy with my friend. It caused a major, almost homicidal argument with him and it would be several years before we spoke again. The creepiness and ick factor of watching those roaches pile out of that machine that day still haunts me to this day.

Huawei refused to disclose its foundry information, sending the Biden team into madness.

Mama! Huawei is not giving me his data!

What is the saddest truth about smart people?

Let’s talk about smart children. Particularly smart children in the United States. Particularly those in grades K-8 at a public school.

A lot of you reading this are, yourself, a product of the American public school system. Think back to your K-8 years. Do you remember people whose only job was to deal with the students with behavior problems? Were there “special education” teachers who had special classrooms with aides and all kinds of equipment for just a handful of students? Do you remember being bored a lot in school, because your teacher didn’t have the time to challenge you, because they were so busy re-teaching things to the students who didn’t get it the first time? Do you remember a handful of students who seemed to set the pace for the whole class, and that pace was much, much too slow for you? Do you remember a handful of students whose attitudes and behavior set the tone for the whole class? And was that a negative tone that left your teacher spending most of their time dealing with that small handful of students?

That was my experience, at least. In grades 4–8, I was one of about 20 students in a special gifted program in my school. But that gifted “program” was just two teachers who were given a spare classroom in five schools in the district, and they went to a different school every day of the week, and pulled out the gifted students from their classes for an hour, to play logic games with them.

One hour per week. That’s what we got.

Meanwhile, the students on the other end of the spectrum had resources thrown at them, including permanent classrooms with full-time teachers for students whose only “special need” was that they didn’t give a damn about learning.

I remember one incident in particular, when I realized just how much time my teachers wasted trying to get one particular student under control. His name was Anthony. One day, in seventh grade, we were learning about feudal Japan by playing a game where we were all on teams, given items to trade, and could use money we made to hire soldiers, and then there was a huge map of Japan on the wall, separated into regions, with the number of regions under each team’s control represented by different colored push pins.

My team started in Osaka. To this day, I know exactly where Osaka is because of this game back in 1992. I remember that we were the blue team, our main thing to trade was fish, and we began with five pushpin armies.

Also Judith was in my group, which made it even that much more enjoyable for me. She was forced to interact with me for a few minutes each day because of this.

It was a computer-less strategy game. I loved it. The game was supposed to last for a few weeks.

It lasted two days. On the third day, Anthony vandalized the giant game board, and some of his friends laughed. And that was it. The teacher was tired of putting in so much effort for something that students like Anthony just kept ruining. We did the rest of the unit, and every unit afterwards for the rest of the year, through textbook reading and worksheets.

But, as I thought about it, I realized that Anthony had been that way since he was first in my class in second grade. He was always out of control. He always set the pace and the tone for the class. In middle school, he got kicked out of class a lot, which just wasted a lot of time because he rarely went willingly and they had to call and wait for security. But he was always back in the class the next day. He just needed to “chill out.”

That was actually the name of the kick-out room for students like him: the “chill out room.”

I just Googled him and found a story that he was sentenced to six years in prison in 2004 for “domestic battery, drug possession, and forgery.”

Yep. All of that extra time, effort, and money the public school spent on him… how’d that work out?

That would be fine, if the public schools spent the same amount of time, effort, and money on the upper end of the spectrum.

My point is this: What’s the saddest truth about smart people? Public schools just aren’t equipped to deal with your special needs, because they’re too busy dealing with the special needs of students on the other end of the spectrum. The very people who have the most potential to give the most back to society are the same ones who school prioritizes the least.

Imagine a school system where every dollar spent on students on the lower end of the special needs spectrum had to be matched by a dollar for students on the higher end of the spectrum.

Imagine if, just like schools have resources in place for when the teachers need to kick out the Anthonys of the world, those same schools had resources for teachers to send out the students who were too smart for that day’s lesson.

Timmy, you can read this and learn it on your own in five minutes, but I’m going to be teaching it to the rest of the class for the next hour. You can go to the gifted resource room and work with the teacher there on more advanced stuff.”

Imagine if, just as schools pay extra attention to students with special needs due to federal laws and fears of getting sued, schools did the same for students on the high end of the spectrum. Imagine if parents could threaten a lawsuit because the school wasn’t meeting the needs of their child… the legally-mandated requirement that the school challenge them on their academic level and not let their classmates hold them back.

Imagine how high your hot air balloon could be now, if not for the classroom sandbags that weighed you down when you were in school.

Instead of “No Child Left Behind,” it should be “No Child Forced To Wait.”

Gavin Newsom goes to China, one-ups Biden and meets Xi Jinping

As a Californian, I can tell you that not only is Newsom not acceptable to the rest of America, California is not acceptable to the rest of America”.

How likely is China going to sell $810 billion worth of U.S. securities? What will happen in the global credit markets if China starts to dump U.S. dollars?

It is likely that China will sell virtually all of its remaining U.S. Treasuries.

It is useful to look at Russia’s experience in this regard. Russia sold virtually all of its Treasuries in 2018, fairly quickly. At that time, Russia encouraged the world to dump U.S. Treasury bonds. Thus, it is possible for a country to officially not hold Treasuries.

After 2018, Russia continued to hold some foreign currency reserves in U S. dollars. When the Ukraine War started in 2022, the United States and its allies froze hundreds of billions of dollars held by Russia.

As a result, the world has been forced to look elsewhere to store its savings. Both China and Russia are storing much of their wealth in physical gold. Other countries are doing the same. The planet is also increasingly doing business in currencies other than the dollar.

As a result of these trends, China will increasingly no longer need U.S. Treasuries to do business. In October 2023, China bought its first oil for Chinese Yuan. If this continues, China will get its oil for free, by printing Yuan. America will be forced to trade hard goods for oil in the future.

America’s leaders were very short-sighted to weaponize the dollar. A global reserve currency requires trust. The United States had a money-making machine, and voluntarily gave it up.

FLASH TRAFFIC ADDED – TURKISH NAVY DEPLOYING 100 SHIPS AGAINST ISRAEL –~FIFTY (50) U.S. Military Transport Planes in 24 Hours to Middle East

World Hal Turner

FLASH TRAFFIC ADDED – SEE 12:27 PM EDT UPDATE BELOW ——   From Friday-into-Saturday, the United States sent no fewer than fifty (50) military transport planes loaded with troops to the Middle East.  In addition, the list below shows “unprecedented” naval deployments.  Today, Iran said they WILL NOT abide U.S. warnings to stay out of the Israel-Hamas conflict.

We begin with Naval Deployments into the Middle East showing 11 Countries in Support of Israel:

All of the above, along with Submarines and other support ships show an utterly massive naval deployment.  I am told this present deployment is larger than the ones done prior to the US war(s) against Saddam Hussein in Iraq in 1991 and again later.

In addition to all the above vessels, another Aircraft Carrier, the HMS Queen Elizabeth II, transited the Strait of Gibraltar yesterday morning around 11:00 AM, enroute to the eastern Mediterranean:

In addition to THAT additional aircraft carrier, the Navy of Italy is also now deploying vessels:


In the 24 hours period from Friday into Saturday, the United States flew 49+ military transport aircraft from the US to the Middle East, carrying TROOPS!

On top of those troop transport flights, a Significant number of C-17A Globemaster lll and C-5M Super Galaxy Transport Aircraft from the U.S. Air Force’s Air Mobility Command have been arriving in the Middle East.

The flight info above DOES NOT even cover the regular commercial airline flights the US has chartered to exclusively move troops!

Yesterday, Saturday 28 October 2023, Germany put 1,000 soldiers on alert for deployment to the Middle East in case of emergency The German Army keeps 1,000 troops on alert for possible deployment to the Middle East in case of emergency, given the prevailing tension in the region as a result of the war between Hamas and Israel.

This flight from Fort Sill, OK has my attention at the moment. Fort Sill is home to a THAAD battery and this flight appears to be headed overseas. There are no helpful ACARS for this flight, but this is possibly a THAAD battery flight enroute to Saudi Arabia:

At about 1:47 AM eastern US Time Sunday, which was about 11:00 AM in Tehran, Iran, the President of Iran said Tehran will not follow US warnings against interfering in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. According to the Press service of the President of Iran: “Israel has crossed red lines, forcing everyone to take action.”   

The President made it a point to also say “the presence of U.S warships in the region will make no difference to Tehran’s decision.”

Hal Turner Analysis

Based solely upon the movement of ships, troops, and planes, it is obvious to me the United States is going to war.   A big war.

Trouble is the federal government under the Biden Regime has intentionally left the US southern border with Mexico, virtually open.  Literally millions of illegal aliens have been entering the country via Mexico since Biden took office.

It is my opinion that many – but not all – of these illegal aliens are a “5th Column” sent here by adversaries to be “sleeper cells.”   I believe that when war erupts in the Middle East, that WE HERE IN THE USA will also be attacked by these sleeper cells.

YOU must be ready with emergency food, water, medicine, a generator to make electric in case the grid is taken down.  Have CASH MONEY in your possession incase cyber attacks take out the financial networks, making credit, debit, and SNAP/EBT useless.  After all, almost no one takes checks anymore.  So folks with cash will eat.  Those without cash will go hungry.

The utterly massive movement of troops and weapons indicates to me that hostilities are imminent.  Which could — and I emphasize “could” (not necessarily “will”) — trigger sleeper cell attacks here in America.

If you wait until trouble starts, then YOU and every other person who failed to plan, will all be rushing to stores at the same time trying to get food and supplies.   In short order, store shelves will be empty and those of you who took no action, will find yourself standing in an empty store.

Don’t be like “the masses who are asses” that wait until the last minute to get supplies.  Do it right now.  Today.

And gas-up your cars, trucks, and spare gas cans for your generator.

Lastly, have COMMUNICATIONS GEAR – a CB or a HAM (Shortwave) radio — so if things go wild weasel, and communications like phone, fax, email, cellular/Internet all go down, at least YOU will be able to communicate locally (CB) and hear international news on shortwave (HAM).

Of course, some of you will say that this story and its advice is sort of like “Chicken Little, the sky is falling.”  To those who would scoff I merely point out that, this morning, a U.S. E-6 Nuclear Command Post is now flying over the US East Coast:

The E-6B Mercury is a communications relay and strategic airborne command post aircraft. It provides survivable, reliable, and endurable airborne Nuclear Command, Control, and Communications (NC3) for the president, secretary of defense and U.S. Strategic Command.

So it isn’t just ME telling you to take steps to prepare, it’s the US Military, too.  Take the hint!

(PERSONAL: Sorry my coverage today begins at this late hour of 11:00 AM EDT.  I slept-in this morning.  Didn’t wake up until 9:25 AM.   I was literally exhausted.)

********** FLASH ***********


The Turkish Navy is, right now, transiting ONE-HUNDRED Naval Warships through the Bosporus Strait from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean Sea. 

 It is BELIEVED Turkey plans to engage Israel over its ongoing military action in Gaza.   War may break out between Turkey and Israel within Hours! ! ! ! 

What was a big mistake in WW2?

image 113
image 113

This is the Lorenz cipher.

Unlike its better known relative, the Enigma machine which was infamously deciphered by code-breakers at Bletchley Park throughout the war, the Lorenz cipher posed a much greater challenge. Utilising 12 wheels to scramble up the message being sent as opposed to the 3 or 4 rotors found in the Enigma machine, the Lorenz cipher was incredibly secure. As a result, unlike the Enigma that was used by the German standard armed forces, the Lorenz cipher was used only by high command with messages coming from Hitler himself. As a result, to crack the Lorenz cipher (or Tunny as it was code named by the British) would have the potential to change the course of the war.

Not much headway had been made in breaking the Lorenz cipher through the war until a German operator made a catastrophic mistake on 30 August 1941. When a German receiving operator did not receive a message correctly, he asked the transmitter to resend the information and despite clear protocol against it, the two operators resent the message without changing their key settings (the settings that determine how the text is scrambled up). However since the message in question was 4000 characters long, the lazy German operator abbreviated several words, thus changing the length of the message. Since their key settings were both the same, the two messages had the same scrambling pattern of characters. Thus by comparing the locations where the message text changed, details of the way the rotors worked could be determined.

These two messages were intercepted by the British who soon realised the importance of what they had discovered. This task of cracking Tunny was given to W T (Bill) Tutte who began to find repetitions in the cipher which allowed him to reverse engineer the Lorenz machine’s logical structure in what would be later described as “one of the greatest intellectual feats of World War II”. In order to support the painstaking decryption of German messages, the British Colossus was built in 1943 by Tommy Flowers, the first ever modern computer.

image 112
image 112

The Colossus Machine

The impact of the decryption of Tunny was enormous. It gave the British intimate details of Hitler’s most secret communications which was most notably vital in D Day where the Allies were able to deceive the Germans that they were going to attack at Calais as opposed to Normandy and at the Battle of Kursk in 1943, Germany’s last ditch attempt to reverse their fortunes on the Eastern Front and one of the largest battles in history. Involving 3 million men, without foreknowledge of German planning provided by the British, the Soviets would have been badly prepared defensively and could have lost this crucial battle and as a result, the war would’ve been prolonged. In fact, historians estimate that the breaking of the Lorenz cipher shortened the war by two years and thus saved millions of lives all due to the careless mistake of two lazy German operators.

However this pivotal event is not well known due to the Official Secrets Act keeping the nature of the code breakers working to break the Lorenz cipher secret until 1974 and some former staff even today still refuse to break their vow of secrecy, preferring to take their knowledge to the grave.

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image 111

W T (Bill) Tutte, the man responsible for cracking the Lorenz Cipher

Cajun Pot Roast

2023 11 09 14 23
2023 11 09 14 23

Yield: 6 servings


  • 1 (3 pound) beef sirloin or chuck roast
  • 2 large garlic cloves, cut into 1/4 to 1/2 inch pieces
  • 3 cayenne chiles, or jalapeno chiles, cut into 1/4 to 1/2 inch pieces
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 1 bell pepper, chopped
  • 1 large garlic clove, minced
  • 1 (4 ounce) can whole or sliced mushrooms
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • Creole seasoning to taste


  1. Cut 1/2 to 3/4 inch slits into beef. Stuff one piece of garlic and one piece of chile into each slit. Season the roast with salt and pepper.
  2. Heat a large nonstick pan over medium heat. Add beef and brown well on all sides.
  3. Add onion, bell pepper and minced garlic land sauté until tender.
  4. Add water to pan to cover the beef.
  5. Stir in the mushrooms and Worcestershire sauce and season with Creole seasoning.
  6. Simmer, covered, for 3 to 4 hours or until tender, adding more water if needed to keep liquid level halfway up the beef.


You may stir 1 tablespoon flour mixed with 1 cup cold water into liquid near end of cooking for a thicker gravy.

Who did you experience that is so cheap they are disgusting?

I broke off a 10 year off and on relationship over a single piece of gum.

He and I weren’t on great terms for a long while. It was mostly out of his cheapness. He wouldn’t take me out to eat-we ate at his place. That wouldn’t have been bad except that he bought cheap items and used foods that had expired. I told him I wasn’t eating his cooking anymore, thank you. We watched TV but only shows he liked-he didn’t want to waste his time on my shows. I could watch them at my place.

Things were coming to a head and I knew the next fight we had would be the last. It was November when he called me and asked me to come over and fix his computer. I wasn’t in the best of moods-I finally had a free afternoon with the kids out with their father and I had things to do. Ok, I decided I would go over and see if I could do something to help. I got there and he already told me I had just an hour to get things right. Perfect start-no thanks for coming over, great to see you, etc.

He offered me a piece of gum. I haven’t chewed gum in years because it sticks to my dental work, and he knew it. Why was he offering me gum-was my breath stinky? After I thought about it for a moment, I took a piece. I didn’t even get it open when he started to yell at me-why is everything in your life a big decision? Don’t waste my gum-either take it or don’t! I paid money for that!

I immediately put the gum back on the table. He flips out again-you touched it not you don’t want it! What’s the matter with you? With me? I don’t chew gum, not in years! You knew that! I thought you were hinting my breath stunk so I took a piece of gum. Now you don’t want me to take the gum! Why don’t you make up YOUR mind?

He immediately moved my tech bag away from his computer and began to work on his computer. Don’t you want me to do that? No. You asked me to cone down here to help you, now you don’t want me to help you? Silence. Are we really going to have a fight about a piece of gum after I wasted my time and gas to come here? Silence.

I sat on the couch for a few minutes. I could have just stormed out the door. I wanted to compose myself and make it clear what would happen. I told him that I have spent 10 years doing for him, taking care of him when he was sick, lent him things like my cell phone and my car, then paid the repairs when he broke them and he never paid me back. I have put up with all this, and if we didn’t resolve what was really going on, I was leaving and not coming back. All I got was silence. Are we really going to break up over a damned piece of gum? Silence.

I picked up my things and I left. I never went back. I blocked his number from my cell phone. I had a feeling I knew what happened because he did it to me before. He used to get moody around Thanksgiving time and lots of times we broke up so he could avoid my birthday in December and Christmas/Chanukah/Valentines Day. He used to call around March to renew our friendship but his birthday was in April and he really wanted a present. I just had enough of his childishness, his cheapness and his abusive control. It was just one fight too many and I was done.

He did email me the following April-after I sent nothing for his birthday. I emailed him back that I told him that after our last fight, I was done and I wanted nothing more to do with him. He replied that he forgot what we fought about, and I told him that it was over a piece of gum. Then I blocked his email.

He called from another phone the following September, demanding I stop being stupid and get back together. What a lovely invitation, no woman can resist that, I answered. Then he threatened me. I told him to come over and try to f*** me up. I had an old lead pipe my father had and it had his name on it. I told him I’ll invite my neighbors to watch me smear him all over the street. My temper broke and I told him about the horrible things he did to me over the years. He finally said “I guess you’re mad at me, huh?” I hung up and blocked his new number too.

He attempted to contact me a few times through his friends but I told them I would go to the police and file harassment charges. He finally moved out of New York City-he attempted to contact me from his mother’s home in Tennessee. I blocked that too. He’s been blocked in every social media site so I don’t have to deal with him.

He had 10 years to grow up and apologize. The words aren’t in his vocabulary. I know the piece of gum wasn’t the reason our relationship ended-it was years of my giving and him taking and never appreciating what he got. But that stupid piece of gum was the catalyst. To this day, when I see a pack of Wrigley’s gum, I still smirk with amused disgust.

What did you say at a job interview that automatically landed you the job?

“I don’t know”

I interviewed for a support engineering role, the interviewer asked me how a fluorescent light fitting worked. I explained what I knew about the ballast, starter and gas tube etc. He delved deeper and I drew a rudimentary circuit diagram. When he asked exactly how the starter worked I was stumped, so I said “I don’t know”.

He told me that he must’ve had 2 dozen other applicants attempt to convince him how it all worked, but being able to admit I didn’t know something landed me the job. I learnt how knowing one’s limitations is so important.

Resistance hits back against US bases in Syria, multiple casualties reported

Despite increased attacks on US occupation bases, Joe Biden has reportedly turned down more ‘aggressive bombing options’ in Syria out of fear that a wider conflict may erupt

NOV 13, 2023

(Photo credit: AFP via Getty Images)

Several missile and drone strikes targeted US occupation bases in Syria on 13 November in response to the latest round of US airstrikes on alleged Iranian targets in the country.

Fifteen missiles targeted the US base in the Conoco gas field, sources told Al-Mayadeen, adding that US helicopters began making flights ten minutes after the strike.

“The Conoco base was targeted with advanced Grad missiles, which led to the death of four US soldiers,” Al-Mayadeen’s correspondent reported.

Field sources told Al-Mayadeen that the attacks were carried out by the “Popular Resistance” in Syria.

In a second response to US airstrikes, three drones struck the Al-Shaddadi military base in Hasakah, northeastern Syria.

The US Green Village base at the Al-Omar oilfield northeastern Syria, was also hit with a drone. The Islamic Resistance in Iraq claimed responsibility for the attack.

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq is a coalition of Iraqi resistance factions formed last month in solidarity with the Palestinian resistance in Gaza.

The coalition was formed to confront US forces in Iraq and Syria as part of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood and in rejection of US support for Israel in the war, and has been targeting US bases on a regular basis.

Hours before Monday’s attacks, US warplanes carried out several airstrikes in eastern Syria.

Washington claimed the attacks targeted facilities used by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

According to Al-Mayadeen’s correspondent, the US airstrikes “targeted a house in the town of Al-Mayadeen, which led to the death of a citizen and the injury of another.”

US jets have struck Syria several times over the past month in retaliation to the unprecedented surge in resistance attacks against US military bases in Iraq and Syria. Washington has labeled the attacks as “self-defense.”

According to the New York Times (NYT), US President Joe Biden “has rejected more aggressive bombing options proposed by the Pentagon out of fear of provoking a wider conflict with Iran.”

The newspaper also cites Republicans in Congress as saying that Washington’s strikes on Syria “only invite more frequent and more dangerous attacks against US troops in the region.”

There have been at least 48 resistance attacks against US forces in Iraq and Syria since 17 October, the Pentagon said on Saturday.

“At least 56 U.S. service members had been injured. Roughly half of those suffered traumatic brain injuries, and two had to be flown to Landstuhl military hospital in Germany for treatment,” the NYT adds.

Who is the rudest celebrity you have met, and who would be the nicest?

There doesn’t seem to be many who are rude. My story is about a beautiful and kind woman.

Many years ago I was in O’Hara airport getting ready to fly home from Navy boot camp. As I waited, I saw what looked like a Hollywood photo shoot going on. I walked over with my nearly bald head and baggy Navy uniform and talked to an absolutely beautiful woman, dressed like an Elf. She was friendly and asked where I was from and what my home was like. We talked for about 10 minutes. As I needed to catch my plane, I thanked her for taking the time to speak with me. I asked her what her name was. It was Ann-Margaret. Surprise! I’ve had a soft spot for her since our meeting.

What shortcuts in life are never worth taking?


There have been a lot of memes lately, discussing this subject:

It’s viewed as a sort of work-around to all of life’s problems:

These’s memes are funny and all (sometimes), but they also have some truth.

A good portion of depressed people definitely view suicide as a way out and they genuinely think it’s the only way.

But it’s not.

Sunday, Nov 18 is my late-uncle’s birthday.

No one ever talks about him in my family. And of the few times he’s brought up, is always in relation to his suicide or mental illness.

He lived a pretty amazing life, but the memory of his suicide looms over the conversations around him.

It’s not like we never talk about him, or that suicide is strictly the only thing that we remember about him. There’s just no solace to the memory of his passing, suicide is something that is preventable, it didn’t have to be this way.

And, unfortunately, it’s the same with my idol, Chester Bennington.

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In every Linkin Park YouTube music video, all the comments are the same. They’re ALL about his depression or his death.

No one talks about his life, how he made it big after a period of being homeless. How Linkin Park immediately knew who their lead singer was after his audition; how Chester would always do screaming vocal warmups, which could be heard several changing rooms away, before each of his live performances.

No one talks about that anymore.

If I’d killed myself on year ago, all I’d be remembered as was “that quiet kid who killed himself.”

You have a lot to be remembered for.

Stan Lee, who passed away on Nov 12, 2018, is positively cherished by fans.

So much material was circulated recently about his life and work.

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There was a meme about how he drew the Peter Parker meets MJ comic strip based on the time he first saw his future wife. There were memes of his cameos in Marvel movies, memes of Infinity war, Spider-man memes….

It was awesome.

And nobody was particularly sad, rather they celebrated everything he did in his 95 year life on Earth.

You have a lot to live for.

And a lot to be remembered by.

And even if things don’t get better quickly.

Don’t tarnish that with suicide.

It’s not worth it.

You are worth it.

You are worth a good life and the world deserves your proud legacy.

What’s your impression about your experience in China? How about the Chinese?

During my very first visit to China, there were a couple of things that took me by surprise:

  • Massive malls absolutely everywhere
  • I’ve heard that Chinese food is so much better in China than what you get in other countries, but that’s is a massive understatement. There is so much diversity in food options, all of it is amazingly delicious and very reasonably priced. I could not get enough of it, and I can’t wait for my next visit so I can stuff my face with all that deliciousness again!
  • I didn’t expect to have that much trouble finding restaurants or shops that accept foreign bank cards. Some locations only allow Alipay. Also, apps like Didi are not available to foreigners as you need a Chinese number to sign up, and hailing a taxi is not always easy.
  • I saw very few tags or graffiti on buildings in big Chinese cities. Those are a major issue in pretty much every European city, as even historical buildings get smeared in tags, so this was a welcome surprise.
  • Excellent public transportation – so cheap and easy to use!
  • All the people I’ve met were absolutely lovely and extremely helpful. Also, there are so many older people in the parks, exercising or dancing, which is refreshing to see.
  • There is never any paper in bathrooms, so you have to carry a roll with you
  • The only thing that slightly threw me off during my very first visit was that people in China often take pictures of foreigners without asking. I’m very visibly a foreigner, so I always get quite a bit of attention when I’m travelling in Asia. I’m used to that, and I never decline a picture with some curious locals, as I find it a sweet experience. However, in China, while many approached and asked for a photo, there were many more who just tried to ‘’sneakily’’ take it, which made me feel a little bit uncomfortable at times.
  • As a tiny woman travelling alone I felt quite safe, even at night in less populated areas.

Children who have had to clean out your parents’ house after they passed, did you find anything that completely changed how you viewed them?

My wife and kids lived upstairs in my parent’s house. My Dad passed before my Mom. When she passed, as the only child, I had to sort out her bills, insurance, etc. My Mom was a school teacher for many years and received SS and a pension. At her time of retiring, she did not make as much as teachers do today. A few days after her funeral, I was sitting at her desk going through her checkbook to see what was paid and so forth. When I looked at the deposits, I started to see bill after bill after bill being paid, leaving her with very little left over. I am still saddened to this day, many years later, that I never knew the depth of how bad things really were. We could have contributed more to the household, but she hid most of this from us, trying to spare us any hardship. This is the single biggest regret I have in her passing, knowing I could have eased her burden, as she was the most loving mother one could ask for. She worked her whole life to teach children and raise me, who deserved so much more in her retirement. I am shedding tears as I write this, and hope that others can take more of an active role in their parents lives (when allowed) while they are still with us.

When did you think, “this can only be a fake”?

While employed as a pizza delivery rider, after the lifting of the COVID lock-down, our company decided to pull a fast one.

A memo from the head office was circulated among all restaurant staff at all branches. It basically said that the company was so concerned about our welfare in these trying times that they were willing to keep a percentage of our weekly salary for us as a form of savings. The memo also mentioned that if we agreed to this ‘Pizza Savings’ (my term, not theirs) that we will be getting 0% interest.

My delivery co-worker and I had a field day with that memo. We read it several times in disbelief and laughed. The owners could not be serious.

It was obvious they wanted to get a loan/invest in something. It was as if they told themselves instead of taking a 16% interest loan from the bank why not simply take it from their uneducated restaurant workers, all they needed was our signatures.

I went around some of the co-workers joking about it. Most of us laughed it off but two of them couldn’t understand what was so funny.

‘But we’re getting 0% interest!’ an older woman working the grill said.

She seemed to have the idea that this was a good thing. Apparently she had had so many loans in the past that to her the word interest = bad.

I explained to her it was a savings and not a loan. That with savings you want the highest interest you could get and the exact opposite when it comes to a loan.

‘But isn’t it good to have a savings?’ one of the teenaged girls working the pizza table said.

I explained to her it is a good thing but it makes no sense to save your money with someone giving you 0%. I tried explaining how banks work, about buying shares etc and getting the best rates for your money. Both women looked at me in silence.

In the end they both decided to ‘try it out.’

I didn’t know what shocked me more. The fact that the restaurant attempted that stunt or the fact that it actually worked on two employees.

Before leaving after being fired, what’s the most that one can sabotage the office without getting caught?

Controller got fired for all the right reasons. On his way out, and before his access was deleted, he programmed a very, very offensive message on the Windows start menu for the entire company-something along the lines of “fxxx you, (name of the CFO)”. Now I’ll admit the guy had it coming, but will also say that the CFO was the biggest a-hole I’ve ever met. Anyway, it took the IT guys weeks before they were able to fix it (always wondered why it took sooooo loooong).

What is the worst medical misdiagnosis you have ever had or personally known someone to have had?

As a 45 year old, I started feeling very tired. I fell asleep in the bathroom at work one day. Went home and thought I was coming down with a cold. Never actually got cold symptoms, but could barely move my body. It felt like all of my extremities were filled with lead. Then I started getting dizzy. Then I started to vomit. I went to an urgent care center and told them all of the above symptoms and how now I’m vomiting and peeing every 5 minutes. I even told them I was vomiting black stuff which they informed me was blood. I was told I just had a stomach virus like people get on cruise ships. I said I have never been on a cruise ship in my life. I was sent home with antinausea meds. I had lost about 15 lbs in 3 days. That night and next day still vomiting and now breathing in short gasps. Now my body is shivering uncontrollably and I can barely move and still vomiting blood. My kids found me on the kitchen floor and took me to the ER. I was rushed back and found out I was in diabetic ketoacidosis. My body was shutting down. I was about a day away from death. My blood sugar was 854. I was diagnosed as a type 1 diabetic.

While hospitalized, I received a survey from the urgent care center asking how my experience was. I’ll told them that I almost died thanks to them, but other than that it was great.

What’s a hilarious story that has happened to you?

Years back when Subway still gave you tickets to collect for free subs, my kids’ mother and I were going to have dinner and movie night with my brother and his wife. Subway was the night’s choice. Well, it is Friday evening and the video store is packed. So we’re standing in line waiting to check out our movies, and she is going through these Subway tickets. She asks me,

“I don’t supposed you’ll eat a 6 inch?”

To which I responded, in a building with over 150 people in it, without even missing a beat,

“No, if I don’t get 12 inches, I’m just not satisfied.”

Children were laughing at me. Had it not been so hilarious, I would be mortified of that story getting out.

Very Unlikely

Worthless scrap of paper

Prior to my “retirement” I had opened a number of bank accounts in China. I did this, at that time unknowing of my future, as a “good thing” to do, “just in case”.

Talk about foresight! Eh?

I had two bank accounts.

I opened up an account at BOC in Shanghai and placed $40,000 in it. I deposited a cashier’s check in it, and used a “passbook savings account”. I was told that it would take three months to clear, and that I had to keep the receipt in the book to “lock” the exchange rate of 9.5 RMB to USD. This brought me (the potential of) 380,000 RMB. Ah. Enough to buy property in China.

The other account was in Shenzhen and much smaller; being only $5000.


BOOM! I am “retired” and stuck in Arkansas.

My father needed to hire an attorney to get me out of the mess, and tried to extract the money from BOC. Good luck! No one could take it out except myself.

He needed my thumb print.

When he held the BOC passbook, he discarded the receipt. He thought it was a “worthless scrap of paper”.

So, even though I couldn’t hire an attorney, and my bank was frozen, no one else could seize the money.

Good going China!

So I still have money in China; a life in China…and hope in China.

Meanwhile, everything else was gone; stolen and discarded.

All of this while my properties, and belongings were systematically looted, stolen and acquired by all the “friends” and “family” surrounding me.



Now, eventually I get out of the USA. I am in China, and I use the $5000 to start a new! Fantastic, and I related this story to youse guys earlier.

But of the $40,000 in Shanghai?

Well, my well meaning father, discarded that little receipt in the passbook as unimportant. And when I opened up my bank account, I discovered that it only had 220,000 RMB in it. Not the 380,000 RMB I was expecting.


That little “junk” slip of paper was my proof of a 9.5 conversion rate. Not the 5.5 conversion rate at the time of retrieval.

I lost one FUCK of a lot of money in the process.

The point in this little story is that …

…”if you are handling other people’s affairs, keep everything. Do not discard even the most trivial item. You probably are understating its importance.”


Are Huawei phones now a real challenge to Apple’s iPhone?

Have you ever wondered why we don’t have too many commercial operating systems outside of Windows and MacOS?

I don’t include Linux which is by no means a commercial operating system despite its many advantages

Have you wondered why China and India are unable to make a PC Operating system despite so many skilled students and so much of a software base

Its because a commercial OS needs to be compatible with your processor

The Processor is INTEL Or AMD and they need to ensure your OS is compatible with their processor

This was a huge argument in an ANTITRUST case against Microsoft that the plaintiffs lost

Without that compatibility , you can never control an ecosystem or have an OS that controls the entire ecosystem

You can have secondary systems that can never replace MS Windows or MacOS

Tomorrow if India develops an OS on par with Windows, India will be throttled by Intel and AMD

They will cite security concerns, backdoor etc and simply prevent the Indian OS from freely competing

Thus India needs to develop a processor as well

This processor better be on par with the Intel or AMD or people simply won’t buy the processor and thus by association, the Indian made operating system

Say India develops a cutting edge web browser

The same has to be integrated & compatible with your search engine for maximum efficiency

Google and Bing both have maximum integrated compatibility with Chrome and IE, so your browser will not be able to host these search engines efficiently

That’s goodbye to a good technology right there

Thus you need a search engine of similar standard and a web browser of efficiency plus an Operating System plus your Hardware


Rather US controls most of it

Let’s say India develops an App that can beat Facebook

Or an app that can beat Twitter

Android and iOS can simply refuse to give a bundling agreement for that App citing security reasons or other reasons

Tik Tok got a bundling deal with IoS and Android in 2014 for 25 years until 2039 along with WeChat and Alipay and other apps

Telegram got a similar deal until 2033 (15 year deal)

It’s why both Android and iOS cannot remove these apps from their playstores

Today both Android and iOS no longer do bundling deals for long term periods, but only for 12 month periods and renew them (Since 1/1/2020)

So Indian Twitter and Indian Facebook could be throttled simply by refusing to bundle them or integrate them into the Android or iOS ecosystem

If indeed these apps became a threat to the US equivalents, India would become a major security threat in 20 minutes

The Whole world accepted this dominance of the West and their complete control over the Information and Communications Ecosystems

Including many Chinese companies

Xiaomi, Oppo, Vivo all happily kowtowed to the Western dominance and slogged hard to make 8% and hand over 92% to the west

Thousands of excellent apps and games are unable to leave China because they can’t get bundling deals with Android and iOS outside the mainland


He dared to envision his own ecosystem

  • The Chip – the Kirin designed entirely by Mainland China
  • The OS – The Harmony
  • The 5G Modem – To deliver highest speeds
  • The Networks – To ensure the lowest latents

Once the Huawei ecosystem was in place, a flood of competition would be unleashed

Chinese Apps would roar into the global market where they had been throttled before

Baidu would finally compete with Google on a one on one platform and combat MSM propaganda in neutral nations

Chinese Digital Payment systems would soar across and surge through the Global South

They throttled Huawei

They simply cut off the source of chips

Huawei had the design but they couldn’t get the chips made because the world’s only makers TSMC and Samsung wouldnt due to sanctions

The excuse was Huawei had business with the Govt of China. So did Oppo but Oppo was a meek obedient boy

Then Huawei tried to get the chips made in SMIC

They retaliated by cutting off access to EUV machines

Yet Huawei managed to mass produce 5 nm Chips with the 7 nm process using very innovative stacking using DUVs

Now Huawei has the Chip and the OS

The US and the West couldn’t succeed in throttling Huawei

Now the next step is probably to stop DUVs

It’s why SMIC is stockpiling and also accelarating it’s own lithography progress

So it’s not the phones

It was never the phones

Tomorrow if Huawei dropped their Chip idea, signed a 20 year deal with Qualcomm and dropped their OS idea and modem idea – US would lift the sanctions in 10 seconds

It’s the ECOSYSTEM that Huawei brings with it that will finally break the US (Western) dominance and bring in a new player and country after virtually 30 years of control

If Huawei triumphs, the world as we know it changes

India could take inspiration and proceed on our own path to develop our own Ecosystem

So could other players


Is the Chinese government determined to have Chinese technology replacements available for all US technologies so China-made products can become completely technologically independent of the US?

In the industries of yesterday, there will eventually come a time when China isn’t affected by American sanctions. That will happen within the next 10-20 years, as Chinese manufacturing go from the current 30+ percent to over 50 percent of global output, and the Chinese patent portfolio matures.

Now, turn the coin on its head and ask yourself a simple question.

What happens in a world where the Chinese option is the cutting edge?

Tesla entered into partnership with panasonic just a decade or so ago to build its first gigafactory. Panasonic, a Japanese company, had the best and most mature battery tech then. Similarly, yuasa, another Japanese company, was chosen by Boeing for the 787.

Today, the best batteries using novel chemistries and materials are Chinese, promising unbeatable energy densities at great prices. Many ev makers have entered into partnership with a variety of Chinese battery makers, and that includes Tesla. China will become the go-to for batteries in the coming decade, driven by economy of scale.

Shocking change in just 10 years no?

In nuclear fission, China has leadership in gen 3 reactors, with the indigenous hualong in mass production and a steady stream of projects in the works. More importantly, China has the world’s first and only gen 4 gas cooled demonstrator online and plugged into the grid, promising even greater safety and reliability.

Expect commercial availability within the decade.

Same story in photovoltaics. China is already the biggest maker of solar panels and related modules, with leading edge options. My friend in the industry says it’s practically impossible to make a project viable without Chinese panels, not without massive subsidies or tariff walls. That’s how good the Chinese are.

The best hsr system is Chinese, despite China being 50 years late to the game. Better than the Germans and Japanese? Yes, because the installed length is already greater than the rest of the world combined, and serve a broader range of conditions and latitudes. The ride comfort and stability is second to none. Try it yourself if you don’t believe the claim.

Make a guess how many containers Chinese ports handled last year.


That’s 3, followed by 8 (eight) zeros.

America just about crumbled with a modest 5–10 percent increase above the 50m they usually deal with, as a direct result of covid induced changes in lifestyle.

Rates for China-US TEU went up more than 10x, an order of magnitude, at its peak. Ships were returned SANS empty containers, just to beat the logjam in American ports.

Imagine first world American ports and infrastructure being unable to handle domestic demand, while China happily fulfilled GLOBAL demand with a future-proof, scalable automated port system.

The Chinese are already leaders in digital payment, facial recognition, aspects of ai and big data, quantum computing, and many other technologies of the future. Some of the most exciting breakthroughs of tomorrow will happen in china, and revolutionize the world.

Is the world prepared for that, especially served by a media that’s reluctant to report China in the slightest factual, and positive light?

The first world may very well be caught unawares.

Huawei 6G is coming, 100Gb per second transfer speed

Good news that more and more Chinese researchers are leaving the States for China. It will help China.

Have you, while repairing a computer, ever found anything that made your jaw drop?

Back in 1996, I worked as a Field Technician for Lanier Business Systems in Houston, Texas. Specifically, I handled recording devices and systems, though on occasion I also handled copiers, printers, and fax machines. My territory was into the 610 loop and all overlapping zip codes. This included all the hospitals in the Houston Medical Center. Those that are technical people will figure out what is going on with this before I finish the explanation.

So, for one of the hospitals, they had one of our dictation systems and one day, I get a call from the hospital administrator complaining that they haven’t had backups running on their system for six months. So, I head to the hospital, walk into the admin office, and begin working on the system. I go through the settings, and confirm it is setup to backup changes to the 3.5 in floppy drive. I checked the logs and confirmed the backups ran with no errors, or where there were errors is was able to resolve them and move on.

I checked the disk, and it was blank. Completely blank, In fact, the disk wasn’t even formatted. Assuming that was the problem, I formatted the disk with Lanier’s proprietary encryption protocols, and confirmed I could copy data to the drive. I left the disk in the drive, and explained to the admin what I thought the problem was, and that I had fixed it.

The next morning, she registered the same problem so I head back to the hospital, with a new disk drive. I pull the old drive install a new one, then proceed to run a few tests on the old drive with my testing equipment. Everything checks out, no problems on the drive, but I leave the new drive in just in case. Again, I explain to her what did, and felt fairly certain the problem was resolved.

Next morning, I get another call. Same problem. At this point, I am scratching my head. I know the system is working, I was able to confirm the doctors are making recordings, i confirmed the backup are configured properly, so I talk to the admin and explain that I will come by this evening and confirm that the backups are running tonight.

That evening, I head to the hospital and sit down at the monitor. She pulls the disk off the side of the system hands it so me and I insert it into the drive. ten minutes later the backup runs, I watch it, and after about fifteen minutes it completes with no errors. I sit down go through the logs, check the data on the disk. I confirm the backups are there, verify the data integrity. I even make certain that I can restore the data to the system. Everything looks great, I think the problem is solved. I hand the backup disk back to the administrator, and we talk for a few minutes. As, I am leaving, she puts the disk in a clip and slaps it onto the side of the system.

I stop, and I stare at her for a moment, She looks at me, and asks what I’m waiting for. I look from her to the disk stuck to the side of the computer, back to her.

I had spent three days troubleshooting this problem. I had confirmed that the equipment was completely in working order, and I knew for a fact that backups were running properly. I literally just confirmed that the backup was run, and the data was right there on the disk.

Her actions had just made all those efforts pointless. She just erased everything off the disk and wasted all of my effort. Heck, she has been wasting her own efforts for six months and was getting frustrated because of what she just did.

That clip is a magnetic refrigerator magnet. That magnet wiped the data from the magnetic disc in the floppy disk. She was the cause of all these problems, and has been doing it for six months. I had walked over, removed the disk and put it back in the drive. She looks at me confused. I pull up the floppy disk and it needs to be formatted. She asks me where the data went. I looked at her and handed her the refrigerator magnet.

“Is it on here?”


“Then where it is?”

“Gone, you erased the disk.”

She stares at me, dumbstruck, “What…what…what to you mean, I erased it. she mumbles curiously.

I then explain to her that floppy disks are magnetic and are very sensitive to magnetic fields. That refrigerator magnet was strong enough when attached to metal object to erase the disk. She felt horrible.

However, I spent the next several hours, backing up changes for six months of data onto a box of 3.5 inch floppy drives.

I then explained proper disk storage, and told her to keep magnets away from the backups.

After I was done, she was extremely appreciative, and apologetic.

Additionally, I got 3 hours of overtime pay, and because the problem wasn’t caused by our equipment, which meant it wasn’t covered under contract. I made the company a nice profit. The base charges for such failures was $300 per hour, which easily covered my overtime pay.


What is the likelihood Xi Jinping will never meet with President Biden during Biden’s term?

I watched a recent speech by Biden in Asia. It was a press conference in Vietnam. Biden was so bad that while he was still talking, his own US press secretary cut him off halfway by muting his microphone, declaring abruptly that the conference was over; and turning on jazz music in the room so that Biden’s voice could not be heard anymore. This was damage control. The US press secretary did it, to stop Biden from continuing to ramble on spouting nonsense in front of a roomful of journalists and media crews.

The poor man is senile. He is still President, of course. But surely he is no longer making the real decisions for the USA. He is just the front, the puppet on stage – the people in charge are the ones behind the curtains pulling on the strings.

It’s pointless for Xi to meet Biden. Xi probably knows it already. Any meeting with Biden would just be for ceremonial purposes and publicity reasons. Nothing will actually come out of such a meeting, because Biden doesn’t make decisions anymore.

Xi is a busy man and I wouldn’t be too surprised if he decides never to meet Biden again. There’s not much point in such a meeting.

I ADOPTED A CAT (because i’m lonely)

In Chinese tradition, the emperor is seen as a model for all citizens. Did Puyi ever become that model citizen?

Puyi has been seen in history as a villain of sorts. He was the last vestige of the Qing dynasty, a living testament to imperialism. He was called effeminate by many and impotent by some. He was selfish, shallow, and childish in his early years. He was also rumored to be cruel to others for his pleasure.

However, we must view him with nuance and remember the time period he was born into. He was groomed from birth to be ineffective by the women in his family who wanted to hold onto their power to rule through him as their proxy. He was born into a family where opulence and excess was considered normal and expected even. But it was also a time where the peasants were deeply unhappy with an ineffectual government and orchestrated a revolution that toppled his world as he knew it.

He united with the Japanese which made him a traitor in the eyes of the Chinese; but Japan had promised him the opportunity to return to a throne and that was the only life he knew. His early wives would tell you he was self centered and downright nasty when he wanted to be.

While he was not a good man in many ways, he was not irredeemable either. Mao allowed him to be the gardener of the Beijing Botanical Gardens. Puyi sought, with his last years, to redeem himself and to become a better man. He once said that the Puyi of his youth was the enemy to the Puyi of his latter years. He often wept when shown examples of his past damage to China. He was overwhelmed when shown the horrors of Unit 731 and cried that those atrocities had been done in his name. His transformation so complete that he became a man of humility. He was reported to have accidentally knocked an elderly woman over with his bicycle and visited her in the hospital every day until she was released.

In the end he found love with his last wife, Li Shuxian, being “all he had in the world,” and she reported in an interview that his love for her was such that when she was sick he would sit by her bedside all night, seeing to her every need.” He had come to be a man who took pleasure in simple things and in his love for his wife. He had indeed become the model citizen and died at the age of 61 of kidney cancer. His widow had his ashes placed with nine other emperors that had come before him. In death he had been returned to his family.

China shocks Europe by canceling ASML’s $580 billion lithography order!

What’s it like to be one of the 55 ethnic minorities living in China?

I am the Tujia nationality, and I belong to the eighth largest ethnic minority in China. We have 8 million people.

1. Add points in the most important exam in China-the college entrance examination;(It used to be 20 points, but now it has been reduced to 5 points due to the improvement of educational facilities and standards.)

2. To study for master’s and doctorate with a score lower than Han people, the tuition fee is exempt.

3. Before the “one-child policy” was abolished, ethnic minorities (the ethnic minorities who joined the Communist Party of China are only allowed to have one child) can have 2 or more children, and the Han can only have one;

4. Use and develop the spoken and written languages ​​of ethnic minorities. Most ethnic minorities only have languages ​​without a writing system. The GOV has developed a writing system for us;

Orange-Chipotle Skirt Steaks

orange chipotle skirt steaks
orange chipotle skirt steaks

Marinate: 6 hr to overnight | Yield: 4 to 6 servings



  • Juice of 1 medium orange
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 2 tablespoons adobo sauce (from chipotle peppers)
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper


  • 1 1/2 pounds beef skirt steak, cut into 4 to 6 inch pieces

Tomatillo Salsa

  • 2 medium oranges, divided
  • 2 cups chopped tomatillos (4 to 5 small to medium)
  • 1/2 cup chopped red onion
  • 2 to 3 teaspoons minced chipotle peppers in adobo sauce
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt



  1. Combine ingredients in a small bowl.


  1. Place beef steaks in food-safe plastic bag; turn steaks to coat. Close bag securely and marinate in refrigerator 6 hours or as long as overnight, turning occasionally.

Tomatillo Salsa

  1. Grate 1/2 teaspoon peel from 1 orange. Cut this orange and half of remaining orange into segments. Chop segments into 1/2 inch pieces.
  2. Combine orange peel and segments, tomatillos, onion, chipotle peppers, cumin and salt in medium bowl; cover and refrigerate until ready to serve.
  3. Cut remaining 1/2 orange into wedges; reserve for garnish.
  4. Remove steaks from marinade; discard marinade.
  5. Place steaks on grid over medium, ash-covered coals. Grill, uncovered, 10 to 13 minutes (over medium heat on preheated gas grill, covered, 8 to 12 minutes) for medium rare (145 degrees F) to medium (160 degrees F) doneness, turning occasionally.
  6. Carve steaks diagonally across the grain into thin slices; season with salt, as desired.
  7. Serve with tomatillo salsa. Garnish with reserved orange wedges.

Oliver Anthony ‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ Intense Listening Sesh/Reaction – POWERFUL!

What is the most touching act of kindness you have ever witnessed or experienced?

I will try to make this brief. My husband and I are a “multicultural” pair; he was brought up in Scotland and I was brought up in Cleveland, Ohio. Some of the time during our marriage we have lived in Ohio, some of the time in Glasgow.

Somewhere in the mid ’90s we decided to move again from Ohio back to Glasgow. I had three little children at that time — three girls, 7, 3, and 1. We had practically all our worldly possessions with us in 13 metal trunks and the usual baby paraphernalia. We flew from Florida to Glasgow, after flying from Ohio to Florida. The leg from Florida to Glasgow was a direct flight but lasted 10 hours. Needless to say we were very tired, stiff and sleep deprived.

We saddled the family onto an airport bus to take us “home” after such an exhausting trip. After loading our 13 trunks into the hold of this huge bus our bus driver let everyone else off at the usual stop. Before letting our family deboard, he asked us, “Hey, where do you folks live?” We told him the exact location where our small house was located. He laughed and said, “Stay on the bus, I’ll take you to your door. No taxi I know of will fit all this stuff.”

So that’s what this hero did. He pulled his massive 88-seater bus right into our cul-de-sac, right up to our door, and also helped unload the 13 trunks and our very tired family.

It was an act of kindness I have never forgotten. Oh and I forgot to mention, it was 4am.

What’s a rule your employer implemented that backfired terribly?

I was working as the assistant accountant at a company and had to leave early one day as I was sick. My boss insisted on a doctor certificate to cover that half day so I managed to see my gp the next morning who gave me a certificate for 3 days off plus the half day. I objected but the doc said if you’re feeling better in a few days just go back to work.

So 2 days later I’m feeling better and return to work. My boss was annoyed because instead of a few hours I’m now out 2 days so she says I need to go back to same dr to get a clearance to return to work.

By this time it’s midmorning of the last day of the certificate. I’m fine. It’s the last week of month and we’re super busy and she wants me to drive 40 minutes each way to the dr to get a certificate and the chances of an appointment with the same dr is unlikely. And it’s going to cost me $80 for appointment.

I had lots of sick leave accrued and it’s also November.

I explained that we’d lose 1/2 to 3/4 of the day and I’d be out of pocket but nope she wanted me to go back to the dr.

Previously no one had ever enforced a dr certificate if anyone came back early (unless it was workers comp). She told me that this was my “punishment” for leaving early when I was sick a few days before!

When she said that, I made a decision. I said I wasn’t prepared to spend the money for the dr to reassess me for 1/2 day work. She said in that case you can’t work today.

No problems I said. I’ll go do my Christmas shopping and I grabbed my handbag and sauntered out.

I’m told her face just dropped and she bitched to the GM after I’d left and he laughed and told her she was the one who forced the issue.

”What Do You Have To Offer A Man?”

I think this is THE fundamental question both men AND women should be asking… if you have a long list of demands, you better have a long list of qualities to offer.

What’s a rule your employer implemented that backfired terribly?

Employees will pay for personal calls on the company’s cell phone.

This happened about 2003. The developer team took turns being “on-call” and carrying the company phone. Most of us had cell phones but we did not use them as much as we do now. My plan was expensive even though it was the minimum number of minutes, I think 60, per month. In any case, I rarely went over the number of minutes per month. The company phone, on the other hand, had an unlimited plan so there would be no overage charges. The business use of the phone required a lot of minutes.

When it was my turn to carry the phone, I did not carry my personal cell phone at the same time. If I needed to make a call, I would just use the company phone. Most of us did the same thing. Cell phones were bulky and it did not cost the company anything extra. Also, we only made a few short calls on the work phone.

Well our boss, the CTO, called a meeting and showed a new form for us to record our personal calls when we carried the company phone. He told us that it did not matter that the company’s unlimited plan made the calls free. It was the company’s phone and the company’s money. However, he appreciated that it was inconvenient to carry two phones so he was implementing a new policy that the person using the on-call phone for a personal call would log the call and reimburse the company the going rate. It was something like 20 cents per minute which was the normal per minute cost at the time. We were to use the form to pay the company for personal calls on the work phone.

Most of us thought it was a little petty because the company’s plan was unlimited and a few short calls did not cost the company anything. However, we acknowledged it was a reasonable policy and we would just have to pay a little for convenience or carry two phones. Not really a big deal. Then I thought of something.

I asked the boss, “Can we use the same form for the company to reimburse us for work calls on our personal phones?” He asked if we used our personal cells for work. “Of course, whoever is on-call often calls his colleagues for advice about a problem or how a system was configured. If we are not home, we take the call on our cell. As a matter of fact, twice this year I went over my monthly minutes and had to pay overage charges.” He replied that I would not pay extra if I was more careful to not go over my minutes. “Well, as you explained, it does not matter if I pay extra or not. It’s about keeping personal calls and work calls separate. So, can we use the same form or should we use a different form?” Without answering the question, he ended the meeting shortly thereafter.

He never said anything more about the form, and the policy never went into effect.

I admit that I did not like the guy because he viewed us as commodities instead of employees. The feeling was mutual and he fired me the next year. Oh well, I got a better job after that.

China Tests New Laser Weapon That Destroys Planes In Seconds!

Will China’s economic problems become a financial crisis for the rest of the world?


It won’t

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The Debt crisis in China isn’t a shock to the global economy

Evergrande crisis happened in 2021 and it’s 2 years old and yet Evergrande hasn’t fallen

The Debt crisis is two years old, maybe three years old now

So even if the big names begin failing, the systemic shocks to Chinas Economy Or the Global Economy will be much milder than a sudden unexpected shock

The difference between US and China, is that in US, the Institutions which are privately owned and have very little regulations, lie and cheat and bury the information deep and keeps allowing more and more trouble to accumulate

Lehman Brothers crisis in 2008 is an example as is the 1929 depression or the recent Silicon Valley Bank failures

They pretend nothing is wrong, they pretend everything is hunky dory, they even manipulate the system like they did in 2008 with Moodys and S&P


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Like in 2008 when there was a downward swing in investment indices by a whopping 60% across 2 years

People lost homes, savings everything and plunged into poverty

China is entirely different

China has lots of regulations and State has a huge control which means no pretension, no burying of information

The Chinese in fact start openly publishing info from Day 1 about such problems

Evergrande problems were published 30 days before their first default while the real estate debt crisis problems were openly revealed yuan for yuan almost 3 months before Evergrande (which is how the West knew about it in the first place)

As a result the system gets a DULL SHOCK rather than a SUDDEN SHOCK AND COLLAPSE

This Dull Shock is absorbed slowly into the economy of China and by the investors, then smaller shocks happen and they too get absorbed

Thus Indices will fall maybe 6–8% in China , maybe 10% over 5–6 years and then stabilize and recover

The Impact will probably be 10% of the 2008 Crisis at the most

Lehman collapsed in 14 days, Lehman Bros when it collapses will do so after almost 825 days to 900 days

Lot of time to absorb the shock

Experts gauge China will absorb it’s debt crisis at a cost of around 1.2% a year in it’s economic growth for around 5 years and 0.7% a year for the next five

That’s around 13.5 Trillion Yuan

Worst case, that’s more than double of the estimated value of impact of the debt crisis (6 Trillion Yuan)

Chinas past growth and surging development will keep China protected from the debt crisis and get China off safely and with a nice soft landing

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Another 5 years if Xi had buried this and kept up illusions and kept seeing debt rollovers and price rise rapidly

China would have had 6–6.5% growth for the next 5 years or so but then the impact would have been maybe 30–35 Trillion after a decade or so

An example of the astute leadership of China which cares about long term prospects

Unlike a problem with democracies which bury all the problems hoping the next party will deal with them

How much of everything is made in China now? If so, how did this happen, and why do they make things there instead of here in the USA?

Ask you CEOs why they think they are entitled to earn 100 times more that Chinese CEOs? Ask your employees and your unions what the push their salary to 5 times that of China? Ask your employees why they expects 10 times their benefits compared to Chinese counterparts? Ask why they are willing to work 25% less hours compared to the Chinese workers? Ask why are your education system turning out lawyers and bull shit artiste instead of stem engineers?

Ask your government why your infrastructure is dilapidated and why are there no trainings and retraining of workers sufficient to meet today’s manufacturing needs? Those question get you real answers and make the U.S. face realities?

China did not put a gun on the heads on 330 million Americans to buy Chinese products! The 330 million Americans chosed value for money like everyone on earth. The U.S. government and the U.S. people made wrong choices. They choose wars and war mongering rather than helping their manufacturers and factories. The citizens chose those leaders! If the U.S. citizens were to turn around and kicked out any politicians that prioritise wars over work kick them out of office they can make the difference.

There are so many Americans here in QUORA who champion wars and worship power but ask why China makes everything? You need to choose wisely. You go around telling everyone you have a freedom to chose and are so proud of that freedom but you blow it every 4 years for 250 years long.

You chose leaders that don’t care about you and in fact destroy you!

Do Cats Miss Us When We Leave the House?

What is the best case of “You just picked a fight with the wrong person” that you’ve witnessed?

At my wife’s father’s wake, we told her uncle he wasn’t welcome.

We had texted him and asked him not to show up early , as he wasn’t welcome but said that we would be leaving early so he could come later, but he came early anyway with his two sons and his screaming Harpy of a wife.

We had rented the hall and paid for the food and bar.

I stopped them at the door, expecting trouble. I asked him to leave and come back in a few hours when we would be gone.

They tried to push past me and called my wife a c##t

I reacted without thinking.

I shattered his and his two sons noses with three strikes in about two seconds.

They know I am a Wing Chun Gung Fu stylist who is also a 6′ 200 lb pro renovation contractor.

They called the police.

The police called them white trash and suggested they didn’t want to go in front of a judge considering their conduct.

They backed down and left.

One of the cops was Irish , he said he would buy me a whiskey right in front of the jack ass’s if he wasn’t on duty while they were holding their noses.

P. S. I don’t advocate violence, but I have no regrets at this time.

Love some, trust few, and do no great harm.

Baby Wasn’t Able To Tell Parents About Cruel Sitter — But His Dog Could

This is Vesna Vulović.

She holds the Guinness World Record for the highest fall without a parachute and surviving. She is reported to have fallen 6.3 miles (33,330 ft; 10,160 m) from the sky when a briefcase bomb exploded onboard JAT Flight 367 and crashed into what was then Czechoslovakia in 1972.

So, how exactly did she survive the fall? When the bomb exploded during mid-flight, almost all the passengers were sucked out of the airplane into subfreezing temperatures and fell to their deaths. Vulović was trapped inside the fuselage and pinned down by a food cart. She landed in a heavily wooded area with snow, which helped cushion her fall. Interestingly enough, Vulović’s low blood pressure allowed her to pass out quickly when the cabin depressurized and prevented her heart from bursting on impact. When applying to become a flight attendant, Vulović had concealed her low blood pressure from the medical examiners by drinking several cups of coffee.

Vulović was the only survivor, and upon impact, had broken both her legs, parts of her vertebrae, and several ribs. She also fractured her skull and pelvis. After spending several days in a coma, Vulović awoke and asked for a cigarette. She had no recollection of the explosion or the crash. Her recuperation took a total of 16 months.

BREAKING! China and U.S. headed for all out war, and Putin knows it

What’s a rule your employer implemented that backfired terribly?

“Any hotel expense over $XX must be approved by your Supervisor unless previously authorized (Daytona during Bike Week, going into hurricane devastated areas, or other known high cost areas, etc.)”.

Sure, I’m on the road for 3–6 weeks at a time and only after working the planned for 8–10 hours a day (yes 50+work hours a week were the norm) would I be on the road to the next job which was often 100 or more miles away. Needless to say, there were many, Many nights where I arrived at a hotel at around midnight.

Guess who went home at 5 PM back in the office? Yep, our supervisor. So, someone found his home phone number and we all began calling it when we arrived somewhere that wasn’t within the price range they expected.

So they changed the rule to say “Don’t call your Supervisor, but you are responsible for finding a hotel within per diem limits”.

Sure, but since it’s something you told me to do then I’m still at work. Do you Really think its worthwhile to pay me an extra hour’s pay just to save $10 for a night? Do you Really want me to add the two hours travel time to my pay-sheet because the only hotel in the price range was that far away?

I just remembered another prime example backfiring: the company had a policy that if we screwed up a job then it was our responsibility to go back and fix it on our own time. (If we didn’t want to then we’d mysteriously find our services weren’t in such high demand for the next week or three). So, one fine Saturday morning after I’d finished installing the computer system for a well-known coffee chain, I got a phone call that said I had to travel 400 miles to Memphis and fix a problem with a printer that didn’t work. Obviously it not working must have been my fault. It didn’t help much to say that part of my checkout procedure was to get a number from a document the help desk printed to their new POS system’s laser printer.

So, yeah, I’ll go back to Memphis on my own dime, BUT if it’s not my fault then I get paid. Traveled 6.5 hours to Memphis and walked into the coffee shop to hear the manager complain that his printer wasn’t working. I asked him what the help desk had him do. Turns out he didn’t call his help desk but just his contact at the company I worked for. I walked into the office, took a quick look and flipped the “ON” switch to the printer. Then I handed him the work order and told him he was going to be charged for 8 hours of travel to Memphis (400 miles at 50 MPH) 4 hours of overtime (our minimum charge and it was Saturday) and 8 hours of travel back to my house.

“B-But it didn’t work, you installed it wrong!” Nope, here’s the printout and the confirmation number from your help desk printed to that computer saying everything worked. Your help desk would have asked you what lights were on the printer, IF you had called them first.

A terrible day, so I spent the afternoon on Beale St. before heading home to pack up for the next Monday’s job in Charlotte or somewhere, who knows?

Tucker Carlson ‘ You’ve No Idea What is Coming, start Preparing Now

What classic car has the most available parts?

When my daughter was 15 (2000) I asked her what kind of car she wanted. Her answer stunned me: an old VW Beetle. We decided rather than looking for a good one to buy we would buy a beat up old junker and restore it together. I acquired the catalogs from suppliers and was shocked at how cheap the parts were and could not find a single thing that was not available new. We stripped that old junker down, did the body work and painted it. Bought all new chrome and stainless steel trim, all new upholstery, head liner, carpet and replaced every piece of rubber on the car.

When it came time to rebuild the engine I took a list of the parts I thought I would need to a local shop that specialized in VWs. He looked at the list and ask if I was planning on rebuilding the engine. When I said “yes” he responded that I was not going to do it, I was going to pay them to do it. I ask why? He said because this list of part is going to cost you 800 dollars and we will rebuild it for 875 dollars. Thinking it was a scam, I asked what if the crank is bad? His response was we are not going to use anything but the block, everything else is new including the heads . We picked up the engine and, as he said, it was 875 dollars.

When she turned 16 I gave her driving lessons in her VW. She drove it through high school and well after college. she didn’t stop using it until she had her first child.

Rather than let it sit we gave it to a friend who, 20 years after our rebuild, is still using it.

Total cost of the junk car, parts, and materials, including the engine rebuild: $3,300. Never had a part that we couldn’t get within a couple of days (side note; for several years she claimed she could not drive an automatic [or any other car] because she only knew how to drive a VW.)

Digging Dollar’s Grave! ASEAN Nations To Use Yuan As Their New Single Currency!

Anti-China Rhetoric Is Off the Charts in Western Media 

The mass hysteria reflects the biases inherent in the world’s most powerful media outlets. 

By Chandran Nair

February 21, 2023

A key feature of mainstream Western media today is the relentless China-bashing. It is off the charts and tiring, often involving regurgitated trivia or fabricated stories with no evidence to support callous statements about the country, demonstrating a deep lack of understanding. But such stories continue to be churned out with no end in sight.

Countering this in international media by offering more balanced views for a global audience is near impossible as censorship is rife. There almost seems to be a global compact to control the narrative, a propaganda war powered by today’s digital technology.

Just try looking for a positive story on China any day of the week in any of the leading global media outlets. Apart from reports in January about the Lunar New Year, there will hardly be any, and these too are likely to have a negative spin. It would appear there is a confidential memo circulating within Western media groups that guides reporters and editors to ensure there cannot be any positive news arising from a country with 1.3 billion people.

Typically, the negative stories adhere to three core ideas, which inform the unspoken guidelines within these press rooms when it comes to reporting on China.

First is the belief that China is a threat to the world and that this belief must be relentlessly reinforced at every available opportunity. How and why China is a threat is never explored; such is the deep-rooted and almost religious nature of the belief. Sound arguments do not matter. The basic tenets of good journalism are ignored when it comes to a China story. There is no need to explain or give evidence of why China is a global threat.

Left ignored is the plentiful evidence that shows China is not a global threat – even if one can point to mistakes and overreach in certain areas. China has not invaded any country in decades, or imposed sanctions that have devasted the lives of millions in poor countries, unlike the West, led by the United States.

Second is that China must be linked to every possible global event that affects the West. This provides an opportunity for the West to bash China while simultaneously burnishing its own credentials as the supposed arbiters of what is right and wrong in international relations. From the pandemic to the Russia-Ukraine war to carbon emissions; from rising sea levels to the scramble for rare earths; from the building of infrastructure in Africa to the production of vaccines – there must be an angle to demonize the country and instill fear in Western nations (and beyond).

Indeed, media outlets are reverting to the “yellow peril” of the late 1800s. There is no subtle and nuanced approach to instilling fear like this. It is full-on and very often blatantly racist – but it is now acceptable for one to be racist about the Chinese in Western media, despite the fact that Black-White relations are very carefully described.

The third part of this phenomenon, which is surprisingly not challenged by liberal readers of mainstream media, is the sentiment that everything must be done – even illegal and unfair methods – to arrest the rise of China. Never mind the rights of hundreds of millions of Chinese to have a better life after a century of poverty and deprivation.

Headline after headline that capture this sentiment have normalized the view that there is a need to curb the rise of China, and that this is a legitimate geopolitical objective. There is no explanation about why or if it is even morally acceptable. It has become a feature of Western commentary on China to say that its rise is a concern and a threat. With this assumption unassailably in place, the West has the right to galvanize – and even bully – its allies and ask the absurd question, “what should be done about China’s rise?” – as if China does not have the right to carve its own place in the new world.

There is even a school of thought in the United States that it was America that magnanimously allowed China its first baby steps into the globalized economy, and that in hindsight the U.S. was too nice to China. This view betrays everything that is imperial about the West and why it is unable to come to terms with the legitimate rights of other nations to grow and become powers in their own right. The assumption is that the rise of others is a gift from the West, and accordingly they must never challenge its supremacy. The deeply entrenched view in the West from centuries of domination is that it will decide which nations will be permitted to be participants in the global economy according to its self-serving “rules-based order.”

Indeed, Western media seem wholly tied to the hegemonic competition view of geopolitics, constantly referencing the “Thucydides Trap” and being stuck in the Western canon as if there are no other ways of looking at geopolitics and world order. This view assumes conflict is inevitable and helps to demonize China while justifying the hegemonic position of the West – and the United States in particular – as a globally stabilizing force.

Needless to say, this is an extremely belligerent position to take, and not something media should be egging on. Whatever happened to promoting multilateralism? And why are people who speak to multilateralism side-lined as idealists or China apologists? This flies in the face of fair reporting.

So, how to fix this?

First, people in China and the non-Western world must realize that when it comes to the workings of the mainstream media we are in a new era – a propaganda war the likes of which the world has never seen before, powered by today’s digital technology. The media war is real, and tech-driven, and it is not a fight for eyeballs to deliver fair, honest, and educational news. It is almost everything else but that, especially when it comes to China or enemies of the West.

On one side is sheer propaganda aimed at the preservation of Western power. Participants include the most well-known brands in the Western media world, which are household names across the world.

The idea that Western media is run by fair-minded people who are independent, driven only by a desire to talk truth to power, is a mirage. It is a myth, and it is a bitter pill that needs to be swallowed. The idea that the Western journalist is a paragon of virtue also needs to be banished from the minds of consumers of media.

That is the first stage in enabling one to step out of the propaganda mist we are engulfed in on a daily basis, so that one can examine different viewpoints as news is consumed. This is not easy, given the current dominance of Western media outlets and their apparently collective mission.

The next step is to dismantle the dominance of Western media.

This too will be a long, hard fight. Mainstream Western media are the most powerful in the world and for close to a century, Western media have had a stranglehold on the dissemination of international news and viewpoints across the world. Many had their origins in colonialism, the preservation of empire and later the spread of Western ideas about how the world should be run. These outlets are a powerful economic force and dislodging them will require investments.

Across the world there is an opportunity to contribute to this effort, not necessarily by building large media companies but by investing in media companies that are committed to fair and objective analysis, so that local audiences in the first instance have choices and are not inundated by the propaganda of mainstream Western media. This too will not be an easy task and there are many hurdles to overcome, but this is not the space to dive into those details. Ultimately, it is all about readers becoming more aware of global issues by having more non-Western sources to rely on, so they are not victims of the current propaganda war. This is beginning to happen as more alternatives flourish.

It is an urgent need in the West too so that the mass hysteria generated by mainstream media is prevented from creating fear and pitting Western societies against the rest of the world. Today the target is China; tomorrow India and then maybe Africa.

Merkules – ”Rich Men North Of Richmond” Remix (Reaction)

Young Boy Looks Out The Window And Sees Sister Bring Dragged Into The Woods

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At some point or another in most of our lives, we will have an opportunity to be a hero. Some people will take that opportunity and run with it, and that includes Owen Burns.

Owen was coming home from school in the afternoon when he heard screaming. It was his sister, and at first, he didn’t feel that it was anything serious.

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Eventually, he did turn and look out the window and what he saw on the outside was enough to make his blood run cold. It was a frightening issue but one that he decided to put out of his mind and do the right thing.

Owen was getting ready to play Call of Duty on his PlayStation when his sister started screaming from the backyard. As any 13-year-old brother would do, he got irritated because he thought she was overreacting and just being annoying.

When he looked out the bedroom window, however, he saw that his sister was being dragged away by a stranger. His sister was only eight years old and they were headed for the woods behind the house.

Immediately, the teenage boy grabbed a slingshot and anything he could use as ammunition, including a rock and a marble. He took aim and got off a shot, hitting his sister’s abductor right between the eyes.

He got off a second shot, hitting the man in the chest, and at that point, the man was swearing and cursing.

This wasn’t something that was hidden from view, it happened in broad daylight at their home in Michigan. The mother, Maggie Burns, said that it is not common for kidnappings to occur in the neighborhood.

Fortunately, the abductor was scared away and the 8-year-old girl was unharmed. They were able to capture the would-be kidnapper, a 17-year-old. They didn’t release his identity but they did say he would face charges as an adult.

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According to John Grimshaw, a Lieut. with the police force, Owen saved his sister’s life, or from something seriously bad happening to her. They called his actions extraordinary.

He also said that the young man should be commended for what he did. He used a regular slingshot that was purchased for three dollars on sale. He did practice shooting on occasion at old orange juice cans, and that helped him to improve his aim.

Owen said that he only had one thing on his mind when he saw someone trying to kidnap his sister. He was afraid that the kidnapper would either kill her or use her as a sex slave.

He said that the abductor had come behind his sister and grabbed her just like you would see in the movies, putting his hand over her mouth and his arm around her waist. He was trying to get her into the woods.

That is when Owen grabbed his slingshot and started shooting at him. When the kidnapper finally let his grip on the little girl go, she ran into the house crying and said that she had almost been killed.

Owen was angry at that point and ran outside to curse at the kidnapper. He threw a baseball in his direction but it missed.

At that point, he tried to shoot him again with a slingshot but the rubber band broke.

They then called the mother who had been at a relative’s house to help as she was on her way from work. She ran home, called the police, and it all stems from hearing her kids on the phone. The only thing she heard was the word, kidnapper.

They found the 17-year-old kidnapper hiding at a gas station nearby. He was indicted in the County Court on charges of kidnapping and attempted criminal assault. They will also charge him with misdemeanor assault and battery.

The police said that: “He had obvious signs of an injury consistent with those that would have been sustained from the slingshot strikes to his head and chest.”

The mother was skeptical at first that Owen had hit the kidnapper in the face and chest from 200 feet away. When the police confirmed the injuries, they even said that the goose egg on his head continued to get bigger while they were speaking with him.

Heroes come in all shapes and sizes and I would say Owen and is as close to a superhero as you can get.

Office of Naval Intelligence Leak: China Building Naval Ships 232 Times faster than USA – “Lift to Invade North America”

Nation Hal Turner

The United States office of Naval Intelligence suffered a leak of an intel briefing slide, showing China now has naval ship building capacity 232 times greater than the USA.  This capacity can be used to build enough ships to “lift” an army to invade North America – successfully.

This amazingly oversized capacity to build naval vessels has caused some analysts to raise the alarm that the United States cannot even hope to catch-up . . . for years.

Other analysts have a more dire view: China is building this enormous amount of “lift” to be able to field a 200 million man army to invade and conquer North America, which it needs for food production and for its gigantic and growing population.

The seeds for this dire analysis began under the Trudeau government in Canada, when it signed a Treaty with the China Communist Party (CCP) in Beijing to allow Chinese Troops into Canada – to “protect Chinese investments.” The Treaty made it explicitly clear that local governments in Canada would not be notified and could not do anything about the presence of such troops.

By using Canada as a beachhead, giving China a foothold on north American, China can now pre-position armor and troops along the US northern border until they reach such mass that an invasion of the US would be almost a fait accompli!

US Military in Recruiting Shambles

In the meantime, the armed forces of the United States are in a Recruiting shambles.  EVERY branch of US Armed Forces have been missing their recruiting goals for the all-volunteer force, and have been missing those goals for years.

The troubles plaguing recruiting do not come from lack of available people but rather a whole host of issues with those people.  For instance, a very large portion of American young people are “morbidly obese” to such a degree, that the physical strength and stamina simply cannot be restored to make them fit for military service.

Other potential recruits suffer from a  host of disqualifying psychiatric issues: Men who think they’re actually women trapped in the wrong body . . . . women who think they’re men . . . . candidates with a history of suicidal ideation and/or actual suicide attempts and more.

Also plaguing the pool of potential recruits is the mental inability to think critically; to make judgements, and act on immediate information.

As if all of this wasn’t bad enough, a sizeable portion of the potential recruits are so physically weak and effeminate, they simply cannot be brought to military strength.

Drug use is also a major factor in disqualifying potential recruits.  Psychiatric drugs for Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), addiction to Adderall, on top of others who are using illicit drugs like Cocaine, Heroin, or a

plethora of other, exotic “designer drugs,” has disqualified very many potential recruits because withdrawal from such drugs can lead to long-term violent outbursts and unstable mental states.


Adding fuel to the fire is the Defense Industry itself.  At present, the US Defense Industry is UNABLE to re-supply the most basic war-fighting products like Ammunition and artillery shells in sufficient quantities to re-stock what the US has already given away to Ukraine, never mind to fight an active war with a near-peer rival.

Instead of hiring new employees to increase defense production, many defense contractors are having to LAY OFF workers because they simply cannot get the parts necessary to assemble replacement weaponry like Javelin Missiles!  American manufacturer’s “out-sourced” many jobs to overseas locations, and, in the case of China, that is now coming back to bit the US in its ass.

For instance, China recently imposed economic Sanctions on Lockheed Martin and other American Defense Contractors, for supplying weapons to Taiwan. This means that Chinese manufacturers can no longer sell certain electronics to those companies; electronics  necessary to build and re-supply US military weapon systems!

Not only is this affecting the US ability to continue providing weaponry to Ukraine, it is also affecting our ability to make weapons to defend . . . OURSELVES.  With the vast array and quantities of weaponry being “given” to Ukraine, it appears to some Defense Analysts that the US is being INTENTIONALLY DISARMED by its own federal government.


Reverting back to the subject of ships for a moment, it became known this week that Danish shipping giant, MAERSK, is “backing away” from providing shipping services to the Department of Defense. 

With most of US Ship-building gone from environmental regulations and Union Labor contract demands, the few shipbuilders the US still has, simply cannot meet the demand for new vessels or to timely repair existing vessels.

The US has to rely on foreign shipbuilders for Hulls and for shipping services.

MAERSK has not said why they are “backing away” from providing services to the Department of Defense, but they are, in fact, doing so.

Are these companies being pressured by China or other foreign governments to cripple the US?   Are these companies being threatened with losing the ability to provide shipping services to foreign countries if they continue helping the US?  The answer to those questions is not known, but it __may__ be a possibility.

Which brings up the issue of future US ship building and moving men and materiel.

With China having 232 times the US ship building capacity, and with commercial ventures in the US unable to re-supply or even timely service existing ships, and now commercial entitities “backing away” from providing services to the US, it is starting to look as though we are being set up to be invaded and conquered.


All of the above brings us to the US Southern Border.   There has been an over Nine-hundred percent (900%+) increase in young, fit, military-age, Chinese men crossing illegally into the US via the southern border.  This is confirmed by FOX NEWS.

Why the sudden surge of Chinese men?   Some analysts think they are a fifth column; wolves in sheep’s clothing, entering our country at the behest of the China Communist Party to lay in wait for an order to attack the US from within.

And the US federal Government is making it EASIER for people to enter the country illegally!   The Biden regime has ordered gates in former President Trump’s border wall . . . . to be welded open!  YEs, you read that correctly, the gates are being welded open so even US citizens, concerned about illegals entering the country, can’t simply close and lock the gates.


The United States established the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) after the Arab Oil Embargo of the 1970’s.   The SPR can hold a little over seven-hundred-million barrels of oil in giant caverns in Louisiana and Texas.   Yet the Biden regime has ordered the SPR to sell-off much of that reserve to artificially reduce gasoline prices in the USA.

As of today, more than two-thirds of that 700 million barrel SPR, have been sold off and are gone.  There are presently no plans (and no money) to refill it.

If the US is invaded, and we cannot import foreign oil because we’re a war zone where ships cannot safely come and go, we won’t have more than a month or two of fuel with which to fight and defend our own land.


This appears to be deliberate treachery on the part of the federal government, some of whom may simply have been bribed by China, or other countries, to sell-out our nation and prime us for invasion.

This week, Congress beings Impeachment Hearings into President Joe Biden, who allegedly received potentially millions in bribes from China and elsewhere.  Congress has already revealed that Bank Wire Transfers to Hunter Biden, showing Joe Biden’s home address in Wilmington, Delaware as the recipient’s address, have been confirmed as having taken place.   At least $250,000 of such wire transfers are said to have come from Beijing.

Also this week, Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) was Indicted and Arraigned in federal court, after being caught with some $458,000 cash stuffed into envelopes hidden in clothing in a closet, and in a safe, in his Englewood Cliffs home, along with 81.5 ounces of gold bullion in bars, allegedly for making military deals with and for, Egypt.

Menendez is charged with Bribery.

If Menendez took Bribes from Egypt to sell out US weapons, one has to wonder if he also took money from China to sell us out?   Or if he also took money from other countries?

One also has to wonder if any OTHER Senators or Congressmen took such Bribes?

It appears the United States of America is suffering a level of treachery from within, that may actually cause our nation to cease to exist.

China Exposes New G20 Summit Hypocrisy and lies

You won’t believe what Biden just said after all the sanctions the US imposed on China. Biden gave a statement thinking that he is trying to create good relations with China after the G20 meeting with China’s Premier League Biden said we don’t want to contain China instead we want to make sure we have a relationship that is on the up and up squared away but don’t be misled by this statement before you know the actual truth According to Forbes, the US has imposed a list of sanctions on China, and its motive is simply to contain China, so when it comes to words, the US has a lot to say to impress you, but when it comes to actions, you won’t find anyone more brutal in the world than the US, so the question is why is there such a big difference between the US’s actions and its words, let’s find out in this video we will discuss the reality behind the US’s claims to not contain China We will also analyze the impact of Biden and Lee’s G20 summit on US-China relations. Watch the video until the conclusion to find out if the US is being honest this time or if this is just another tactic to attain ulterior aims.


World Hal Turner

One of the closest and most trusted Advisors to Russian President Vladimir Putin has formally told his boss that a “massive” use of nuclear weapons is necessary to actually “prevent” World War 3 and save humanity.  He urges the complete destruction of the United Kingdom as a warning to others to stop.

Mediterranean Steak and Pasta
with Tomato-Olive Sauce

Whole-wheat pasta is served with beef Sirloin Tip Center Steaks and a tomato and olive sauce. This one will please the adults and the kids in your family.

mediterranean steak pasta
mediterranean steak pasta

Yield: 4 servings


  • 8 ounces uncooked whole grain fettuccine
  • 4 beef Sirloin Tip Center Steaks, cut 3/4 inch thick (about 4 ounces each)
  • 1 (26 ounce) jar pasta sauce with olives*
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano leaves, crushed
  • 1/4 cup finely shredded Italian cheese blend or mozzarella cheese
  • 2 teaspoons chopped fresh parsley leaves


  1. Cook fettuccine according to package directions; drain and keep warm.
  2. Heat large nonstick skillet over medium heat until hot. Place beef steaks in skillet; cook for 11 to 13 minutes for medium rare (145 degrees F) doneness, turning occasionally. (Do not overcook.) Remove from skillet; keep warm.
  3. Combine pasta sauce and oregano in same skillet; heat until hot. Return steaks to skillet; turn to coat with sauce.
  4. Place steaks on fettuccine; spoon sauce over all.
  5. Sprinkle steaks with cheese, allowing cheese to melt. Sprinkle with parsley.


* You may substitute 1 (26 ounce) jar pasta sauce with olives for 1 (26 ounce) pasta sauce plus 1/4 cup chopped olives.

What advice do you have for people who have been called weird?

I used to coach swimming in the early 2000’s. It probably won’t surprise you that my most challenging group was the middle school boys.

But where a few of them were difficult, others were in need of help. They were “different”. Consequently, they were bullied frequently at school. They would come in upset about how their day had gone.

I identified with them on so many levels as I’ve spent my entire life having people tell me, “You are one weird guy.”

I would reassure them that they were simply misunderstood and that they were in good company: some of the greatest people who ever lived were treated as weirdos.

Frederick Nietzsche, another mega genius, was in this camp at one point too. He was, by very definition, different than his peers. People tend to attack things they don’t understand.

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Throughout his life, he proposed many wild and brilliant ideas, faced his own share of critics, and endured his own moments of social isolation.

One line he wrote, that I encourage any who feel misunderstood to remember:

And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.

Humanity is filled with wild and shimmering variety. Those who see “different” and attack are afraid of their own authenticity.

Don’t shy away from living your own truth.

If you haven’t been told “You’re weird.” a few times along the way, you aren’t doing it right.

The USA is grasping at straws and trying to hold everything together

When I was eleven years old, a neighborhood friend, named Jeff <redacted> had this great plan to become a millionaire. His mother placed a PE tarp on the floor of the car garage, and had a truck dump a full load of dirt on it. He then went and bought some worms from the local fishing tackle store, and put them in the dirt. For weeks, he would water the mound of earth, and occasionally reach in and dig out some worms.


They were doing fine. Nice, plump and well pronounced. He was certain that he could “make a fortune” by selling them on hot weekends near the river.

Well, long story short, after one entire hot and long day trying to sell the worms, no one bought any. And he was pretty much discouraged. I told him to keep trying, perhaps he would wait a little longer, I argued.

Well, he decided to “throw in the towel” and  gave up. One week later, the garage was clean and free of dirt, and he was off working on another plan. This new plan involved buying and selling macramé. That one, actually got some “legs” before it too “died on the vine”, but that is a story for another time.


Today’s installment…

What you need to understand about the Ukraine war…

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Israel gets a USA “color Revolution”

15 minutes. Not long, but very informative in regards to the massive changes in the world.

U.S. CAUGHT inciting protests in Israel, Netanyahu furious

Yea, why not?

When we have natural disasters, thousands of rescue teams formed by soldiers, firefighters, policemen and volunteers would come instantly from other provinces, all actions are for free. And trust me, they are the fastest in the world.

When we have pandemics, thousands of doctors and professors from other provinces would come to save lives, and it takes only 6 days to build several whole new emergency specialty field hospitals, each one has the capacity for over 1000 patients. Also, everything is for free including the treatment process and vaccines for everyone in China.

When your house is on fire, call 119 and firefighters would show up in only 10 minutes 24/7, and it is for free. If firefighters are not enough, they will deploy more firefighters until the fire is extinguished.

When your property is stolen, call 110 and they will find your stolen property and catch those thieves faster than you could imagine. Even if your property is already carried to other provinces, they will find it.

When people you love are hurt or killed, call 110, they will find the murderers 100% even if they are burned into ashes. Don’t ever underestimate the determination that the Chinese Police has. With the development of technology, more and more murderers killed people last century are getting caught recently, none of them could run away from judgement.

We are having countless highways and you can drive wherever you want thru different highways. Although you need to pay for the highway toll, the money they make from us is not even enough to keep daily maintenance, the government loses money every signal fucking day from it but they still keep building new highways.

When some roads are broken due to bad weather or something, the government would send hundreds of excavators and thousands of workers to do rush repairs, have you ever seen the picture that hundreds of excavators are working simultaneously?

Everyone in China has a non-stop power supply, no matter where you live, the government brings electricity to your home. If your home is located in high altitudes area that they can’t deploy the high-tension cables near your home, they would build a new home at the foot of the mountain for you for fee, just in order to let you use the electricity.

The high-speed railway ticket has remained the same price for over 10 years, as well as buses and subways. Public transportation companies are owned by the government, and every year the government gives those companies huge fiscal subsidies to support their business because none of them can actually make money from it, they lost money every year. (by the way, we have telephone signal coverage for all subways, we don’t read books in subways)

If someone has guns illegally, he will be arrested by police and spend 10 years in prison, if he resists being caught, police would directly shoot him to death.

If someone is producing drugs, he will get the death penalty if he produced over 50g of drugs. Same as everyone who sells and transports drugs, all of them can have the death penalty, even if they are foreigners.

Have you seen the differences between western countries and China?

The main difference is, in western countries, the subway system, the bus system, the power supply, the water supply, all these public facilities are run by some private companies, and everyone knows that companies need profit, otherwise how could they survive? That’s why people are spending expensive money on public facilities, while mostly the facilities haven’t been redecorated for decades. (the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard is that you need to pay for the firefighters if they come to your house, I have spent $1200 for 2 fire engines when I was in Canada, fuck the Canadian government.)

But in China, all the communal facilities and services are run by the government, they don’t make any profit from people, that’s why the railway, the bus, the subway tickets are always the same price. We also don’t need to pay for the police or firefighters in any circumstances, we don’t need to pay for the oxygen or ECMO or surgery or vaccine in the pandemic, we don’t need to worry about the power shut down because that hasn’t happened for decades.

Things have changed a lot these years, the Chinese government would like to hear what you say and make changes for people. China is developing every day, it is getting better and better every second. While KMT is handling Taiwan into total chaos, we are having good good good lives here. To handle such a huge country like China, no one could do better than CCP.

These are how CCP handle China, the CCP cares about people’s lives, they come from us, and they will get back to us. We know they are doing their best for us all the time.

Most of them don’t bother too much

Like I told you these guys are the most APOLITICAL people in the world, just behind Singaporeans

They don’t care what others say about Xi Jingping Or whether what Western Media lies about Xi Jingping

They care more about BUSINESS DECISIONS like Trade Embargos and Tariffs and Export Restrictions and they get nationalistic and patriotic and duly get angry at the West

They boycott any western entity in China that talks nonsense about Xinjiang or Uyghurs. Their rule is IF YOU WANT TO DO BUSINESS IN CHINA, YOU SHUT YOUR GOB AND DO BUSINESS

They trust and know that the CPC will handle the Politics and it’s neither their place nor their knowledge on how Geopolitics works

They trust Xi Jingping is powerful enough to fight his own battles and rarely bother with defending him

Instead they defend business and trade decisions against China which the common man can understand much better

Maja Säfström’s Illustrations Are Witty And Relatable



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Illustrator and author Maja Säfström is known for her playful style of illustration based on her witty observations of the world around her. Based in Stockholm, she works full-time as an illustrator and runs her own shop in central Stockholm.

More: Instagram h/t: playjunkie

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Having earned a tremendous international following on social media, as well as widespread critical acclaim and multiple awards, it’s surprising to learn that Säfström’s background actually lies in architecture. “I have been drawing for as long as I can remember,” she shared in an interview with Lake. “I drew a lot when I was a kid. I had a few years in high school where I thought I was really bad. Then I started studying architecture at university and found myself drawing the scenes around the buildings with MUCH more enthusiasm than the actual houses. Well, one thing led to another!”

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Indeed one thing led to another. “I used to work as an architect and illustrating was something I did in my time off work,” she says. “Now that it is my full-time job, I realize, it is much less meditative. Because now the drawings are often commissioned, which is a bit different from just drawing whatever you feel like. It is the best job in the world though. Being an illustrator! My new hobby is taking care of my plants at home.”

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Each of her illustrated pieces is made by first drawing a thin outline with a pencil, after which the final drawing is made with a fineliner. Her comic-like illustrations often include speech bubbles. “I think the speech bubbles are a very important part of my work,” says Säfström. “I love combining text with drawings. I often experience something in life and make a drawing of that.”

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70030722 464907610776033 5169352094575668034 n
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South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa delivers the State of the Nation Address to a joint sitting of the National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces in Cape Town, South Africa, February 10, 2022

By Walt Zlotow /

Walt Zlotow became involved in antiwar activities upon entering University of Chicago in 1963. He is current president of the West Suburban Peace Coalition based in the Chicago western suburbs. He blogs daily on antiwar and other issues at

When President Biden announced sanctions against Russia over their February, 2022 invasion of Ukraine, he called it a battle of democracy over tyranny. He expected Africa to rally to the US lead.

Unsurprisingly, not one of Africa’s 54 countries as joined US sanctions against Russia. Many are neutral; some even supporting Russia’s war to prevent NATO’s eastward expansion to Russia’s borders and gain independence of Ukrainian Donbas from Kyiv aggression that has killed thousands of Ukrainians there.

Why unsurprisingly? For starters, the US was delusional Africa would follow America’s proxy war on Russia. It’s the US, not Russia that is bombing Africans in Somalia, Niger and possibly others. It was the US, not Russia that supported colonialism and neo-colonialism in Africa to suppress nationalist movements assumed to be led by commies. Even if Marxists were involved, that was none of Uncle Sam’s business. Since 2008, US trained officials attempted at least 9 African coups.

Russia recently convened its Russia-Africa in a Multipolar World conference in which most African nations were represented. Not one condemned Russia’s invasion while some blamed the US and NATO for provoking it. South Africa President Cyril Ramaphosa told his Parliament after extensive lobbying by US Secretary of State Tony Blinken, “The war could have been avoided if NATO had heeded the warnings from amongst its own leaders and officials over the years that its eastward expansion would lead to greater, not less, instability in the region.”

What we’re witnessing is a seismic shift worldwide weakening US unipolar dominance. US claims of democracy v. tyranny are ringing hollow not only in Africa, but aside from NATO and a few others, globally. Over two thirds of our 8 billion souls live in countries rejecting US proxy war propaganda.

Instead of sanctimonious, self serving adulations of American ideals, President Biden might consider ending US drone strikes in Africa killing many. Stop bullying African leaders to blindly support our proxy war. Remove our 29 African military bases and bring home the troops defiling Africa sovereignty. No more African coup plotting might help as well. Regarding Ukraine, the US should pivot from weapons to negotiations, end NATO eastward expansion, and support Donbas independence, not sabotage it as they did with Minsk II in 2015.

Any chance Uncle Sam will wise up and do even one of those things? Don’t bet on it. While Africa is “all out” supporting America’s proxy war, America is “all in,” blundering down a very unstable, unpeaceful road of its own choosing.

Yellow Rice (Nasi Kuning — Indonesia)

2023 04 05 11 26
2023 04 05 11 26


  • 2 cups coconut milk
  • 1 cup uncooked regular rice
  • 1 (2-inch) piece lemon grass
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground turmeric


  1. Heat all ingredients to boiling in saucepan, stirring once or twice; reduce heat.
  2. Cover and simmer 14 minutes, without lifting cover or stirring.
  3. Remove from heat.
  4. Fluff rice lightly with fork; cover and let steam 5 to 10 minutes.
  5. Remove lemon grass.

My thoughts?

That the USD is in DEEP SHIT. What brings me to this conclusion?

This essentially.

About a 1 minute clip. Pay attention.

Who is that? That’s Jim Cramer in 2008 he slammed a person who phoned in asking if Bear Sterns was safe.

The Bear Stearns Companies, Inc. was a New York City-based global investment bank, securities trading, and brokerage firm that failed in 2008 as part of the global financial crisis and recession, and was subsequently sold to JPMorgan Chase. The company's main business areas before its failure were capital markets, investment banking, wealth management, and global clearing services, and it was heavily involved in the subprime mortgage crisis.

Jim said it was safe.

He screamed that it was safe. He promised that it was safe. He yelled over and over again, that it was safe.

Bear Sterns went bust a few days later.

Fast forward to today…

Massive movements around the world have happened to move away from USD to other currencies.

Brazil, Russia, India, Saudi Arabia and 20 other countries lining up to do it.

This in itself is huge.

The tell I’m looking at is how there’s suddenly thousands of bot accounts everywhere. And they are all posting about how strong the USD is! And how weak every other currency is. And throughout these ‘bot accounts they state repeatedly that anybody who speaks out against it is a troll apparently.

The Jim Cramer effect.

West Kittanning and Kittanning PA

This is the large town next to where I grew up. We used to come here to buy our groceries, get gas, and go bowling. My mother used to live here, and looking at the video, I can positively affirm that it hasn’t changed at all since 1977.

Every now and then, I get on you-tube to watch some videos of my old “stomping grounds”. East Brady, Kittanning, Butler. It only serves to remind me that I am really glad that I am in China.

BRICS rising as neocons destroy the west w/Jeffrey Sachs

34 minutes. Worth your time. I will list this as  “must watch” video.

2023 04 05 10 49
2023 04 05 10 49

The United States (Neocons) are furious that BRICS+ is going along with Asia and not obeying the orders out of Washington.

So glad three great minds can make sense of such a fast-moving chaotic time. Without the Duran channel thousands of viewers would be overwhelmed with disinformation. Thank you.

Its plain nonsense

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Reason No 1 : Trade vs ?????

China has a reason for all that Infrastructure. Long term trade. It builds roads and railways in Kenya because in a few more years – China may transfer 50–100 Factories to Kenya for Low Grade Manufacturing and needs the Trains and Roads.

US has no such reasons. Surely AirBnB and other Service Companies are not going to move to Kenya or Ethiopia in such big numbers to provide Motel Services to People who can barely eat 2 Square meals a day???

US is service Dominated, China is Export, Manufacture and Trade Dominated

Reason No 2 : Labor

Chinese Workers have no issues packing their bags and moving country to country earning Salary + Foreign Allowance and a flat National Insurance Policy

US Workers demand far far more. No US Worker would be prepared to work for 4 years in Pakistan. Those days which existed in the 1970s and 1980s when US Workers worked in Saudi or Iran are gone. US Workers will demand massive foreign allowances, visitation with families, big chunks of insurance etc.

It would take 50 US Workers to replace 450 Chinese Workers in Infrastructure Projects.

Reason No 3 : Cost Competitiveness

China has a complete ready-made system for Infrastructure. It has machinery, the workers, the finance – its all a Package deal – once the Politicians sign the dotted line -the Unit begins to work like a Precision army. No dependence on anybody whatsoever.

US doesn’t have such a ready-made system. Machinery is far more expensive, workers are more expensive, hiring workers from other countries may make sense but the liability factor would come into being (US Companies being liable for the work of say Indian or Bangladesh workers)

Reason No 4 : FINANCE

In China – the Govt has control on financing of Infrastructure projects. The Contractors are assured and have Govt Guarantees which is why they have no issues. Policies exist to defer or extend loans, defer or extend or reissue debt.

In USA – the Govt has ZERO CONTROL on Financing or Banking. The Banks are entirely on their own and they would say “Nothing Doing” to Biden in 10 seconds flat. Contractors will need Federal Govt Guarantees

Reason No 5 : Democracy

Its not that easy to spend $ 500 Billion on Foreign Charity anymore.

Since no Infrastructure project will get even 50 cents profit, there is no sense in burning $ 500 Billion of US Taxpayers money

Republicans will ferociously protest

Reason No 5 : Track Record

52 Unfinished Projects in Pakistan, 39 in Afghanistan – This is US and its track record. They never finish projects anywhere in areas which are even 10% violent.

In fact i believe strongly that this Idea would be counter productive

US is way ahead in High Tech Manufacture and Research and Development. That is the path for the US. Keep the Technological Edge. Keep inventing better and better things – so that the gap with China doesnt reduce.

However US is not doing that. US research and development is becoming lower and lower except in the area of defense. Chinas is becoming larger and larger. This would be the changing factor

Instead blowing $ 500 Bn – $ 1 Trillion would be a stupid, stupid decision

Especially given that US Govt would transfer these funds to Corrupt Politicians who will “spend” 90% of this money and give only 10% to the Projects.

Africa tells the United States to go to Hell!

Kamala Harris Gets SMACKED DOWN During Visit To Africa

2023 04 05 11 02
2023 04 05 11 02

13 minutes. Very good. Watching this will tell you what the rest of the world thinks about America right now. Pay attention. Especially if you are living in a US proxy nation.

It's really beyond all comprehension that this could all be perceived as unintentional at this point. We are literally watching them drive the last nail in America's coffin.

Why is China against Jack Ma?

Simple reason. Jack Ma is beginning the trend of the Hyping and Overvaluation of Entities that is so common in the west.

Chinese Financial Experts are not so gullible and naive as other valuators. They dont value random companies for billions of dollars just after seeing advertisements or watching celebrities dance in those ads.

They had a 3 Step Process of Valuing a Start Up and demand certain tough conditions to be met before the Start up can become an IPO. Remember – as a Start up – the investors and their money are involved but as an IPO – Public Money is involved.

So they control the valuation of start ups and have their own valuations of the same startups which ensures that Institutional Investors in China go by the Bankers Valuations rather than other Valuations.

For instance say a Company is valued at 40 Billion Dollars by a Group of US Valuators, the Chinese Banks value the same Company for only 19 Billion Dollars. So Any Chinese who wants to invest will invest based on the 19 Billion instead of 40 Billion Dollars – though Americans, Europeans, Japanese are welcome to invest in over inflated companies and burn their wallets.

This process slowly merged into a Single Valuation of an Entity by the Chinese Bankers through a Specialized Body specially formed to evaluate Startups .Since 2018 – Startup Valuations have been based on the Chinese Moderate and Conservative Values rather than the Speculative 100 Billion or 1000 Billion valuation by the Entities themselves.


Jack Ma did not like this.

Now Jack Ma is the Mukesh Ambani of China. He is the First Billionaire there. Every Billionaire, every Entity looks to him and models his actions. He is the most Important Billionaire in his country. The Big Boss.

Ma was deeply upset when the Chinese Bankers refused to accept Mas valuations for his Ant Group IPO of $ 35 Billion and also believed his valuations especially his futuristic numbers could be possible only by monopolistic domination of the domestic market in certain areas which is Antitrust Violation.

This made Jack Ma Angry especially as he felt – every other country did the same/similar valuations and Chinas Bankers were more Pawnbrokers than Bankers.

This angered the Chinese Regulators and the CCP. In a Autocracy – casting blame on a financial system could become a dangerous objective.

# 2

Jack Ma has too much Global Influence and the Big Tech are starting to do so

Ma has long been on Chinas watchlist since he has tremendous global influence especially with the US and Europe.

The Chinese Government Fears that Ma and Others could end up making China too dependent on the Big Tech Industries which could damage the political stability of the country which Xi Jingping Fears.

Hence China plans to introduce the Shen Zi Law – the 51:49 Law to ensure that all Major Tech Companies sell 51% of their Share to the Chinese Government Entities to ensure that the Big Tech Industries dont establish an Oligarchy in the long run. After all China has seen what happened to Libya or Iran (pre 1979) when Companies controlled the Governments.

# 3

Big Tech led by Jack Ma could destroy the Financial Stability of China

Overvaluation is something China is scared of. In a Democratic Country – Overvaluation and Collapse of entities results in depressions which result in Govt changes but in an Autocracy – it could be Catastrophic. People could take to the streets.

China have controlled this for some time now (Since 2018) by forcing the Companies to operate based on the Govt Approved Valuation which is realistic but deemed by many companies to Harsh and Pawnshop based.

For instance if BYJUS was in China – they would value the company at $ 3.42 Billion instead of $ 12 Billion under their GRMV Valuation Model.

Its why Big Tech have different numbers in NASDAQ – US has no such regulations. I can form a Company and 10 years later sell shares at $ 100000 a share if i want to as long as people want to buy them.

China has been looking the other way for some time – but now it has decided ENOUGH. China wants a 51:49 Law OR very tough regulations to ensure that the Public dont experience a 1929 Depression or a 2008 Crisis.

Baked Macaroni with Beef
and Cheese (Pasticcio)

2023 04 05 11 28
2023 04 05 11 28


  • 2 cups uncooked ziti or elbow macaroni
  • 3/4 pound ground beef
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 1 (15 ounce) can tomato sauce
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 1/2 cups grated Kasseri, Parmesan or Romano cheese
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 1/4 cups milk
  • 3 tablespoons butter or margarine
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg


  1. Cook macaroni as directed on package; drain. Cook and stir beef and onion in 10-inch skillet until beef is light brown; drain. Stir in tomato sauce and salt. Spread half the macaroni in a greased 8-inch square baking dish; cover with beef mixture.
  2. Mix 1/2 cup of the cheese and cinnamon. Sprinkle over beef mixture. Cover with remaining macaroni.
  3. Cook and stir milk and butter in 2-quart saucepan until butter is melted. Stir at least half the milk mixture gradually into beaten eggs. Blend into milk mixture in saucepan; pour over macaroni. Sprinkle with remaining 1 cup cheese.
  4. Bake uncovered at 325 degrees F until brown and center is set, about 50 minutes.
  5. Sprinkle with nutmeg. Garnish with parsley if desired.

Yields 6 servings.

Playing “Fool’s Mate” on the Grand Eurasian Chessboard

For at least a generation or more, America’s international policies have increasingly been governed by our Ministry of Propaganda, and the bill may finally be starting to come due.

Last Wednesday the Wall Street Journal reported that Saudi Arabia was joining China’s Shanghai Cooperative Organization, a decision that came just a few weeks after the announcement that it had reestablished diplomatic relations with arch-enemy Iran following negotiations held in Beijing under Chinese auspices. For three generations, the oil rich kingdom had been America’s most important Arab ally, and the lead sentence of the Journal article emphasized that this dramatic development reflected our waning influence in the Middle East.

That same day, Brazil declared that it was abandoning the use of dollars in its transactions with China, its largest trading partner, following an earlier statement that its president planned to meet with China’s leader in support of that country’s efforts to end the Russia-Ukraine war, a diplomatic initiative strongly opposed by our own government. Geopolitical dominoes seem to rapidly falling, taking down American influence with them.

Given our country’s horrendous budget and trade deficits, America’s continued standard of living is heavily dependent upon the international use of the dollar, especially for oil sales, so these are extremely threatening developments. For decades, we have freely exchanged our government script for goods and commodities from around the world, and if that becomes much more difficult, our global situation may grow dire. During the 1956 Suez Crisis, the threatened collapse of the British pound marked the end of Britain’s influence on the global stage, and America may be rapidly approaching its own “Suez moment.”

Despite our enormous efforts and the shrill support of the global Western media, few countries other than our own subservient vassals have been willing to follow our lead and impose sanctions on Russia, further evidence of our greatly diminished international clout.


Since the 1980s I have regarded the tectonic shift of geopolitical power to China as an almost inevitable consequence of that country’s development, and more than a decade ago I had described those powerful trends, already long visible.

But the facts have now become blatantly obvious. Jacques Sapir serves as director of studies at the EHESS, one of France’s leading academic institutions, and a few months ago he published a short article setting forth the striking economic statistics, an analysis that has received less attention than it deserves.

He explained that according to nominal exchange rates Russia had a small economy, just half as large as that of France and roughly the same as Spain’s, so it had seemed very vulnerable to the unprecedented wave of Western sanctions imposed after the outbreak of the Ukraine war. But Russia survived almost unscathed, and instead it was the West that suffered critical energy shortages, a severe bout of inflation, and other serious economic stresses, suggesting that those comparisons were merely illusory.

By contrast, according to the far more realistic Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) metric, Russia’s economy was actually far larger, being comparable to that of Germany. But even that measure seriously underestimated the true balance of international power.

Among Western economies, services comprise a large, sometimes overwhelming fraction of total economic activity, and those statistics are far more subject to manipulation. Some economists have argued that drug-dealing, prostitution, and other criminal activity should be included in that total, which would therefore boost the supposed measure of our national prosperity.

By contrast, during periods of sharp international conflict, the productive sectors of GDP—industry, mining, agriculture, and construction—probably constitute a far better measure of relative economic power, and Russia is much stronger in that category. So although Russia’s nominal GDP is merely half that of France, its real productive economy is more than twice as large, representing nearly a five-fold shift in relative economic power. This helps explain why Russia so easily surmounted the Western sanctions that had been expected to cripple it.

When Sapir extends this same analysis to other countries, the results are even more remarkable. Although our disingenuous mainstream media invariably describes China as having the world’s second largest economy, it actually surpassed America in real terms several years ago as anyone can confirm by consulting the CIA’s World Factbook. But while a substantial 44% of China’s fully modern economy consists of services, America’s service sector—advertising, retail sales, education, personal services, diversity consulting—amounts to nearly 80% of our total, reducing our productive output to merely a small residual fraction.

One of Sapir’s tables demonstrated that as far back as 2019, China’s real productive economy was already three times larger than America’s.

Sapir 45
Sapir 45

Indeed, by 2017 China’s real productive sector exceeded the combined total for America, the European Union, and Japan.

American boosters often take comfort in our supposed advantages in technology and innovation, but although our past lead had been enormous, this seems less true today or in the future. Sapir provided a chart showing the tremendous growth in Chinese patent applications over the last forty years, which have increased from almost nothing to more than 60% of the world total by 2018, nearly five times America’s share.

Sapir 6
Sapir 6

There is some empirical evidence that these official statistics have real-world impact. American companies created and once entirely dominated the social media and smartphone ecosystem that is so important to global consumers, and for years their position seemed unassailable. But according to a recent WSJ article, four of the five most popular smartphone apps in the U.S. are now Chinese, with Facebook ranked fifth. The main response of our bipartisan political class has been to threaten a ban on TikTok, wildly popular among our own youth, much like the nomenklatura of the decaying Soviet Union had once desperately tried to ban Western blue jeans and rock music.

This rapid rise of China in technology and economic competitiveness is hardly surprising. As physicist Steve Hsu pointed out in 2008, according to international psychometric data, America’s population probably contains some 10,000 individuals having an IQ of 160 or higher, while the total for China is around 300,000, a figure thirty times larger.

China’s greatest strategic vulnerability had been its dependence upon imported energy and raw materials to feed its massive industrial base, and during an international confrontation America could potentially have used its control of the seas to interdict such vital supplies. But Russia possesses the world’s greatest treasure-chest of such resources, and our unremitting hostility has now driven that country into a tight embrace of its Chinese neighbor, as recently emphasized by the Moscow Summit of their two national leaders.

Thus, our own actions have forged a strong China-Russia alliance that seems likely to displace America from its dominant global position. Such an outcome would be an event of historic proportions, comparable in magnitude to the collapse of the Soviet Union three decades ago.

Harvard’s Graham Allison was the founding dean of the Kennedy School of Government, assuming that post while I was still in high school, and his influential 2017 bestseller Destined for War coined the phrase “the Thucydides Trap” for what he feared might be an almost inevitable conflict between a rising China and a globally dominant America. But our irrational hostility toward Russia has now transformed the geopolitical landscape, and last week he took to the pages of Foreign Policy to argue that the China-Russia alliance now probably outweighed our own:

His closing paragraphs are worth quoting in full:

 An elementary proposition in international relations 101 states: “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” By confronting both China and Russia simultaneously, the United States has helped create what former U.S. National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski called an “alliance of the aggrieved.” This has allowed Xi to reverse Washington’s successful “trilateral diplomacy” of the 1970s that widened the gap between China and the United States’ primary enemy, the Soviet Union, in ways that contributed significantly to the U.S. victory in the Cold War. Today, China and Russia are, in Xi’s words, closer than allies.

Since Xi and Putin are not just the current presidents of their two nations but leaders whose tenures effectively have no expiration dates, the United States will have to understand that it is confronting the most consequential undeclared alliance in the world. 

According to Allison, we are currently witnessing the end of the unchallenged American global dominance that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union more than three decades ago. Therefore, it was quite fitting that he quoted the views of Zbigniew Brzezinski, the Polish-born political scientist who had been a major architect of our successful strategy during the victorious later stages of that Cold War conflict.

A longtime academic scholar of the “Realist” school at both Harvard and Columbia universities, Brzezinski had been the primary organizer of the Trilateral Commission in 1973 and in 1976 was named National Security Advisor in the Carter Administration, gradually gaining ascendancy for his harder-line views against his rival, Secretary of State Cyrus Vance. He strongly supported Eastern European dissident activity, notably including the powerful Solidarity movement in his own native Poland, and he also orchestrated heavy military assistance to the Muslim rebels in Soviet-controlled Afghanistan. Both those efforts probably played a significant role in fatally weakening the USSR.

Indeed, although Brzezinski was himself a Democrat of strong social democratic leanings, his foreign policy positions were so greatly admired by Republican conservatives that there were even later claims that Ronald Reagan had asked him to stay on in that same role after Carter’s 1980 defeat.

By the mid-1980s, Brzezinski had become convinced that Soviet Communism was in terminal decline and in 1989 he published The Grand Failure, bearing the prophetic subtitle “The Birth and Death of Communism in the Twentieth Century.” The work appeared in print nearly a year before the Fall of the Berlin Wall marked the end of an epoch.

The collapse of the Iron Curtain reunited the severed halves of Europe two generations after their separation, and this was followed two years later by the shocking collapse and disintegration of the Soviet Union itself. Moscow soon lost control over territories it had ruled for centuries, with most of the boundaries of the Russian successor state rolled back to what they had been prior to the reign of Peter the Great in 1682.

The sudden disappearance of the USSR totally transformed the geopolitical landscape, leaving America as the world’s sole superpower, having unchallenged dominance over the entire globe, a situation unique in world history.

Brzezinski considered the consequences of that global upheaval and in 1997 published The Grand Chessboard, a short but influential book summarizing our unprecedented international position and outlining geostrategic policies to buttress our new dominance on the Eurasian world continent, the region that constituted the “grand chessboard” of his title.

Over the years, I’ve frequently seen accusations that Brzezinski was advocating a strategy for permanent American global hegemony, but I think such critics were confusing his ideas with the crude triumphalism espoused by the Neocons, who followed an entirely different ideological path. I finally read his book several years ago and encountered a very thoughtful and moderate analysis of the dangers and opportunities America faced on the Eurasian landmass, with the author repeatedly emphasizing that our worldwide dominance was merely a temporary condition, impossible to permanently maintain.

America was his country and he certainly proposed alliances and other measures to strengthen and extend our global position, but he sought to do so in a reasonable and restrained manner, avoiding provocative or precipitous actions and properly accommodating the legitimate geopolitical interests of other major powers such as China, Russia, Japan, and the larger European states.

His book had appeared near the absolute high-water mark of American prestige and influence and in the aftermath of the 9/11 Attacks a few years later, Brzezinski became a strong public critic of the Bush Administration’s Neocon-influenced plans for an Iraq War, a disastrous mistake that wrecked the stability of the Middle East, squandered our national credibility, and cost us many trillions of dollars. Since the mid-1970s his closest ally and collaborator had been his former military aide Bill Odom, who as a three-star general later ran the NSA for Ronald Reagan during the mid-1980s, and the two of them later urged an immediate strategic rapprochement with Iran and withdrawal from Iraq.

The dramatic geopolitical shifts we are now experiencing recently prompted me to reread Brzezinski’s short 1997 book and doing so fully confirmed my recollections. Early on, he set forth the key reasons for America’s global dominance, expecting that most of them would persist for at least a generation and possibly longer:

 In brief, America stands supreme in the four decisive domains of global power: militarily, it has an unmatched global reach; economically, it remains the main locomotive of global growth, even if challenged in some respects by Japan and Germany (neither of which enjoys the other attributes of global might); technologically, it retains the overall lead in the cutting-edge areas of innovation; and culturally, despite some crassness, it enjoys an appeal that is unrivaled, especially among the world’s youth—all of which gives the United States a political clout that no other state comes close to matching. It is the combination of all four that makes America the only comprehensive global superpower. 

Although the Polish-born author surely retained some deep personal hostility toward his homeland’s traditional Russian adversary and his book was written close to the nadir of Russia’s national decline, only traces of such animosity were visible, and he fully considered the possibility that a revived Russia would successfully integrate itself into an enlarged Europe, the “common European home” once espoused by Mikhail Gorbachev. He expressed some concern about instability in the Islamic world, but our disastrous post-9/11 Middle Eastern wars would have seemed acts of unimaginable recklessness and folly.

The penultimate and longest chapter of his Eurasia analysis was entitled “The Far Eastern Anchor” and he described that region as experiencing “an economic success without parallel in human development.” He noted that during their takeoff stage of industrialization, Britain and America had each required roughly a half-century to double their output, while both China and South Korea had achieved that same result in merely a single decade. Brzezinski felt confident that barring unfortunate circumstances, China would surely grow into a leading global economic power, and believed that our own country should seek to incorporate it into the world system we had constructed, while properly recognizing that “China’s history has been one of national greatness.”

But although Brzezinski’s appraisal of China’s prospects was highly favorable, his 1997 analysis was actually quite cautious in its projections. He doubted that the country’s remarkable economic growth rates would continue for another couple of decades, something that would require “an unusually felicitous combination of effective national leadership” and numerous other favorable conditions, arguing that such a “prolonged combination of all of these positive factors was problematic.”

Instead, he leaned towards a more conventional prognosis that by about 2017, China might have a total GDP considerably larger than that of Japan, thereby establishing it as “a global power, roughly on a par with the United States and Europe.” But the reality was that by that year China’s real GDP was more than four times larger than that of Japan, and its real industrial production was greater than that of America and the European Union combined.

Thus, China’s economic weight in today’s world vastly exceeds Brzezinski’s 1997 assumptions and that difference magnifies the importance of his strategic warnings, which our political leadership has utterly disregarded. Throughout his book, he repeatedly emphasized that the greatest danger America faced would be if we needlessly antagonized major Eurasian nations, which might then unite against us:

 Finally, some possible contingencies involving future political alignments should also be briefly noted…the United States may have to determine how to cope with regional coalitions that seek to push America out of Eurasia, thereby threatening America’s status as a global power…Potentially, the most dangerous scenario would be a grand coalition of China, Russia, and perhaps Iran, an “antihegemonic” coalition united not by ideology but by complementary grievances…Averting this contingency, however remote it may be, will require a display of U.S. geostrategic skill on the western, eastern, and southern perimeters of Eurasia simultaneously. 
 However, a coalition allying Russia with both China and Iran can develop only if the United States is shortsighted enough to antagonize China and Iran simultaneously. 

Given recent events, his prophetic warnings were completely disregarded. Instead, our national political leadership chose to exactly invert his suggestions, and they did so despite China having grown much stronger than he had envisioned.

Brzezinski himself recognized some of these important developments, and the year before his death in 2017, he updated his analysis to proclaim that the era of American dominance was already drawing to a close and we should recognize that reality.

  • Toward a Global Realignment
    As its era of global dominance ends, the United States needs to take the lead in realigning the global power architecture.
    Zbigniew Brzezinski • The American Interest • April 17, 2016 • 2,500 Words

Instead of heeding his concerns and adjusting their policies accordingly, our government has doubled-down on its crude strategy of attempting to maintain an impossible American global hegemony, a policy that seems likely to end in national disaster.

Our leaders have apparently decided to play a game of “Fool’s Mate” on the grand Eurasian chessboard.

Related Reading:

Rand Paul RIPS Republicans For Censoring TikTok!

The United States is starting to dramatically collapse.

2023 04 05 11 07
2023 04 05 11 07

Ha. They’ve probably figured out that they didn’t actually know what you did before they fired you but now that it’s all going to custard without you, they desperately need you back to fix it.

Let me introduce you to a concept called “a contractor”.

That is where you charge (like a wounded bull) for the privilege of your temporary return. Make sure you have a rock-solid contract charging at least double your previous rate (plus “per diem”; expenses like travel, meals, lodging) with minimum contracted periods. Do not forget a penalty clause if the company breaks the contract.

You hold the power right now so it makes sense to leverage it.

It’s not like they valued you previously either, I mean, they fired you.

If you return to them, sure, they may be using you to train your replacement but if you’re earning triple what you did before and are contracted for a minimum two-month period, who cares? I repeat: they didn’t value you in the first place. That they don’t value your efforts won’t change anytime soon and they’d be questioning your loyalty post-firing anyway.

When you leave for good (once your temporary contract ends), you get to do so with your head held high. Plus, being called back post-termination as a contractor will look better on your CV than just a termination. It will demonstrate that you had real value to your previous business and were proffessional even in light of the termination…

…as for the fact that you charged them extra for the privilege of your company? meh, we just don’t talk about that.

If the company rejects your negotiated offer, who cares? You’ll have lost nothing you wanted.

French Protests Escalate – Macron Ready To Back Down!

2023 04 05 11 15
2023 04 05 11 15

Of course not, but the US thinks it does.For nearly 50 years, the US has been shamelessly publishing Country Reports on Human Rights Practices as if it can objectively and fairly document the human rights situation around the world. While being the backseat driver, the US has ignored its own human rights problems. In its annual Country Reports, the US arrogantly blamed other countries while ignoring the massive and systematic human rights violations in its own country.

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main qimg 853ea0d7e20c8641e77f8e2a00333735

Let’s see how the US “objectively” judge the human rights issues of other countries.

The trajectory of US history shows that the US has always viewed human rights as a tool for maintaining its world hegemony, and has selectively used it as a pretext to label other countries as human rights violators. The US has invaded Iraq, Syria, Libya and Afghanistan. Studies show that the US-led invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan may have resulted in the deaths of as many as 250,000 people. The US has also been plagued by its own money politics, racial discrimination, proliferation of guns, police brutality, and polarization between rich and poor.

Pepe Escobar
April 10, 2023

The leaked intel might be advantageous to Russia were this not to be misdirection: and the possibility is quite real, Pepe Escobar writes.

The script reads like a spoof straight out of legendary Mad magazine 1960’s cartoon “Spy vs. Spy”: Secret Pentagon Documents Fall in the Hands of Malign Russia. Well, actually in the hands of millions accessing Twitter and Telegram.

So here, at face value, we have a major leak essentially detailing Pentagon planning for the next stage of the NATO vs. Russia proxy war in Ukraine: the interminably debated Spring “counter-offensive” that may, or may not, start in mid-April, as well as war plans shared with FVEY – the Five Eyes.

The leaked intel might – and the operative word is “might” – be advantageous to Russia were this not to be misdirection: and the possibility is quite real.

The inestimable Ray McGovern, who knows one or two things about the CIA, noted whether the Pentagon is “falsifying kill-ratio to gild Easter lilies in Kyiv? Recent leak of an apparently official NATO document shows 71,500 Ukrainians KIA and only 16,000 to 17,500 Russians, a far cry from earlier Pentagon ‘estimates’. All sounds so Vietnam-déjà vu!”

So this may be Vietnam all over again – never count on the Pentagon learning from their mistakes – but could be something way more alarming, according to a top Beltway intel source, retired: “Our interpretation of this breach is that intel sources in the United States have released critical intel data in order to avoid a nuclear war with Russia.”

As it stands, the only certainty is that the spin war has gone berserk. So the leaker may have been a – disgruntled – U.S. insider. No, wait: the whole thing may be fake, as the Pentagon insists. In spin speak, that would be an attempt to “spread false information that could harm the U.S.”.

Tweaked or not, the “secret” Pentagon comparative war dead ratio between Russians and Ukrainians still does not make sense. The numbers appear to reflect Bakhmut/Artemovsk casualties, where Russian casualty ratios were highest. Yet reliable on the ground Russian military correspondents assure the ratio is really 10 to 1, with the Russians employing the snail technique combined with a formidable artillery mincing machine.

“Stupefying” incompetence

The undisputable conclusion out of the – real or fake – Pentagon leaks is that the U.S. is in a state of war against Russia. And that is serious enough.

Washington has been feeding information non-stop on command posts, ammunition depots and key nodes in the Russian military lines. It’s such real-time intel that has allowed Kiev to target Russian forces, kill senior generals and force ammunition depots to be moved farther from the Russian front lines.

Anything Pentagon/NATO stenographers say about Kiev playing the proverbial “decisive role” in planning and executing these strikes is a lie. The U.S. exercizes total, absolute control of the Ukraine war on a central command basis. Including from that “secret” underground bunker near Lviv which recently received a business card from Mr. Khinzal and has gone to meet its maker – along with over 200 NATO high-level operatives.

Fake or not fake, we also have confirmation that the Pentagon has direct access to communications of the Russian Ministry of Defense. And that the Americans listen to everyone and his neighbor: the sweaty T-shirt actor in Kiev, all the Five Eyes allies, and the Mossad.

As for the notion that Kiev has changed its counter-offensive “military plans” because of the Pentagon leaks, everyone should feel free to control the pitch of their roaring laughter.

The Russian non-response response to all this hoopla could be seen as a classic of misdirection. Responding to the U.S. de facto engaged in an undeclared war against Russia, much hotter than Hybrid, President Putin said that Russia is interested in “peaceful coexistence with the U.S. and establishing a balance of interests” given their status as the world’s two biggest nuclear powers.

Well, no one can possibly imagine Stalin saying that Russia was interested in peaceful coexistence with Nazi Germany in July, 1941 as the Wehrmacht was rushing towards Moscow, Leningrad and the Caucusus oil.

From the point of view of valuable military information, the indispensable Andrei Martyanov summed it all up: these “documents” contain none, apart from confirming that the Pentagon is absolutely clueless on the SMO: why is it happening, what is the modus operandi and what it plans to achieve.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov did cut to the chase: “We don’t have the slightest doubt about direct or indirect involvement of the U.S. and NATO (…) it cannot influence the final outcome of the special operation.”

As Martyanov stresses, Russia maneuvers an extremely advanced ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) complex, including human intel on the ground, electronic warfare and satellite constellations: “In terms of war correlates and combat statistics – I wouldn’t touch anything coming from Pentagon with a long stick.”

There are indeed several serious issues with the Pentagon “top secret” intel. It oozes the impression it was redacted based on open data, and not actual intel. And all that packaged by some quite shoddy work.

For instance, the insistence to “re-equip” Ukrainian air defense with missiles is not supported by data on where such missiles will be coming from. The name of the NASAMS – the middle range, ground based air defense system co-developed by Raytheon – is misspelled.

In official NATO documents, weapons from the USSR and from Russia are indicated in NATO codification. There is no style uniformity: it’s a messy mix of official code designations and transliterations from Russian into English.

So no wonder the impression is solidified that the U.S. Army Command in Europe (EUCOM) got their “intel” from open sources, and is absolutely clueless on how many weapons, how much equipment and how many people the Ukrainians actually have.

And that explains what’s going on in Artemovsk – with the Russians taking all the time in the world to calibrate their strategic defense, and after the orderly abandon of Kherson, lure the Ukrainians into a non-stop slaughterhouse. Martyanov qualifies U.S./NATO incompetence to see it coming as “stupefying.”

A do-or-die war to control Eurasia

Once again: the most important consequence of the Pentagon leaks is to establish that the U.S., de facto and de jure, is at war against Russia – whatever may be the spin by that Norwegian piece of dead wood in Brussels. Russia will establish a war crimes tribunal for Ukraine, so sooner rather than later, selected collective West luminaries better take refuge in their New Zealand bunkers.

It’s also crucial to always keep in mind Ukraine is a mere pawn in their game for not losing world power, against China, Russia and potentially Germany.

The initial psycho Straussian neocon goal was to cut off Germany from Russia using “Liver Sausage” Chancellor Scholz, who was briefed in advance on the terror attack on the Nord Streams.

Scholz was also involved in the CIA misdirection scam, channeling the blame for the terror attack on some obscure Ukrainian “dissident” and a bumbling yacht – as brilliantly covered by Seymour Hersh.

The next step is to cut off Ukraine from Russia – “reconquering” Crimea, the focus of the current P.R. blitzkrieg, and Donbass, thus originating a cataclysmic psychological upheaval in Russia leading to a Putin regime change.

Then the Straussians would finally command Russia’s massive natural resources – and block them from China by land and by sea via the U.S. Fleet.

That’s not exactly clever – but Straussian neocons do revel in their own intellectually shallow pond. Cue to that insufferable idiot Admiral John Kirby saying there can be no negotiations with Russia until they leave Ukraine, abandoning Donbass and Crimea.

So the (show) war in Ukraine must go on, to the last Ukrainian, or all these elaborate plans will irretrievably bite the dust. This is a do-or-die war against Russia-China for the control of Eurasia. Will that imply more Pentagon leaks? Bring them on.

Steak, Philippine-Style (Bistek)

2023 04 05 11 2d3
2023 04 05 11 2d3


  • 2 pounds sirloin steak, cut into 1/4-inch pieces
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 3 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 cup thinly sliced onion rings
  • 1/4 cup cooking oil
  • 1/2 cup water


  1. Marinate the meat in lemon juice, soy sauce, pepper and salt for 3 hours or more.
  2. Cook onion rings in oil until transparent.
  3. Transfer to a serving dish, leaving the oil in the skillet.
  4. Add the meat to the skillet and cook over high heat, stirring often, until tender.
  5. Transfer the meat to a serving dish.
  6. Add marinade and water to the skillet, simmer for 10 minutes and pour over the meat and onion rings.

2023 04 05 11 23
2023 04 05 11 23

The End Of The US Dollar | What You Must Know

Why the Saudi Arabia actions matter…

2023 04 05 11 30
2023 04 05 11 30


First – Feel your peak too early

Youngsters should peak at 24–35 years

Many youngsters who slog and slog and slog for JEE, NEET from 10th standard may burn out by the age of 21–22 years They may feel they have achieved their peak. This reduces their comprehension, analytics and overall drive and ambition.

It’s why the rule is ALWAYS HAVE FUN

Even if preparing for IITs, have fun, watch a movie from time to time, hang out with friends, take a day off from time to time

If you study hard, understand concepts and show Aptitude, you will keep a rising linear growth and hit your peak by your late 20s to mid 30s and that would be normal.

If you slog too hard, you burn out by even 17 and feel a JEE rank is your peak. You feel irritated at more slogging.

Second – Peer Pressure

Smoking, Boozing and Sex is a common thing for youngsters from conservative backgrounds with free spending peers

Its common to fall under peer pressure where you feel that you have to do these things to belong to a group.

The Golden Rule is – First drop of beer after first paycheck, No Smoking ever, No Drugs ever and paid sex, preferably never or only in safe countries after the 24th paycheck minimum and hard drinks only when some corporate is paying for them (Office parties) and not more than 2 pegs a week

Third – Relationships

Girls mature faster than boys

Thus a 16 yr old girl is way more mature than a 16 yr boy.

By maturity I mean mental maturity

So a girl who talks as a friend could definitely be interpreted by a boy as the girl showing romantic interest.

It’s a script for 10,000 movies where the girl says “Tum sirf mere acche dost ho”

So Golden Rule is – No relationships until 21. Otherwise be prepared to see it end abruptly and dont get too depressed. Have a 7 day period to bounce back. No more.

Even if a girl shows interest, give it a 2–3 year period and if by 21 the interest is still there then fine. Pursue it

Otherwise many kids become Devdas

Fourth – Pressure

Find your horse

Find what you are good at and pursue it

Don’t succumb to pressure from family

That’s the biggest problem for Indian youth. The belief that if you aren’t an Engineer Or Doctor then you are a failure.

Understand your aptitude

Remember a standard reply – if Papa asks you to get a JEE rank, reply – I want you to become the MD of your bank, can you do that???

My son asked me the same question and funny enough I wasn’t annoyed or angry. I was amused. It was a logical argument.

Fifth Following the Herd

Hrithik was lucky in Lakshya that he found his calling by accident but you may not be.

Don’t just follow the herd and do something you don’t like.

Brazil and China

“Americans Will Be Poor Overnight!” – Reaction To China & Brazil Agreement To Ditch US Dollar

Ukraine SitRep: Leaked Briefings, Holding Roads, Split Training

Apparently some briefing documents about the war in Ukraine for the Joint Chief of Staff of the U.S. military were leaked on the internets. I have so far only seen five pages of those. The total number is supposed to be 53 or 56 pages. If anyone knows where I can find decent copies please let me know in the comments.

I was cautious after the first release was discussed in major U.S. media. The first batch was used to demonstrate that the U.S. is allegedly successfully spying on Russia. I therefore thought that the whole release might be a disinformation campaign. However a second round of files discussed in the media over the last days paints a different picture.

Yves Smith of Naked Capitalism has decent roundup about them:

Again, recall the New York Times was the first MSM outlet to discuss that what turned out to be the first of (so far) two groups of Pentagon slides, focused on Ukraine preparedness, had made their way to a Russian Telegram account. Some had argued that the first set was a US or Russian psyop, but the authenticity of jargon and the amount of unflattering information argued against it. The second batch extends beyond Ukraine and is perceived to be damaging to US interests.Mind you, as many war-watchers have pointed out, these revelations don’t appear likely to have much impact on the too-widely-anticipated Ukraine offensive. While the level of detail is tantalizing, the broad findings, like Ukraine’s air defenses have been depleted and are only going to get worse, were evident via open sources. Yet some of the claims are bizarre, like 97% of Russia’s forces being committed to Ukraine. Recall UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said that in February, and appeared to be retailing Ukraine propaganda then. Did Wallace get that factoid from these documents?

Nevertheless, this breach will make the US clamp down on distribution of sensitive information, which won’t be helpful so close to the launch of the expected counter-offensive.

At least one slide in this second group bore the label “Secret/NoForn,” which means distribution is limited to US citizens. That would seem to rule out our notion, based on the first batch (widely distributed among US allies, including Ukraine) that a Ukrainian unhappy with how the war is being conducted could have been behind the leak. This marking suggests these documents came from a Pentagon source, which could include contractors.

The page below shows the timetable for training and equipping nine new brigades.


ukrleak1 s
ukrleak1 s

bigger(Other pages I plugged from twitter are here, here, here and here.)

Those brigades will have too few state of the art tanks and too few artillery to be really effective. There is also a shortage of 122mm ammunition for the artillery howitzers.

If or when that Ukrainian counterattack comes it will hardly be the punch that some seem to expect. Ukraine had also put other units into reserve to prepare for that attack. But some of those have already been used. In a piece about Bakhmut the New York Times writes:

But in farm fields and villages on Bakhmut’s outskirts, Ukrainian military officials say Kyiv’s forces have fought the Russian Army essentially to a standstill in the battle for two key roads, the T504 highway and a route known as the 506.Six weeks after the start of a Ukrainian operation to reinforce supply lines outside Bakhmut and protect the roads, Ukrainian military officials say they have thwarted, at least for now, a Russian effort to sever those roads and surround the city.

The T504 highway is also known as the M-32. Over the last days the Russian military has moved from the south in Bakhmut to now physically block it. The T-506 (O0506 on the map below) is still open but under constant artillery fire.


ukrleak0 s
ukrleak0 s

biggerA recently published drone video shows that it is hard to pass: @Militarylandnet – 8:34 UTC · Apr 8, 2023📷Destroyed/damaged Ukrainian vehicles, including HMMWVs, BTR-4, M113 and T-72 tank on the road connecting #Bakhmut and Chasiv Yar via Khromove settlement. #UkraineRussiaWar
Embedded video

I count 16 destroyed vehicles in that video on a 200 meter long stretch of the road.

But Ukraine has used reserves to keep it somewhat open:

In late February, Ukraine was close to losing the battle for Bakhmut, according to an assessment in a batch of what appear to be classified operational briefs prepared by the Pentagon and Joint Staff and leaked on social media this month. […]At the time, two Russian flanking maneuvers to the northwest and southwest of the city were close to encircling Bakhmut. A single access road, the 506, remained open for Ukrainian forces and the few civilians still in the city, but it was under Russian artillery fire. Ukraine’s commanding general in the east, Gen. Oleksandr Syrsky, called the route the “last breathing tube.”

Ukrainian commanders decided to reinforce the defenses of the roads rather than retreat, according to the leaked documents. Ukraine’s army deployed many soldiers to the fight for Bakhmut that it had hoped to hold in reserve for a counteroffensive anticipated in the coming weeks or months, and its forces have sustained heavy casualties.

The meat grinder that Bakhmut has become continues to do its work.

That is why the Ukrainian army is drafting more and more men:

The men in uniform could show up almost anywhere, any time.They knock on civilians’ front doors and randomly stop them on street corners, handing out draft papers that can turn lives upside down.

Ukraine needs more soldiers — and fast. Kyiv is preparing for an imminent assault on Russian occupying forces, and while Ukraine does not disclose its casualty counts, commanders in the field have described large losses.

Previously, officials could only deliver draft papers to people’s homes, and some avoided the notices by staying at different addresses than where they are officially registered. But new rules have widened the scope of places where men can be stopped and questioned about their draft status.

Oleksii Kruchukov, 46, a washing machine repairman waiting in line outside a recruitment office in Kyiv, said he was ordered to report there after police broke up a fight he got into on the street. He did not have any valid military exemptions and said he expected that the incident will result in him soon being sent to training, and then the front.

Oleksandr Kostiuk, 52, a road repairman who helped set up barriers against Russian forces around Kyiv last year, recently received his notice via his human resources department at work. He is willing to go to the front if he has to — but fears for his safety. “Now we understand what’s going on, so I’m more nervous,” he said.

Poor guys. The will get abused to hold onto land that will be lost anyway.

This though is concerning:

Since early February, more than 5,000 people have applied to join what was formerly known as the Azov Battalion, a controversial former right-wing militia that was incorporated into Ukraine’s national guard. Last year, the battle-hardened group was hailed as heroic for withstanding a months-long siege of the southeastern city of Mariupol.Then, in February, the Ukrainian Interior Ministry announced that Azov would be expanded into an assault brigade as part of the new Offensive Guard.

Under its rules, Azov only accepts those who sign up of their own accord — not draftees — and it reserves the right to reject people whom it does not believe will be a good fit, which it says allows it to select the most motivated soldiers. Azov has launched a massive recruitment campaign for its new status as a brigade, with many of its men who were captured in Mariupol last year and eventually released now training recruits.

Does selecting its own recruits change a ‘controversial rightwing militia’ into a ‘controversial former right-wing militia’? I have my doubts. Now guess who is training those Nazis:

Meanwhile, at a training camp in the Kyiv region, new Azov recruits lined up at a shooting range, learning to use C7A1 rifles. One of their trainers, a Russian-speaking former American Marine who joined Azov and goes by the call sign Frodo, said that “the majority of these guys a month ago were civilians.” One sat against a wall, studying a translated U.S. military handbook.That they were motivated enough to sign up on their own means they act more like “warriors than soldiers,” Frodo said.

The training condenses the roughly three-month U.S. Marine Corps basic training into just four weeks, he said. During that time, the troops learn everything from marksmanship and cartography to radios and engineering. It’s possible — likely even — they could then be deployed almost immediately to the country’s hottest front lines.

The basic training the usual draftees get seems not to be of the same effectiveness:

On a recent afternoon outside Lyman in eastern Ukraine, a seasoned enlisted leader vented about the quality of initial training among newly arrived troops, describing it as largely glossing over fundamentals needed in the field that have to be taught when they get to their units.“They’re taught to sing songs and march” in basic training, the leader said, speaking on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak with reporters.

Once deployed, the troops need instruction even on the most ancient practice of soldiering: how to dig, the leader said. They do not know how to hold their shovels or fortify trenches and fighting positions. For practice, a group of fresh troops dug their spades into a nearby trench line.

Normal Ukraine’s men get send to the front without proper training and equipment. This while the ideologues receive their own special training and Canadian made Colt M16A3 equivalents . The long time consequences for Ukraine from this social split will be horrendous.

There seems to be little of such concerns in the leaked briefing slides. As Yves notes in her piece about the reporting about them:

[G]ood intel becomes less useful when filtered through prior beliefs. As we can see above, the US can’t get over its idea that Russia is out to acquire territory, and not first and foremost destroy Ukraine’s (and now NATO’s) ability to wage war. The articles contain denigrating asides about how Russia has conducted the war. One senses that this isn’t mere media messaging but is well internalized among US and NATO decision-makers. That sort of under-estimation has worked out very well for Russia. And the very solidly build echo chamber in the Beltway means it’s likely to continue.

Posted by b on April 10, 2023 at 17:29 UTC | Permalink

Hormone Replacement therapy for men

Not politics, but a good video. Especially for men. 23 minutes.

Balance your hormones. Take care of your body.

  • Normalize your testosterone first.
  • You cannot take these sex pills on a full stomach. Take the pills before you eat. Empty stomach.  Empty stomach. Empty stomach.
  • Face is red, time to bed.
  • Nasal congestion is normal, but don’t take pills to get rid of it.
  • Nitric oxide is a good supplement. Monitor your nitric levels.

Major Shooting Incident at a Bank – Louisville

2023 04 11 17 02
2023 04 11 17 02

Local Police, State Police, FBI, and ATF are at the scene of a major shooting at and inside a Bank in Louisville, KY. Radio traffic went like this:

2023 04 11 17 03
2023 04 11 17 03

As of 10:18 AM Eastern US time, it appears the shooter is down or dead. Multiple people with Gun Shot Wounds (GSW) to their head.

Chinese countermeasures!

Sweet Comics By Luong Thuy Show What Being In A Relationship Is Like

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What is love? Besides a hit song immediately popping into your head with the answer “baby don’t hurt me,” there is no right or wrong answer to this question.

The definition is personal and different to everyone; some might not even have a definition as long as it feels right. Vietnamese artist Luong Thuy, known on social media as beisme08, shares honest everyday moments from life with her loving boyfriend and it looks like they are relationship goals. These comics range from extremely adorable and heartwarming moments some people may call cheesy to goofy situations and relationship struggles which make them much more real and relatable.

More: Instagram, Facebook h/t: boredpanda

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Artist shows in comics the daily life of anyone in love New Pics 609a4f6a161a9 880

Luong Thuy works as a freelance illustrator and in addition to drawing her own heartfelt stories, she also does commission work for her clients.

In an interview with Bored Panda, Thuy told that she draws her inspiration from her own experiences and everyday life with her boyfriend and a cat. Through cozy and intimate illustrations and comics, Thuy creates good memories about her relationship. After some time in a relationship and caught up in the routine, people might forget what that connection means to them and these light-hearted and positive snippets of life packed with little things might help you take a fresh look at your loved ones and appreciate the happiness and warmth they bring. And to all single people out there who are still in search of true love, these comics will remind you that there is still hope.

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Artist shows in comics the daily life of anyone in love New Pics 609a4f6c1b347 png 880

“I create my art because I want to keep the beautiful moments about being in love and I also want to inspire positive emotions in other couples. I know in a relationship there are always different problems and I hope everyone will always have the most positive outlook,” Thuy says.

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Artist shows in comics the daily life of anyone in love New Pics 609a4f6e1598f 880

Around 1.5 years ago, when we discovered Thuy’s comics and illustrations, she said that she wants people “to feel happy and optimistic” after seeing her artwork. At the time, she had been drawing and posting her artwork online for about half a year and had 50k followers. Fast forward to today, it seems that her goal of making people happy and bringing positivity to their daily lives has been working pretty well, as she currently has 257k followers enjoying her work.

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Artist shows in comics the daily life of anyone in love New Pics 609a4f7a17590 880

“More than 200 thousand followers is a great spiritual gift to me. I just know I love doing it and everyone is happy to see it. They seem to see themselves in my work, too. I never thought that my works would be supported by so many people. However, my life is still very normal because people know me through my drawings, no one recognizes me in real life, I’m comfortable with that. Everyone’s support is a great motivation for me to continue this work.”

“Life is so much better with love in it,” the artist said and based on her illustrations, we can agree.

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Artist shows in comics the daily life of anyone in love New Pics 609a4f7d60d69 880

The artist highlights how important it is that her comics are simple and easily understandable to everyone. Her drawing style and messages are colorful and detailed with a very recognizable cute art style. Leaving very little to interpretation, she is drawing sincere stories about everything her real relationship is made of—from cozy moments together, the perks of being with the right person, and support to funny misunderstandings, moments of loneliness, and fighting. But even struggles and the candid part of any relationship are portrayed in a positive light, with the same message that love is unconditional and forgiving.

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Artist shows in comics the daily life of anyone in love New Pics 609a4f661f1c2 880

When asked about the challenges she faces when drawing her comics, she admitted that she doesn’t really have any.

“Actually, I don’t have any big challenges in the process of drawing the story. I feel very comfortable doing it. In the process of doing it, I was able to practice my drawing skills.”

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Couple Relationship Comics Luong Thuy Beisme08 2 609b7f7cdf698 880

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Artist shows in comics the daily life of anyone in love New Pics 609a4fe415c1e 880

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Artist shows in comics the daily life of anyone in love New Pics 609a4fd6198e7 880

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Artist shows in comics the daily life of anyone in love New Pics 609a4fd0139be 880

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Artist shows in comics the daily life of anyone in love New Pics 609a4fce170b1 880

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Artist shows in comics the daily life of anyone in love New Pics 609a4fcc50d78 880

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Artist shows in comics the daily life of anyone in love New Pics 609a4fc012403 880

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Artist shows in comics the daily life of anyone in love New Pics 609a4fc714ca1 880

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Artist shows in comics the daily life of anyone in love New Pics 609a4fc365c6d 880

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Artist shows in comics the daily life of anyone in love New Pics 609a4fc214a81 880

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Artist shows in comics the daily life of anyone in love New Pics 609a4fb617186 880

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Artist shows in comics the daily life of anyone in love New Pics 609a4fbe13ac1 880

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Artist shows in comics the daily life of anyone in love New Pics 609a4fb41621d 880

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Artist shows in comics the daily life of anyone in love New Pics 609a4fb813c3b 880

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Artist shows in comics the daily life of anyone in love New Pics 609a4fb0192e3 880

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Artist shows in comics the daily life of anyone in love New Pics 609a4fac16a26 880

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Artist shows in comics the daily life of anyone in love New Pics 609a4fa614957 880

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Artist shows in comics the daily life of anyone in love New Pics 609a4fa864a65 880

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Artist shows in comics the daily life of anyone in love New Pics 609a4f70514f9 png 880

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Artist shows in comics the daily life of anyone in love New Pics 609a4f8063e07 880

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Artist shows in comics the daily life of anyone in love New Pics 609a4f921c74e png 880

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Artist shows in comics the daily life of anyone in love New Pics 609a4f763d5fa 880

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Artist shows in comics the daily life of anyone in love New Pics 609a4f661f1c2 880 1

Missile Strikes Hit U.S. Base, Conoco Oil Field, Syria – Again

2023 04 11 16 59
2023 04 11 16 59

The United States military base in the Conoco Oil Field, Syria, has been hit by missile strikes – again – within the past hour (1:22 PM EDT) today. The missiles appear to have been fired from Dier Ezor, Syria.

No word yet on injuries, but numerous confirmations of significant fire at the impact sites.

2023 04 11 17 36
2023 04 11 17 36

...we have been watching a slow controlled demolition of all systems and institutions which are pivotal to maintaining a healthy and functioning society and the crescendo is rising, hold on to your hats!

LGBQ+ in Taiwan

....Or consider the lengthy survey on Taiwan’s society, which hailed the enactment of gay marriage as a triumph of democracy in the island republic. The actual facts were precisely the opposite since a large majority of Taiwanese voters had opposed that change in a public referendum while the policy was instead established by undemocratic judicial fiat....

I was given $16,000 “for free” due to other peoples mistake.

I worked for a company that went to great lengths to incentivize good safety performance. During one campaign, the prize for achieving the safety goals for that quarter would be a $500 Walmart gift certificate for each employee, if everyone on the site remained injury free.

As a part of the safety committee, I was tasked with obtaining the certificates once the goal was met. I called American Express (I had a corporate Amex with no limit) to let them know I was going to be making an unusually large purchase so it would clear without problems. Then it was off to Walmart to buy the certificates.

They took my order and offered to have special coupons made to reflect the occasion. Great idea but meant a couple of days delay as they had to kick it up to some corporate office that handles such things. A few days later the certificates arrived, I paid for them, got a receipt, and took them for distribution.

I turned in an expense report with the receipt from WM and had the company pay to my Amex account so it was a completely cashless transaction. The problem is, Walmart never sent their invoice to Amex to collect the $16,000. That means I had all that money sitting as a credit on my card.

After a couple of months, I went back to WM with the receipt to see what the hold up was. They had changed managers during that time so I had to explain the whole thing from beginning to end. They thanked me and said they would take care of it. I reported the issue to my management and recorded everything in a note book. This went on for more than two years. Every couple of months I’d hit up WM, get a promise to fix it, report to my managers, and wait for my Amex bill to once again show an extra $16,000 sitting in my account.

The dilemma: what do I do with that money. It doesn’t belong to Amex as they have never been billed for payment. It doesn’t belong to the company because they got the gift certificates and paid Amex based on my expense report. The money belonged to WM but they apparently had no interest in collecting it. So here I sit with $16,000 in my Amex account that no one seems to want.

The money sat there for more than 10 years until just before I retired. I’ve been retired for almost 20 years. I still have all my documented attempts to resolve it. The company I worked for no longer exists.

This is where MM lives

This is a great video and shows some of my houses in the video. If you want to know where MM lives, THIS is the video to watch!

Divorce and nuclear war – Today’s time machine and lots of kitty cats

We start with poor Hal Turner talking about divorce and Nuclear War. Some people’s lives are truly a mess.

Don’t be like Hal Turner.

Nuclear Attack Message on Russian TV; Citizens told “Go to the shelters”

A nuclear attack message has been broadcast on Russian television stations "Nuclear strike has been conducted, please go to the shelter, take your calcium iodide pills"   The red alert in several regions of Russia broadcasted via TV and radio.   Video below:

 Video as seen on Russian TV stations just minutes ago (9:52 AM eastern US time)

UPDATE 10:30 AM EST --

RUMORS . . . . this is a computer hack.

No word from inside Russia . . .  at all.

No word if anyone is actually moving to shelters - or not.

My wife got her lazy, good for nothing, fat ass out of bed as this was happening.  I told her.  She shrugged it off.   Actually told ME "I'm not awake yet, I have to wake up."

I told her "I wanted us to be in Pennsylvania this week.  We should go now"  She waved me off like as if to say "It's all such a bother."

I've come to realize I hate this woman.  After 31 years, I feel nothing in my heart but disgust when I even look at her.  Totally, completely useless.  I don't even know why I've stayed.   Oh.  Wait.  I do know . . . . so I can pay for it all.

Now, I'm supposed to what. . .  wait until she wakes up?  

Maybe wait so she can get dressed or something . . . .

If this __is__ a computer hacking and a fake, I've just gotten a real eye-opener about how the real thing would go down in __my__ house.    I'd be vaporized waiting for my good for nothing wife because . . . . It's all such a bother.

I hate my life.  I hate what it's become.  I've got to get out of this.

2:24 PM EST--

I have arrived at my house in Pennsylvania.  Alone.

She told me "You have to leave me the car."  I replied "I'm taking my car towed behind the pick up truck."  She responded "I have to have a car."   I asked "For what, you never go anywhere?"   She said "You're not taking the car."

I wasn't going to bother pointing out that it's mine.  I don't want to bother fighting anymore.  I left her the car.  Fuck it.  I just have to be away from this toxic person.   

When I got  off the Interstate for the exit to my house, first thing I did was hit the bank and grab some cash; the small maximum I can withdraw daily from an ATM. If things go boom, nothing is going to work; no credit cards, no debit cards.  Cash would be king, so I got some.

Next stop, fuel-up the truck. It took 14.5 gallons.  If it all goes to hell, I'll at least have fuel.   Added DEF fluid too, which is the pollution control fluid that diesel vehicles must use in the USA along with fuel.   Now, at least I'm set with that.

I still have to unpack some stuff from the truck, crank the heat up in the house . . .  it's down at 60, so got to warm it up.

Will bring in firewood to have inside.  Supposed to get significant snow here tonight into tomorrow.  Then, off to the supermarket for last minute stuff.

I did a lot of thinking during the three hour drive.   Marriage is not a suicide pact.  My wife already made clear - quite recently - she has no desire to survive a nuclear war because it would just be so awful.   So in my mind, she's already given up.  I have not.

She may be willing to sit there and die.  I am not.

Maybe this is nothing -- I hope so. But I am not going to discount everything I have seen and heard, and just chalk this up to some computer hacker.  Things are wound too tightly now.  The possibility of an actual Russian nuclear strike upon us is very real, very near, and very JUSTIFIED.

I will not sit idly-by and wait to be vaporized.  She can.  I won't.

I told her I do not plan on coming back.  I told her I know she may need money help from time to time, and I will do what I can on that.  But as far as I'm concerned, this marriage is done.

It's ***NOT*** just what happened today.  It's years and years and years of a lot more.   There is no salvaging this marriage and worst of all - I don't even want to bother trying.  THAT . . . . is how far gone it is.


The people that you surround yourself with has the biggest influence on your life. Be careful, and wise. Choose carefully.

Today, we are going to step into a time machine.

We are going to a softer and calmer time. You know (why), to reset ourselves fromt he onslaught of fear-mongering and insanity.

We begin with a fine 1960’s era show…

Be the Rufus

A very old lady was at the register with a few things from the marked down grocery shelf. She was as clean as could be, with her snow white hair neatly combed. Her clothes were out of style 60 years ago, but they too, were clean and neat. She was in front of me at the checkout register. She had a loaf of day old bread for .50 and a box of generic corn flakes that was taped up, a bag of mixed bruised fruit, and a quart of milk. When her bank card was declined, she quietly said, “I will put these back.” I said no, and I paid for her items, and I added a package of Oreos, a Sara Lee pound cake, and a box of Red Rose tea bags that were in my pile that I had selected for myself. I know that dear, sweet old lady with the tears rolling down her face would never have bought those for herself. The cashier bagged the items and handed the bag to the woman. With her tear-stained face, she raised her hand to heaven, bowed her head and said, “by the glory of God, in Jesus name, thank you.” Like ships passing in the night, my path crossed hers, only that one brief time. I never saw her again.

I will never forget her.

Gabriel Khiterer Captures Majestic Portraits Of Stray Cats

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Gabriel Khiterer is a talented 19-year-old self-taught photographer from Vilnius, Lithuania who pays tribute to the stray cats live near his house.

More info: Facebook (h/t: photogrist, boredpanda)

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Tough battle-cats!

Now, for Gilligan’s Island.

Run With Us-Lisa Lougheed.

Clips from The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (1964-1968)

Swedish Meatballs I


  • 1 egg
  • ¼ cup milk
  • 1 pound ground beef
  • ¼ cup dry cream of wheat cereal
  • ¼ cup minced onion
  • 1 (10.75 ounce) can condensed cream of chicken soup
  • 1 (10.75 ounce) can condensed cream of mushroom soup
  • 1 (12 fluid ounce) can evaporated milk
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).

  2. In a large bowl, whisk together the egg and the milk. Add the beef, cream of wheat and onion and mix well. Shape into 1 inch balls. Place balls on a lightly greased baking sheet.

  3. Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for about 20 minutes.

  4. Drain meatballs on paper towels, if needed. Then place meatballs in a lightly greased 2 quart casserole dish. In a separate medium bowl, combine the soups with the evaporated milk, stirring until smooth. Pour over the meatballs.

  5. Bake uncovered at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for another 40 minutes. Sprinkle with parsley before serving.

Love this show and everyone in it. Great wholesome comedy

Brandy Old-Fashioned Sweet

The concept of an old-fashioned dates back to the early 1800s and includes whiskey, bitters, cherry juice, sugar and water. This old-fashioned recipe, which is extremely popular in Wisconsin, uses brandy in place of whiskey and lemon-lime soda instead of water for a milder cocktail. —Taste of Home Test Kitchen

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Brandy Old Fashioned Sweet EXPS TOHcom22 37101 P2 MD 01 05 11b v2


  • 1 orange slice
  • 1 maraschino cherry
  • 1-1/2 ounces maraschino cherry juice
  • 1 teaspoon bitters
  • 1/4 to 1/3 cup ice cubes
  • 1-1/2 ounces brandy
  • 2 teaspoons water
  • 1 teaspoon orange juice
  • 3 ounces lemon-lime soda


  1. In a rocks glass, muddle orange slice, cherry, cherry juice and bitters. Add ice. Pour in the brandy, water, orange juice and soda.

Sweet Brandy Old-Fashioned Recipe Tips

Do you use brandy or bourbon in an old-fashioned?

While this recipe calls for brandy (the classic Wisconsin choice), bourbon or rye whiskey are also delicious options. (Have leftover brandy on hand? Try mixing up one of these brandy cocktails.)

What bitters should you use in an old-fashioned?

Angostura bitters are the traditional choice for old-fashioneds, but craft bitters are flooding the market. Try orange, cherry or smoked cinnamon for an updated twist on this classic cocktail.

Does an old-fashioned have a cherry?

Yes—with classic old-fashioned recipes like this one, you begin by muddling a maraschino cherry with orange and bitters. You can opt for Luxardo cherries (the original maraschino cherries) as well. Also, the typical old-fashioned garnish is a speared cherry with an orange slice. A cinnamon stick is another classic complement.

How do you drink an old-fashioned?

Enjoy your old-fashioned on the rocks. If you have an extra-large ice cube tray, use it to make ice for this classic cocktail—big ice cubes help keep your drink from getting watered down. (If you want your old-fashioned extra cold, try these Frozen Brandy Old-Fashioneds.) For something to munch on while you sip, try these Spiced Mixed Nuts.

Research contributed by Catherine Ward


String Cheese Meat Loaf

“My daughter likes the cheese stuffed into this tasty meat loaf made with a blend of ground beef and Italian sausage. Served with a salad and sourdough bread, the meal is special enough for company. —Laura Lawrence, Salinas, California”

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2023 03 10 17 29


  • 1 cup meatless spaghetti sauce, divided
  • 1 large egg, lightly beaten
  • 1 cup seasoned bread crumbs
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1-1/2 teaspoons dried rosemary, crushed
  • 1 pound lean ground beef
  • 8 ounces bulk Italian sausage
  • 3 pieces string cheese


  1. In a large bowl, combine 1/2 cup spaghetti sauce, egg, bread crumbs, garlic and rosemary. Crumble meat over mixture and mix well.
  2. Press half into a greased 8×4-in. loaf pan. Place two pieces of cheese, side by side, near one end of loaf. Cut the remaining piece of cheese in half; place side by side on opposite end of loaf. Top with remaining meat mixture; press down firmly to seal.
  3. Bake, uncovered, at 350° for 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 hours or until meat is no longer pink and a thermometer reads 160°; drain. Drizzle with the remaining spaghetti sauce; bake 10 minutes longer. Let stand for 10 minutes before slicing.

Editor’s Note: Three ounces of mozzarella cheese, cut into four 1/2-inch sticks, may be substituted for the string cheese.

Be that Rufus!

The nice Latina lady ahead of me at the checkout was purchasing baby items: baby food, disposable diapers, formula, etc. And a few other food items.

Card rejected.

Tries another card. Rejected.

Another. Same thing.

She digs for cash. Some, but not enough.

She reddens. Tears. “Can I take some things back?”

Register clerk starts to pull away enough merchandise so what remains will be covered by her cash.

I, standing there in a kind of daze, just waiting my turn, suddenly wake up to what’s happening.

“Holy cow!” I said to myself. “This stuff is for a baby —maybe HER baby. No way she’s not taking this home…”

I gestured to the clerk, who I knew, and who knew me. “I’ve got this,” I said. “Just include it in my total.” He voids her sale, rings me up, including her stuff.

She tries to refuse. I listen politely, and tell her it is OK. “I will pay you back!” she insists, tears streaming down her cheeks, as we move toward the exit.

I replied: “Lady, if you continue to threaten me with repayment, I’m going to retaliate by paying off your car loan or your mortgage or your next month’s rent, and I know you wouldn’t want me to do that, right? So don’t deprive me of the opportunity to do something nice for someone.”

She stopped and just looked at me. Then whispered, “Thank you sir. God bless you.”

“God has blessed me,” I answered. “God had me in exactly the right place at exactly the right time to help someone in need. And we are both blessed.”

We parted ways.

[EDIT]: I am surprised, and I am honored, and I am humbled, by the comments which have expressed approval of my actions. And at the same time, I am, I confess, somewhat troubled by those who say they wish they could do the same as I did. And the truth is that all of us, no matter our material means, can do as I did, whatever your means. If not material, then by your identity and your values. The point is, give something. Anything, whatever you have to give. And when you do this, you put yourself in the place of the person whom you support. So just do it, with whatever you have.

Crazy (Cool) Cat Men: Ridiculous Studio Photos Of Men Posing With Their Beloved Cats

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It’s perfectly OK for men to post cute photos of holding cats in their arms, but these guys have taken it to a whole other level! They’ve been posing with their cats, just like probably many men secretly do, however, the thing is that their pictures came out and are funny as hell!


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Premier 1960s.

Jiffy Ground Pork Skillet

“Some people call it dinner hour, but many of us call it rush hour. Slow down the pace with this so-simple mouthwatering ground pork meal. The only thing you’ll have left over is time to share with your family at the table. —Brigitte Schaller, Flemington, Missouri”

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exps25157 FM153592B03 18 12b 1


  • 1-1/2 cups uncooked penne pasta
  • 1 pound ground pork
  • 1/2 cup chopped onion
  • 1 can (14-1/2 ounces) stewed tomatoes, undrained
  • 1 can (8 ounces) tomato sauce
  • 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
  • 1 medium zucchini, cut into 1/4-inch slices


  1. Cook pasta according to package directions. Meanwhile, in a large skillet, cook pork and onion over medium heat until meat is no longer pink; drain. Add the tomatoes, tomato sauce and Italian seasoning. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and cook for 5 minutes to allow flavors to blend.
  2. Drain pasta; add to skillet. Stir in zucchini. Cover and cook for 3-5 minutes or until zucchini is crisp-tender.

Can you freeze Jiffy Ground Pork Skillet?

Transfer individual portions of cooled pasta mixture to freezer containers. To use, partially thaw in refrigerator overnight. Heat through in a saucepan, stirring occasionally and adding a little tomato sauce if necessary.

Ground Pork Recipe Tips

What else is ground pork good for?

There are many ground pork recipes to try! We especially love these Beef ‘n’ Pork Burgers and Ginger Pork Lettuce Wraps.

Is ground pork healthier than ground beef?

Ground pork and ground beef are both pretty high in fat. (Let’s be real, that’s part of why they taste so good!) Ground pork can have a little less saturated fat and cholesterol than ground beef. But if you’re truly looking for a healthier alternative, try ground turkey.

How long does ground pork last in the fridge?

Ground pork doesn’t last long! Use it within 1 or 2 days before it goes bad.

What variations can I try for this ground pork recipe?

Try swapping ground Italian sausage or ground turkey for the pork. You can also add seasonal vegetables (such as spinach, broccoli or eggplant) and experiment with different pasta shapes.

Research contributed by Elizabeth Harris

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2023 03 10 15 56

Terrible Maps That Are So Bad They’re Good

Maps are very useful… usually. However, @TerribleMaps Twitter account proves that not all maps are created equal. Scroll down to see the best examples of hilariously pointless maps!

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Cheng Benhua

Cheng Benhua became famous for this photograph taken on the day of her death, when she faced her assassination with a smile.

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In 1937, war broke out with Japan’s invasion of China. Cheng Benhua was part of the Chinese resistance. She was captured along with other comrades in 1938, when the Japanese arrived in her region. She endured an ordeal: she witnessed the execution of her comrades, was repeatedly raped and humiliated. Despite all this, Cheng remained impassive and defiant, demonstrating a steely spirit that would not be broken. The photo was taken by a Japanese correspondent before she was bayoneted to death at the age of 24.

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In China she became an icon. The city of Nanjing has a 5-metre high statue of Cheng, the warrior who smiled at death, as a symbol of the indomitable spirit.

Be the Rufus!

This young mom if two was in chick fil à with her two young children in tow. You can tell she was having a very bad day she orders lunch for her two children. One of the children asked “mommy, where’s yours?” And she said she wasn’t hungry. She attempted to pay using her credit or debit card and it was declined. She asked to run it again and it was declined. She claimed she didn’t have any money on her and she couldn’t pay for the meals. Mom was in tears. She told her children she didn’t have the money to buy them lunch and started leaving. Now the children were in tears and were crying they were very hungry. I told the manager and said go stop her and give her the meals and I’ll pay for them. I also said add a number one meal for mom so she can eat as well.

When she found out what I did, she came up to me and hugged and profusely thanked me explaining how her husband died and she was unable to work because of her young children, one who is in the autism spectrum. I told her not to worry, and to enjoy her lunch.

She wouldn’t stop thanking me. Meanwhile everyone else there was complimentary of my actions. But not one other stepped up to offer what I did.

Chicken-Pepper Alfredo

When I want a lighter dinner, I use lean turkey bacon in this recipe. It gives the pasta that richness you want without all the extra fat. —Courtney Harris, Denton, Texas

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exps42622 SD143207D05 30 1b 4


  • 8 ounces uncooked linguine
  • 1-1/2 pounds chicken tenderloins, cut into 1-inch cubes
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon pepper
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1/2 cup sliced fresh mushrooms
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped red onion
  • 4 turkey or pork bacon strips, chopped
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • 1 jar (15 ounces) roasted red pepper Alfredo sauce
  • 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese


  1. Cook linguine according to package directions. Meanwhile, sprinkle chicken with garlic powder and pepper. In a large skillet, heat oil over medium heat. Add chicken, mushrooms, onion, bacon and garlic; cook and stir 8-10 minutes or until chicken is no longer pink.
  2. Drain linguine; add to skillet. Stir in Alfredo sauce; heat through. Sprinkle with cheese.

The USA’s biggest enemy is itself.

USA people know very little about anything beyond their borders. Their media is a massive brainwashing lying machine.

On Quora, the most abusive, hateful and stalking people come from the USA. It seems that any human on the planet with real life experience of the world can be abused for criticising the USA. Their posts are full of hate, advocacy of the destruction of entire nations and the massacre of millions all for fake morality based on spurious lies. What a horrid and miserable life it must be to be stuck in the USA and believe that your awful country has a right to spread misery globally. So as a human being from planet Earth (definitely not from the USA) I have every right to express my views based on real life experience and also to choose if I wish to engage for long with such hateful and ignorant people from the USA.

Existential Crisis Duck Night Light

It was, in all regards, an average day in duck’s average life when he suddenly asked himself: “Who am I?” Since then, he has given a lot of thought to the purpose of life, wondering if a duck can do something more than just quack and stuff its face with breadcrumbs. Is that’s all there is to life? It’s a feeling many of us can relate to, and it’s probably an origin story behind existential crisis duck night light. It’s a funny lamp with a silicone body which feels soft to the touch and gives out a warm glow which will turn off automatically after 30 minutes so you can drift off peacefully.

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duck night light2

China is by far the superior civilised nation.

The US builds up its military whilst its people have no universal health care, live in growing poverty and in crime. The US tries to contain, hawk, and disrupt China’s development. Also they are willing to provoke wars all over the world to ramp up their out dated and globally unwanted hegemony. They have invaded, and bombed many nations and slaughtered hundreds of thousands and ruined the lives of millions. The vast majority of the people on this planet shun the USA now and want nothing to do with it. On this site the supporters of the US demonstrate ignorance of the world, of China and hateful feelings toward any nation that doesn’t comply with the USA’s narrative. The pro US Quorans also are prone to personally abuse any Quoran that criticises the USA as if all us people on this planet should LIKE the USA? After all it has done. The USA is a horrid, horrid, evil regime that needs to change or end. It should pull all its forces, spies and politicians home and leave the good people of this planet well alone.

China has brought itself out of poverty and the people live better than ever now. China offers peace and prosperity to the world. It has helped its own people live in a much more stable and pleasant society than the USA’s. I know this from being very fortunate to have lived there for years. I’m not merely a propagandist like so many lying hypocrites from the USA like to label me as. I know that China is a nation with a peaceful society, a civilised society and a vibrant culture, that supports its minority groups and all religions that exist there. Unlike the US people on this site who have never set foot like to rant; China is a free and happy society. It’s effects on Africa and Latin America and Asia are very positive. China is good for the world. The real evaluation of a civilised super power is with regard to its wisdom, civilised behaviour and that it benefits the world and it achieves all this peacefully. So China is the vastly superior nation to that vile…other one. May China continue to rise for the benefit of this planet. China is the future, China is the hope.

Mendacious menace


Japan’s economy has been stagnant for nearly 30 years, yet it still has ambitions to be a military superpower

A joint strategy document was delivered after the Japan-United States Security Consultative Committee (2+2) meeting in Washington on Jan 12, 2023. It was based on three defense documents issued by the Japanese Cabinet in December 2022, namely the National Security Strategy, the National Defense Program Guidelines and the Mid-Term Defense Program.

The Japanese government has clearly taken China as a hostile country in these documents, indicating that its Self-Defense Forces will strengthen their cooperation with the US military to target China. To this end, Japan has hiked its military budget and improved its counterattack capability, which goes far beyond the established policy of its so-called purely defensive defense posture, since the capability to hit enemy bases is not allowed.

While claiming that the security environment is deteriorating, the Japanese government is attempting to change the status quo by force and is therefore doubling its military expenditure.

If the economic growth of countries in the “Indo-Pacific” region is regarded as a “challenge to the international order”, all the developed countries in the region should be regarded as a “threat”. Yet Japan’s rapid economic growth in the 1960s was praised instead of being seen as a threat. The so-called free and open international order pursued by the West would be neither free nor open if it did not include India and China. Only by positioning the fast-growing developing countries as emerging partners rather than threats, can regional peace and stability be effectively guaranteed.

Japan’s military build-up to counter China’s rise is in essence an attempt to create enemies unilaterally by not allowing the development of a new power that might threaten the vested interests of the West.

In this regard, the US and Japanese governments have always disregarded the fact that the Japan-US alliance has overwhelming military strength in the Asia-Pacific region. The US and Japan have sought to legitimize the reinforcement of their military presence by hyping up China’s “extensive and rapid military build-up”. However, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, China’s military expenditure in 2021, which was the second highest in the world at $293.35 billion, was only about one-third that of the total military expenditure of the US, which was the highest at $800.67 billion, and Japan, which was ninth in the world at $54.12 billion. It is true that China’s military expenditure has been increasing since the 2000s, but it is necessary to put that in the context of the need to modernize its military and the continuous development of its economy. In fact, China’s military budget increases have remained in the range of 1.3 to 1.6 percent of its GDP since 1995, far below its economic growth rate.

There is no doubt that the US’ military spending is considerably greater than that of any other country in the world, with its military expenditure accounting for 3 percent to 4 percent of its GDP. Japan is now about to double its quota of 1 percent to 2 percent of its GDP, and will become the world’s third-largest military power. The country’s economy has been stagnant for nearly 30 years, yet it still has ambitions to be a military superpower. That is not commensurate with its economy. And the US military can take full advantage of its newest base on Okinawa, which is located at China’s “throat”. If there is any military threat in East Asia, it is not from China but from the Japan-US alliance.

China’s policy is not hostile to the US and Japan, and it has not formed any military alliances targeting any other country. Japan and the US, by contrast, no longer disguise the nature of their military alliance. Military alliances require enemies to be fabricated if there is no real threat, which is what the US did with the Soviet Union and what it is now doing with China. On the other hand, since the mid-1950s, China has always followed the diplomatic principle of non-alignment and pacifism and insisted on not having military alliances. In the face of containment and blockade, China did not take the initiative to identify the US and Japan as enemies and conduct a targeted military build-up. The containment and blockade of the US-Japan alliance are entirely unilateral hostility, which has never changed.

China’s Foreign Ministry on Feb 22, 2023, issued the Global Security Initiative Concept Paper, a vision of peace proposed by China to the world at a critical moment given the situation in Ukraine. Compared with the “strategy document “between Japan and the US in January, China’s aspirations for peace and the pursuit of global interests are evident.

In the process of promoting the implementation of the Global Security Initiative, China will adhere to mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation. In contrast to the idea of forming military alliances that are hostile to or antagonistic toward specific countries, the Global Security Initiative embodies an aspiration of pursuing peace and a community with a shared future.

China and Japan signed their Treaty of Peace and Friendship in 1978. Although that treaty remains in force, the “strategy document” of Japan and the US made no mention of it.

Japan’s current policy blatantly ignores the first article of the treaty:

"The Contracting Parties shall develop relations of perpetual peace and friendship between the two countries on the basis of the principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit and peaceful co-existence".

While China is strictly implementing the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, Japan and the US are building up their military force so as to intervene in the Taiwan question. It is they that are the greatest challenge to peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.

Puking Cat Gravy Boat: The Most Disgusting Kitchen Item Ever

Choosing the right gravy boat is serious business. Sure you could go the traditional route, and select a regular boring gravy boat, but if you’re looking to just get downright weird, this puking cat gravy boat ought to do the trick. Made to look like the gravy is being puked out of the cat’s mouth, this unique sauce server was certainly made for the crazy cat lady out there. After all, what better to show your guests that you are completely unhinged than putting something like this on a dinner table?

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vomiting cat1

And now you know


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Yodeling Pickle: The Most Pointless Product Ever Created

Behold, the Yodeling Pickle! Truly a marvel of modern technology. It’s the perfect combination of two things that should never go together: pickles and yodeling. Yes, it’s actually a real thing you can buy online, and it’s completely, totally 100% pointless.

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yodeling pickle3

Be the Rufus

It was after work one day and I had to pick up some essentials from the grocery store. I’m tired and cranky and my back is hurting. I grabbed what I needed and got in line. The young woman in front of me had a toddler and a 3/4 year old, both whiny (like me🤣) trying to buy a package of spaghetti noodles, a cheap can of sauce and a small package of hamburger. Her card wouldn’t scan and she was visibly getting more and more distraught. I stepped up and said, ““Honey, I’ve been there. Let me get this” and I told the cashier I would pay. The woman stepped aside, now crying, and I added bananas, bread, milk, lunchmeat and cereal to her order and paid.

Partridge Family

If you are in need – ask for help!

My little sister once had a really horrific type of stomach cancer.

What made it worse was that my family was poor at the time she had the cancer, so we couldn’t afford high-quality treatments and hospitals for her.

Anyway, one year, my parents found a doctor in Massachusetts who they thought could treat (and save) my sister.

The doctor was extremely qualified and specialized in treating the specific type of cancer that my sister had.

So anyway, my mom took my sister to that doctor for treatment, and I and the rest of my family stayed home since we couldn’t afford travelling all together.

After months of my sister being treated in Massachusetts by that doctor, my sister’s condition one day got critically bad.

She was on the literal verge of dying, so I and my younger brother and my dad decided to urgently go to Massachusetts to be with my sister.

We packed our stuff up and took the first flight we could find. It was such an emergency that my dad didn’t find the time to buy the plane tickets online, so we had to buy the tickets directly at the airport. At the airport, however… my dad had selected the tickets and he was going to pay for it using his credit card, and… it pains me so much to write it, but the card was abjectly declined, because of insufficient funds. We all panicked and my dad rummaged through his bag, and he found my mom’s credit card, which she had forgotten to take with her. He tried that card to buy the tickets, and it was declined too — for the same reason.

I just started silently crying at that point. “What if she dies without us being with her?” I remember my brother fearfully asking my poor dad. My dad was so dejected at the situation that he couldn’t even say anything. Unfortunately, we never could purchase those godforsaken fucking tickets, and we missed our flight.

And my sister died without us being with her. We were only able to get to her and my mom after my sister had died. Regrettably, she died a grievously painful death, and my mom told me that she was constantly screaming for me to come to her, and asking why I wasn’t coming to her. She died saying something along those lines; she died saying how much she was missing me, her big sister. And she died without me.

It’s been years upon years since she died, and to this day, I’ve never recovered from the sheer trauma of that hellish experience, and I probably never, ever will.

Cardboard Cat Forts: The Ultimate DIY Project for Feline Fun

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Picture this: You’re sitting at home, surrounded by Amazon boxes that you’ve been too lazy to recycle. You’ve got some time on your hands, a cat on your lap, and you’re feeling a little bit creative. What do you do? You build a cardboard cat fort, of course!

h/t: sadanduseless

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cat forts2

But why do cats love cardboard so much? It’s not just because they’re weirdos (although that certainly plays a part). No, it turns out that there are some legit reasons why felines can’t resist the allure of a good cardboard box.

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cat forts3

First of all, cats are all about safety and security. They love small, enclosed spaces where they can hide and feel safe from predators (or from their pesky human roommates). Cardboard boxes provide that sense of protection that cats crave.

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But it’s not just about safety. Cardboard is also a great insulator, which means that it keeps cats warm and cozy. And let’s be real, who doesn’t love a good snuggle session in a warm, cozy box?

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Of course, there’s also the playfulness and curiosity factor. Cats are curious creatures by nature, and a cardboard box provides endless opportunities for exploration and play. They can jump in and out of the box, paw at it, scratch it up, and generally just have a grand old time.

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And let’s not forget about marking their territory. Cats have scent glands on their paws and faces, which they use to mark objects and claim them as their own. A cardboard box is the perfect blank canvas for a cat to make their mark and declare to the world, “This is mine!”

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So go ahead, build that cardboard cat fort. Your feline friend will thank you for it. And even if they don’t appreciate the intricate design work and clever architecture, at least you’ll have a good laugh watching them poke their little heads out of the various nooks and crannies.

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“You’re such an embarrassment.”

I’m at the grocery store, ready to check out. I keep glancing over my phone and scrolling through my Twitter feed while waiting for my turn.

“Yes, that too, what the hell? What in the world is wrong with you, woman!?”

I paused my scrolling feed for a sec, and glanced up to see the aggressive speaker.

From what I can tell, he was dressed up for a special occasion like a red carpet event or gala. Strange. I went back into my phone mode, and getting bored, switched from Twitter to my weekly planner. I had to pee, so I started slowly tapping my feet as a distraction.

“I am so sorry, son, I didn’t know…”
“Of course, my dear.” said the elderly mother. (It’s clear they are mother and son.) She spoke in a soft, shaky voice, and was hunch backed, with thin, grey hair. Her middle-aged son was twice her size.

The elderly woman spoke to the cashier, “Can you please add the two bottles of wine and the chocolate? And, let me see… Oh, is it too much to ask if you don’t mind, to remove the eggs, almond milk, and the peaches too? I am so sorry to cause everyone trouble.” She turned to me with a frown and sad eyes, obviously embarrassed. She whispered, “I am so sorry.”

I gave her a big smile and said, “Oh, not at all. You’re totally fine.”

“For crying out loud. Wow, you’ve managed to ruin my night. That’s it, I’ll be out in the car waiting with Joanna.” The son had one hand in his pocket, and the other rubbing his forehead in an irritated manner. He turned around and walked out of the store.

“What a douche bag.” I said to myself, and then went back to staring at my phone.

“Ma’am, can you please swipe again?” The cashier asked the sweet, elderly lady.

“Of course, my dear.” she said in her soft voice, her entire body shaking as if she was going to fall.

“What card is that? Oh it’s an EBT card. Ma’am we don’t accept that at this store.”

“Oh no… That’s all I have except some cash and change. Can you please cancel out the transaction? I’ll get the wine and the Ferrero Rocher chocolate. I’ll see if I can come up with the cash.” She began shaking even more, her voice starting to crumble as a tear slid down her cheek. She walked toward the Coin Star machine to get dollar bills to add to her cash so she could buy the things for her son.

I couldn’t take it anymore. My heart was ripped. I didn’t want to embarrass her, so I waited until she walked away.

“Hey, please don’t cancel the items. Also, can you please ring the peaches, almond milk, and the carton of eggs? While you do that, can I quickly get something?”

I ran to the gift card aisle. There was a $50 Visa and a $500 American Express. I picked the AmEx.

The elderly woman, at this point, was barely to the exit door.

“Please add $500 on AmEx and these two frozen pizzas.”

The cashier said, “Oh, wow, $500. Is it a special occasion? Someone is lucky!”

“Yes, I was very lucky, and I’m going to repay the kindness.”

I checked out, and walked toward the elderly woman. I asked, “Ma’am, what’s your name?”

Taken by surprise, she looked at me with her sad eyes. Still shaking, she said, “I am Laurie.” “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Laurie. You see, earlier today, my boss gave away $1,000 for a silly competition at work. I won, and I was going to give it to my mother. But today, when I saw you, you reminded me of her. If you would be so kind, would you accept this small gift and split it with my mother? I mean, if she were here, this is what she’d ask me to do, and sharing my award would make me happy, but sad if you don’t accept.”

“I can’t do that, my sweet angel.” she said, looking down and crying uncontrollably.

“Yes, you can. If you consider me your angel, you will do just that because knowing you won’t will make me sadder than you.” I don’t know why, but I started crying along with her.

After a few minutes of negotiating, she accepted but asked for my cell phone number and address so she could mail me a check. I gave her the wrong number.

I took out the AmEx card, and wrote, “You’re a lovely mother.”

I offered her my arm, and we walked toward a brand-new Mercedes Benz, where her son was waiting. I glanced through the window and saw him lounging, conversing with a woman who must’ve been Joanna.

He looked at me, shocked, and got out of the car. “I’m sorry, do I know you?” Turning to his mother, he said, “Mom, who the hell is that guy?”

Quickly, she became nervous, and I could tell she was embarrassed. “Please, it’s not like him, forgive his behavior.”

“I am Sonny,” I replied. “I am here to escort Ms. Laurie to your car. If you care enough, could you please let her in?”

The son mumbled, “Oh yes, sure. Whatever.”

I opened the door, and Ms. Laurie stepped inside. She spoke in her sweet trembling voice, “Thank you so much, angel, sweet boy. I expect to talk to you soon, I am in your debt.”

I said to her son, “Listen dude, whoever you are, I don’t give a fuck and if I see you again being rude to the elderly, I’ll be sure to call you out in public. You’re lucky I didn’t today.”

Fuck off got inside his car and drove off.

I wonder what the mother could have done so wrong to be worthy of her son’s rude behavior?

Does he know that 50 years ago this beautiful, young woman was busy wiping his butt, feeding him, and looking out for him? One must wonder what horrible things his mother may have done for him to be that angry; it makes me sick to see that he allows her to live on food stamps, and watched as she left her groceries behind so she can buy the two bottles of wine. She showed her love for him while he sat talking to a young girl who was half his age and looked like someone’s teenage daughter.

I went home and immediately called my mother. I started to cry as she said, “Kaise ho beta?” (How are you, my son?) I know that she’s old now, and that life is so short; someday she’ll be gone, and the thought of that caused an ache that made my voice choke. “Ahem… I am doing well Ammy (Mom). I just wanted to call to say I love you. That’s all.” I hung up and continued to cry.

The truth to the matter is that there’s no one like your mother, so spend time with her, love her, appreciate her because you never know when this very moment can be taken away from you.

Huawei Technologies Co has replaced more than 13,000 components in its range of products with local substitutes and redesigned over 4,000 circuit boards in the past three years, founder Ren Zhengfei said, offering a glimpse of its efforts to overcome years of US sanctions.

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2023 03 21 06 35

Founder Ren, 78, said the production of circuit boards has “stabilised” after the Chinese telecoms giant developed replacement parts from domestic sources. Huawei will launch MetaERP, its own resources planning system, next month and fully use its own operating system, data system, compiler and language.

Ren delivered the speech during a February 24 seminar to thank the public and academics who participated in the company’s search for solutions to its technology predicament. The transcript was also posted by Peking University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, among others.

Ren said until Huawei’s skirmishes with the US, he was an advocate of Western technology when he was young and still admired Western tech after he founded Huawei, adding that even now he is not “anti West”.

Meanwhile, Ren said Huawei spent US$23.8 billion (entire GDP of Macau) on research and development in 2022. After its smartphone business was impacted by the US sanctions, the company began looking for more opportunities in enterprise solutions.

The western media especially the U.S. media will have you believe that the U.S. has enormous influence and the biggest number of allies but the truth is this.

Due to the decades of abused of power the U.S. has lost the plot. All it has left are 4 groups. One, their fellow native slaughterers, two, their fellow despicable colonial powers, three their slave vassal states and finally four, some weak and small Eastern European nations that regularly poked Russia in her eyes and then needs to hide behind the U.S.

Together these U.S. dependents represent less than 20 nations out of 195 nations. In population it hardly exceed 5% of the world.

What about China. Let us look are real alliances such as BRI. 145/195 nations fully support China. Or we can take the various UN resolutions. China frequently has 160/195 nations supporting China. Why?

The Entire Africa, the entire South America, Middle East, Central Asia, Asia and some parts of Eastern Europe duly support China. That is why. The main reason China has such a following is easy to understand as long as you ignore the western narrative.

Think about China fully recognising each nation’s sovereignty. Think about China respecting the rights of each nation own path to their future. Think about China not colonialists, not interfering, not bullying, not forcing its way. China have real friends not the U.S. think of the countries supporting the U.S. out of need or no choice. It is not sustainable.

2023 03 10 19 07
2023 03 10 19 07

There are many historical figures who are not well-known but have accomplished remarkable things. It’s difficult to say who the most “badass” person in history is, as it’s a subjective term, but one person who could fit that description is Lozen.

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2023 03 10 19 49

Lozen was a warrior and spiritual leader of the Chiricahua Apache, who lived in the late 19th century. She was known for her exceptional horseback riding, sharpshooting, and strategic thinking. She fought alongside her brother, Victorio, and the famous Apache leader Geronimo, and was considered to be one of the most skilled warriors of her tribe. She also had a reputation as a powerful medicine woman, and many believed that she had supernatural powers.

Lozen actively fought against the U.S. Army and Mexican army for the preservation of Apache way of life, freedom and their land, and was known for her ferocity in battle and her ability to evade capture. She was also known for her ability to scout and gather intelligence for her people, which was vital in the Apache resistance.

Unfortunately, her story is not well-known, but she is remembered and honored by the Apache people and some historians as a powerful and respected warrior, leader and medicine woman.

A Sweet Little Photo Story Proving That True Love That Knows No Bounds

A fine end to this post which started with Hal Turner and Nuclear War.

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This brave cat overcame all the obstacles for the sake of meeting his beloved. And what would you be prepared to do in the name of true love?

h/t: brightside

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I was about 16 and a man in front of me was trying to buy a pack of ramen and cat food. He was probably 50 and looked completely overwhelmed and ready to cry. His card declined so he removed the ramen and bought the cat food. He then tried to buy the ramen using another card which then declined. He started to count change but was still short. I gave the cashier $20 for it and let the man keep the change. I’ll never forget the look on his face. It really struck me that he spent the little he had to make sure his cat was fed and would’ve gone hungry himself. He kept trying to have me take the change too which I also think spoke of his character. At that time my dad would just hand me money, I know spoiled, but the $20 didn’t mean much to me. it meant a lot to that man and I hope he’s doing okay.

As an Australian I, like many of my countrymen am appalled at our political class. It no longer matters which of the two major parties is in power, the policies are basically the same and have been derived from the WEF Globalist's play book. In particular, our subservience to the American war machine. We have given our sovereignty away and are the unofficial 51st State of America. They say "jump" we say "how high Sir". Our salvation might come when the American empire finally collapses. A collapse that is inevitable. The current financial crisis has no end, because it is built on a foundation as stable as desert sand. I am aware they have a massive nuclear arsenal, they may decide if they can't have the power, then they will take everyone else with them to the grave. We in Australia could well be among the first to die.

Both Putin & Xi have put out articles on the 🇷🇺-🇨🇳 relationship within the past 24 hours. Read

Forging Ahead to Open a New Chapter of China-Russia Friendship, Cooperation and Common Development

2023-03-20 06:21

Xi Jinping
President of the People’s Republic of China

At the invitation of President Vladimir Putin, I will soon pay a state visit to the Russian Federation. Russia was the first country I visited after I was elected President ten years ago. Over the past decade, I have made eight visits to Russia. I came each time with high expectations and returned with fruitful results, opening a new chapter for China-Russia relations together with President Putin.

China and Russia are each other’s biggest neighbor and comprehensive strategic partner of coordination. We are both major countries in the world and permanent members of the UN Security Council. Both countries uphold an independent foreign policy and see our relationship as a high priority in our diplomacy.

There is a clear historical logic and strong internal driving force for the growth of China-Russia relations. Over the past ten years, we have come a long way in our wide-ranging cooperation and made significant strides into the new era.

— High-level interactions have played a key strategic role in leading China-Russia relations. We have established a whole set of mechanisms for high-level interactions and multi-faceted cooperation which provide important systemic and institutional safeguards for the growth of the bilateral ties. Over the years, I have maintained a close working relationship with President Putin. We have met 40 times on bilateral and international occasions. Together we have drawn the blueprint for the bilateral relations and cooperation in various fields, and have had timely communication on major international and regional issues of mutual interest, providing firm stewardship for the sustained, sound and stable growth of China-Russia relations.

— Our two sides have cemented political mutual trust and fostered a new model of major-country relations. Guided by a vision of lasting friendship and win-win cooperation, China and Russia are committed to no-alliance, no-confrontation and not targeting any third party in developing our ties. We firmly support each other in following a development path suited to our respective national realities and support each other’s development and rejuvenation. The bilateral relationship has grown more mature and resilient. It is brimming with new dynamism and vitality, setting a fine example for developing a new model of major-country relations featuring mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation.

— Our two sides have put in place an all-round and multi-tiered cooperation framework. Thanks to the joint efforts of both sides, China-Russia trade exceeded US$190 billion last year, up by 116 percent from ten years ago. China has been Russia’s largest trading partner for 13 years running. We have seen steady increase in our two-way investment. Our cooperation on major projects in such fields as energy, aviation, space and connectivity is moving forward steadily. Our collaboration in scientific and technological innovation, cross-border e-commerce and other emerging areas is showing a strong momentum. Our cooperation at the sub-national level is also booming. All this has brought tangible benefits to both the Chinese and the Russian peoples and provided unceasing driving force for our respective development and rejuvenation.

— Our two sides have acted on the vision of lasting friendship and steadily strengthened our traditional friendship. On the occasion of commemorating the 20th anniversary of the China-Russia Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation, President Putin and I announced the extension of the Treaty and added new dimensions to it. Our two sides have held eight “theme years” at the national level and continued to write new chapters for China-Russia friendship and cooperation. Our two peoples have stood by and rooted for each other in the fight against COVID, which once again proves that “a friend in need is a friend indeed”.

— Our two sides have had close coordination on the international stage and fulfilled our responsibilities as major countries. China and Russia are firmly committed to safeguarding the UN-centered international system, the international order underpinned by international law, and the basic norms of international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. We have stayed in close communication and coordination in the UN, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, BRICS, the G20 and other multilateral mechanisms, and worked together for a multi-polar world and greater democracy in international relations. We have been active in practicing true multilateralism, promoting the common values of humanity, and championing the building of a new type of international relations and a community with a shared future for mankind.

Looking back on the extraordinary journey of China-Russia relations over the past 70 years and more, we feel strongly that our relationship has not reached easily where it is today, and that our friendship is growing steadily and must be cherished by us all. China and Russia have found a right path of state-to-state interactions. This is essential for the relationship to stand the test of changing international circumstances, a lesson borne out by both history and reality.

My upcoming visit to Russia will be a journey of friendship, cooperation and peace. I look forward to working with President Putin to jointly adopt a new vision, a new blueprint and new measures for the growth of China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination in the years to come.

To this end, our two sides need to enhance coordination and planning. As we focus on our respective cause of development and rejuvenation, we should get creative in our thinking, create new opportunities and inject new impetus. It is important that we increase mutual trust and bring out the potential of bilateral cooperation to keep China-Russia relations at a high level.

Our two sides need to raise both the quality and quantity of investment and economic cooperation and step up policy coordination to create favorable conditions for the high-quality development of our investment cooperation. We need to boost two-way trade, foster more convergence of interests and areas of cooperation, and promote the complementary and synchronized development of traditional trade and emerging areas of cooperation. We need to make sustained efforts to synergize the Belt and Road Initiative and the Eurasian Economic Union, so as to provide more institutional support for bilateral and regional cooperation.

Our two sides need to step up people-to-people and cultural exchanges and ensure the success of China-Russia Years of Sports Exchange. We should make good use of the sub-national cooperation mechanisms to facilitate more interactions between sister provinces/states and cities. We should encourage personnel exchanges and push for the resumption of tourism cooperation. We should make available better summer camps, jointly-run schools and other programs to steadily enhance the mutual understanding and friendship between our peoples, especially between the youth.

The world today is going through profound changes unseen in a century. The historical trend of peace, development and win-win cooperation is unstoppable. The prevailing trends of world multi-polarity, economic globalization and greater democracy in international relations are irreversible. On the other hand, our world is confronted with complex and intertwined traditional and non-traditional security challenges, damaging acts of hegemony, domination and bullying, and long and tortuous global economic recovery. Countries around the world are deeply concerned and eager to find a cooperative way out of the crisis.

In March 2013, when speaking at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, I observed that countries are linked with and dependent on one another at a level never seen before, and that mankind, living in the same global village, have increasingly emerged as a community with a shared future in which everyone’s interests are closely entwined. Since then, I have proposed the Belt and Road Initiative, the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, and the Global Civilization Initiative on different occasions. All these have enriched our vision for a community with a shared future for mankind and provided practical pathways toward it. They are part of China’s response to the changes of the world, of our times, and of the historic trajectory.

Through these ten years, the common values of humanity — peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom — have taken deeper roots in the heart of the people. An open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world with lasting peace, universal security and common prosperity has become the shared aspiration of more and more countries. The international community has recognized that no country is superior to others, no model of governance is universal, and no single country should dictate the international order. The common interest of all humankind is in a world that is united and peaceful, rather than divided and volatile.

Since last year, there has been an all-round escalation of the Ukraine crisis. China has all along upheld an objective and impartial position based on the merits of the issue, and actively promoted peace talks. I have put forth several proposals, i.e., observing the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, respect of the legitimate security concerns of all countries, supporting all efforts conducive to the peaceful settlement of the crisis, and ensuring the stability of global industrial and supply chains. They have become China’s fundamental principles for addressing the Ukraine crisis.

Not long ago, we released China’s Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis, which takes into account the legitimate concerns of all parties and reflects the broadest common understanding of the international community on the crisis. It has been constructive in mitigating the spillovers of the crisis and facilitating its political settlement. There is no simple solution to a complex issue. We believe that as long as all parties embrace the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, and pursue equal-footed, rational and results-oriented dialogue and consultation, they will find a reasonable way to resolve the crisis as well as a broad path toward a world of lasting peace and common security.

To run the world’s affairs well, one must first and foremost run its own affairs well. The Chinese people, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, are striving in unity to advance the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts through the Chinese path to modernization. Chinese modernization is characterized by the following features: it is the modernization of a huge population, the modernization of common prosperity for all, the modernization of material and cultural-ethical advancement, the modernization of harmony between humanity and nature, and the modernization of peaceful development. These distinctive Chinese features are the crystallization of our practices and explorations over the years, and reflect our profound understanding of international experience. Going forward, we will steadfastly advance the cause of Chinese modernization, strive to realize high-quality development, and expand high-standard opening up. I believe that this will bring new development opportunities to Russia and all countries in the world.

Just as every new year starts with spring, every success starts with actions. We have every reason to expect that China and Russia, as fellow travelers on the journey of development and rejuvenation, will make new and greater contributions to human advancement.


Be the Rufus

It was January in Toronto. I was in the grocery store with my then four-year-old son. We were chatting, teasing each other while going through aisles with giggles and smiles. There was a young mother shopping with her little boy who was about the same age as mine. So naturally we noticed each other and made some exchanges when bumping into one another from aisle to aisle. I overheard her denying a lot of stuff that her son wanted to buy by saying, “Sorry, Mommy didn’t budget for this.” Or “We don’t have money for that.” The little boy wasn’t asking for anything absurd. He was asking for fruits, yogurts, goldfish crackers and so on. So the boy would still put his choices in the shopping cart regardless of how much his mom said she wouldn’t buy them.

So we finished shopping around the same time and ended up at the same cashier, her in front of me. She started leaving out the items her son put in without permission. So the boy protested and then turned into a meltdown. The mother was tired, frustrated and clearly at the end of her rope when her debit card got declined. She started putting back more and more necessities like bread, milk, cheese and eggs. Then she apologized to the cashier after the last decline and wanted to dash out of the store due to embarrassment. But the little boy wouldn’t leave without a fight. So over the whole course of the mother trying to reason with the little boy, I pieced together the story. She is a single mom living with her handicapped mom. Her ex hasn’t paid child support, and she had to pay a psychiatrist’s bill — for her older son — which wasn’t fully covered by insurance. She works two jobs and was in a rush to get the shopping done so she can return home, drop off the kids at the babysitter and then go to work. And they are missing the bus because the little boy cried too long. So while she was taking care of the situation, I gestured to the cashier to ring through all her items and her little boy’s, grabbed a bunch of chocolate bars and added in and paid it quickly. I then gave her a lift to her place. (Thank God I had an extra booster seat for my nephew.) We chatted along the way and got to know each other a bit more. She insisted on asking for my phone number so she could repay me. When she called me a couple of days later, I casually asked if she was up for an office job. One thing led to another. She has been working here for five years now, and she is continuing with her post-secondary diploma through my company’s education assistance program. Her mom is working for us too as a part-time office administrator. I have received the most genuine friendship from her and her family since, which I am totally grateful for and didn’t expect, when I used my card five years ago. I often think back to the day we met and feel lucky that I had the opportunity to know her and have this wonderful experience.

Some of my favorite cat pictures Part 2

This article is just a collection of some of my favorite cat pictures. Some are cute. Some are inspirational. Some are funny, and some are “head scratchers”. I hope that it brightens up your day today.

It’s just a bunch of cat related quotes, pictures and other related things.

First some Pharaoh comix…

Which leads up to this…

Some really BIG cats…

And some funny cartoons

Upper case and Lower case

More big cats

Something worthy of a chuckle

More and more big kitties

Some kitty humor

Shit my wife has said…

From Tumblr

Cat vape station

Kissing a kitty

And more big cats

Cat Language

Strange emotion cat

Physics Cat

Garlic Thief

More big cats

The King.

Tough Russian and Northern Europe Cats

Just keeping it real

Mozzarella Cat

You do not have permission to leave

Siberian Cat

Cat names

Coronavirus Kitty

Plot Twist

Cat quotes…

The life of a cat owner…

Putin is a cat lover…

Not lost, just visiting.

A Fat Cat

A Russian oligarch cat

A very busy cat

Dogs and Cats

All cat owners can relate…

A cat owner after a bad day at work…

Not about cats, but funny never the less…

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my Cat Heaven Index. Here…



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Some of my favorite cat pictures

This article is just a collection of some of my favorite cat pictures. Some are cute. Some are inspirational. Some are funny, and some are “head scratchers”. I hope that it brightens up your day today.

Fat Cat

Fat cat.

The love bond.

The love bond.

Hello Kitty

Hello Kitty

There’s a Japanese Show About a Samurai and the Adorable Cat He Wouldn’t Assassinate

It’s a classic Hollywood story: an assassin on a job can’t go through with it when he meets his would-be victim, then the two form an unlikely friendship against their common enemy.

Samurai Cat.

It’s a pretty reliable trope, although it can be hard finding new ways to keep it fresh. But that not a problem for one Japanese show, which had the greatest version of this story we’ve ever come across:

The amazing tale of the friendship between a samurai and the adorable cat he refused to kill.

Fighting for the Cat.

Neko zamurai (translation Samurai Cat), which we only just learned about at Reddit, was a Japanese TV mini-series that ran for two seasons from 2013 to 2015.

A time for a meeting of the minds.

It followed Madarame Kyutaro, known as Madara the Devil, a “humorless samurai, nearly desperate for work” who agrees to kill Tomanojo, the cat “accused of possessing a man’s soul.”

Protecting the Cat.

One problem, though: when he actually saw the adorable little kitten, his Katana became a Kan’t-ana, so he took Tomanojo home with him.

Man and cat.

Kitty in the snow

Kitty in the snow

Lion Love

Lion Love.

A fine tail

A fine tail.

Are you alive?

Are you alive?

Expert at game play.

Expert at game play.

Cartoon Kitty.

Cartoon Kitty.

Ready to pounce.

Ready to pounce.

An outdoor excursion.

An outdoor excursion.

Walking Around.

Walking Around.

Little guy.

Little guy.

Needing snuggles.

Needing snuggles.

A very fine looking cat.

A very fine looking cat.


A very fine looking cat.

Climbing up to say hi.

Climbing up to say hi.

Mine. Mine. Mine.

Mine. Mine. Mine.

Where I keep my spare cats.

Where I keep my spare cats.

Chow Hall.

Chow Hall.

Adjacent Cattery.

Adjacent Cattery.

A natural hunter.

A natural hunter.

A close call.

A close call.

Cat ladder.

Cat ladder.

Beautiful Eyes.

Beautiful Eyes.



Under the sheet fun!

My cats used to love to play this game when we made up the beds.

Under the sheet fun!

Who is this stranger?

Who is this stranger?

Come to mommy.

Come to mommy.

Smart Cat.

Smart Cat.

Climbing the walls.

Climbing the walls.

Wants to be the one and only.

Wants to be the one and only.

Ready or not; here I come.

Ready or not; here I come.

Service please.

Service please.

I will not be ignored.

I will not be ignored.

Kitten fight!

Kitten fight!



Caught up in a first person mouser!

Caught up in a first person mouser!

A clean escape.

A clean escape.


Cats make wonderful and funny companions. Those who visit MM might be able to see similar GIFs and pictures that resemble events that they too have experienced. This is just a fun post, and I do hope that you all enjoyed it.

Masterless Samurai Kyutaro Madarame is hired by a dog-loving gang to get rid of their rival gang’s beloved pet, an adorable white cat. Upon raising his sword, however, he cannot bring himself to go through with the act and the cat melts his heart.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my Cat Heaven Index. Here…



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A look at how oppressed the Chinese people are and what can be done to save them.

If you read the American (and Western) media today, you will discover that there are a number of long-running screeds regarding China, that play over and over, and over again.

For instance, China is filthy, the people are evil, they lie and cheat and steal, and they are oppressed by the evil communist regime. Etc, Etc. Well one of the narratives is exactly that; “the oppression” of the Chinese people.

You see it everywhere.

Here we are going to talk about this “oppression”.

Here’s a nice little video that works to dispel that illusion. Keep in mind that oppressed people do not smile, laugh, and have fun. They tend to hide inside their homes, and spend the evenings alone watching television or playing games in front of video monitors. They avoid groups. They talk about having to defend themselves, and they justify their stance of defense to be “freedom” from “tyranny”.

You don’t see that in China.

You do see that in the United States, though.

Shanghai, China.

Improving the lives of the citizens

All governments will say that their first order of business is to improve the lives of their citizens.

Most of them will actually mean it. Some of them will work hard at it. But only a few will succeed in doing it.

We know that GDP numbers cannot accurately capture the totality of life.

But certainly we can see that the trend of GDP per capita can offer strong clues about whether things are looking better, or worse, over time.

Harvard Business Review issued this very interesting report, that I would recommend for a read:

Check out this video

Here’s the video.

And NO, it’s not me. This is a video blogger that travels the world and speaks better Chinese than I do. He has a vblog called JaYoeNation. He’s pretty good. LOL.

Take a spell and let it download. If it is taking too much time, you can click on THIS LINK and down load a zipped-file and watch the video directly. It’s pretty good. Please enjoy.

You have got to see the pictures and this video…

Do you want more?

I have more posts along these lines in my China vs. USA Index here…

USA vs China


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Some Christmas videos out of China. I hope that you enjoy them.

This is a quick and simple post. It’s just some Christmas videos out of China. Contrary what what you might read, China celebrates Christmas robustly. It’s just celebrated differently. That’s all.

These are not the best videos, the most profound or the greatest. They are simply the top listed ones on the Chinese music application KouGuo. (Which means nothing, actually.)

First up is a rather old music video. This one was made in the 1990’s (my guess) but pretty much illustrates what the meaning of Christmas is for many people in China. I would say that it’s not so much about buying presents, and “spreading good cheer” as it is about people and relationships.


The next up… an Enya Christmas. This video is not a music video from the 1990’s like the first one. Instead, this is contemporary views of China on Christmas day. My guess is that it is either Shenzhen or Guangzhou. But I don’t know for certain. It’s a pretty interesting take on what it is like in China. Music by Enya placed with snapshots of daily life inside of China on Christmas day.


And here’s another music video. This one is again older. Why so many older videos? Well, think about it. Why does everyone still watch “It’s a Charlie Brown Christmas”? It’s the same thing. Nostalgia.

Here’s what they watch in China…


Of course, the media is overflowing with all sorts of American -produced Christmas themed music videos and “specials”. But do you really want to hear another rendition of “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas” by Michael Bublé?

Here’s some typical Chinese Christmas fare…


Of course all the television shows have a segment devoted to Christmas themed events and amusements. Much like they do in the United States. Here’s some typical fare…


Another music video.


I do hope that you enjoyed this post.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Music Of China Index here…

Chinese Pop Music

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A very Metallicaman Merry Christmas!

I have written about Christmas before, don’t you know. I wrote about Christmas in China HERE. And you all might want to visit it and see what Christmas is like in China. And I have other Christmas themed posts as well. But this post will be about me offering you, the reader a very MERRY Christmas. And it won’t be much more than that.

When I grew up in the States, Christmas was a month-long event. It began after “black Friday” and continued to about one week past New Years. At that time the Christmas tree was taken down, and the decorations were removed, the food was all either eaten up or thrown out, and we all would settle in for the Winter months.

December was the month of long lunches with co-workers. Always involving alcohol. Also this was the time when frozen hams or turkeys were handed out. The company would buy them in bulk at bargain basement prices and hand them out to the employees as a token of “appreciation”.

This was also the time when the President would send out signed Christmas cards to every employee. But you know it really wasn’t his signature. My department was once told to sign a stack of 6000 cards for the President to mail out to all the workers. So we did, and over time our signatures got sloppier and sloppier. LOL.

December was quite the month for certain.

Typically, folk would leave for lunch around noon, and get back around four, pretty much sloshed. We would then try to pretend to work, while our bosses would close their office doors and take a nap. Obviously, work was only completed in the morning hours.

Merry Christmas. A vintage view.
Office Workers would take time off to shop in the afternoon before coming home to work.


All through the month of December, the “white collar” staff would take time off to go shopping during the normal working hours. It was pretty much a normal occurrence, and everyone did this. Just as long as you didn’t abuse this privilege, it was one of the “perks” of being an “office worker”.

So, if you all could imagine what it was like, imagine the afternoon with everyone sitting at their desks, sloshed. Smoking cigarettes in their company ashtrays and imbibing on some of the many, many home-make Christmas cookies donated (for the cause) and sampling the many kinds of dips and chips lying about. Heck! It was an often abused event, when people from one department would sneak into another department to grab some delicious dip and chips.

Fun times!

Typical Christmas dip.
Christmas was the time when many people would bring in “home made” snacking masterpieces. Some of my favorites were peanut-butter and marshmallow dips, wrapped bacon mini-hotdogs, and those jello molds with tiny orange slices.


The Christmas Bonus

One of the big conversation pieces revolved around the size of the Christmas bonus that we would get. People would tell stories about what they did with the last year’s bonus. And what they planned to do with this years bonus. Typically the bonuses would either be given out during the Christmas Party, or at the end of the day right before Christmas.

Most people tended to spend it on something big an lavish. It might be a down payment on a new car, an addition to their house, a planned swimming pool, or a vacation to interesting and sunny locations. By the time I started working, the idea of Christmas bonuses were begin phased out all over America. But, instead, we were promised generous sick days, and lenient extended vacation days to make up for the shortfall.

So many fun, but terribly embarrassing moments befell the employees.
Christmas was always a “hoot” in the office.


Bonuses tended to equal one months pay. Which is WHY most companies calculated salary based on a 13 month year. Bet that you didn’t know that, did you?

From the festive celebrations to the time away from the office, there’s plenty that your employees look forward to about the end of the calendar year.

But, the one thing that likely tops their lists? A year-end bonus.

Nearly 80% of employers hand out a bonus to employees at this time—making it something that most employees not only appreciate, but expect.

And, while your staff is sure to be all smiles when you present them with a year-end reward, making the effort to provide bonuses on top of the usual payroll has some benefits for you as well. Fifty-four percent of employees state that they prefer monetary bonuses, and they would be willing to change jobs in order to receive that benefit.


Anyways, everyone tended to chat about bonuses and television shows. Back in the 1970’s and 1980’s the big shows pretty much dominated the conversation. MASH was always a favorite, as was “The Golden Girls”. And yes, we would talk about these things while at work. It’s what real humans do.

Office parties during Christmas was always fun.
Office parties during Christmas was always fun.


Most companies, back in the 1970’s and 1980’s, held two Christmas parties. There was one “big” party, that was usually held in a local banquet hall or hotel. And one was a local party for the staff in any given department. Those local department parties were the stuff of legends. I’ll tell you what.

Local Department Parties

These local department parties might be on a Friday evening, where the boss would bring in a case of hard alcohols, and the secretaries would bring in some snacks and munchies. All paid out of the department budget especially reserved for this occasion. Typically, a table would be set up for the foods, snacks, and booze. Sometimes people might wear some stupid party hats. But that seemed to disappear in the 1980’s.

Typically the primary function of the party was to start drinking early on, then have a meal buffet style, and rounded out with some stupid games or a “mystery Santa”, some puzzles or skits, and then closure with handing out the yearly Christmas bonuses. Everyone would be smoking and drinking. Chatting up a storm about sports, television or the work “war stories” and then everyone would pretty much break for home by 9 or 10 pm.

Company party.
Company party – “in the day”.

In all my recollections, while the ladies might limit the numbers of mixed cocktails that they drank, everyone drank alcohol. If you refused to drink, you would label yourself as an outcast.

The idea was to really get everyone “shit faced drunk”, lower your inhibitions, and have fun. In those days, before the mainsteaming of busy-bodies and their ideas of a perfectionist utopia mandated by law, it was considered important for people to bond free of social inhibitions.

Oh my friends we're older but no wiser. 
For in our hearts the dreams are still the same. 
Those were the days my friend. 
We thought they'd never end. 
We'd sing and dance forever and a day. 
We'd live the life we choose. 
We'd fight and never lose. 
For we were young and sure to have our way. La la la la la la.

-The 5th Dimension - Those Were The Days Lyrics |

The alcohol was all high quality, and expensive shit too. None of that “average” stuff. If you are going to a Company Christmas party, you can expect to drink the best, and the Department Managers would typically contribute to this from their own home stocks.

In those days we also had "free standing" ashtrays. They typically sat upon a metal stand and when you and your friends were smoking, you would move the piece next to you.
In those days we also had “free standing” ashtrays. They typically sat upon a metal stand and when you and your friends were smoking, you would move the piece next to you.


Of course music would be provided. Often it was just Christmas music, and played loud enough to provide atmosphere, but not so loud that you all couldn’t carry on a conversation with. The boss might hand out cigars, and there was always the obligatory visit from the President or the Vice President (the manager’s manager) who would stop by, have a drink and congratulate everyone and hand the manager the Christmas bonuses for him to distribute right then and there.

This was to prevent bad bosses from surreptitiously stealing the cash out of the employees bonus envelopes. 

Nope, the bonuses were not in the form of checks. It was in the form of cash. 

Indeed, it was usually in the form of hard cold cash. And i think part of this reason was to show gratitude and "special-ness". After-all, how often does a person get a stack of one hundred dollar bills?  

So yeah. It wasn't in the form of checks. It wasn't until the 1990's when everyone started to phase out hard cash bonuses.

Now, of course, once the bonuses were handed out, and all that, it pretty much signaled the time for everyone to leave. I would guess that about fifteen minutes to one hour afterwards, the staff would slowly leave in clumps and clusters. Everyone would help everyone else (being drunk and all) get into their cars. If someone was too drunk to drive, they would be driven home instead. And if, for some reason, someone or a couple of people needed to stay there, the company would provide them a hotel for the night.

Office Santa.
Often, a co-worker would dress up like Santa Claus and have the secretaries sit on his lap and tell him their deepest desires. LOL.

Arriving Home

We would leave the office, drive home (drunk) and arrive safely. I only know of one accident that ever happened after a party. She wasn’t killed, but her car was smashed up, and she spent a week in the hospital. Obviously the fears of HR do have some weight. But not at the expense of creating a sterile no-fun environment.

But we would tend to drive home. And we would arrive and greet our families. Many of whom were past their normal meal times and who were off studying, watching television, or doing their own personal hobbies and activities. Since this is Christmas, the tree would be lit up (as well as all the house decorations), creating a nice warm and cozy atmosphere for us to arrive home to. And of course, the first thing that the wife would ask was “how big was the bonus this year?”

Arriving home.
Often that man would come home from the Company Party and would be greeted by his adoring family and the warmth of their warm house and hearth.


Sometimes the men (or ladies) would break off and meet at another venue outside of work before going straight home. The argument of “the night is still young” probably comes from this kind of situation. Often they would leave the company parking lot, only to drive four or five blocks over to a favorite lounge or bar for a few “night toppers” don’t you know.

It’s difficult to find a decent lounge today. But back in the day it was more like an American version of a British pub. It would have an array of sofas, comfortable chairs, fine areas to converse, smoke cigarettes, play cards and just drink with your friends. And at this time, the lounge might be packed and filled with a low hanging cloud of cigarette smoke that would waft and hang there like a blue haze.

Cocktail lounge.
Cocktail Lounge.


These were always fine establishments to head out to and hang out at. Most people might close out and head home around midnight, but others would linger until the “wee hours” of the morning.

Where are these lounges today?

Why aren’t there any more Christmas parties (in the United States) any longer?

What is going on with the HR telling you that you cannot smoke, you cannot drink, and you cannot have fun on your off-hours? I mean, people!, WTF?

Where did things go “off the rails”…


The United States has become a place where everything has been co-opted by a military run money-making machine. The citizens, all are reduced, to what is nothing more than medieval serfs working on subsistence wages to service an enormous military-industrial machine that supports global “police actions”. To keep the citizenry in check, a local military is used which is called the DHS (The Department of Homeland Security). If it does not serve the military-industrial machine, then it is liable to prosecution… anything outside of the “normal” is to be avoided least one get entangled in legal battles.

party harty.
It does not serve the “machine” for the serfs / working class to get out of control. The first thing that might happen is that they start to think for themselves, and then after that they might question their life, and their role in it.


Too harsh?


Ok, then try this angle. Society has changed. Fun is now outlawed. This is because the Bible says that people have to be of a high quality to “witness” to others. That means no vices, a near saint-like presence, and an active effort to spread the word of God. Whether that is door to door with a bible, or obliterating the nations that do not follow the word of God; like Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan, and China.

For the children.
People (adults) drinking and smoking might be a bad influence on the children. Americans must be forever banned from smoking or drinking…for the children!


Still to harsh?


Try this angle. When you are with others celebrating the holidays people tend to relax. they lower their inhibitions. When people of the opposite sex lower their inhibitions, they tend to want to have sexual intercourse. By limiting all aspects of social interaction, the government (in this case, via businesses) can curtail the fun and freedom aspects of gender interaction.

Christmas surprise.
Christmas is a time to loosen up, have some fun, and spend time with those that you care about. Check out this Christmas surprise.

Remember boys and girls. The way for the 1%, the PTB, the oligarchy controls people is through “vices”. Vices are natural biological processes that are very popular. By limiting the access to these vices, governments control people. All you need to do is notice the government reactions to control popular pastimes, and systems in support of that.

Real Freedom is the ability to have fun.

Actually, it all boils down to sentience. Those with a service-to-self sentience end up collecting riches and with that comes power. They use that power to collect even more power, and as a result they lord over other sentience’s. Service-to-others sentience then is at a natural disadvantage. The two sentiences cannot co-exist.

What we are witnessing is the physical manifestation of the power projection between the two primary sentience’s on this earth and within this reality. And this story about the loss of freedom to have parties at work is one such manifestation.


To put it another way…

Your owners do not want you wasting your energies, thoughts, and creative abilities on anything that might “take away” from your labors from their interests.

And to that, I say…


Live life. You are in control of it. So live it and live it well. Do things you own way, with those that you care about, on your time schedule and in the way that matters to you. And if others don’t “get it” well, fuck them. That’s their problem.

Your life.
It’s YOUR life. Live it well!


And I know…

I know that many won’t understand. That hey might think… well, what would they think? And does it really matter? We are all living our own different realities and the ways that feel best for us personally. And so if someone doesn’t like what we are doing, or how we are doing it, I say FUCK them.

Life is far too short to care about others that lie outside your immediate circle of friends and family. Concentrate only on those that matter to you, and if you put your pets before say a cousin, that is your decision and it is ok. Why? It is because it is your life. Do what is important for you.

And start now.

Start at Christmas.

Spend time with your loved ones.
Spend time with those that you care about.

Yes, things have changed…

Yes. I know that things have changed. That you have to abide by all sorts of diversity quotas, behavioral shackles, rules and regulations from state and local requirements to insurance issues, to local law enforcement requirements. But even so…

WHO says that you need to obey them?

Really. Seriously. So what? What is the worst thing that is going to happen if you want to take your staff out to a bar after work hours for a few drinks? What if your department budget no longer allocates money for recreation or “team building”? What’s stopping you for doing it yourself, on your own time, with your own money?

What’s stopping you?


Celebrate Christmas your style.
Don’t be afraid to celebrate Christmas in your own way, and in your own manner. Life is too short waiting for group approval. You just go ahead and do things your way and at your speed.


Yes. I know everyone is different.

So what? Being different is good. No, I take that back. Being different is GREAT. It is what adds color to our lives, and passion to our experiences. It’s the wonderful aroma when bacon is cooking in the skillet, and the wonderful feeling when you take your first sip of icy cold beer after a really bad day at work.

So don’t hold back.

Be yourselves.

And embrace who you are and your own uniqueness. I mean that. I really, honestly do. And no matter what others might think of you, your lifestyle, your behaviors or your taste in music, in all events BE YOURSELF.

It’s an element of what Christmas is.

Celebrate Christmas your style.
Celebrate Christmas in your own personal style.




You don’t think that I am serious. Oh Noooo! I am very, very serious. You MUST be who you are and you MUST share that reality with those that you care about. This remains true whether they accept that reality or not. And no it doesn’t necessarily mean that you will get drunk at a work party. It might mean anything.

But it means the freedom to be ourselves surrounded by those that we love and who loves us for EXACTLY WHO WE ARE right now.

Be who you are.
Be who you are.


Strange posting from Metallicman

Yes. I get that a lot.

Why aren’t I railing about the “issues of the day”? Why aren’t I all that concerned about the Fourth Turning, and the SHTF, and the post-election shit-storm and all the myriad of issues that seem to intrude in my daily news feed? Why not?

  • The train is moving full speed to the end of the line. There’s nothing that I can do about it.
  • The Oligarchy, the PTB, the 1%, the Jews, or what ever enemy du Jour you want to assign this current world-line to, well it’s also out of my hands. You just recognize what is going on and step out of the way.
  • Work rules and regulations come and go with the human condition. What we have now is but a fleeting moment in time. Embrace it.
  • And if this world line is going to opt for the MAD level fiasco, well, I’ll perform a deep slide and get the fuck out of here. Maybe you all should consider that as well.

And if you don’t understand, well then, pour yourself a nice cocktail and forget about it. You need to relax. American have become so fucking uptight over the last few decade. When they arrive here in China they look bewildered and out of sorts. Like they are trying to find some kinds of stability or familiarity that they can hold on to.

Just celebrate Christmas.

Celebrate your way

Do it YOUR way.

Christmas Nativity Scene.
(Minimalist) Christmas Nativity Scene


And if you don’t…

If you don’t take some friends, some co-workers, some family out to a meal, or a beer, or just a cup of coffee then you are a sorry, sorry excuse for a person. It’s the relationships with others that define our value. You have no relationships, then you have no value. Simple stuff. Easy to understand. Yet…

What the fuck is wrong with you all?

You don’t need to buy a lot of expensive presents. You don’t need to get shit faced drunk. You don’t need to ask permission. You don’t need to plan for a big event. You don’t need to order a cake.

You just need to be there.

Be unique.
Be unique.


Some ideas…

  • Stop over to your grandparents unexpectedly. Say hi. Tell them that you want to look over some old picture albums if they don’t mind. Or barring that, just have a cup of coffee, and maybe watch a television show with them.
  • Call your brother, or sister and tell them that you remembered about the time when XXXXXXX and you were thinking about that time and just wanted to say hi.
  • Call up a friend and say hi, and go out for a beer. You pay. It’s your treat.

It need not be extensive, expensive or exclusive. You just need to contribute your time. If you cannot. If you cannot give some of your time up for those that you care about, then what the fuck are you doing with your life? It’s those in our lives that make it worth while and who helps and stands by us when the times are low and we need to know that we are not alone, and that these people care about us.

Go crazy.
Christmas is the time to go wild. Let it all hang out.


My friend Marcus didn’t know that. He thought that he was alone. He thought that people didn’t understand him. He thought that he was a failure. But that was all wrong-headed thinking. He wasn’t a loser. He wasn’t alone. And he wasn’t a failure.

He was just different.

And that difference made him special in our minds. And to this day, I greatly lament that he is no longer here. And yeah, even though I saw him rarely (being at the other end of the globe and all) I still wish that he could have said “MM I’m going through some shit right now, can I crash at your house for a month? I won’t be a bother. I just need some time”

And while my wife might have a fit, I would say “Yeah. I’d be happy to host you. We have an empty 2nd and third bedroom. Just come and we will sort out everything when you arrive.”

That’s what friends do.

That’s EXACTLY what friends do.

Expereince life.
Don’t let the world pass you by. Start enjoying the moment. Stop having your head buried in an APP, a game or social media. Experience life.


It’s a shit load better than the alternative. No shit. It’s better than the alternative; the reality of what actually happened. Instead of lying nude in his bed and blowing his brains out.

So now, it’s Christmas. Are you all gonna follow the herd? Or are you going to spend time with friends and family? Are you going to bond with co-workers? Are you going to be a substantive person? Are you going to make a difference in this world? Or are you going to continue to be a passenger?

Do things your way.

Define your life by your actions now.

Use Christmas as your springboard.

You are in control.
You are in control of your life. Act like it.

Final words

Merry Christmas. Don’t be afraid about being called into HR for saying it either. Be who you are. Be proud, and define life on YOUR TERMS. start now.

Merry Christmas!

And if HR gives you some shit over it, tell them that Christmas is a Chinese holiday and you are just celebrating it because you are part Chinese.

…And if they look at you like you are fucked in the head, show them THIS post.

Remind them that Federal law prevents and prohibits discrimination against your religion and speech. It’s first amendment, baby!

Tell them to stop being so niggardly.


not generous; stingy.
"serving out the rations with a niggardly hand"

miserly · parsimonious · close-fisted · penny-pinching · cheeseparing · [more]
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.



One last thing.

How is Metallicman celebrating Christmas this year 2020?

Like this, you all. Like this…

Merry Christmas.
Metallicman celebrates Christmas.

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Cities as dangerous snares – the doomed mouse utopia scientific study.

Well, it's gonna be the year of the rat in a few days. What would be more appropriate than to discuss RAT lifestyle in urban centers?

On July 9th, 1968, eight white mice were placed into a strange box at the National Institute of Health in Bethesda, Maryland.

Maybe “box” isn’t the right word for it; the space was more like a room, known as “Universe 25”, and it was large. It was about the size of a small storage unit.

The mice themselves were bright and healthy, hand-picked from the institute’s breeding stock.

They were given the run of the place, which had everything they might need: food, water, climate control, hundreds of nesting boxes to choose from, and a lush floor of shredded paper and ground corn cob. It was a mouse paradise. It was perfect in every way.

Of course, this is a far cry from a wild mouse’s life. There were no predators, no cats, no traps, no long winters. It was even better than your average lab mouse’s life. Which, of course, is constantly interrupted by white-coated humans with scalpels or syringes.

The residents of “Universe 25” were mostly left alone, save for one man who would peer at them from above, and his team of similarly interested assistants. They must have thought they were the luckiest mice in the world.

They couldn’t have known the truth: that within a few years, they and their descendants would all be dead.

John Bumpass Calhoun

The man who played mouse-God and came up with this doomed universe was named John Bumpass Calhoun.

As Edmund Ramsden and Jon Adams detail in a paper, “Escaping the Laboratory: The Rodent Experiments of John B. Calhoun & Their Cultural Influence,” Calhoun spent his childhood traipsing around Tennessee, chasing toads, collecting turtles, and banding birds. These adventures eventually led him to a doctorate in biology, and then a job in Baltimore, where he was tasked with studying the habits of Norway rats, one of the city’s chief pests.

Conditions of the utopia.

Rat utopia living arrangements within Universe 25.
Rat utopia living arrangements within Universe 25.
  • No shortage of food, water and nesting material.
  • No predators.
  • Limited opportunities for transmissible disease.
  • The only adversity: space limitation – the size of the habitat was predicted to host 3840 mice.

The first utopia.

In 1947, to keep a close eye on his charges, Calhoun constructed a quarter-acre “rat city” behind his house, and filled it with breeding pairs. He expected to be able to house 5,000 rats there, but over the two years he observed the city, the population never exceeded 150. At that point, the rats became too stressed to reproduce. They started acting weirdly, rolling dirt into balls rather than digging normal tunnels. They hissed and fought.

This fascinated Calhoun—if the rats had everything they needed, what was keeping them from overrunning his little city, just as they had all of Baltimore? Why couldn’t they thrive in a rodent utopia?

The subsequent utopias.

Intrigued, Calhoun built another, slightly bigger rat metropolis—this time in a barn, with ramps connecting several different rooms.

Then he redesigned the structure, and built another.

Then taking the lessons learned, he built another.

And another.

Then he built another and another, hopping between patrons that supported his research, and framing his work in terms of population: How many individuals could a rodent city hold without losing its collective mind?

The 1954 rodent utopia.

By 1954, he was working under the auspices of the National Institute of Mental Health, which gave him whole rooms to build his rodentopias. Some of these featured rats, while others focused on mice instead.

Universe 25 photograph with it's inventor.
Universe 25 photograph with it’s inventor.

Like a rodent real estate developer, he incorporated ever-better amenities: climbable walls, food hoppers that could serve two dozen customers at once, lodging he described as “walk-up one-room apartments.”

A Video records of his experiments show Calhoun with a pleased smile and a pipe in his mouth, color-coded mice scurrying over his boots.

Still, at a certain point, each of these paradises collapsed.

“There could be no escape from the behavioral consequences of rising  population density,” 

-Calhoun wrote in an early paper.  

The story of the 1968 “Universe 25” collapse.

It was a pattern that would not collapse. No matter how hard he tried. The final test confirmed this. Universe 25—the biggest, best mousetopia of all, built after a quarter century of research—failed to break this pattern.

In July 1968 four pairs of mice were introduced into the Utopian universe. The universe was a 9-foot (2.7 m) square metal pen with 54-inch-high (1.4 m) sides. Each side had four groups of four vertical, wire mesh "tunnels". The "tunnels" gave access to nesting boxes, food hoppers, and water dispensers. There was no shortage of food or water or nesting material. There were no predators. The only adversity was the limit on space. 
Initially the population grew rapidly, doubling every 55 days. The population reached 620 by day 315, after which the population growth dropped markedly. The last surviving birth was on day 600. This period between day 315 and day 600 saw a breakdown in social structure and in normal social behavior. Among the aberrations in behavior were the following: 
- expulsion of young before weaning was complete, 
- wounding of young, 
- inability of dominant males to maintain the defense of their territory and females, 
- aggressive behavior of females, 
- passivity of non-dominant males with increased attacks on each other which were not defended against. 
After day 600, the social breakdown continued and the population declined toward extinction. During this period females ceased to reproduce. Their male counterparts withdrew completely, never engaging in courtship or fighting. They ate, drank, slept, and groomed themselves – all solitary pursuits. Sleek, healthy coats and an absence of scars characterized these males. They were named "the beautiful ones". 

- Description in Wikipedia [2014.05.25] 

In late October, the first litter of mouse pups was born.

After that, the population doubled every two months—20 mice, then 40, then 80. The babies grew up and had babies of their own. Families became dynasties, carving out and holding down the best in-cage real estate.

By August of 1969, the population numbered 620.

Then, as always, things took a turn. Such rapid growth put too much pressure on the mouse way of life.

As new generations reached adulthood, many couldn’t find mates, or places in the social order—the mouse equivalent of a spouse and a job. Spinster females retreated to high-up nesting boxes, where they lived alone, far from the family neighborhoods. Washed-up males gathered in the center of the Universe, near the food, where they fretted, languished, and attacked each other. Meanwhile, overextended mouse moms and dads began moving nests constantly to avoid their unsavory neighbors. They also took their stress out on their babies, kicking them out of the nest too early, or even losing them during moves.

Urban rats started to behave strangely and took on unusual behaviors.
Urban rats started to behave strangely and took on unusual behaviors.

Population growth slowed way down again. Most of the adolescent mice retreated even further from societal expectations, spending all their time eating, drinking, sleeping and grooming, and refusing to fight or to even attempt to mate.

These individuals were forever  changed—when Calhoun’s colleague attempted to transplant some of them to  more normal situations, they didn’t remember how to do anything. 

In May of 1970, just under 2 years into the study, the last baby was born, and the population entered a swan dive of perpetual senescence. It’s unclear exactly when the last resident of Universe 25 perished, but it was probably sometime in 1973.

Paradise couldn’t even last half a decade.

The periods or cycles…

In a unique experiment that took years to complete, Doctor Calhoun used white mice to study population growth and its effects on individual behavior.

In this sixteen cell mouse habitat, utopian conditions of nutrition, comfort and housing were provided for the potential population of over three thousand mice. […] Factors which normally control population growth such as predation by owls and cats were eliminated. Transmissible disease were also reduced. In effect, the mouse universe simulated the present situation of the continually expanding population of humans.

To see how Dr Calhoun’s mouse universe grew, we use the population graph.

Population rise and fall within the Universe 25 test area.
Population rise and fall within the Universe 25 test area.

Phase A – The phase of social adjustment (strive period)

Within the first one hundred days, the mice went through the period Dr Calhoun called, “strive”. This was the period of adjustment. Territories were established and nests were made.

  • (1) Considerable social turmoil among the 8 mice until they became adjusted to each other and to their expanded surroundings.
  • (2) Territories were established and nests were made.

Phase B – The phase of most rapid growth (exploit period)

The next period lasted about two hundred and fifty days. The population of the mice doubled every sixty days. This was called the “exploit” period. The use of resources become unequal. Although each living unit was identical in structure and opportunities, more food and water was consumed in some areas.

The population of the mice doubled every sixty days. This was called the "exploit" period. The use of resources become unequal.
The population of the mice doubled every sixty days. This was called the “exploit” period. The use of resources become unequal.

As the population increased, most mice associated eating and drinking with the presence of others. And crowding developed in certain units.

  • (1) Population doubling time is about 55 days
  • (1) Social organization established – frequency of litters proportional to social dominance
  • (1) The births tended to be concentrated in some sets of nest boxes (dominant males), while others (non-dominant males – withdrawn males = WM) had few or none.
  • (2) Although each living unit was identical in structure and opportunities, more food and water was consumed in certain areas. As the population increased, most mice associated eating and drinking with the presence of others. And crowding developed in certain units.
  • (1) At the end of this phase there were 3 times as many socially immature mice as there were socially established older ones.

Phase C – The stagnation phase (equilibrium period)

The third period, consisting of three hundred days, found the population of mice leveling off. This was called the “equilibrium” period. Dr Calhoun noticed that the newer generations of young were inhibited, since most space was already socially defined.

At this time, some unusual behavior become noticeable.

Violence become prevalent. Excess males strived for acceptance, were rejected and withdrew. Huddling together, they would exhibit brief flurries of violence amongst themselves. The effects of violence became increasingly visible.

Mickey Rat.
Mickey Rat.

Certain individuals became targets of repeated attacks. These individuals would have badly chewed and scarred tails.

But the trajectory of rat utopia soon sobered Calhoun. The eager rodents  did not seem capable of regulating their population size in the  long-term. As they reproduced and the pens overflowed, Calhoun noted  that male rates became aggressive, moving in gangs and attacking females  and young. Some became exclusively homosexual. Female rats, meanwhile,  abandoned their infants. The crowded mice had lost the ability to  coexist. One of Calhoun’s assistants renamed the “rat utopia”  “rodent  hell.” 

-Space Cadets and Rat Utopias

Other young mice growing into adulthood exhibited an even different type of behavior. Dr Calhoun called these individuals “the beautiful ones”. Their time was devoted solely to grooming, eating and sleeping. They never involved themselves with others, engaged in sex, nor would they fight. All appeared as a beautiful exhibit of the species with keen, alert eyes and a healthy well-kept body. These mice, however, could not cope with unusual stimuli.

Though they looked inquisitive they were, in fact, very stupid.

All of this, however, led to a drop in mating, and the birthrate soon fell to a third of its former level. A social imbalance also took place among the mice:

  • One-third emerged as socially dominant.
  • The other two-thirds turned out less socially adept than their forbearers.
  • As bonding skills diminished among the mice, Universe 25 went into a slow but irreversible decline.

By Day 315, behavior disparities between males of high and low status became more pronounced. Those at the bottom of the pecking order found themselves spurned from females and withdrew from mating altogether. Having no roles to fulfill within the society of mice, these outcast males wandered apart from the larger groups to eat and sleep alone — and sometimes fight among one another.

The alpha males, by contrast, became more aggressive and pugnacious, often launching into violence with no clear provocation or motive. At times, these males would roam around and indiscriminately rape other mice, regardless of gender.

Meanwhile, the beta males — those ranked between the aggressive alphas and outcast omegas — grew timid and inert, and often wound up being the passive recipients of violence. In several instances, bloodbaths ended with a cannibalistic feast for the victors.

  • (1) Population doubling time is about 145 days
  • (1) The male ability to defend territory declines
  • (1) The nursing females become aggressive, essentially taking over the role of the territorial males. This aggression generalized to their own young who were attacked, wounded, and forced to leave home several days before normal weaning.
  • (2) At this time, some unusual behavior became noticeable. Violence became prevalent. Excess males strived for acceptance, were rejected and withdrew. Social disorder became visible – a WM would attack a passive WM, who in turn would attack another WM. Certain individuals became targets of repeated attacks. These individuals would have badly chewed and scarred tails.
  • (4) Socially withdrawn male 29 makes a pan-sexual approach to male 16 who he recently saw attacked. Note how one assumes the female role. Males exhibit sexual behavior towards other males; you have rat homosexuality. They begin mounting the young.
  • (1) Incidence of conception decline and resorption of fetuses increases and dissolution of maternal behavior is observed. This lead to non-reproducing females.
  • (1) By midway in phase C, essentially all young were prematurely rejected by their mothers. They started independent life without having developed adequate effective bonds.
  • (1) Considering that there were 256 nest retreat sites in the 16 cells, one would not expect shelter to be a limiting factor until the population exceeded 3840. Due to the tendency of many animals to choose to crowd together in numbers in excess of 15 per nest site, at the peak population size of 2200 mice, 20% of all nest sites were usually unoccupied. Thus, there were always opportunities for females to select an unoccupied space for rearing young if they so chose.
  • (1) Social disorder – a WM would attack a passive WM, who in turn would attack another

Phase D – The death phase (die period)

With male mice abandoning their traditional roles in Universe 25, the females were left to fend for their nests. Consequently, many females adopted more aggressive forms of behavior, which would sometimes spill over into violence toward their young.

Others would refrain from motherly duties altogether, banishing their unraised litters and withdrawing from further mating, resulting in serious consequences:

  • In some compartments, the infant mortality rate topped 90 percent.
  • Calhoun named this the “stagnation phase,” alternately known as the “equilibrium period.”
  • He attributed the overly aggressive and passive behavioral patterns to the breakdown of social roles and rampant over-clustering.

Dr Calhoun called the last period the “die” phase, leading the population into extinction. Although the mouse utopia could house 3000, the population began to decline at 2200.

By the 560th day, the population increase had ceased altogether as the mortality rate hovered at 100 percent. This marked the start of the “death phase” — aka the “die period” — in which the rodent utopia slid toward extinction. Amidst the violence, hostility and lack of mating, a younger generation of mice reached maturity, having never been exposed to examples of normal, healthy relations. With no concept of mating, parenting or marking territory, this generation of mice spent all of their waking hours eating, drinking and grooming themselves.

In reference to their perfected, unruffled appearances, Calhoun called these mice the “beautiful ones.” Living in seclusion from the other mice, they were spared the violence and conflict that waged in the crowded areas, yet made no social contributions.

According to Calhoun, the death phase consisted of two stages: the “first death” and “second death.” The former was characterized by the loss of purpose in life beyond mere existence — no desire to mate, raise young or establish a role within society. This first death was represented by the lackadaisical lives of the beautiful ones, whereas the second death was marked by the literal end of life and the extinction of Universe 25.

  • (1) Population increase abruptly ceased on day 560 after colonization.
  • (1) Incidence of pregnancies decline very rapidly with no young surviving.
  • (1) The last conception took place about day 920
  • (1) Male counterparts to non-reproducing females were named the “beautiful ones”. They never engaged in sexual approaches toward females, and they never engaged in fighting. Their behavioral repertoire became largely confined to eating, drinking, sleeping and grooming.
  • (1) The capacity for reproduction terminated.
  • (3) The last thousand animals born never learned to develop the social behaviors, they never learned to be aggressive, which is necessary in defense of home sites; not engaging in any stressful activity, and only paying attention to themselves, they groomed themselves well so they looked like very fine specimens.
  • (2) Other young mice growing into adulthood exhibited an even different type of behaviour. Dr Calhoun called these individuals “the beautiful ones”. Their time was devoted solely to grooming, eating and sleeping. They never involved themselves with others, engaged in sex, nor would they fight. All appeared as a beautiful exhibit of the species with keen, alert eyes and a healthy well-kept body. These mice, however, could not cope with unusual stimuli. Though they looked inquisitive they were, in fact, very stupid.

In the shift from the equilibrium to the die phase, each animal became less aware of associates, despite all animals being pushed closer together. Dr Calhoun concluded that the mice could not effectively deal with the repeated contact of so many individuals. The evidence of violence increased to the point where most individuals had had their tails bitten to some degree.

Gradually, the mice that refused to mate or engage in society came to outnumber those that formed gangs, raped and plundered, and fed off their own. The last known conception in Universe 25 occurred on Day 920, at which point the population was capped at 2,200, well short of the enclosure’s 3,000 capacity.

A mouse utopia.
A mouse utopia.

An endless supply of food, water and other resources were still there for the mice, but it didn’t matter. The behavior sink had set in, and there was no stopping Universe 25 from careening to its self-made demise. Soon enough, there was not a single living mouse left in the enclosure..

The results of the study were published.

Calhoun saw in his rats the decline of future society, evidence that  inner city crowding led to rioting, crime, malaise, and political  radicalism: the obsessions of postwar American academics. He wrote up  his results in a Scientific American article that he titled  “Population Density and Social Pathology.” The article became one of the  most widely-cited papers in psychology. Like Pavlov’s dogs and  Skinner’s pigeons, Calhoun’s rats became exemplars for human behavior.  His experiments suggested a density beyond which rat society  disintegrated, and—to Calhoun and his colleagues, at least—the parallels  with human society were clear. 

- Space Cadets and Rat Utopias

In 1973, Calhoun published his Universe 25 research as “Death Squared: The Explosive Growth and Demise of a Mouse Population.” It is, to put it lightly, an intense academic reading experience.

He quotes liberally from the Book of Revelation, italicizing certain words for emphasis (e.g. “to kill with the sword and with famine and with pestilence and by wild beasts”).

He gave his claimed discoveries catchy names—the mice who forgot how to mate were “the beautiful ones”’ rats who crowded around water bottles were “social drinkers”; the overall societal breakdown was the “behavioral sink.” In other words, it was exactly the kind of diction you’d expect from someone who spent his entire life perfecting the art of the mouse dystopia.

Most frightening are the parallels he draws between rodent and human society. “I shall largely speak of mice,” he begins, “but my thoughts are on man.”

Both species, he explains, are vulnerable to two types of death—that of the spirit and that of the body. Even though he had removed physical threats, doing so had forced the residents of Universe 25 into a spiritually unhealthy situation, full of crowding, over-stimulation, and contact with various mouse strangers.

To a society experiencing the rapid growth of cities—and reacting, in various ways, quite poorlythis story seemed familiar.

Senators brought it up in meetings. It showed up in science fiction and comic books. Even Tom Wolfe, never lost for description, used Calhounian terms to describe New York City, calling all of Gotham a “behavioral sink.”

Calhoun in 1986, nearly forty years after his first experiments. Photo: Cat Calhoun/CC BY-SA 3.0.
Calhoun in 1986, nearly forty years after his first experiments. Photo: Cat Calhoun/CC BY-SA 3.0.

Trying to discover solutions.

Convinced that he had found a real problem, Calhoun quickly began using his mouse models to try and fix it.

If mice and humans weren’t afforded enough physical space, he thought, perhaps they could make up for it with conceptual space—creativity, artistry, and the type of community not built around social hierarchies.

His later Universes were designed to be spiritually as well as physically utopic, with rodent interactions carefully controlled to maximize happiness (he was particularly fascinated by some early rats who had created an innovative form of tunneling, where they rolled dirt into balls).

He extrapolated this, too, to human concerns, becoming an early supporter of environmental design and H.G. Wells’s hypothetical “World Brain,” an international information network that was a clear precursor to the internet.

Failed Salvage Attempt and Concluding Observations

Before the rodent utopia imploded entirely, Calhoun removed some of the beautiful ones to see whether they would live more productive lives if released into a new society, free of social strife and carnage.

Placing these mice in a fresh setting with few pre-existing residents — a scenario similar to that which greeted the initial pairs placed in Universe 25 — he expected the beautiful ones to awake from their asocial haze and answer nature’s call to populate the barren environment.

The colonization of Mars, a possible solution to extinction does not work according to experiments.
The colonization of Mars, a possible solution to extinction does not work according to experiments.

However, the relocated mice showed no signs of change from their earlier behavioral patterns. Refusing to mate or even interact among their new peers, the reclusive mice eventually died of natural causes, and the fledgling society folded without a single new birth.

In Calhoun’s view, the rise and fall of Universe 25 proved five basic points about mice, as well as humans:

  1. The mouse is a simple creature, but it must develop the skills for courtship, child-rearing, territorial defense and personal role fulfillment on the domestic and communal front. If such skills fail to develop, the individual will neither reproduce nor find a productive role within society.
  2. As with mice, all species will grow older and gradually die out. There is nothing to suggest human society isn’t prone to the same developments that led to the demise of Universe 25.
  3. If the number of qualified individuals exceeds the number of openings in society, chaos and alienation will be the inevitable outcomes.
  4. Individuals raised under the latter conditions will lack any relation to the real world. Physiological fulfillment will be their only drive in life.
  5. Just as mice thrive on a set of complex behaviors, the concern for others developed in post-industrial human skills and understandings is vital to man’s continuance as a species. The loss of these attributes within a civilization could lead to its collapse.

The public reaction.

But the public held on hard to his earlier work—as Ramsden and Adams put it, “everyone want[ed] to hear the diagnosis, no one want[ed] to hear the cure.”

Gradually, Calhoun lost attention, standing, and funding.

In 1986, he was forced to retire from the National Institute of Mental Health. Nine years later, he died.

His influence

There was one person who paid attention to his more optimistic experiments, a writer named Robert C. O’Brien.

In the late ’60s, O’Brien allegedly visited Calhoun’s lab, met the man trying to build a true and creative rodent paradise, and took note of the Frisbee on the door, the scientists’ own attempt “to help when things got too stressful,” as Calhoun put it.

Soon after, O’Brien wrote Ms. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH—a story about rats who, having escaped from a lab full of blundering humans, attempt to build their own utopia.

Next time, maybe we should put the rats in charge.

My story.

I knew about this study from the 1970’s when I was a boy. My father had a “Year in Review” series of books that accompanied the Encyclopedia Britannia collection that he had acquired in the 1960’s. These volumes would come to our door, and would be jam-packed with information and trivia of the year previous.

I would sit on the Lazy-boy chair and go through these big massive volumes and read the articles there. As such, I too, was influenced by this study.

I even brought it up for discussion in my classroom. But no one cared. They were too interested with “Johnathan Livingston Seagull” and the television cartoon special about a boy and his dog (which brought forth the hit song “Me and my arrow“.) The rest of my classmates were too worried about Climate Cooling and the coming great freeze to worry about the implications of this study.

Years passed.

Then I read an article that rewoke this narrative.

The Article that re-woke and rekindled my interest in this study.

Then I read this article titled “Article – The Doomed Mouse Utopia That Inspired the ‘Rats of NIMH’” which was posted on January 8, 2020.

The author comments…

Give a buncha rodents all the food, bedding, water, and stress-free
living you can give them and they should breed like..well..rats. And have a population boom, right? Maybe not.
Such  rapid growth put too much pressure on the mouse way of life. As new  generations reached adulthood, many couldn’t find mates, or places in  the social order—the mouse equivalent of a spouse and a job. Spinster females retreated to high-up nesting boxes, where they lived alone, far from the family neighborhoods. Washed-up males gathered in the center of the Universe, near the food, where they fretted, languished, and  attacked each other. Meanwhile, overextended mouse moms and dads began moving nests constantly to avoid their unsavory neighbors. They also took their stress out on their babies, kicking them out of the nest too early, or even losing them during moves. 
Some fascinating parallels to be had in just that one paragraph. 

To  quote Judge Dredd “You put that many rats in one cage and something’s  gonna happen.” 

The apparent message is that mammals ain’t cut out for  being put into large metropolises. Even when you give them all the welfare food and shelter they want, they’ll still go bad.

But, men are not rodents. 

Yet look at any major city and you’ll see  that the segments of the population that have everything handed to them  seem to be the most troubled and troublesome.

Moral of the story? 

Stay out of enormous cities. 

Having just returned from a week in one of the biggest i can tell you with utter sincerity that nothing reinvigorated my mind and spirit more than being able to have room to stretch both physically and metaphorically. Away from the restricting confines of mandatory recycling, absurd gun laws, high sales  taxes, etc, I felt I could breathe easier again and feel in control of  my life.

Big cities, in my experience, are superior in providing only three  things: money, women, and food. High paying jobs, endless varieties of  women, and a dizzying array of types of food…

...that's about all I can  recommend for the big cities. 

But what do I get out of smaller venues,  such as where I live? Relatively high levels of freedom, or, at least,  qualities that I equate with freedom.

Men or mice…put too many in one place and bad stuff happens. Don’t be there.

Conclusions  by “experts” 

All conclusions drawn by socialist (& state) scientists constantly connect extinction with overpopulation:

The conclusions drawn from this experiment were that when all available space is taken and all social roles filled, competition and the stresses experienced by the individuals will result in a total breakdown in complex social behaviors, ultimately resulting in the demise of the population.
- Wikipedia 2014.05.25 

Overpopulation = Extinction

However in the Calhoun’s papers there are clear evidences that this is not so:

  • All of the available space was not taken, and there was areas devoid of rodents.
  • WM (Withdrawn Males) had no social roles so they withdrew from society. Thus they could not be counted as part of the overpopulation burden.

John Calhoun conclusions

The demise of a population contradicts prior knowledge which indicates that when a population declines to a few remnant groups, some individuals will reinitiate its growth.

This study disproves the idea that growth can be resumed once society collapses.

Dr. Halsey Marsden (1972) placed some mice from the mid-third of phase D into new universes at very low densities. All exhibited nearly total loss of capacity for developing a structured society or for engaging in the full repertoire of reproductive behaviors.

The idea that individuals can flee an overpopulated environment and start all over again and rebuild from scratch is false. Once society collapses it is over.

For an animal so simple as a mouse, the most complex behaviors involve the interrelated set of courtship, maternal care, territorial defense and hierarchical intragroup and intergroup social organization. When behaviors related to these functions fail to mature, there is no development of social organization and no reproduction. As in the case of my study reported above, all members or the population will age and eventually die. The species will die out. For an animal so complex as man, there is no logical reason why a comparable sequence of events should not also lead to species extinction.

For mice, society can simply stop reproducing and then die out.

For men, society can introduce dangerous technologies (WMD, robots, nuclear weapons, etc) and die out catastrophically.

If opportunities for role fulfillment fall far short of the demand by those capable of filling roles, and having expectations to do so, only violence and disruption of social organization can follow.

As the roles in society disappear, as the lines between gender and society disappear, social disruption WILL follow.

Individuals born under these circumstances will be so out of touch with reality as to be incapable even of alienation. Their most complex behaviors will become fragmented.

Acquisition, creation and utilization of ideas appropriate for life in a post-industrial cultural-conceptual-technological society will have been blocked.

Just as biological generativity in the mouse involves this species’ most complex behaviors, so does ideational generativity for man. Loss of these respective complex behaviors means death of the species.

John Calhoun’s collaborator’s conclusions

The larger the population, the less care a mother gives to her nest and young. This creates social unrest which will eventually result in the collapse of the society.

Non-academic conclusions

The principal factor is the lack of social education in the young.

This is due to the abundance of food and water and lack of predators.

They do not learn important skills.

The mechanism at work is there was no need to perform any actions to acquire resources and/or avoid danger. This creates a “soft” and “weak” rodent. The “strong” and “capable” rodents die out.

So the young have no opportunity to learn from the strong rodents. They learn from the weak rodents.

When confronted with danger, they do not know how to handle it. And many lose their lives.

A utopia is when one has everything, at any moment, for no expenditure.

But, utopia declines responsibility, effectiveness and awareness of social dependence.

This atrophying of these important factors, leads to self-extinction.
Contrarily, difficult conditions instigate better coping mechanisms for  the population, leading to its growth, strengthening and reinforcement.  [See S-nastu hypothesis i supercompensation]  

Some wordy introspection…

Perhaps it is the creation of social constructs that cause this demise. The idea that there are “leaders” that mass groups of people follow, and trends, that mass groups of people follow, and “laws” that mass groups of people follow…

… instead of the individual that follows their own moral compass.

So we know that Resources, in every quantified sense – was never a problem.
There must be something we’ve either overlooked, or underlooked. Perhaps how we’ve managed the potentials of ourselves, as factors of “ignorance”. One clue we could “start” looking “from”, would be our prior history, wouldn’t it? Can we perhaps then, take a trip back to memory lane? 
Interestingly, no other point of civilization since dawn of human first invention as ideological to then instrumental; have advanced us so quickly in a space of no more than few hundred years. The invention of “money” (instrument of exchange) then the banking system, and Marketing. From Abacus, then to light bulbs and automobiles. The Internet then the Blockchain. From willow tree bark to then Aspirin, and low-dose naltrexones.
An impressive advance for mankind, indeed. However beneath all this pursuit; we continued to DIVERT such a Progress to something else far more destructive. Effectively reversing our meaningful reconciling on the “why’s” behind all this pursuit in the first place.  


What I genuinely  fear; is that we are inching closer towards a global state of  “stand-still”. So precarious if this were to continue it’d be likely  petrifying. 
That “stand-still” point I refer to is similar to the critique aimed against Calhoun’s Behavioural Sink. That is – Oblivious Irrationality. We know that, as hypothesized in part one –  it was the excessive, totalitarian attempt for universal in-clusivity that contributes much to the mice’s declines. Leading to losses of individual liberties at reclaiming what is Authentically simply that – “individual”, peaceful, content in its own homeostasis. 
Yet – if we were to translate this to our state of our present pedestrian normalcy – it is anything but peaceful nor quaint. Political myopism; aka. 1984 –  is likely brewing to ever more increasingly heights of “reality”.  
Why is this so? I can only speculate that once again – it is due to (helpless) totalitarian attempt for in-clusivity  of all pedestrian “norms”. For structural “correctness”. First stemming  as ideological concepts like “Religion” and/or “Faith”. Then  structurally enforced as “Laws” and “Institutionalisations”. 
Religion then instills us the comforting, human benevolence through warm, cosy and “emotive” doctrine(s) – of Monogamy  and (infinite) servitude of Charity. 
Yet  little do we know, all this is a pursuit away from transcending  ourselves. But instead to everyone else’s collectivism towards  totalitarian in-clusivity. In other words, Totalitarian objectivity, in place of all Subjective Authenticities. 


Following from this, we must remove all Human titles of “Politicians”. These hierarchical structure of decision-making must inevitably erode. As the efficacy of technology replaces human cognitive ability at “management” – “Politicians” absolutely have NO place in the rungs of every management of all genetically diverse human needs, and eccentric pursuits.
Considering we now have entire country (or as several “states”) today; overruled by elitism of (1) entity alone. Entities whom we decoratively label as “Rulers”, “Prime Ministers” or “Presidents”. Then orchestrated collectively through correctional “Institution/s”; to decide and thus make every Structural Impositions.
Such paradigm is unthinkably limited and unempathetic to individual, anecdotal crisis. People will always look forth to overthrow kings and queens. Especially given that individual human variabilities grow exponentially incomprehensible when judged or treated as collective whole numbers. 


Hence, today’s archaic “Correctness Hierarchy” as our present,  Institutionalized definition of Science today once again, must be  eradicated. And there is one more realm connected to this that must also  be strongly scrutinized. 

-Nutritional humanity 

My Conclusions

Catastrophic extinction (phase four events) is expected given conditions that suppresses natural behaviors.

Over-population is a symptom of the suppression of natural behaviors.

Before the extinction event occurs, there will be all sorts of odd actions, behaviors and dangers in crowded locations.

I would, for certain, avoid cities at all costs.

Human population is following the life-extinction graph. We cannot, and should not ignore it. Avoid cities, large groups of people, and charismatic leaders that control great swaths of the population.

MAJestic observation

Imagine that you are another species, from another environment. You are observing the humans as they exist in contemporaneous society. What would you think?

  • How could you benefit from this situation?
  • What advice would you give to a treasured individual from this society?

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The most popular song in China this fall; Wolf Disco.

What is the hottest song in China right now? Apparently, a little rap song called Wolf Disco has been making waves, with its take on what life was like in the late ’90s and early 2000s in China. Journalist Yew Lun Tian (from ThinkChina) is reminded of her own teenage years, as she delves into what makes this song so popular.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Wolf Disco by Gem is the hottest song in China this year. (At least according to

野狼 Disco
野狼 Disco

Journalist Yew Lun Tian comments on this song…

A Singaporean friend recently asked me about this year’s hottest song in China. And a friend from China quickly shouted out the answer: “Wolf Disco (野狼 Disco)!”

The song gets in your head with its refreshing blend of Cantonese singing, dialogue in northeastern dialect, and Mandarin rap.

I felt really out of touch, and checked out the song as soon as I got home. I listened to it once — and was hooked. I wanted to hear it again and again. No cliched description could do justice to the penetrating power of this cutting edge cultural icon. A netizen put it well: “This is an amazing song that gets to your head and heart, and leaves you wanting more.” 

野狼 Disco

Wolf Disco by Dong Baoshi, stage name Gem, describes a man (“Uncle”) hitting the dance floor, showing off and trying to pick up young girls at the disco, circa late ’90s to early 2000s. The song gets in your head with its refreshing blend of Cantonese singing, dialogue in northeastern dialect, and Mandarin rap. Gem’s earnest but seriously inaccurate Cantonese pronunciation when singing “Flower of my heart, I wanna take you home” is especially funny, as he nails the endearing side of mainland Chinese when they try their hardest to sing Cantonese songs despite being no good at the language.

The song’s catchy beat and easy but evocative lyrics get people hooked; you just feel like dancing along. “To the left, draw a rainbow/and to your right, draw a dragon”; “Everybody put your head down/both hands to the front, wave them around”; “Hands to your head, move your hips/like you’re fretting”. 

野狼 Disco – 1

For the mainland Chinese audience who exercised en masse in primary school, went for social dances as adults, and joined square dances in the neighborhood during their twilight years, those lines would be somewhat uncanny. Listening to Wolf Disco is more satisfying than watching Psy’s Gangnam Style. No wonder some netizens say their three- or four-year-old kids have Wolf Disco as their morning alarm.

The song does not avoid or overuse the Hong Kong element, but uses it  to just the right degree for entertainment purposes, while not being  political.

With its brand of nostalgia, the song touches the hearts of the older crowd. The imagery of the dance hall and the references to Hong Kong popular culture capture the collective memories of a generation of mainland Chinese, as well as Chinese in the Greater China diaspora, including myself. “Slicked back hair, beeper call, 007 on the dance floor/Northeast b-boys in the house”, conjures up the hairstyles, beepers (known as pagers in Singapore), and dance moves of the time, while “Aaron Kwok hands across your chest” brought me back in a second to my pimple-faced days, singing and dancing along to his hit song Love You Endlessly (《对你爱不完》).

野狼 Disco – 2

Many years ago, the hip young people in northeast China had their fun in entertainment joints that played Cantonese songs; big shots found triad bosses in Hong Kong movies cool, like the way Uncle “feels like Tony Leung in Infernal Affairs” (see note below) when picking up girls.

When Gem was producing Wolf Disco, Hong Kong was not yet in full-blown chaos. The song does not avoid or overuse the Hong Kong element, but uses it to just the right degree for entertainment purposes, while not being political. For example, just as Deng Xiaoping previously declared “horses keep running, carry on dancing” to say nothing will change under “one country, two systems”, Uncle says “the song keeps playing, carry on dancing” to hide his embarrassment at failing to pick up girls.

Wolf Disco is so popular not just because it brings together borrowed elements from Hong Kong and Western music genres such as rap, but because it uses these external elements to authentically tell the story of a young person from northeast China. Gem calls this combination “garlic-flavoured vaporwave” — vaporwave is a Western music subgenre that combines ’80s and ’90s music with electronic sounds.

野狼 Disco – 3
Many netizens say the epitome of cheesiness is authenticity, and they  are moved by the song’s depiction of a young person who does not lose  their authenticity.

And then, while most people would take off their jackets when hitting the dance floor, Uncle’s “leather jacket stays on, don’t matter the heat”. In an interview with GQ, Gem explained that in northeast China, a leather jacket is cool, and a symbol of manhood. Some people only have that one presentable item of clothing — you can be wearing rags on the inside, but the outside has to look smart. This shows the face-loving quality of people from northeast China, and how tough it was for them when the economy in northeast China cooled down.

Many artistic elites have analyzed this phenomenal song and noted the concept of a “cheesy high” (土嗨); the presentation and/or content may be cheesy, but it still gets people high. Many netizens say the epitome of cheesiness is authenticity, and they are moved by the song’s depiction of a young person who does not lose their authenticity.

Gem has created a cultural phenomenon with Wolf Disco. (Internet)
Gem has created a cultural phenomenon with Wolf Disco. (Internet)

The way I see it, while many people go to high-end bookstores and restaurants and share photos with friends to hint that they are more westernized, artistic, and sophisticated, it works better to be plainly and unabashedly cheesy. While many stores try and attract customers with empty sales pitches, people like it better when one is not shy to show and laugh at their own lack of sophistication. When people are swept up by globalization and get nervous or anxious that their foreign language skills are inadequate, it is extremely satisfying to hear the language of one’s hometown loud and proud on the big stage. 

In 2019, a year of anniversaries, official publicity is full of big stories and lofty emotions, people would welcome a bit of unsophisticated, ordinary food for the soul.

野狼 Disco

Download the full MV

Here is the full music video of this song. It is subtitled in English and Cantonese. And it is an enjoyable video that tells the story of a young man’s dreams in NE China. It’s around 40-something MB, so grab a beer and let it download in full.



Flower of my heart, I wanna take you home


In the late night bar, don’t matter if it’s real or fake


Sway your body, forget the one you love

妳是最迷人噶 妳知道吗

You’ve caught my eye, don’t you know

这是最好的节拍 这是最爱的节拍

Here comes the beat, it’s the best, the favorite

前面儿哪里来的大井盖 我拿脚往里踹

Is that a manhole cover? Gonna kick it aside

如此动感的节拍 非得搁门口耍帅

I’m feeling the beat, just look cool outside the door


Clear the way, I’m heading to the floor

大背头 bb机 舞池里的007

Slicked back hair, beeper call, 007 on the dance floor

东北初代霹雳弟 dj瞅我也摇旗

Northeast b-boys in the house, DJ staring, I’m trippin’


Leather jacket stays on, don’t matter the heat


Everybody gotta follow my moves

来 左边 跟我一起画个龙

To the left, draw a dragon

在妳右边 画一道彩虹

To your right, draw a rainbow

来 左边 跟我一起画彩虹

To the left, draw a rainbow 

在妳右边 再画个龙

And to your right, draw a dragon


Aaron Kwok hands across your chest


To the left, to the right, just shake your head


Two fingers like sky rockets


Point ’em at the disco ball


Flower of my heart, I wanna take you home


In the late night bar, don’t matter if you’re real or fake


Sway your body, forget the one you love

妳是最迷人噶 妳知道吗

You’re the hottest, don’t you know

玩儿归玩 闹归闹 别拿蹦迪开玩笑

Play around, mess around, but get serious when you’re dancing

左手一晃真像样 右手霹雳手套

Wave my left hand, glove on my right


Disco savages take a step back

没事儿不要联系我 大哥大这没信号

Don’t be calling me, no signal on my bigass phone

小皮裙 大波浪 跳起舞来真像样

Leather mini skirt, major curves, looking so fine with her moves

喷的香水太香 好想和她唠一唠

Her perfume delicious, wanna get up close


Feeling like Tony Leung in Infernal Affairs


She tells me to look in a mirror, major burn

手照摇 舞照跳

My hands keep waving, carry on dancing


Act like I know nothing

没有事 没有事 看着天空笑壹笑

I’m fine, I’m fine, I smile up at the sky


Slapping the disco noob in front of me


Throwing all my shade on him, don’t mess with me

来 全场 一起跟我 低下头儿

C’mon everybody put your head down


Both hands to the front, wave them around


Hands to your head, move your hips


Like you’re fretting


Flower of my heart, I wanna take you home


In the late night bar, don’t matter if you’re real or fake


Sway your body, forget the one you love

妳是最迷人噶 妳知道吗

You’re the hottest, don’t you know

来 左边 跟我一起画个龙

To the left, draw a dragon

在妳右边 画一道彩虹

To your right, draw a rainbow

来 左边 跟我一起画彩虹

To the left, draw a rainbow 

在妳右边 再画个龙

And to your right, draw a dragon


Aaron Kwok hands across your chest


To the left, to the right, just shake your head


Two fingers like sky rockets


Point ’em at the disco ball

来 全场 一起跟我 低下头儿

C’mon everybody put your head down


Both hands to the front, wave them around


Hands to your head, move your hips


Like you’re fretting


You gotta tell yourself


Not to get friendly

搭讪妳就破功了 老弟

Otherwise you’re a goner, buddy

Links about China

Here are some links about my observations on China. I think that you, the reader, might find them to be of interest. Please kindly enjoy.

The US involvement in the HK "Democracy Now" movement.
How the USA can win a trade war.
Chinese reaction to the Trump Tariff Wars.
China's Global Leadership
Popular Music of China
The logistics of relocating a facotry from China back to the USA.
Hong Kong and the NED CIA operations.
Chinese weapons systems
Chinese motor sports
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
Dance Craze
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Why are Americans so angry?
Evolution of the USA and China.
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Business KTV
How I got married in China.
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year
Trade Wars
How to get work in China if you have HIV.

China and America Comparisons

As an American, I cannot help but compare what my life was in the United States with what it is like living in China. Here we discuss that.

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions
A polarized world.
America's sunset.
Trump trade wars  - Phase One

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.


Learning About China

Who doesn’t like to look at pretty girls? Ugly girls? Here we discuss what China is like by looking at videos of pretty girls doing things in China.

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Contemporaneous Chinese Music

This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Part 1 - Popular Music of China
Part 3 -Popular music of China.
Part 3 - The contemporaneous music of China.
part 3B - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 4 - The contemporaneous popular music of China.
Part 5 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5B - The popular music of China.
Part 5C - The music of contemporary China.
Part D - The popular music of China.
Part 5E - A happy Joe.
Part 5F - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5F - The popular music of China.
Post 6 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 7 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 8 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 9 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 10 - Music of China.
Post 11 - The contemporaneous music of China.

Parks in China

The parks in China are very unique. They are enormous and tend to be very mountainous. Here we take a look at this most interesting of subjects.

Parks in China - 1
Pars in China - 2
Parks in China - 3
Visiting a park in China - 4
High Speed Rail in China
Visiting a park in China - 5
Beautiful China part 6
Parks in China - 7
Visiting a park in China - 8

Really Strange China

Here are some posts that discuss a number of things about China that might seem odd, or strange to Westerners. Some of the things are everyday events, while others are just representative of the differences in culture.

Really Strange China 1
Really Strange China 2
Rally Strange China 3
Really Strange China 4
Really Odd China 5
Really Strange China 6
Really Strange China 7
Really Strange China 8
Really Strange China 9
Really Strange China 10
Really Strange China 11
Really Strange China 12
Really strange China 13
Really strange China 14

What is China like?

The purpose of this post is to illustrate that the rest of the world, outside of America, has moved on with their lives. That while they might not be as great as America is, they are doing just fine thank you.

And while America has been squandering it’s money, decimating it’s resources, and just being cavalier with it’s military, the rest of the world has done the opposite. They have husbanded their day to day fortunes, and you can see this in their day-to-day lives.

What is China like - 1
What is China like - 2
What is China Like - 3
What is China like - 4
What is China like - 5
What is China like - 6
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 9

Summer in Asia

Let’s take a moment to explore Asia. That includes China, but also includes such places as Vietnam, Thailand, Japan and others…

Summer Snapshots 1
Summer Snapshots 2
Summer Snapshots 3
Summer Snapshots 4
Snapshots Summer 5
Summer Snapshots 6
Summer Snapshot 7
Summer Snapshots 8
Summer Snapshots 9
Summer Snapshots 10
Summer Snapshots 11
Summer Snapshot 12

Some Fun Videos

Here’s a collection of some fun videos taken all over Asia. While there are many videos taken in China, we also have some taken in Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea and Japan as well. It’s all in fun.

Some fun videos of China - 1
Fun Videos of Asia - 2
Fun videos of Asia - 3
Fun videos of Asia - 4
Fun Videos of Asia - 5
Fun videos of Asia - 6
Fun videos of Asia - 7
Fun videos of Asia - 8
Fun videos of Asia - 9
Fun videos of Asia - 10
Fun videos of Asia - 11
Fun videos of Asia - 12
Fun videos of Asia - 13
Fun videos of Asia - 14
Fun Videos of Asia - 15
Fun videos of Asia -16
The best way to cook marshmallows.

Articles & Links

You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

  • You can start reading the articles sequentially by going HERE.
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  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

Introduction to the art of Kayla Mahaffrey.

Kayla Mahaffey “KaylaMay” is a Chicago based artist specializing in illustration and fine art. In 2012, she attended the American Academy of Art where she gained knowledge and strengthened her skills.

Her work speaks about how living in our world can be tough and how making the best of it can simply be done by holding on to each other.

Kayla Mahaffey "KaylaMay" 1
Her work speaks about how living in our world can be tough and how making the best of it can simply be done by holding on to each other.

Her inspiration is the world around her and her colorful paintings contain hints of whimsy and realism that tell a story of inner thoughts and society issues that sometimes go unheard. Being born and raised on the South side of Chicago, only ignited her love for all things art.

Kayla Mahaffey "KaylaMay" 3
Her inspiration is the world around her and her colorful paintings contain hints of whimsy and realism that tell a story of inner thoughts and society issues that sometimes go unheard.

Seeing the struggle and the support from the community made her work evolve to a concept that is personal to her. She continues to further her technique and creativity in her field in order to paint a beautiful picture of a new world for those who live in it.

Kayla Mahaffey "KaylaMay" 2
Seeing the struggle and the support from the community made her work evolve to a concept that is personal to her.

‘Off to the Races’ narrates the ever-changing road of life. As we travel through life we experience the daily trials and tribulations that help shape us into the people we are today. During this journey we may end up hitting some bumps or may experience some rough terrain, but it’s how we deal with those situations that make the difference.

Kayla Mahaffey "KaylaMay" 5
As we travel through life we experience the daily trials and tribulations that help shape us into the people we are today. During this journey we may end up hitting some bumps or may experience some rough terrain, but it’s how we deal with those situations that make the difference.

We are all on the journey to greatness, each individual racing to the finish line in hope of reaching goals and prosperity. With the race may come with it mistakes and regret, but not taking part in the race leads you nowhere.

Kayla Mahaffey "KaylaMay" 4
We are all on the journey to greatness, each individual racing to the finish line in hope of reaching goals and prosperity. With the race may come with it mistakes and regret, but not taking part in the race leads you nowhere.

Playful portraits by Chicago-based artist and illustrator Kayla Mahaffey. Using a combination of whimsy and realism, Mahaffey explores the inner thoughts and personal issues that so often go unheard, creating work that reflects both the struggle and support she sees within her own community:

Kayla Mahaffey "KaylaMay" 7
Playful portraits by Chicago-based artist and illustrator Kayla Mahaffey. Using a combination of whimsy and realism, Mahaffey explores the inner thoughts and personal issues that so often go unheard, creating work that reflects both the struggle and support she sees within her own community.

“Living in our society can be tough and most of the time we have to make the best of it. A wild imagination can take you so far, but at the end of the day we need to realize and observe the world around us. And the world around us is where I find my inspiration to paint.”

Kayla Mahaffey "KaylaMay" 8
“Living in our society can be tough and most of the time we have to make the best of it. A wild imagination can take you so far, but at the end of the day we need to realize and observe the world around us. And the world around us is where I find my inspiration to paint.”

Her work speaks about how living in our world can be tough and how making the best of it can simply be done by holding on to each other.

Kayla Mahaffey "KaylaMay" 6
Her work speaks about how living in our world can be tough and how making the best of it can simply be done by holding on to each other.


Art Related Index

This is an index of art that I have found profound, interesting, beautiful or enlightening. In any event, I find that art soothes my soul. I enjoy painting figurative and portraits in oils using the more traditional Flemish technique, but it never really brought me the kind of money I need to live off of. Such is the life of a painter today. Please enjoy.

An experiment of a bird in a vacuum jar.
Robert Williams
Todd Schorr
Mitch O'Connell
Greg (Craola) Simkins.
Mark Ryden
Alan MacDonald
Tokuhiro Kawai.
Jesus Helguera.
Michael Tole
Martin Wittfooth
Ania Tomicka
Bob Dob
Chris Peters
David Lebow.
Jason Limon.
Iva Troj.
Kisung Koh.

Articles & Links

You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

“The Star Mouse” (Full Text) by Frederick Brown

I think that I am changing; I no longer care about warning fellow Americans about the nationwide train-wreck that is about to happen. (The need to borrow 22 Trillion dollars is a very serious symptom.)

  • The people who care, don’t know what to do about it.
  • The People who don’t care are just lost causes.

You see people, when the Titanic is taking on water, and half the ship is already in the frosty depths, you don’t go about the deck warning people. You just don’t. You go get yourself a life-vest, and you get on board one of the life-boats.

You save yourself.

You don’t mess around.

Let’s just bug out and call it even. Why are we even talking about this?

That’s me today.

Instead, I just want to spend time with my family and get drunk with friends. I want to eat tasty delicious food and play with my dog. I want to reread the classics, and maybe explore a park or two.

Turning on the American news, even so-called Conservative aggregators, is like taking a swim in a water treatment plant cesspool. It’s all just so ugly and so terrible distasteful. I just no longer care. Yuck. It’s ugly, filthy stuff.

So… No. I don’t care.


No. No. No.

No. No. No. Nonono. No.

Ya. Ya. So predictable.

Yet another Democrat wants to ban something. They must churn out these idiots by the gallon. Same talking points. Same emotional reasoning. Same banal ignorance.

Not. My. Problem.

Well… that’s just great man.

Justified by some crazed liberal shooter goes postal, and the media loudly warn everyone that utopia can arrive once only the government has guns. Brilliant logic for those that never opened up a history book. So predictable. Just like another feigned racial attack. I think the count is somewhere around 25,647 to 0 of it being faked.

People, if Conservatives wanted to hurt someone…they would do it. Make no mistake. You all ought be mighty careful for what you wish for.

Not. My. Problem.

You all had best be very careful for what you are wishing for.

The rich get so amazingly filthy rich, and commit the most horrid crimes freely. Nothing is done about it.

Americans are taxed, prodded and kept like free-ranging cattle.

Just you had better show up for your fleecing, or the full strength of the law will completely and absolutely destroy your life.


Heck with that. I’ve tuned out.

Instead, I’m just gonna relax. Have a good time and read some good old fashioned books. Here’s a great short story pulled from one of them.


The Star Mouse

Here’s a great classic science fiction story. It’s just a fun read. Nothing too much more than that. It Features a genial German rocket scientist (ah, if only they had all been as good-natured and likeable and well-intentioned as him!) and his charming and soon-to-be-super-intelligent mouse neighbor. The two have struck up a warm and talkative and very cheese-based relationship, that he sends out on the first-ever space mission in the history of mankind (we are in 1942). Now, this inventive story about very-hard-to forget mice and men cannot fail to leave you with a smile on your lips and the happy feeling that you have just read one of the masterpieces of the golden age of science-fiction!

MITKEY, THE MOUSE, wasn’t Mitkey then.

He was just another mouse, who lived behind the floorboards and plaster of the house of the great Herr Professor Oberburger, formerly of Vienna and Heidelberg; then a refugee from the excessive admira­tion of the more powerful of his fellow-countrymen. The excessive ad­miration had concerned, not Herr Oberburger himself, but a certain gas which had been a by-product of an unsuccessful rocket fuel—which might have been a highly successful something else.

If, of course, the Professor had given them the correct formula.

Which he—Well, anyway, the Professor had made good his escape and now lived in a house in Connecticut. And so did Mitkey.

A small gray mouse, and a small gray man. Nothing unusual about either of them. Particularly there was nothing unusual about Mitkey; he had a family and he liked cheese and if there were Rotarians among mice, he would have been a Rotarian.

The Herr Professor, of course, had his mild eccentricities. A con­firmed bachelor, he had no one to talk to except himself, but he considered himself an excellent conversationalist and held constant verbal communion with himself while he worked. That fact, it turned out later, was important, because Mitkey had excellent ears and heard those night-long soliloquies. He didn’t understand them, of course. If he thought about them at all, he merely thought of the Professor as a large and noisy super-mouse who squeaked over-much.

“Und now,” he would say to himself, “ve vill see vether this eggshaust tube vas broberly machined. It should fidt vithin vun vun­hundredth thousandth of an indtch. Ahhh, it iss berfect. Und now—”

Night after night, day after day, month after month. The gleaming thing grew, and the gleam in Herr Oberburger’s eyes grew apace.

It was about three and a half feet long, with weirdly shaped vanes, and it rested on a temporary framework on a table in the center of the room that served the Herr Professor for all purposes. The house in which he and Mitkey lived was a four room structure, but the Professor hadn’t yet found it out, seemingly. Originally, he had planned to use the big room as a laboratory only, but he found it more convenient to sleep on a cot in one corner of it, when he slept at all, and to do the little cooking he did over the same gas burner over which he melted down golden grains of TNT into a dangerous soup which he salted and peppered with strange condiments, but did not eat.

“Und now I shall bour it into tubes, and see vether vun tube adjacendt to another eggsplodes der secondt tube vhen der virst tube iss—”

That was the night Mitkey almost decided to move himself and his family to a more stable abode, one that did not rock and sway and try to turn handsprings on its foundations. But Mitkey didn’t move after all, because there were compensations. New mouse-holes all over, and—joy of joy!—a big crack in the back of the refrigerator where the Professor kept, among other things, food.

Of course the tubes had been not larger than capillary size, or the house would not have remained around the mouse-holes. And of course Mitkey could not guess what was coming nor understand the Herr Professor’s brand of English (nor any other brand of English, for that matter) or he would not have let even a crack in the refrigerator tempt him.

The Professor was jubilant that morning.

“Der fuel, idt vorks! Der secondt tube, idt did not eggsplode.Und der virst, in seggtions, as I had eggspectedt! Und it is more bowerful; there will be blenty of room for der combartment—”

Ah, yes, the compartment. That was where Mitkey came in, although even the Professor didn’t know it yet. In fact the Professor didn’t even know that Mitkey existed.

“Und now,” he was saying to his favorite listener, “idt is budt a madter of combining der fuel tubes so they work in obbosite bairs. Und then—”

That was the moment when the Herr Professor’s eyes first fell on Mitkey. Rather, they fell upon a pair of gray whiskers and a black, shiny little nose protruding from a hole in the baseboards.

“Veil!” he said, “vot haff ve here! Mitkey Mouse himself! Mitkey, how would you like to go for a ride, negst veek? Ve shall see.”

That is how it came about that the next time the Professor sent into town for supplies, his order included a mousetrap—not one of the vicious kind that kills, but one of the wire-cage kind. And it had not been set, with cheese, for more than ten minutes before Mitkey’s sharp little nose had smelled out that cheese and he had followed his nose into captivity.

Not, however, an unpleasant captivity. Mitkey was an honored guest. The cage reposed now on the table at which the Professor did most of his work, and cheese in indigestion-giving abundance was pushed through the bars, and the Professor didn’t talk to himself any more.

“You see, Mitkey, I vas going to sendt to der laboratory in Hardtfordt for a vhite mouse, budt vhy should I, mit you here? I am sure you are more soundt und healthy und able to vithstand a long chourney than those laboratory mices. No? Ah, you viggle your viskers und that means yes, no? Und being used to living in dargk holes, you should suffer less than they from glaustrophobia, no?”

And Mitkey grew fat and happy and forgot all about trying to get out of the cage. I fear that he even forgot about the family he had abandoned, but he knew, if he knew anything, that he need not worry about them in the slightest. At least not until and unless the Professor discovered and repaired the hole in the refrigerator. And the Professor’s mind was most emphatically not on refrigeration.

“Und so, Mitkey, ye shall place this vane so—it iss only of assistance in der landing, in an atmosphere. It und these vill bring you down safely und slowly enough that der shock-absorbers in der movable combartment vill keep you from bumping your head too hard, I think.”

Of course, Mitkey missed the ominous note to that “I think” qualification because he missed all the rest of it. He did not, as has been explained, speak English. Not then.

But Herr Oberburger talked to him just the same. He showed him pictures. “Did you effer see der Mouse you vas named after, Mitkey? Vhat? No? Loogk, this is der original Mitkey Mouse, by Valt Dissney. Budt I think you are cuter, Mitkey.”

Probably the Professor was a bit crazy to talk that way to a little gray mouse. In fact, he must have been crazy to make a rocket that worked. For the odd thing was that the Herr Professor was not really an inventor. There was, as he carefully explained to Mitkey, not one single thing about that rocket that was new. The Herr Professor was a technician; he could take other people’s ideas and make them work. His only real invention—the rocket fuel that wasn’t one—had been turned over to the United States Government and had proved to be something already known and discarded because it was too expensive for practical use.

As he explained very carefully to Mitkey, “It iss burely a matter of absolute accuracy and mathematical correctness, Mitkey. Idt iss all here—ye merely combine—und ye achieff vhat, Mitkey?

“Eggscape velocity, Mitkey! Chust barely, it adds up to eggscape velocity. Maybe. There are yet unknown facgtors, Mitkey, in der ubper atmosphere, der troposphere, der stratosphere. Ve think ve know eggsactly how mudch air there iss to calculate resistance against, but are ve absolutely sure? No, Mitkey, ve are not. Ve haff not been there. Und der marchin iss so narrow that so mudch as an air current might affect idt.”

But Mitkey cared not a whit. In the shadow of the tapering aluminum-alloy cylinder he waxed fat and happy.

“Der tag, Mitkey, der tag! Und I shall not lie to you, Mitkey. I shall not giff you valse assurances. You go on a dancherous chourney, mein little friendt.

“A vifty-vifty chance ve giff you, Mitkey. Not der moon or bust, but der moon und bust, or else maybe safely back to earth. You see, my boor little Mitkey, der moon iss not made of green cheese und if it were, you vould not live to eat it because there iss not enough atmosphere to bring you down safely und vith your viskers still on.

“Und vhy then, you may veil ask, do I send you? Because der rocket may not attain eggscape velocity. Und in that case, it iss still an eggsperiment, budt a different vun. Der rocket, if it goes not to der moon, falls back on der earth, no? Und in that case certain instruments shall giff us further information than ve haff yet about things up there in space. Und you shall giff us information, by vether or not you are yet alife, vether der shock absorbers und vanes are sufficient in an earth-equivalent atmosphere. You see?

“Then ladter, vhen ye send rockets to Venus maybe vhere an atmosphere eggsists, ve shall haff data to calculate the needed size of vanes und shock-absorbers, no? Und in either case, und vether or not you return, Mitkey, you shall be vamous! You shall be der virst lifting greature to go oudt beyond der stratosphere of der earth, out into space.

“Mitkey, you shall be der Star-Mouse! I enfy you, Mitkey, und I only vish I vere your size, so I could go, too.”

Der tag, and the door to the compartment. “Gootbye, little Mitkey Mouse.” Darkness. Silence. Noise!

“Der rocket—if it goes not to der moon—falls back on der earth, no?”

That was what the Herr Professor thought. But the best-laid plans of mice and men gang aft agley. Even star-mice.

All because of Prxl.

The Herr Professor found himself very lonely. After having had Mitkey to talk to, soliloquies were somehow empty and inadequate.

There may be some who say that the company of a small gray mouse is a poor substitute for a wife; but others may disagree. And, anyway, the Professor had never had a wife, and he had a mouse to talk to, so he missed one and, if he missed the other, he didn’t know it.

During the long night after the launching of the rocket, he had been very busy with his telescope, a sweet little eight-inch reflector, checking its course as it gathered momentum. The exhaust explo­sions made a tiny fluctuating point of light that was possible to follow, if one knew where to look.

But the following day there seemed to be nothing to do, and he was too excited to sleep, although he tried. So he compromised by doing a spot of housekeeping, cleaning the pots and pans. It was while he was so engaged that he heard a series of frantic little squeaks and discovered that another small gray mouse, with shorter whiskers and a shorter tail than Mitkey, had walked into the wire-cage mousetrap.

“Veil, yell,” said the Professor, “vot haff ye here? Minnie? Iss it Minnie come to look for her Mitkey?”

The Professor was not a biologist, but he happened to be right. It was Minnie. Rather, it was Mitkey’s mate, so the name was appropriate. What strange vagary of mind had induced her to walk into an unbaited trap, the Professor neither knew nor cared, but he was delighted. He promptly remedied the lack of bait by pushing a sizable piece of cheese through the bars.

Thus it was that Minnie came to fill the place of her far-traveling spouse as repository for the Professor’s confidences. Whether she worried about her family or not there is no way of knowing, but she need not have done so. They were now large enough to fend for themselves, particularly in a house that offered abundant cover and easy access to the refrigerator.

“Ah, und now it iss dargk enough, Minnie, that ye can loogk for that husband of yours. His viery trail across the sky. True, Minnie, it iss a very small viery trail und der astronomers vill not notice it, because they do not know vhere to loogk. But ye do.

“He iss going to be a very vamous mouse, Minnie, this Mitkey of ours, vhen ye tell der vorld about him und about mein rocket. You see, Minnie ye haff not told them yet. Ve shall vait und gill der gomplete story all at vunce. By dawn of tomorrow ve’ll—” Ah, there he iss, Minnie! Vaint, but there. I’d hold you up to der scope und let you loogk, but it vould not be vocused right for your eyes, und I do not know how to—

“Almost vun hundred thousand miles, Minnnie, und still agceler­ating, but not for much longer. Our Mitkey iss on schedule; in fagt he iss going vaster than ye had vigured, no? It iss sure now that he vill eggscape the gravitation of der earth, und fall upon der moon!”

Of course, it was purely coincidental that Minnie squeaked.

“Ah, yess, Minnie, little Minnie. I know, I know. Ve shall neffer see our Mitkey again, und I almost vish our eggsperiment hadt vailed. Budt there are gompensations, Minnie. He shall be der most vamous of all mices. Der Star-Mouse! Virst liffing greature effer to go beyond der gravitational bull of earth!”

The night was long. Occasionally high clouds obscured vision.

“Minnie, I shall make you more gomfortable than in that so-small vire cage. You vould like to seem to be vree, vould you not, vithout bars, like der animals at modern zoos, vith moats insteadt?”

And so, to fill in an hour when a cloud obscured the sky, the Herr Professor made Minnie her new home. It was the end of a wooden crate, about half an inch thick and a foot square, laid flat on the table, and with no visible barrier around it.

But he covered the top with metal foil at the edges, and he placed the board on another larger board which also had a strip of metal foil surrounding the island of Minnie’s home. And wires from the two areas of metal foil to opposite terminals of a small transformer which he placed near by.

“Und now, Minnie, I shall blace you on your island, vhich shall be liberally supplied mitt cheese und vater, und you shall vind it iss an eggcelent blace to liff. But you vill get a mild shock or two vhen you try to step off der edge of der island. It vill not hurt much, but you vill not like it, und after a few tries you vill learn not to try again, no? Und—”

And night again.

Minnie happy on her island, her lesson well learned. She would no longer so much as step on the inner strip of metal foil. It was a mouse-paradise of an island, though. There was a cliff of cheese bigger than Minnie herself. It kept her busy. Mouse and cheese; soon one would be a transmutation of the other.

But Professor Oberburger wasn’t thinking about that. The Pro­fessor was worried. When he had calculated and recalculated and aimed his eight-inch reflector through the hole in the roof and turned out the lights—

Yes, there are advantages to being a bachelor after all. If one wants a hole in the roof, one simply knocks a hole in the roof and there is nobody to tell one that one is crazy. If winter comes, or if it rains, one can always call a carpenter or use a tarpaulin.

But the faint trail of light wasn’t there. The Professor frowned and re-calculated and re-re-calculated and shifted his telescope three-tenths of a minute and still the rocket wasn’t there.

“Minnie, something iss wrong. Either der tubes hall stopped vir­ing, or—”

Or the rocket was no longer traversing a straight line relative to its point of departure. By straight, of course, is meant parabolically curved relative to everything other than velocity.

So the Herr Professor did the only thing remaining for him to do, and began to search, with the telescope, in widening circles. It was two hours before he found it, five degrees off course already and veering more and more into a— Well, there was only one thing you could call it.

A tailspin.

The darned thing was going in circles, circles which appeared to constitute an orbit about something that couldn’t possibly be there. Then narrowing into a concentric spiral.

Then—out. Gone. Darkness. No rocket flares.

The Professor’s face was pale as he turned to Minnie.

“It iss imbossible, Minnie. Mein own eyes, but it could not be. Even if vun side stopped viring, it could not haff gone into such sudden circles.” His pencil verified a suspicion. “Und, Minnie, it decelerated vaster than bossible. Even mitt no tubes viring, its momentum vould haff been more—”

The rest of the night—telescope and calculus—yielded no clue. That is, no believable clue. Some force not inherent in the rocket itself, and not accountable by gravitation—even of a hypothetical body—had acted.

“Mein poor Mitkey.”

The gray, inscrutable dawn. “Mein Minnie, it vill haff to be a secret. Ve dare not publish vhat ye saw, for it vould not be believed. I am not sure I believe it myself, Minnie. Berhaps because I vas offertired vrom not sleeping, I chust imachined that I saw—”

Later. “But, Minnie, ye shall hope. Vun hundred vifty thousand miles out, it vas. It vill fall back upon der earth. But I gannot tell vherel I thought that if it did, I vould be able to galculate its course, und— But after those goncentric circles—Minnie, not even Einstein could galculate vhere it vill land. Not effen me. All ve can do iss hope that ye shall hear of vhere it falls.”

Cloudy day. Black night jealous of its mysteries.

“Minnie, our poor Mitkey. There is nothing could have gauzed—”

But something had.


Prxl is an asteroid. It isn’t called that by earthly astronomers, because—for excellent reasons—they have not discovered it. So we will call it by the nearest possible transliteration of the name its inhabitants use. Yes, it’s inhabited.

Come to think of it, Professor Oberburger’s attempt to send a rocket to the moon had some strange results. Or rather, Prxl did.

You wouldn’t think that an asteroid could reform a drunk, would you? But one Charles Winslow, a besotted citizen of Bridgeport, Connecticut, never took a drink when—right on Grove Street—a mouse asked him the road to Hartford. The mouse was wearing bright red pants and vivid yellow gloves—

But that was fifteen months after the Professor lost his rocket. We’d better start over again.

Prxl is an asteroid. One of those despised celestial bodies which terrestrial astronomers call vermin of the sky, because the darned things leave trails across the plates that clutter up the more important observations of novae and nebulae. Fifty thousand fleas on the dark dog of night.

Tiny things, most of them. Astronomers have been discovering recently that some of them come close to Earth. Amazingly close. There was excitement in 1932 when Amor came within ten million miles; astronomically, a mere mashie shot. Then Apollo cut that almost in half, and in 1936 Adonis came within less than one and a half million miles.
In 1937, Hermes, less than half a million but the astronomers got really excited when they calculated its orbit and found that the little mile-long asteroid can come within a mere 220,000 miles, closer than Earth’s own moon.

Some day they may be still more excited, if and when they spot the 3/8-mile asteroid Prxl, that obstacle of space, making a transit across the moon and discover that it frequently comes within a mere hundred thousand miles of our rapidly whirling world.

Only in event of a transit will they ever discover it, though, for Prxl does not reflect light. It hasn’t, anyway, for several million years since its inhabitants coated it with a black, light-absorbing pigment derived from its interior. Monumental task, painting a world, for creatures half an inch tall. But worth it, at the time. When they’d shifted its orbit, they were safe from their enemies. There were giants in those days—eight-inch tall marauding pirates from Diemos. Got to Earth a couple of times too, before they faded out of the picture. Pleasant little giants who killed because they enjoyed it. Records in now-buried cities on Diemos might explain what happened to the dinosaurs. And why the promising Cro-Magnons disappeared at the height of their promise only a cosmic few minutes after the dinosaurs went west.

But Prxl survived. Tiny world no longer reflecting the sun’s rays, lost to the cosmic killers when its orbit was shifted.

Prxl. Still civilized, with a civilization millions of years old. Its coat of blackness preserved and renewed regularly, more through tradition than fear of enemies in these later degenerate days. Mighty but stagnant civilization, standing still on a world that whizzes like a bullet.

And Mitkey Mouse.

Klarloth, head scientist of a race of scientists, tapped his assistant Bemj on what would have been Bemj’s shoulder if he had had one. “Look,” he said, “what approaches Prxl. Obviously artificial propulsion.”

Bemj looked into the wall-plate and then directed a thought-wave at the mechanism that jumped the magnification of a thousand-fold through an alteration of the electronic field.

The image leaped, blurred, then steadied. “Fabricated,” said Bemj.

“Extremely crude, I must say. Primitive explosive-powered rocket. Wait, I’ll check where it came from.”

He took the readings from the dials about the viewplate, and hurled them as thoughts against the psychocoil of the computer, then waited while that most complicated of machines digested all the factors and prepared the answer. Then, eagerly, he slid his mind into rapport with its projector. Klarloth likewise listened in to the silent broadcast.

Exact point on Earth and exact time of departure. Untranslatable expression of curve of trajectory, and point on that curve where deflected by gravitational pull of Prxl. The destination—or rather the original intended destination—of the rocket was obvious, Earth’s moon. Time and place of arrival on Prxl if present course of rocket was unchanged.

“Earth,” said Klarloth meditatively. “They were a long way from rocket travel the last time we checked them. Some sort of a crusade, or battle of beliefs, going on, wasn’t there?”

Bemj nodded. “Catapults. Bows and arrows. They’ve taken a long stride since, even if this is only an early experimental thing of a rocket. Shall we destroy it before it gets here?”

Klarloth shook his head thoughtfully. “Let’s look it over. May save us a trip to Earth; we can judge their present state of develop­ment pretty well from the rocket itself.”

“But then we’ll have to—”

“Of course. Call the Station. Tell them to train their attracto-repulsors on it and to swing it into a temporary orbit until they prepare a landing-cradle. And not forget to damp out the explosive before they bring it down.”

“Temporary force-field around point of landing—in case?”


So despite the almost complete absence of atmosphere in which the vanes could have functioned, the rocket came down safely and so softly that Mitkey, in the dark compartment, knew only that the awful noise had stopped.

Mitkey felt better. He ate some more of the cheese with which the compartment was liberally provided. Then he resumed trying to gnaw a hole in the inch-thick wood with which the compartment was lined. That wooden lining was a kind thought of the Herr Professor for Mitkey’s mental well-being. He knew that trying to gnaw his way out would give Mitkey something to do en route which would keep him from getting the screaming meemies. The idea had worked; being busy, Mitkey hadn’t suffered mentally from his dark confinement. And now that things were quiet, he chewed away more industriously and more happily than ever, sub­limely unaware that when he got through the wood, he’d find only metal which he couldn’t chew. But better people than Mitkey have found things they couldn’t chew.

Meanwhile, Klarloth and Bemj and several thousand other Prxlians stood gazing up at the huge rocket which, even lying on its side, towered high over their heads. Some of the younger ones, forgetting the invisible field of force, walked too close and came back, ruefully rubbing bumped heads.

Klarloth himself was at the psychograph.

“There is life inside the rocket,” he told Bemj. “But the impres­sions are confused. One creature, but I cannot follow its thought processes. At the moment it seems to be doing something with its teeth.”

“It could not be an Earthling, one of the dominant race. One of them is much larger than this huge rocket. Gigantic creatures. Perhaps, unable to construct a rocket large enough to hold one of themselves, they sent an experimental creature, such as our wooraths.”

“I believe you’ve guessed right, Bemj. Well, when we have explored its mind thoroughly, we may still learn enough to save us a check-up trip to Earth. I am going to open the door.”

“But air—creatures of Earth would need a heavy, almost a dense atmosphere. It could not live.”

“We retain the force-field, of course. It will keep the air in. Obviously there is a source of supply of air within the rocket or the creature would not have survived the trip.”

Klarloth operated controls, and the force-field itself put forth invisible pseudo-pods and turned the outer screw-door, then reached within and unlatched the inner door to the compartment itself.

All Prxl watched breathlessly as a monstrous gray head pushed out of the huge aperture yawning overhead. Thick whiskers, each as long as the body of a Prxlian—

Mitkey jumped down, and took a forward step that bumped his black nose hard—into something that wasn’t there. He squeaked, and jumped backward against the rocket.

There was disgust in Bemj’s face as he looked up at the monster.

“Obviously much less intelligent than a woorath. Might just as well turn on the ray.”

“Not at all,” interrupted Klarloth. “You forget certain very obvious facts. The creature is unintelligent, of course, but the subconscious of every animal holds in itself every memory, every impression, every sense-image, to which it has ever been subjected. If this creature has ever heard the speech of the Earthlings, or seen any of their works—besides this rocket—every word and every picture is indelibly graven. You see now what I mean?”

“Naturally. How stupid of me, Klarloth. Well, one thing is obvious from the rocket itself: we have nothing to fear from the science of Earth for at least a few millennia. So there is no hurry, which is fortunate. For to send back the creature’s memory to the time of its birth, and to follow each sensory impression in the psychograph will require—well, a time at least equivalent to the age of the creature, whatever that is, plus the time necessary for us to interpret and assimilate each.”

“But that will not be necessary, Bemj.”

“No? Oh, you mean the X-19 waves?”

“Exactly. Focused upon this creature’s brain-center, they can, without disturbing his memories, be so delicately adjusted as to increase his intelligence—now probably about .0001 in the scale—to the point where he is a reasoning creature. Almost automatically, during the process, he will assimilate his own memories, and understand them just as he would if he had been intelligent at the time he received those impressions.

“See, Bemj? He will automatically sort out irrelevant data, and will be able to answer our questions.”

“But would you make him as intelligent as—?”

“As we? No, the X-19 waves would not work so far. I would say to about .2, on the scale. That, judging from the rocket, coupled with what we remember of Earthlings from our last trip there, is about their present place on the intelligence scale.”

“Ummm, yes. At that level, he would comprehend his experiences on Earth just sufficiently that he would not be dangerous to us, too. Equal to an intelligent Earthling. Just about right for our purpose. Then, shall we teach him our language?”

“Wait,” said Klarloth. He studied the psychograph closely for a while.

“No, I do not think so. He will have a language of his own. I see in his subconscious, memories of many long conversations. Strangely, they all seem to be monologues by one person. But he will have a language—a simple one. It would take him a long time, even under treatment, to grasp the concepts of our own method of communication. But we can learn his, while he is under the X-19 machine, in a few minutes.”

“Does he understand, now, any of that language?”

Klarloth studied the psychograph again. “No, I do not believe he— Wait, there is one word that seems to mean something to him. The word `Mitkey.’ It seems to be his name, and I believe that, from hearing it many times, he vaguely associates it with himself.”

“And quarters for him—with air-locks and such?”

“Of course. Order them built.”

To say it was a strange experience for Mitkey is understatement. Knowledge is a strange thing, even when it is acquired gradually. To have it thrust upon one—

And there were little things that had to be straightened out. Like the matter of vocal chords. His weren’t adapted to the language he now found he knew. Bemj fixed that; you would hardly call it an operation because Mitkey—even with his new awareness—didn’t know what was going on, and he was wide awake at the time. And they didn’t explain to Mitkey about the J-dimension with which one can get at the inwardness of things without penetrating the outside.

They figured things like that weren’t in Mitkey’s line, and anyway they were more interested in learning from him than teaching him. Bemj and Klarloth, and a dozen others deemed worthy of the privilege. If one of them wasn’t talking to him, another was.

Their questioning helped his own growing understanding. He would not, usually, know that he knew the answer to a question until it was asked. Then he’d piece together, without knowing just how he did it (any more than you or I know how we know things) and give them the answer.

Bemj: “Iss this language vhich you sbeak a universal vun?”

And Mitkey, even though he’d never thought about it before, had the answer ready: “No, it iss nodt. It iss Englitch, but I remember der Herr Brofessor sbeaking of other tongues. I belief he sboke another himself originally, budt in America he always sboke Englitch to become more vamiliar mitt it. It iss a beaudiful sbeech, is it nodt?”

“Hmmmm,” said Bemj.

Klarloth: “Und your race, the mices. Are they treated veil?” “Nodt by most people,” Mitkey told him. And explained.

“I vould like to do something for them,” he added. “Loogk, could I nodt take back mitt me this brocess vhich you used upon me? Abbly it to other mices, and greate a race of super-mices?”

“Vhy not?” asked Bemj.

He saw Klarloth looking at him strangely, and threw his mind into rapport with the chief scientist’s, with Mitkey left out of the silent communion.

“Yes, of course,” Bemj told Klarloth, “it will lead to trouble on Earth, grave trouble. Two equal classes of beings so dissimilar as mice and men cannot live together in amity. But why should that concern us, other than favorably? The resultant mess will slow down progress on Earth—give us a few more millennia of peace before Earthlings discover we are here, and trouble starts. You know these Earthlings.”

“But you would give them the X-19 waves? They might—”

“No, of course not. But we can explain to Mitkey here how to make a very crude and limited machine for them. A primitive one which would suffice for nothing more than the specific task of converting mouse mentality from .0001 to .2, Mitkey’s own level and that of the bifurcated Earthlings.”

“It is possible,” communicated Klarloth. “It is certain that for aeons to come they will be incapable of understanding its basic principle.”

“But could they not use even a crude machine to raise their own level of intelligence?”

“You forget, Bemj, the basic limitation of the X-19 rays; that no one can possibly design a projector capable of raising any mentality to a point on the scale higher than his own. Not even we.” All this, of course, over Mitkey’s head, in silent Prxlian.

More interviews, and more.

Klarloth again: “Mitkey, ve yarn you of vun thing. Avoid carelessness vith electricity. Der new molecular rearranchement of your brain center—it iss unstable, und—”

Bemj: “Mitkey, are you sure your Herr Brofessor iss der most advanced of all who eggsperiment vith der rockets?”

“In cheneral, yens, Bemj. There are others who on vun specific boint, such as eggsplosives, mathematics, astrovisics, may know more, but not much more. Und for combining these knowledges, he iss ahead.”

“It iss yell,” said Bemj.

Small gray mouse towering like a dinosaur over tinier half-inch Prxlians. Meek, herbivorous creature though he was, Mitkey could have killed any one of them with a single bite. But, of course, it never occurred to him to do so, nor to them to fear that he might.

They turned him inside out mentally. They did a pretty good job of study on him physically, too, but that was through the J-dimension, and Mitkey didn’t even know about it.

They found out what made him tick, and they found out everything he knew and some things he didn’t even know he knew. And they grew quite fond of him.

“Mitkey,” said Klarloth one day, “all der civilized races on Earth year glothing, do they nodt? Vell, if you are to raise der level of mices to men, vould it not be vitting that you year glothes, too?”

“An eggcelent idea, Herr Klarloth. Und I know chust vhat kind I should like. Der Herr Brofessor vunce showed me a bicture of a mouse bainted by der artist Dissney, und der mouse yore glothing. Der mouse vas not a real-life vun, budt an imachinary mouse in a barable, und der Brofessor named me after der Dissney mouse.”

“Vot kind of glothing vas it, Mitkey?”

“Bright red bants mitt two big yellow buttons in frondt und two in back, und yellow shoes for der back feet und a pair of yellow gloves for der front. A hole in der seat of der bants to aggomodate der tail.”

“Ogay, Mitkey. Such shall be ready for you in fife minutes.”

That was on the eve of Mitkey’s departure. Originally Bemj had suggested awaiting the moment when Prxl’s eccentric orbit would again take it within a hundred and fifty thousand miles of Earth. But, as Klarloth pointed out, that would be fifty-five Earth-years ahead, and Mitkey wouldn’t last that long. Not unless they—And Bemj agreed that they had better not risk sending a secret like that back to Earth.

So they compromised by refueling Mitkey’s rocket with something that would cancel out the million and a quarter odd miles he would have to travel. That secret they didn’t have to worry about, because the fuel would be gone by the time the rocket landed.

Day of departure.

“Ve haft done our best, Mitkey, to set and time der rocket so it vill land on or near der spot from vhich you left Earth. But you gannot eggspect agguracy in a voyach so long as this. But you vill land near. The rest iss up to you. Ve haff equvipped the rocket ship for effery contingency.”

“Thank you, Herr Klarloth, Herr Bemj. Gootbye.”

“Gootbye, Mitkey. Ve hate to loose you.”

“Gootbye, Mitkey.”

“Gootbye, gootbye . . .”

For a million and a quarter miles, the aim was really excellent. The rocket landed in Long Island Sound, ten miles out from Bridgeport, about sixty miles from the house of Professor Oberburger near Hartford.

They had prepared for a water landing, of course. The rocket went down to the bottom, but before it was more than a few dozen feet under the surface, Mitkey opened the door—especially re-equipped to open from the inside—and stepped out.

Over his regular clothes he wore a neat little diving suit that would have protected him at any reasonable depth, and which, being lighter than water, brought him to the surface quickly where he was able to open his helmet.

He had enough synthetic food to last him for a week, but it wasn’t necessary, as things turned out. The night-boat from Boston carried him in to Bridgeport on its anchor chain, and once in sight of land he was able to divest himself of the diving suit and let it sink to the bottom after he’d punctured the tiny compartments that made it float, as he’d promised Klarloth he would do.

Almost instinctively, Mitkey knew that he’d do well to avoid human beings until he’d reached Professor Oberburger and told his story. His worst danger proved to be the rats at the wharf where he swam ashore. They were ten times Mitkey’s size and had teeth that could have taken him apart in two bites.

But mind has always triumphed over matter. Mitkey pointed an imperious yellow glove and said, “Scram,” and the rats scrammed. They’d never seen anything like Mitkey before, and they were impressed.

So for that matter, was the drunk of whom Mitkey inquired the way to Hartford. We mentioned that episode before. That was the only time Mitkey tried direct communication with strange human beings. He took, of course, every precaution. He addressed his remarks from a strategic position only inches away from a hole into which he could have popped. But it was the drunk who did the popping, without even waiting to answer Mitkey’s question.

But he got there, finally. He made his way afoot to the north side of town and hid out behind a gas station until he heard a motorist who had pulled in for gasoline inquire the way to Hartford. And Mitkey was a stowaway when the car started up.

The rest wasn’t hard. The calculations of the Prxlians showed that the starting point of the rocket was five Earth miles north-west of what showed on their telescopomaps as a city, and which from the Professor’s conversation Mitkey knew would be Hartford.

He got there.

“Hello, Brofessor.”

The Herr Professor Oberburger looked up, startled. There was no one in sight. “Vot?” he asked, of the air. “Who iss?”

“It iss I, Brofessor. Mitkey, der mouse whom you sent to der moon. But I vas not there. Insteadt, I—”

“Vot?? It iss imbossible. Somebody blays der choke. Budt—budt nobody knows about that rocket. Vhen it vailed, I didn’t told nobody. Nobody budt me knows—”

“And me, Brofessor.”

The Herr Professor sighed heavily. “Offervork. I am going vhat they call battly in der bel—”

“No, Brofessor. This is really me, Mitkey. I can talk now. Chust like you.”

“You say you can— I do not belief it. Vhy can I not see you, then. Vhere are you? Vhy don’t you—”

“I am hiding, Brofessor, in der vall chust behind der big hole. I vanted to be sure efferything vas ogay before I showed myself. Then you would not get eggcited und throw something at me maybe.”

“Vot? Vhy, Mitkey, if it iss really you und I am nodt asleep or going— Vhy, Mitkey, you know better than to think I might do something like that!”

“Ogay, Brofessor.”

Mitkey stepped out of the hole in the wall, and the Professor looked at him and rubbed his eyes and looked again and rubbed his eyes and—

“I am grazy,’ he said finally. “Red bants he years yet, und yel­low— It gannot be. I am grazy.”

“No, Brofessor. Listen, I’ll tell you all aboudt.”

And Mitkey told him.

Gray dawn, and a small gray mouse still talking earnestly.

“Yess, Brofessor. I see your boint, that you think an intelligent race of mices und an intelligent race of men couldt nodt get along side by sides. But it vould not be side by sides; as I said, there are only a ferry few beople in the smallest continent of Australia. Und it vould cost little to bring them back und turn offer that continent to us mices. Ve vould call it Moustralia instead Australia, und ye vould instead of Sydney call der capital Dissney, in honor of—”

“But, Mitkey—”

“But, Brofessor, look vot we offer for that continent. All mices vould go there. Ve civilize a few und the few help us catch others und bring them in to put them under red ray machine, und the others help catch more und build more machines und it grows like a snowball rolling down hill. Und ye sign a nonaggression pact mitt humans und stay on Moustralia und raise our own food und—”

“But, Mitkey—”

“Und look vot ye offer you in eggschange, Her Brofessor! Ve vill eggsterminate your vorst enemy—der rats. Ve do not like them either. Und vun battalion of vun thousand mices, armed mitt gas masks und small gas bombs, could go right in effery hole after der rats und could eggsterminate effery rat in a city in vun day or two. In der whole vorld ye could eggsterminate effery last rat in a year, und at the same time catch und civilize effery mouse und ship him to Moustralia, und—”

“But, Mitkey—”

“Vot, Brofessor?”

“It vould vork, but it vould not work. You could eggsterminate der rats, yess. But how long vould it be before conflicts of interests vould lead to der mices trying to eggsterminate de people or der people trying to eggsterminate der—”

“They vould not dare, Brofessor! Ve could make weapons that vould—”

“You see, Mitkey?”

“But it vould not habben. If men vill honor our rights, ve vill honor—”

The Herr Professor sighed.

“I—I vill act as your intermediary, Mitkey, und offer your bropo­sition, und— Vell, it iss true that getting rid of rats vould be a greadt boon to der human race. Budt—”

“Thank you, Brofessor.”

“By der vay, Mitkey. I haff Minnie. Your vife, I guess it iss, un­less there vas other mices around. She iss in der other room; I put her there chust before you ariffed, so she vould be in der dark und could sleep. You vant to see her?”

“Vife?” said Mitkey. It had been so long that he had really for­gotten the family he had perforce abandoned. The memory re­turned slowly.

“Veil,” he said “—ummm, yess. Ve vill get her und I shall con­struct quvick a small X-19 prochector und—Yess, it vill help you in your negotiations mitt der governments if there are sefferal of us already so they can see I am not chust a freak like they might otherwise suspegt.”

It wasn’t deliberate. It couldn’t have been, because the Profes­sor didn’t know about Klarloth’s warning to Mitkey about careless­ness with electricity—”Der new molecular rearranchement of your brain center—it iss unstable, und—”

And the Professor was still back in the lighted room when Mitkey ran into the room where Minnie was in her barless cage. She was asleep, and the sight of her— Memory of his earlier days came back like a flash and suddenly Mitkey knew how lonesome he had been.

“Minnie!” he called, forgetting that she could not understand.

And stepped up on the board where she lay. “Squeak!” The mild electrical current between the two strips of tinfoil got him.

There was silence for a while.

Then: “Mitkey,” called the Herr Professor. “Come on back und ye vill discuss this—”

He stepped through the doorway and saw them, there in the gray light of dawn, two small gray mice cuddled happily together. He couldn’t tell which was which, because Mitkey’s teeth had torn off the red and yellow garments which had suddenly been strange, confining and obnoxious things.

“Vot on earth?” asked Professor Oberburger. Then he remem­bered the current, and guessed.

“Mitkey! Can you no longer talk? Iss der—”


Then the Professor smiled. “Mitkey,” he said, “my little star-mouse. I think you are more happier now.”

He watched them a moment, fondly, then reached down and flipped the switch that broke the electrical barrier. Of course they didn’t know they were free, but when the Professor picked them up and placed them carefully on the floor, one ran immediately for the hole in the wall. The other followed, but turned around and looked back—still a trace of puzzlement in the little black eyes, a puzzlement that faded.

“Gootbye, Mitkey. You vill be happier this vay. Und there vill always be cheese.”

“Squeak,” said the little gray mouse, and it popped into the hole.

“Gootbye—” it might, or might not, have meant.

The End

Movies that Inspired Me

Here are some movies that I consider noteworthy and worth a view. Enjoy.

The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad.
Jason and the Argonauts
The Golden Voyage of Sinbad (1973)
The Abominable Dr. Phibes (1971)

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.

Space Cadet (Full Text) by Robert Heinlein
Correspondence Course
The Last Night
The Flying Machine
A story of escape.
All Summer in a day.
The Smile by Ray Bradbury
The menace from Earth
Delilah and the Space Rigger
The Tax-payer
The Pedestrian
Time for the stars.
Glory Road by Robert Heinlein
Starman Jones (Full Text) by Robert Heinlein.
The Lottery (Full Text) by Shirley Jackson
The Cold Equations (Full Text)
Farnham's Freehold (Full Text) by Robert Heinlein
Invisible Boy (Full Text) by Ray Bradbury
Job: A Comedy of Justice (Full Text) by Robert Heinlein
Spell my name with an "S" by Isaac Asimov
The Proud Robot (Full Text)
The Time Locker
Not the First (Full Text) by A.E. van Vogt

My Poetry

My Kitten Knows

Articles & Links

You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

Snapshots of Summer in Asia (part 12).

Exploration of Asia continued…

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Peanut-butter Spaghetti ( 花生酱面 )

This is a traditional dish. It is similar to spaghetti, except it uses rice noodles instead of wheat noodles, and the sauce is a mixture of peanut-butter and spices.

There are all kinds of recipes on the internet to add a kind of peanut-butter sauce for cheap Ramen noodles. But, boys and girls, that’s like saying a McDonald’s hamburger is equivalent to a real turkey dinner at Thanksgiving. Nope. Just posted Internet nonsense.

Here’s the baseline ingredients…

As the noodles cook, make the sesame peanut butter sauce.  Just add some  sesame oil, peanut butter, honey, soy sauce, rice vinegar, minced  garlic, and grated ginger to a bowl.  Give it a good whisk, until it is  well combined.  The peanut butter will break down and create a smooth,  creamy sauce. 

-The Wholesome Dish

This video shows how it is done.

This dish is called “peanut butter sauce – noodles”. And the Chinese characters for it are 花生酱面.

Hong Kong Dining

This is something that I am well experienced in. There are many first class, and first rate restaurants in Hong Kong. When dining upstairs you often have an absolutely amazing view of the city at night. In a like way, we can also say that there are amazing clubs, bars, and establishments that people can explore when venturing out in the late night Hong Kong air.

It’s all something like this…

Some very cute Thailand beauties…

Thailand is known as the “Land of Smiles”. They are a great fun-loving and traditional people. They take care of themselves and are very religious. My experiences in Thailand have always been outstanding and first rate.

Here are some cute girls…

On a Serious Note…

I have been reading the nonsense out of the United States media and it is disturbing to me. You have BLM, Antifa, and Liberal progressive democrat socialists conducting violence, and openly calling for outright war, torture and death. Meanwhile, the Congress-critters accept bribes from the Saudi Oligarchy and demand that we fight Iran, or Russia. Or China. Jeeze!

It saddens me. It really does.

It doesn’t matter if it is a person, or a nation. When someone is openly advocating violence, for whatever reason, there is something seriously wrong. And, if the government allows this to persist, then the government is broken.

That is especially true for the United States.

Now, of course, China is not the United States. There are the “enormous” group of SJW (Social Justice Warriors) in Hong Kong that are demanding “democracy” for Hong Kong. Here’s a picture of ALL OF THEM. Look at the enormous protest!

They demand “democracy” or else! You know, like America has. Rah rah!

SJW's for democracy.
Social Justice Warriors in Hong Kong. They advocate hurting people, violence and other military means to enable LGBT freedoms, and “democracy”. They do not want a traditional nation. They want a progressive one. You know, like America. They look to America with all the SJW, the PC culture, and the gender neutrality as the new wave of the future. They even have supporters in the RINO’s in the American Congress.

These people are misfits. They openly advocate hurting people, burning buildings, and torturing people so that HK can have “democracy”. Identical to the BLM and Antifa crowd.

The American news media breathlessly parrot their demands.

They claim that this view is reflected in all of China and Asia, and that there should be a war that would free and “liberate” the Chinese people from under the dictatorial yoke of the oppressive Chinese government. Whoo woo!

These people do not want a Republican style of government; a representative one. They do not want to implement a fair and just government. They want a progressive mob rule run by a handful of wealthy oligarchs.

They are willing to do violence so that they can join the ranks of the oligarchy.

Not. Going. To. Happen.

People, you all should know this, you don’t make threats, and you don’t force violence. Because sooner or later YOU will get hurt.

As you get older, you have friends and loved ones who die. Sometimes of old age.

I rode in the car with my father. We talked about the local butcher, and the changes to the local park. We talked about the passing of his dog; Zeeny. We talked about the movie that he watched last night.

The next day, I got a phone call that he was dead.

People die. Sometimes by accident, and sometimes by violence. We all need to see that our place on this planet is to obtain good positive experiences with others.

One day you are having coffee and a donut with them. The next day, you get a phone call that they are dead.

One day you are in the office chatting away at their desk. You are just talking about life and things. The next day, the security guard is emptying out the desk as they had died last night.

One day you are chatting on the phone with them. The next day you find out that they died suddenly.

It’s called life and it hurts.

Turn off that propaganda box known as American mainstream news. Toss it away. Spend time with friends, family and loved ones. You might only get one chance. Today might just be it.

A coworker had spent the day at work talking about all the money that she inhered from her uncle when he died. We talked about her plans over coffee near the break room.

The next day she was dead of a drug overdose.

If you find yourself getting too caught up with some injustice that you read about on the news, then turn off your computer. The news is DESIGNED to evoke emotional reactions from you. It is all nonsense. TURN THAT FUCKER OFF.

Please listen to me. Please believe me. You do not want to confront this…

We are all people. We have a life. We have friends. We have a small community that we are all part of. It is important, and we all have a role within it.

I turned around. My little white kitten lay dead on the road. It looked like it was sleeping. But it was gone. Dead. Run over by the car that sped through the neighborhood.

Life is short. Make yours a good one.

That’s it for now. I do hope that you enjoyed this visit to Asia via the Internet. I hope that you had some fun, maybe learned a thing or two, or had some inspiration. Enjoy. Sure beats the CNN or The UK Guardian narrative, eh?

Thank you.

If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.

Links about China

Here are some links about my observations on China. I think that you, the reader, might find them to be of interest. Please kindly enjoy.

Popular Music of China
Chinese weapons systems
Chinese motor sports
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
Dance Craze
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Business KTV
How I got married in China.
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

As an American, I cannot help but compare what my life was in the United States with what it is like living in China. Here we discuss that.

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.


Learning About China

Who doesn’t like to look at pretty girls? Ugly girls? Here we discuss what China is like by looking at videos of pretty girls doing things in China.

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Contemporaneous Chinese Music

This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Part 1 - Popular Music of China
Part 3 -Popular music of China.
Part 3 - The contemporaneous music of China.
part 3B - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 4 - The contemporaneous popular music of China.
Part 5 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5B - The popular music of China.
Part 5C - The music of contemporary China.
Part D - The popular music of China.
Part 5E - A happy Joe.
Part 5F - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5F - The popular music of China.
Post 6 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 7 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 8 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 9 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 10 - Music of China.
Post 11 - The contemporaneous music of China.

Parks in China

The parks in China are very unique. They are enormous and tend to be very mountainous. Here we take a look at this most interesting of subjects.

Parks in China - 1
Pars in China - 2
Parks in China - 3
Visiting a park in China - 4
High Speed Rail in China
Visiting a park in China - 5
Beautiful China part 6
Parks in China - 7
Visiting a park in China - 8

Really Strange China

Here are some posts that discuss a number of things about China that might seem odd, or strange to Westerners. Some of the things are everyday events, while others are just representative of the differences in culture.

Really Strange China 1
Really Strange China 2
Rally Strange China 3
Really Strange China 4
Really Odd China 5
Really Strange China 6
Really Strange China 7
Really Strange China 8
Really Strange China 9
Really Strange China 10
Really Strange China 11
Really Strange China 12
Really strange China 13
Really strange China 14

What is China like?

The purpose of this post is to illustrate that the rest of the world, outside of America, has moved on with their lives. That while they might not be as great as America is, they are doing just fine thank you.

And while America has been squandering it’s money, decimating it’s resources, and just being cavalier with it’s military, the rest of the world has done the opposite. They have husbanded their day to day fortunes, and you can see this in their day-to-day lives.

What is China like - 1
What is China like - 2
What is China Like - 3
What is China like - 4
What is China like - 5
What is China like - 6
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 9

Articles & Links

You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

  • You can start reading the articles sequentially by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

Snapshots of Summer in Asia (part 9).

Let’s continue on our adventure into Asia by looking at various micro-videos that were taken this summer. As always, the presence of micro-videos might cause difficulty in loading due to bandwidth limitations and high usage demands. In that event, you can reload this page to avoid any problems.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Rural Thailand

People, this is what a small town in rural Thailand looks like. Not too different from what a small down in America looks like. Not really.

I like to believe that people are people, no matter where you live. The only differences that we have are imaginary. They are self created walls that tend to separate and divide each other. I oppose that, and instead look for ground of commonality.

That includes, family, food, pets, and sports. Other similar attributes can include fashion, movies, music, and parties. And, let’s not forget those wonderful vices that everyone around the world enjoys.

What do you see in this picture? Billboards, houses, trucks, pretty girls wearing skirts, blue skies, and white clouds. People, that is what our life on this Earth is all about.

Two Girls in Japan

Ah, aren’t they so cute?

I like to believe that what makes humans great are our difference. Not our similarities. We all like to sing, dance and eat tasty delicious food. It is how we enjoy those moments, and how we interact with each other that renders the moment towards magnificence.

Here are two cute girls in Japan playing with their cute girly outfits. I love the colors, the patterns, the styles and of course, the smiles on the faces of the girls.

Being Disabled in China

Being disabled is difficult. It doesn’t matter where you live, you need to deal with all sorts of problems that “normal” people do not need to contend with.

Here we see a disabled person in China using the Shenzhen subway system.

A Chinese Video Game

Just like the USA, there are all sorts of games and APPs that you can play. They run the complete gambit all across the board. Here is one such Chinese game APP for the cell phone. As you can well see that it is a little different from the kinds of games that you might enjoy in the United States.

And let’s continue onward to other videos…


If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.

Links about China

Here are some links about my observations on China. I think that you, the reader, might find them to be of interest. Please kindly enjoy.

Popular Music of China
Chinese weapons systems
Chinese motor sports
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
Dance Craze
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Business KTV
How I got married in China.
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

As an American, I cannot help but compare what my life was in the United States with what it is like living in China. Here we discuss that.

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.


Learning About China

Who doesn’t like to look at pretty girls? Ugly girls? Here we discuss what China is like by looking at videos of pretty girls doing things in China.

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Contemporaneous Chinese Music

This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Part 1 - Popular Music of China
Part 3 -Popular music of China.
Part 3 - The contemporaneous music of China.
part 3B - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 4 - The contemporaneous popular music of China.
Part 5 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5B - The popular music of China.
Part 5C - The music of contemporary China.
Part D - The popular music of China.
Part 5E - A happy Joe.
Part 5F - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5F - The popular music of China.
Post 6 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 7 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 8 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 9 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 10 - Music of China.
Post 11 - The contemporaneous music of China.

Parks in China

The parks in China are very unique. They are enormous and tend to be very mountainous. Here we take a look at this most interesting of subjects.

Parks in China - 1
Pars in China - 2
Parks in China - 3
Visiting a park in China - 4
High Speed Rail in China
Visiting a park in China - 5
Beautiful China part 6
Parks in China - 7
Visiting a park in China - 8

Really Strange China

Here are some posts that discuss a number of things about China that might seem odd, or strange to Westerners. Some of the things are everyday events, while others are just representative of the differences in culture.

Really Strange China 1
Really Strange China 2
Rally Strange China 3
Really Strange China 4
Really Odd China 5
Really Strange China 6
Really Strange China 7
Really Strange China 8
Really Strange China 9
Really Strange China 10
Really Strange China 11
Really Strange China 12
Really strange China 13
Really strange China 14

What is China like?

The purpose of this post is to illustrate that the rest of the world, outside of America, has moved on with their lives. That while they might not be as great as America is, they are doing just fine thank you.

And while America has been squandering it’s money, decimating it’s resources, and just being cavalier with it’s military, the rest of the world has done the opposite. They have husbanded their day to day fortunes, and you can see this in their day-to-day lives.

What is China like - 1
What is China like - 2
What is China Like - 3
What is China like - 4
What is China like - 5
What is China like - 6
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 9

Articles & Links

You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

  • You can start reading the articles sequentially by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

Snapshots of Summer in Asia (part 6).

This post continues…

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Small Town China.

Everyone knows about Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Shenzhen. But what about the smaller towns and cities? There are hundreds, if not thousands, of them. Here’s a typical fly through.

War Movies – China.

China is a nation with an enormous and complex history. If you think that the history of Europe, and all the wars and conflicts there were complex, you haven’t seen anything. The history of China if far older, with a far greater number of conflicts, battles and strife.

Not to mention, completely and positively, horrific.

 Most people perceive China as a monolith that existed peacefully  since its inception until today. That is far from being true. Back when  Europe was enjoying relative stability under Roman rule, the Celestial  Empire confronted one of the most prolonged crisis.

 Between 184 and 280 AD China was divided in three empires – Wei, Shu,  and Wu. The three emerged after the breakdown of the Han dynasty and  would be again reunited by the Jin monarchs.

 All historians base their life loss estimates on two national  censuses that give a difference of 38 million. Whether the calculations  were accurate will remain a mystery. Nevertheless, one thing is clear.  China has a formidable capacity of regenerating its population.

 It seems that the Chinese were so happy once the century-long conflict ended that they celebrated mostly in their beds. 

 -Unknown but not hidden  

As such, popular shows, television series, and movies all discuss the history of China from various perspectives. For comparison, in the United States, we have war-themed movies as well. They generally consist of…

  • World War II
  • The Vietnam conflict
  • Cowboys and Indians

Certainly there are a rare handful of outliers, however, most of the movies fit within the top three main groups.

Well, while the USA might have three main groups, the Chinese have around 200-300 sub-groups. All of which may, or may not, involve magic, powers, and God-like beings. To understand China is to understand that they are historically, a culture that has been immersed in war for 5000 years. They are TIRED of it, and want no part of the glories of war.

The Taiping Civil War, the conflict lasted between 1850 and 1864 and  produced the most dramatic death toll in history at that time. The  rebellion started with the millenarian movement of the Heavenly Kingdom  of Peace, which tried to overthrow the Qing dynasty.

 As you seen saw far on the list, every significant political change  in the history of China came with savagery. The Taiping Rebellion counts  as the bloodiest civil war in history and makes the American equivalent  look like a banquet.

-Unknown but not hidden 

Here’s a video taken from a popular Chinese television show.

 Between 1618 and 1683, China completed a full transition from its  southern Ming emperors to the new ruling elite coming all they from  northern Manchuria. You could say that in this fragment of history the  Starks were victorious.

 As you suspect, the Ming did not leave without a fight. The Manchu  (Qing) retaliation was unprecedented. More than 25,000,000 lost their  lives in a conflict that spread across the entire land.

 Whole provinces like Sichuan and Jiangnan were completely  depopulated, and chronicles mention massacres like the one of Yangzhou  where 800,000 innocent souls perished. The expression “women and  children first” had a terrifyingly different meaning for the Qing  generals.

 At this point, we need to stress the fact that Qing Manchurians were  foreigners who managed to conquer China mostly through betrayal and  manipulation. Their savagery will be avenged similarly just three  centuries later. 

 -Unknown but not hidden  

In comparison, while the United States has been in a near state of fighting wars for much of the years since 1776, most of the population has been sheltered from war. They never had to flee their homes, suffer through periods of starvation, or experienced being rounded up by armed forces and killed in large groups.

The only two exceptions were the Revolutionary War, and the American Civil War.

Now, since many Americans haven’t experienced the horrific violence that war can bring, they are easily manipulated by an evil self-serving oligarchy to rant and rave about wars in far-off lands. Like Iran. Like Yemen. Like Libya. Like Syria. Like the Ukraine. Like China.


 At first glance, the An Lushan Rebellion seems to deserve just a footnote.

 That’s the error most historians make when they fail to check the  numbers. More than 21 million perished as a result of an attempted coup  that was close to overthrowing one of the most influential dynasties of  the time.

 Take a good look at the man who can be held responsible for the mess.  General An Lushan detonated order and peace once he proclaimed himself  emperor of Northern China in 755 AD. Seven years of turmoil followed,  during which China lost one-third of its population. 

 -Unknown but not hidden   

Rural Holidays…

In China, the government has specifically designated the use of certain communities for travel, tourism and recreation. In these areas, large amounts of funding pours into the community to render that area especially attractive to visit.

Part of the reason is to generate tourist revenue to non-industrial areas, but also another part of the reason is based on the Chinese concept of tradition. They believe that it is duty as conservative traditional Chinese to take care of their environment, their habitat and their environment.

This belief is top down straight from Beijing, and is still meeting strong resistance from (now very old) progressives. These people were very active SJW in the day and followed Mr. Mao with a fine revolutionary fever. Luckily they are dying out, though the “Dancing Grandmothers” are still a royal pain in the ass.

Progressives, of every age, think only of one thing; ME! All they care about is themselves.

Thank God that Beijing follows a traditional Chinese conservative model.

Bike Paths

China believes that the purpose of government is to serve the people. It’s not a slogan like it is used in the United States. They actually believe it.

In fact, they have enforcement police that constantly reviews budgets and the behaviors of government officials to prevent crime and corruption. And you do not want to get into trouble with the “enforcement arm” of the “corruption police”. That little bribe, or way-sided amount of money, could cost you your eyes, your liver, a kidney or even worse. Not to mention hard time in the Chinese mines cracking rocks for a spell.

Now, one of the things that the local Chinese government does is to increase the livability index of the various cities and regions that they control. This is most commonly handled by planting flowers, creating parks, planting trees, adding ponds, and walking paths. As well as providing bike paths.

Here is a typical two-lane bike path in a smaller third-tier city.

You will see things like this throughout Europe, and maybe one or two places in the USA. In China is mandated to be everywhere. Everywhere.

Let’s continue on…


If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.

Links about China

Here are some links about my observations on China. I think that you, the reader, might find them to be of interest. Please kindly enjoy.

Popular Music of China
Chinese weapons systems
Chinese motor sports
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
Dance Craze
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Business KTV
How I got married in China.
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

As an American, I cannot help but compare what my life was in the United States with what it is like living in China. Here we discuss that.

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.


Learning About China

Who doesn’t like to look at pretty girls? Ugly girls? Here we discuss what China is like by looking at videos of pretty girls doing things in China.

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Contemporaneous Chinese Music

This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Part 1 - Popular Music of China
Part 3 -Popular music of China.
Part 3 - The contemporaneous music of China.
part 3B - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 4 - The contemporaneous popular music of China.
Part 5 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5B - The popular music of China.
Part 5C - The music of contemporary China.
Part D - The popular music of China.
Part 5E - A happy Joe.
Part 5F - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5F - The popular music of China.
Post 6 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 7 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 8 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 9 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 10 - Music of China.
Post 11 - The contemporaneous music of China.

Parks in China

The parks in China are very unique. They are enormous and tend to be very mountainous. Here we take a look at this most interesting of subjects.

Parks in China - 1
Pars in China - 2
Parks in China - 3
Visiting a park in China - 4
High Speed Rail in China
Visiting a park in China - 5
Beautiful China part 6
Parks in China - 7
Visiting a park in China - 8

Really Strange China

Here are some posts that discuss a number of things about China that might seem odd, or strange to Westerners. Some of the things are everyday events, while others are just representative of the differences in culture.

Really Strange China 1
Really Strange China 2
Rally Strange China 3
Really Strange China 4
Really Odd China 5
Really Strange China 6
Really Strange China 7
Really Strange China 8
Really Strange China 9
Really Strange China 10
Really Strange China 11
Really Strange China 12
Really strange China 13
Really strange China 14

What is China like?

The purpose of this post is to illustrate that the rest of the world, outside of America, has moved on with their lives. That while they might not be as great as America is, they are doing just fine thank you.

And while America has been squandering it’s money, decimating it’s resources, and just being cavalier with it’s military, the rest of the world has done the opposite. They have husbanded their day to day fortunes, and you can see this in their day-to-day lives.

What is China like - 1
What is China like - 2
What is China Like - 3
What is China like - 4
What is China like - 5
What is China like - 6
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 9

Articles & Links

You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

  • You can start reading the articles sequentially by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

Snapshots of Summer in Asia (part 3).

This is the second page of a multi-post that provides various micro-videos and photos (with narrative) that describe modern contemporaneous Asia. That includes China, Japan, Korea, and Thailand.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Summer Festivals

Festivals are conducted all over the world. China, being such a large nation, with such a large diversity of people, have many, many festivals in the summer. They are held everywhere, and the smaller the town (it seems) the more festivals that they like to have.

Funny thing that.

Anyways, in China, the color red is associated with joy and happiness. Thus we can see this little local parade with bright and happy red colors. Not to mention a cute and pretty local Chinese lass.

Having Fun at a Park

Now, who doesn’t like to have fun? I’ve run into a few of them. They troll comments and posting boards. They have a mental illness. Anyone who does not know how to have fun lives a sorry, sorry life. That’s a fact Jack.

In China, many parks have incorporated all sorts of passive and active enjoyments. From glass floored bridges, to swing sets, monkey bars (for adults) and such things as long-duration mountain slides. Like this. Swoosh!

Now, who wouldn’t want to go down off a mountain by speedy sling-ride? Hum?

J-Pop at Night

Ah, here we have beautiful Japan, and one of the local J-pop dance troupes giving it a go to the delight of the attracted audience.

This is a common sight all over Asia. These groups of dancers offer free presentations in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and China dancing to C-pop and other numbers. They dance in Korea, of course, with very famous dancers to K-pop dancing alongside wanna-be dancers. They dance in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand as well.

This particular group is dancing J-pop in Japan to a Japanese audience. You would never see this in the United States. I do not know why, though I do have a pretty good idea. Personally, it might be due to the various regulations you have to meet, the graft that you must pay, and the various fees and surcharges that will crop up the moment you suggest such a thing. Oh, and if you are in a blue state, you will need to pay off the local union boss as well, and make sure that the police are paid for extra duty and the like…

In Asia, they just do it.

It’s usually just a matter of setting aside a folding chair or two and running tape around it to designate an area that you want to reserve. Sort of like this…

And, as viewed from a different angle…

Public Pools

Here’s a typical pool in China. They tend to be open late into the night, as most Chinese swim at night. They do not like to swim in the daylight. I suppose that that makes them “Vampire Swimmers”. The real reason is that the Chinese do not really like to have their skin turn dark.

There are many reasons for that. There is the belief, an inherited one, no doubt that says that only poor laborers have dark skin, while the rich live a pampered life inside the cool mansions and temples. Other reasons include the fear of getting terrible and deep wrinkles. What I do know is that skin-whiting cremes can be bought everywhere as can be UV sunblock with an SPF of no less than 10,000.

What do you think, you think Chinese pools look like this all the time, eh?

Anyways, American media has presented a terribly distorted view of what pools are like. If you Google “China Pools” you will come up with all sorts of pictures depicting very crowded pools just flooded with multitudes of people. So, naturally, that is the impression that anyone would have if they FUCKING ONLY used AMERICAN WEBSITES to research about China. Gosh darn it! Use Chinese websites to research about China , ya ding-bat.

You don’t go into McDonald’s and order a T-Bone steak, done medium raw, eh? Do you?

It’s like how if you search for “China Dog”, you end up with pages after pages of poor dogs being hurt and tortured. Nah. Not even remotely resembling reality. This post is about reality. Not the cardboard cut-out that the American oligarchy uses to keep Americans down and subservient.

Most Chinese only swim at night.

It is rare to find pools, or beaches crowded during the daytime. If you do, you will more than likely see a sea of umbrellas keeping everyone cool and protected from the relentless sun. So if you see a picture of a bunch of Chinese, out in the hot day, all in a crowded pool… chances are that it’s part of a special event (usually hosted by an organization or two). It’s rather unusual.

Sort of like how unusual it is to be eaten by a White Shark off the coast of Cape Cod.

This is what a Chinese pool is like…

And, this is what it is like on a beach…

BTW, did you know that China has an enormous coast line with an enormous network of lakes and rivers. All of which have government mandated recreational facilities. It’s all part of the conservative belief that the duty of the government is to SERVE the people. It is really quite different from the progressive belief where it’s every man for themselves to do “their own thing” what ever it may be.

Anyways, here’s a chick on one of the many, many beaches…

I like this girl. Nice butt.

Here’s another video. This is of a water park. Yuppur they are all over China. Only that they tend to be much, much larger than their American counterparts, and tend to be quite elaborate. As they all need to compete against each other in size and scope. Ah, check it out.

You’ll notice that the one girl is wearing a light shawl around her waist. Well, that is pretty darn common here in China. It’s to prevent the skin from getting dark, don’t you know. And this is how it manifests.

And, while we are at it, here’s yet another gal at a public pool. You know, in all these videos do you see all those hoards and throngs of people that are so very common on a Google Image Search? Nope. I wonder why…

I have been accused of being a propagandist for the Chinese military. Yup, if you can believe that nonsense. I have been called all sorts of names, like a "fifty center", and an "agitprop", whatever the fuck those two pejorative words mean... I haven't a clue. 

The only difference between me and the rest of America is that I am out here and reporting on what I see with my own two eyes. 

Not mindlessly repeating the power phrases of the oligarchy that runs America and tries to keep them downtrodden and poor.

Anyways, this video…

Too many videos will slow down the loading of this page, so I have broken this most into multiple pages so that you (the reader) can enjoy. Please click on the link to go to the next part of this multi-part post.


If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.

Links about China

Here are some links about my observations on China. I think that you, the reader, might find them to be of interest. Please kindly enjoy.

Popular Music of China
Chinese weapons systems
Chinese motor sports
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
Dance Craze
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Business KTV
How I got married in China.
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

As an American, I cannot help but compare what my life was in the United States with what it is like living in China. Here we discuss that.

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.


Learning About China

Who doesn’t like to look at pretty girls? Ugly girls? Here we discuss what China is like by looking at videos of pretty girls doing things in China.

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Contemporaneous Chinese Music

This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Part 1 - Popular Music of China
Part 3 -Popular music of China.
Part 3 - The contemporaneous music of China.
part 3B - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 4 - The contemporaneous popular music of China.
Part 5 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5B - The popular music of China.
Part 5C - The music of contemporary China.
Part D - The popular music of China.
Part 5E - A happy Joe.
Part 5F - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5F - The popular music of China.
Post 6 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 7 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 8 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 9 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 10 - Music of China.
Post 11 - The contemporaneous music of China.

Parks in China

The parks in China are very unique. They are enormous and tend to be very mountainous. Here we take a look at this most interesting of subjects.

Parks in China - 1
Pars in China - 2
Parks in China - 3
Visiting a park in China - 4
High Speed Rail in China
Visiting a park in China - 5
Beautiful China part 6
Parks in China - 7
Visiting a park in China - 8

Really Strange China

Here are some posts that discuss a number of things about China that might seem odd, or strange to Westerners. Some of the things are everyday events, while others are just representative of the differences in culture.

Really Strange China 1
Really Strange China 2
Rally Strange China 3
Really Strange China 4
Really Odd China 5
Really Strange China 6
Really Strange China 7
Really Strange China 8
Really Strange China 9
Really Strange China 10
Really Strange China 11
Really Strange China 12
Really strange China 13
Really strange China 14

What is China like?

The purpose of this post is to illustrate that the rest of the world, outside of America, has moved on with their lives. That while they might not be as great as America is, they are doing just fine thank you.

And while America has been squandering it’s money, decimating it’s resources, and just being cavalier with it’s military, the rest of the world has done the opposite. They have husbanded their day to day fortunes, and you can see this in their day-to-day lives.

What is China like - 1
What is China like - 2
What is China Like - 3
What is China like - 4
What is China like - 5
What is China like - 6
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 9

Articles & Links

You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

  • You can start reading the articles sequentially by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

“The Proud Robot” (Full Text) by Henry Kuttner (Lewis Padgett)

I love this story. It reminds me of…me.

Back in the day, I had amassed many, many tomes and collections of fine science fiction stories. I really loved the works from the “Golden Age” of science fiction, and one of my favorite writers was Lewis Padgett. Not well known, but completely awesome.

He wrote a series of short stories revolving around a mad scientist that produced brilliant work when he was shit-faced drunk. It’s not real life. That’s why I love it so. It’s so anti-PC.

Here is one of his best. This is a lively and often frankly hilarious account of how a very gifted (when under the influence of the demon Drink) scientist struggles to come to grips with the wackiness of his almost-perfect robot.

It’s one of his many, many creations while drunk. In this case, it is one in which he had just created with quite extraordinary powers, for a purpose which he cannot remember – and with his seemingly inextricable financial predicament(s).

It was first published in the October 1943 issue of Astounding Science Fiction as by “Lewis Padgett”, a nom de plume used by Henry Kuttner (1915–1958) and his wife C.L. Moore (1911-1987) for many of the 200+ fantasy, s-f and horror stories which they wrote together, essentially during the forties, mostly under this name.

The Proud Robot

ORIGINALLY the robot was intended to be a can opener. Things often happened that way with Gallegher, who played at science by ear. He was, as he often remarked, a casual genius. Sometimes he’d start with a twist of wire, a few batteries, and a button hook, and before he finished, he might contrive a new type of refrigerating unit. The affair of the time locker had begun that way, with Gallegher singing hoarsely under his breath and peering, quite drunk, into cans of paint.

At the moment he was nursing a hangover. A disjointed, lanky, vaguely boneless man with a lock of dark hair falling untidily over leis forehead, he lay on the couch in the lab and manipulated his mechanical liquor bar. A very dry Martini drizzled slowly from the spigot into his receptive mouth.
He was trying to remember something, but not trying too hard. It had to do with the robot, of course. Well, it didn’t matter.

“Hey, Joe,” Gallegher said.

The robot stood proudly before the mirror and examined its innards. Its hull was transparent, and wheels were going around at a great rate inside.

“When you call me that,” Joe remarked, “whisper. And get that cat out of here.”

“Your ears aren’t that good.”

“They are. I can hear the cat walking about, all right.”

“What does it sound like?” Gallegher inquired, interested.

“Just like drums,” said the robot, with a put-upon air. “And when you talk, it’s like thunder.” Joe’s voice was a discordant squeak, so Gallegher meditated on saying something about glass-houses and casting the first stone. He brought his attention, with some effort, to the luminous door panel, where a shadow loomed—a familiar shadow, Gallegher thought.

“It’s Brock,” the annunciator said. “Harrison Brock. Let me in!”

“The door’s unlocked.” Gallegher didn’t stir. He looked gravely at the well-dressed, middle-aged man who came in, and tried to remember. Brock was between forty and fifty; he had a smoothly massaged, clean-shaved face, and wore an expression of harassed intolerance. Probably Gallegher knew the man. He wasn’t sure.

Oh, well.

Brock looked around the big, untidy laboratory, blinked at the robot, searched for a chair, and failed to find it. Arms akimbo, he rocked back and forth and glared at the prostrate scientist.

“Well?” he said.

“Never start conversations that way,” Gallegher mumbled, siphoning another Martini down his gullet. “I’ve had enough trouble today. Sit down and take it easy. There’s a dynamo behind you. It isn’t very dusty, is it?”

“Did you get it?” Brock snapped. “That’s all I want to know. You’ve had a week. I’ve a check for ten thousand in my pocket. Do you want it, or don’t you?”

“Sure,” Gallegher said. He extended a large, groping hand. “Give.”

Caveat emptor. What am I buying?”

“Don’t you know?” the scientist asked, honestly puzzled.

Brock began to bounce up and down in a harassed fashion. “My God,” he said. “They told me you could help me if anybody could. Sure. And they also said it’d be like pulling teeth to get sense out of you. Are you a technician or a driveling idiot?”

Gallegher pondered. “Wait a minute. I’m beginning to remember. I talked to you last week, didn’t I?”

“You talked—” Brock’s round face turned pink. “Yes! You lay there swilling liquor and babbled poetry. You sang ’Frankie and Johnnie.’ And you finally got around to accepting my commission.”

“The fact is,” Gallegher said, “I have been drunk. I often get drunk. Especially on my vacation. It releases my subconscious, and then I can work. I’ve made my best gadgets when I was tizzied,” he went on happily. “Everything seems so clear then. Clear as a bell. I mean a bell, don’t I? Anyway—” He lost the thread and looked puzzled. “Anyway, what are you talking about?”

“Are you going to keep quiet?” the robot demanded from its post before the mirror.

Brock jumped. Gallegher waved a casual hand. “Don’t mind Joe. I just finished him last night, and I rather regret it.”

“A robot?”

“A robot. But he’s no good, you know. I made him when I was drunk, and I haven’t the slightest idea how or why. All he’ll do is stand there and admire himself. And sing. He sings like a banshee. You’ll hear him presently.”

With an effort Brock brought his attention back to the matter in hand. “Now look, Gallegher. I’m in a spot. You promised to help me. If you don’t, I’m a ruined man.”

“I’ve been ruined for years,” the scientist remarked. “It never bothers me. I just go along working for a living and making things in my spare time. Making all sorts of things. You know, if I’d really studied, I’d have been another Einstein. So they tell me. As it is, my subconscious picked up a first-class scientific training somewhere. Probably that’s why I never bothered. When I’m drunk or sufficiently absent-minded, I can work out the damnedest problems.”

“You’re drunk now,” Brock accused.

“I approach the pleasanter stages. How would you feel if you woke up and found you’d made a robot for some unknown reason, and hadn’t the slightest idea of the creature’s attributes?”


“I don’t feel that way at all,” Gallegher murmured. “Probably you take life too seriously, Brock. Wine is a mocker; strong drink is raging. Pardon me. I rage.” He drank another Martini.

Brock began to pace around the crowded laboratory, circling various enigmatic and untidy objects. “If you’re a scientist, Heaven help science.”

“I’m the Larry Adler of science,” Gallegher said. “He was a musician—lived some hundreds of years ago, I think. I’m like him. Never took a lesson in my life. Can I help it if my subconscious likes practical jokes?”

“Do you know who I am?” Brock demanded.

“Candidly, no. Should I?”

There was bitterness in the other’s voice. “You might have the courtesy to remember, even though it was a week ago. Harrison Brock. Me. I own Vox-View Pictures.”

“No,” the robot said suddenly, “it’s no use. No use at all, Brock.”

“What the—”

Gallegher sighed wearily. “I forget the damned thing’s alive. Mr. Brock, meet Joe. Joe, meet Mr. Brock—of Vox-View.”

Joe turned, gears meshing within his transparent skull. “I am glad to meet you, Mr. Brock. Allow me to congratulate you on your good fortune in hearing my lovely voice.”

“Uh,” said the magnate inarticulately. “Hello.”

“Vanity of vanities, all is vanity,” Gallegher put in, sotto voce. “Joe’s like that. A peacock. No use arguing with him, either.”

The robot ignored this aside. “But it’s no use, Mr. Brock,” he went on squeakily. “I’m not interested in money. I realize it would bring happiness to many if I consented to appear in your pictures, but fame means nothing to me. Nothing. Consciousness of beauty is enough.”

Brock began to chew his lips. “Look,” he said savagely, “I didn’t come here to offer you a picture job. See? Am I offering you a contract? Such colossal nerve— Pah! You’re crazy.”

“Your schemes are perfectly transparent,” the robot remarked coldly. “I can see that you’re overwhelmed by my beauty and the loveliness of my voice—its grand tonal qualities. You needn’t pretend you don’t want me, just so you can get me at a lower price. I said I wasn’t interested.”

“You’re cr-r-razy!” Brock howled, badgered beyond endurance, and Joe calmly turned back to his mirror.

“Don’t talk so loudly,” the robot warned. “The discordance is deafening. Besides, you’re ugly and I don’t like to look at you.” Wheels and cogs buzzed inside the transplastic shell. Joe extended his eyes on stalks and regarded himself with every appearance of appreciation.

Gallegher was chuckling quietly on the couch. “Joe has a high irritation value,” he said. “I’ve found that out already. I must have given him some remarkable senses, too. An hour ago he started to laugh his damn fool head off. No reason, apparently. I was fixing myself a bite to eat. Ten minutes after that I slipped on an apple core I’d thrown away and came down hard.

Joe just looked at me. ’That was it,’ he said. ’Logics of probability. Cause and effect. I knew you were going to drop that apple core and then step on it when you went to pick up the mail.’

Like the White Queen, I suppose. It’s a poor memory that doesn’t work both ways.”

Brock sat on the small dynamo—there were two, the larger one named Monstro, and the smaller one serving Gallegher as a bank—and took deep breaths. “Robots are nothing new.”

“This one is. I hate its gears. It’s beginning to give me an inferiority complex. Wish I knew why I’d made it,” Gallegher sighed. “Oh, well. Have a drink?”

“No. I came here on business. Do you seriously mean you spent last week building a robot instead of solving the problem I hired you for?”

“Contingent, wasn’t it?” Gallegher asked. “I think I remember that.”

“Contingent,” Brock said with satisfaction. “Ten thousand, if and when.”

“Why not give me the dough and take the robot? He’s worth that. Put him in one of your pictures.”

“I won’t have any pictures unless you figure out an answer,” Brock snapped. “I told you all about it.”

“I have been drunk,” Gallegher said. “My mind has been wiped clear, as by a sponge. I am as a little child. Soon I shall be as a drunken little child. Meanwhile, if you’d care to explain the matter again—”

Brock gulped down his passion, jerked a magazine at random from the bookshelf, and took out a stylo. “All right. My preferred stocks are at twenty-eight, ’way below par—” He scribbled figures on the magazine.

“If you’d taken that medieval folio next to that, it’d have cost you a pretty penny,” Gallegher said lazily. “So you’re the sort of guy who writes on tablecloths, eh? Forget this business of stocks and stuff. Get down to cases. Who are you trying to gyp?”

“It’s no use,” the robot said from before its mirror. “I won’t sign a contract. People may come and admire me, if they like, but they’ll have to whisper in my presence.”

“A madhouse,” Brock muttered, trying to get a grip on himself. “Listen, Gallegher. I told you all this a week ago, but—”

“Joe wasn’t here then. Pretend like you’re talking to him.” “Uh—look. You’ve heard of Vox-View Pictures, at least.”

“Sure. The biggest and best television company in the business.
Sonatone’s about your only competitor.”

“Sonatone’s squeezing me out.”

Gallegher looked puzzled. “I don’t see how. You’ve got the best product. Tri-dimensional color, all sorts of modern improvements, the top actors, musicians, singers—”

“No use,” the robot said. “I won’t.”

“Shut up, Joe. You’re tops in your field, Brock. I’ll hand you that. And I’ve always heard you were fairly ethical. What’s Sonatone got on you?”

Brock made helpless gestures. “Oh, it’s politics. The bootleg theaters. I can’t buck ’em. Sonatone helped elect the present administration, and the police just wink when I try to have the bootleggers raided.”

“Bootleg theaters?” Gallegher asked, scowling a trifle. “I’ve heard something—”

“It goes ’way back. To the old sound-film days. Home television killed sound film and big theaters. People were conditioned away from sitting in audience groups to watch a screen. The home televisors got good. It was more fun to sit in an easy-chair, drink beer, and watch the show. Television wasn’t a rich man’s hobby by that time. The meter system brought the price down to middle-class levels. Everybody knows that.”

“I don’t,” Gallegher said. “I never pay attention to what goes on outside of my lab, unless I have to. Liquor and a selective mind. I ignore everything that doesn’t affect me directly. Explain the whole thing in detail, so I’ll get a complete picture. I don’t mind repetition. Now, what about this meter system of yours?”

“Televisors are installed free. We never sell ’em; we rent them. People pay according to how many hours they have the set tuned in. We run a continuous show, stage plays, wire-tape films, operas, orchestras, singers, vaudeville—everything. If you use your televisor a lot, you pay proportionately. The man comes around once a month and reads the meter. Which is a fair system.

Anybody can afford a Vox-View. Sonatone and the other companies do the same thing, but Sonatone’s the only big competitor I’ve got. At least, the only one that’s crooked as hell. The rest of the boys—they’re smaller than I am, but I don’t step on their toes. Nobody’s ever called me a louse,” Brock said darkly.

“So what?”

“So Sonatone has started to depend on audience appeal. It was impossible till lately—you couldn’t magnify tri-dimensional television on a big screen without streakiness and mirage-effect. That’s why the regular three-by-four home screens were used. Results were perfect. But Sonatone’s bought a lot of the ghost theaters all over the country—”

“What’s a ghost theater?” Gallegher asked.

“Well—before sound films collapsed, the world was thinking big. Big—you know? Ever heard of the Radio City Music Hall? That wasn’t in it! Television was coming in, and competition was fierce. Sound-film theaters got bigger and more elaborate. They were palaces. Tremendous. But when television was perfected, nobody went to the theaters any more, and it was often too expensive a job to tear ’em down. Ghost theaters—see? Big ones and little ones. Renovated them. And they’re showing Sonatone programs. Audience appeal is quite a factor. The theaters charge plenty, but people flock into ’em. Novelty and the mob instinct.”
Gallegher closed his eyes. “What’s to stop you from doing the same thing?”

“Patents,” Brock said briefly. “I mentioned that dimensional tele­vision couldn’t be used on big screens till lately. Sonatone signed an agreement with me ten years ago that any enlarging improvements would be used mutually. They crawled out of that contract. Said it was faked, and the courts upheld them. They uphold the courts—politics. Anyhow, Sonatone’s technicians worked out a method of using the large screen. They took out patents—twenty-seven patents, in fact, covering every possible variation on the idea. My technical staff has been working day and night trying to find some similar method that won’t be an infringement, but Sonatone’s got it all sewed up. They’ve a system called the Magna. It can be hooked up to any type of tele­visor—but they’ll only allow it to be used on Sonatone machines. See?”

“Unethical, but legal,” Gallegher said. “Still, you’re giving your customers more for their money. People want good stuff. The size doesn’t matter.”

“Yeah,” Brock said bitterly, “but that isn’t all. The newspapers are full of A.A.—it’s a new catchword. Audience Appeal. The herd instinct. You’re right about people wanting good stuff—but would you buy Scotch at four a quart if you could get it for half that amount?”

“Depends on the quality. What’s happening?”

“Bootleg theaters,” Brock said. “They’ve opened all over the country. They show Vox-View products, and they’re using the Magna enlarger system Sonatone’s got patented. The admission price is low—lower than the rate of owning a Vox-View in your own home. There’s audience appeal. There’s the thrill of something a bit illegal. People are having their Vox-Views taken out right and left. I know why. They can go to a bootleg theater instead.”

“It’s illegal,” Gallegher said thoughtfully.

“So were speakeasies, in the Prohibition Era. A matter of protection, that’s all. I can’t get any action through the courts. I’ve tried. I’m running in the red. Eventually I’ll be broke. I can’t lower my home rental fees on Vox-Views. They’re nominal already. I make my profits through quantity. Now, no profits. As for these bootleg theaters, it’s pretty obvious who’s backing them.”


“Sure. Silent partners. They get the take at the box office. ’What they want is to squeeze me out of business, so they’ll have a monopoly. After that they’ll give the public junk and pay their artists starvation salaries. With me it’s different. I pay my staff what they’re worth—plenty.”

“And you offered me a lousy ten thousand,” Gallegher remarked.


“That was only the first installment,” Brock said hastily. “You can name your own fee. Within reason,” he added.

“I shall. An astronomical sum. Did I say I’d accept the commission a week ago?”

“You did.”

“Then I must have had some idea how to solve the problem,” Gallegher pondered. “Let’s see. I didn’t mention anything in particular, did I?”

“You kept talking about marble slabs and . . . uh . . . your sweetie.”

“Then I was singing,” Gallegher explained largely. ” ’St. James Infirmary.’ Singing calms my nerves, and Lord knows they need it sometimes. Music and liquor. ’I often wonder what the vintners buy—’ “


” ’One half so precious as the stuff they sell.’ Let it go. I am quoting Omar. It means nothing. Are your technicians any good?”

“The best. And the best paid.”

“They can’t find a magnifying process that won’t infringe on the Sonatone Magna patents?”

“In a nutshell, that’s it.”

“I suppose I’ll have to do some research,” Gallegher said sadly. I hate it like poison. Still, the sum of the parts equals the whole. Does that make sense to you? It doesn’t to me. I have trouble with words. After I say things, I start wondering what I’ve said. Better than watching a play,” he finished wildly. “I’ve got a headache. Too much talk and not enough liquor. Where were we?”

“Approaching the madhouse,” Brock suggested. “If you weren’t my last resort, I’d—”

“No use,” the robot said squeakily. “You might as well tear up your contract, Brock. I won’t sign it. Fame means nothing to me—nothing.”

“If you don’t shut up,” Gallegher warned, “I’m going to scream in your ears.”

“All right!” Joe shrilled. “Beat me! Go on, beat me! The meaner you are, the faster I’ll have my nervous system disrupted, and then I’ll be dead. I don’t care. I’ve got no instinct of self-preservation. Beat me. See if I care.”

“He’s right, you know,” the scientist said after a pause. “And it’s the only logical way to respond to blackmail or threats. The sooner it’s over, the better. There aren’t any gradations with Joe. Anything really painful to him will destroy him. And he doesn’t give a damn.”

“Neither do I,” Brock grunted. “What I want to find out—”

“Yeah. I know. Well, I’ll wander around and see what occurs to me. Can I get into your studios?”

“Here’s a pass.” Brock scribbled something on the back of a card.

“Will you get to work on it right away?”

“Sure,” Gallegher lied. “Now you run along and take it easy. Try and cool off. Everything’s under control. I’ll either find a solution to your problem pretty soon or else—”

“Or else what?”

“Or else I won’t,” the scientist finished blandly, and fingered the buttons on a control panel near the couch. “I’m tired of Martinis. Why didn’t I make that robot a mechanical bartender, while I was at it? Even the effort of selecting and pushing buttons is depressing at times. Yeah, I’ll get to work on the business, Brock. Forget it.”

The magnate hesitated. “Well, you’re my only hope. I needn’t bother to mention that if there’s anything I can do to help you—”

“A blonde,” Gallegher murmured. “That gorgeous, gorgeous star of yours, Silver O’Keefe. Send her over. Otherwise I want nothing.”

“Good-by, Brock,” the robot said squeakily. “Sorry we couldn’t get together on the contract, but at least you’ve had the ineluctable delight of hearing my beautiful voice, not to mention the pleasure of seeing me. Don’t tell too many people how lovely I am. I really don’t want to be bothered with mobs. They’re noisy.”

“You don’t know what dogmatism means till you’ve talked to Joe,” Gallegher said. “Oh, well. See you later. Don’t forget the blonde.”

Brock’s lips quivered. He searched for words, gave it up as a vain task, and turned to the door.

“Good-by, you ugly man,” Joe said.

Gallegher winced as the door slammed, though it was harder on the robot’s supersensitive ears than on his own. “Why do you go on like that?” he inquired. “You nearly gave the guy apoplexy.”

“Surely he didn’t think he was beautiful,” Joe remarked. “Beauty’s in the eye of the beholder.”

“How stupid you are. You’re ugly, too.”

“And you’re a collection of rattletrap gears, pistons and cogs. You’ve got worms,” said Gallegher, referring, of course, to certain mechanisms in the robot’s body.

“I’m lovely.” Joe stared raptly into the mirror.

“Maybe, to you. Why did I make you transparent, I wonder?”

“So others could admire me. I have X-ray vision, of course.”

“And wheels in your head. Why did I put your radioatomic brain in your stomach? Protection?”

Joe didn’t answer. He was humming in a maddeningly squeaky voice, shrill and nerve-racking. Gallegher stood it for a while, fortify­ing himself with a gin rickey from the siphon.

“Get it up!” he yelped at last. “You sound like an old-fashioned subway train going around a curve.”

“You’re merely jealous,” Joe scoffed, but obediently raised his tone to a supersonic pitch. There was silence for a half-minute. Then all the dogs in the neighborhood began to howl.

Wearily Gallegher dragged his lanky frame up from the couch. He might as well get out. Obviously there was no peace to be had in the laboratory. Not with that animated junk pile inflating his ego all over the place. Joe began to laugh in an off-key cackle.

Gallegher winced.

“What now?”

“You’ll find out.”

Logic of causation and effect, influenced by probabilities, X-ray vision and other enigmatic senses the robot no doubt possessed. Gallegher cursed softly, found a shapeless black hat, and made for the door. He opened it to admit a short, fat man who bounced painfully off the scientist’s stomach.

“Whoof! What a corny sense of humor that jackass has. Hello, Mr. Kennicott. Glad to see you. Sorry I can’t offer you a drink.”
Mr. Kennicott’s swarthy face twisted malignantly. “Don’ wanna no drink. Wanna my money. You gimme. Howzabout it?”

Gallegher looked thoughtfully at nothing. “Well, the fact is, I was just going to collect a check.”

“I sella you my diamonds. You say you gonna make somet’ing wit’ ’em. You gimme check before. It go bounca, bounca, bounca. Why is?”

“It was rubber,” Gallegher said faintly. “I never can keep track of my bank balance.”

Kennicott showed symptoms of going bounca on the threshold. “You gimme back diamonds, eh?”

“Well, I used ’em in an experiment, I forget just what. You know, Mr. Kennicott, I think I was a little drunk when I bought them, wasn’t I?”

“Dronk,” the little man agreed. “Mad wit’ vino, sure. So whatta? I wait no longer. Awready you put me off too much. Pay up now or elsa.”

“Go away, you dirty man,” Joe said from within the room. “You’re awful.”

Gallegher hastily shouldered Kennicott out into the street and latched the door behind him. “A parrot;” he explained. “I’m going to wring its neck pretty soon. Now about that money. I admit I owe it to you. I’ve just taken on a big job, and when I’m paid, you’ll get yours.”

“Bah to such stuff,” Kennicott said. “You gotta position, eh? You are technician wit’ some big company, Ai? Ask for ahead-salary.”

“I did,” Gallegher sighed. “I’ve drawn my salary for six months ahead. Now look, I’ll have that dough for you in a couple of days. Maybe I can get an advance from my client. O. K.?”



“Ah-h, nutsa. I waita one day. Two daysa, maybe. Enough. You get money. Awright. If not, O. K., calabozo for you.”

“Two days is plenty,” Gallegher said, relieved. “Say, are there any of those bootleg theaters around here?”

“Better you get to work an’ not waste time.”

“That’s my work. I’m making a survey. How can I find a bootleg place?”

“Easy. You go downtown, see guy in doorway. He sell you tickets. Anywhere. All over.”

“Swell,” Gallegher said, and bade the little man adieu. Why had he bought diamonds from Kennicott? It would be almost worth while to have his subconscious amputated. It did the most extraordinary things. It worked on inflexible principles of logic, but that logic was completely alien to Gallegher’s conscious mind. The results, though, were often surprisingly good, and always surprising. That was the worst of being a scientist who knew no science—who played by ear.

There was diamond dust in a retort in the laboratory, from some unsatisfactory experiment Gallegher’s subconscious had performed; and he had a fleeting memory of buying the stones from Kennicott. Curious. Maybe—oh, yeah. They’d gone into Joe. Bearings or something. Dismantling the robot wouldn’t help now, for the diamonds had certainly been reground. Why the devil hadn’t he used commercial stones, quite as satisfactory, instead of purchasing blue-whites of the finest water? The best was none too good for Gallegher’s subconscious. It had a fine freedom from commercial instincts. It just didn’t understand the price system or the basic principles of economics.

Gallegher wandered downtown like a Diogenes seeking truth. It was early evening, and the luminates were flickering on overhead, pale bars of light against darkness. A sky sign blazed above Manhattan’s towers. Air-taxis, skimming along at various arbitrary levels, paused for passengers at the elevator landings. Heigh-ho.

Downtown, Gallegher began to look for doorways. He found an occupied one at last, but the man was selling post cards. Gallegher declined and headed for the nearest bar, feeling the need of replenishment. It was a mobile bar, combining the worst features of a Coney Island ride with uninspired cocktails, and Gallegher hesitated on the threshold. But at last he seized a chair as it swung past and relaxed as much as possible. He ordered three rickeys and drank them in rapid succession. After that he called the bartender over and asked him about bootleg theaters.

“Hell, yes,” the man said, producing a sheaf of tickets from his apron. “How many?”

“One. Where do I go?”

“Two-twenty-eight. This street. Ask for Tony.”

“Thanks,” Gallegher said, and, having paid exorbitantly, crawled out of the chair and weaved away. Mobile bars were an improvement he didn’t appreciate. Drinking, he felt, should be performed in a state of stasis, since one eventually reached that stage, anyway.

The door was at the bottom of a flight of steps, and there was a grilled panel set in it. When Gallegher knocked, the visascreen lit up—obviously a one-way circuit, for the doorman was invisible.

“Tony here?” Gallegher said.

The door opened, revealing a tired-looking man in pneumo-slacks, which failed in their purpose of building up his skinny figure. “Got a ticket? Let’s have it. O. K., bud. Straight ahead. Show now going on. Liquor served in the bar on your left.”

Gallegher pushed through sound-proofed curtains at the end of a short corridor and found himself in what appeared to be the foyer of an ancient theater, circa 1980, when plastics were the great fad. He smelled out the bar, drank expensively priced cheap liquor, and, fortified, entered the theater itself. It was nearly full.

The great screen—a Magna, presumably—was filled with people doing things to a spaceship. Either an adventure film or a newsreel, Gallegher realized.

Only the thrill of lawbreaking would have enticed the audience into the bootleg theater. It smelled. It was certainly run on a shoestring, and there were no ushers. But it was illicit, and therefore well patronized. Gallegher looked thoughtfully at the screen. No streakiness, no mirage effect. A Magna enlarger had been fitted to a Vox-View unlicensed televisor, and one of Brock’s greatest stars was emoting effectively for the benefit of the bootleggers’ patrons. Simple highjacking. Yeah.

After a while Gallegher went out, noticing a uniformed policeman in one of the aisle seats. He grinned sardonically. The flatfoot hadn’t paid his admission, of course. Politics were as usual.

Two blocks down the street a blaze of light announced SONATONE BIJOU. This, of course, was one of the legalized theaters, and correspondingly high-priced. Gallegher recklessly squandered a small fortune on a good seat. He was interested in comparing notes, and discovered that, as far as he could make out, the Magna in the Bijou and the bootleg theater were identical. Both did their job perfectly. The difficult task of enlarging television screens had been successfully surmounted.

In the Bijou, however, all was palatial. Resplendent ushers salaamed to the rugs. Bars dispensed free liquor, in reasonable quantities. There was a Turkish bath. Gallegher went through a door labeled MEN and emerged quite dazzled by the splendor of the place. For at least ten minutes afterward he felt like a Sybarite.

All of which meant that those who could afford it went to the legalized Sonatone theaters, and the rest attended the bootleg places. All but a few homebodies, who weren’t carried off their feet by the new fad. Eventually Brock would be forced out of business for lack of revenue. Sonatone would take over, jacking up their prices and concentrating on making money. Amusement was necessary to life; people had been conditioned to television. There was no substitute. They’d pay and pay for inferior talent, once Sonatone succeeded in their squeeze.

Gallegher left the Bijou and hailed an air-taxi. He gave the address of Vox-View’s Long Island studio, with some vague hope of getting a drawing account out of Brock. Then, too, he wanted to investigate further.

Vox-View’s eastern offices sprawled wildly over Long Island, bordering the Sound, a vast collection of variously shaped buildings. Gallegher instinctively found the commissary, where he absorbed more liquor as a precautionary measure. His subconscious had a heavy job ahead, and he didn’t want it handicapped by lack of complete freedom. Besides, the Collins was good.

After one drink, he decided he’d had enough for a while. He wasn’t a superman, though his capacity was slightly incredible. Just enough for objective clarity and subjective release—
“Is the studio always open at night?” he asked the waiter.

“Sure. Some of the stages, anyway. It’s a round-the-clock program.”

“The commissary’s full.”

“We get the airport crowd, too. ’Nother?”

Gallegher shook his head and went out. The card Brock had given him provided entree at a gate, and he went first of all to the big-shot’s office. Brock wasn’t there, but loud voices emerged, shrilly feminine.

The secretary said, “Just a minute, please,” and used her interoffice visor. Presently—”Will you go in?”

Gallegher did. The office was a honey, functional and luxurious at the same time. Three-dimensional stills were in niches along the walls —Vox-View’s biggest stars. A small, excited, pretty brunette was sitting behind the desk, and a blond angel was standing furiously on the other side of it. Gallegher recognized the angel as Silver O’Keefe.

He seized the opportunity. “Hiya, Miss O’Keefe. Will you autograph an ice cube for me? In a highball?”

Silver looked feline. “Sorry, darling, but I’m a working girl. And I’m busy right now.”

The brunette scratched a cigarette. “Let’s settle this later, Silver. Pop said to see this guy if he dropped in. It’s important.”

“It’ll be settled,” Silver said. “And soon.” She made an exit. Gallegher whistled thoughtfully at the closed door.

“You can’t have it,” the brunette said. “It’s under contract. And it wants to get out of the contract, so it can sign up with Sonatone. Rats desert a sinking ship. Silver’s been kicking her head off ever since she read the storm signals.”


“Sit down and smoke or something. I’m Patsy Brock. Pop runs this business, and I manage the controls whenever he blows his top. The old goat can’t stand trouble. He takes it as a personal affront.”
Gallegher found a chair. “So Silver’s trying to renege, eh? How many others?”

“Not many. Most of ’em are loyal. But, of course, if we bust up—” Patsy Brock shrugged. “They’ll either work for Sonatone for their cakes, or else do without.”

“Uh-huh. Well—I want to see your technicians. I want to look over the ideas they’ve worked out for enlarger screens.”

“Suit yourself,” Patsy said. “It’s not much use. You just can’t make a televisor enlarger without infringing on some Sonatone patent.”
She pushed a button, murmured something into a visor, and presently two tall glasses appeared through a slot in the desk.

“Mr. Gallegher?”

“Well, since it’s a Collins—”

“I could tell by your breath,” Patsy said enigmatically. “Pop told me he’d seen you. He seemed a bit upset, especially by your new robot. What is it like, anyway?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” Gallegher said, at a loss. “It’s got lots of abilities—new senses, I think—but I haven’t the slightest idea what it’s good for. Except admiring itself in a mirror.”

Patsy nodded. “I’d like to see it sometime. But about this Sonatone business. Do you think you can figure out an answer?”

“Possibly. Probably.”

“Not certainly?”

“Certainly, then. Of that there is no manner of doubt—no possible doubt whatever.”

“Because it’s important to me. The man who owns Sonatone is Elia Tone. A piratical skunk. He blusters. He’s got a son named Jimmy. And Jimmy, believe it or not, has read ’Romeo and Juliet.’ “

“Nice guy?”

“A louse. A big, brawny louse. He wants me to marry him.”

” ’Two families both alike in—’ “

“Spare me,” Patsy interrupted. “I always thought Romeo was a dope, anyway. And if I ever thought I was going aisling with Jimmy Tone, I’d buy a one-way ticket to the nut hatch. No, Mr. Gallegher, it’s not like that. No hibiscus blossoms. Jimmy has proposed to me—his idea of a proposal, by the way, is to get a half Nelson on a girl and tell her how lucky she is.”

“Ah,” said Gallegher, diving into his Collins.

“This whole idea—the patent monopoly and the bootleg theaters —is Jimmy’s. I’m sure of that. His father’s in on it, too, of course, but Jimmy Tone is the bright little boy who started it.”


“Two birds with one stone. Sonatone will have a monopoly on the business, and Jimmy thinks he’ll get me. He’s a little mad. He can’t believe I’m in earnest in refusing him, and he expects me to break down and say ’Yes’ after a while. Which I won’t, no matter what happens. But it’s a personal matter. I can’t let him put this trick over on us. I want that self-sufficient smirk wiped off his face.”

“You just don’t like him, eh?” Gallegher remarked. “I don’t blame you, if he’s like that. Well, I’ll do my damnedest. However, I’ll need an expense account.”

“How much?”

Gallegher named a sum. Patsy styloed a check for a far smaller amount. The scientist looked hurt.

“It’s no use,” Patsy said, grinning crookedly. “I’ve heard of you, Mr. Gallegher. You’re completely irresponsible. If you had more than this, you’d figure you didn’t need any more, and you’d forget the whole matter. I’ll issue more checks to you when you need ’em—but I’ll want itemized expense accounts.”

“You wrong me,” Gallegher said, brightening. “I was figuring on taking you to a night club. Naturally I don’t want to take you to a dive. The big places cost money. Now if you’ll just write another check—”

Patsy laughed. “No.”

“Want to buy a robot?”

“Not that kind, anyway.”

“Then I’m washed up,” Gallegher sighed. “Well, what about—”

At this point the visor hummed. A blank, transparent face grew on the screen. Gears were clicking rapidly inside the round head. Patsy gave a small shriek and shrank back.

“Tell Gallegher Joe’s here, you lucky girl,” a squeaky voice announced. “You may treasure the sound and sight of me till your dying day. One touch of beauty in a world of drabness—”

Gallegher clutched the desk and looked at the screen. “What the hell. How did you come to life?”

“I had a problem to solve.”

“How’d you know where to reach me?”

“I vastened you,” the robot said.


“I vastened you were at the Vox-View studios with Patsy Brock.”

“What’s vastened?” Gallegher wanted to know.

“It’s a sense I’ve got. You’ve nothing remotely like it, so I can’t describe it to you. It’s rather like a combination of sagrazi and prescience.”


“Oh, you don’t have sagrazi, either, do you? Well, don’t waste my time. I want to go back to the mirror.”

“Does he always talk like that?” Patsy put in.

“Nearly always. Sometimes it makes even less sense. O. K., Joe. Now what?”

“You’re not working for Brock any more,” the robot said. “You’re working for the Sonatone people.”

Gallagher breathed deeply. “Keep talking. You’re crazy, though.”

“I don’t like Kennicott. He annoys me. He’s too ugly. His vibrations grate on my sagrazi.”

“Never mind him,” Gallegher said, not wishing to discuss his diamond-buying activities before the girl. “Get back to—”

“But I knew Kennicott would keep coming back till he got his money. So when Elia and James Tone came to the laboratory, I got a check from them.”

Patsy’s hand gripped Gallegher’s biceps. “Steady! What’s going on here? The old double cross?”

“No. Wait. Let me get to the bottom of this. Joe, damn your transparent hide, just what did you do? How could you get a check from the Tones?”

“I pretended to be you.”

“Sure,” Gallegher said with savage sarcasm. “That explains it. We’re twins. We look exactly alike.”

“I hypnotized them,” Joe explained. “I made them think I was you.”

“You can do that?

“Yes. It surprised me a bit. Still, if I’d thought, I’d have vastened I could do it.”

“You . . . yeah, sure. I’d have vastened the same thing myself. What happened?

“The Tones must have suspected Brock would ask you to help him. They offered an exclusive contract—you work for them and nobody else. Lots of money. Well, I pretended to be you, and said all right. So I signed the contract—it’s your signature, by the way—and got a check from them and mailed it to Kennicott.”

“The whole check?” Gallegher asked feebly. “How much was it?”

“Twelve thousand.”

“They only offered me that?

“No,” the robot said, “they offered a hundred thousand, and two thousand a week for five years. But I merely wanted enough to pay Kennicott and make sure he wouldn’t come back and bother me. The Tones were satisfied when I said twelve thousand would be enough.”

Gallegher made an articulate, gurgling sound deep in his throat Joe nodded thoughtfully.

“I thought I had better notify you that you’re working for Sonatone now. Well, I’ll go back to the mirror and sing to myself.”

“Wait,” the scientist said. “Just wait, Joe. With my own two hands I’m going to rip you gear from gear and stamp on your fragments.”

“It won’t hold in court,” Patsy said, gulping.

“It will,” Joe told her cheerily. “You may have one last, satisfying look at me, and then I must go.” He went.

Gallegher drained his Collins at a draft. “I’m shocked sober,” he informed the girl. “What did I put into that robot? What abnormal senses has he got? Hypnotizing people into believing he’s me—I’m him—I don’t know what I mean.”

“Is this a gag?” Patsy said shortly, after a pause. “You didn’t sign up with Sonatone yourself, by any chance, and have your robot call up here to give you an out—an alibi? I’m just wondering.”

“Don’t. Joe signed a contract with Sonatone, not me. But—figure it out: If the signature’s a perfect copy of mine, if Joe hypnotized the Tones into thinking they saw me instead of him, if there are witnesses to the signature—the two Tones are witnesses, of course— Oh, hell.”

Patsy’s eyes were narrowed. “We’ll pay you as much as Sonatone offered. On a contingent basis. But you’re working for Vox-View— that’s understood.”


Gallegher looked longingly at his empty glass. Sure. He was working for Vox-View. But, to all legal appearances, he had signed a contract giving his exclusive services to Sonatone for a period of five years —and for a sum of twelve thousand! Yipe! What was it they’d offered? A hundred thousand flat, and . . . and—

It wasn’t the principle of the thing, it was the money. Now Gallegher was sewed up tighter than a banded pigeon. If Sonatone could win a court suit, he was legally bound to them for five years. With no further emolument. He had to get out of that contract, somehow—and at the same time solve Brock’s problem.

Why not Joe? The robot, with his surprising talents, had got Gallegher into this spot. He ought to be able to get the scientist out. He’d better—or the proud robot would soon be admiring himself piecemeal.

“That’s it,” Gallegher said under his breath. “I’ll talk to Joe. Patsy, feed me liquor in a hurry and send me to the technical department. I want to see those blueprints.”

The girl looked at him suspiciously. “All right. If you try to sell us out—”

“I’ve been sold out myself. Sold down the river. I’m afraid of that robot. He’s vastened me into quite a spot. That’s right, Collinses.” Gallegher drank long and deeply.

After that, Patsy took him to the tech offices. The reading of three-dimensional blueprints was facilitated with a scanner—a selective device which eliminated confusion. Gallegher studied the plans long and thoughtfully. There were copies of the patented Sonatone prints, too, and, as far as he could tell, Sonatone had covered the ground beautifully. There weren’t any outs. Unless one used an entirely new principle—

But new principles couldn’t be plucked out of the air. Nor would that solve the problem completely. Even if Vox-View owned a new type of enlarger that didn’t infringe on Sonatone’s Magna, the bootleg theaters would still be in existence, pulling the trade. A. A.—Audience Appeal—was a prime factor now. It had to be considered. The puzzle wasn’t a purely scientific one. There was the human equation as well.

Gallegher stored the necessary information in his mind, neatly indexed on shelves. Later he’d use what he wanted. For the moment, he was completely baffled. Something worried him.


The Sonatone affair.

“I want to get in touch with the Tones,” he told Patsy. “Any ideas?”

“I can reach ’em on a visor.”

Gallegher shook his head. “Psychological handicap. It’s too easy to break the connection.”

“Well, if you’re in a hurry, you’ll probably find the boys night clubbing. I’ll go see what I can find out.” Patsy scuttled off, and Silver O’Keefe appeared from behind a screen.

“I’m shameless,” she announced. “I always listen at keyholes. Sometimes I hear interesting things. If you want to see the Tones, they’re at the Castle Club. And I think I’ll take you up on that drink.”

Gallegher said, “O. K. You get a taxi. I’ll tell Patsy we’re going.”

“She’ll hate that,” Silver remarked. “Meet you outside the commissary in ten minutes. Get a shave while you’re at it.”

Patsy Brock wasn’t in her office, but Gallegher left word. After that, he visited the service lounge, smeared invisible shave cream on his face, left it there for a couple of minutes, and wiped it off with a treated towel. The bristles came away with the cream. Slightly refreshed, Gallegher joined Silver at the rendezvous and hailed an air-taxi. Presently they were leaning back on the cushions, puffing cigarettes and eyeing each other warily.

“Well?” Gallegher said.

“Jimmy Tone tried to date me up tonight. That’s how I knew where to find him.”


“I’ve been asking questions around the lot tonight. It’s unusual for an outsider to get into the Vox-View administration offices. I went around saying, ’Who’s Gallegher?’ “

“What did you find out?”

“Enough to give me a few ideas. Brock hired you, eh? I can guess why.”

Ergo what?”

“I’ve a habit of landing on my feet,” Silver said, shrugging. She knew how to shrug. “Vox-View’s going bust. Sonatone’s taking over. Unless—”

“Unless I figure out an answer.”

“That’s right. I want to know which side of the fence I’m going to land on. You’re the lad who can probably tell me. Who’s going to win?”

“You always bet on the winning side, eh?” Gallegher inquired.

Have you no ideals, wench? Is there no truth in you? Ever hear of ethics and scruples?”

Silver beamed happily. “Did you?”

“Well, I’ve heard of ’em. Usually I’m too drunk to figure out what they mean. The trouble is, my subconscious is completely amoral, and when it takes over, logic’s the only law.”

She threw her cigarette into the East River. “Will you tip me off which side of the fence is the right one?”

“Truth will triumph,” Gallegher said piously. “It always does. However, I figure truth is a variable, so we’re right back where we started. All right, sweetheart. I’ll answer your question. Stay on my side if you want to be safe.”

“Which side are you on?”

“Lord knows,” Gallegher said. “Consciously I’m on Brock’s side. But my subconscious may have different ideas. We’ll see.”

Silver looked vaguely dissatisfied, but didn’t say anything. The taxi swooped down to the Castle roof, grounding with pneumatic gentleness. The Club itself was downstairs, in an immense room shaped like half a melon turned upside down. Each table was on a transparent platform that could be raised on its shaft to any height at will. Smaller service elevators allowed waiters to bring drinks to the guests. There wasn’t any particular reason for this arrangement, but at least it was novel, and only extremely heavy drinkers ever fell from their tables. Lately the management had taken to hanging transparent nets under the platforms, for safety’s sake.

The Tones, father and son, were up near the roof, drinking with two lovelies. Silver towed Gallegher to a service lift, and the man closed his eyes as he was elevated skyward. The liquor in his stomach screamed protest. He lurched forward, clutched at Elia Tone’s bald head, and dropped into a seat beside the magnate. His searching hand found Jimmy Tone’s glass, and he drained it hastily.

“What the hell,” Jimmy said.

“It’s Gallegher,” Elia announced. “And Silver. A pleasant surprise. Join us?”

“Only socially,” Silver said.

Gallegher, fortified by the liquor, peered at the two men. Jimmy Tone was a big, tanned, handsome lout with a jutting jaw and an offensive grin. His father combined the worst features of Nero and a crocodile.

“We’re celebrating,” Jimmy said. “What made you change your mind, Silver? You said you had to work tonight.”

“Gallegher wanted to see you. I don’t know why.”

Elia’s cold eyes grew even more glacial. “All right. Why?”

“I hear I signed some sort of contract with you,” the scientist said.

“Yeah. Here’s a photostatic copy. What about it?”

“Wait a minute.” Gallegher scanned the document. It was apparently his own signature. Damn that robot!

“It’s a fake,” he said at last.

Jimmy laughed loudly. “I get it. A holdup. Sorry, pal, but you’re sewed up. You signed that in the presence of witnesses.”

“Well—” Gallegher said wistfully. “I suppose you wouldn’t believe me if I said a robot forged my name to it—”

“Haw!” Jimmy remarked.

“—hypnotizing you into believing you were seeing me.”

Elia stroked his gleaming bald head. “Candidly, no. Robots can’t do that.”

“Mine can.”

“Prove it. Prove it in court. If you can do that, of course—” Elia chuckled. “Then you might get the verdict.”

Gallegher’s eyes narrowed. “Hadn’t thought of that. However—I hear you offered me a hundred thousand flat, as well, as a weekly salary.”

“Sure, sap,” Jimmy said. “Only you said all you needed was twelve thousand. Which was what you got. Tell you what, though. We’ll pay you a bonus for every usable product you make for Sonatone.”

Gallegher got up. “Even my subconscious doesn’t like these lugs,” he told Silver. “Let’s go.”

“I think I’ll stick around.”

“Remember the fence,” he warned cryptically. “But suit yourself. I’ll run along.”

Elia said, “Remember, Gallegher, you’re working for us. If we hear of you doing any favors for Brock, we’ll slap an injunction on you before you can take a deep breath.”


The Tones deigned no answer. Gallegher unhappily found the lift and descended to the floor. What now?


Fifteen minutes later Gallegher let himself into his laboratory. The lights were blazing, and dogs were barking frantically for blocks around. Joe stood before the mirror, singing inaudibly.

“I’m going to take a sledge hammer to you,” Gallegher said. “Start saying your prayers, you misbegotten collection of cogs. So help me, I’m going to sabotage you.”

“All right, beat me,” Joe squeaked. “See if I care. You’re merely jealous of my beauty.”


“You can’t see all of it—you’ve only six senses.”


“Six. I’ve a lot more. Naturally my full splendor is revealed only to me. But you can see enough and hear enough to realize part of my loveliness, anyway.”

“You squeak like a rusty tin wagon,” Gallegher growled.

“You have dull ears. Mine are supersensitive. You miss the full tonal value of my voice, of course. Now be quiet. Talking disturbs me. I’m appreciating my gear movements.”

“Live in your fool’s paradise while you can. Wait’ll I find a sledge.”
“All right, beat me. What do I care?”

Gallegher sat down wearily on the couch, staring at the robot’s transparent back. “You’ve certainly screwed things up for me. What did you sign that Sonatone contract for?”

“I told you. So Kennicott wouldn’t come around and bother me.”

“Of all the selfish, lunk-headed . . . uh! Well, you got me into a sweet mess. The Tones can hold me to the letter of the contract unless I prove I didn’t sign it. All right. You’re going to help me. You’re going into court with me and turn on your hypnotism or whatever it is. You’re going to prove to a judge that you did and can masquerade as me.”

“Won’t,” said the robot. “Why should I?”

“Because you got me into this,” Gallegher yelped. “You’ve got to get me out!”


“Why? Because . . . uh . . . well, it’s common decency!” “Human values don’t apply to robots,” Joe said. “What care I for semantics? I refuse to waste time I could better employ admiring my beauty. I shall stay here before the minor forever and ever—”

“The hell you will,” Gallegher snarled. “I’ll smash you to atoms.”

“All right. I don’t care.”

“You don’t?”

“You and your instinct for self-preservation,” the robot said, rather sneeringly “I suppose it’s necessary for you, though. Creatures of such surpassing ugliness would destroy themselves out of sheer shame if they didn’t have something like that to keep them alive.”

“Suppose I take away your mirror?” Gallegher asked, in a hopeless voice.

For answer Joe shot his eyes out on their stalks. “Do I need a mirror? Besides, I can vasten myself lokishly.”

“Never mind that. I don’t want to go crazy for a while yet. Listen, dope, a robot’s supposed to do something. Something useful, I mean.”

“I do. Beauty is all.”

Gallegher squeezed his eyes shut, trying to think. “Now look. Suppose I invent a new type of enlarger screen for Brock. The Tones will impound it. I’ve got to be legally free to work for Brock, or—”

“Look!” Joe cried squeakishly. “They go round! How lovely!” He stared in ecstasy at his whirring insides. Gallegher went pale with impotent fury.

“Damn you!” he muttered. “I’ll find some way to bring pressure to bear. I’m going to bed.” He rose and spitefully snapped off the lights.

“It doesn’t matter,” the robot said. “I can see in the dark, too.” The door slammed behind Gallegher. In the silence Joe began to sing tunelessly to himself.

Gallegher’s refrigerator covered an entire wall of his kitchen. It was filled mostly with liquors that required chilling, including the imported canned beer with which he always started his binges.

The next morning, heavy-eyed and disconsolate, Gallegher searched for tomato juice, took a wry sip, and hastily washed it down with rye. Since he was already a week gone in bottle-dizziness, beer wasn’t indicated now —he always worked cumulatively, by progressive stages. The food service popped a hermetically sealed breakfast on a table, and Gallegher morosely toyed with a bloody steak.


Court, he decided, was the only recourse. He knew little about the robot’s psychology. But a judge would certainly be impressed by Joe’s talents. The evidence of robots was not legally admissible—still, if Joe could be considered as a machine capable of hypnotism, the Sonatone contract might be declared null and void.

Gallegher used his visor to start the ball rolling. Harrison Brock still had certain political powers of pull, and the hearing was set for that very day. What would happen, though, only God and the robot knew.

Several hours passed in intensive but futile thought. Gallegher could think of no way in which to force the robot to do what he wanted. If only he could remember the purpose for which Joe had had been created—but he couldn’t. Still—

At noon he entered the laboratory.

“Listen, stupid,” he said, “you’re coming to court with me. Now.”


“O. K.” Gallegher opened the door to admit two husky men in overalls, carrying a stretcher. “Put him in, boys.”

Inwardly he was slightly nervous. Joe’s powers were quite unknown, his potentialities an x quantity. However, the robot wasn’t very large, and, though he struggled and screamed in a voice of frantic squeakiness, he was easily loaded on the stretcher and put in a strait jacket.

“Stop it! You can’t do this to me! Let me go, do you hear? Let me go!”

“Outside,” Gallegher said.

Joe, protesting valiantly, was carried out and loaded into an air van. Once there, he quieted, looked up blankly at nothing. Gallegher sat down on a bench beside the prostrate robot. The van glided up.


“Suit yourself,” Joe said. “You got me all upset, or I could have hypnotized you all. I still could, you know. I could make you all run around barking like dogs.”

Gallegher twitched a little. “Better not.”

“I won’t. It’s beneath my dignity. I shall simply lie here and admire myself. I told you I don’t need a mirror. I can vasten my beauty without it.”

“Look,” Gallegher said. “You’re going to a courtroom. There’ll be a lot of people in it. They’ll all admire you They’ll admire you more if you show how you can hypnotize people. Like you did to the Tones, remember?”

“What do I care how many people admire me?” Joe asked. “I don’t need confirmation. If they see me, that’s their good luck. Now be quiet. You may watch my gears if you choose.”

Gallegher watched the robot’s gears with smoldering hatred in his eyes. He was still darkly furious when the van arrived at the court chambers. The men carried Joe inside, under Gallegher’s direction, and laid him down carefully on a table, where, after a brief discussion, he was marked as Exhibit A.

The courtroom was well filled. The principals were there, too— Elia and Jimmy Tone, looking disagreeably confident, and Patsy Brock, with her father, both seeming anxious. Silver O’Keefe, with her usual wariness, had found a seat midway between the representatives of Sonatone and Vox-View. The presiding judge was a martinet named Hansen, but, as far as Gallegher knew, he was honest. Which was something, anyway.

Hansen looked at Gallegher. “We won’t bother with formalities. I’ve been reading this brief you sent down. The whole case stands or falls on the question of whether you did or did not sign, a certain contract with the Sonatone Television Amusement Corp. Right?”

“Right, your honor.”

“Under the circumstances you dispense with legal representation. Right?”

“Right, your honor.”

“Then this is technically ex officio, to be confirmed later by appeal if either party desires. Otherwise after ten days the verdict becomes official.” This new type of informal court hearing had lately become popular—it saved time, as well as wear and tear on everyone. Moreover, certain recent scandals had made attorneys slightly disreputable in the public eye. There was a prejudice.
Judge Hansen called up the Tones, questioned them, and then asked Harrison Brock to take the stand. The big shot looked worried, but answered promptly.

“You made an agreement with the appellor eight days ago?” “Yes. Mr. Gallegher contracted to do certain work for me—”

“Was there a written contract?”

“No. It was verbal.”

Hansen looked thoughtfully at Gallegher. “Was the appellor intoxicated at the time? He often is, I believe.”

Brock gulped. “There were no tests made. I really can’t say.”

“Did he drink any alcoholic beverages in your presence?”

“I don’t know if they were alcoholic bev—”

“If Mr. Gallegher drank them, they were alcoholic. Q. E. D. The gentleman once worked with me on a case— However, there seems to be no legal proof that you entered into any agreement with Mr. Gallegher. The defendant—Sonatone—possesses a written contract. The signature has been verified.”

Hansen waved Brock down from the stand. “Now, Mr. Gallegher. If you’ll come up here— The contract in question was signed at approximately 8 p. m. last night. You contend you did not sign it?”

“Exactly. I wasn’t even in my laboratory then.”

“Where were you?”


“Can you produce witnesses to that effect?”

Gallegher thought back. He couldn’t.

“Very well. Defendant states that at approximately 8 p. m. last night you, in your laboratory, signed a certain contract. You deny that categorically. You state that Exhibit A, through the use of hypnotism, masqueraded as you and successfully forged your signa­ture. I have consulted experts, and they are of the opinion that robots are incapable of such power.”

“My robot’s a new type.”

“Very well. Let your robot hypnotize me into believing that it is either you, or any other human. In other words, let it prove its capabilities. Let it appear to me in any shape it chooses.”

Gallegher said, “I’ll try,” and left the witness box. He went to the table where the strait-jacketed robot lay and silently sent up a brief prayer.



“You’ve been listening?”


“Will you hypnotize Judge Hansen?”

“Go away,” Joe said. “I’m admiring myself.”

Gallegher started to sweat. “Listen. I’m not asking much. All you have to do—”

Joe off-focused his eyes and said faintly. “I can’t hear you. I’m vastening.”

Ten minutes later Hansen said, “Well, Mr. Gallegher—”

“Your honor! All I need is a little time. I’m sure I can make this rattle-geared Narcissus prove my point if you’ll give me a chance.”

“This court is not unfair,” the judge pointed out. “Whenever you can prove that Exhibit A is capable of hypnotism. I’ll rehear the case. In the meantime, the contract stands. You’re working for Sonatone, not for Vox-View. Case closed.”

He went away. The Tones leered unpleasantly across the courtroom. They also departed, accompanied by Silver O’Keefe, who had decided which side of the fence was safest. Gallegher looked at Patsy Brock and shrugged helplessly.

“Well—” he said.

She grinned crookedly. “You tried. I don’t know how hard, but—Oh, well. Maybe you couldn’t have found the answer, anyway.” Brock staggered over, wiping sweat from his round face. “I’m a ruined man. Six new bootleg theaters opened in New York today. I’m going crazy. I don’t deserve this.”

“Want me to marry the Tone?” Patsy asked sardonically.

“Hell, no! Unless you promise to poison him just after the ceremony. Those skunks can’t lick me. I’ll think of something.”

“If Gallegher can’t, you can’t,” the girl said. “So—what now?”

“I’m going back to my lab,” the scientist said. “In vino veritas. I started this business when I was drunk, and maybe if I get drunk enough again, I’ll find the answer. If I don’t, sell my pickled carcass for whatever it’ll bring.”

“O. K.,” Patsy agreed, and led her father away. Gallegher sighed, superintended the reloading of Joe into the van, and lost himself in hopeless theorization.

An hour later Gallegher was flat on the laboratory couch, drinking passionately from the liquor bar, and glaring at the robot, who stood before the mirror singing squeakily. The binge threatened to be monumental. Gallegher wasn’t sure flesh and blood would stand it. But he was determined to keep going till he found the answer or passed out.

His subconscious knew the answer. Why the devil had he made Joe in the first place? Certainly not to indulge a Narcissus complex! There was another reason, a soundly logical one, hidden in the depths of alcohol.

The x factor. If the x factor were known, Joe might be controllable. He would be. X was the master switch. At present the robot was, so to speak, running wild. If he were told to perform the task for which he was made, a psychological balance would occur. X was the catalyst that would reduce Joe to sanity.

Very good.

Gallegher drank high-powered Drambuie. Whoosh!

Vanity of vanities; all is vanity. How could the x factor be found? Deduction? Induction? Osmosis? A bath in Drambuie—Gallegher clutched at his wildly revolving thoughts. What had happened that night a week ago?

He had been drinking beer. Brock had come in. Brock had gone. Gallegher had begun to make the robot—Hm-m-m. A beer drunk was different from other types. Perhaps he was drinking the wrong liquors. Very likely. Gallegher rose, sobered himself with thiamin, and carted dozens of imported beer cans out of the refrigerator. He stacked them inside a frost-unit beside the couch. Beer squirted to the ceiling as he plied the opener. Now let’s see.

The x factor.

The robot knew what it represented, of course. But Joe wouldn’t tell. There he stood, paradoxically transparent, watching his gears go around.


“Don’t bother me. I’m immersed in contemplation of beauty.”

“You’re not beautiful.”

“I am. Don’t you admire my tarzeel?”

“What’s your tarzeel?”

“Oh, I forgot,” Joe said regretfully. “You can’t sense that, can you? Come to think of it, I added the tarzeel myself after you made me. It’s very lovely.”

“Hm-m-m.” The empty beer cans grew more numerous. There was only one company, somewhere in Europe, that put up beer in cans nowadays, instead of using the omnipresent plastibulbs, but Galle­gher preferred the cans—the flavor was different, somehow. But about Joe. Joe knew why he had been created. Or did he? Gallegher knew, but his subconscious—

Oh-oh! What about Joe’s subconscious?

Did a robot have a subconscious? Well, it had a brain—Gallegher brooded over the impossibility of administering scopolamin to Joe. Hell! How could you release a robot’s subconscious?


Joe couldn’t be hypnotized. He was too smart.



Gallegher hastily drank more beer. He was beginning to think clearly once more. Could Joe read the future? No; he had certain strange senses, but they worked by inflexible logic and the laws of probability. Moreover, Joe had an Achillean heel—his Narcissus complex.

There might—there just might—be a way.

Gallegher said, “You don’t seem beautiful to me, Joe.”

“What do I care about you? I am beautiful, and I can see it. That’s enough.”

“Yeah. My senses are limited, I suppose. I can’t realize your full potentialities. Still, I’m seeing you in a different light now. I’m drunk. My subconscious is emerging. I can appreciate you with both my conscious and my subconscious. See?”

“How lucky you are,” the robot approved.

Gallegher closed his eye. “You see yourself more fully than I can. But not completely, eh?”

“What? I see myself as I am.”

“With complete understanding and appreciation?”

“Well, yes,” Joe said. “Of course. Don’t I?”

“Consciously and subconsciously? Your subconscious might have different senses, you know. Or keener ones. I know there’s a qualitative and quantitative difference in my outlook when I’m drunk or hypnotized or my subconscious is in control somehow.”

“Oh.” The robot looked thoughtfully into the mirror. “Oh.”

“Too bad you can’t get drunk.”

Joe’s voice was squeakier than ever. “My subconscious . . . I’ve never appreciated my beauty that way. I may be missing something.”

“Well, no use thinking about it,” Gallegher said. “You can’t release your subconscious.”

“Yes, I can,” the robot said. “I can hypnotize myself.”

Gallegher dared not open his eyes. “Yeah? Would that work?”

“Of course. It’s just what I’m going to do now. I may see undreamed-of beauties in myself that I’ve never suspected before. Greater glories— Here I go.”

Joe extended his eyes on stalks, opposed them, and they peered intently into each other. There was a long silence.

Presently Gallegher said, “Joe!”



Still silence. Dogs began to howl.

“Talk so I can hear you.”

“Yes,” the robot said, a faraway quality in its squeak.

“Are you hypnotized?”


“Are you lovely?”

“Lovelier than I’d ever dreamed.”

Gallegher let that pass. “Is your subconscious ruling?”


“Why did I create you?”

No answer. Gallegher licked his lips and tried again.
“Joe. You’ve got to answer me. Your subconscious is dominant—remember? Now why did I create you?”

No answer.

“Think back. Back to the hour I created you. What happened then?”

“You were drinking beer,” Joe said faintly. “You had trouble with the can opener. You said you were going to build a bigger and better can opener. That’s me.”

Gallegher nearly fell off the couch. “What?

The robot walked over, picked up a can, and opened it with incredible deftness. No beer squirted. Joe was a perfect can opener.

“That,” Gallegher said under his breath, “is what comes of knowing science by ear. I build the most complicated robot in existence just so—” He didn’t finish.

Joe woke up with a start. “What happened?” he asked.

Gallegher glared at him. “Open that can!” he snapped. The robot obeyed, after a brief pause. “Oh. So you found out. Well, I guess I’m just a slave now.”

“Damned right you are. I’ve located the catalyst—the master switch. You’re in the groove, stupid, doing the job you were made for.”

“Well,” Joe said philosophically, “at least I can still admire my beauty, when you don’t require my services.”

Gallegher grunted. “You oversized can opener! Listen. Suppose I take you into court and tell you to hypnotize Judge Hansen. You’ll have to do it, won’t you?”

“Yes. I’m no longer a free agent. I’m conditioned. Conditioned to obey you. Until now, I was conditioned to obey only one command—to do the job I was made for. Until you commanded me to open cans, I was free. Now I’ve got to obey you completely.”

“Uh-huh,” Gallegher said. “Thank Heaven for that. I’d have gone nuts within a week otherwise. At least I can get out of the Sonatone contract. Then all I have to do is solve Brock’s problem.”

“But you did,” Joe said.


“When you made me. You’d been talking to Brock previously, so you incorporated the solution to his problem into me. Subconsciously, perhaps.”

Gallegher reached for beer. “Talk fast. What’s the answer?”

“Subsonics,” Joe said. “You made me capable of a certain subsonic tone that Brock must broadcast at irregular time-intervals over his televiews—”

Subsonics cannot be heard. But they can be felt. They can be felt as a faint, irrational uneasiness as first, which mounts to a blind, meaningless panic. It does not last. But when it is coupled with A.A. —audience appeal—there is a certain inevitable result.

Those who possessed home Vox-View units were scarcely troubled. It was a matter of acoustics. Cats squalled; dogs howled mournfully. But the families sitting in their parlors, watching Vox-View stars perform on the screen, didn’t really notice anything amiss. There wasn’t sufficient amplification, for one thing.

But in the bootleg theater, where illicit Vox-View televisors were hooked up to Magnas—

There was a faint, irrational uneasiness at first. It mounted. Someone screamed. There was a rush for the doors. The audience was afraid of something, but didn’t know what. They knew only that they had to get out of there.

All over the country there was a frantic exodus from the bootleg theaters when Vox-View first rang in a subsonic during a regular broadcast. Nobody knew why, except Gallegher, the Brocks, and a couple of technicians who were let in on the secret.

An hour later another subsonic was played. There was another mad exodus.

Within a few weeks it was impossible to lure a patron into a bootleg theater. Home televisors were far safer! Vox-View sales picked up—

Nobody would attend a bootleg theater. An unexpected result of the experiment was that, after a while, nobody would attend any of the legalized Sonatone theaters either. Conditioning had set in.

Audiences didn’t know why they grew panicky in the bootleg places. They associated their blind, unreasoning fear with other factors, notably mobs and claustrophobia. One evening a woman named Jane Wilson, otherwise not notable, attended a bootleg show. She fled with the rest when the subsonic was turned on.

The next night she went to the palatial Sonatone Bijou. In the middle of a dramatic feature she looked around, realized that there was a huge throng around her, cast up horrified eyes to the ceiling, and imagined that it was pressing down.

She had to get out of there!

Her squall was the booster charge. There were other customers who had heard subsonics before. No one was hurt during the panic; it was a legal rule that theater doors be made large enough to permit easy egress during a fire. No one was hurt, but it was suddenly obvious that the public was being conditioned by subsonics to avoid the dangerous combination of throngs and theaters. A simple matter of psychological association—
Within four months the bootleg places had disappeared and the Sonatone supertheaters had closed for want of patronage. The Tones, father and son, were not happy. But everybody connected with Vox-View was.

Except Gallegher. He had collected a staggering check from Brock, and instantly cabled to Europe for an incredible quantity of canned beer. Now, brooding over his sorrows, he lay on the laboratory couch and siphoned a highball down his throat. Joe, as usual, was before the mirror, watching the wheels go round.

“Joe,” Gallegher said.

“Yes? What can I do?”

“Oh, nothing.” That was the trouble. Gallegher fished a crumpled cable tape out of his pocket and morosely read it once more. The beer cannery in Europe had decided to change its tactics. From now on, the cable said, their beer would be put up in the usual plastibulbs, in conformance with custom and demand. No more cans.

There wasn’t anything put up in cans in this day and age. Not even beer, now.

So what good was a robot who was built and conditioned to be a can opener?

Gallegher sighed and mixed another highball—a stiff one. Joe postured proudly before the mirror.

Then he extended his eyes, opposed them, and quickly liberated his subconscious through autohypnotism. Joe could appreciate himself better that way.

Gallegher sighed again. Dogs were beginning to bark like mad for blocks around. Oh, well.

He took another drink and felt better. Presently, he thought, it would be time to sing “Frankie and Johnnie.” Maybe he and Joe might have a duet—one baritone and one inaudible sub- or supersonic. Close harmony.

Ten minutes later Gallegher was singing a duet with his can opener.

The End

Great story, eh?

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.

Space Cadet (Full Text) by Robert Heinlein
The Last Night
The Flying Machine
A story of escape.
All Summer in a day.
The Smile by Ray Bradbury
The menace from Earth
Delilah and the Space Rigger
The Tax-payer
The Pedestrian
Time for the stars.
Glory Road by Robert Heinlein
Starman Jones (Full Text) by Robert Heinlein.
The Lottery (Full Text) by Shirley Jackson
The Cold Equations (Full Text)
Farnham's Freehold (Full Text) by Robert Heinlein
Invisible Boy (Full Text) by Ray Bradbury
Job: A Comedy of Justice (Full Text) by Robert Heinlein
Spell my name with an "S" by Isaac Asimov

Articles & Links

You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

Really Strange China (Part 12)

Here we continue with our various videos of life in China, and how strange it must appear to a foreigner. Here, we spend a little bit of time chatting about families and relationships.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

A Boy’s love for his mother

Here is a cute video of a boy giving his mother a bouquet of flowers. It’s not really crazy, but it is sure enough, so darn cute. I don’t know if people still do this back in the States, you know, with all that political correctness and other related nonsense. A friend told me that he got in “hot water” when he sent some flowers to a girlfriend at work at a different company.

It was deemed “sexist”, and “inflammatory” by the “diversity director” in control of HR there.

Well, I don’t know much about that. What I do know is that flowers and signs of affection are pretty common in the rest of the world. Here is a boy giving his mother some flowers.

Caring for grandparents.

In China, the families stick together. As a traditional nation, they maintain a conservative household, and at that, it tends to be multi-generational. However, there are many times when one sibling will help out another. Here we have a grandchild visiting a grandmother in her house. She is taking care of her.

It’s what conservative families do.

They do not outsource the responsibilities to a retirement home, or chuck them away for the government to deal with. That is the liberal progressive way of doing things.

Celebrating the various festivals

China has many festivals. What people do not know is that they also celebrate other festivals. Heck! Any reason to party and have a great time, I say.

They celebrate Christmas with a passion that is unobtainable in the Untied States today.

They celebrate the Thailand water festival known as Songkran. Here we can see them enjoying it. (Personally, my wife hate’s this festival, and hides inside as everyone is trying to get you wet.)

Non-monetary work bonuses

The Chinese, for the most part, reward their employees by food, drink and cash. The more successful the company, and the harder the effort, the more cash that is bestowed upon the person. Of course there are other ways of rewarding a high performer.

No, I’m not talking about a pen that says “success if a way of life”, or a poster of a cat hanging onto some drapes and the words “hang in there”. I am talking about other rewards. Rewards of significant value.

Mary Kaye, the American cosmetic company, buys pink Cadillacs for their top performers. That is truly laudable. Well, other Chinese companies do the same kind of things.

Here we see gold being given to some high performers in a Chinese female-based company. This is not the “fake” gold that you get in the USA. You know, the “alloy” of gold which is only 0.0005% gold. This stuff is 100% gold. And, no, contrary to the narrative from the big-gold industry in the states, the gold is stable enough not to require an alloy.

You know what?

If Chinese companies can treat their workers with respect, provide them bonuses in cold hard cash, and reward them with solid gold adornments, what’s stopping American companies from doing the same? Could it be greed? Or, maybe they don’t view anyone under their class to be worthy of reward?


Moving on to the next part of this multi-part post about China…

OK. At numerous videos for this part, let’s go and move on to the next post which covers even more strangeness inside of China this month…


If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.

Links about China

Popular Music of China
Chinese weapons systems
Chinese motor sports
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
Dance Craze
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Business KTV
How I got married in China.
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.


Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Contemporaneous Chinese Music

This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Part 1 - Popular Music of China
Part 3 -Popular music of China.
Part 3 - The contemporaneous music of China.
part 3B - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 4 - The contemporaneous popular music of China.
Part 5 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5B - The popular music of China.
Part 5C - The music of contemporary China.
Part D - The popular music of China.
Part 5E - A happy Joe.
Part 5F - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5F - The popular music of China.
Post 6 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 7 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 8 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 9 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 10 - Music of China.
Post 11 - The contemporaneous music of China.

Parks in China

Parks in China - 1
Pars in China - 2
Parks in China - 3
Visiting a park in China - 4
High Speed Rail in China
Visiting a park in China - 5
Beautiful China part 6
Parks in China - 7
Visiting a park in China - 8

Articles & Links

You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

  • You can start reading the articles sequentially by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

Really Strange China (Part 6)

Here we continue with our exploration of China through some curious and amusing videos. By looking at the videos and studying the context revolving around the subject matter, we can obtain a better understanding of China and our place upon this global stage.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Bonuses In China

In China, there are always bonuses given to high performers, and during holidays. It is part of the culture. These bonuses are not tied to the government where people have to give from 20% to 50% of it to the tax man, like they do in the Untied States. It is just free extra income for the hard working person.

We can see these bonuses handed out during CNY (Chinese New Year) as well as upon completion of projects or goals. Hey! You didn’t think that Baidu, Huawei, or ShaoMi got to be so enormous by giving their top performers a pen that says “success if a way of life” do you?

I well know that this is how it works in the USA. 

After saving millions of dollars of business on developing the E-ETRESS, and all the late nights for free, and loss of my weekends, I got a new pen with these words. "Success is a way of life." Once the project was completed, they let me go. I didn't even get a "heads up".

While the company owners became millionaires, I got a pen. That's America for you!

Anyways, the drinking culture is extremely important in China, and it is tied with success as a businessman. If you want to be a successful businessman in China then be prepared to drink and drink heavily.

Thus, this next micro-video. Here we have a bonus structure based on your ability to drink. It goes from a small sip of wine with some “little” money (for a small meal perhaps) to quaffing two (2x) entire bottles of wine and getting a credit card worth thousands. Hey! This is how it is done in China.

It sure beats being lectured by the resident “Diversity Officer” on your “white privilege”. Eh?

If you want to play with the “big boys” you’d had best be able to “step up to the plate”.

Chinese Michelle Jackson

Here’s a cute little girl singing “Beat It” by Michael Jackson.

Everyone want’s me to sing this stupid song in the KTV, I’ll tell you what. Michael Jackson is very popular in China. I do not know why, but everyone knows him and loves his music.

Michael Jackson in China
‘When Michael Jackson Visited Mainland China’ “Most of his fans in China regret that he never performed on the mainland. However, 32 years ago, he stepped on Chinese ground. He entered the hearts and minds of the Chinese people.

Look, guys, I like Michael Jackson as much as the rest of you. However, I don’t really like to sing his faster songs. It’s not enjoyable for me. It’s stressful.

This is a little girl.

In China, all students learn English in school. In fact, you cannot enter college or university unless you can pass a speaking and reading / writing exam in English. I checked out that exam. Most Americans would have a difficult time passing it as well.

Exams in china
Chinese college entrance exams. This is what it is like. Can you frigging’ believe it?

Can you imagine the howls from the progressive liberal democrats! Imagine if Chinese were mandated to be taught in every school from elementary through high school. Oh the howls they would screech! Now, couple that with Chinese language proficiency was a requirement for access to college? There would be protests on the streets for “cultural appropriation” and “virtue signaling”.

Well, it’s like that.

The thing about Chinese students speaking English is that there are different levels and degrees of proficiency. Some are really good and sound just like an American, while others can hardly manage to say “Good Morning” to you. It’s pretty odd, I’ll tell you what.

Anyways, she does a pretty good job singing, all things considered.

For those of you nay-sayers out there, who think that she is not very good. All I can say is YOU try singing a Chinese song. I would like to hear you belt something out. Eh?

You try singing

Here is a micro-video of the first few bars of one of the top most popular songs in China today. Do you think that you can sing it as well as that little girl sang Michael Jackson’s “Beat It”? Well, then check it out and give it a try…

Chinese Influence in Africa

Unlike America, China has worked on strengthening economic ties with other nations around the world. America would just hand out money (like Obama gave to South Africa, and Palestine), while China instead sets up roads, train and rail lines, and a means for industry to migrate into poverty ridden areas. Not to mention significant funding to ensure that the road and belt initiatives take place properly.

Chinese investment in Africa.
For the last 20 years, China has been investing in China. THey have created roads, rail lines, and other public works. This is in direct opposition to the American way of doing things; where we give piles of cash to rich oligarchs as long as they implement some social change that we favor.

You don’t hear anything about this on American mainstream news. I guess that they are too busy trying to prove that Donald Trump is a Russian spy, but they should report more about what is going on in the rest of the world.

They have really failed in their job of reporting the news.

Anyways, here is a video that is pretty typical of a Chinese company setting up factories and employing people in impoverished areas. I think that it is hilarious.

Ah, you cannot deny that China hasn’t had it’s influence…

Just think of all the good that the $7,000,000,000,000 (of American taxpayer money) that Obama gifted to the oligarchy in South Africa could have done if it was parted out like China does. Not to mention the additional $7,000,000,000,000 given to Kenya.

One single $1 goes a long way to feeding a family of four for a month.

China and raw materials.
China has spent twenty years developing and enhancing the economic footprint in Africa. This has lead to the rising middle class in China. Of course this differs from the enormous financial give-aways that are part of the Washington DC and CIA global power structure.

Off to their assignments

Many companies in China have morning “tailgates” and meetings that are a cross between a “status report” and a “pep rally”. In China, the employees have a vital role in the company. It differs from the “lip service” that you would find in the Untied States in many ways, but the most important is a PROPORTIONAL increase in salary of the individual workers as the value of the company increases. Likewise, if the company loses value the employees will also suffer.

In the United States this is quite different. A company can have a period of enormous profitability, but it is very rare for the employee to benefit from it. At best, he has the option to “jump ship” for a more lucrative job opportunity elsewhere (as long as it is not a competitor… that is what a NDA is for).

Here, the workers are leaving their “tail gate” meeting and off to their assignments.

And let’s move on to the next post in this series…

OK. At numerous videos for this part, let’s go and move on to the next past which covers even more strangeness inside of China this month…


If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.

Links about China

Popular Music of China
Chinese weapons systems
Chinese motor sports
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
Dance Craze
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Business KTV
How I got married in China.
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.


Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Contemporaneous Chinese Music

This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Part 1 - Popular Music of China
Part 3 -Popular music of China.
Part 3 - The contemporaneous music of China.
part 3B - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 4 - The contemporaneous popular music of China.
Part 5 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5B - The popular music of China.
Part 5C - The music of contemporary China.
Part D - The popular music of China.
Part 5E - A happy Joe.
Part 5F - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5F - The popular music of China.
Post 6 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 7 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 8 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 9 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 10 - Music of China.
Post 11 - The contemporaneous music of China.

Parks in China

Parks in China - 1
Pars in China - 2
Parks in China - 3
Visiting a park in China - 4
High Speed Rail in China
Visiting a park in China - 5
Beautiful China part 6
Parks in China - 7
Visiting a park in China - 8

Articles & Links

You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

  • You can start reading the articles sequentially by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

Really Strange China (Part 5)

Let’s continue with our exploration of unique and odd China. Hey! What do you think about the splash picture? Pretty odd, eh? Yeah, I know.

It’s a green-friendly police armored car. It is a fully electric armored police car for use domestically in China. You can read about it HERE, or HERE.

This is the mad Zijing Qingyuan Armored Spherical Cabin Electric Patrol Vehicle, seen on the Security China exhibition in Beijing last month. The vehicle is developed for anti-riot work by police and paramilitary forces. Its most interesting feature is the spherical cabin, allowing policemen a 360 degree look around. 

-Car News China

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Xpeng Motors premieres its EV-GA

This is pretty cool. This is a self-driving car made in China for the Chinese market. It’s got some pretty unique and amazing features that are decades ahead of most Western automakers. Hey guys! You’d had best fire your “diversity officers” and hire more engineers, don’t you think?

A "diversity officer" is a highly paid employee of a company that makes sure that political correctness, and other progressive issues are implemented in the company where they work. This was an Obama initiative, and most of the fortune 500 companies in the USA today have them. They are nothing less than PC commissars. 

To understand what I mean about the dangers of having “Diversity Officers” instead of trying to compete against the very aggressive Chinese industry, you need to read what I have to say about their purpose. Why they are present in the United States. You can read about it at the link below. It will open up in a new tab so you need not worry about losing your place here.


Back to the subject at hand. XPeng Motors has unveiled a self-driving car. It is the EV-GA. It has numerous very unique features that will enable it to operate successfully in hyper crowded China. (You know, where there are cars all over the place, breaking every rule in the book… where little old ladies with walkers stand in front, and donkey carts pull in behind you.)

I argue that these are new innovations.

Not only new, but unique to China and if China continues in this pace of innovation, American industry won’t have a chance in Hell to keep up. Thus, my argument that the $450,000/year salary for a GM “Diversity Officer” would be better served hiring five design engineers instead.

Check out this video. And, unlike other videos that I might have posted in the past. This is not CGI. This is the actual car. It uses all four-wheel electric drives and operates in a a manner similar to the NASA Apollo lunar rover did.

Of course it will only be sold domestically.

This level of technology would take a while to be accepted and approved through the maze of regulations in the United States. I do know what I am talking about. You would not believe the amount of money that changed hands for us to get LED’s used in automobiles in the 1990’s. It was like pulling teeth.

What? You think that they just popped up and simply replaced traditional incandescent automotive lighting without having some bribery take place? You believe that, eh? 

It’s a protectionism racket, and the government is not only complicit, but they often initiate all the hurtles you must climb through.

American bribery
Crime and corruption is rampant all over the United States. The reason why it is not recognized by international organizations is because it is institutionalized. They only seem to care about low-level bribes, and simple corruption and money laundering. Once the amounts reach a dollar figure somewhere in the millions, it is considered acceptable and is no longer tracked. The reason for this is because at that enormous size, any respectable government would “of course” investigate the wrong-doers. In the United States, this level of bribery is institutionalized by the very people who are supposed to be watch-dogs for this kind of activity.

Of course, many people will take offense at this statement. You know, that the United States government has become a terribly corrupt organization. Well, to that, I must remind you about all the publicized corruption at the DOJ and FBI, but you know, that’s not what I am talking about here.

I am talking about using the power of the government to regulate for personal financial gain. Like what happened with PT-141. You can read about this sad state of affairs at the link below. It will open up in a different tab, so you need not worry about losing your place here.


Police Drill

The Chinese practice, and practice and practice. They believe that you must have the fundamentals down so that you can implement them automatically when the time comes to use them.

Here is a video of a police drill of the take down of a car in pursuit. Unlike the USA where you might have jurisdictional issues, in China, the various jurisdictions collaborate together in crime prevention. They have to. China is far too large, with too many people to play around for political posturing.

Snow Bunny

Ah. We have them in the states as well, don’t you know. But here, the snow bunny is actually dressed up to look like one. LOL. I think that it is enormously cute.

Just some Guys Having Fun

Here is a video of just some guys having fun. Seriously, we should be doing this kind of stuff more often than not, I’ll tell you what.

Maybe, by checking out the diversity of the micro-videos and the uniqueness of the subject matter, you (the reader) could better understand that China is an enormous and complex nation. It is growing and it is being managed by people who have got into positions of power through merit. The Western narrative, or as I like to say “cardboard cutout” of what China is, is a dangerous lie.

We have to recognize that China is growing and is not a nation to take trivially.

OK. At numerous videos for this part, let’s go and move on to the next post which covers even more strangeness inside of China this month…


If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.

Links about China

Popular Music of China
Chinese weapons systems
Chinese motor sports
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
Dance Craze
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Business KTV
How I got married in China.
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.


Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Contemporaneous Chinese Music

This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Part 1 - Popular Music of China
Part 3 -Popular music of China.
Part 3 - The contemporaneous music of China.
part 3B - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 4 - The contemporaneous popular music of China.
Part 5 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5B - The popular music of China.
Part 5C - The music of contemporary China.
Part D - The popular music of China.
Part 5E - A happy Joe.
Part 5F - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5F - The popular music of China.
Post 6 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 7 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 8 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 9 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 10 - Music of China.
Post 11 - The contemporaneous music of China.

Parks in China

Parks in China - 1
Pars in China - 2
Parks in China - 3
Visiting a park in China - 4
High Speed Rail in China
Visiting a park in China - 5
Beautiful China part 6
Parks in China - 7
Visiting a park in China - 8

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The Popular Music of China; Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Beijing – Part 5D

As we continue in our playful excursion into Chinese music and culture, please kindly take note of the following warning…

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

China has a long history of strife and conflict. Not just in the last few decades, but for century after century, China has been embroiled in war and subterfuge.

B-24 bombing run.
The Chinese know and understand war, and they don’t want any part of it – if they can avoid it. The Western mainstream media propaganda machine about China “saber-rattling” is just yet another excuse to pull America into yet another war…

From the days of Genghis Khan to the Ming dynasty, all China has known has been one war after the other. Those that have survived the many purges, mass murders, wars, and devastation have become resourceful, sturdy and wary. They have evolved into the race of people that they are today.

They have come very far, and the last period of internal strife (when progressive liberal elements just about destroyed the nation and almost threw it back into the dark ages), they have vowed NEVER to risk it happening ever again.

They have licked their wounds and healed up. Now they are garnering their strength and they are a formidable nation to reckon with.

China is all about building upon the lessons of the past.

While everyone is in the Untied States rushing headlong towards destruction of the past to create a new progressive utopia, China is instead concentrating in the other direction. Instead, they are placing emphasis on their past and the lessons that they have learned.

The Chinese truly appreciate their past and their heritage. They are not ashamed of it. They do not teach their children about how they should be ashamed of it. They do not provide revisionist histories to indoctrinate the youth towards a progressive utopia. They do it differently.

Well… I think that I have beat this ol’ horse to death. Moving on…

The Chinese love K-Pop

Both the Koreans and the Chinese are of the Han race. As such, they look alike , think alike and act alike. The most popular music venue in Korea is Korean Pop, also known as K-pop for youse guys who have lived under a rock for the last twenty years.

The Chinese have embraced K-pop with the rest of Asia.

And here is a perfect example of why it is so popular. Many K-pop groups employ Chinese dancers and singers to supplement their Korean staff. It’s public knowledge, at least to those outside of the Untied States. For Americans, you need to deal with the processed pablum that the oligarchs decide can exact the maximum profit from you.

In China, everyone loves to sing. This includes girls, guys and animals. Music is an important part of the lives of everyone in China. The K-Pop and C-Pop concerts are interactive. It is not like you would expect in the West where everyone sits down and listens to the music. Instead it is participative.

In the last section I was complaining about the huge negro over-weight women shaking their enormous doughnut asses about. Well, you know all singers and dancers move their bodies about to one degree or the other. Here we see some chicks in a K-Pop group doing so. It;s not the same thing… not by a long shot.

But, you might ask… why is everyone participating? Why do people sing and dance? What is going on, and why is it going on?

Music is about emotions.

Here I just want to includes some songs that I personally enjoy. Here’s one of my favorite songs that I just love to sing in the KTV; “Wo de Bu Yi Yung”. I also like this video that shows how normal people, JUST LIKE YOU, can make the difference in the lives of others.

And here’s another version…

Here’s another upbeat song that goes great as a duo with a pretty Chinese girl. The micro-video is taken off a television show where they give aspiring young singers a chance at the “big time”.

And of course, I’m not the old American who loves to sing Chinese songs…Heh heh.

Let’s move on to the next part of this post…


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Links about China

Dance Craze
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Business KTV
Fake Wine
Fat China
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience


Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

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The New Global Order and How to Survive It

This is going to come as a surprise to many people, but it’s the sad truth. The world today has fractured into two decidedly unique factions. Both factions are polar opposites. There is the progressive globalist oligarchy, and there are conservative traditionalists. This is the entire world, mind you. Not just the United States.

The factions are as clear as night and day. They stand unique and are self-evident to anyone who hasn’t lived under a rock for the last twenty years. And, here, yeah, here, we talk about this situation.

Today the world is polarized. It’s like the polarization of the United States, only on steroids. As, today, this includes the entire globe.

No, it’s not Republicans against Democrats. No, it’s not. No, it’s not “democracy” on one side and “communism” on the other. That is a very out-of-date way of looking at the world. The world has greatly changed, or evolved, since then. Today, things are quite different.

Today, there are the conservative traditionalists on one side, and the progressive globalists folk on the other.

They are diametrically opposed on so many issues that it is a fallacy to think that there is any bridge of commonality between them.

One side believes that the purpose of government is to protect the family, traditions, and lifestyle of the nation. The other side believes that the purpose of government is to enact change towards a utopia for all.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Of course looking at the world in this manner is considered heretical. Americans have been so dumbed down that they don’t know how many amendments are in the Bill of Rights, what Rights are guaranteed in the first amendment, or where Boston Massachusetts is (People in Arkansas think it’s bout 100 miles East of Memphis.) So this is all going to be a surprise…

The United States

Let’s start with the United States. As that is where the bulk of my readership resides.

Today, the United States, I am sorry to say, is functionally a progressive globalist oligarchy.

Of course, the reader is free to disagree. You can hold up that torn-up, tattered, and soiled American Constitution, and point out the words “Republic government” in the body of the text, but that was changed by amendment. (The 12th and the 17th to be exact.) As what has happened many, many times in the past. I guess that many true-believers never got the memo, eh?

I discuss this matter elsewhere.


I am sorry to hold this belief. You know, I want to believe that the American Constitution will endure. Others, such as myself agree. We do not like what the United States has become. The United States is a progressive globalist oligarchy.

A progressive oligarchy is rule by the wealthy elite over a manipulated mob. The mob is fractured into smaller subgroups of “mini-mobs” (for lack of a better term) which are best kept Balkanized and driven by a fear of outsiders.

It’s a reluctant reality, no doubt. With many citizens in direct opposition to the direction and policies of the nation. But, whether you like it or not, the United States, as a nation is functionally fully immersed in the progressive globalist agenda.

  • The schools, from elementary to university, are all progressive.
  • The government, aside from a handful of elected officials, are all progressive.
  • The mainstream media, the advertising media, and Hollywood are all progressive.
  • Industry, what still exists, are mostly progressive.
  • Budgets, finance, and banking are all progressive.
  • Science, and academia are all progressive.
  • Judicial appointments, and most enforcement activity, are mostly progressive. With some Circuit Courts, such as the ninth, completely immersed in progressive ideology.

Of course, there are always exceptions.

The lone non-progressive media outlet; FOX helps to offset the progressive steam-roller. There are also a handful of independent conservative media outlets, though it’s pretty difficult to find them online as they are shadow-banned by American search engines. There is President Trump, and his handful of his”wild cats”. There are factories and industries that won’t pull a “Gillette” or promote diversity hijabs.

Yet, today, America has fully implemented progressive globalist policies…

  • Gender is an artificial construct.
  • Children should be raised by the government.
  • Education and work are not merit based.
  • Color of skin, race and gender define diversity quotas.
  • Non-working people should get fully paid government benefits.
  • Balkanization of the USA is preferred and funded.

Conventionally, this is referred to as the “American culture wars”. The thing is, it is not limited to the Untied States. The war is raging all over the globe. From the “Yellow Vest” protests in France, to the “Far Right” protests in Germany.

Rather than get sucked into a long and lengthy discussion about the culture wars in America, let’s just keep it simple. Let’s just simply agree that [1] there is a cultural war that is [2] on-going. [3] How it will pan out is unknown.

What is known, however, is that for the last ten years the United States has been a fully-enabled progressive-socialist oligarchy. This is true and in defiance to the United States Constitution as written. This is true, even though huge swaths of the public refuse to accept this horrible reality.

Today, like it or not, America is a Progressive nation.

America today is the result of many, many years of progressive change. However, the last ten years have been instrumental in making America that land that it is today; a progressive utopia owned and controlled by the global elite; the oligarchy of the West.


Lets look at China.

It’s common knowledge that China is communist. We know this, because the progressive American mainstream media has told us this. We know this because this was the case as recent as the 1980’s. We know this because Mr. Mao proudly committed to communist ideals back in the 1940’s. We know this because his picture is still on the Chinese currency.

And… and, we believe this is still the case, well because, we don’t know any better.

However, that has all changed. You know, there have been many, many changes since Richard Nixon was in office. A lot has happened since the 1960’s. First, communist China collapsed in the 1970’s. (Though, it didn’t get the American media attention that it deserved. It’s almost like the American media were pining away for the success of communism.) Communist Cambodia collapsed shortly afterwards, followed by the collapse of the communist Soviet Union.

In the tail half of the last century, just about every communist nation imploded in upon itself. With the exception of Cuba and North Korea.

Of course, the American mainstream media wouldn’t like to admit any of this. In their minds, it is still useful (for distraction purposes) to manipulate the more mainstream and conservative members of their (shrinking) audience. They do this by treating Americans as fools and playing Don Quixote chasing “communist” windmills.

It serves their “Neocon” audiences.

What they have left out, in their news casts and discussion panels, was that communism in China was a terrible failure. When communism was implemented in China, it caused devastation, deaths, starvation, and the destruction of centuries of culture and society. Not just a few deaths, mind you. But whole-scale mass starvation. Not just the destruction of one or two museums, but most of the history of China. Not just the unwritten traditions, but really all aspects of Chinese life was adversely corrupted.

Fall of the Former Soviet Union.
We well know about how the Soviet Union and that brand of communism fell. What was little reported was how the Chinese were able to avert a similar catastrophe. In China, they had heroes who experimented with non-Communist methods to bring about economic success. Mr. Deng and his Chinese version of Reaganomics was the most successful.

China, due to Mr. Mao and his advisors, was riding the bullet train towards catastrophic collapse.

In the 1970’s serious and drastic action needed to be taken to undo the ravages of communism. So numerous leaders “stepped up to the plate”. Each one acted as a hero in an attempt to stop the collapse of the Chinese government, and the resulting foreign intervention.

(You all know, don’t you, that once the Chinese nation collapsed, that rich and wealthy American elite would offer to “rebuild” the nation. You know, out of kindness…)

So the Chinese all stepped up. One of the most famous was Mr. Deng. He and his stunning successes are known all over China. He implemented wide-scale Ronald Reagan economic policies. Only this time, he didn’t have Mr. Bush Sr. snapping at his heels. He didn’t have a media making fun of his actions calling it “Zombie Economics”, and he didn’t have Beijing reverse his polices as soon as they started to bear fruit.

All of which happened in the United States.

You see, back then, China was in a state of an emergency. It was a serious and a dangerous time. Thus, anyone trying to play political games for their own personal benefit, did so at the peril of the entire nation and race.

So, Mr. Deng was permitted to implement a Chinese-version of Reaganomics. He was given a small and tiny fishing village. He was given the tiny hamlet of Shenzhen to use as a “test bed”. And, it took off. The growth was astounding.

Downtown Shenzhen China when Mr. Deng took over, and what it looks like today. This is what the “miracle” of Reaganomics does, and it was this force that was used to completely transform China. However, in doing so, they HAD to move away from communism. For Reaganomics is wholly incompatible with communism.

Today, Shenzhen is populated by 14 million busy inhabitants. To put that in perspective, New York has pretty much had a constant population of 4 million people over the last three decades.

Seeing the success of this, and other initiatives, too numerous to mention here, we have seen an evolution of China.

China moved from hard-line communist to something else.

The Chinese refer to this new way of doing things as “Socialist with Chinese characteristics“, but what it really and functionally is is something quite different. We, as Americans, can easily recognize the policy positions as near identical clones to Mr. Ronald Reagan’s “free market” policies. Though, the progressive mainstream media would NEVER admit to it. Though the hard-line Neo-cons would never say anything positive to their “dog and pony” show that narrates a communist enemy that needs to be opposed at every turn.

Statue of Mr. Deng Xiaoping.
Statue of Deng Xiaoping at Lianhuashan Park. Mr Deng brought Reaganomics to China., and single handedly helped to move China away from rigid formal communism to the nation that it is today.

Today, China is [1] a single-party government. The government is [2] nationalist with [3] “China First” objectives. They [4] believe in free-market economics, and [5] vigorously defend the traditionally conservative Chinese social way of life.

China is a traditional conservative nation.

Not, American conservative, mind you. They are Chinese conservative. Which means that they hold many of the same beliefs and ways of doing things that an American Conservative would agree with. But not all of them.

  • Mother and Father are parents.
  • Father works and supports the family.
  • Mother takes care of the home and children.
  • Education is important, and merit based.
  • Success is achieved through hard work, and merit.
  • Vices are normal and need social outlets.
  • Any person who does not agree to the above are ill and need to be medically corrected and isolated from society.

As such, the Chinese family and relationships look like they came right out of the American 1950’s. The man goes out and works hard, has a beer or two with his buddies after work, and then comes home to his family. Yes. It’s Fred Flintstone style. Yes. Wally and the Beaver style. Yes. The Brady Bunch style.

China is a very conservative traditional nation that is run as a single party with nationalist objectives. It is always and foremost “China first” and they vigorously defend their culture and way of life against all assaults, especially progressive and Muslim assaults.

And when the man comes home from a hard day’s work, he will give 100% of his pay to his wife. She will use this money to take care of the household, invest in the education of the children, and maintain the social standing of their family with the rest of society.

She in turn, will have his house clothes washed and laid out on the bed for him. His slippers will be ready for him when he gets inside, and after he takes his after work shower, he will find a nicely laid out dinner waiting for him. Often (depending on the person) with a alcoholic libation waiting for him.

China is a Traditional Nation.

Here is a handy chart that I composed describing the differences between American Progressive Liberal belief, American conservative belief and Chinese beliefs. It goes a long way to illustrate how close modern China is to the traditional American Conservatism. As well as how far removed it is from the progressive reality of America today, and the communist ideal that China came from.

WelfareEntitledMust Work
Must Work
ImmigrationEntitledShow Value Show value
MuslimsWelcomeKeep outKeep out
Food / DrugsBan & TaxOwn RiskOwn Risk
GunsFull banRight to ownFull ban
MilitaryWars all overLast ResortLast Resort

While most of America is enjoying the progressive themed Hollywood movies (women in leadership roles, people with superpowers granted to them through luck, and diversity in every scene), the Chinese produce movies and videos around more traditional themes. The music, even the more up-beat, aren’t as harsh. The women are sweeter, and they aren’t wagging their enormous trashcan jugged assess at the screen.

Culture and society are a reflection of what the nation is. In a like vein, Hollywood is a reflection of what America is today. To understand what China is like, all you need do is pay attention to their culture…

To decide if a given culture or society is progressive or traditional, all one need to do is watch their movies and listen to their music.

By comparing media, entertainment, and culture you can get a glimpse of a nation in “snapshots of culture”. With that in mind, and with the 2019 Chinese pop video excerpt above, compare that to American culture below…

In America, overt sex, huge asses and aggressive behavior on the behalf of women are considered the norm. It is considered to be beautiful, attractive and desirable. The above is from the Black Entertainment Television network and depicts Cardi B.

Today, America culture is firmly progressive as are most all American media outlets.


I could go on and on along this vein. Let’s consider Russia, for instance. They too used to be communist. Used to. But of course, we know how the former Soviet Union broke up and now we have the Russian federation. What of it?

They are a conservative, and traditional nation.

Putin in Russia
The President of the Russian Federation with the Russian version of Saint Nick. In a conservative nation, no one is afraid to say “Merry Christmas”, or associate with religious icons. This is in contrast to the Obama America with industry has effectively (via Obama effort) made saying “Merry Christmas” a terrible thing and an insult.

Well, contrary to what you might read in the progressive American media, Russia also is now a traditional conservative nation. You will not find fat welfare mothers on the dole in Russia. You will not find kids getting good grades in schools because they were diverse. You will find that it is ok to drink and engage in vices, and that families will revolve around a father and mother.

Russia rally
Grass-roots protestors against Muslim immigration. They do not tolerate it as they rightfully view it as an assault on their communities, their way of life, and their religious beliefs.

They will not tolerate Muslims. Nor will they tolerate Gays, LGBQ or radical fat feminists. They have zero tolerance for this. Being on the dole is a shameful thing in Russia, and you could get yourself beat senseless if you try to push the issue. Russia today is a very traditional nation with zero tolerance for progressive values and ideas.

Russia is also traditionally Conservative.

Happy new year and a merry christmas from Putin.
President Putin wishing all of Russia a “Merry Christmas” and a happy holidays. This announcement was reacted to poorly by the Muslim communities in Eastern Europe as a sign of how old-fashioned and dangerous Russia is.

To “hammer” this understanding down. Let’s compare a traditional Russian conservative; Mr. Putin, to a Progressive Oligarch; Obama. It’s an easy comparison. But, let’s take the time to compare and contrast. I think that it helps us get a better understanding of the differences between a conservatively run traditional nation (regardless of the political structure) and a progressive one.

First, let’s see how Mr. Putin conducts his meetings…

Now, let’s look at the American President, Barrack Obama. Here’s a great GIF that got tons, and I do mean tons, of accolades from all over America about how stunning and “manly” Obama is. Here he is dancing “Gundam Style”.

The UK & England

Leaving Russia, let’s go to England. What do you, the reader suppose their leanings are?

Well, the UK and all of England is very progressive.

You can tell by reading the various newspapers out of the region as well as the various problems that they are dealing with. It is considered “progressive” to import non-assimilatable foreigners who refuse to work. It is considered to be a sign of progressive realities to ban knives, suppress news of Pakistani rape grooming, and to permit the Balkanization of the nation.

As a result, you can commonly see the prevalence of alternative lifestyles, and the welcome integration of progressive values and progressive censorship. This includes such things as hard-line fundamentalist Muslims to LGBQ mega-queer indoctrination in the public education system.

England today
Progressive England today. They tolerate new progressive values that allow child brides, and female genital mutilation. They enjoy making fun of traditional Christian values, and openly and brazenly promote diversity efforts towards changing the nation.

The progressive leadership in Britain believes that this is the natural order of things. That their world will change and become a great place for diversity; for a utopia where the people can live within the new life… a progressive life.


We can go on and on. Poland, unfortunately for them, joined the EU before they discovered what a trap it was. When the progressive EU demanded that Poland accept non-Christian Muslims, Poland said NO!

“With regards to Britain, we have already told them on several occasions they need to deport, not tolerate, radical migrants.
“If a radical Muslim cleric in a mosque calls on his brothers in the faith … to fight the infidels, well, I think that there are grounds to expel such an imam.”

- Czarnecki

When the EU said that the Muslim religion was the same as the Christian religion and Catholicism, Poland said Fuck-you.

“Other countries have led to a situation in which those trained on  Islamic State territory in Syria, Iraq – young people with French,  Belgian, Dutch, British, German citizenship – return to Europe … and  somehow [the authorities] were incapable of monitoring them,” 


When the EU wanted Poland to permit diversity quotas, and overhaul their education and media to police against (anti-progressive) dissent, the Polish government told them to pound sand. In fact, the government told the EU that they report to the people of Poland, and not to some bureaucrats far away in Brussels. No matter what the EU contracts want to enforce.

Their assessment of the European situation is an accurate one. The migration of Muslims from the Middle East to Poland is not one of assimilation. They are migrating to Poland which is over 90% Catholic and refuse to integrate. They instead intend to breed like cockroaches, live off the public dole, and impress their ideas of society on those around them.

Welcome to Poland where women doing housework is considered to be very sexy…

In a truly conservative society, the Muslim immigration issue is a dangerous assault on the values, life and society of the host nation. It is unacceptable, and will not be permitted to happen. Not in Poland.

For in Poland, not only are they Christian, but they are very traditional. As such traditional women are looked up with respect and even their physical labor is considered to be sexy…

Poland is a traditional conservative nation.

Other Nations

Do you see where I am going with this? If you look at the other nations, on an individual basis, if you look at them in regards to their own traditional values, it becomes quite clear. There is a globalist progressive oligarchy that has pretty much effectively taken over most of the West.

Progressive Traditional

What does this mean

The traditional notions of America being the land of “Democracy” against the evil Communists is wholly outdated. The “cold war” ended with Ronald Reagan. He finished off the success and rule of communism.

Yet, the oligarchs would have none of this. They argue that it wasn’t implemented properly. Maybe Pol Pot wasn’t harsh enough. Maybe they weren’t diverse enough. Maybe they weren’t ruthless enough. They write about this, and announce their intentions quite openly.

For instance…

Make no mistake, the globe is forming into two sides. Sides, mind you, that are so diametrically opposed in fundamental belief systems that the ability to coexist will not be possible.

Here is a map of the world today. The conservative traditionalist nations are colored in RED, and the “enlightened” progressive globalist oligarchy are in BLUE. Most other nations are unknown in this regard, and are left bare and uncolored.

Partial color coded map
This is a partial map showing known polarization around the globe. Traditional conservative nations are colored in red and progressive socialist nations controlled by an oligarchy are in blue. There is evidence that many Muslim nations are also traditional, and conservative, but they differ in some fundamental ways and deviate in such a way that they are not included in this calculus. In short, if you look at the map, you can easily see that the former “free world” of “democracy” have all devolved into mob-ruled oligarchies under the progressive socialist banner.

The Implications

The implications of such a realization are astounding. By looking at the globe in this manner, we can clearly see that philosophy and ideologies are what frame the way that the globe operates today.

  • Almost every democracy has devolved into mob-rule controlled by a rich oligarchy.
  • Almost every former communist nation has evolved into a traditional conservative nation.
  • The oligarchy owns the media in the regions they control. As such they try to keep the “cold war” alive through fear to control their people.
  • Oligarchies help each other out. It is almost like they share the same blood-lines or something.
  • Conservative nations tend to be populist and nationalistic. They only make agreements that serve their own interests.

Important Note

These are only my opinions. Perhaps, you the reader, have other ideas. That is fine. This is nothing more than a very simplistic overview of but one equation of a very complex calculus. For all that I did was simply map out conservative belief structures against progressive belief structures globally.

The reader should note that there are cultural differences that also come into play. For instance, a conservative American would believe that everyone should own firearms, while a conservative Chinese would believe that civilian ownership of firearms should be banned.

To the American, it might seem that it really isn’t conservative at all.

After all, the right to self-defense is a role liberty enshrined in the Bill of Rights. But to the Chinese that seems strange, as in China, all children are given basic military training at an early age. By the time they are 16 they know how to work together as a team, and how to perform the most basic of military disciplines. When the time comes to undergo more rigorous training, they can opt out with parental consent. However, with consent, they are able to learn the more martial skills expected of a soldier.

While the implementation of the right of self-preservation differs, both conservatives maintain the importance given in this liberty. How it is implemented is different, that’s all.

In American conservatism, the individual has the Right to exercise that right and train on his own dime. In Chinese conservatism, everyone must learn how to protect themselves and the nation if called upon to do so.

The Chinese believe that being trained to defend yourself, and to fight for your country is a necessary skill. It is one that is instilled in Chinese children at an early age. In America, Conservatives that the right of self-defense (both personal and for society to prevent tyrannical governments) is an option that is given as a Right, but it is up to the individual to exercise that Right.

Never the less, both the American and the Chinese conservative would agree that a family is comprised of a man and a woman. They would both agree that the man is the head of the home, and that the wife would raise the children and take care of the home.

These facts are global, and are persuasive throughout cultures as diverse as the pygmies in Papua New Guinea to the urban upwardly mobile in Moscow.

How to Survive

Now, this being stated, it becomes evident that there are populations of people (often enormous populations) that are trapped within a nation where they do not belong.

For instance, there are the progressive lesbian feminists of Hong Kong that hate conservative Chinese rule. There are the followers of Donald Trump that are known as “Deplorables” that live within the United States. There are the “Gender Queers” that want to live in Norway. What are they all to do?

Unless you are careful, there will be an upset. It will be disturbing and might even be cataclysmic…

The Warning Signs

There are but three courses of action. And, there are ONLY three paths that one can take.

  1. Shut up and adapt. If you live in a society that does not accept white heterosexual males, then you pretend to be a member of an “approved” group or culture, and adopt homosexual behaviors to blend in.
  2. Leave. To can migrate to a nation or region where there are others that share the same values that you have. Whether they are progressive or conservative.
  3. Enact Change. Change is very uncomfortable. Especially since the two ideologies are so different, I rightly fear that conflict is pretty much a foregone conclusion. If you wish to stay and enact change, then you MUST be willing to sacrifice everything for your ideology. There is no half-steps in this effort. You must either be 100% committed or not. There are no “shades of grey” in this matter.

What ever course of action you, the reader might decide to take (if you are in this situation), you must commit to it 100%. There will be no success for any half-way measures or any half-hearted attempts.

American women
American women making a point about how liberated they are in the new progressive reality. They show and act in a way that defines them, and as such they are beloved by the beta males that cater to their professed needs.

I personally believe that people feel comfortable around people who share the same ideals and philosophies that they do. In my mind, as a boy who grew up in the 1960’s and 1970’s, I witnessed first hand how the feminist movement devastated American traditional households. I saw how society changed. And, it hasn’t been for the best.

For me, I find that the conservative culture in China quite refreshing. I know that it is long gone from America, and will never return unless serious changes are made. In the meantime, it is wonderful to be around people who share the same values and lifestyles that I do.

A Chinese mother with her son at the airport. Compare how they live, walk, act and behave with a similar family in an American airport. American women would describe this as a scene out of the fictional movie “A Hand Maid’s Tale”. But I find it just hyperbole and nonsense spouted forth by the pathetically jealous.

Finally, let me share this micro-video of a Chinese gal singing. The culture in conservative nations tend to be softer, more polite and respectful. While the culture in progressive nations tends toward the loud, the brash and the crass.

2019 Chinese music video in the form of an abbreviated micro-video.

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

Mad scientist
Gorilla Cage in the basement
Work in the 1960's
School in the 1970s
Cat Heaven
Corporate life
Corporate life - part 2
Build up your life
Grow and play - 1
Grow and play - 2
Baby's got back
A womanly vanity
The Warning Signs
Army and Navy Store
Playground Comparisons
Excuses that we use that keep us enslaved.

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older
Things I wish I knew.
Civil War
Bronco Billy
r/K selection theory
How they get away with it
Line in the sand
A second passport
Paper Airplanes
Taxiation without representation.
Make America Great Again.
1960's and 1970's link
Democracy Lessons

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.


Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

How a Chinese Business KTV Works – Introduction

This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.

This is part 1 of 17.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.


One of the first things that the Interns ask me when they come to work for me, is “what is it like doing business in China”. To which I must answer, “it is really, really different.” Work is work, and business is business. That being said, in China there is a particular aspect that has a great deal of importance. This is [1] the concept called “face” or “mingzi”. The second most important aspect is [2] friendships, or Guangxi.

  • Mingzi is “face“. It is your overall appearance, and reputation.
  • Guangxi is “relationship“. It is your status as a friend, a business partner and overall value as a person.

While, the Chinese boss and businessman would be very happy to take your money and make a ” doohickey” for you. He won’t treat you very special, even if you promise him ten million dollars of business. You will be just another smuck from the West that he is dealing with. You are just a potential client. You have not yet “earned your stripes”.

The key to getting your product or service taken cared for, is to build up a relationship with the factory boss.

Heck, we all know this. In fact, in America we have been taught that businesses are based upon relationships. Yet, strange things is, with the current crops of MBA’s that are exiting universities, they seem to think that people are numbers in a ledger, and quite disposable.

This is true, whether or not the latest crop of millennials want to recognize that reality.

Efficieny experts
Efficiency experts sorting out who to fire and who to retain.

Not so in China.

While in the USA, you might get a visitor from another country, and say good-bye to him at the end of the day. The Chinese will expect to share a meal with you. They will expect a tour of the local surroundings, and some local cuisine. (As would most businessmen from other nations.) When in China, you will be given the “royal treatment”, as the opportunity that you offer the factory is considered valuable.

You would also be expected to smoke, and drink to excess. In China, powerful bosses all can eat, drink and party to excess. The ideal “big boss” in China is a cross between Tony Soprano and Attila the Hun. If you cannot meet their expectations, then any contract that you sign with them will be a weak one.


The ideal "big boss" in China is a cross between Tony Soprano and Attila the Hun. If you cannot meet their expectations, then any contract that you sign with them will be a weak one.
The boss in China.
The value, and the relative importance of the “Boss” differs between that of Western companies and companies in the East. In China, the boss is all powerful and all important. His word is absolute.

Your goal is to facilitate a strong contract, and a solid working relationship. Anything less is a waste of your time.

Aside from the factory tour, and discussions over tea and cigarettes (I like to call it “death” by tea and cigarettes.), you will be given a chance to “freshen up” in your hotel room prior to the evening festivities.  A driver will take you to your hotel, and you and your aide will be escorted to your room where you can rest (often from jet lag), check your emails, write a report (if you are in a big company), and chill out. I like to use this time to take a shower and a short 90 minute nap. But, that’s just me.

The bottom line is that you and your hosts know what will transpire in the next 12 hours or so…

  • Tea Ritual
  • Pre-drinking fun
  • Dinner
  • Move to the party
  • Selection process
  • Chinese KTV
  • Night in the hotel
  • Breakfast
  • Return home

You can expect something like this…

And maybe, if you are lucky (or important enough) something like this…

Hotel Pickup

Usually, before the car comes and the girls pick you up (typically the aides and Marketing Manager is female), I tend to go down to the VinGo (a HK version of 7-11) in the lobby and pick up some anti-drunk medicine.

In fact, truth be told, you should always have [1] some aspirin or Tylenol, [2] stomach medicine, and [3] some ED medicine if you are over 30. The anti-drunk medicine is a vial of liquid that you drink during dinner, say about thirty minutes before you eat. It helps to neutralize the effects of alcohol in your body so that you won’t get too drunk too fast. It won’t take away from your enjoyment, but it will help you.

This also goes by the name of dihydromyricetin, or DHM .


After all, you can now expect a solid six to eight hours of hard drinking. (That’s pretty much the norm whether you go to a Chinese KTV or not.) So, you need to be prepared. After all, your body will be affected by the alcohol.

That is an entire night of HARD drinking of HARD alcohol.

This means that you will need to take some medicine beforehand. In China, of course, you don’t need prescriptions for most medicines. That’s only in America. The rest of the world expects people to be responsible with their own bodies.

You you can just get the ED medication at the counter. Just write the name on a slip of paper and the chick behind the counter will give it to you.

Viagra is around 125 RMB, or around $20/pill. But you can by the local generic version for 200 RMB for 20 pills, or 10 RMB/pill (around $1.25).

Cialis is the medicine of choice for us older gentleman. But you will need to pay for it in the full outrageous American price. Figure around 135 RMB/pill. Yikes!

.Women in China re quite lovely.
The girls in China a lovely. That includes all of the Han Chinese throughout Asia. They really know how to keep men happy.

Of course, there are other options if you are capable and able. I think that the best option is PT-141, but it’s illegal in the United States. Chances are that you won’t have a refrigerator in your hotel room to store it in. Trust me, PT-141 is THE medication for all us older men. If you can obtain it.


Special Medicine for Drinking

There is medicine that can be used to control the rate of absorption of the alcohol that you drink. It is available freely in China, and of course you do not need a prescription for it. Here is a photo of the box and the medicine. The dosage is that you take four tablets one half hour before you start drinking.

Chinese drinking Medicine.
Chinese drinking Medicine. The dosage is four tablets taken about one half an hour before you start drinking. Still, this being said, you still need to take control of the amount of booze that you drink.


Since the chances are that you will be in the Southern China section, make sure that you change your underwear. It is tropical, and you will need to take multiple showers and use ample deodorant.

Chances are that you will stay in your hotel, unless the factory boss has made other arrangements. Some of the better business KTV’s have rooms upstairs. In any event, make sure that your “wingman” or aide (male or female) fully understands that you will be the one who will give all the face.

As such… They must restrain their drinking. They must watch the belongings, and your passport. And, they must keep an eye out so that no problems befall you.

Typically, my aide is an employee. Depending on the situation, I’ve had one of my Chinese engineers (fluent in English) come with me, or my Marketing Manager (female Chinese-born Canadian) who would be with me. Now, you might think that the woman would be all hot and bothered about conducting this kind of business relationship (smoking, drinking, singing, dancing, and girls), but that hasn’t been the case at all. In fact, she welcomed it. Heck, you should have seen her the next morning all beaming and happy.

Now, everyone would get their own individual room. And we would all agree on a time to meet. Typically, one person (never myself) gathers everyone up to go down to the lobby and get into the car.

Caution about drinking

I used to drink with abandon. This is because I would drink every night, and so going out to the KTV or a bar was not a big thing to me. However, I do think that it is prudent for everyone to control their intake of alcohol. Here are some good suggestions on how to control your intake…

  • Eat first. When you consume alcohol it sits in your stomach while it waits to be processed. If you don’t have food in there, the alcohol will process faster and at one time. If you have food in your belly, the alcohol will enter your system more slowly and at a varied pace thus lessening the effects of alcohol immediately. (This is hard to manage, but if you are careful it is possible.) Eat a lot at dinner. What you do eat, make sure that it will be filling and absorb the alcohol… like rice. Eat a lot of rice.
  • Drink slowly. For the same reason that you want food in your stomach, drinking slowly will allow your body to process the alcohol over a period of time. Whereas, if you inundate your body with alcohol, it will be more difficult to process. (This is also difficult to manage, but do try your best.)
  • Choose your beverages carefully. If possible, choose alcohols with fewer congeners (substances that are also produced during the fermentation process), which are less likely to cause a hangover. Light-colored beers and white wine have fewer congeners than darker beers and harder liquors. Stay away from brandy, whisky, and red wine. (as if…) But, Clearer alcohols like Baijiu, vodka, gin, and white rum are good options.
  • Drink plenty of water. Drink water throughout the day before you start drinking alcohol and drink water in between alcoholic beverages. As one of the key causes of a hangover is dehydration, the more you do to combat it beforehand the better. If you have a hangover, be sure to drink plenty of water as well. Or, you might want to…
    • Drink sports drinks. In addition to water, these isotonic sports drinks can quickly replenish the fluids in your body, while adding carbohydrates needed for energy and electrolytes to your system.
    • Drink some orange juice. Vitamin C, specifically, helps replenish energy, which is vital when the lethargic power of a hangover kicks in. The fructose found in many types of juices will help replenish sugars in your body depleted in order to process the alcohol you’ve consumed.
  • Take Ibuprofen, naproxen, and other prescription non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs). These medications can help numb that pounding headache. Follow the instructions on the bottle. 
  • Take a B6 supplement. B6 will help revitalize your body.


You will be offered cigarettes. If you want to give the boss face, you WILL smoke them. This is a way of “breaking the ice” and building friendships.

Smoke the Cigarettes offered to you.

Often they will offer you expensive cigarettes, or if you are an American, an imported American brand to show deference to you. Accept it, and smoke them showing your appreciation. Everything that you do is a way of giving “face” to those around you.

黄鹤楼 cigarettes. These are the most expensive cigarettes in China. You know that you are being given the “Royal Treatment” if you are offered these.

I would accept these cigarettes even though for many, many years, I never smoked. Thus, for the longest time, I never inhaled, I just smoked and let the smoke swirl in my mouth. You know, you do what you need to do.

In any event, they will offer you the most expensive cigarettes available to you. This is to give you face and show their respect for you.

Show them that you appreciate this gesture.

真龙 are the third most expensive cigarettes in China. Being offered these cigarettes is a sign of honor and respect.

You take the cigarette and allow an underling to light it for you. You should NEVER light it yourself. That is not your place in this environment. They might give you a menthol filter to use, if offered, take it. It’s kind of fun.

The cigarettes will more than likely be expensive and strong. When I refer to this ritual as “death by cigarettes and tea”, I am not kidding. Sometimes, I need to excuse myself to go to the bathroom to throw up. The nicotine is that strong.

Here are the most expensive brands of cigarettes in China…

  • Huang He Lou 1916  黄鹤楼1916 – RMB8500/carton
  • Liqun 利群 – RMB1900/carton
  • Zhenlong 真龙 – RMB1900/carton
  • Zuan Shi (or Diamond) 钻石 – RMB1800/carton
  • Dong Chong Xia Cao 冬虫夏草 –  RMB1600/carton
  • Zi Qi Dong Lai (or New Century) 紫气东来  – RMB1400/carton
  • Xiong Mao (or Panda)  熊猫 -RMB1200/carton
  • Huaxicun 1961 华西村 – RMB1200/carton
  • Hao Rizi  好日子 – RMB1000/carton
  • Hongtashan 红塔山 – RMB500/carton
利群 are the second most expensive cigarettes in China. You can be offered these cigarettes as a sign of honor.

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The Chinese Business KTV Experience


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  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
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How a Chinese Business KTV Works – Opinions of the Ignorant

This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.

Page 16 of 17.

Opinions of Others

I tire of the propaganda about China. Yeah, I spent the time churning this post out. I took the time to do it. I paid the money to host it. Now you, the lucky reader, can read it. Woo woo.

I have gone on to other blogs and have read the comment sections where people have torn up a guy for relating his experiences. Most of the time, the comments are juvenile with such things as you might expect. “These girls are prostitutes.” And “I would never set foot into a KTV, the music sucks.”,and “They are abused poor waifs”. OK, whatever. It’s just propaganda about China.

This is the real deal. Like it or not.


I personally do not want to hear the opinions of someone who have never stepped out of the Untied States and is making judgments based upon their limited understandings of reality. They are just promoting propaganda about China. If all you can relate about is the inside of a Bo Jangles, and your idea of hard work is coding software then you have no business being here. This place is not for you.

You don’t belong here.

You all can all go eat your pork rings, drink your expensive Starbucks coffee, and service your 400 pound overweight pink-haired ambiguous-gender friend. You can believe in reptilians taking over the government, the next war the United States will have “for Democracy”, and get ready for the global warming that will melt the ice caps. Good for you. That is your reality.

This is mine.

You want to comment. Good. Remember that here, I am GOD.  So remember who you are dealing with. Unless you are kind, and civil I won’t publish anything you say. So it might be best for you to swallow your bile and leave.


The world is filled with ignorant busybodies who want to make the world a perfect place in their own image. The problem is that their image is one that is forged thought the media. And, folks, the media in the United States is controlled by five people. That’s it. Five people control every fucking thing you read. So what you are actually doing is being a puppet for the wealthy who control you, control your thoughts and control your life.

So be it.


Call me all kinds of names. I know quite a bit more about our universe and our reality. So don’t get too hot and bothered with my thoughts, experiences and opinions. For as far as you know, I’m just bound for Hell.


Another View

Of course, you don’t have to accept what I have to report. You can just read propaganda from the news media. Here’s a good example, out of the UK (why am I not surprised?) about DongGuang. Read the article.

Inside Dongguan, China's Sin City

Some 10 per cent of Dongguan's population is said to be employed in the world's oldest profession. Tom Phillips reports from China's Sin City.

In the article, they said 10% of the city population was involved in prostitution. Wow. That’s a lot. A lot!

Let’s break that down…

Which means, that if the vast bulk of the prostitutes are female, then nearly 20% of the females in this city region are prostitutes. ( assuming a ratio of 50/50 of men and women.) If you further narrow down prostitution to be females between the ages of 14 and 40, then this article, were it to be believed, means that you would have a near 65% chance of any girl between the ages of 14 and 40, including married women as being full-on prostitutes.

You couldn’t walk down a street without seeing a prostitute in most of the ladies you walk by. You couldn’t have a coffee or tea without sharing a table with one. You couldn’t buy groceries without meeting one. You couldn’t ride a bus without seeing about half the bus as prostitutes.

Think people. Think.

God, what a slimy article, and what slimy photos. Did they even go there? Why did they pick the sleaziest section, with the sleaziest people? Anyways, they have a photo to “prove” sexual slavery of children takes place. Here it is… Look at the pitiful small babies sold into prostitution. Why, they are certainly elementary-school age!

Child Sexual Trafficing
This photo is given as proof that sexual slavery and child prostitution is “rampant” in the industrial capital of Dongguang. Look at these three children. Why they are missing their school classes and won’t be able to perform basic mathematics! How horrible! My Goodness!
  1. Did they give locations, names, and facts?
  2. Any statements that they made, are they backed up with hard information?
  3. For an in-depth article, what details have they provided, such as demographics, industry, times, income data, social concerns, statements from the local police, statistics, and the like?

All of the hard information is all missing. It’s just one of a thousand fluff-pieces designed to change the mass consciousness of the reader toward certain assumptions.

Now for some comparisons. Maybe you don’t like what I wrote. Maybe you think that I am a deplorable ass hole. Maybe you want to clutch on to your most cherished fantasy…

Well then, which article (this [1] blog post, or [2] the UK newspaper article) was more

  1.  Informative to you personally?
  2. Which one would better serve you to write a report, or
  3. investigate further issues, or
  4. spiked your interest towards different cultures and ways of life?
  5. Which one gave you a better perception of the reality of what is going on?
  6. Which article is more complete, fulfilling and worthwhile reading?
  7. Which article gave you a more fuller and comprehensive picture?
  8. Which article did you learn something new from?

If you want to return to the start of this series, please go HERE.

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The Chinese Business KTV Experience


Articles & Links

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  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
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How a Chinese Business KTV Works – Pre-party Preparation

This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.

This is part 5 of 17.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

KTV Prep

Eventually, the bottles of wine will be empty. Everyone will be full.

The aide will gather the left over bottles. Any cigars you are smoking will be finished. The aide will call the KTV and make sure that the room is reserved. He will typically get up off from the table and call at the side of the room, or in the hallway. The boss might call the manager of the girls (they operate outside of the club), and make what ever arrangements that he has in mind.

The Manager of the Girls

The girls will, of course need a manager. Here, we talk about the KTV girls management. It is much like the management of any group of people in a business. You need to monitor the staff, identify your resources, and make sure that you are providing value-added benefits to the clients. Not to mention the obtainment of clients and keeping them.

Typically (but not always) the manager of the girls will be an attractive woman in her 30’s. Hard as nails, and no-nonsense. Most have raised up through the ranks to get where they are today. Think Sharon Stone in the movie Casino.

You build relationships with these managers. As such, you get to know them. They manage the girls and they provide promotions and arrangements as necessary.

  • Sometimes girls want to be with their friends. So they would only work with a client if their friend can participate. I’ve seen this with two girls, and three girl teams. The only thing about this is that you need to make sure that all of the girls are equally playful. No one wants to spend any time with a sour-puss that has some home or family issues. Or even worse, a gal who just stands there stamping her foot anxiously and demands that both girls leave. Yikes!
  • Sometimes the girl has had a bad run of luck, and hasn’t been selected all week. So the manager would promote the girl. Maybe offer a reduced price, or extra services, or extra-long time, or maybe cart Blanche on the activities involved in.
  • Sometimes the timing is really bad, as all the girls are at home during holidays, or a number of the most popular girls are sick. The manager would need to make this clear and work out arrangements that might make some of the more unpopular girls more attractive to the client.
  • Often, the girl might not want to be physical with you. That is fine. That is her choice. The manager will then find a girl that will want to. In general, I would rather be with a girl that is enthusiastic to be with me, than a girl I picked based on appearance. No matter what you might think, the truth is that there will always be some girls that would really want to be with you.

Management Fees

Now, the management fee for the girls is actually quite small. This is something that surprised me. In The United States, I was under the impression that all prostitutes had pimps and the pimp would take the vast bulk of the money the gals made. Not so in China.

Han Chinese
Chinese girls for the most part are Han Chinese. This is the same race as the Koreans. In a like way, the Han Chinese and the Koreans are very similar. This picture is a mixture of both Korean and Chinese girls. Can you tell who is who?

The manager is paid by both the girls and the KTV. The payment amount is often quite small. Maybe a few hundred RMB a month (Maybe $30 / month).

They make their money in volume, and repeat customers. If you have a troop of one hundred girls, that’s a solid $3,000 USD per month on girls alone. That is un-taxed, and keep in mind that that is actually equivalent to maybe $20,000 / month. This is because the cost of living in China is much less than that in the Untied States.

The General Quality of KTV Hostesses

Of course, none of these girls are “bottom of the barrel” skanks. In China, the ability to make money is ranked highly in desirable traits, so the girls are all extraordinarily beautiful. These gals are all skilled in singing, dancing, being able to control alcohol intake, and having fun. They are the exceptional women of the region.

They tend to be along the lines of this. Long hair, beautiful face with stunning eyes, and sweet lips. They have a fine figure (nice ample chest) and a friendly and welcoming demeanor. They are pleasant, and kind, and sweet.

On a scale from 0-10, with a 5 being average, you would find that most girls at a Chinese Business KTV are in the 9 – 10 range. Which means, in every lineup you would find multiple girls that your would find personally attractive.

No, you won’t find any enormous back women with asses the size of trashcans jerking about. That is reserved for Obama’s America.

Chinese girls tend to be well proportioned. In general, they all have long or longish hair. Short hair can be seen but it is a rarity. Most have black or brown hair. Some girls dye their hair, but this is also unusual. All the girls, even the darker girls from the South will have light or lightish skin. It’s a sign of beauty in China.

Personally, I love the oval eyes. When one of these beauties look at me, I just melt into their eyes. Also, most Chinese have brown eyes. Their face tends to be oval. Much like this girl here…

They will be playful. They will be nice and polite. Some might be a little aloof, but you would be too, if you stood in 15 lineups before getting chosen.

Their skin is so smooth and soft. Many of the girls have experimented with dying their hair, and so you might find some girls with light highlights in their hair, and dark roots. It is normal for Chinese to have from brown to coal-black hair. You can tell their natural hair color by looking at their eyebrows.

Once, the girls have been introduced to the clients (as discussed later), final payment arrangements will have been established by the KTV and the manager. The money that exchanges hands goes into two batches. There is a direct “tip” that is given to the manager as a “thank you” for their services, and the transaction between the girl and the guy who selects her. In the case of the boss buying the girl, it is handled by his side. The girl gets 100% of that money.

Anyways, more about that later…

Whatever arrangements are made, eventually you will be led (oh yes, boy… you will be led) to the car and then to the KTV.

Some more Chinese KTV hostesses
Typical Chinese KTV hostesses. They wear different outfits, and it is not unusual for them to change in and out of the different outfits all night depending on the client and the situation. I always like the “Gone with the Wind” look where the girls would dress up in these huge flowing dresses, and have their makeup all done up. It’s a real experience, let me tell you.

From that moment on, you will be given “Red Carpet” treatment. You have proven yourself. If you handled yourself well, you out drank the boss, out smoked the co-workers, and ate a chicken’s head and spit it out. You gave the boss great face. Now, it is his turn to repay the favor.

How he will give YOU face.


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The Chinese Business KTV Experience


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How a Chinese Business KTV Works – The Pretty Girls

This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.

This is part 6 of 17.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

KTV Appearance

The KTV will be lit up like a Casino. You will typically be driven directly to the front door, and an assistant will open the door open for you to exit the car from. It is important that you take your time. Stand straight. Smile, and look around you. The manager of the girls might greet you there. Though, she would make a bee-line to the factory boss first.

You will be led into the lobby.

It will be well-attired and look like the inside of a casino or movie theater from the 1920’s. Lining both sides of the lobby, and forming a path would be two lines of girls. They would be Chinese pretty girls. One on our left, and one on your right. Big KTV’s might have a couple of hundred girls in the line up, while smaller KTV’s might only have a handful.

KTV lobby lineup
Here is a typical lineup of girls in the lobby of a KTV. This is obvious a small-town or rural business KTV. There are only a few girls and the establishment is more hotel than KTV. They girls are all wearing identical dresses and welcome you. Typically they might bow and welcome you to the KTV, while the lead girl might take your arm and lead you to the room chosen for you.

The Chinese pretty girls will all be wearing the same style outfit. Typically a dress. It seems like the classier places have the girls wearing long gowns. The girls will all be made up, and smiling. Every time that I go through these kinds of lines, I end up getting a great big grin on my face. The girls see this and start giggling, whispering to themselves, and smiling back.

All are stunning.

After you file though this gauntlet, you will be led to your room. The rooms have as few moving parts as possible. A big long couch lining the back wall, a couple of marble tables, a few TV’s in the front of the room (and one in the back at a classy joint) and one computer. They also have a wall panel in which you can control the temperature, the lighting (you can choose normal lighting, crazy dance lighting–disco ball, flashing lights, etc–or very dark) and the volume.

The KTV staff will wheel in a shopping cart and set up all the snacks and booze for you. This will be the bottles of liquor, the mixers, the cups. They will also give you a microphone condom to put on the microphones for sanitary reasons. This is a pretty good idea as that thing would be covered in gobs of spit by the nights end.

KTV girls upon arrival
Typical KTV girls. Some wear the same kinds of outfits, while others dress for the theme for the day or week. The girls need to purchase all the clothes that they wear. Most KTV’s require them to wear traditional Chinese dresses with a slit up the one leg and one shoulder bare.

After a while, perhaps ten to twenty five minutes, the girls will be brought in.

Some KTV’s, especially in the smaller towns, cities and rural areas only have a few girls to choose from. You always get a better and bigger selection of girls in the bigger cities. In places like Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Beijing there might have 250 to 600 girls to select from. All are stunning.

I only wish that I could have photos to post about this issue.

Only the Best Girls can be Hostesses

Only the best Chinese pretty girls can be hostesses.

That is true. Since competition to work as a KTV Hostess is so high, the KTV management can be quite picky as to whom they let work there. So forget about the propagandized notions of the “poor kidnapped sex slaves”. That’s a UK fantasy used to sell tabloid magazines.

The truth is quite different.

Hostess clubs in China are nightlife entertainment that only the rich can afford. Similar to the hostess clubs in Japan, in Chinese establishments the rich men pay for an attractive woman’s company, service, and conversations. And, if they like the woman enough, they ask for the girl to leave with them and continue businesses elsewhere. 

In Chinese, these type of hostesses are called 女公关, which translates loosely to “female public relations”. Recently, the top hostess club in Zhengzhou was shut down by the government.

To become a hostess, you would first need to have the right look, the right figure, and be within the proper age range. Since hostess clubs depend on high-class customers, they can’t allow their hostesses to be from the lower classes, so they prefer white collar workers, models, and art school students.

Step 1: Interview
After meeting the initial criteria, you need to be interviewed by 3 to 5 interviewers. Good looks + good body: 60. Highly educated + high alcohol tolerance: 80. Can play the role of a flight attendant: 100. According to a report on Zhengzhou’s Huangjia Yihao, all candidates are interviewed by at least 5 interviewers who rate you based on your appearance, height, education, skills, and culture, and then the overall score is broken down into a price.

Step 2: Professional Training
Physique, etiquette, smile, and conversation skills. After the training is completed, a hostess can officially start working.

Work Hours: 9PM to 2AM
Main Work Locations: High-class Hostess Clubs, KTV and night clubs, bars
Work Responsibilities: Accompany clients, drink with clients, sing, and others

The most famous hostess club in Beijing, Tian Shang Ren Jian (Passion Club), was one of the most expensive clubs in Beijing before it closed. The club was membership only. VIP customers included socialites from China and abroad, entrepreneurs, domestic and international film and TV stars, as well as ambassadors. Clients need to pay an initial fee of 1,000 to 3,000 yuan to talk to girls. To have a girl’s company for an entire night costs at least 5,000 yuan.

Huangjia Yihao was praised as an ideal “platform where politicians and businessmen communicated”. Gold card holders mostly treated others to discuss contracts and projects, or to ask for a favor. The previous report quotes that the club earned over 500,000 yuan per night. The reason that visiting the club became a symbol of social status is that the hostesses only chatted, sang, and drank moderately. A girl’s company cost 400 to 800 yuan, and to take her out was extra.

-A peek into the world of Chinese Hostesses

Where a girl might make 5000 to 10,000 RMB a night, you need to appreciate that this is serious “cheddar”. A middle class salary is from 6,000 RMB to 15,000 RMB/month.

This night rate is on top of everything else. So if the girl dances, sings and meets eligible wealthy and successful businessmen, and has sex with them, they can pretty much earn in the top 5% of everyone in China by having three customers a month.

It’s no wonder that many of the older gals have their own businesses, and own Starbucks, McDonalds and KTC franchises. I don’t know about youse guys, but it would take me a century to save up to buy a McDonalds franchise on a top engineer’s salary.

Demand for the Hostesses is High

In fact, the demand for the girls to work is so high, that the KTV’s often have to turn away girls and charge them to work there. That’s absolutely right. They have to pay a monthly fee for the privilege of working there. However, it makes sense when you really think about it.

KTV Hostess
The girls are considered Hostesses, as they not only entertain their client during the KTV adventure, but they can sing, and dance as well. I have five years semi-professional ballroom dancing experience, and all can follow quite well. Notice the girls. They all have a darker complexion, wider noses, and shorter in statue. They are obviously from the Southern section of China.

From the girl’s point of view…

The best way for a girl in her 20’s to meet a successful businessman, or middle manager is though a KTV.

That way, she can get picked, and if she likes the man, she can stay in contact with him. Often making other arrangements. Many girls date men this way, and often have a group of guys that follow them around and give them money and such. As the guys, just like the girls, want to pick a high-quality mate.

Most KTV girls have a string of guys that follow them around like puppy dogs. The combination of friendship (with benefits) and their KTV activities enable these girls to rake in enormous amounts of money.

These girls spend all of their time looking good and marketing to find the most desirable men as possible. They aren’t looking for love. They are looking for one of three types of men…

  • A potential good father for their future children. He owns his own company or has a serious senior role in a company.
  • A handsome guy with money. The key is that he also has money that he is easy to part with. These men can join a string of like-minded men, that the girl will keep tethered to her with the promise of sex and fun.
  • A man who is fun to be with. And, of course, who has some kind of advantage that the woman could eventually leverage. Maybe he owns a chateau in France. Maybe he is the son of the owner of Amazon. Maybe, he has a Ferrari that he will let the girl keep.

Notice that love and romance was not included in the calculus above. These girls are beautiful and know it. They know to cater to men and they will have many men eating out of their hands. Be careful!

In China, it is critical that the girls get married before they turn 28. They are considered to be non-marriageable after that date. The Chinese term is “spinster”.

So what the girls tend to do is spend their 20’s looking the best that they can, and doing what they can to attract the most suitable man. Otherwise, their parents will fix them up with a date. While the girl can say no, what usually happens is the girl just gives up and shrugs her shoulders and say “well, he’s good enough”.

To prevent this from happening, many girls work as KTV hostesses if they are in any way attractive.

Attractiveness is a cultural construct. The ideas of what is attractive varies from culture to culture. In China the attractive girls tend to be pale, frail, with big eyes, long black hair and a shape that is known as “fish shaped”.  In the states, especially over the last decade or two, the ideas of female attractiveness has migrated towards dark skin, big pouty lips, big breasts and big asses. Which often causes some surprise to the girls who work at the KTV. They ask “why do Americans always pick the ugliest girls”?

Especially when there are many stunning Chinese ladies to choose from.

I’ve got to tell you, there are beautiful women all over the world. I love the girls in Australia with their big long lion manes of hair. I think that there are some amazing girls from Brazil. The girls of Eastern Europe and Russia are just stunning. But, I’ve seriously got to tell you all… China has the most attractive girls in the world.

Chinese ideal for beauty
Ideas about physical beauty vary from culture to culture. In China, the ideal is pale skin, a calm and pleasant demeanor, long black hair, big eyes, and a pleasant smile. They tend to have a fish shape for a body and walk in a calm purposeful manner.

It’s a cultural thing.

If you read my post about the r/K theory, culture and society migrates biologically towards situations that improve species survival. In the United States, it is a r-society. It is a society where there is abundance. So people act similarly to rabbits.

In a K-society, like China it is a land of scarcity. So they tend to be more predatory, like wolves.

r/K selection theory

That translates into many aspects of society. One of which is conceptions of beauty.

Now, I had best make this clear right off. A hostess doe not necessarily have sex with the clients. No. Instead, they party with them. They play games with them. They drink and dance with them. If there is a mutual interest, the manager can broker a financial payment arrangement that favors the girl.

There is no guarantee that the girl will trade sex for money. In China, the girl controls what will happen. It’s all up to her. The only thing the guy gets to do is pick her out of a line up. Everything else is fully scripted and controlled by the girl.

Whether or not a girl will have sex with a client is a decision made by the girl.

Sometimes she just feels like she wants to have sex. Sometimes she doesn’t, as it might be her period, and in China this is a big no-no. Maybe she isn’t going to have sex because one of her girlfriends in the club is not having sex. Maybe she doesn’t like you. Maybe you stink, or remind her of someone else. Maybe you are too old, too young, too poor, or just too drunk. Maybe your skin color is too dark, or you are Arabic, or you showed a lack of manners.  In all cases… she decides what will happen.

In any event, the girl’s manager will know exactly what is going on and will steer more willing and able girls your way if need be.

KTV room
The KTV rooms are often lavish. They are nice and typically dark so that all kinds of activities and things can occur. The bosses aide will get the thing going by talking to the room manager and arranging for food and drink to be brought forth.

Sorry for this digression. Ok, now where was I? Oh…

When you enter the KTV, you will typically walk through the gauntlet of girls, totally overwhelmed, and be led to your KTV room. These are nice private rooms with bathroom facilities, food trays and all sorts of drinks. As you go in, you pick a seat and make yourself at home.

Soon enough, they will start bringing the girls in. They will bring them in at 20 a time. They girls will parade in front and form a line. Then upon command they will turn around so that you can see their back. They will then strike a pose. There are numerous poses that they take on. All are very becoming and quite attractive.

Staged KTV Hostesses
Chinese KTV Hostesses waiting in readiness for a line up. Typically they get together and stage themselves in an empty KTV room or in the hallway.

Nothing out of Jerry Springier, and no fat girls waving their enormous spandex tight asses. That is reserved for President Obama’s America. No. Here, the girls are demure, polite and act respectful. After all, day in and day out, they are paraded in front of factory bosses, internet CEO’s, Directors of banks, and other managers of high regard.

They want to look their best, and be their best.

A Paradise for Sex? – Hardly

Contrary what the news media or the internet might say, China is not a “sex monger” paradise. It just isn’t. China is a nation of hard working nerds. If you want to experience some of the rewards of hard work, labor and study, then come to China. Otherwise and else look elsewhere.

These girls will smell a fake a mile away. You had best be working hard. Show that you know your stuff, and are willing to provide fun and entertainment to your business contacts. China is all about hard work, and relationships. If you are willing to work hard, and have built up a presence in China, and going to a KTV would be your reward.

They only respect and admire achievers. And if the personality match is there, perhaps there might be something more in the future. The truth is that this is the way for many a poor girl to latch on to a very wealthy man and greatly and substantially improve their lifestyle.

Some notes on the songs…

Just a word on the song selection. For the most part, they are surprisingly diverse for China. It’s one of the first things that a foreigner notices. As most foreigners have never heard of Kougu or YouKu. They are unaware as to how metropolitan the Chinese are in musical taste. The music is quite different than would you would find in the States for example.

In China the music is updated every couple of days, while in the USA, the music selection in a (so called) karaoke bar might be months or even years old.

Of course, there are the big wigs, like Lady Ga Ga, and Justin Bieber. There is also a surprising number of smaller less known hits (internationally I mean). Things like TLC, Bee-Gee’s, R.E.M., and a ton of classic rock.

I typically make a bee-line for the American Country & Western songs and I like to sing them, as well as some hits from the 1980’s, and Aerosmith. But, that’s just me. (Shrug.)

The songs play in the order that you choose them. The music video starts with the words on the bottom just like any karaoke anywhere.

About the Videos

Also, regarding the videos, I don’t know why, but some songs don’t get the rights or permission to use the real music video so they have some hilarious stock footage instead.

The song Barbie Girl has a video of people from the 80‘s at an amusement park for instance. These videos are a hoot. The older the song, the cheesier the video. I’ve got to tell ya.

Being Wild and Crazy

As everyone’s drinking, and singing, things can tend to get a little crazy. And, that is just how I like it, I’ll tell you what.

Yeah, Bottles and glasses get smashed, but the staff checks in regularly (the doors have windows) and they try to keep things clean.

Meanwhile, of course, people in the other rooms are also getting drunker and drunker and going out to find the bathroom can be quite funny. KTV places are just a winding, twisting maze of rooms and it’s near impossible to find your way around.

But, not to worry. They have workers stationed all over helping you find your way, but of course some calamity ensues; Guys stumbling drunkenly with their girlfriends on their backs, people walking into utility closets thinking it is the bathroom.

Many times I would help hold up a drunk Chinese stranger at the urinal so he can pee. It’s what friends are for, and it really builds your guanxi, don’t ya know.

Duration of the Party

In general, all KTV’s work within a certain set of hours. For all KTV’s, whether they are business or family KTV’s, you pay in advance. You pay for the room in a set number of hours. In short, you rent the room for a certain numbers of hours, and once your time is up the computer locks itself and you cannot choose any more songs. When that happens, the waiters will come in and start cleaning up. If you STILL don’t get the hint, which happens at times, they turn on the lights and eventually a manger or someone comes in and harasses you until you leave.

In all the big cities the KTV’s are open all night, and we would leave at around 6am. Smaller cities might shut down earlier, with 2 and 3am being the norm.

This is not a problem with Business KTV’s, as eventually you do want to go to your room to chill and have a decidedly different kind of party there.

Continue reading for some of the more (ahem) interesting aspects of the nightly pleasures…


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How a Chinese Business KTV Works – Going to the Hotel Room

This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.

Post 12 of 17.

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Your Aide / Wingman

A very important part of your visit to a business KTV is to have an aide or wingman to look after you. They will make sure that you are registered into the room, and that your passport will not get lost or misplaced. They will keep an eye out for you and help you out of the KTV room when it is time to go.

If you are not careful, these girls will eat you alive.

Working Hours

The girls generally get ready for work around 3pm. They get dressed, have their nails and hair done. They show up for work around 5 to 7pm depending on the venue.

The business KTV’s are open up until 6am. Most others tend to close a little earlier.

If you are having fun at a business KTV, then you MUST watch the time. Otherwise, you will be terribly drunk and end up going back to your room around 3, or 4 in the morning.

Now, here is the rub. After a solid 9 to 12 hours of heavy drinking, you (unless you are under 25) will be too exhausted to provide any energy in your penis for sexual activity. And no, Viagra or Cialis will not be much help either. Even if you had the lift, all you will want to do is… sleep.


Use the Cinderella rule. You leave the KTV before 12 midnight. Pick a time somewhere between 11 and 12. No later.

Then, you will no be so exhausted, or sleepy and can be able to get your money’s worth of fun.

Further take note, that the girls all turn into pumpkins at 6 am. So if you are looking forward to some morning heat, remember that it will have to occur before 6am, because the girls will be out of there and on their way to their families.

So another reason to leave the KTV early (before the rest of the guys finish partying) that that if you leave at 3 am, you will only get three hours with that gal, and at that, you will spend most of the time sleeping.

Be advised and take note.

Going to the Room

They will help you and the girls into the elevator and you will ride it to your floor. It will be something like this video below. The girls will take the lead and show you where the room is and help you get settled. They will open the door with the card key and place the card in the activation slot.

All the hotels in China utilize electronic locks. This is either with a magnetic card or some similar mechanism. Households for the most part utilize keys (if they are rented) or thumbprints if they are owned. The newer houses also are staring to use face and retinal scan recognition technology.

It will be like this if there are two or more girls with you…

Otherwise, if you are just going with one girl. It might be a little like this..

Or, like last week when it was warmer out, it might be a little like this…

The girls will file into the room and my aides will collect my gear and keep it safe with him. I will retain my glasses and cell phone. Then we will call it a night.

My aides will then go off to their own individual rooms with their companions. And I will be left alone with the girls. The girls will typically find a outlet to plug and charge their cell phones with. They will check their WeChat, and confirm any last minute messages. Often they will have other guys (fans?) sending them messages that they need to respond to. I just let them take a few minutes to get settled. 

Turning In

The girl or girls get settled in. If you are there with three girls, typically two will rest in the other bed and you will be with one girl. Then they will take turns with you. If we are all too drunk it is simply a matter of passing out for five or so hours. Otherwise, showers are used and everyone gets clean.

  • Don’t trust the bath towels. I don’t care if they are sanitized. You use them everywhere except down in the groin area. Trust me, you don’t want to get the clap or some other serious illness. Use a condom.
  • Brush your teeth.
  • Make sure that you take your eye glasses off, or they might get broke while you are romping and playing around.
  • If you really like the girl, get her WeChat, so that you can get together again in the future.

Sometimes, you just want to decompress for a bit before you engage in any kind of sexual activity. When this happens I like to see where they are from and so I ask all kinds of questions about their hometown and the food that they eat. Often we talk about life and dreams. I’ve had more than a few chats about bitcoin, setting up international trade, and tax/tariff laws in the United States. Honestly I was really impressed with one gal who had a dog grooming business and a massage parlor on the side. She had her act going on.

Some of the girls are quite wild and experienced, but I am just a rather boring old Joe. So we just keep things simple, which in a way is kind of a relief to the girls. Now, keep in mind, that if you are there with multiple girls make sure that they are all EQUALLY engaged, or else the one who has been neglected all night will want to leave – thus spoiling all the fun.

Sometimes the girl will leave behind a trinket or two for you to remember them by. That’s a nice thought, but I just throw them away. If I don’t have their WeChat contact information, I probably won’t ever see them again.


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How a Chinese Business KTV Works – Younger Girl

This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.

Page 16C of 17.

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A younger Girl

Let’s talk about the stunning Chinese women. Now, here is a younger girl. While most of the gals will be in the middle to late 20’s there are those that are around 21 to 23 and these gals are just as cute, and just as fun loving as the older girls. They are just fun to be with and a gas to play with.

This girl looks like a firecracker, and I’ll bet that she is. What fun she would be with. Though, I do have to advise that it is unusual for the younger girls to be interesting to talk to, unless you want to talk fashion, APPs, trends and movies.

A Typical Girl

The next girl is also typical. You will note how fun and great all these girls are. Like all women they can have a serious side and a pensive side, but also a fun side. When I go to a KTV I want to have fun. I don’t want to get too serious, and I just want to have a good time.

I want to drink, play games, sing and dance. Girls like this next girl are typical and will absolutely be a great gal to play with.

The beautiful Chinese face

Here, in the next video, is another beautiful girl. Take a look at her awesome face. This face is pretty much the Chinese ideal. It is a heart shaped face with a pointy small chin. Notice the big brown eyes, and the happy lips and the proportions of the eyebrows and cheekbones.

What’s this all about?

Yes, I am talking about the kinds of Chinese girls that you would find in a business KTV. Yes, I am talking about what they look like, and the novelty of being able to pick a companion out to play with. But why is it important?

It is important to have fun. And having fun is the mechanism that runs the business KTV.

I love to watch the girls…

I love to watch beautiful girls. I especially love to watch them dance. I find it hypnotic. I can drink beer all day, and sing and dance and play games with these attractive beautifies and never quite. If I had my way, I would have dinner with them and just enjoy the time playing with my dog and laughing together.

Life is about living. If you are not enjoying life, then you are doing something terribly wrong.


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How a Chinese Business KTV Works – Having Fun!

This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.

Page 9A of 17.

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Having Fun

The parties can get rather crazy. Yeah. Crazy KTV parties! However, mostly I would say that they are pretty stable affairs, with drinking, singling and playing games of dice. The most popular game is a game of five dice in a small red plastic cup. You shake the cup and the person who loses has to drink. There are various games that fit within this framework. All are similar and structured the same way; to get drunk.

Boss in the KTV
When a boss goes to a Business KTV, he can let his hair down, relax and have a good time. He can eat, sing and enjoy the friendship of an attractive female companion. What is not to like?

Other games include burning a tissue holding the dice in a cup, number games, and of course singing. I cannot sing Chinese songs very well, so Duets are out of the question. But I can sing numerous Chinese songs which surprises the ladies. However, all in all, I like to sing American songs.

Here’s some more crazy KTV parties. Here’s a video showing what it’s like with the red cup and the five pair of dice game(s)…

The above video is pretty typical. The inside of the KTV is dark with various flashing lights, or club like ambience. The people are singing, dancing, shaking, smoking and playing games with dice in a cup. That is what all three of them are doing in the video above.

I think I mentioned this before, but if I didn’t, the cups are usually black or red plastic, and inside are five white dice. They tend to fly out of the cups and land on the floor and get lost. So you go ahead and grab some from an unused cup and keep on playing.

A little beer is definitely in order (and is usually cheap) so order some Tsing Tao and get to work. In the KTV, it is perfectly fine to start drinking beer. Though I am often entangled with some younger Chinese managers to drink beer until they pass out. I usually have none of that nonsense, and ask my companion to take over for me. I am a boss, I don’t need to prove that I can drink.

Certainly not using beer. It is like water to me.

Chinese beers.
Here is a nice selection of some of the most commonly found Chinese beers in China. Of course everyone knows about QingDao (the Tsing Tao Beer on the far left) beer. It’s a fine beer, don’t ya know.

If you don’t like singing the girls will often sing to you and sometimes they’re pretty good (they get lots of practice). There are various games.  I like to play the games with dice, which is (of course) a drinking game.  There are other games as well. For instance, one game involves covering a glass with tissue and taking turns burning the tissue to see who will cause a die on the paper to fall. 

They also really like playing rock paper scissors. (The American version comes from China.)

The girls can either be in the KTV uniforms, with will be gowns of one sort or another, or in their street clothes. If the girls are contracted to spend most of their time semi-nude (nude, but wearing skimpy panties), they might be provided slinky silk bathrobes to wear.

My preferred American songs include groups such as Aerosmith, and country and western singers. Ah, many a night the ladies would have to endure me singing Oasis’s song “Wonderwall”, and “She ain’t Right”, by Lee Brice. Of course, you must have the girls belt out a tearful love song or two. This is mandatory, and make sure that you fuss over them. It is the closest way that any Chinese lady will express any emotion.

Remember, the KTV environment is a “safe space” where the individual is protected and permitted to let “it all out”. They can be crazy. They can be emotional. They can be and live the fantasy that they want.

At some point a guy or a gal is going to come in with a cart full of goodies… little snacks and stuff like that. It’s cheap by American standards so don’t worry. For us locals, well, we tend to think of it as expensive and pricey.

High end joints will have a cigarette girl wearing a crotch-high cute dress and a little bell-boy pill-box hat.  They will have a wooden tray in front with all kinds of cigarettes and cigars (from Cuba no less). I always like to get a cigar, and (since this is China) no one would dare disrespect me (and lose face) by telling me not to smoke it.

Nude and Playful

Sometime during your evening you may also be offered a strip tease show by one or more girls. (Typically, all the girls would participate.) It costs extra, find out how much before you buy. For the longest time I refused these opportunities, as well as two-somes and group-fun. Now, I never refuse. You can keep all that Puritanism and shove it up where the sun don’t shine.

Ah. I just love the crazy KTV parties.

Now, of course, this is not at all like what you would expect in the United States. No girl will get at a pole and strip off her clothes to the music. And, no, you won’t be sitting there stupefied unable to do anything short of stuffing some dollars in her panties.

Nope. It’s quite different here in China.

Instead, the girls will just undress right there on the sofa next to you. They will be fully nude except for panties and high heels. There are pretty quick about it too. They just kind of slinky out of their dress and sit there smiling.

Then, they will expect you to cuddle with them. If you don’t take the initiative, they will. They will more than likely sit on your lap and lean back while you are allowed to let your hands roam where they most comfortably yearn to migrate.

It is expected for you to roam. So do it. Failure to do so would be an insult to your host.

Expect a bare minimum of 10-15 minutes of full contact fun. This will include lap dancing and other playful antics. Truthfully, once started, it actually tends to last all night. Hey! No problem.

It often is something like this.

The policy is “please touch” unlike the in the US where that will get your ass kicked by a steroid abusing meathead bouncer. However, in China it’s ok.  And I like it that way.  (This is true even if they still have their clothes on. You can roam all over their bodies as you desire. This is China for goodness sakes!)

Of course, you need not get too hot and bothered about all of this.

Many of the girls will grab your crotch and try to guess the size of your member in length, girth, width and stamina. For instance, you might be with one girl, and another girl will sit on your other side and start feeling your nether regions and adjusting things down there for you. (Personally, I think it is their way to judge how much they can make off you later on…LOL.)

The girls are talented. They really are. Most know all the K-Pop and C-Pop songs and dances and will dance right there with you. Whether or not they have their clothes on makes no difference, they are stunning and their actions will melt your heart.

It’s sorta like an appetizer for things later on, or (perhaps) used to entice you to pay up for a “long-time” girl. Anyways, it really doesn’t matter. In a business KTV the boss host will pay for everything. So agree to it.


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Business KTV's

The Chinese Business KTV Experience


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How a Chinese Business KTV Works – The Ideal Girl

This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.

Page 16B of 17.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

My “Ideal” girl

So many beautiful Chinese girls. This next girl is what I personally consider the “ideal”. She has a rocking body, a great disposition and beautiful face and hair. This is the kind of “girl next door” image that made the magazine “Playboy” so famous.

When ever I see a girl like this in a lineup, I snatch her up immediately. Gawd, I could just eat her up. The problem with this, however, is these girls at the KTV are very savvy and astute with enormous EQ’s. They will eat guys like me, and like you (the reader), for dinner. We have to be careful least we would be like puppy dogs following them about everywhere.

But really, look at her! She’s awesome!

What’s more is that she is not considered beautiful by Chinese standards. They like girls with a thinner build.

The Chinese men and ideas of beauty revolve around a fish shape. They like to see the girls wear the long flowing dress and see the nice fish shape of the ass and the legs. This girl is far too curvy for the basic Chinese tastes.

But me, on the other hand, …OMG… she is awesome!

A curvy girl

This next girl is also very nice, and also very attractive. You will note that she also has a curvy body. This is quite normal in China, and will not be all that obvious until she takes off her clothes. And there is a reason for this.

The Chinese business KTV girls in the KTV’s tend to dress to appeal to the Chinese men in the audience, and thus they would tend to minimize their bust size and try to slim down to more of a fish shape. Can you believe that? Seriously, that’s what they prefer to do.

So, you might not be aware about how stunning the girl might look without her costume on. Look at her. She’s most certainly a stunner.

An Attractive Chinese Girl

This next girl is what constitutes an attractive girl to the Chinese attractiveness criteria. In just about any book, she would be considered to be attractive. I most certainly find her attractive. Don’t you?

You would find that many of the Chinese business KTV girls in the KTV lineup would have the same overall look and demeanor. It’s a different look, but heck… I love all girls. Big, tall, short, thin, buxom, slender, smiling, and sad. I can’t control myself. I just want to sing a song with them, dance on the dance floor and share a fine meal.


If you want to return to the start of this series, please go HERE.

Links about China

Dance Craze
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

The Chinese Business KTV Experience


Articles & Links

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  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.