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Alien Laws / Ethics

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Hey, P.L. Hope all's well with you. Here's something for a change of pace-- but definitely falls under the umbrella of alien ethics in some sense! And a chance to revisit your old haunting grounds on the psych ward. Unsettling stuff, but given what we now know about the Old Empire and their control mechanisms, some elements of that "demonic" control grid are starting to make a whole lotta sense for me, at least.

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

@ultanmcg - All is well here! Lots of research to do though - life made that turn and - you know...

I couldn’t agree with those two in the video more. They are dead on. I got in more trouble in psychiatry by giving doing EXACTLY what they said. A lot of people, mostly therapists, really dive into the whole psychosis/hallucination experience and when the female therapist on the pod cast said she would hope clinicians WANT to know the experience - they don’t. As a psychiatrist all I have to do is ask if - those voices are telling you to harm yourself or anyone else at this moment - if the answer is no I have a patient (payer) for a long time.

I would go deep - later in my carreer. You learn very early in psychiatry in America that it’s old school and it’s only changing one way - very rapidly - left.

My determination was simple - if the voices were between the ears it was normal. If the voices were as if they were OUTSIDE of the head, like another actual person there - but nobody is there - THAT qualifies as a hallucination - TO ME. It’s subjective. I was a big hallucinatiogenic guy, so I get what a hallucination is.

I DO think you are on to something with the Old Empire and this stuff.



congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu


Thanks for your kind words, I see no difference in people as people, what make people different is their nursery. Americans today are completely different then in the past, for good and for bad. for Israelites it is the same, in the west or in the east, modernity introduce a great power for the ruling class, who ever they are to, powerful people, and of course governments and regimes to shape the form of their people by the the form of the society. Israel was a socialist society, a community like society, traces of that still exist, but it got transformed in the last 30 years or more into the one size form the PTB had been promoting. this structure of society can not exist for long.

look at Americans, before 1776 they existed as different people, I am sorry, Americans where the original habitants of the place you live in now. somehow they vanished, not before the new imported Americans named them Indians.. talking about re writing history. But this is old history, and other "Americans" took their place.  they where mostly from some British Islands, and later from Europe. Trump for example, is an old native American name, it means trumpet in the original Comaneci language.

The loyalty was probably with the crown, or maybe not, but identity was not defend. The new Americans have been used by other Anglo Europeans till decided to have this place, still heavily habituated for themselves. you did this very fast and took some big chunks out of France and Spain, who in their turn took it from the original Americans, now called Indians, which where slowly walking into the oblivion this creature from the UK is about to introduce to the rest of the world, a piece by piece.

Amazingly, they found time in between expansions and genocide to start a civil war, a very deadly one, which after the physical structure resembled the one today, but the government structure did change significantly as MM described so well.

Since then it is all modern history. it became an empire, and resembles only by name to what is was long time ago. same thing goes to the Americans. you have been promoted, believe or not, from citizens to subjects. for this your character had to be changed. This goes for Americans and Israelis alike, as well as other places under western psychological reach.

Here in this forum, we see the exception, but their are no saints here. ok, maybe one or two.. here are some special ones who are somehow different, but it is not to change the fact that talking in general about Americans, Israeli or others does not make my sense unless you wish to promote hate.

You ask about individuals, Jewish, Israelis or Americans, there isn't such a thing.

This is my opinion. You have people who carries on traditions and believes there parents gave them or their society gave them. what makes some Jewish different then others is a certain character that a father deliver to his son. education and a strive to be excellent in what you do. this is why the future lies in China. there are many similarities between Chinese and Jewish people as for heritage and traditions in the sense of the simple things, it is not the religion, it is the education and the urge to be excellent. this is something I have in my veins, not because my blood is different but  because we are being raised like that. but this is my family, others are different, it only more apparent in Jewish families for historical reasons, as being minority always put more on your shoulders. minorities are always to be more successful then their part in the general population.
Saying that, Jewish people might have something to be proud about regarding their    contribution to the world.

I quote "as of 2017, Nobel Prizes have been awarded to 902 individuals, of whom 203 or 22.5% were Jews, although the total Jewish population comprises less than 0.2% of the world’s population. This means the percentage of Jewish Nobel laureates is at least 112.5 times or 11,250% above average.”

This is not normal by any means.. not even close.. and it is very apparent in Sciences..

This was for Nobel prize only, which one might argue not represent the full scope of human intellect. So I have found other lists, very long ones, but to make the argument short, I will share this very partial one:

Jewish Physicists

Max Born * (1882 - 1970), German-British physicist and mathematician: was instrumental in the development of quantum mechanics, solid-state physics and optics.

Richard Feynman * (1918 - 1988), American physicist: quantum mechanics.

Otto Robert Frisch (1904 - 1979), Austrian-British physicist: designed the first theoretical mechanism for the detonation of an atomic bomb in 1940.

Dennis Gabor * (1900 – 1979), Hungarian-British electrical engineer: most notable for inventing holography, for which he later received the 1971 Nobel Prize in Physics.

Vitaly Ginzburg * (1916 - 2009), Soviet theoretical physicist.

Albert Abraham Michelson * (1852 - 1931), American physicist known for his work on the measurement of the speed of light and especially for the Michelson-Morley experiment.

Yuval Ne'eman (1925 - 2006), Israeli theoretical physicist, military scientist, and was a minister in the Israeli government: contributed to elementary particle physics - discovered the basic symmetry of subatomic particles which led to identification of quarks in 1962.

Karl Schwarzschild (1873 - 1916), German physicist: best known for providing the first exact solution to the Einstein field equations of general relativity.

Albert Einstein * (1879 - 1955), German-American theoretical physicist: developed the theories of special and general relativity, effecting a revolution in physics.

Niels Bohr * (1885 - 1962), Danish physicist: made foundational contributions to understanding atomic structure and quantum mechanics, for which he received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922.

Robert Oppenheimer (1904 - 1967), American theoretical physicist: Along with Enrico Fermi, he is often called the "father of the atomic bomb" for his role in the Manhattan Project, the World War II project that developed the first nuclear weapons.

Leo Szilard (1898 - 1964), Austro-Hungarian physicist: conceived the nuclear chain reaction in 1933, patented the idea of a nuclear reactor with Enrico Fermi, and in late 1939 wrote the letter for Albert Einstein's signature that resulted in the Manhattan Project that built the atomic bomb.

Edward Teller (1908 - 2003), Hungarian-American theoretical physicist: best known for his contribution to the development of the hydrogen bomb.

Steven Weinberg * (1933 - ), American theoretical physicist and Nobel laureate in Physics for his contributions with Abdus Salam and Sheldon Glashow to the unification of the weak force and electromagnetic interaction between elementary particles.

Isidor Isaac Rabi * (1898 - 1988), Galician-born American physicist and Nobel laureate (1944) for his discovery of nuclear magnetic resonance.

* Nobel laureates

Jewish Mathematicians
Amalie Emmy Noether (1882 - 1935), German mathematician known for her groundbreaking contributions to abstract algebra and theoretical physics.

Paul Erdos (1913 - 1996), Hungarian mathematicia: Erdos published more papers than any other mathematician in history. He worked on problems in combinatorics, graph theory, number theory, classical analysis, approximation theory, set theory, and probability theory.

Benoit Mandelbrot (1924 - 2010), French American mathematician: best known as the father of fractal geometry. He coined the term fractal and described the Mandelbrot set.

Robert (Yisrael) Aumann * (1930 - ) is an Israeli-American mathematician and a member of the United States National Academy of Sciences. Aumann received the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics in 2005 for his work on conflict and cooperation through game-theory analysis.

Jewish Chemists
Fritz Haber * (1868 - 1934), German chemist, who received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1918 for his development for synthesizing ammonia, important for fertilizers and explosives.

Dan Shechtman * (1941 - ), Israeli chemist: discovered the icosahedral phase of crystals, which opened the new field of quasiperiodic crystals.

Chaim Azriel Weizmann (1874-1952), Israeli: ABE-process, which produces acetone through bacterial fermentation; founded the Weizmann Institute in Israel; the first President of the State of Israel.

* Nobel laureates

Jewish Biologists
Aaron Aaronsohn (1876 - 1919), Jewish agronomist and Zionist activist: was the discoverer of wild emmer (wild wheat), believed to be the mother of wheat.

Rosalind Franklin (1920 – 1958): takes the first x-ray structure pictures of DNA crystals which are the basis for the DNA double-helix model of Watson and Crick.

Ephraim Katzir (1916 - 2009), Israeli biophysicist and the fourth President of Israel from 1973 until 1978. He developed a method for binding enzymes, which helped lay the groundwork for what is now called enzyme engineering.

Jonas Salk (1914 - 1995), American medical researcher and virologist: best known for his discovery and development of the first safe and effective polio vaccine.

Aaron Ciechanover * (1947 - ) is an Israeli biologist, and Nobel laureate in Chemistry: best known for his work on protein chemistry.

Avram Hershko * (1937 - ), Hungarian-Israeli biochemist and Nobel laureate in Chemistry: best known for his work on protein chemistry.

Ada Yonath * (1939 - ), Israeli crystallographer: best known for her pioneering work on the structure of the ribosome.

* Nobel laureates

Jewish Astronomers and Astrophysicist
Carl Sagan (1934 - 1996), American astronomer and astrophysicist: best known for the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI)

Jewish Inventors
Emile Berliner (1851 - 1929), German-American inventor: best known for developing the disc record gramophone (phonograph) and the microphone that became part of the first Bell telephones.

Uziel "Uzi" Gal (1923 - 2002), German-born Israeli gun designer: best remembered as the designer and namesake of the Uzi submachine gun.

Yisrael Galili (Blashnikov) (1923 - 1995), Israeli gun designer: best known for inventing the Galil assault rifle. He also helped create the Uzi submachine gun.

Julius Lilienfeld (1882 - 1963), Austro-Hungarian physicist: Lilienfeld is credited with the first patents on the field effect transistor (1920s) and electrolytic capacitor (1931).

Jewish Psychologists
Alfred Adler (1870 - 1937), Austrian medical doctor and psychiatrist: the founder of the school of individual psychology.

Leon Festinger (1919 - 1989), American social psychologist: developed the Theory of Cognitive Dissonance.

Sigmund Freud (1856 - 1939), Austrian neurologist and psychologist: founded the discipline of psychoanalysis.

Abraham Maslow (1908 - 1970), American professor of psychology: created Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

Stanley Milgram (1933 - 1984), American social psychologist: most notable for his controversial study known as the Milgram Experiment.

Ruth Westheimer (Dr. Ruth) (1928 - ), American sex therapist, media personality, and author.

Moshe Feldenkrais (1904 - 1984), Israeli physician and the founder of the Feldenkrais Method, designed to improve human functioning by increasing self-awareness through movement.

Daniel Kahneman * (1934 - ), Israeli-American psychologist and Nobel laureate. He is notable for his work on the psychology of judgment and decision-making, behavioral economics and hedonic psychology.

* Nobel laureates

Jewish Philosophers and Thinkers
Philo (Philo of Alexandria) (20 BC – 50 AD), Hellenistic Jewish Biblical philosopher born in Alexandria: used philosophical allegory to attempt to fuse and harmonize Greek philosophy with Jewish philosophy. His method followed the practices of both Jewish exegesis and Stoic philosophy. He has barely any reception history within Judaism but his allegorical exegesis was important for several Christian Church Fathers.

Maimonides (Moses ben-Maimon) (1135 - 1204), born in Cordoba, Almoravid Empire (present-day Spain): was a preeminent medieval Jewish philosopher and one of the greatest Torah scholars and physicians of the Middle Ages.

Martin Buber (1878 - 1965), Israeli-Austrian Jewish philosopher: best known for his philosophy of dialogue, a form of religious existentialism centered on the distinction between the I-Thou relationship and the I-It relationship.

Nostradamus (Michel de Nostredame) (1503 - 1566), French apothecary and reputed seer: published collections of prophecies that have since become famous worldwide.

Baruch Spinoza (1632 - 1677), Dutch Jewish philosopher: laid the groundwork for the 18th century Enlightenment and modern biblical criticism. The Jewish religious authorities issued a cherem (excommunication) against him, effectively dismissing him from Jewish society at age 23. His books were also later put on the Catholic Church's Index of Forbidden Books.

Karl Marx (1818 - 1883), German philosopher, economist and revolutionary socialist: His ideas played a significant role in the development of social science and the socialist political movement. He published various books during his lifetime, with the most notable being The Communist Manifesto (1848) and Capital (1867–1894); some of his works were co-written with his friend, the fellow German revolutionary socialist Friedrich Engels.

Simone Weil (1909 - 1943), French hilosopher, Christian mystic, and social activist.

Gershom Scholem (1897 - 1982), German-born Israeli Jewish philosopher and historian: founder of the academic discipline on Kabbalah.

Karl Popper (1902 - 1994), Austro-British philosopher: regarded as one of the greatest philosophers of science of the 20th century.

Yeshayahu Leibowitz (1903–1994), Israeli public intellectual, Orthodox Jew, and polymath: known for his outspoken opinions on Judaism, ethics, religion and politics. He held controversial views on the subject of halakha, or Jewish law.

Isaiah Berlin (1909 - 1997), British social and political theorist, philosopher and historian: In his Two Concepts of Liberty he contributed to a revival of interest in political theory in the English-speaking world.

Avram Noam Chomsky (1928 - ), American linguist and philosopher: Chomsky is credited as the creator of the Chomsky hierarchy, the universal grammar theory, and the Chomsky–Schützenberger theorem.

* Nobel laureates

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

One more thing, this people, most of them are Americans, or where given a place in the US and they definitely helped making her great more then others who just pretend to.

You should be proud of them, as they represent America the great, and there are many things in the US to be proud of, same goes for the UK and Europe if we consider the contribution to humanity in many areas of human achievements.

I am not American, so is nice to know there are of Jewish origin, like listening to Bob Dylan or Leonard Cohen, which I have probably nothing in common with (apart from the nose and a drive for world domination, LOL). Their achievements are something to be proud of, not something to be of part of a hate debate.

It will take a long time to erase the grotesques historic hate for the Jewish people, it was very useful through out history and it is still so.

As we can see, This forum is no exception.


congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard
Quote from Ultan McG on September 6, 2021, 8:27 pm

Hey, P.L. Hope all's well with you. Here's something for a change of pace-- but definitely falls under the umbrella of alien ethics in some sense! And a chance to revisit your old haunting grounds on the psych ward. Unsettling stuff, but given what we now know about the Old Empire and their control mechanisms, some elements of that "demonic" control grid are starting to make a whole lotta sense for me, at least.

I have been going over Jerry's work the past few weeks. He has a theory that the politicians and MSM pushing the mRNA vaccines are possessed.


Possessed but for what purpose? The Russians seem to have joined the dots.,elem



Are COVID-19 vaccines really Trojans of remote brain magnetogenetics? Already in 2016, the University of Virginia successfully tested a virus that creates magnetized neurons in the mouse brain, which can then be turned on and off by an electromagnetic field like a remote control! Total Control through Remote Control? You get an imaginary virus, you get a vaccine for the virus that doesn't produce immunity, but it obviously magnetizes your hand and suddenly schoolchildren fall to the ground in front of the school after turning on the remote control? It's no longer a conspiracy, it's a scientific study!

So something to think about. The coming war on China may be just one part of a much bigger agenda. In an interview with Bill Ryan in 2008, he states the Anglo-Saxon Mission and says that in the future "China will catch a cold"



pissedlizard, Goldleaf and Dani have reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas


You wrote “It will take a long time to erase the grotesques historic hate for the Jewish people, it was very useful through out history and it is still so.

As we can see, This forum is no exception.”

I don’t think there is any hate for Jewish people on this forum. I think there are a lot of perceptions - real or imagined - that has caused a lot of damage to the Jewish people as a whole. As I said, with few exceptions, every Jewish person I know will give you the shirt off their backs, but we cannot deny that in every single aspect of American lives, anyway, there is the Jewish influence. And you can’t deny it. It just is what it is. Hollywood dictates how the entire planet sees America - and it’s the version that the Jewish people want to see.

For example, MM has an article about a man - who was in no formal army but became the best sniper this country has ever seen. His story SHOULD be a movie. Will you ever know his name? Of course not. He was a Confederate. And Confederates are bad to blacks.

And blacks ARE the weapon of the Jews in America. They don’t deny it here - Jewish people. They don’t. So please don’t either if you are not in America.

And here lies the conundrum. In America.

We ARE divided. Black/Jew against White. We are. There is no denying it - if you are in the states - and nothing -NOTHING except violence is going come of it. We are not going back to how we all were in 2019.

America saw the rise and destruction of its towns due to Blacks running wild and destroying everything. Who got arrested in all the towns for actually doing the damage? Kids with the name Goldstein and Schumer and Bloomberg. The rich Jewish kids.

It’s the reality being presented to us.

And nobody is really buying the “poor us, Hitler tried to kill us all” any longer. Why? Because - again - we gave you nukes. Fucking use them. Don’t drag me and my people into wars the Jewish nation doesn’t want to fight.

We didn’t want to fight in Iraq. And we took out Israel’s biggest nemesis at the time. Who turned out to be RIGHT trying to get off the petrodollar.

Now we are eyeballing Iran. Why? Not for the interests of America, believe me.

I get the sensitivity of being Jewish. I am an American patriot. I am probably more loathed across the world than ANY Jewish person. But what people think of my country or what I am means nothing in the big scheme of things.

In fact, I would RATHER have people point out my flaws AND America’s flaws right here on this board. Nobody here is doing or saying anything to INTENTIONALLY offend. Everyone here is really in the same boat. We are all just trying to make sense of what’s going on. But comments about the Jews are as personal as comments about being an American. They are comments. If they hurt my feelings, then it’s up to me to find out what my insecurity is - not the other way around.




I still find it astonishing that anyone actually believes that politicians, or governments make any decisions AT ALL.

No way... orders from above - if you'll pardon the pun.

Quote from rR0B3ZegtZ on September 5, 2021, 9:50 am

i would like to point out a very thorough study of the end-times prophecies on the youtbe "newearth" channel, mirrored on as well if and when youtube decides to hide the devil's playbook.

not so much for the specifics of the prophecies but the specifics of what is said about the muslims, and the chinese.  briefly speaking, there was a 10 year old boy in russia who made many scarily accurate predictions, he is considered a saint, belayed by the vatican due to corruption.  muslims as well as christians floxked to him during his short span of performing miracles.  they're humans, get used to it.

(in the boy's prphesies and other) they (the muslim resistance, from AFGHANISTAN joined by the rest) also take out the antichrist, and God ends the russian chinese invasion by a pestilence of worms for those chinese troops who did not discover the supressed history of orthodox christianity and become converts on the spot.

best wishes.

Forwarded from Calling A Spade A Spade
They are a hard to watch but if you dont you just dont know what is going on.
Rob....  I know more than a "sliver" There isnt much I dont know.
I even know how to DE-GRAPHENE the UN-DEAD or as you know them the VAXXED
You cant fix it if your "science" is wrong.
BeleiveNothingFrom TheCaptiveHostWithAGunToHisHead has reacted to this post.
BeleiveNothingFrom TheCaptiveHostWithAGunToHisHead
Quote from Dani on September 5, 2021, 9:32 pm

Look Merrill Lynch buddy, I think you crossed a line here. this is offending, and I don't like being upset for nothing.

Respect others, and take your hate speech somewhere else.

Just exactly did I say that was "Hate Speech" Dani?

If you are so easily "triggered" just what "triggered" you?

Come on man... out with it.

BeleiveNothingFrom TheCaptiveHostWithAGunToHisHead has reacted to this post.
BeleiveNothingFrom TheCaptiveHostWithAGunToHisHead
Quote from MerLynn on September 8, 2021, 4:58 am
Rob....  I know more than a "sliver" There isnt much I dont know.

I believe there is probably a dimension of human contact you lack visibility to entirely, in fact, must be 650 millionz of them.

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