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Seconds Out is great. I like Three Sides Live (1982) because I used to listen to it so much in vinyl at ear-splitting volume and the recording is great. This record also features Thompson, and his playing is astounding. I wasn’t exposed to Seconds Out until the 2000’s.
In the 80’s you had to have the album or a friend who has it to enjoy. Otherwise you had to listen to the radio.

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you are welcome

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The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Thanks Alice!!!

Alice has reacted to this post.

My fav band, my fav song. It's not about the singing it's about the music and lyrics. Play it LOUD. I hope you enjoy . The Church "New Season" 1988

Shaded crystal water, bathed in by God's daughter
Sighing whispers near, a new season passes here
Sensory gifts to all who come
Soak up the stars and setting sun
It's strange and wilder, ageless bechilder
Saved by fire, touched and finer
Gray stands the tower in the distance.
Days pass like warm sun on the face.
A new season.
Shared is the cure to conquer loneliness
It's strange and wilder, ageless bechilder
Saved by fire, touched and finer
Peaceful, blissful union is the priestess
Doubt flows the river into darkness
Cheers DR

One more for bedtime, Operetta.

Enjoy and all the best



Retro - back to the 80s. The 80s was really fun time, in my memory.

Quote from Tas on February 17, 2022, 3:18 pm

My fav band, my fav song. It's not about the singing it's about the music and lyrics. Play it LOUD. I hope you enjoy . The Church "New Season" 1988

Shaded crystal water, bathed in by God's daughter
Sighing whispers near, a new season passes here
Sensory gifts to all who come
Soak up the stars and setting sun
It's strange and wilder, ageless bechilder
Saved by fire, touched and finer
Gray stands the tower in the distance.
Days pass like warm sun on the face.
A new season.
Shared is the cure to conquer loneliness
It's strange and wilder, ageless bechilder
Saved by fire, touched and finer
Peaceful, blissful union is the priestess
Doubt flows the river into darkness
Cheers DR

Starfish remains on my all time favorite list. I was shocked when I read that they have produced TWENTY FIVE studio albums.

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@pissedlizard and @alice After hearing my frequency I payed close attention to the music making me emotional. I think it's my frequency played in them. Alice, I'm sure you know the scene where in LOTR Gandalf calls Shadowfax by whistling. There is my frequency, the lower tone he whistles.

So what am I gonna do with that knowledge?

Alice has reacted to this post.

@mirri hmm very interesting. I wonder if this has anything to do with me pulling out the LOTR from that shelf in the consciousness facility


Daegon Magus

PL said everyone has a frequency. I guess it differs from person to person. Mine happens to be in that scene (I don't know the note it is). I always start crying although there is "nothing" to cry about. My guess is, that you could find your frequency also by listening to the songs that touch you on a deeper level.

And IMO LOTR is really really epic! But why would it be kept in the facility? Did they lock it away or use it?

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