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Something going on with Non MAJ Participants

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@memory-loss I've also found a need for extra sleep since I started reading the blog. Initially I thought it was due to my brain needing to process all the new information I was zooming through - learning being a form of exercise. I also wake up in the morning completely alert now. I don't need caffeine most days any more though I still drink tea in the morning because I enjoy the flavor. I didn't pay enough attention to the timing to say for sure when that started. Maybe this month?

I really need to work up my courage to try the battery experiment. Please those that do try it, post about it!

Gold leaf, I am cautious about the battery thingie because I had a stroke a couple years back. That caused issues physically and played havoc with my memory and nervous system. So I'm trying it up veerrrry slowly. Up to a min a day, I do feel some improvements but my sample size of n=1 is too small lol.

As for the sleep thing, I suppose patients convalescencing need time to heal. Some other changes in thinking may be going on that I'm monitoring. It's been a month or so I think.

Alice has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas
Quote from Alice on October 21, 2021, 11:59 am


ooo you are the best! Shuffling through comments, especially when I can’t remember which topic, is not for the easily distracted.

now, if you can help me find the post with the grandma that got her memories back and is fired up…. You would be my personal hero.

Nah Alice, I pasted that on my notepad because it was something that I wanted to try. I also would like to know about the grandma who got her memories back. For obvious reasons.

There was a story about Rusty the dog and the grandmother though, somewhere in the last few days. Poster fed the dog without anyone's knowledge but when she woke in in her hospital bed, she knew the dog was fed. Can't remember who was the poster.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas
Quote from Memory Loss on October 21, 2021, 9:24 pm
Quote from Alice on October 21, 2021, 11:59 am


ooo you are the best! Shuffling through comments, especially when I can’t remember which topic, is not for the easily distracted.

now, if you can help me find the post with the grandma that got her memories back and is fired up…. You would be my personal hero.

Nah Alice, I pasted that on my notepad because it was something that I wanted to try. I also would like to know about the grandma who got her memories back. For obvious reasons.

There was a story about Rusty the dog and the grandmother though, somewhere in the last few days. Poster fed the dog without anyone's knowledge but when she woke in in her hospital bed, she knew the dog was fed. Can't remember who was the poster.

It was me. Rusty was my grandma's dog. Rusty was an Australian Shepherd.

Memory Loss has reacted to this post.
Memory Loss

Last night's dream was interesting. I'm not sure if it's directly related or if I have an overactive imagination. Technically I had a two-part dream last night but I don't think the first one was related to the second at all. It involved traveling through an airport with a goldfish lol

The second dream... I was part of a team running a mission across the MWI. One person on the team was able to open portals between world lines for us to travel through. I know several on the team had special powers that my brain likened to Marvel-style mutants though now that I think about it, all the powers were of the mental variety. Think telekinesis not morphing into the Hulk. We would go through a portal, do...something, and portal again. I don't remember the mission goal or what my role was. I do remember only one member of the team clearly. He was dressed Men In Black style - black suit with sunglasses. I got the sense he served as our coordinator or director. Wish I could remember more.

Alice has reacted to this post.


Were you hold a bag with a gold fish or was the goldfish traveling next to you? And was the goldfish on your right or left side? Haha Sorry for the random questions, just like to get info before I divulge

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@alice It was in a bag of water like you get when you first bring them home. In the dream it was like I was moving and that's how I was bringing the goldfish with me to the new place. Edit to add, the bag was in a padded box with an open top, I could see into to check on him, that I think was supposed to help keep the little fish safer from accidental jostling.

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The reason for my inquisitions is my only tattoo I have is a “goldfish”/Koi that covers my right ribs. It might not be related, but it immediately came to my mind when I read the sentence.  No dreams of air planes.

Funny side note: Now that I think of it, I had to be woke up by daughter, who at this point was late for school. I was laying on top of my phone/alarm. I  normally sleep on my side, but this morning I was asleep on my back, arms stretched on both sides, (mouth wide open) looking like I was trying to be an airplane?? 😬

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Goldleaf has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@alice Oh wow!!! Hey, that's close enough in my book 😀 And beautiful tattoo. My dream was a more like a fancytail or veiltail that you can see on this page:

Alice has reacted to this post.


Thank you.

15 years and 2 babies and still holding up. Hurt so bad, never got another one.  I always joke that it’s a gold fish, because I didn’t realize until months later that it didn’t have any white or black spots on it, nor the fins are right. I was ready to be done after 8 hours.

Fancy Tails are my favorite gold fish. Only one’s I’d buy when I had tanks. Well, algae eaters, cause they work for their living.

After I sent the first message, I had kept cold chills for about 10 minutes. It was too long for me to not take notice. Couldn’t for the life of me tell you why, though.

It’s very odd feeling to know things but really not know and then not know why… Does that make sense at all?….. geez, I feel like I’m one step in the looney bin most days.


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The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
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