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Something going on with Non MAJ Participants

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Thanks for sharing @dsklausler 🙂

@memory-loss Pretty sure it's not limited to cats and dogs. They just happen to be our most common companions so it's what we see/experience the most.

.....and again. More tinkering with my non physical body. I was having a mid afternoon snooze with my boy because he is as sick as a dog. I didn't go into full LD, more like unconscious Sleep Paralysis. All of a sudden something "pulls" on my consciousness. It feels like it is being stretched out like an elastic band, one end anchored in my head, the other about a metre away then "PING", it snaps back in to my head. It was so fucking weird I woke up briefly, told my wife about it then went back to never never land. I almost completely forgot it happened - I had a vague recollection "something" happened, but couldn't remember what until I asked her and she reminded me what I'd told her. This is getting fun

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congjing yuperolator
Daegon Magus

I didn't have SP yet, but I had one dream that felt like a test. In the dream there were people in my home and not enough food left for all of us to eat, so I went on a 2h trip to the next store to buy something. When I got home there were more people because obviously I missed my language lesson and the teacher sat on the porch while a next appointment person was arriving. The phone inside the house was ringing, my kids yelling for food and me thinking "my husband has no time to call MM. I will do so" (Where exactly did I get his number?! ) I took my phone, and his little daughter picked it up. I was like Sh*** maybe she doesn't know about MM so I said "Sweety can you get your Daddy on the phone?" And then I heard MM and DM laughing and yelling "Finally a polite agent"....Weird And really weird because I dreamed about little MM without knowing her age and it was when MM came back having all the mess at home to deal with.

And there is something going on aswell. Everytime (I guess so)MM opens the comm to the Domain I'm dizzy and exhausted without reason. I don't really know the schedule how you work on the articles MM, but It's always one really bad day, maybe when your in contact, then the next day you redact, and on the third the article is released and everything is back to normal.

And someone is also in contact with me and my husband. When we talk in the evenings we would sometimes get goosebumps all over the back and the arms without reason except for saying something. Like someone giving a hint about "That's right" So we tried it by asking questions or stating things and sometimes we would get answers. And then our cat stared at a point next to me and going from totaly relaxed to waving very anxious her tail. We asked our visitor to please give us some privacy and shortly after, the cat relaxed again. But I'm sure it came back. I woke up many times in the night without obvious reason, with the feeling of something being there again.

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congjing yuperolatorMemory LossGoldleafAlice

@Mirri, I have come to my conclusion (for me anyway) that whatever is happening has no malicious intent. I have no dreams or probable contact but I believe that something positive is being done to us. And my natural state is to be a skeptic, so this is all very interesting to me.

Recently I have been able to wake up immediately, almost like snapping your fingers. My sleeping patterns have been heavily disturbed in the last few years. So much so it was like a living purgatory. Now that seems gone.

Secondly I have flashes of insight into things now, and they come by much more frequently than before. This is like a small, precious gift to me and I am very grateful for it.

Oh, and the agents watching over this site, please allow for contact with you personally. When you started with the many lettered agencies, you were perhaps idealistic. Maybe that idealism is still dormant, but you can still change the world for the better. You can still serve humanity. Think about it.

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congjing yuAliceMirri
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@memory-loss I fell asleep the other night listening to Robert Monroe. Some how it was on repeat and 5 hrs later, I woke up to him saying “Now, wake up.” It might have taken me several times to get there, but it’s not how you get there… ammirite?

My dreams have been nightmares and nauseating. I don’t usually dream, so a part of me is glad to be dreaming…. Ready to push past the grotesque.

I do get waves of insight, but then again I’m a Gemini so everything feels so important and so useful. I’ve spent decades trying to sort out what’s real from fantasy, because seeking knowledge is my program. Right now I’m leaning more towards helping rehabilitate once I get on the other other side. Haha my sidewalk chalk art skills are pretty good, but unfortunately it doesn’t last.

I didn’t Sketch a really disturbing picture the other night, when I was spaced out on thinking about something I read on here. I showed my Mother, and she said it looked like an entity getting its power from a tuning fork that was in a star shaped structure. I found a similar structure flipping through an American Revolution Book my cousin has. I’ll post it when I get home. I’m at the park hiding from the kids, reading my MM print outs…. Ha Got get it when I can.

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Memory Loss has reacted to this post.
Memory Loss
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@mirri Funny you say that you get dizzy spells. I get extremely tired as well… like sleep all day and hold on to my 3 yo right because I can’t stay awake. I’ll sit up play, and lean up against a column and fall right to sleep.

About a month now, I swear (call me crazy because I screaming the same thing at myself) I can feel the electricity from my phone. I don’t have a phone case in it, so maybe it’s that but I feel it go up elbow and through my shoulder and I have to put it down and walk away. I live next to the connector for the power lines in my hood, IDK if that has something to do with it. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Anyways, just sharing my stuff.

I remember reading something about batteries and holding them opposite sitting facing true North (no I have not tried it but it’s what I’ve got to remember) I am intrigued and hoping that will help clear my calcification. Can’t find the post.

My stuff comes and goes. I got really good at my ESP card prediction practice, now I can’t do it. When I first contacted “William Wallace” is my favorite nick name for MM, I could astral  travel with the best of them. I saw my grey my very first attempt, that was 2 years ago.


Here’s my drawing, and finding. Idk what it is, nor if it’s related. I drew it one night, 2 nights saw the similarities.


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The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Oops 👀


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The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@alice, I put and pasted the Merlynn post for my usage along with Danger Mouse's flying the gravity dot). So this might be helpful.

Or you hook yourself up to a car battery. Sit with your back to the North Pole of the Earth. Place a car battery in front of you. Have the battery orientated so the Neg terminal is on the left side in front of you. Grab the Negative terminal in the right hand, hold for 15 seconds. then reach underneath your right arm and grab the positive terminal with your Left hand, hold for no more than 5 minutes. Then let go of the Left hand first, wait 5 seconds and let go of the right hand.

Or just connect jumper leads to a car battery and grab the Negative Lead in the right hand making sure all 5 FINGER PRINTS are touching the alligator clip, hold for 15 seconds (this connects you to the AETHER) and then grab the positive Alligator clip with the left hand and hold for up to 5 minutes and then let go of the left hand first and then the right hand. The flow of Magnetic Current or pure Fire through the body will slowly begin to change the Frequencies of that which is NOT OF LIFE in your body, as well as Charging up your Battery (brain).

Failure to observe the 'polarity' and Attachment sequence will see all kinds of problems. Its like connecting your car battery to the battery charger the wrong polarity. Can destroy the battery if done repeatedly. You are a Battery. The flow of Magnetic Iron Cells through your vascular system generates a Magnetic Field. Charging your battery correctly has many benefits.

This procedure was practiced by the Biblical Magi to cure with Batteries back in the Persian days. You can use up to 48 Volts but we're not up to the Advanced Usage procedures yet as one has to Progress Slowly and charge up to this level correctly.


@mirri Funny you say that you get dizzy spells. I get extremely tired as well… like sleep all day and hold on to my 3 yo right because I can’t stay awake. I’ll sit up play, and lean up against a column and fall right to sleep.

I actually have this problem too. Not the dizzy or tired part but the need to sleep. Because I had sleeping issues for the last few years, having my sleep schedule reset was great. I figured my sleep deprivation was a factor why I want to sleep a lot. But maybe the excess sleep has something else going on.



Goldleaf and Alice have reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas


ooo you are the best! Shuffling through comments, especially when I can’t remember which topic, is not for the easily distracted.

now, if you can help me find the post with the grandma that got her memories back and is fired up…. You would be my personal hero.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Ok, the only "weird" thing that has happened to me since reading this website .... a few nights ago, I told myself to have a "beautiful dream" before falling asleep. I tell my kids this each night .. to try and think about something beautiful before they fall asleep - because, more times than not, your conscious thoughts transfer to the unconscious.


So, having said that (to myself) I had a vivid dream. I was flying in this dream, over a field of wildflowers, on a bright and sunny day. Then, this arm, which should have been mine, but wasn't (it was the arm of someone much older than me) appeared in front of me and signed the ASL sign for "fly" (verb, not noun).

It took me a minute, then I recognized the field I was flying over. It is about 2 miles from my house. When I recognized it, I woke up.

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