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Something going on with Non MAJ Participants

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Memory Loss has reacted to this post.
Memory Loss

Setting aside MM's confidence in 5G being "harmless"... not only do I believe with 99% certainty that it most certainly is NOT harmless, but also, that it will be implemented/distributed WITHOUT the legal requirements being followed - for obvious reasons. On top of all this is, of course, the existing mess of EMF "noise" - especially in urban areas. I think that I also mentioned somewhere here, that I most certainly can HEAR that noise - this is NOT tinnitus.

Again, I recommend Arthur Firstenberg’s The Invisible Rainbow

@DM I don't feel like anything took up residence. Something happened though. I have no idea what.

To everyone else's posts, that confirms it. Something's definitely going on.

daegonmagus has reacted to this post.

To @capt-melonhead what I do?

@dsklausler, maybe harmless maybe not. Perhaps we adapt to it. There seems to be a correlation between the introduction of electricity etc and disease. But I think we adapt (somewhat).

@goldleaf I think whatever happens, it kinda stabilizes thereon. Like MM had it fullblast on the first occasion but it got dialed back later. I am not going to vocalize my speculation but I will say that there may be enhancements tailored to the individual. I can't AP or LD but I can analyze stuff better (I think lol, may be just my imagination).

I'm thinking some of the Domain interaction dynamics (as it currently were) is in part caused by culture shock, at least to some degree. Initially I feared MM would be like an FBI /Old Empire honeypot. I still think it is a honeypot, but a synchronicity honeypot of some sort. If that makes sense.

Goldleaf has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas
Quote from Memory Loss on October 7, 2021, 10:21 pm

To @capt-melonhead what I do?

It was in response to the post just before it.
Come on, it's not that hard to get the joke

Quote from Memory Loss on October 7, 2021, 10:21 pm

@dsklausler@dsklausler, maybe harmless maybe not. Perhaps we adapt to it. There seems to be a correlation between the introduction of electricity etc and disease. But I think we adapt (somewhat).

If our avatars are electrically-actuated - and this does seem to be the case - I doubt we can "adapt"
We're electro-sensitive by design, and that is what THEY are using against us.

The entire power grid is a brainwashing apparatus

Quote from Capt Melonhead on October 7, 2021, 10:40 pm
Quote from Memory Loss on October 7, 2021, 10:21 pm

To @capt-melonhead what I do?

It was in response to the post just before it.
Come on, it's not that hard to get the joke

Quote from Memory Loss on October 7, 2021, 10:21 pm

@dsklausler@dsklausler, maybe harmless maybe not. Perhaps we adapt to it. There seems to be a correlation between the introduction of electricity etc and disease. But I think we adapt (somewhat).

If our avatars are electrically-actuated - and this does seem to be the case - I doubt we can "adapt"
We're electro-sensitive by design, and that is what THEY are using against us.

The entire power grid is a brainwashing apparatus

Additionally, I would mention that the Memory-Wipe is purportedly and purposely "electronic"... and "adapt"... seriously, in real-time? Doubtful; UNLESS you just slide to a different world line where YOU are different. I'm having big trouble doing that.

Capt Melonhead has reacted to this post.
Capt Melonhead

@memory-loss I've had an amazing bursts of clear thought since Monday. It seems to be progressively getting better so I hope this is permenant. Randomly related... I spontaneously AP'd once many years ago. I remember it VERY clearly, how it felt, what I saw and how I panicked at the end which ended it. I suspect I've also spontaneously LD'd. Need to think about that more.

daegonmagus has reacted to this post.
Quote from Capt Melonhead on October 7, 2021, 10:40 pm
Quote from Memory Loss on October 7, 2021, 10:21 pm

To @capt-melonhead what I do?

It was in response to the post just before it.
Come on, it's not that hard to get the joke

Quote from Memory Loss on October 7, 2021, 10:21 pm

@dsklausler@dsklausler, maybe harmless maybe not. Perhaps we adapt to it. There seems to be a correlation between the introduction of electricity etc and disease. But I think we adapt (somewhat).

If our avatars are electrically-actuated - and this does seem to be the case - I doubt we can "adapt"
We're electro-sensitive by design, and that is what THEY are using against us.

The entire power grid is a brainwashing apparatus

I sense the spirit of Tesla in you. You are a DC Proponent, I take it?

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

I don't know if we should be using electricity AT ALL - especially since I strongly suspect that cities are powered (at least partly) by energy drained from their inhabitants

I further suspect that all the legends that a drop of water can generate enough energy to power New York to be accurate


This thread is getting to big to quick to respond. Which is a good thing.

I have no idea what happened to you or anyone else where you are. I don’t know if this has anything to do with your symptoms or not. I doubt they do - but I am putting this out there.

Around that timeframe I began my what I believe to be a final campaign. I am getting old and things are getting crazier and crazier here.

I don’t know if these “beings” that have been in and out of my life for the past month are real or if I am in the middle of some psychosis - but they are behind this project and directing it.

Its a constructive project to be built soley for the good of one type of person and only repel those hostile to it. It isn’t supposed to hurt, only repel. It’s a project to help what I believe are going to be masses of refugees from MY country, coming here.

I say I believe this to be my final campaign because it’s big - to me. To this IS-BE. I like my space in the swamp and I like it’s inhabitants - a lot. But I believe my country, America, is about to be brought to its knees within the next few months and I don’t know why. I just do. I don’t even think I am going to survive past December to be quite honest. I truly believe from all of my assessments for things to be quite dire.

So I am building my ark. Which brings me to your symptoms.

You and I fly together. I don’t know how I know it, I just do. I want you and those positive to me to very much be a part of my project here on earth. I don’t know in what capacity, but your energy and those of others here, I could definately use.

And maybe you felt my invite.

And again, I am nobody but some guy who stumbled on this site last spring. I am NOT. A Majestic guy or any other super secret agencies that many here - were legitimately a part of. Not me. I am as unassuming and as unimpressive as a potato.

But if YOU choose to send a little good energy my way, I would love to bring it onboard. Look for a Dragonfly when you meditate.

perolator, Memory Loss and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
perolatorMemory LossGoldleafChromacat
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