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Something going on with Non MAJ Participants

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Of course PL! I'll try sending some energy over the next few days.

A lot can happen between now and year end. You survived something you shouldn't have this summer. I hope you aren't too disappointed when you make it to January 🙂 Or stated another way, I'm going to be very put out if you leave before figuring out how we're connected!

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
Quote from pissedlizard on October 8, 2021, 2:12 am


This thread is getting to big to quick to respond. Which is a good thing.

I have no idea what happened to you or anyone else where you are. I don’t know if this has anything to do with your symptoms or not. I doubt they do - but I am putting this out there.

Around that timeframe I began my what I believe to be a final campaign. I am getting old and things are getting crazier and crazier here.

I don’t know if these “beings” that have been in and out of my life for the past month are real or if I am in the middle of some psychosis - but they are behind this project and directing it.

Its a constructive project to be built soley for the good of one type of person and only repel those hostile to it. It isn’t supposed to hurt, only repel. It’s a project to help what I believe are going to be masses of refugees from MY country, coming here.

I say I believe this to be my final campaign because it’s big - to me. To this IS-BE. I like my space in the swamp and I like it’s inhabitants - a lot. But I believe my country, America, is about to be brought to its knees within the next few months and I don’t know why. I just do. I don’t even think I am going to survive past December to be quite honest. I truly believe from all of my assessments for things to be quite dire.

So I am building my ark. Which brings me to your symptoms.

You and I fly together. I don’t know how I know it, I just do. I want you and those positive to me to very much be a part of my project here on earth. I don’t know in what capacity, but your energy and those of others here, I could definately use.

And maybe you felt my invite.

And again, I am nobody but some guy who stumbled on this site last spring. I am NOT. A Majestic guy or any other super secret agencies that many here - were legitimately a part of. Not me. I am as unassuming and as unimpressive as a potato.

But if YOU choose to send a little good energy my way, I would love to bring it onboard. Look for a Dragonfly when you meditate.

This is too pretty to touch. I really hope you are ok, @pissedlizzard. I don't really know how to meditate haha, but I sincerely wish you good health and calmness etc etc. Maybe we never met in this life but it could be we were friends in a previous life. And now, we are friends in this life. I declare us all friends anyway, whether in this life or other previous life's.

To avoid polluting your nice thoughts, I think I will post some random musings on stuff elsewhere lol. My thoughts are with you.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
Ciao! Gip me your ideas
Quote from Goldleaf on October 8, 2021, 4:09 am

Of course PL! I'll try sending some energy over the next few days.

A lot can happen between now and year end. You survived something you shouldn't have this summer. I hope you aren't too disappointed when you make it to January 🙂 Or stated another way, I'm going to be very put out if you leave before figuring out how we're connected!

Yo, gold leaf. I think we are connected somehow. If you get to figuring out what the connection is, I think you'll have a laugh. I was musing this a day ago or so. It's genius. Now I'm testing my theory we have a hive consciousness or something related. Wouldn't it be weird wonderful if the same ideas arrive spontaneously to the crazy guys here? A little synchronicity to blow your mind lol.

I refuse to leave any clue because my thoughts are quite irrational at this point. Alternatively we are experiencing a mass psychosis haha.

What kind of gold leaf is @goldleaf anyway? A blade of grass, or a banana leaf?

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

All is as good as can get here - I just can’t see something PAST December in a kinda  weird way I can’t explain. I wish I could.

@goldleaf - the rest of this entire post is directed to you.  I don’t know who you are from a can of paint. You can be a man, woman or whatever. I have no clue. So I ask you this:

Have you met any hybrids yet? In human world. Like you can sit and eat with them. Has that happened yet? Look at human eyes. THEIR LEFT eye or your right.

It’s sick. Like in a COOL way. Mad sick I would say. You are in for a fun ride-whatever your consciousness is attached to connected to your screen. The one you are looking in.

I have a very strange feeling you and I and a few others are going to instinctively know eachother when we get to the other side.

Travel light.

congjing yu, perolator and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
congjing yuperolatorMemory Loss

@pissedlizard I tried meditating again... well you were talking about your ark and dragonflies, so I visualised sending you one of our dragonflies.  We have lots of them and they protect us from mosquitos and other bloodsucking flying insects. And they seem kind of curious. So if you find a special looking one, that's from me.

And I hope also, that you're wrong about the years end! Just because you can't look beyond that doesn't mean it's the end. Last year we left our home and homecountry and moved to northern Europe and there were times I couldn't even see what I would make for lunch the same day. But 3 weeks ago I started seeing more, what I would plant in the garden, what new buildings we could put up. I hope it's also "just a phase" (sorry I hate that term but i can't put it in other words) and you'll be fine in january seeing what to do in the summer.

congjing yu and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
congjing yuMemory Loss

@memory-loss - I got nothing but french fries. If that means anything at all let me know. It makes 0 sense to me hah

@pissedlizard - I haven't noticed any. Not sure if that helps. Also, I sent some energy last night. Hope it made it your way. Will try again tonight.

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard
Quote from Goldleaf on October 9, 2021, 12:11 am

@memory-loss - I got nothing but french fries. If that means anything at all let me know. It makes 0 sense to me hah

@pissedlizard - I haven't noticed any. Not sure if that helps. Also, I sent some energy last night. Hope it made it your way. Will try again tonight.

No way! Recently I got addicted and obsessed with making my own French fries. I have been eating them almost everyday. Trying to work out a proper way to fry them to perfection. I have no horse fat tho which should be the right way to do it lol.

Actually that's quite incredible. You should consider getting a customized  MMCerebro® mind amplifier to probe for the locations of lost aliens. Your manifestation powers are pretty cool as they are. But if I'm correct, a swarm or torrent of p2p intentions would exponentially boost your powers. I'm just musing haha.

Now, if a gold leaf were to appear in my French fries, I will know it's you.


(please do not manifest a gold leaf in my food ok?)


Edit: in fact do not manifest anything in my food haha. GL, how do you send anything to PL? I refuse to believe you focus on an image of a pissedlizard.


congjing yu, pissedlizard and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardGoldleaf
Ciao! Gip me your ideas
Quote from pissedlizard on October 8, 2021, 9:33 am

All is as good as can get here - I just can’t see something PAST December in a kinda  weird way I can’t explain. I wish I could.

@goldleaf - the rest of this entire post is directed to you.  I don’t know who you are from a can of paint. You can be a man, woman or whatever. I have no clue. So I ask you this:

Have you met any hybrids yet? In human world. Like you can sit and eat with them. Has that happened yet? Look at human eyes. THEIR LEFT eye or your right.

It’s sick. Like in a COOL way. Mad sick I would say. You are in for a fun ride-whatever your consciousness is attached to connected to your screen. The one you are looking in.

I have a very strange feeling you and I and a few others are going to instinctively know eachother when we get to the other side.

Travel light.

Okay, catching up here so I'm sure I'm missing something, but what is a hybrid? And what is different about the left eye?

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

@goldleaf - start looking at human eyes. Their left eye. All of you really, but if you are a bot you won’t be able to see it. Humans can. You will be “clicked in” - the EXACT same way you clicked me in long ago when you initially said you were a human and not a bot.

At the time I had NO CLUE the significance of that statement. None. I thought a bot was something Trump and the kids do on the tweeter. Like a fake AI account. Nope. NOPE. Those who are on this board that are lurking but know - please back me up. Pretty please because I sound crazy.

@mirri AND @memoryloss - You tow are sweethearts! I mean something like - and humor me. Please.

If you could manipulate the MWI and individual world lines you would see a giant “hole” in a map (for lack of a better term). I was going to explain more but am now a bit jammed up.


Please believe me - it’s like time isn’t what you think until you get to MMs site - like THAT.

I may physically be here - typing away in January - but there is something I literally do not know how to put into words suffice to say this-and MM, please correct me if Iam wrong...

I believe that MM and possibly others on this board watching ALL of us stumble around like puppies who just escaped the box, laughing their asses off as proud parents of puppies would.

Either way - no matter what - as long as you are true to you are as a human being - all will be good. THIS is not a belief. This I know to be true.

The Other side is just that - the other fucking side!!!  And it’s so SO crazy and so easy. And it’s all good!!!

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congjing yuMemory LossChromacat


Literally this is the definition given to me

Hybrids are parents of two different species, crossbreeds are parents of the same species.

What species? It depends on where you are in your world line and your understanding of it. That’s my BEST answer.

What makes the human eye special?

google “human visual pathways”

Do you see HOW humans see partially cross? THAT is where some species have implants in them. Like MMs EPB’s. My guess - and it’s a guess - it’s a quantum entanglement portal similar to your pineal gland.

I hope this helps!


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congjing yuMemory Loss
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