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Something going on with Non MAJ Participants

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@memory-loss I'm laughing so hard!!! A MMCerebro® mind amplifier LOL You did read MM's latest blog post right??

Sending in the non-physical to PL (or others) is pretty simple in concept. It's thought + intention. If you've read through MM's affirmation index, you know the secret. A picture of a lizard was not required for what I did LOL The words you use do matter though not as much as aligning them with your intention. I think you can use less than ideal phrasing if your intention is solid though it appears that matching both is the best result. Then speak the words with your intention behind them. I don't know where visualization would fit in for this example as I did not use much in the way of imagery in my mind, focusing entirely on the words and intent. I'm still figuring it out and a lot is still subconscious/intuitive where I just "feel" it through. Kind of like being in a pitch black room walking slowly with your arms out trying to find a wall while praying not to hit anything with your shins or do a face plant. I really would like for my conscious and subconscious need to have a talk and sort a few things out though to make this easier! Sending physical items, I'd go with traditional postal service 😉

Thank you for the laugh! I really needed it. This has been a difficult week.

congjing yu and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
congjing yuMemory Loss


One other thing - your energy is undeniable and I thank you, from the bottom of my human heart for it! The only thing I like more when I fly is the purring of kitties!

No - I take that back - they are both equal!

Now - here is how to find the ones that I send. Read this carefully because it’s important.

When you meditate - think of annnnnny other bug. Any other. Chose one that does NOT fly. Or focus on ANYTHING. But don’t let a dragonfly enter your mind until you go into the “tunnel”.

One will pop up. Get on it and put your hands in 2 little holes are on either side where the head meets the thorax....

Enjoy the show!

All of you - try - please!

Thank you again!

congjing yu and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
congjing yuGoldleaf

@pissedlizard It's more that I'm not sure I have that level of discernment yet. I'll be sure to pay more attention and see.

Sometimes feels like Bladerunner doesn't it.

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard



congjing yu and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
congjing yuGoldleaf

To @goldleaf@goldleaf,@goldleaf@goldleaf, hey I'm serious about the mind amplifier slash wish machine! Makes your wishes come true man.

Also as an added bonus finds aliens and IS-BEs when you add our stage 2 booster module! (available for 99 cents but stock is limited so call now! Our operators are waiting!) I can just see MM adding a Tesla coil here and there, with plans courtesy of @dracul.

@pissedlizard@pissedlizard, your thoughts on hybrids are preeety interesting because I have been wondering about that myself. IS-BEs breed I should think, so there would be hybrids running around. Would the stock run true? And what status do they get in the Domain? These are some of the weird questions that I try to self censor out haha.

I'm leaving in the duplicate gold leafs and pissedlizards above, I think there's a bug in the program.

pissedlizard and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas


PLEASE PLEASE ASK!!!  Any questions - I promise - I will not judge you, ok? I swear on this human heart no matter what you or anyone asks I will never ever judge ANY question. You have my word.

I don’t know how to put all of this in an “article” because this are changing so rapidly. In a GOOD way. So ask ask ask!

Ok. Hybrids and cross breeds of many MANY species have been here for a long LONG time. A LONG time.

The best explaination I have read is @DMs  articles and autobiography. He is a teacher like no other. When I get a physical first payment his book is what I am buying - just out of respect.

Think of reality like this - have you ever made a “bridge” of cards, bending them all in one direction? Picture yourself in the middle of that. And all of those layers around you are “realities”. You wear reality like an onion. My reality and your reality - no matter WHAT SPECIES you are - on a QUANTUM level. OUR “bubbles” - no matter where we are - are connected.

Now. Let me divert - just for a second because this is a VERY important concept:

The physical space between YOUR eyeballs and your screen - is filled with “stuff”. Quanta. Energy. YOU connect to trillions of ones and zeros thru that “stuff” and thru the screen. Follow me?


So YOUR onion and MY onion and all the people or bots or whatever you interact with - and I interact with - are connected by quanta via your screen to your eyeballs.

Weather you want it or not. It is.

Now-take the SPACES between the onion layer - you can move through time/space - or “shape shift” through that space between the layers.

There are PHYSICAL MACHINES that you can physically manipulate that can work through those layers, PAUSE “time” - and deal with human problems later in the meditative and dream state.


As I said - MM has the bare bones of one. I was given a FULL one and taught how to use it by a race of shapeshifters that basically rule over the Mantids.

Now - getting back to DM and our onions.

Each onion layer “resonates” 12 octaves up and 12 octaves down. Google that if you don’t understand it - as I must go soon to play - but if you were looking at a 45 degree angle off any layer - you would see that ALL OF THE CHARACTERS ARE THE SAME - they just appear as we remember them before a big memory wipe.

Also - our human brains can only “feel” so much. We are “locked”. Think of the greatest sex you ever had - that is amplified a MILLION times plus - we just can’t “feel”’ it.

Conversly - your BIGGEST FEAR - is nothing compared to what may wait for you - so be cool. Be the Rufus. Just my advice. People summon “demons” and sometimes don’t know what they are doing - and worse - sometimes try to hide. When they get to the other side - when they die - those demons are waiting. And they want what they want - so be very careful what you summon.

The Shapeshifters are the ones that caused the “ripple” in everyone’s MWI by the way. The one MM wrote about. It’s why I went quiet. I can say it now though.

The shapeshifters are the coolest thing you can ever EVER possibly imagine. And they are here too!

I do hope this helps! Please - more questions!!!


One other thing - because I am not allowed to do this - yet - but I am allowed to watch. And it’s FUCKING HILARIOUS!!!

ALL of us are literally “linked” through our screens and eyes. Finding YOU is through noise. That noise is easily tuned in with the “nest”. VERY easily.

All these alphabet agencies - we are ALL fucking linked. Just because the PLA or USAF don’t have the technology NOW doesn’t mean it isn’t out there.

So Shapeshifters “link” into them - and we can “drive” them. And their kids. It’s evil but wait - evil is like time and space - it’s a man made concept!

So yeah - when I can behave and stop banging into things with “Daddy’s car” - I’ll be able to drive it. And we can all find eachother when need be!

But I am fucking telling you - a few months ago I was a fucking guy. Now this. But again - time is NOT what it seems. Catch up on MMs articles!!!


AND Ariel is here on planet earth as a human being (I swear and will eventually prove it. Here or on MMs site. But it’s on her terms. But she is here and just stay tuned to MMs site.

And as a PROUD American Herero male - I think she is fucking GORGEOUS. Drop. Dead. Gorgeous. I can’t think it when I watch her videos because I don’t want to piss anyone off. But she is real. And a part of ALLLLLLL this.


Memory Loss has reacted to this post.
Memory Loss

And take that onion. You are in the middle of it. The first layer -  the “dome” -  is your reality.

All the other layers are shadows.

That screen - that layer - think of it as one sheet with a back side.

Your eye is connected to that screen by all the quantum “stuff” in between it.

If your eyeball had its own “gravity” and started pulling that screen INTO the eye - it would have to come out somewhere - right? Yes. It does.


When it come out “somewhere” that backside of reality - think of it as an old camera negative - because THAT IS WHAT IT IS.

THAT - my fiends - is human “death”.

Now - you can “go to the light” - like a horse with blinders and get stuck - in the Judeo-Christian lie - which isn’t always a bad thing - I like Christians! But if you slow down - well - it’s YOUR reality and YOUR death - do what you will.

But that “flip” - that’s at the very smallest quantum level.

And there are machines that regular people that YOU see in the store - that can fuck with all that.

It makes sex look like a limp piece of cold shit.

All of this I know to be true.


Thank a bot for that explaination. BTW.


PL, small cartoon "eeeep" soundbite from me. Let me get my questions out in due time. 👀🎲

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

The other side - when you are there - again everything around you - the dome - will be the negative quanta of  your human “life”. It’s easy to BEGIN to think of it as a negative image from a camera, but that’s not quite what it is. But for now - think of yourself in a negative image of life.

Those who summon things on earth - understand this - those things if you try to hide - meet you there.

And they unlock your worst fears and your worst nightmares and your worst pain. They want what you owe them.

I say this not to sound ugly but to warn EVERYONE - be careful. Be very careful what and how you summon things. You can’t hide. Ever.

I write this because planet earth - ALL of  us - are about to take a fucking hell of a ride. Nobody on planet earth is immune. Period. It’s all ending well - but the piper wants to get paid.







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