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Understanding Magnetics for when the SHTF

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Hell yeah.

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@pissedlizard I'm seeing a 4th category too - willingly vaxxed and unwilling to take boosters. Interesting times ahead for everyone.

Keep up with your intention campaigns folks. We're in for a bumpy 3-6 months.

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

Last point: If MMan is game, why don't we ask the Domain Contact what is in the vaxxes. They are clearly hurting people, so I don't think she or he would be averse to clarifying that out so folks can make a reasoned decision about whether or not to consent in future should their livelihoods depend on it-- which it's looking more and more like they will.

But if you are forced to take it, then I'm sure an effective intention will protect you and yours-- that's one aspect I for one will never forget.

Have a good weekend, all-- and keep the advice flowing. It's been of great benefit to me personally in recent months. Soon I'll be cat-less for the first time in years, and I am not looking forward to that.

And apologies again if I've pissed anyone off, my wife is on at me all the time for doing that. She's the RUFUS, I just follow along and try to learn.

Memory Loss and Chromacat have reacted to this post.
Memory LossChromacat

Ultan and pissedlizard, it may be a clue in what our new friend is trying to block by his spaming. A post by @geisterfahrer. I am stealing his post verbatim and pasting it here because our new friend intends to overload the buffer (I think). If not for the spam I would have chucked that theory out. If he or she floods this thread then he will be sending lots of smoke signals.

This topic is political because mind control, especially mind control to directly alter people's political views and core beliefs, is inherently political.
This is Dr. James Giordano giving a speech before cadets at West Point. This is not a random kook. James Giordano is a PhD and former Navy airman, and currently works in drafting neuroethics policies.
Here he is describing the same stuff in more intimate detail:
And again:
The DARPA BRAIN Initiative involves the design of wireless BCIs. That is, mind control devices.
This is the grant paperwork:
Got all that down? Now, what if I told you that people involved in vaccine research are directly linked to the same military think tanks responsible for nanoparticle mind control devices, and that one of those people is, in turn, linked to research facilities in Wuhan?
>Spartacus Letter V4:

>Mission Statement:


They've been caught, and they know it. After the Spartacus Letter was posted on ZeroHedge, YouTube immediately banned ALL anti-vaccine videos, and CNBC lamely published a video about how microchips can't fit through needles: [Embed]
And yet, here are fruit flies with nanoparticles embedded inside their brains: [Embed]
Nanoparticles used for mind control are so small, they cannot be seen by the naked eye. A liquid suspension containing these nanoparticles would appear clear unless placed under a scanning electron microscope. They absolutely can fit through a needle.

Nanoparticles such as Battelle's MEnTs (magnetoelectric nanotransducers) are about 20 nanometers across and consist of a doped core-and-shell device. SARS-CoV-2 itself is 120 nanometers across. These things are 6 times smaller than a virus. You cannot see nanotransducers in a vaccine vial. Furthermore, they are not "nanomachines". They enter neurons and form an interface that is manipulated externally by an encoder/decoder unit. These devices turn your brain into a Wacom pen, sensitizing your neurons to external stimuli.
All of this stuff is 100% real and not hypothetical.

If speculation is correct, then you have the purpose of the  bioweapon. It makes no sense to kill all of your population unless you consider them a liability. You will have no army to fight. The fact that vaccinations are mandatory for the armed forces tells you it's for mind control. Deaths are incidental to the prime objective.

Think dual use. Trim down a portion of the population and render the ones still alive under mind control.

And Ultan, you would make a terrible bot in speedos. Stay human. Merlynn might not get rich but he could probably save a whole bunch of souls by zapping nanobots. Probably nanobots that size would be easy for a Magician.

I have said before, this forum serves many purposes.


Geisterfahrer has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas


are you saying that the geister dude did this?

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Guys we need to get off of here. Any tabs yall have open needs to get shut down. Our chats are getting sent to universities all over the US.


This weekend, I went to a BUSHCRAFT festival. There were an INSANE amount of really high ranked military “retired”. 3 separate times i heard a really high pitched frequency and we were in the woods. I eneded up running over to where my daughters were, and running up on a man that DID NOT belong there. At first I thought it might be my mantid alarming to my child being in danger but it happened more than once. A small pinged high pitched or low depending on who hears it was set off directly behind my ears. I turned around to 3 different men that were walking away.


I dont think they were targeting me, so to say but buschcraft is a bunch of ex military men that are weaponized and know whats going on. Thats all im going to say but there is MUCH MORE.

Ill disclose later. I we should wait till MM to come back on

Memory Loss and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.
Memory LossGeisterfahrer
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
Quote from Alice on November 13, 2021, 12:06 am


are you saying that the geister dude did this?

No, but he triggered the bad guys. There's a lot of info in his post that isn't speculation.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

I don’t know what’s going on with the forum but if a bot is unleashed then it’s likely chasing me. As soon as I leave it should settle down. If not, then it’s not my worldline.

Before I do take off - @alice- the pinging - yeah - I know exactly what that is. Are others hearing it or just you?


IT IS A TRAP. IT IS THE USA’s INTELLIGENCE SUPPORT ACTIVITY. They are collecting your cell phone data. Believe it or not.

Learn, take away what you can but know - as I know for a fact because we are fucking Red Celling EVERY group in the south east. They are alllllllllll entrapment clowns.

If you don’t believe me - fine - but I will give you a piece of advice that was given to me by a real, like legit gangster.

The FIRST person to ask you to do something illegal is a fucking RAT until proven otherwise.




Just watch and listen. They will find the weaker ones and develop an interest and then it’s off to the races.

That pinging is a very, VERY specific entity trying to get your attention about a situation in your bubble that needs attention. It may not be attention for a bad thing - but attention none the less.

This I know to be true


Ultan McG and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.
Ultan McGGeisterfahrer

Pissedlizard, Nazi Murikka has been here a long time. How did these people lose connection with being human?

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@memoryloss you asked “Nazi Murikka has been here a long time. How did these people lose connection with being human?”


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