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Understanding Magnetics for when the SHTF

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Quote from Alice on November 13, 2021, 12:06 am


are you saying that the geister dude did this?

I didn't do this. I had no intentions of doing that either.

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Quote from Memory Loss on November 13, 2021, 12:28 am
Quote from Alice on November 13, 2021, 12:06 am


are you saying that the geister dude did this?

No, but he triggered the bad guys. There's a lot of info in his post that isn't speculation.

At least we know the bad guys are monitoring us now.

All those who are Pushing the VAXX to 'save' humanity from a Coff that is 99.9 % survivable And Making FDA approved Ivermevtin/HCQ 'illegal'


the same 'people' who are Satanic members of the Baby Blood Sucking Cult.

Evil begets evil. If they are for it... you know its evil.

One ceases to be Human when you sign a pact with the Devil to drink the blood of tortured babies.

One ceases to be human when one injects Multiple Sources of ANIMAL and BABY Fetus DNA directly into your DNA for Replication.

One ceases to be human when the use of ALIEN Tech of MAGNETICS as the VECTOR of Delivery of this Foreign DNA.

Bottom line is.... outside of the DARPA Labs that reverse engineers Alien Tech and JOINTLY works with ALIEN TECH (MM is Proof of this Alien/human cooperation) NO ONE exactly knows whats in that BIO WEAPONRY NEEDLE being used against the human race.

PURE EVIL are the promoters of this VAXX.

MerLynn, I'm going to do a thought experiment and assume you are right on everything you've said about the inoculations. I'm also well aware of Mike Yeadon and his work.

So tell me this: What do you think COVID is, and what's that whole Grand Narrative about in your opinion?

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Quote from Ultan McG on November 13, 2021, 5:23 am

MerLynn, I'm going to do a thought experiment and assume you are right on everything you've said about the inoculations. I'm also well aware of Mike Yeadon and his work.

So tell me this: What do you think COVID is, and what's that whole Grand Narrative about in your opinion?

Covid is a Psyops extraordinaire

Just how GRAND (all encompassing) an explanation is required? In some respects, I have mentioned most of the 'earthly' narrative. I have avoided the Heavenly aspects and started to touch on them with the Crystal Palace and my student days under Horus.

Lets start with Q. This was a Psyops that was 'cloned' by the UK (Q-Anon) as a Counter-Psyops. So one must discern who is fooling who first. I'm no fan of Trump but he'll do until someone better comes along. Trump through his executive orders set in motion a chain of Legal Proceedings involving the Marines (the only branch of US Mil that are under the Direct control of the Commander in Chief or the Pres.) To this day they are still Loyal to Trump. What does that tell you? Arent you enjoying the show of Clones, CGI and Doubles yet?

What is the primary objective of Trumps EO's? To bring to Justice those who subvert Elections and SAVE THE CHILDREN. Both these objectives target the same people. Why did Trump do this? When he was elected in 2016 the Marines Escorted him to the Inauguration. Never before been done.  Trump was RECRUITED by a ‘white hats’ group, lead in part by JFK Jr. (he aint dead)to extract revenge those who put a stop to the cleaning up the Satanic Cult by his father. (the first Catholic elected ever and the arch enemy of the now Satanic INFILTRATED Freemasonry Cult…. The Vatican is a whole subject in its own right) The EO’s cannot be terminated by anyone and must run their course. Take a look around, Pedo’s and child trafficking Perps ARE being arrested. 100’s of them. This hasn’t happened before always being covered up. When you read of Jon Benet Ramsey, KNOW that they were Pimping out their Daughter and the action got too rough and naturally was covered up. They were ALL part of the Satanic Cult. This Narrative can NOW finally be told.

Ezra Cohen moved the ENTIRE BLACK OPS Dept from the FBI/CIA to the Pentagon under his control.  Deep State (Baby blood suckers) lost their ability to subvert Justice ‘some what’. The DUMBS are where it ALL happens. Both in terms of Alien Presence and the Killing of Children for Adrenochrome. Did any “hellywood actor” condemn Ouchy Fauci’s Beagle Torture? Yet Baby Seals are Sacred to them. Its whats not being said that’s important in this War as WW3 will NOT be televised. Biden has never sat in the Oval Office since January ’21. Its all fake. So you wanna know why its fake? Why is the MSM Fake news? They are Satanic Baby Blood Suckers that’s why and they are slowly being picked off. These ‘people’ if you can call them that, will DIE before they “make the Deal” and confess their crimes. Durham is the Terminator of these Pedo’s. The wheels of progress take time. They are in such a panic, they have turned to Scorched Earth (VAXX) to try and save their arses. VAXX Compliance is to support the Baby Blood Satanic Cult. (but it may just be your Karma)

The Whitehats have one objective, to end the Satanic (Alien) influence in/on Earth. Not all Aliens on Earth are Satanic. It’s a trade off…. The Satanists have decided to Vaxxincide the Humans as their Defence Tactic against their Child Trafficking Adrenochrome operations. The Mexican Border invasion is COVER for taking literally 1000’s of Children to DUMBS for ‘Milking’ every month. 800,000 missing kids per year in the USA alone.

This harvesting of Children has been going on for Millennia. Its written in Fairy tales, mythology, Statues, carving reliefs and biblical texts. Its all IN YOUR FACE if you have eyes to see. Its why a certain sect of some Tribe have been banned from over 100 countries in the last 2 millennia. This CULT offers Fame and Fortune (read Bob Dylans story on how he went from a talentless guitar plunker to VERY talented Artist) but all you gotta do is Make a Pact with Satan and Sacrifice a Baby (on camera) and become an Adrenochrome junkie. That’s why Hellywood is SO against Trump. Study Mel Gibson, he will tell you what its ALL about. If you haven’t read this, you are just not up to speed.   Watergate was PEDOGATE…. They were looking for the equivalent of the Insurance File on Wieners Laptop.

Unfortunately, the Psyops of….. to Trust in the Science and Take the Jab for the COMMON Flu was way more successful than anyone could imagine. One cannot understand the VAXX without understanding the Baby Blood Suckers Cult. I have refrained from including China’s implication in this scenario for obvious reasons. But its my opinion the Sabre Rattling by the West is to save Taiwan (a den of Blood suckers) and Russia Did It as the Blood Suckers can only profit by WAR and is the cover for Baby Harvesting operations. China may have out Sun Tzu’d the Satanic Cult. America ( a Corporation owned by the City of London) has Centuries of Blood on its hands. China has every right to extract revenge on those (voters) who refuse to hold their Govt responsible. Ratchild and Queen Vitoria hatched the Opium wars. The VAXX on these Boomers is justified. China has seized the opportunity to use the Baby blood suckers tactics (they own the Insurance Files now) to control US politicians under the control of Pelosie and extract such ‘revenge’. There is no Us and Them…. Its all who has the dirt on whom.

But its all a SHOW. A Stage and we are but the actors or the HERD to a much Grander Show or performance on the Exo-Political Stage. All world Leaders are Puppets and when Diana said they AINT HUMAN she was referring to those who pull the strings of the puppets. THE ANTI CHRIST is ANYONE who is SATANIC. MBS shook down his family to the tune of BILLIONS to finance his Sunni take over of the WHO and Control the Scamdemic. He’s in league with Ratchilds. Anyone who opposes this Satanic Islamic Take over of the West is executed… Read all about Haiti’s recently Assassinated Pres for going after the Clinton Baby Snatchers. Everything is a piece to the jigsaw puzzle. You have better get used to Conspiracy Theories…. Because you are Living in One.

Lucid Dreaming is the baby steps of control over your dreams. ASTRAL TRAVELING is when you have total control and can learn many more interesting facts about who is who in this zoo.

If you read the book Magic and Mystery in Tibet by David Alexander Neel, you will understand when you are fully proficient in Astral Travel, you can leave your body in a safe space and TAKE OVER a body some where else and use it for what ever you want to do. Aliens generally kick out the old owner. I have the book as a pdf and can email it. Just send MM a $10 donation and I have lots of pdf’s for Enlightenment. This is why ‘religions’ work so tirelessly to destroy the Pre-existence of the Soul and burn you at the stake if you study these ARTS. It ALL happened after the Jewish Borgia Pope was elected and he brought the Blood Sucking to the World Stage in 1490 and its been festering ever since and grown to control nearly ALL world leaders and other Useful Idiots.

If one believes water is a molecule of 2 elements, you will NEVER understand where or what LIFE is. Fuck the Science I say cause its been fucking you over ever since Rockefeller banned Electricity in Medicine making you a Repeat Customer for Life… How many boosters you gonna take again to be Fully Vaxxed to buy and sell Sheet? No God… No Satan… No mark of the Beast. No Revelations. Just compliant sheep.

Getting the Picture yet? Awake yet? One could write a book and still not cover the intrigue.  For example. The ATM’s in the Vatican ceased working and the Vatican Bank lost access to SWIFT for several days until Benny Ratz stepped down and hey presto… Banking restored. Franny the Tranny Lover wants to Marry some Islamic Goat breeder and call it CHRISLAM.

Covid… Obama attended the Opening of the Wuhan Lab. Why?  Fauci financed Wuhan to do Gain of Function VAXX research… AND Virus research. These same labs that do Bio Weapons research does VAXX manufacturing. The Flu Virus was Weaponised Propaganda, which by the way, Obama changed the Laws to make Domestic War propaganda LEGAL. Obama is a Pedo Islamic Tranny fucker and why was he invited to address COP whilst China increased is coal usage hugely amounts in recent months will never be addressed by Fake News. White Western Culture is the Carbon they want to reduce. They will NOT Stop trying except in Death. Wake up faggots, its time to do Patriot shit. Kyle Rittenhouse is ALL about making you FEAR the right of Self Defence. Did you know Obama copy write Floyds Picture a week before I CANT BREATHE ? You are ALL being Played. Particularly if you get the Jabba Jabba Joo Juice plus quadruple boostered.

But of Course this is all Q Tard stuff if you believe Fake News.

For now… the only thing that matters is to NOT TAKE THE VAXX. God/Heaven/Light always wins. Satan/Hell/Darkness cannot stand the Light. Hold the Line. Lots of good shit to pry from cold dead hands if you can just stay alive.


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Oh, I absolutely believe you.

I was the only one to hear it. The 3 rd one I heard it was over coms and it was so piercing, I doubled over. They were doing a raffle, so I just took off down hill until I felt it was over.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

I agree with the captcha thing being required to post. That will usually get rid of the bots. I am not in IT but maybe some forum members are and can make this part of the interwebz bot free.


Fyi, I used google translate for one of the bot's posts and whatever "it" was, it was selling fake University degrees from a University in Australia.

Yeah. Well I deleted the entire sub forum. Still, I have about 10,000 email notifications of this bullshit swamping my email. If you sent me an email, and I didn't respond realize that at 10 emails per page, I would have to scroll through 1000 pages to search for your email. Jeeze!

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Ally Carter story...  raped by all the usual suspects DO NOTE no Trump allegations.

This is the world that we live in. Run by Baby rapists and blood suckers. The world is run purely by BLACKMAIL and NO world govt is exempt NONE .

Dominion Voting ensures voting cannot change it.

America has NEVER been a Democracy. The Media ensures that.

I read the other day how the Military are training for combat in Underground tunnels.

Expect lots of shit to happen as these swamp rats flee from the Light.

The SAME people who are promoting the VAXX where ever they are in the world are the same ones raping little kids and drinking their blood.

Some live right next door.

pissedlizard, Memory Loss and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardMemory LossxzianchowAlice

@Merlynn, I am trying to steer a bit clear because I really do think this bot is chasing my shit around, but I got mentioned and saw this post and will say this - unequivocally -

I have never read more truer words than what you just wrote. Period.

Everyone - take it as a warning or a message of hope. And read the words - because there is hope - just not the face you want it in. Or leave it and deal with your fate.

@alice the “ting” or “ping” can be localized ahead, abeam or just aft of your ear.

Its from a very friendly entity to you that is only there to “step on your toe” to get your attention to something in your bubble or sphere of 5 senses. It’s not to alarm you. Only get your attention. As crazy as this sounds - when you hear it. - stop and smell the air. Literally. It’s what your ancestors did. It will guide you. One way or the other. Even if you smell nothing. It will guide you. I know it sounds nuts but that’s the best I can do.

All of this - and I mean ALL of it - I know to be true. 1000% true.


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