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Understanding Magnetics for when the SHTF

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Thank you. Any other books you recommend?

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

To @pissedlizard primarily, but really anyone speaking of this Scamdemic.

I have not mentioned this to anyone... mainly because of embarrassment. My info could be assembled if you really wanted to... and I presume that some one, or thing, is monitoring every keystroke that I am now making.

Bear with me here.

I have been fit my entire life... I am now 60. I am a national level runner, and I hold a bona fide 2nd Dan in Hapkido (no small task achieving that at age 58). To stay fit for my desired activities (mainly wilderness backpacking), I also lift weights and cycle... even these days, I work out six days per week (frequently 7) - and have strung a month (in the nice hot summer). 5'-11"; 169#; and the fatometer has said 8%. I played games once during a surgical prep (orthopedic), raising and lowering my respiration, BP, and pulse (down to 30, resting 45)... alarms going off everywhere - pretty funny - although the crew didn't really appreciate that. I am faster than most high-schoolers - at ANY distance. Earning my Hapkido rank, I was more proficient than all but the Master and his son. Speed, power, grace, attitude and aptitude... a formidable combination.

My diet is very good - alcohol being the real only voluntary damaging item consumed regularly. Man I love hot dogs, and we here in Shitcagoland are blessed with Portillo's - the best Chicago-style around. I do eat those... but not even once per month. Top shelf beef (rarely); top shelf chicken (weekly), minor fish, tons of top shelf eggs. A boatload of top shelf supplements. Really, this is the best that I can buy around here.


I have NEVER been sick, in memory... at least 30 years. No flu, no cough, no nothing; I will admit though, that after drinking and yelling with my buddies (they smoke cigars) that my throat is raw. I had been "inoculated" as a child, but not with near as many poisons as is now forcefully injected.

All this is why I had considered myself invincible - until my spine started falling apart (genetic degradation aggravated by my myriad of stressful activities - so says my team of excellent physicians).

Where I am, I can "see" 10 neighbors WiFi siganls, and my own - this is NOT new.

5G had been scheduled for deployment - but they now hide all that stuff. So unknown, but I presume that this is already done. This MAY BE new,

I am a software engineer - hours per day in front of this EMF machine. The Plant in which I work (less now cuz of Covidiots with whom I work) is loaded with wireless for the various machines. This is NOT new.

I do use a cell phone, but at arms length (that makes a slight difference). SELDOM do I yammer on it, while attached to my face. This is NOT new.

Now then, mid-October, this year, wifey gets a cough, then splitting headache, then body aches, and is down for the count. No, not dead, but lifeless. Clogged nasal, clogged head, and eventually loss of taste and smell. We're anti doctor, and up to speed on all this bullshit... but she is sick. However, she is not me.... nowhere near as fit and healthy.

After a good weight workout, I return home from a particularly good sprint workout (outdoors in the forest preserve), and I attend to some after-hours employer task. I seriously could feel something in my throat - itchy.

Next day, worse. By the third day, I am in pain... whole body aching. Miserable - UNFAMILIAR. NOT unfamiliar with pain - as are all athletes. Cough, headache, body ache, eventual loss of smell and taste. So bad that I am not even willing to just WALK - and I am, or was, a FUCKING MACHINE for exercise. This is the guy who was SRINTING just 8 days after SPINAL SURGERY! I am goddamned SICK... with something.

FOUR WEEKS before this shit has subsided (now).

This temple of fitness and health SHUT-FUCKING-DOWN.

I am objective, I think, and have angrily analyzed all I could to determine just what the fuck happened to me. I read Cowan's The Contagion Myth, and Firstenberg's The Invisible Rainbow... I read a lot - especially on this goddamned scamdemic.

All the death and ER numbers are grossly inflated - we know this. Conversely, the damage from the vaxx is grossly UNDER-REPORTED - we know this. The CDC, WHO, and NIH are completely bought off whores - we know this. Most formerly credible top-tier research institutions and publishing houses are completely bought off, and toe the fucking idiotic political line - we know this. MSM is, and has always been a pack of lying simpleton whores - we know this. "Social Media" is completely owned and operated by the alphabet agencies (primarily the CIA/NSA & FBI) - we know this. Oh, of course I have not taken this latest "vaccination" or its relatives - obviously something evil is planned - NOT just the gross $$$$ involved.

I've got exactly nothin' from my search. I'm blaming 5G, but with no confidence.

Yet I was VERY sick... as I said, embarrassing (given I am so modest about my skills - HAH!)

Comments please.



xzianchow and Chromacat have reacted to this post.

Hey Dave,


Try looking into Grapefruit Seed Extract for when you get sick.

Quote from Geisterfahrer on November 14, 2021, 12:11 am

Hey Dave,


Try looking into Grapefruit Seed Extract for when you get sick.

I'm actually thanking you for contributing... but what you have suggested simply does  not apply to me.

My whole point was/is that I DO NOT GET SICK - EVER.

Yet here I just recovered from some malaise.

xzianchow and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.

MerLynn, tnx for the detailed reply.

DSK, stuff is tested on populations ALL the time. They even gassed a late nite subway car-- lightbulb release-- out to NJ one night with Sarin. Several people didn't make it, some never recovered; the lucky ones barely made it to street level.

All unreported.

1970s. Condensed form. Used during COVID too as a "booster" when and where required-- practically identical symptoms. Check it out.

Can't agree with all that MerLynn has written above but can confirm these soul less ghouls have a lot more power than they ought to have. He's spot on about that. But they are also not unopposed.

If I were you I'd avoid closed spaces and large crowds until things become a little clearer going forward. I know I'll be 110%.

Stay safe out there, all.

xzianchow has reacted to this post.
Quote from Ultan McG on November 14, 2021, 2:29 am

DSK, stuff is tested on populations ALL the time. They even gassed a late nite subway car-- lightbulb release-- out to NJ one night with Sarin. Several people didn't make it, some never recovered; the lucky ones barely made it to street level.

All unreported.

Tough to believe in this instance. Keep in mind my description of ME.

Wifey and I did dine together at a restaurant 1 week previous to HER instantiation of illness (four more days for me). I discarded the potential for food poisoning due to the lack of discrete symptoms.

I commute alone.

ZERO fellow employees affected (office distances from me). ZERO neighbors affected (rare, if ever socialization). ZERO friends affected (semi-weekly association).

Of course: if it was intentional, why bother with me? I am nothing in this world. Additionally, I told NO ONE, so if some agency was looking for a recon report, they got nothing, until now - here.

I doubt it was you being targeted specifically, man-- but that's always a possibility. You sound to me like the kind of guy who just gets on with it and minds his own business. Again, rarely targeted.

(Santa was a glitch, I'd wager, 😂)

You picked up on something; or some chump shedding something; or even cycled through a waft of something; God only knows what's out there now in the environment in the run-up toward chaos. China-Russia hit by a bioweapon-- confirmed by Domain Contact and Metallicman-- peer capable tech/bio/nuclear powers, too.

Anyone thinking there won't be payback either officially or unsanctioned in some form has a screw loose, imo. Confirmed by Domain, too, right?

That's what I meant be avoiding crowds and unventilated spaces. And if you're gonna need a concrete bunker which you very well might do, who in their right mind will be worrying about picking up a dose of something nasty in the grocery store. I can tell you something honestly, I sure as shit wear a mask whenever I enter a public space, these days. Even though I hate it-- and it's always better than arguing with some terrified Normie getting all hysterical because I'm not wearing one. Have been advised to do so by someone I trust. We just do not know what's out there.

But I draw the line at wearing one outside generally, walking, jogging and/or in the car!!

xzianchow has reacted to this post.



Ive had 2 healthy family members die from covid. Did you see Uriah Heep’s youtube interview from Feb 2020? Frankenstein virus with HIV insertions. (IDK if that has changed but either way it gets the point across.) People in China were dropping dead in the streets. USA did not get hit with the same strand as China because it was modified for Chinese DNA. Until it spread and mutated.

Is it true, the news says NO. Do I trust the news, I wouldn't be in this forum if I did.

That being said. Im 37 years old, worked frontline customer service most my life. Healthy and fit, meh.... depends on who ya ask.  Did I get sick? Occasionally. My immune system has always been a beast. The absolute WORST I’ve been sick was when I finally caved from parental pressure and got a flu vaccine in 2010. I thought I was going to die. I have joked that I had to have been the first covid test subject because the symptoms and recovery time were the exact same.

Things changed when I became a mother. My children bring home everything! In 9 years, I have been sick 0 times. I don’t have time to get sick. So when I feel that scratch in my throat or that ache in the back of my neck, I look myself in the mirror and say ‘Toughen up buttercup, cause aint nobody got time for that.” One Emergen-C and lots of water and I am fine usually by the end of the day.

I have gotten Covid 2xs.

#1- Feb 2020- my mother was miserably sick for over 2 weeks. She had ALL the tests (negative), antibiotics, steroids, stronger antibiotics. Nothing helped. My youngest had mild symptoms for about 5 days, and I weirdly couldn’t smell or taste ANYTHING for 2 long weeks. We did not know about Covid yet.

#2- D-Variant in Sept 2021- my cousin picked it up from high school. He couldn’t walk 5 feet without sitting down to catch his breath. I was at his house in his 6 feet for 8 hrs the day before he got sick. My aunt shortly after and she got the “immunity pump”. 2 days after my aunt got her positive test, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt like a hippo was sitting on my chest, was gasping to get a breath, and my head was POUNDING. I was sick for less than 24 hours.

My antedote- Vitamin-C and Zinc from the source, I stayed outside in the sun all day, I did the Gateway Experience  - Prep/Function (which reminds the brain its ability to heal its body of anything that ails it, and gives activation words), and LOTS of water.

Aint that wild? Vitamins, water, sunshine and healing thoughts. Our mind is an INCREDIBLE thing.


The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@dk - Alice beat me to it. That is your answer right there to avoid sickness. And look at your parents. Was one or both like you? No sickness at 60 kinda thing I mean.

In my straight up honest medical opinion - that right there. Balance your carbs/protein/fat/nucleotides (liver is high in them) when the time comes when you need to start off-grid living.

And stay away from the vax. People are going to start mentally deteriorating and dying off pretty quick. “Outbreaks” are already popping up in Canada. Nobody will check the common denominator (vax batch lot number).

All of this I know to be true.



Just an FYI. Has anyone ever heard of Linus Pauling? He is the only person to have won the Nobel twice. He was considered one of the greatest scientific minds ever ... until he claimed Vitamin C could cure cancer, then he was considered a quack.


A lot of Doctors are now coming out with Pauling's claims, as if they were their own ... because he wasn't a quack after all.

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