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Understanding Magnetics for when the SHTF

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Just an example ....

@ultan-mcg You mentioned wearing masks for protection. For those who may still be wearing paper and cloth masks, please check out this short video. It shows a guy exhaling through various masks with vape in his lungs. Billows of aerosols go through and around the mask. You can see with your own eyes that they offer very little protection.

You want real protection? Look into CBRN respirators like what they use in the military. But don't be fooled by their effectiveness either. Study their use protocols, storage, cleaning, filter duration, and have lots of backup filters on hand. Minimum investment is about $350 per family member. MIRA appears to be a trusted brand, however I cannot vouch personally. I'm still in the research phase as well.

It's WWIII, after all.

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congjing yu

Thanks, em. When I do wear a face diaper it's literally for 5 minutes max. In and out. I nasal breath only for that time.  And I've alwzys rinsed my nose-- yogi style-- with salt water twice a week. Been doing that for decades. Never really had any serious colds or 'flus, touch wood. When I need it for longer such as in a cash and carry I drop it below my nose and nose breath still, anyway. It's really just to avoid the terrified zombies. If I catch something and croak it so be it. I don't fear death. Back again for another go and try to avoid the White Light. See what happens.

And I'm not being facetious in saying that.

My wife has picked up a box of Japanese top grade masks with filters just in case SHTF any time soon. Not cheap, you're right. But I could never wear one of those things where I live now. In Asia where we're headed it's another matter. You could wear a full on biohazard suit from head to toe on the bus and nobody would bat an eyelid.

Extreme paranoia? Or,,,,do they know something we don't.

Either way it's the blue paper napkin on strings until then and the healthy intentions.

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congjing yuxzianchow
Quote from DSKlausler on November 13, 2021, 11:41 pm

To @pissedlizard primarily, but really anyone speaking of this Scamdemic.

I have not mentioned this to anyone... mainly because of embarrassment. My info could be assembled if you really wanted to... and I presume that some one, or thing, is monitoring every keystroke that I am now making.

Bear with me here.

I have been fit my entire life... I am now 60. I am a national level runner, and I hold a bona fide 2nd Dan in Hapkido (no small task achieving that at age 58). To stay fit for my desired activities (mainly wilderness backpacking), I also lift weights and cycle... even these days, I work out six days per week (frequently 7) - and have strung a month (in the nice hot summer). 5'-11"; 169#; and the fatometer has said 8%. I played games once during a surgical prep (orthopedic), raising and lowering my respiration, BP, and pulse (down to 30, resting 45)... alarms going off everywhere - pretty funny - although the crew didn't really appreciate that. I am faster than most high-schoolers - at ANY distance. Earning my Hapkido rank, I was more proficient than all but the Master and his son. Speed, power, grace, attitude and aptitude... a formidable combination.

My diet is very good - alcohol being the real only voluntary damaging item consumed regularly. Man I love hot dogs, and we here in Shitcagoland are blessed with Portillo's - the best Chicago-style around. I do eat those... but not even once per month. Top shelf beef (rarely); top shelf chicken (weekly), minor fish, tons of top shelf eggs. A boatload of top shelf supplements. Really, this is the best that I can buy around here.


I have NEVER been sick, in memory... at least 30 years. No flu, no cough, no nothing; I will admit though, that after drinking and yelling with my buddies (they smoke cigars) that my throat is raw. I had been "inoculated" as a child, but not with near as many poisons as is now forcefully injected.

All this is why I had considered myself invincible - until my spine started falling apart (genetic degradation aggravated by my myriad of stressful activities - so says my team of excellent physicians).

Where I am, I can "see" 10 neighbors WiFi siganls, and my own - this is NOT new.

5G had been scheduled for deployment - but they now hide all that stuff. So unknown, but I presume that this is already done. This MAY BE new,

I am a software engineer - hours per day in front of this EMF machine. The Plant in which I work (less now cuz of Covidiots with whom I work) is loaded with wireless for the various machines. This is NOT new.

I do use a cell phone, but at arms length (that makes a slight difference). SELDOM do I yammer on it, while attached to my face. This is NOT new.

Now then, mid-October, this year, wifey gets a cough, then splitting headache, then body aches, and is down for the count. No, not dead, but lifeless. Clogged nasal, clogged head, and eventually loss of taste and smell. We're anti doctor, and up to speed on all this bullshit... but she is sick. However, she is not me.... nowhere near as fit and healthy.

After a good weight workout, I return home from a particularly good sprint workout (outdoors in the forest preserve), and I attend to some after-hours employer task. I seriously could feel something in my throat - itchy.

Next day, worse. By the third day, I am in pain... whole body aching. Miserable - UNFAMILIAR. NOT unfamiliar with pain - as are all athletes. Cough, headache, body ache, eventual loss of smell and taste. So bad that I am not even willing to just WALK - and I am, or was, a FUCKING MACHINE for exercise. This is the guy who was SRINTING just 8 days after SPINAL SURGERY! I am goddamned SICK... with something.

FOUR WEEKS before this shit has subsided (now).

This temple of fitness and health SHUT-FUCKING-DOWN.

I am objective, I think, and have angrily analyzed all I could to determine just what the fuck happened to me. I read Cowan's The Contagion Myth, and Firstenberg's The Invisible Rainbow... I read a lot - especially on this goddamned scamdemic.

All the death and ER numbers are grossly inflated - we know this. Conversely, the damage from the vaxx is grossly UNDER-REPORTED - we know this. The CDC, WHO, and NIH are completely bought off whores - we know this. Most formerly credible top-tier research institutions and publishing houses are completely bought off, and toe the fucking idiotic political line - we know this. MSM is, and has always been a pack of lying simpleton whores - we know this. "Social Media" is completely owned and operated by the alphabet agencies (primarily the CIA/NSA & FBI) - we know this. Oh, of course I have not taken this latest "vaccination" or its relatives - obviously something evil is planned - NOT just the gross $$$$ involved.

I've got exactly nothin' from my search. I'm blaming 5G, but with no confidence.

Yet I was VERY sick... as I said, embarrassing (given I am so modest about my skills - HAH!)

Comments please.



Whoah! Sorry... I forgot to mention the only visible, and wonderful symptom.

After a week of the "illness," I developed red pimples on my back.

A few, then hundreds. Itchy as all hell. On my back only - from shoulders to waist and wrapping around to my sides... nowhere else on my body.

Small red pimples; then larger red pimples, then pustules - white tipped and still itchier than poison ivy.

I went at this mess with a course loofah using good soap and scalding water every other day. Ripped the shit of them, then witch-hazel, then a clean 100% cotton shirt. Present for the middle two weeks.


Pretty sure that my body was purging some toxin, correct?

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congjing yuxzianchowChromacat


So about those PDFs....

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
Quote from Alice on November 19, 2021, 11:23 am


So about those PDFs....

MerLynn mentioned to contact him directly and balance it with a $10 donation to MM.


On another note, thank you MerLynn for sharing the advanced battery procedure. I am wondering if it can be further enhanced by adding Gold in series to one or both of the connection cables?


Also I'm curious about creating a Mono Pole with two Ferrite Ringmagnets placed on the temples.

I'll be using Ø 40,0 x 20,0 x 10,0 mm - Y35

Can you share you knowlede on figuring out the polarity of a magnet? I remember the human head is North Pole, so enhancing it with North Pole Fields from magnets makes sense. Also it might be useful to 'short' the magnets beforehand with a 12V battery so any stored memory is being deleted.

Quote from Ultan McG on November 14, 2021, 8:48 pm


My wife has picked up a box of Japanese top grade masks with filters just in case SHTF any time soon. Not cheap, you're right. But I could never wear one of those things where I live now. In Asia where we're headed it's another matter.

Extreme paranoia? Or,,,,do they know something we don't.


The habit has been around a while in Asia, many years before Covid struck. It started with the Japanese who wore masks not because the wanted to avoid contracting  a cold, but rather they did not want to infect others when they were ill.

So no, wearing a mask is not seen as being unmanly or fearful here. Rather it is to be considerate and civic minded.


Thank you kindly, that’s what I was doing. Unfortunately, I have no direct way to contact him. Have any suggestion?

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.


On page 3 you find a post of MerLynn where he mentioned his email

"[...] If anyone wants to know more its joecell AT bigpond DOT com [...]"


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I could kiss you! Haha thank you

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
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