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Understanding Magnetics for when the SHTF

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Quote from MerLynn on November 2, 2021, 7:19 am

We also now have ONE way to produce Ozone in every cell in the body of the most advanced Ozone Therapy since the Persians 2000 years ago.

any other questions or better clarifications?


Did I miss the historic discussion, or references?

Did I miss the historic discussion, or references?"



Quote from MerLynn on November 3, 2021, 4:56 am

Did I miss the historic discussion, or references?"



Hah! Been there... back when I was reading through "Forbidden Archaeology" and the like.


@merlynn Thanks for the thoughtful and detailed response. My interest in these technologies is rooted in my ultimate mission in life: to contribute my highest potential to the universe. My intuition tells me that what you are sharing has some serious potential in this regard. However, the knowledge is way over my 3D head, so I apologize for the simplistic nature of my questions. 

At this point, I don’t think it’s necessary for me to understand how these things work—just that they do work. And more specifically: which specific improvements can I expect to achieve with their use?

My curiosity in the tech is rooted in a few assumptions about my being, which may or may not be true:

Assumption 1. My physical and non-physical bodies are hindered in multiple ways which I am unaware of and do not understand. Some of these hindrances have been put in place by nefarious forces that want to restrict us from realizing our full potential and being good to one another.  

Assumption 2. The battery and bath methods offer potential to reduce or eliminate some of those restrictions. Their use will get me closer to my true unrestricted being.

Assumption 3. Heavy metal accumulation, and a calcified pineal gland are pieces of the prison control systems. Reversing these damages will provide benefits toward my goal of freedom and ability to embody my highest potential while limited to 3D.

Assumption 4. By using these 3D tools on my physical body, I will be able to realize benefits in my interdimensional non-physical body as well.

On to my questions:

  1. In your understanding, are these assumptions correct?
  2. For effective removal of calcifications in the brain, would you prioritize battery or baths?
  3. For heavy metal detox, I assume that the the baths would provide more benefit than the battery. Is that correct?
  4. For baths, are there meaningful differences between AquaChi, QEnergy Spa, and the Genesis Cube? 
  5. Are there different benefits I could hope to achieve with each brand? (Is it worth purchasing multiple brands to reach different goals?) 
  6. For maximum benefit, should I lean more toward foot baths, or full-body with eyes open? 
  7. How will I know if the battery method is “working”? What signs would I look out for?
  8. You mentioned that using the battery has many benefits. Are you able to elaborate or point to a resource?
  9. Are there other method or tech that you would recommend in addition to the above?

Thanks again for your time and consideration. 

DSKlausler has reacted to this post.

I don’t think it’s necessary for me to understand how these things work—just that they do work.   The Placebo Effect of using mind over matter to heal your water crystalline structure most definitely works better if you understand this from a Atomic or Magnetic Field level rather than a scientific curiosity. The more you know the better things work. Some peoples 'vibrations' just make things 'break'. The 'belief in a Lie about the Human body/spirit is to not know how things work.

Assumption 1. A Lie Detector measures the 'resistance' that electricity encounters from the Bio Electrical Nature of the human body when a person's voice vibrations and thought vibrations increase the resistance of the flow of Battery or "Flatline DC" through the body. As you think so you are. To say something like.... "I gotta go now diners on the table" just because you are tired of talking to this person is a LIE. The electrical imbalance created is ACCUMULATIVE within the Memory of your bodies water and your spiritual body. We call this energy imbalance KARMA.

Mercury thats been injected by any Vaxx, permeates every Cell in the body. As does Fluoride and MSG or 621. When you depend upon the energy from the Air to charge the Iron in the blood, the magnetic energy has to pass through a Cell that changes the energy to incorporate the Frequency of Mercury. Asthma is but one side effect. If your body is 'sick' then your spirit is sick too. Trusting the 'science' is making humans sick. Not having a 'religion', means you are taking Religious Instruction, from your media programming. The nefarious forces are Satanic. Satanic means NOT OF GOD (Good). The Old Empire is NOT of God. (Good). These olde empire forces are still controlling human destiny as I write. For the umteenth time (I'm sure youse all have heard it many times) The Truth will set you free. Only the word "free" hasnt yet been 'defined' so there's no freedom of Spirit much less freedom of health choice.

Assumption 2. You are correct. A healthy mind and Body, by knowing the Truth of the Universal Construct allows one to cleanse the mind. body and spirit. These healing modalities can replace the ENTIRE Pharmacy Meds. Freeing your mind of the constraints that keep it sick. It does help to know how things work.

Assumption 3.  Correct.

Assumption 4.  They will ASSIST... its entirely a 'mind game' unraveling your place in the 'matrix' (Aether).

  1. Answered
  2. The bath, due to is need for long term use, is a priority. The battery is for 'instant' healing of conditions of imbalance. But to charge up and balance up one's Battery makes the Global Bio Charge of the Bath more effective. Bear in Mind... the "Primary Objective" of the Bath is to supercharge your Bodies Energy Potential so it preforms its Natural Immunity and healing functions at peak performance. When 'supercharged', your bodies natural ability to detox mercury and fluoride will be enhanced as long as you stop ingesting and breathing polluted food, air and water.
  3. Yes.
  4. The more parts in the construction of the 7 Rings in the arrays, means there are greater Field 'disturbances'.  The Q2 Orb has too many bits. But it does have the ability to place a Fire Crystal in its centre easily. The Q2 Orb Power supply has to many 'bells and whistles' or electrical components in its construction. Also the Orb "splits the Phases" with the Positive Track configuration. I use an "early" 2002 Q2 power supply not the latest ones. The Aqua Chi Water Module is the Array that I use with an early Q2 power supply. I also manufacture a "Centre Mount" so a Fire Crystal can be placed within the Aqua Chi array. Marcy's Cube is poorly designed  and she has ran out of funds to make it the Best Water module to use. The Cube also has the Best methodology for hooking up the DC to the Cube. You'd think these people would cooperate and get it right. There are Advanced Usage procedures for taking Baths. These are not promoted or even mentioned by the manufactures. To do so, changes the listing approvals from the FDA. To give them out willy nilly, means one is practicing medicine. These are the types of answers that I provide as Available Upgrades, which is my business angle.
  5. Buy just an Aqua Chi Array and source an 'old school' power supply and have the best available. Old School means NON Switching Transformer.
  6. Full baths are best. The Eyes thing is more if you have vision issues.
  7.  If you have brilliant White Light Flashes in all 3 'eye points' then you are Charged and Balanced. Once that is achieved then other points can be activated to specific targeting of healing like thyroid or nerve blockages. Its 'working' when your life and health begin to improve.
  8. I have very detailed Instructional videos of this Battery Energising by Joe on my partner Kathy. Kathy is reluctant to release these and as yet we havent made 'generic' videos. One really does need to be in person instructed to do this Healing Modality. I am releasing the 'basics' in as simple a way as possible hoping there are budding Alchemist/Magicians out there. Marcy's associate in Memphis  Dr Risa, was going to take this through to FDA Approval but the Scamdemic and 18Ga Bio Weaponry needles have sorta inhibited this.
  9. There is a product called "Oxy Rich" is an easier method of Oxygen therapies than Hydrogen Peroxide usage. This product also removes many contaminants from the Body...  their explanation of how it works is slightly askew but IT WORKS. You add up to 25 drops in a glass of pure bottled at the source  or rain water and consume 3 times a day, one hour after a meal. I cannot recommend this enough. Just buy it and use it.

Are there other method or tech that you would recommend in addition to the above?

Controlled Electrocution. Or how to use Pulsed DC in Healing

Hulda Clarkes "Zapper" tech has very remarkable 'healing abilities". First the Background. (knowing how it works)

Back in the 1990's a Perth Man was suffering from Ross River Fever Virus, a mosquito born 'parasite' and found that after accidentally grabbing an electric fence all his symptoms vanished. Hulda Clarke wrote a book called The Cure for ALL Diseases and described a simple "Zapper" you can build yourself powered by a small 9V battery.

Since Hulda introduced controlled electrocution by battery in the early 90's, many variants have been designed. But lets keep it simple so we can understand what they are doing. This is a simplified Rife Frequency Generator. (on a side note, When I was visiting ALL the Tijuana Cancer Clinics in the late 90's, if you mentioned "Rife" you were immediately shown the door, they had had enough of pathetic reverse engineering of his Tech)

Hulda's original Zapper basically had the effect on the Human Body as if you touched the 9V battery on the tongue 20,000 times a second. This Frequency of Pulsed DC is advertised as being best used by hand held electrodes for 3 by 7 minute sessions with an interval of 20 minutes between sessions once or twice a day. I have owned one since 1992 and cured many 'parasitic' infections with it. I use it occasionally ever since.


Each hand held electrode has a polarity. So mine are marked with red and black tape so I know which hand to hold them in. I have contacted several manufacturers and told them their methodology of usage breaks the Physician First Do No Harm protocols. None changed their usage procedures. You determine polarity with a simple Multimeter.

How it works. Pulsed DC, or 20,000 cycles of DC per Second is ALTERNATING CURRENT. or AC and thats what they use in the electric chair to kill people. Funny how they dont mention this. You can electrocute yourself with the greater Amperage of a car battery by pulsing it when holding the electrodes when flashing the 3rd eye by just disconnecting and reconnecting the Battery Leads whilst holding them during a Charging Session. Easier than grabbing an electric fence for Ross River Fever too and not so bitey.

The action of Pulsed DC. To pulse Direct Current from a Battery allows for Controlled Electrocution. This pulsing Frequency (AC) sets up a Field Effect around Every Cell in your body as each Cell is a "battery" as in Charging it and not charging it 20,000 times a second. This includes any pathogen, virus, fungi or bacteria in the body as well. This Pulsing of 'electricity' sets up an electrical resistance on the surface of every cell in the body and disintegrates the surface of every cell including parasitic organisms. Small Life forms die from this. The Cells in your body also suffer this damage particularly if you have the wrong Polarity in each hand.

This simple Zapper when used in accordance with correct Polarity of the Body's Electronics, DOES kill pathogens that make you no longer at ease.

They have gone on the identify 'frequencies' for particular pathogens for 'greater' effectiveness which is basically changing it from 20,000 hertz to match the frequency of the pathogen. I prefer to keep it simple.

I've seen warts fall off and people admitted in to hospital after using it and all the diagnostics found were dead parasites in the urine. None of this is mentioned by Zapper manufacturers.

They sell a TASER for 'personal use" thats not as disabling as a Police Taser to INERT Snake Bite Toxins. Pulsed DC... many uses. The Aqua Chi Footbath 'anti-venomed' my dog when a snake bit it. The Aqua Chi device uses PULSED MAGNETIC FIELDS rather than a Pulsed Current flow. This Pulsed Field also kills Parasites in the body. It works particularly well on the Hospital Scourge  Flesh eating bacteria known as Golden Staph and takes only one bath to fix the antibiotic resistant strains. But of course that cant be said or you are practicing medicine without a Satanic Approved License.

The Aqua Chi generates a Pulsed Field of 50 or 60 Hertz depending upon your country as the "ripple" is always there when converting AC to DC.

But if God doesnt exist, then neither does Satan, so alls good. Get a license, get the jab, we are from the govt and we are here to help you believe in the science.

Where's Ultan, the true believer in how to understand the Narrative and he's positive and informed that Graphene doesnt exist and the Vaxx must have some redeeming qualities. All you need to know is.....   The First report on a subject sets the standard by which all subsequent reports are judged. It's that goddam easy to program humans... What ever they hear first is to be believed and everything else then becomes the 'narrative' to the first report. Simple Brainwashing 101.

DSKlausler has reacted to this post.

I didn't say graphene doesn't exist, nor did I say the experimental inoculations have any redeeming qualities, whatsoever.

If you're going to be making up stuff about what I say or don't say, my good man-- yet another logical fallacy, btw-- I'll no longer entertain you at all. But thanks for confirming my original reservation: you're really only interested in your own narrative, and clearly don't take the time to read properly what other contributors say. (But looks like I really got under your skin with the G.O. nonsense though, right? Coupla week later and you're still sore. Chill on that, homey-- life's too short, already. I mean, you even lack the grace to acknowledge a genuine apology I made earlier-- very spiritual of you.)

Nor is it my intention to mislead any other soul on this Forum. Intentionally, or otherwise. I want to answer that accusation specifically.

Stick to what you're clearly good at, MerLynn-- and don't go poking done deals. You'll end up getting me or you banned-- or both. And that would be a pity because as I said, you've lots of really interesting stuff to contribute-- and here you'll actually be understood!

Just lay off the Freddie Mercury impressions and it's all good with me, 😂.

ultan is a LIAR and and Kunt

ultan will twist anything he says or what is said to tear down others to make himself appear smarter.

His modus operandi is to LIE about looking into anything so he cant be challenged on the horse shit he drivels up.

"The Graphene Oxide shpiel is horse-puckey and I've outlined why, before."

His modus operandi is to LIE about looking into anything so he cant be challenged on the horse shit he drivels up.

"Lemme look into it and I'll get back to you. But any video about G.O. and vaccines I've come across seems to originate from the same old well-funded intelligence outfits that have been seeding lies and disinfo throughout cyberspace this past year. And the source of the G.O. narrative-- the only source, mind you-- all traceable-- has been caught red-handed spreading horse-puckey around a totally controlled internet for the best part of a decade."

& "As I said, I'll get back to you about the 99.7% G.O., and the 0.3% baby foetuses and sundry magic stuff they've managed to cram into a vaccine that's readily available for chemical analysis."

Nothing is said of the links I posted. NOTHING

ultan intentionally misleads members by lying to them about looking into GO and then never does. He has a Pharma Fake news narrative and he horse pukes shit all over the place.

Its me or him MM chose wisely. I dont need to be on a forum that has members like this.  A total lack of ability to comment without abuse.  This is my right of reply. If its all I ever get MM so be it.



Charmed, I'm sure; and QED, methinks.

I've already told you I'm sourcing proof that G.O. is horse-puckey, have invited you to do the same; and I'll post my findings in a form that the other contributors can look at and think about for themselves.

But you'd rather label me a c**t. Sounds to me like you're somewhere on the spectrum, my good fellow.

(But my right to reply is: It's be a pity to lose MerLynn's interesting contributions even though he's not interested in narratives that don't fit into his-- and if I'm banned? Oh well, there's always the comments on the regular articles and hey! I've got cat stories! Beat THAT, home-boy, 😁.)

I think I'll be avoiding you in future-- a bit volatile for me.

Quote from Ultan McG on November 5, 2021, 4:05 am

Stick to what you're clearly good at, MerLynn-- and don't go poking done deals.

The Sun never sets on a discussion.

What I am good at... You tell me? go on put it into words. I dare you

What I am is the worlds foremost expert on is SCIENCE.

Specifically using it to CURE VAXX Injuries. and you cant do that if you dont know whats in them. Literally 100's of vaxx injuries returned to 100% healthy status by knowing the science in the vaxx. NO one else on the planet can do this in just weeks or for that matter... ever.

the bottom line...... "The Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca and Janssen drugs are NOT "vaccines" but complexed Graphene Oxide nano particulate aggregates of varying nano elements attached to genetically modified nucleic acids of mRNA from animal or vero cells and aborted human fetal cells as viewed and described above. Once again the ingredients in these so-called vaccines are highly magneticotoxic, cytotoxic and genotoxic to plant, insect, bird, animal and human cell membranes and their genetics which already has lead to serious injuries (estimated at over 500 million) and/or eventual death"

your narrative is full of horse shit ultan. You should stick to what you know.,...  Horse Puke contents.

More horse puke for ultan to fit into his false narrative    "There you go, sheep. Graphene Oxide, Stainless Steel and a whole bunch of metals, just like the Japanese researchers are finding in the Moderna vax. If this doesn’t make you change your mind about the vax, I don’t think anything will."   "Orwell City is working hard translating and subtitling Dr. Pablo Campra's explanation of the technical report on the detection of Graphene Oxide in COVID vaccines he recently wrote and published."   "And what's this patent? Well, it's a physiological saline solution containing graphene. Therefore, {ULTAN} can no longer deny this in any way, regardless of what fact-checkers say or what the television says".

As time goes on... ultan will have to eat more and more Horse pukey humble pie OR he can give us the list of ingredients and point to which ones are KILLING and MAIMING people. Oh but it safe and effective so no need to do that.    "The video below contains 1 hour of examples of people becoming magnetic after taking the covid-19 vaccine. This type of video has been cleansed from youtube due to censorship" to keep sheeple like ultan ignorant of the Horse Puke they put in the vaxx   "Functionalized graphene oxide serves as a novel vaccine nano-adjuvant for robust stimulation of cellular immunity"   They have patents for this to be in VAXX.  We are dealing with an EXPERIMENTAL vaxx using the latest PATENTS


readem and weep.

this is the SHIT thats hitting then fan.

As time goes on... this Graphene Oxide MUST be deleted from the internet by 'fact checkers' so ultan can be admonished of his horse puke.

ultan IS the PROBLEM he's full of horse sheet.



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