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@alice in my dream, I was a small white scruffy dog. And I bit the toes of those whose toes must not be bitten.

Do not show me a photo of your said white dog.


Edit: it was a whitish dog in my dream. Scruffy bugger.

Alice has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas


Haha! why not? You don’t think it would be fun?

Memory Loss has reacted to this post.
Memory Loss
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

My numbers keep lining up. 11:11 now 12:34 🤔 fun fun

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@alice Your dogs look so sweet in that photo. That information is a little more personal than I feel comfortable posting on the forum. If you'd like to ask MM for my email address, I'd be OK with that. You can point him to this post as my consent.

Last night's dream. There had been a flood. I was working in a multi story brick building and the bottom floor had a foot of standing water that was slowly draining. My coworkers and I were helping to salvage what we could on the first floor. Also helped move cars to higher ground as the waters receded.

Alice has reacted to this post.


Sweet, you say? Looks can be deceiving…. HA! The Catahoula is my handful. She is the best dog, hands down will do any command flawlessly. I tell her to sit, stay. i will walk the property even out of her sight and she will not budge until I relieve her. I did not teach that, and the girl that rescued her used her too herd cattle, and run property to scare coyote. That she learned from her Dogo by watching, not from 1 on 1 training. She’s brilliant and needy, and super jealous (like blocks all reachable physical contact, even  my girls… one exception, our tortoise shell Calico, Annabelle. All Cats love Dix and IDK why?) She imprinted on me the moment she saw me, that was an unforgettable experience.


I had a dream, of sorts, and the first one I’ve had concerning this group and Uriah directly. (Hmm odd, as much time that I spend mind  chewing on these post… you’d think I’dda has some that I remembered.)  My eldest abruptly woke me up after being asleep for only over an hour. Doubt I would have remember had I not typed an email out while dealing with Lils concurrently.

it’s copy/paste from my incoherent state. Half a sleep, I felt it urgent regards to MM directly but now that I think about how I was thrown out of the dream…. Makes me think that this wasn’t a random meeting.

“ You sent a post or did a video…
(Adding on because I remembered a bit more: teaching a class or doing a morning debriefing with MMers)
(Weirdly shifted to 👇🏻, and now I believe it was because of talking in the hall at home disrupted my REM cycle)
….we (MMers) were all standing around it(the post?) and poking it, scratching our heads wondering “how odd!? What is he possibly trying to say?!”
Your voice came into my head and exclaimed… “ FOR THOSE OF YOU THAT ARE A BIG DING (my word but directed at me, dolt?) AND DON’T UNDERSTAND… THOSE THAT ARE STUCK IN THE STATES, I’M LITERALLY POINTING ARROWS AND DRAWING A MAP FOR YOUR ESCAPE ROUTE AND TELLING YOU TO GET THE DUCK DOWN AND DO IT HERE…” (essentially) it was some sort of lab or university on a “back alley/the hood” idk but you were in my head, yelling and shaking me like you do through my emails when I’m in the “gear grinding rampage”. I guess you sent some cryptic message that drew a map to safety?! Maybe it was for everyone, maybe it was just for me. I don’t know but it was very forceful, and it seemed urgent I was aware of its intent.
****please comment if anyone experienced something similar. I FEEL this wasn’t just a dream.

PS- have I been under a rock, or has PL vanished?




Goldleaf has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.


Forgot to comment about your dream. Odd that you were moving the cars higher when the water was receding, no?… Wasting energy don’t you think?

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@alice, since you asked about weird dreams. I had one a few days back and thought, nah that's no good. I dreamt that I could read a limited form of this site in my dreams. (see I told you is wasn't any good. It's not a luccid dream of anything) . But only posts by some people would appear.  And it would be an alternate version of MM, with posts that were different from the actual MM. (don't ask me how I know that. It was odd.)

My takeaway was that we could read or post to each other in our dream state. I dismissed it as too bizarre until I saw your text above.

Goldleaf and Alice have reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

I woke up a few hours ago from a vivid dream (not a Lucid dream). I was in a huge warehouse with one other person, we were both armed, and someone outside of the warehouse was hunting us. We were both carrying some very strange weapons - and for some reason, I do not think they were lethal weapons that caused injury or death (paintball guns???).


Anyways, the person that was hunting us was in heavy armor, which included what looked like a large astronaut helmet, with heavy shielding. That person was also heavily armed. I remember seeing him walking around, outside of, the warehouse, and every once in a while he would just bang very loudly against the warehouse. I could feel the banging and reverberations in my sleep, which is what woke me up.

I had some kind of x-ray vision and could see him through the walls, although not very clearly. I also remember talking to another person in my dream (there may have been 3 of us in the warehouse, maybe more, we were all trying to stay away from this "guard" walking around the warehouse that was looking for us), and I was being very careful to give him some accurate information (and it was correct information) about someone who lived in my area. I haven't even thought of that person in many years. When I woke up, I looked him up online, and he is still doing the same thing he has done since I knew him (operates a local business).


Anyways .. that is about the best description I can give. It was vivid, not lucid.

Goldleaf has reacted to this post.


Forgot to comment about your dream. Odd that you were moving the cars higher when the water was receding, no?… Wasting energy don’t you think?

Not necessarily. Would depend on how long it takes the water to drain. Could have been days more. Getting the cars clear would let them start airing out faster and see which will still run.

I had a dream, of sorts, and the first one I’ve had concerning this group and Uriah directly.

If you feel that it wasn't just a dream, then it wasn't just a dream. Listen to your instincts. I know it's hard. They are subtle and we've been trained out of trusting ourselves by society. MM made a post in another thread basically stating the same thing though, that this site is a guide. I've had the thought for a while now that the MM Blog serves as a beacon for some very specific people. While it may seem random, it's no accident that those of us who were meant to find this site do. I'm still struggling to understand how/where I fit in and trust that I'll work it out eventually.

You aren't the only one noticing Pissed Lizzard's absence. I'm worried about him too.

Last night's dream. I had gone to see a movie. The theater was ultra modern and plush. When walking out a random coworker told me how great this theater is and how he plans to keep coming back. I don't remember the movie at all, just arriving at the theater and then leaving. After the movie I went to a store that was a combination of antiques and curiosities. A very eclectic mix of stuff for sale. In the back there was a cage with 5 kittens playing. The cage was not meant to hold the kittens - the bars were wide enough they could fit through. More the cage was set up as a kitten play area with ramps, platforms and dangling toys for the kittens to play with and on. I watched them play for a long while. A couple of them let me sneak in pets! The little black one got bitey lol I know I had a companion with me during the movie and window shopping. No idea who they were, they are like a shadow in my memory.


I didn’t want to share this because… well, it makes me question my sanity. 😂 Well, more than everything else. Ugh 😑 On with it then…. My email background changes from black to white, depending on the time of day.

2 emails 😩 I’ve sent  MM, have certain words and phrases that are noticeably brighter that the rest of the email. 🤢 I was convinced I lost all my marbles upon discovery. I scrolled the words  out of view, up and down, still highlighted. I backed out of the email and app, got up for tea, sat down looked again…. Same exact words highlighted. I restarted my phone, did a soft reset, uninstalled and reinstalled app, cleared app data…. Same Dang words, same intense brightness. I don’t drink, smoke, do drugs, no head injury, no family history of mental disorders…. Obviously, I wrote them down and  out of memory, unless it should happen again. It doesn’t make sense, and don’t see it’s usefulness in anything we are doing… seemed like a distraction more than anything else. Is that similar to what you are referring to?


@geisterfahrer hmmm Where are you located?


The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
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