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Ok! I did it with a 12V battery because that’s all we have. Merlynn  was right about “irrational fears”.

You’ll never believe what happened…. The last 45 seconds of my 5 minutes a yellow jacket would not leave me alone! I was attacked by a bee! LMAO Luckily, I didn’t get stung but told myself “to fear is to control and I am the one in control “ and it hung out on my boot till I was done. CRaZy.

Memory Loss and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
Memory LossGoldleaf
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Ive been having disrupted sleep lately so my dreams are all fragmented and I don't remember much. One I remember from two nights ago... I was with actor Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) and we were... I'm not sure if it was running from something or it was a mission. Anyway, he had hidden super powers. I remember distinctly at one point he offered to "dwarf toss" me over a building that was in our path lol Then smiled and said he was joking, picked me up and he jumped us together super hero style. I wish I could remember more of this one, seems like it was a fun and funny dream.

@alice Are you charging up daily? I really need to try this.

Alice has reacted to this post.

@goldleaf, you can't beat mine. I was a scruffy little doggie who bite the toes of people who wore sandals. They might have been immortal gods (because of the sandals, probably Roman or Greek gods). At least I think they were immortal because they weren't supposed to die. Only thing was they had health points and I had hit POINTS. So when your health points drop to zero because aof said dog bites, BOOM!

I'm expecting @alice to pop up with with a picture of her scruffy dog any moment now. 👀

Alice has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@memory-loss You definitely win in the utterly bizarre department!

Last night's dream. I was on a bus tour and the bus had pulled up to some place for us to shop for souvenirs. I wandered the store and picked out a couple things, then made my way to the cash register to pay. The cashier started giving me a hard time, almost like a strange version of haggling. It wasn't over the cost but over the items I'd chosen. And somehow items that were on display by the cash register were influencing my choices? It was confusing. I remember taking some of those items and removing them from the field of view in hopes they would stop influencing the cashier but the cashier would then just go down a different angle. I think I ended up not buying anything but I'm not sure now.

Alice has reacted to this post.

I once had a dream that I drove my office chair home from work. It even had turn signals. I remember politely waving at another driver at a 4 way stop that they could go first.

Alice has reacted to this post.

My dreams changed a lot since doing affirmations. I often had dreams about a lot water coming either in a Tsunami or a huge storm in the past. I would see it coming and struggle to get my kids to safety. Normally I woke up before the water hit, with me failing the job. But a few nights ago I could stop the Tsunami in kind of waterbender-style (like in Avatar- the last airbender). I even tried to freeze it but instead the standing wave deflated like a balloon...pffffffffff into some little cloth like thing. Then I woke up.

Goldleaf, Alice and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.

Controlling your dreams is a huge step in the right direction.

Alice has reacted to this post.
Quote from Geisterfahrer on October 29, 2021, 2:25 am

Controlling your dreams is a huge step in the right direction.

Haha, right. You guys got superheroes. I got... Sailormoon. First the scruffy dog, now this lol. Am I in a mass psychosis?

Alice has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas


Ha! No scruffy dog. One thing I don’t do is ankle biter’s. My dogs are working dogs. Ones a hunting dog and the other a herding dog. Well trained and can be vicious when provoked  or unexpected guests show up unannounced… yes people have gotten bit, so they are good dogs.

Just found out today that my neighbors dog is in grave condition, just recently too. She’sa scruffy white dog named Lily. 13 yo. Talley said 3 days ok she was fine, and a snap of a finger she has turned into death with fur. She’s about the only ankle biter I like. There isn’t one Mail man that stands a chance.

Edited: Sailor-moon is making a come back and we have those stickers every where. Actually, that’s the “cat-tat in the moon” I uploaded Friday.

Pictured is my 2. Stella aka “Cerberus” is the lab. Dixie aka “space invader” is my Catahoula mix.

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perolator, Ultan McG and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
perolatorUltan McGMemory LossGoldleaf
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.


Funny you mentioned LOTR. I was just telling Ole MM about watching the movie and how I used to dream (day dream) of being Gandalf.

My favorite parts are Gimli and all good Funny one liners…    “Toss Me, But don’t tell the elf.” is in my top 5. My 8 yo couldn’t make it all the movies so she made me Youtube it because I won’t shut up about it. Fancy that.

Goldleaf…. Random question: what’s your zodiac sign? Or if you are feeling generous what is the day of your birth? The second question is about exposing so I understand if you limited your info. [~~Deductive reasoning for a dream theory I’m entertaining.~~]

No dreams for me, but I’m also back at my house next to the power lines. I’m telling you, something throws me off living next to them…. Couldn’t tell you why.

I have not done the battery everyday but I want to. BUT it did something. I could feel it in my spinal fluid. Idk if that’s normal @merlynn Is that a normal sensation after a battery cleanse?

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
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