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Not the HIPPO! Ahaha I love those ladies. I could imagine in safari world, hippos would be so high maintenance. What in the world could that be?

Ok, Ive got the pictures. I have a feeling I am going to miss but it is a thing now, so I must post a pic.

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The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Im struggling today

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The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

This one is the view from the backside. I dont really have a good picture on top of it. You can see the grassy field and it’s surrounded by trees

Goldleaf and Chromacat have reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@alice The type of rock and slope in your first photo is close. Move the trees back, space out the rocks more, fill in it all with grass and a few more rolling hills.

That place looks nice and peaceful.

Years ago, I had a recurring dream, and I was reminded of it over the weekend. I have had several incidences where I have had a recurring dream over the course of my life .. and each time it happens, it is like a message is being sent to me. In this particular dream, I was a very old man, and I was lying next to a grave. I was resting under an enormous Oak tree. Somehow, in this dream, I knew that the person buried at that grave, was someone I held in deepest regard, someone I had loved immensely, and was inconsolably grief stricken at the loss of such a great friend. I also knew, in this dream, that it wasn't a person I had yet met.

The cemetery I was at, was located in the most visually beautiful mountain range I had ever seen (in my dream). It was high up on top of a mountain. I could see a Mountain range from under the shade of that large Oak Tree. I could feel such sorrow is hard to describe, yet I was filled with awe at such a beautiful view.


In each occurrence of that dream, and in the sequences I had them ... I was at a different location within that mountain top cemetery. In addition to having this recurring dream, in each one, I felt that horrible endless sadness at losing such a dear friend (that I have not yet met).


So, how was I reminded of it over the weekend? I decided to pay a visit to a friend who lives in a very isolated area, in a beautiful and rugged Mountain range in Tennessee. I took my motorcycle for the trip, and the purpose of the visit, was to of course chat away with him and his children, whom I had not seen since they were toddlers (one is now going to be going to a very good University up North), and to take some peak Autumn color photos and videos.


But .... I passed a Cemetery on my way to his home. It looked "similar" to the cemetery I had dreamt about, and my recollection of the recurring dream came full force, total and instant recall.


I know that recurring dream was a message. I just wish I knew what it was.

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@geisterfahrer Did you stop at the cemetery and check it out?

Last nights dream was rather funny. My husband and I with two of our friends and their son along with one of our cats was cleaning up a wide path someplace. It had a wooden fence on one side and a field of grass on the other. It obviously went somewhere or was part of a larger property that my dream did not reveal. We were raking up leaves and what not. At one point the path had a branch and I noticed no one had gone down it in a while as there were spiderwebs everywhere. So I got a broom and started knocking them down. My cat was with me and she was playing with leaves. At one point a sheet of cloth blew into my area and knocked the broom from my hand. My cat thought this was the best game ever and started playing with the sheet. I had reached down to move the sheet and retrieve my broom and there was a large spider and it jumped onto my hand. I started shaking my hand like crazy in a GETITOFF GETITOFF kind of panic lol When I woke up I was still shaking my hand, which earned a look from the cat that was snuggling me LOL

Told my husband about the dream and he got a good laugh.

@goldleaf You know what happened to me yesterday? My wife was driving us home from grocery shopping and suddenly I saw movement in the periphery of my field of vision. Realizing that there was a physical spider crawling on my hand I instinctively shook my hand. We stopped and helped the spider out of our car. So was that you sending me a greeting? 😉


I am beginning to think @goldleaf is our dream Linker.

Did you have any metaphysical abilities before the Domain intervention?


The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.


We are planning to visit 2 cemeteries on my next visit.


Here is where things get kind of "funky".  My friend had caught Covid-19 several weeks ago. During our recent visit, he described to me what he experienced while running a very high fever and becoming delirious. During his delirium, a deceased neighbor "visited" him in a vision. She had died of cancer at the age of 47. She was very friendly to him in the vision, then took him by his hand (I think he described astral projection) and they both went to her grave site. She pointed to it and said "This is where they buried me".


I told him about my recurring dream after I returned home and mentioned that the cemetery looked very similar to one I had passed on the way to his property. It was such an intriguing similarity, that we both decided to see if the cemetery I passed was the same one in my dream. I also pointed out that I had written about this recurring dream several years ago, which can be verified. At this time, I don't know if I "just had a dream" or if it was a message. However, the most pronounced part of my recurring dream were the emotions I was feeling and the absolute stunning beauty of the landscape. I felt a terrible loss and inconsolable grief.

@vainamoinen That's an interesting thought, though I dearly hope I'm not sending spiders! Talk about creepy lol The timing would be something to work out. Is it possible I picked up on your experience somehow and dreamed about it a few hours later? Given that we live in a quantum universe both options are possible.

@geisterfahrer I wonder if you'll be drawn to any of the graves through your intuition. You'll have to try to pay attention. Based on your description I believe it was more than "just a dream" though the only one who can answer that definitively is you.

@alice I'm not sure if that question was aimed at me. I'm going to answer it anyway. I've always been a strong dreamer, could remember my dreams, and have had "special" dreams before. Just not (or very few) lucid dreams. I've never had people I could really share with so this is an amazing opportunity for me to learn more about my skill (assuming that's what it is) with you all providing input when I hit on something I don't know is significant. Reading MM's blog, even pre-Domain, was doing something to help... unlock? skills...

So... has anyone's cat recently had kittens?? That's all I remember about last night's dream. I was with a momma cat giving birth. She was such a tiny little thing, it had me worried. She only had one kitten. It came out healthy and already 3 or 4 weeks old. Dreams can be weird!

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