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@goldleaf, my feral cat gave birth just 5 or so days ago. She's not the biggest momma around but first time mother I believe. 5 kittens tho. She was a balloon at the end, I got pretty worried.

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Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@goldleaf If you want to work out the timing of my spider incident and your dream, compare it to Friday, 12th Nov, 10:00 - 10:30 UTC+2
It was a green spider by the way, quite unusual.

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@vainamoinen Ahh, yours was first since mine was right before I woke up Saturday morning. The dream spider was black and green. That's pretty close. Sizing was 2ish inches. An internet inch to cm converter says that's around 5cm.

@memory-loss Awww kittens 🙂 Glad she made it through safely.

I had one weird one. Can't remember the beginning but it may have been a bit of "how the hell do the media or soldiers(?) pop out of nowhere in war zones?"

I was in a newspaper or media office and went down to the basement where the printing press where. Only thing was the machine spewed out A4 sized pamphlets. Then we went to the corner of the basement to look for the exit. No exit found so we went to the broom or utility closet and opened it. Viola! The outside of another world, we stepped into an alley in a different place. Possibly a war zone? There was quite a contrast between the media building and the alley. They wouldn't have belong together in real life. Didn't step out beyond the alley.

And then I woke up. Thus endeth the dream.

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Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Last nights was interesting. I was part of a team on a job or mission. Not millitary that I could tell. I was the main aide to whoever ordered the job. The first part was in a casino. As I was only an aide and not active in the job, just monitoring progress, I decided to play a few games to pass time. Each game I sat down at changed into something I wasn't interested in. This happened several times until I gave up and just waited. Eventually we all exited and got on a train for the next location. It was on an elevated track almost like a monorail. We were traveling in the mountains, lots of pine trees and some snow. I think I sat in on a couple people reporting status but don't remember the conversations. The team had its own doctor who started handing out pills to everyone in little paper cups used in hospitals. At first I pushed mine away like I wasn't going to take it. Then I asked the doc what the pills were for. He replied one was a pain killer and the other was to protect against some disease. I took the little cup back and debated. Woke up before making the choice.

I had two dreams linked by one common factor.

In dream 1, I was with my old boss and his son. I told him his best trait was being brutally efficient. He seemed pleased. His son remarked I had something tattooed or written on my forehead. Looking carefully I saw an acronym on it (in the mirror) DRA or DAR.

Next I was watching a military parade of soldiers with DAR on their foreheads matching past. So apparently it was some autonomous region I was embedded in or worked with.

Thus endeth the dream.

I recall there was some micro detail because both dreams were pretty vivid. I held back from jotting down and still remember some parts although much has faded. Previously almost all would have faded tho.


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Ciao! Gip me your ideas
Quote from Memory Loss on November 16, 2021, 9:16 am

I had two dreams linked by one common factor.

In dream 1, I was with my old boss and his son. I told him his best trait was being brutally efficient. He seemed pleased. His son remarked I had something tattooed or written on my forehead. Looking carefully I saw an acronym on it (in the mirror) DRA or DAR.

Next I was watching a military parade of soldiers with DAR on their foreheads matching past. So apparently it was some autonomous region I was embedded in or worked with.

Thus endeth the dream.

I recall there was some micro detail because both dreams were pretty vivid. I held back from jotting down and still remember some parts although much has faded. Previously almost all would have faded tho.

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Well guess who had another dream finally? I meant to reply yesterday, but one of  my reply’s got deleted and the other, my phone weirdly froze up and was deleted... I ended up being so busy and never got the chance.

I had what I thought was a paralysis. I was riding in my dad’s truck through the woods. Guess what our woods are full of? Pine trees (although no snow). All I remember was seeing trees flying past me and feeling immense fear. I told myself that it was only a dream, and I could wake myself up. And so I did.
I feel that is why I haven’t been having any dreams. Things have been so invasive to my reality, as memory-Loss has stated. I didn’t realize I was the only one. It got so bad one night that I ended up having a bit of a break down. I was seeing shadows of things that were there, things were turning into figures that I know weren’t real. I even woke up one morning, much earlier than I normally do to hearing a boiping noise outside of my window, that travelled to the other window and back again. It almost sounded like a patrolling robot off a sci-fi movie that was checking alleys for people out past curfew, if that makes sense. I KNOW I heard it, and I know that I have seen these things. During my break down, I ended up telling whatever it was that was causing me to feel like I was losing my mind this- They can TRY and break me, and it might very well in this lifetime... but eventually I wont be in this physical form. If I am part of something that I didn’t stand for to the core of who I was, then hell hath no fury. I will seek my justice, and I know without knowing why, they will pay. I havent had a a dream since.
IF It doesnt feel right, you dont have to participate. Thank you goldleaf for reiterating that. I am helping, but on my terms. I pray that everyone of yall that I have grown to love, does the same. Your terms, your reality.
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Memory LossGoldleaf
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Yup @alice. You are shown what you can handle (mostly). I think the strange blurring of reality for you suggests two possibilities. Either you are super sensitive and therefore picking up the weirdness of your surroundings, or your mantid believes this exposure is for your benefit.

The second possibility for me is intriguing because you might have had a change in mantids for you. Your new Mantid believes you should be exposed to a tiny portion of reality. If he or she has caused you undue alarm, then things will be dialed back accordingly.  Just remember, you have a (new?) handler of sorts now.

MM's little paragraph on Mantids and Mantid Primes kinda blew my mind. The Mantid train, I am not getting on that one yet because the questions it raises are quite really mind-boggling. I tried talking to the Mantid assigned to me but no feedback.

Alice, sorry about your breakdown. I had a weird encounter also but it was much gentler. About the time my old cat disappeared and there wasn't a feline around, I woke up to the sound of a feline meowing. One of those kitten sounds. It was pretty loud and sounded like it was outside my bedroom window. Which was dam unlikely. So I tried to sleep. No joy, it was LOUD, meowing for an hour or two. In the end I looked around the cabinet at the foot of my bed and the wall beside me. Because it was so loud it had to be in the room with me.

Too much weirdness so I just went back to sleep. Your interactions are probably very much limited by those that guard us. We have babysitters lol. Try communicating with your assigned babysitter. YMMV.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@alice Well done! I'm proud of you 🙂 I don't put up with any of that crap lol I've had "training" from family that doesn't understand boundaries. You set them and enforce them.

And well stated. Your terms, your reality. If the extra activity gets too intense, you may need to put up your shields. Munroe Institute has a great free hemisync meditation on how to put an energy bubble up for protection:

Or an well worded affirmation would also protect you. Then you could progressively updated it to let in what you're ready for and block the rest. Something like "I am surrounded by a sphere of pure energy that blocks anything harmful from entering and affecting my reality" should get you started.

I did have a dream yesterday. It was influenced by a conversation the previous day with an associate about Facebook. There is something wrong with that organization. It reminded me a bit of what DM reported experiencing.

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