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Guys, there are some updates (software if you all want to call it that) that those who volunteered to help the domain has been subjected to. Do not worry about it. Things will stabilize relatively soon. Sorry I did not mention this earlier.

Goldleaf has reacted to this post.

@memory-loss I have felt a disconnect and was wondering the same thing....accept I am not a dreamer, but I feel it.

@goldleaf Battery hook up girl. It does wonders.


NOT WORRY?? Easy for the person who knows what these upgrades are... that we are subjected too. 😆  Some times I wonder... 🤔

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Look guys, I am a busy fella. I can't do everything.

I just thought that no one would really notice these things and not get freaked out by them. So I just let them run their course.  You all know Christmas is coming. I have to make it extra special for my little MM, and that takes time. You all have had software updates on your computer before. Sometimes things don't work like they used to, and things would stick. But after a while everything settles out. It's like that.

I will say that the "software update" is a good thing and in the long run you will appreciate the difference.

Memory Loss, Goldleaf and Alice have reacted to this post.
Memory LossGoldleafAlice

@laoban4site Not worried here. Even without the Domain sometimes this happens. It's life 🙂

An extra special Christmas for little MM sounds fantastic! In fact, those of us that celebrate the holiday should also do similar for our loved ones. I bought my tree this weekend which is really for my cats at this point lol They will also help me decorate it once I'm feeling up to it 😀 Several years back I put away all my glass ornaments and bought all plastic ornaments and replaced the metal hooks with pipe-cleaners (the crafting kind) that I turned into loops. They have so much fun with the tree and retrieving their toys/ornaments. I think it's their favorite time of year 🙂

Alice has reacted to this post.


That made me feel 100000xs better. FR. Only for the mental picture of lil MM in reindeer ears ripping into all the presents. Could you do me a favor? I know she’s got the cutest cheeks.... would you pinch both of em for me? Not hard, just a light pinch and shake her face a little bit too. Pinching cheeks is like my top 5 favourite things to do. I think you would get as much happiness out of it as I do.

Have the best day tomorrow, and may you find yourself with an unexpected free hour to nap.



My parents and youngest just got over the worst head cold. While at her daddy’s for the weekend, Rosy even woke up in the middle of the night cause she couldn’t get a breathe from all the sinus build up. Her daddy thought he was going to take her to the ER. I got that scratch and stopped up in one nostril..... I did the battery 3x for 15 minutes and it was gone. I feel for you cause she had a go. My parents are really what worried me, a cold shouldn't have railroaded them as hard as it did. Wonder if their injection had to do with their prolonged sickness. They were sick over a week.


The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
Quote from Goldleaf on November 29, 2021, 9:34 pm


Two nights ago. I was with a team of 20-30. We'd finished a job or something and went to a diner to eat. There was only one waitress and one cook so we all helped out, setting tables and passing out food as it was ready. Everyone was in a good mood. There was also a playground outside. I remember taking a turn on the swings.

Last night I was at some sort of massive work event. Several hundred people in attendance. I remember my boss giving me instructions to look out for certain team members and make sure they knew where to go. I also remember listening to at least one of the keynote speakers.

@goldleaf, a couple of nights ago before I had dream block, I had a dream. My dead dad (I think) drove me to a semi posh neighborhood where the houses are separated by lots of empty spaces, grass on the road side. I stopped and walked out. Someone had setup tables for a function or roadside cafe more like, in this suburban area. I thought that was unusual for that neighborhood.

After that, I know I had dreams but never bothered to wake up to jot down. Thought I could rely on my memory lol. So nada.

@laoban4site, I hope its not like those update 1 of 590 sort of thing haha. Now you got me curious 😁.


Edit: I did experience IRL one weird muscle tic but it was like a handphone on vibration mode. Bzz Bzz Bzz. That wouldn't be my imagination would it?

Goldleaf has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@memoryloss  your question “Guys I have a question. Have your dreams stopped the last few days? Or are you unable to recall them? Cuz that happened to me”

What do YOU think it is? Do you think it’s your brain being malicious or beneficial? Your story about your seizure affecting your memory - do you think this is that or does it “feel” like a different memory blank? Any time loss since not remembering your dreams?

Most importantly - when you wake up - you may not know now - but try to remember this question - when you wake up is there any anxiety?

I can’t say what this is - at all - it’s just a strange curiosity.

@goldleaf - guess who it was introducing you to nature spirits? Say hello to your Mantid. Next visit - get down on the ground literally head on ground - looking up - and inhale.

THAT smell is what you are going to be looking for. It’s citrusy but not really. Sort of like a tangerine smell. Not piney or grassy - citrusy.

All of this I know to be 100% true!


Goldleaf has reacted to this post.

@pissedlizard, nope no anxiety, very contented actually. It's like "I'll remember it, so so worries, sleep on!" kinda thing. No time loss. I have had memory issues but my stroke was 5 years ago. So it has kinda healed. I think it may have changed my thinking on stuff tho.

And it gave me a different perspective on how human memories might actually work. For some strange reason I believe human memory actually is stored outside the body. When I couldn't think to save my life, I was convinced that my memory was actually somewhere else. Just an instinctive thing when the thoughts were slow and blurry. That concept has stayed with me.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@pissedlizard I hope I have a similar dream to that one again. It was so lovely! Wish that first one had lasted longer. It felt like it was over in a blink, though I suspect it was longer than I remember.

@memory-loss Pretty sure MM has a blog post about the same thing, that memory is stored outside our bodies.

Edit: Found it:

And now I need to figure out how to get over my hesitancy to learn my past lives. Sigh.

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