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Dream share

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Quote from congjing yu on November 29, 2021, 9:49 pm

Guys, there are some updates (software if you all want to call it that) that those who volunteered to help the domain has been subjected to. Do not worry about it. Things will stabilize relatively soon. Sorry I did not mention this earlier.

I wish I could donate more this week money was tight as it's the holidays


Ps if each member could donate $10 you would be in the clear. I wish we had the technology then I could just faxed you a turkey for Thanksgiving I read your story about that awful chicken place

Thanks for that. I know that everyone is tight. That's why I never ask for donations. But things kind of ratcheted up a bit lately.

perolator, Alice and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.

@laoban4site, could you set the site up for auto contributions as a brave verified account? I use brave browser a lot. And it has auto contribution without any effort from the user. You get the tokens which are auto generated.

So the guy browsing pays you out of thin air lol. I don't know what the penetration rate is for the browser but even a 5-10% usage rate is something. Low hanging fruit.. 😏

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Just saw this, happy to help. and happy I can help.

Alice has reacted to this post.

Finally woke up without a headache this morning. It's much easier to remember dreams again 🙂 Hopefully that means it will be similar for everyone. Two dreams last night.

First up. It was raining. I was heading out on patrol. I had changed shape so I could fly over my route. Pretty sure I turned into a dragon as I grew huge, my skin hardened like armor and had wings. My patrol was all clear so I headed back to the fortress (?) to get inside, turning back into a human. I know there was more to this dream that I can't remember now. I definitely did something as a human once I got inside.

Second dream was inspired by a heist movie. Probably Oceans 8 as the team mastermind was Sandra Bullock. So many beautiful people, clothes and places! I don't remember who or what the mark was. The first event was in an expensive hotel, spread out across several ballrooms and verandas. My job was to mingle and make sure everyone was having a good time, going from group to group and lightening up conversations if they got too serious and making sure people had drinks. Eventually that wrapped up and my team switched to a new location. It was on a tropical beach area, blue skys and ocean, to start up a new job/mission. We were getting prepared to go on an outing on a yacht when I woke up.

Alice and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.

I have had a spout of depression. This depression has caused me to sleep A LOT. This sleep has induced a lot of dreams. Yall know I am not a dreamer so remembering them isn't second hand. Although one dream in particular stuck out because it was about someone breaking into my house. I heard the dogs barking-in my dream and could see a car then heard the door open and there waa a lady that looked like a probation officer in my house. A fee things happened that I dont rememvet but when I woke up my front door was wide oppen. This door has a bolt lock and the only way to lock the door. Ghouht that was weird.

Memory Loss and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
Memory LossGoldleaf
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Sorry to hear that @alice. Depression isn't a nice thing to have and I hope it is lifted and gone from your life. I had one dream remaining since the drought® that I did not share since it felt a tad personal. In that dream, my car was broken into, driver's window smashed. So I was looking and peering inside loo ING at the damage. This old couple came up. We greeted and they proceed to inspect the wild daffodil (one) outside my house and generally look around.

I think you had an inspection from your (new?) mantid.


Take care.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@alice I hope it passes quickly. Depression sucks. We're here if you need to talk.

No dreams last night. It's unusual that I don't remember at dreaming but no details. I tried something different while falling asleep so not sure if I derailed myself or I was just that tired or a combo.

Thanks yall! I had a wonderfully wonderfully boring but great day. My giggle box was all the way on today. Yall are so-very much appreciated. Virtual XoXoX

Edited- something fells amok this evening though. A calm Before the storm

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

OK my dream stream came back up. Sorry only point impressions because it was too detailed and mundo weird.

My house which currently has one feral queen with her kittens became a cat maternity ward in my dream. Cat moms and kittens everywhere on the house porch. And more were popping up. It was raining. Two or four batches of kittens with their moms (can't remember but this is my fault, the reception was fine) .

The moms allowed touching of the kittens surprisingly, and weren't one bit defensive. Even one batch of puppies (don't ask me how.) Quite vivid dream. The warmth and softness of fur and sheer detail were surprising. One pair of cats copulating. Threw the Tom cat out in the rain. Might have squeezed the leg broken or sprained. My mom who died of dementia could move and handled one pair of kittens. But she was still confused.

This was a wild dream and pretty realistic, albeit illogical. The amount of detail was crazy, like 4K TV with warmorama. Tactilerama I'm guessing and slightly relieved Odorama wasn't switched on. Couldn't get back into the house because the car had somehow moved and up to the door so had to push it a bit to get back in.


MM, this isn't an update, it's a  freekeng upgrade! I'm waiting for the Zoom option where we can interact lol.

Goldleaf and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas
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