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Quote from Memory Loss on December 5, 2021, 11:06 pm

@geisterfahrer, you are actually beginning to worry me lol! On a hunch, I keyword RNA and vodka.


I see a diving spot haha. From now, the temptation to Google keyword your posts is going to be hard to resist. 😁

I just did a google search after reading your post ...apparently, what I dreamed about was picking up a Vodka Jello Shot.


I've never even heard of Jello shots ...I know ...they are probably very common and have been around for a while, but I have never heard of them. Lol at my original description though ha ha.


It was not colored Jello though, they were not green, red, blue or anything ...they were clear and transparent.

What I think is happening is that we are learning how to turn that dial on a wide band transceiver. MM had a post on this, I remember different people can attune to different stuff. But what if we attune to random stuff because we don't know what the dial actually does lol.

I have two thoughts about this. #1 we need to learn how to work that dial. Maybe a visualization, channel Ghislaine, or food channel will take you to your previous dreams.

#2. Some people can transmit, there's a TX toggle. @alice has one.

Weird idea. Maybe we can use a template jpg of a transceiver to get us up on dream sharing.


Ham radio for dreamers.

Or maybe a portable unit.


azark has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas


I am down for anything. I think this idea has the potential to be brilliant.

idk what that is.... TX Toggle. You are going to have to tell me what I need to do or what you think I need to do. You are the thought man.

Idk if this important and I have been hesitant on saying it because well... if I am unsure about something then I will walk away from it.   I am still unsure but IDK if this is an important factor in your hypothesis. It might have something to do with the directed dreams it might not..... I can AP. I have only tried it 3 well maybe 4 but I cannot remember on of the 4 times and my journaling is spread out over about 15 journals. 😬 The hesitation has been because I was sucessful the first time I did it. Everything I have read is it’s something you work at. Anyhoo, Tonight Was my set night to try again.... My kids wear me out so I usually fall asleep before I get anywhere. I took a BIG nap today because it was their daddy’s weekend so I should be good.


The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@memory-loss you keep hitting some spot on targets. The whole tuning thing will be in the next article on LD. The basic process is that when you are in Sleep Paralysis, right on the verge of transitioning into the void space, if you poll for chatter you can sometimes pick stronger signals out of the M Band noise. You can lock onto these signals and tune into them so they become more prominent to the point that it is like having a very loud voice in your head. In the case with the clickity clackers - i literally thought up a radio dial when I realised this chatter was from a nearby non physical entity. It was sort of like by thinking up the radio I became it and then after I tuned into the clickity clackers i just randomly found myself on a "quarantine" ship that was filled with a wierd liquid. After some adjustments I was directed to a cylinddrical cubicle by them projecting thought imagery to me; this cylindrical cubicle then allowed automatic translation between their language and mine, similar to the Tardis on Doctor Who. This was one of the cooler LD experiences I had

Memory Loss and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.
Memory LossGeisterfahrer
Daegon Magus

@memory loss that second radio is also the very model i own. great SHTF radio if you know how to use it and can still find one.

@alice TX is standard electronic nerd speak for "Transmitter". As opposed to Rx for "Reciever" and TRx for "Transciever"

Daegon Magus

Thank you.


Weird side note but a VERY SERIOUS question..... Did some say that they were or actually had cotton candy for breakfast?  This morning right before I woke up I swore someone said they were going to have cotton candy for breakfast. That was floating around my head while meditating and just needed to get that out. Thanks 🤗

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
Quote from Alice on December 6, 2021, 11:04 am

Thank you.


Weird side note but a VERY SERIOUS question..... Did some say that they were or actually had cotton candy for breakfast?  This morning right before I woke up I swore someone said they were going to have cotton candy for breakfast. That was floating around my head while meditating and just needed to get that out. Thanks 🤗

My kids say that my vape smells like cotton candy.

Vaping got me to quit smoking. I am trying to quit vaping too. There were a lot of kids over at my place this morning and my wife made them waffles.

Im doing a terrible job meditating haha

@geisterfahrer I literally was just thinking a guy said it. It was a male voice.... Did you want cotton candy for breakfast?

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
Quote from Alice on December 6, 2021, 11:26 am

Im doing a terrible job meditating haha

@geisterfahrer I literally was just thinking a guy said it. It was a male voice.... Did you want cotton candy for breakfast?

No, I didn't want cotton candy for breakfast lol.


Breakfast this morning was kind of a big deal though. Both of my boys play basketball and a team mate and his siblings had a sleepover. So ...I work overnight and when I arrived home I decided the best thing to feed them would be waffles I headed to the store and got supplies and my wife was awake when I returned.


I had 2 breakfast burritos from Quiktrip

@alice, because of what you experienced, my hunch is that reality does distort around you. I was banging around Alice radio and AliceTV as an analogy because your setup is probably like a two way transceiver, except that you might actually modify reality. I dunno, it's just a thought.

@daegonmagus, your idea of a void space for consciousness is growing on me. I'm thinking a low grade version is already on MM. I'm going to try dwelling on it. Something like repeater or relay stations comes to mind if you catch my drift.

For all you lurkers, come and get into the water! We need more participants because in joining, we will increase the strength of our broadcasts and coverage. You guys get to experience first hand what the MM channel does. Come dip your toes in! 📡

Ciao! Gip me your ideas
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