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Please.. like @old-wine she went through training and havent seen her.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

I think I can do more than distort or change but I haven’t gotten that far in my discovery path.....

I am exhausted after my #5 Good night.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@memory-loss. I have heard the name but not really delved into it. There was this one guy I was reading some of stuff awhile back, Gnostic Warrior. He mentioned something similar but (and here is where we link up with PLs info) suggested method created a type of fungus network in the lungs that was really was responsible for the "demonic" possession thing. He had some rather interesting shit to ponder on, but in the end I gave up on him because his writings started to appear more like non sensical rambles on issues he was apparently expert in

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Daegon Magus

@alice Hi, I have not disappeared (at least that's what I think you meant), but I have been a little overwhelmed with managing my time correctly. I have been keeping track of my dreams in a dream journal, as recommended by the Domain commander. Because I made some requests to my Mantid about my past lives and the people in my biological family and my past (I wanted to know if these were "prison guard" type entities who were installed to herd my naive consciousness or something), my dreams would go back and forth between jumble about these shadow conciousnesses,  and me being in school (training, it seems). I did not want to muck up the dream board with dreams about my personal stuff. I have added dates to everything, so I have kept track when these dreams occurred. In the next posts, I will describe some "school" dreams I had, along with the dates. I am in my current meat suit in these dreams, as a fully grown adult (Han Chinese appearance). This is important to note, because it's not a "flashback" to my experiences in the past, and all the faces I see are new. Like I wouldn't know them or recognise them as people in my current waking reality. My take is that these are most likely Domain related.


Dream technically occurred on Sunday morning, November 28, 2021

I am with a large group of people, it felt like I was in some kind of conference or gathering. I see a fellow who looks like Jeff Brown, the journalist who writes frequently about China and introduced me to Robert of Metallicman (I saw the video interview on Greanville Post--I don't mean that he was personally introduced to me as I have not met either of them), then referred to as Uriah Heep. He looks like Jeff Brown, but it’s probably not him. I see a young woman with auburn dyed hair (with a purple tint) nearby and I get the feeling that is his daughter (late teens or early 20’s). There is a lot of us and we get sent to this room with some picnic tables. I say, “Is this going to be enough for 45 people?” 

He responds, “I don’t think so.” WE all shrug and sit down. Lots of things happen, but I forget. I hear his daughter say “This is Northern Yogurt Beef.” I thought, wow, sounds kind of gross. But I see it and it looks like pulled pork. I ask for a small taste and they oblige. It tastes great, real tender. I ask for a little bit more and they oblige again. His daughter mentions that she wants to join the IRA. 

“Is that the Irish Republican Army?” I ask, and she confirms. I said that I support their aims, as Ireland should not be under England. I believe I said something to the effect of England not even having the entire coast to themselves if you cut out Scotland and Wales. I believe some girl also interrupted me or started talking to her. It’s kind of unclear at the moment. 

More things happen that I cannot recall. I look at a dish a server is carrying and ask what it is. He says corned beef (old fashioned style, cut like roast beef). I say I want that, and ask for extra horseradish sauce. I remark to someone that I used to not like horseradish sauce, but now I understood that it enhanced the corned beef’s flavour. 

It looks like I am attending school. I see lots of young people…I would call them kids because they are definitely younger than me. The age range is maybe late teens to early 20s. I talk to everyone (or at least it seems like it) and everyone is friendly. I see the young woman who gave me the “northern yogurt beef” is there with me at this “school.” I also notice a long haired blond fellow, who is young and looks to be late teens or early 20s, a little on the stocky side. I don’t remember talking to him, but he seemed friendly. I don’t recognise any faces here, save for the one man who I thought looked similar to Jeff Brown. I was definitely in my current meat suit in this dream. I remarked to myself, I had a great first day. I wondered if my 2nd day will be bad, but I felt good anyway—I figured, the first day is completed and it was great. No one can take that away, I have a great 1st day under my belt. I ask the others what time school will be next time, and each one gave me different times. “9:30.” “10:30.” 

I said, “You know what, I’ll figure it out. Thanks.” I wake up feeling happy. 


I was at lunch at my in-laws today, and the meal we had looked exactly like pulled pork in my dream. It ACTUALLY was pulled pork, but French style! Ha! 


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Dream(s) technically occurred on Monday, November 29, 2021

Dream 2: I forget the context of the dream, but I am examining a receipt, scanning the long list of charges/expenses. There is another person/entity, who I identify as female. She is messing shit up or behaving in such a way that is creating a mess. Anyway, this person is asking for “bygones to be bygones” (not exactly in those words, but definitely in that meaning, perhaps she said “forgive” or something). I say, what she wants in only possible if she demonstrates sincerity and actually shows that her behaviour has changed—PERMANENTLY. If no changes in behaviour are made, then “letting it go” is simply not possible. The idea/concept/goal, after all, as I explain to her, is that the behaviour that caused this issue/problem is to NEVER OCCUR AGAIN. I say/explain, “you are only sincere in your laziness and your desire to fuck around without feeling the consequences.” (Probably not those exact words, but definitely that meaning). End of dream.


Dream 3: I’m reading and studying a thick book about manipulative people/stalkers and their victims. I’m reading about specific examples, and one of the final examples is about a perp who is from Brooklyn. He liked to type the letter “y” in his messages that he sent to his victim. I was on the page, rows and rows of “y” to demonstrate what the messages he sent looked like:

“yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy” this went on for rows and rows, filling up a page and a half. Why was the letter “y” so significant or why did he like using it so much? I took it that he’s proud of being from Brooklyn. Apparently I read all the examples/case studies except for the last one, which I just skimmed. I resolve to read it better/with more attention later and bookmark it. I notice that I only have 20% of the book finished so far. 


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Dream occurred on Friday, Dec 3, 202

Dream 2. I am in a school or classroom. Just like in one of the recent dreams I had where I was in a “school”, I am participating in my current meat suit (predominantly Han Chinese female adult). I was in a well lit classroom, and I notice another “student” who is an adult white male. I don’t remember his face though, only that he is an adult white male. We are both “studying” and reading the same text book about a Chinese family in the UK. It is written from the perspective of a young granddaughter. She writes that her lawyer grandfather just learned about women’s rights and something that I initially took as “UKdragon”, but I’m not sure at all. I assumed that “UKdragon” is most likely a misinterpretation, but this “misinterpretation” sticks with me. She writes that she wants to talk about the stuff her grandpa recently learned so they can have a conversation in English (or something to that effect). Me and the other student compare textbooks. Though the information and pictures are the same, the page numbers are different. For example, the same picture and text that is on page 13 of his textbook is on page 168 on my textbook. But my page 168 is also near the beginning of my textbook, like the page 13 in his textbook. Why I remember this detail I have no idea. I hear a band playing, and I like the song. I ask my fellow student who this band is, and he tells me. I write it down on my textbook. Right now, I remember the band’s name as “salmon Escalon” or “escon salmon”. I’m sure that’s been garbled from what I actually heard in my dream. BTW, this “student” is new to me, I would not recognise him anywhere. Just like the students from my last “school” dream are new faces to me. I can confirm that this white male adult student has short hair, and looks to be in his late 20s or mid 30s at the latest. 

Dream on Sat, Dec 4, 2021

Dream 3: I am an observer. I see 3 people. 2 people I recognise as the actors Chris Pratt and Anna Faris, who used to be married to each other in real life. In this sequence, they are playing roles, they are not themselves. The 3rd person I do not recognise at all, but is a swarthy white male, with salt and pepper hair, with a moustache. Chris Pratt was at a gas station and was about to pump gas into his car, but then the whole scene pixelates and changes into a scene on the countryside. However, he is still holding the gas pump. He is confused. Then I think, “look for the analog”. The current scene had nothing but a razed grassland, a house or 2 (like the town square), a goat walking by, and one man walking in the background. Finally, he puts the gas pump he is holding and pushes it into the goat, and it turns out to be his car that disappeared. So he rides the goat and they crash into a house, where I see Anna Faris (she seems to be playing some kind of “reporter” or “do-gooder for an NGO” type and the 3rd person that I can’t identify. Anna and Chris argue, I can sense that they are attracted to each other. However, she rejects him for his shallowness or some other “inadequacy” (whatever that is). Later I see that she and the 3rd person are lying on the floor, and she is in tears, with her back turned to him. She is telling him about what happened between her and Chris, but not once does she turn back and look at the 3rd person during the conversation. I can sense that this 3rd person is untrustworthy and probably harbours questionable motives. He doesn’t look evil, but the way he moves, his vibes—that’s where one gets the bad signals. I forget what happens next (did he attack me or someone else, I have no idea) but whatever it was, it confirmed my instincts that this person is “a bad person” though not quite classified as “evil” (yet). 

My takeaway—when the scene is drastically changed during your dreamscape to something else, perhaps thinking of analogs (like car is an analog to a walking goat in terms of transportation—it’s not really precise apparently) to what you are currently seeing can help you recognise things for what they actually are so you can still function and achieve your objectives (I think). But you know, it could be “analysis overlay”, which is just me jumping to conclusions. Still, I have to record my observations and compare them to future observations. Also, I should not ignore bad vibes. They are usually correct, just like what I thought of the 3rd person in this dream. 

Dream on Monday, Dec 6, 2021

Dream 3: I believe I am watching some kind of documentary on TV or something, and not participating (this part is hazy—maybe I participated or maybe I just observed). I can confirm the images that I saw and that my in laws were “educating” me or informing me about something. So in these scene, I see movement down a road with golden fields of wheat or prairie on both sides, like if I was in a car or perhaps I am a camera that is placed in a moving vehicle from the windshield or something. I believe my father in law or my mother in law say that this is some mountain region in France (the name starts with an F, but I don’t remember the rest), and that it’s actually close to the Pyrenees. Anyway, finally I see a snowy scene. There is so much snow, and it’s beautiful. However, I see 2 people (most likely male) carrying out fully cleaned, intact skeletons of animals to and from a cabin. These animals look like moose or something. Fully intact skeletons, ivory in color. I thought, “jeez the beautiful snowy scene is marred by this strange activity.” 


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These are amazing! Such details. I thought it funny about crashing the goat into a house. I am sorry for giggling at your dreams but your recount of them is incredible. Also, I just recently dyed my hair auburn but its faded to red and I cut into a bob, well a slanted bob.

Thank you for posting them, I believe it helps and if people have similarities in them then maybe we can get some more people on here. If it wasn’t for the public display of random dreams then we wouldn't have seen the weird link  ML, GL, and I have. 🤗

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Old WineGeisterfahrer
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@dori2190 While attempting to take a nap a few days ago, I don't think I was in the place where I float but it's really hard to say, I heard muffled music. It sounded like elevator music - some soft classical. It was muffled like from a radio a couple rooms away. I got up to make sure the TV wasn't on or anything, it wasn't. So definitely something I heard in the realm between waking and sleeping.

In other dream news, I'm not remembering much again. My cats have decided they all love me and need to sleep on me at night lol It's a cycle of theirs. I end up in some uncomfortable positions so wake up too much attempting to shift to something more comfortable without disturbing the kitties causing my dreams to easily fade.

A note on dates. I date my dreams based on the morning after having them. So today's entry would be dated 12/6 for the dreams from Sunday night/Monday morning. The little bits I do remember...

12/4: Something to do with me being in a class.

12/5: Again, I was in class. I have one vivid memory of the teacher telling me I'm doing a great job and to keep going and I was happy/proud of myself for doing a good job. Then it shifted and I was helping redecorate a massive mansion. Massive like the size of Biltmore.

12/6: Last night. I was observing events like watching a movie. It was a family road trip and the dad kept giving the son some bizarro tests along the way. I kept thinking that the family reminded me of the show Addams Family, though I'm not entirely sure why. There were other family members along, but my dream really focused on the father/son interaction. @old-wine Interesting that we both had watching from the outside-style dreams that included cars. The bits of scenery I remember was more rugged, like western scrubland of North America, no snow, never got anywhere that I remember.

Not a dream but also really odd. Last night I kept waking up because I was in a bad position that was causing my left hip to ache and I had a super hard time finding a position that would work for me and the cats. I eventually gave up and just let my hip ache. As I was in that middle area between awake and sleep I felt like something lifted off me and took the pain with it. I looked up briefly and noted, yep, I still had all 3 cats. I fell back asleep almost immediately after.

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Old Wine

@memory-loss I'm game to try. I don't seem to be "in control" exactly but have to learn somehow. Looking forward to DM's next lesson.

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