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I appear to be back in the more "normal" range of dreams though this one came with an odd bonus experience. Last nights I was with a team and we were returning from our latest mission. It was a smaller group of 6-8. Each of us had a "counter" on our chests that we reset. One guy was having trouble getting his to reset. It was on 2 and each time he hit the reset button the number would change, but not to 0. After tinkering with it unsuccessfully for a bit, we all decided to go get some food and deal with fixing his counter after eating. We headed to the lunch room and got in line for the food counter to pick out what we wanted. As it was almost my turn at the counter a guy I know from RL pushed his way to the front with two women and cut in line. They were being generally rude and angering people. I tried telling them to get to the back of the line like everyone else and got ignored. So I took a swing straight for his face. At this point I semi-woke up. I was in that realm between dreaming and awakening and I saw a vision. It looked eerily similar to the "Kiss the Girl" scene in Disney's The Little Mermaid. A guy and a girl in a rowboat on a lake without the singing animals LOL They were in silhouette against a brilliant pink/gold/sunset(?) background so I couldn't see faces other details about the people. It was very brief. I don't know if they kissed or not or if that was just my brain's association of the vision to something I've seen before. Then I woke up for real.

was dreaming I was catching an old school sailing ship somewhere. for some reason though, every time the ship docked at port and everyone got off the whole back end would upturn o the front of the boat was pointing straight up into the sky. This was apparently standard engineering fair for these boats. Can't remember where i was going or what I was doing, but there was a good portion of the dream where someone was going into a rather in depth conversation about something, like he was teaching me about a subject to do with the non physical. Couldn't remember any of it upon waking up though

Daegon Magus


Dang! Swinging on a line breaker! Wouldn’t want to cut you off in traffic.

@DM We need you to do better and remember next time! Ha! Jk

Are there people that can remember their dreams in full depth? Like all their dreams? Like a photographic dreamory? 😂


I have had an awful but an amusing couple of days. If anything could go wring it did.... Last night the cashier at the register loaded my kids down with candy for free and all my food comped because she heard how bad my experience was. I didn’t think it was that bad of a night, shit happens!? My night ended with a hole in my togo tea from dinner which filled up my cup holders and today ended with my flashlight went out while walking to let the dog out of the pin. Of course its not over yet so I wont hold breathe. Crazy bad luck has happened so much that I just laugh out loud when it strikes. @laoban4site I am sorry if I pissed you off. Come get me out of this cornfield!! Please. I learned my lesson.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
Quote from Alice on December 18, 2021, 8:17 am


Dang! Swinging on a line breaker! Wouldn’t want to cut you off in traffic.

@DM We need you to do better and remember next time! Ha! Jk

Are there people that can remember their dreams in full depth? Like all their dreams? Like a photographic dreamory? 😂


I have had an awful but an amusing couple of days. If anything could go wring it did.... Last night the cashier at the register loaded my kids down with candy for free and all my food comped because she heard how bad my experience was. I didn’t think it was that bad of a night, shit happens!? My night ended with a hole in my togo tea from dinner which filled up my cup holders and today ended with my flashlight went out while walking to let the dog out of the pin. Of course its not over yet so I wont hold breathe. Crazy bad luck has happened so much that I just laugh out loud when it strikes. @laoban4site I am sorry if I pissed you off. Come get me out of this cornfield!! Please. I learned my lesson.

@alice, what are you doing in the cornfield here with me lol.

We can't recall much of dream memory because it goes into some sort of buffer/cache. If that dream is not taken out of the buffer ASAP , it is overwritten by new stuff that comes into the brain. Ask for a an upgrade there.

You know, it would be nice to have a chat room here.. 😬

Paging @laoban4site, paging @laoban4site...

What MM could do to make people very happy.



Alice has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@Alice I never sent you to the cornfield. You know that. But please don't joke about it. It's a distasteful necessity at times.

However, I'm sorry and clad to hear about the discomfort. My guess is next year is going to be a pretty darn good year for you all. I don't know for sure, of course, you could always blow yourself off-course again, and again, and again.


You all got to keep a steady rudder. Them's white caps hide dangerous shoals, don't you know.


I beg your pardon I never promised you a rose garden
Along with the sunshine there's gotta be a little rain sometime
When you take you gotta give so live and let live and let go oh oh oh oh
I beg your pardon I never promised you a rose garden

I could promise you things like big diamond rings
But you don't find roses growin' on stalks of clover
So you better think it over
Well, if sweet talking you could make it come true
I would give you the world right now on a silver platter
But what would it matter
So smile for a while and let's be jolly love shouldn't be so melancholy
Come along and share the good times while we can

I beg your pardon I never promised you a rose garden
Along with the sunshine there's gotta be a little rain sometime
I beg your pardon I never promised you a rose garden

I could sing you a tune and promise you the moon
But if that's what it takes to hold you I'd just as soon let you go
But there's one thing I want you to know
You'd better look before you leap still waters run deep
And there won't always be someone there to pull you out
And you know what I'm talking about
So smile for a while and let's be jolly love shouldn't be so melancholy
Come along and share the good times while we can

I beg your pardon I never promised you a rose garden
Along with the sunshine there's gotta be a little rain sometime.....

@Alice i have random intermittent photographic memory of dream from over a decade ago at times. I will be minding my own business doing whatever then there will the slightest thing to trigger them then all of a sudden it is like watching a movie reel and i can recall everything in explicit detail from start to finish. Also happens sometimes when I purposefully recall one of them, like with the consciousness prison. I guess it stems from a life of LDing and playing around with "the art of memory".

The art of memory is a powerful meditation technique I picked up somewhere that lets you remember things far in the past by sorting memories into "apartment styled rooms". During the meditation when you want to remember a specific thing, you go into this apartment and imagine opening a door with the memory on the other side, and you progressively add whatever other auxilliary memories to it regarding the situation that you can. I have found it particularly useful for finding misplaced items from days beforehand; one example was an old passport I needed (it was expired but i needed it for the ID number). After spending hours rummaging around the house and becoming angry and frustrated that I couldn't find it, I sorted my shit out, calmed down and began the meditation. Within minutes I had retraced a weeks worth of steps and just suddenly "remembered" this passport was in an old rickity cardboard box with a bunch of other old throwaway possessions that I'd left under a tree house on my dad's property about 100m or so from the house. I hadn't even realised it was in that box when i threw it out; I just took a quick glance of the contents and figured i didn't need any of it, hence it went on the junk pile that was due to be taken to the tip. So this memory was literally going off a millisecond view of the passport which had been sitting in there for probably a year. i just got up out of bed, walked out of the house and over to the treehouse, removed the 5 or so boxes that were on top of this particular one and lo and behold there was the passport staring me in the face; i didn't even need to rummage through anything - it was if in my semi conscious state of my mind was acting automatically from whatever was in my subconsciousness.

Alice and azark have reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus


We adding a songwriting to your list of many skills? You’ll have to tell me who sings it so I can listen.

My apologies, MM. Recounting the events reminded me of something I read in the CORNFIELD posts description, I couldn’t resist. I thought by now, you looked past my jesting and whimsicalness. Making jokes of serious topics, as well as, saying the most inappropriate things at the the worst possible times is a skill that I was born with. Its the worst. It happens So much, I avoid places or situations that requires seriousness or couth is expected during the interactions. IE- funerals/visitations, seminars, doctor’s appt, court, church functions, talking during sex, traffic stops, class, hospital visitations, ect...  I even considered writing a “how-to” book on the several “divert/distract” techniques I use to get myself out of those situations. Awkwardness Control 101 or something like that.

No no.... I have experienced my fair share of “Affirmations Side effects” to know the abnormally high streak of “bad day material” occurring one, after another, after another is campaign transitioning. This one is mild compared to my first campaign shift- every strap, rope and belt in my vicinity snapped. (That was one expensive transition, too.)  I believe that particular shift inspired the post you wrote about it.

All in fun. XoXoX

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

PS- I meant to give you a movie to reference my personality type. Awkwafina in Sheng Chen and the 10 ring.... her whole character is me to a T! Fanny pack and all. Awkward silence breaker, ruining intimate moments, using singing and dancing to distract for escape. Forever Talking shit.... cant turn it off. At one point during the movie I thought out loud, - that is exactly what I would say, and do, and wear,... wait!? Did they use me and my stuff to build a movie charater??

Anyways, thought you might like to put a personality to the face. Its hard to get the full scope on tid bits of  our personality spread out posts and emails. Wish we had something like a virtual chat room connected to the forum 👀 .... just a thought.

Memory Loss has reacted to this post.
Memory Loss
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.


Are you saying that memory improves during meditation or that specific type of meditation? I have a hard time sitting still to meditate, and my memory sucks so I am genuinely curious.

That is incredible about you remembering the box under the tree house. I have experienced something similar with finding my keys in a box that I put in the trunk. For me, I just ask my house faeries/elves to help. I used to spend so much time tearing the house up looking for stuff. When I sit stuff down, I am in my head not even realizing I set it down..... thats the worst part because then I dont remember what I was Doing to even retrace my steps. Anyhoo, now when I cant find something after scanning the house 1x. I will make up a quick rhyming song (because ive heard faeries like songs that rhyme)  asking for them to help me find my shiz before I lose it 2x. I usually will get this random hunch of where I think they are, and find them OR I when walk the house again they will be somewhere in my path. I will find them in a place that is in my line of vision and not usually where I tend to set stuff down . Seemed like the item had been moved for me.

I need to learn your compartmentalizing memory technique. I do life that way, didnt think to do memory. Interesting. 🤔

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@alice aided with intentional consciousness reprogramming via LD then......yes

Daegon Magus
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