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Honestly guys!! Check out the movie "The greatest Showman" I liked it a lot. It's about P. T. Barnum and his collected "Oddities". I felt like MM is "collecting" us just like Barnum.

@goldleaf I also don't remember any dreams. I know I did, but they poufed away by waking up.

And to everyone, I want to apologize for sometimes not getting back at you, I'm having trouble with myself a lot lately, and keeping up with everything is trouble. I'll follow my cats example and relax more and sleeeeeeeeeeeep.

I just got woke up from a full body scan and my name flashing across a screen. Ms. W**^ You’re Online. 👀

Goldleaf and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

I woke up from reading the comments in one of MM's articles. Except I was still in that dream, and continued reading more comments. Something like Inception. Mundo weirdo. Very rare for me to get a dream within a dream.

Goldleaf and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@memory-loss Were the comments meaningful?

My dream last night was... odd. I was at a convention or other large event. There were lots of people. Thousands. I don't remember what it was for or about. In one room of the place I was staying, it was set up with this "flip it" game. Figurines were set in specific holding grooves, kind of like how batteries are placed in devices. Periodically the figurines would start to be raised upright in their slot. When that happened they had to be removed and placed back in the opposite orientation or "flipped over" as it was explained to me, to reset their timer. If you didn't get to them in time they were ejected from their holding spot and broke. Some just shattered like porcelain. Others had... stuff... inside and were messy. We were treating it like a game but i think there might have been more than that? I know there was more to the dream but that's all I can remember.

dream the other night - something about my bottom teeth falling out, except it was like I had a plate in and i'd take the whole plate out. Only, it wasn't a plate, it was part of my mouth. I had to go find someone to fix it or something, can't quite remember.

Last night

dreamt I was in this weird house interacting with family I really have no care to interact with - too much drama for my liking. One of them was my sister's ex. I don't particularly like this guy because he is the epitome of an STS sentience if ever there was one, but i have had several weird dreams with him before in which we have discussed "in other lives, we are good friends" - one of them was on a strange moon of some sort. Anyway, he is in this house, giving my sister grief. I come in and and he is startled by my presence; I notice his drug use has withered him away over the years since i last saw him; his face also seems strange like his cheekbones are more distinct than i remember. We end up talking, and i casually slip in some "MM factopedia" to put his condescending attitude in place. He ends up leaving somewhat changed with the bombshells I've left him to ponder. Next destination is another house next door to this one where my parents are. I have a copy of my autobio with me, so I hand it to them; for some reason the top of it has a chunk burnt out of it. Can't remember much after that

Daegon Magus

@goldleaf, there were rows and rows of text. Very similar to what we see IRL. I get the feeling that if I am more self aware, I probably can read some stuff actually, or at least the names of posters. Sadly, I read nothing lol. But it was in response to an article on how Americans can help themselves. This article does not exist as of now.

On another note, I'm suspecting we are learning our preferred skillset or something. And currently we are just prospects.

I have something interesting to watch now. How do you observe what you think the Domain is doing? I can't LD, but I can see tracks in the snow. So it's like I'm just trying to pay attention to what might be happening under the hood of an invisible car. Is the engine louder, is it warmer, any funny smells or smoke kind of thing.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@goldleaf. My impression is of flipping burgers. Only we are the filling, the meat in the sandwich. The dreams come and go, because you have to be cooked evenly.

My dream was a press conference for one dozen people turned into hundreds of people in a giant yoga class. Only each person was in a VERY low cubicle. But we were there to learn. Your dream and mine seems (to me anyway) connected in a conceptual manner.

Free association can be hazardous. 😁

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

I am phone posting so this will be brief


1st Dream


I was facing President Biden while we were riding in a Presidential Limo. His son, Hunter, was sitting beside him smirking.


President Biden was talking to me, except he wasn't making any sense (kind of like irl huh?)

I really do not know what he was saying.


2nd Dream


I was delivering a pizza except I was delivering a tiny pizza box while driving an 18 wheeler tractor trailer. I was delivering this pizza through a red light district and passed a strip joint with the girls dancing outside in public (???)


When I got to the delivery, it was a very poor family and they couldn't pay. So I paid for their pizza and carefully backed that 18 wheeler out of their gravel driveway.


Just a weird dream ...


didn’t you say you were doing affirmations for more participants to cover more ground? Or something similar? Maybe you saw your affirmations multiply? The yoga class is the level of non physical training we are at? 😂


The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@alice, I suggested that it might be worth trying. It was a small press conference in a room morphed into a gigantic yoga class in a hall. Closest would be like @goldleaf 's weird dream.

Anyway I had another strange dream. I was counting element number or atomic weight. 2,5 and 20. Because I was asked to observe. It's like 2 for hydrogen being atomic weight with 5 and 20 being the elements Boron and Calcium. It also had a bit on isotopes I think. Oddly specific. Numbers rarely pop up in my dreams and I would never be able to remember them anyway.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas
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