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@goldleaf, it's weird that you should mention mugwort. Currently I'm looking into amino acids (I blame our resident lizard for this), however a search suggests a lot of possibilities.

In no particular order (but they are connected to each other haha:

1. Some people call it legal Marijuana. And marijuana apparently has effects against negative entities.

2. Called artemisia vulgaris. I suppose it might contain artemisin. If it does, then for me, that's a pretty big deal.

3. Artemisin is Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial, ie pretty potent.

Coincidentally, I'm looking at Gu Syndrome where parasites invokes a negative response on those afflicted. Gu Syndrome is not what TCM doctors like to talk about, because of the element of the metaphysical.

Cut things short (because I don't know what I'm talking about right now), I believe mugwort is worth looking at. If it keeps parasitical entities at bay I'm all for it. My spur of the moment thought is that it allows LD by suppressing parasites (whether biological or thought or otherwise).

I'm thinking of getting a plant or two. This suggestion of yours really really intrigues me. I know about artemisin but you gave me a lightbulb moment. Thanks!

Merry Christmas one and all.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

I was in the "place" again. Something has been taking me here every day or second day for the past couple of weeks. I can't explain it because I am never allowed to remember wtf is going on or where it is. All I remember is that i know it is very, very familiar, that I have been here many times over the years, and I am meeting with my handlers talking to them about something  to do with this whole thing. This is all I am ever able to "catch" before they fuck with my memory - i have only the slightest crumb of a memory when i wake up that I almost completely forget all of it. What I can say though is that there have been more people here than usual. Way more. Something is definitely going on in those planes.
The other week I also had some very good information coming through in the form of an MM article - names and things were thrown around but (to my great annoyance) i forgot them.

Daegon Magus

Chicken, pepper, turmeric, chilli. Eat lots.

Alternatively if you can use Alibaba or Aliexpress, get the actual chemicals involved. This is probably a much better way. Like maybe a 100x times better.

@daegonmagus, you need to be a white mouse. Boost your signal. Might work for AliceTV too.


Edit: this needs a list of candidates to boost your signal. Tryptophan, tyrosine, arginine, piperine, curcumin, capsaicin. I have the first three. And I suspect that the second three are bioavailibility activators. If correct, then the gain increases a few hundred percent. The extract form is much more potent than the raw ingredients.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas


You are in a place, or a state. Mission related, training, or medical. I do not know. But you are busy. Don't question it. Accept it.

Quote from daegonmagus on December 26, 2021, 7:53 am

This is all I am ever able to "catch" before they fuck with my memory - i have only the slightest crumb of a memory when i wake up that I almost completely forget all of it.

Maybe try seeing if your assigned Mantid can help you move info between planes.

While LDing see if your Mantid is interested, if they respond. Who knows what regulations they have to follow, but as they work with the Domain now surely they will be ready to help.

I've found that creating an empty visualisation space in my mind allows my Mantid (or possibly Higher Self) to send me an image. Of course the hard part is filtering out the crap from my subconscious.

The last time time it took me a few minutes to get why I was receiving a face-palm image (I did something stupid). Not the Picard face palm meme but what I guess would be an idea I have of a Mantid. Kinda like an ethereal version of the Pilot from Farscape.


Uploaded files:
  • Picard_facepalm.jpg
  • Pilot_Farscape.jpg
Memory Loss and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
Memory LossGoldleaf

I am only remembering fragments of my dreams now.


The only thing I can remember from the past several days - working on an old rusted motorcycle frame covered with fire ants.

perolator has reacted to this post.

@geisterfahrer - last October I had at least 2 similar dreams with fire ants. I was with 3 people in an old cage whose walls were covered in full by fire ants. Those dreams are related. I do remember those dreams because of the ants. Now I keep a journal where I write down all my dreams and guess what? I noticed I dream daily. I am sure you too, but with a little effort you’ll remember all of your dreams. You just have to take notes as soon as you wake up - before anything else.

DM recommended to do this long ago, but I was lazy and didn’t do it. This is absolutely needed.

Geisterfahrer has reacted to this post.

According to SD I woke up last night and told her "something was sapping my soul". I have no recollection of this, but I do have a very vague recollection of electrocution, possible soul burning again. Not sure what this means.

@perolator good to see you realised how beneficial the dream journal is

perolator has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus
Quote from perolator on December 29, 2021, 7:05 am

@geisterfahrer - last October I had at least 2 similar dreams with fire ants. I was with 3 people in an old cage whose walls were covered in full by fire ants. Those dreams are related. I do remember those dreams because of the ants. Now I keep a journal where I write down all my dreams and guess what? I noticed I dream daily. I am sure you too, but with a little effort you’ll remember all of your dreams. You just have to take notes as soon as you wake up - before anything else.

DM recommended to do this long ago, but I was lazy and didn’t do it. This is absolutely needed.

I DO remember being with at least 1 other person, and we were all trying to keep the fire ants away from us. I remember getting bit a couple of times.


I know I said I was working on an old rusty motorcycle frame, but that could have just been how I interpreted the imagery. It was a rusty frame ...could have been a cage.

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Here goes nothing:

Dec 24

They projected my consciousness on a screen, like how you see in the movies. Where there is a screen from no where? Any ways, what was said and done faded but I do remember trying hard to listen and make note to remember. (Its like every time I have these dreams where I come up with ways to remember- ie the song or rhyme it’s the first thing that fades. Idk if its configured into our subconscious to be blocked the moment we become conscious but it seems that way) I think my efforts to remember alerted them because they said “shut her down”. I do remember them saying I was than just me in this reality.(Like I was many people)
Before I fell asleep I asked my Optimus to help me remember what they are doing while I sleep. This was it’s result.

perolator and Old Wine have reacted to this post.
perolatorOld Wine
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
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