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Quote from Alice on December 29, 2021, 9:18 am

Here goes nothing:

Dec 24

They projected my consciousness on a screen, like how you see in the movies. Where there is a screen from no where? Any ways, what was said and done faded but I do remember trying hard to listen and make note to remember. (Its like every time I have these dreams where I come up with ways to remember- ie the song or rhyme it’s the first thing that fades. Idk if its configured into our subconscious to be blocked the moment we become conscious but it seems that way) I think my efforts to remember alerted them because they said “shut her down”. I do remember them saying I was than just me in this reality.(Like I was many people)
Before I fell asleep I asked my Optimus to help me remember what they are doing while I sleep. This was it’s result.

Hmmmm. Who is they?

There's actually a lot of information on the forum itself here. All seemingly unconnected but if you try to focus, then little jigsaw pieces pop out. I'm currently trying to connect DSK and DM musings. AliceTV is part of the shebang. If you guys have strange struggles in real life, maybe that is what will cause you to "wake up". Or perhaps it distracts.

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congjing yuperolatorOld Wine
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@alice sounds like you were in one of the brainwashing facilities i mentioned in my briefing document to the Domain. Can you remember any of your surrounding environment?

Daegon Magus

ok @memory-loss i've wanted to try something for awhile since you first mentioned capsaicin as a possible aid to LDing. I re read your comment about all the spices and thought fuck it and bit the bullet on the experiment. i have a bag of dried chillis i picked up at an Indian grocer a few months back. I decided to open it and swallow 20 whole chilli's to see if an adverse change in chemical composition in my body will open up a better LD channel. I cut the chillis up into small bits and swllowed them like pills with water. 10 chillis and I can feel it slightly affecting my consciousness, sort of like a light headed feeling. Will up the ante later on with the rest of the chillis and include a dose of some of the other spices as well to see what happens. Hopefully I don't die or start seeing a coyote talkign with a Johnny Cash voice like homer. Will keep you posted

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Old Wine
Daegon Magus

Just a joke I saw a while ago ...relevant?





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perolator, Memory Loss and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
perolatorMemory LossOld WineDSKlausler
Quote from Geisterfahrer on December 29, 2021, 12:01 pm

Just a joke I saw a while ago ...relevant?





Well if you eat too much chilli and spices, you're going to need an ant acid.

The universe has a sense of humor. @geisterfahrer has a habit of bumping into the universe. Your singing in the stairwells video kinda convinced me that totally random words from you may lead down weird places.



DM, the black pepper with turmeric is one to explore. Back a couple of years ago, I befriended a chef with super interesting ideas about food and other stuff. In fact he is so way out, he might actually be a lost ISBE.

Anyways I had him cook a lot of dishes with pure pepper and turmeric. For my health mostly but it was also tasty. And then we normally used a non-tea tea, Jiaogulan tea. One time we over did it, our eyes got dilated, so everything looked slightly trippy. I have not tried piperine because it's expensive, and slightly dangerous. Pepper used to be more expensive than gold, maybe for reasons other than preservation.

Jiaogulan is nice, anticancer. They found the tea by accident, because it popped up in a region of China as a blue zone. People there were remarkably long lived, even tho it was a poor region with bad access to medical services etc.

Jiaogulan's chemical compounds like saponins (gypenosides), flavonoids and polysaccharides have direct anticancer activities. Jiaogulan has been shown to protect and boost the immune system, which is vital in preventing cancer. Powerful antioxidants in Jiaogulan scavenge aging and potentially disease-causing free radicals within the body..blahblahbalh

Anyway, Jiaogulan, or gynostemma is not an actual tea. It has no caffeine so you can drink it the whole day long. Most importantly, it's not expensive like many teas. Alibaba is your friend.

I'm thinking some of my experiences are not entirely accidental. My stroke led me to look at weird seemingly unconnected stuff for health but maybe its more than that.

There's a lot of weird herbs that I might re explore.

DM, I foresee a lot of strange foods in your immediate future. 😍🚽.


Old Wine and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.
Old WineGeisterfahrer
Ciao! Gip me your ideas
Quote from daegonmagus on December 29, 2021, 8:32 am

According to SD I woke up last night and told her "something was sapping my soul"…

@perolator good to see you realised how beneficial the dream journal is

Yes. You are exerting a big influence. I am just doing baby steps, but your teachings are extremely helpful. Please keep up the good work.

azark has reacted to this post.

Pretty sure that I was screwing my sister in a dream last night.


Such is my life.

It's been a while since I've posted about dreams. I've had some every night. I'm only posting the two most interesting ones.

12/26. I was practicing learning to write spells in the air. Like in games or movies when someone draws a symbol in the air and you can see it outlined with energy. Only mine were invisible making it super difficult to see when I made a mistake. I usually used a stylus though I could also just write with fingers. Every now and then I figured out how to make the writing visible so I could see and correct errors.

12/27. I was on a ultra high tech bus with a bunch of people from high school. We were all older, like modern day, and I could still recognize them. There were chairs where you could "plug in" Matrix style into a virtual world. The chairs were highly customizable for comfort. I think when I plugged in it was into a training simulation. Wish I remembered more details.

I'm a bit irritated with myself that I had a work dream last night. That usually only happens when I'm super stressed out over work, which I'm not right now. At least the food was good.

Old Wine has reacted to this post.
Old Wine
Quote from DSKlausler on December 29, 2021, 9:25 pm

Pretty sure that I was screwing my sister in a dream last night.


Such is my life.

@dsklausler, I might be wrong when I said your mantid will put you on the ignore list. I just went through "E squared", and I thought of you. Only read a bit coz I got sucked into "The Giver", if E squared is correct, then you should be able to meet your mantid.

DM, that Giver is a pretty provoking book. I will have to get my daughter to read it. I got the omnibus, so it will take a while to read.

DSK, I think I may know what the meaning of your dream may be. Read E squared, and see if you can pick up any clues. It's not about sex.

Edit: I uploaded E squared in the unofficial book section. Within a couple of pages, DSK you really popped up into my mind.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas
Quote from Memory Loss on December 29, 2021, 9:44 pm
Quote from DSKlausler on December 29, 2021, 9:25 pm

Pretty sure that I was screwing my sister in a dream last night.


Such is my life.

@dsklausler, I might be wrong when I said your mantid will put you on the ignore list. I just went through "E squared", and I thought of you. Only read a bit coz I got sucked into "The Giver", if E squared is correct, then you should be able to meet your mantid.

DM, that Giver is a pretty provoking book. I will have to get my daughter to read it. I got the omnibus, so it will take a while to read.

DSK, I think I may know what the meaning of your dream may be. Read E squared, and see if you can pick up any clues. It's not about sex.


Does anyone have a clean link to a PDF? I can only find "you must register first" crapola.


HAH! jUst saw your Edit.

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