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Hah @goldleaf I recommend the Parasite Pill. Also for @dori2190. Written in Trump or Qanon language but is pretty accurate nonetheless. Am trying to merge this with Gu Syndrome. There is something in the Parasite Pill which explains a heck of a lot even if not 100%. Not 100% but it's good enough for a start.

I just came across it last night. So it didn't create my weird half dream. But it points to where I should be looking at, yadayada.



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Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Bookmarked for later.

I need to connect to my Chittas




The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
  • I write next, it is 4:30 am I just got out of my dream: I had an appointment, I climb stairs 4 by 4 to get to the top, there is a door I open a coloir like a top secret military medical facility. There is a guard defeated but I dodge him by hiding. When he took his turn to explore the other doors there were office and hospital rooms, but I entered the back door. Or there was a friend I had a crush on who was undergoing surgeries or whatever, but I would go discreetly to her bedside to reassure her and understand if it was good or dangerous for her. several times I walk the opposite way, dodging the rounds. Towards the last 2 laps, a nurse with 1 or 2 doctor or other guards accompany him but I hide behind the door which does not close lol. The penultimate time I succeeded in spotting a study room or the like. And the last time I spoke to a senior official about a program, it was on track. I do not know if they convinced themselves that I belonged to the program or if he accepted so as not to close the LDing because yes I was in secret search mode in medical premises dedicated to a secret program. I no longer know if they gave me injections or if I did it alone twice I pretended to be one of the patients. Here from the beginning I understood that I dream so I have LD at 95%.
Alice has reacted to this post.

The link to that youtube video is DoD- HHVCO? Da french toast?


Hey @pissedlizard I haven’t wanted to bother you about the sound carrying gravitational mass.... break down And ?s. You said 48 hrs, have I missed the physics lesson? I was intentional and did a quick physics cram course. I am ready when you are!

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.


Let me find out you are a huge gangster (cause 4x4 steps up is no small step) under all that sweetness? Such a chivalrous act. Hope you get at least a astral hugs and cheeks kisses for your efforts!

azark has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

No glamorous mission for me. I was in the world's smallest restaurant. Because it was tiny, I grabbed the chair of some old lady who I thought had left. But she came back so I moved across the table to sit. Tables for four (2 by 2) and there were only four (or six tables) in that place. I think that I know this lady.

The weird part was the tables (or seats, whatever) could be upgraded with ingame credits.

@azark, I noticed that you mentioned 4x4 steps. I had numbers too, 2x2 and 2x2 again (or 2x3). Random coincidence I suppose haha.

azark has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Crazy- This morning I was reviewing my eldest 3rd grade geometry and QUADRILATERALS. Rhombus, Squares, Rectangles. 4 sides 4 angles. Hmmmm Even crazier of what literature I was reading the night before. 🤔

azark has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Hi everyone!

I had a strange "happening" last night and I need to get this off. I have to make a detour so bear with me.

About 2-3 weeks before Christmas, I was peacefully having my breakfast, when it suddenly felt like the world turn upside down and back again. I just grabbed the table was like "Woahh! What was that?!" This wasn't me fainting, I've had that too many times before. I decided this was maybe some MWI-thing. I had the same thing two more times, just not so intense. The last time was yesterday. Hubby was quite depressed the whole day, but got better when he did his affirmations. I mentioned my "thing" again, and it came out, he had a weird experience while putting the kids to sleep. I just put it to MWI and "being safe- moving around pits" or something. BUT THEN.... I went to sleep, and I think/felt like someone got into my body with me. The dream is very blurred, I think I was just doing normal stuff at home, when someone entered. I could hear him/her think along "This is weird!!!! I can't do this (some ability that didn't work?). I'll work it out. I'll try this."....Then it felt like I tried to make myself thin and and tall and I was on a heavy traffic road with icy streets, closed my eyes startet walking. Then I woke up. And I had very clear someone saying in my head that this was their shot on explaining my worldturns.

This was a very different experience than dangermouses, where he's been shoved to the side. To me it felt more like I was in the drivers seat and another one climbs over and trys to drive and needs to arrange all the limbs while crashing with the head on the roof. And the other one cannot hide themselves the same I could not hide myself.

Does this make any sense? I mean, do they really consider taking me over to prevent something bad from happening? I'm in the middle of almost nowhere. I can't see the grand scheme of things.

Oh and I had one of the most disturbing nightmares a few nights before:

Some very bad things happening about my family and then some evil "thing" jumping into a cat that was playing with a little girl in a pond, that was partially covered with wood. The girl and the posessed cat moved under the wood. The "thing" left the cat dead, the girl just disappeared while I tried to reach it. The I saw the "thing" and it looked like a cat with vampire fangs and it smiled at me and laughed a hard evil laughter. Woke up shaking with goosebumps all over, unable to move. It took me some time to find courag to whisper the lords prayer first and then to do my negative-entity affirmation. That freaked me out a lot!

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