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I've been meaning to get this up for the last couple of days but just been flat out busy. It is a bit fucked up

So SD did this South American spell thing she got off a Pagan basically is a spell to help deal with any spiritual parasites that may be harming you. You get a chicken egg and rub it over your chakra points visualising all the shit energy from the parasite going into it. The theory is that because a chicken egg is abasically a vessel that will eventually harbor life when fertilised, it confused the parasite and gives it something else to latch onto. You then crack the egg in a jar of water and "read" it to give you an idea of who is attacking you and what sort of attacks/curses they have put on you. i can tell you mine had some damn interesting shit - whites that looked like pieces of plastic and random brown spots on the {day fresh} egg, and a little old lady face in the yolk.  you then salt it and flush it down the toilet to flush whatever parasite it is away.

Anyways, SD went to bed soon after doing hers, specifically asking for some past life guidance; this is a vision of what she "remembered" via the LD.

She was an old lady in some kind of European medieval village. She was the village witch, someone the villagers both had an immense amount of respect and fear for - respect for her status as wise old woman who they could go to for healing spells and aid when they needed it, and fear of wrath in case they did something to upset her.
So she is walking along this snow covered road and speaking to various passers by in a German dialect - she doesn't know German, but it was as if it was automatically being translated and she could understand it. It was evening and she began tying her horse up outside of a shop/ inn of some kind. Over the road a strange old man was demounting his horse at the local butcher. Because of the way the wind was blowing, she could hear the conversation this old {not as old as her} man was asking the butcher , whom she knew quite well from her past travels through the town, details about where she lived and her travel route etc. She called out "her you have been following me", to which this guy sort of seemed as if he was about to bolt on his horse, then decided against it. He sort of stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do with his hands as she approached, and nodded. SD reckon when she approached him it was if pages of a book began flicking forward of other lives that this guy would come to live, ultimately at arriving at me, as if to suggest that he was me; SD believes that it was showing her the first time we actually met. Apparently i wanted to work together with her on something. She asked how long I had been following her, to which I replied "since Juna".
"SINCE JUNA? THAT LONG" {all in German - her loud exclamation is what made SD remember it}. By now, people were scurrying away fearful someone had upset the town witch.
"Dah! Das Leng" I said. And she woke up. SD immediately went to translate parts of the conversation and found they matched as to how they were translated in her dream.
The next day, SD had an extension of the vision. She had been taken captive by some very evil people. They had a hessian potato sack over her head. She could hear them talking to me, tell me that she was an evil person that needed to be disposed of (i didn't know it was her). They made me shoot her three times in the chest, then, laughing took the sack off her head to which i started crying, realising what i had just done. As her vision started going black, SD saw me put the gun to my head and pull the trigger. Then she woke up

perolator and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
perolatorMemory Loss
Daegon Magus

Popping in here because you triggered a bunch of observations. I should be asleep but a shit ton of thoughts came in my sleep.

Your egg thing. Try to rub it over the points. You may see entities that leave the body and enter the egg instead) This is some Chinese shaman thing I believe. Breaks some disease (typhoid? In case of the egg over stomach area).

You have given me a lead in Gu Syndrome but I'm just free associating now. You probably manifest or divert a disease elsewhere. Will probably write about this when I gather my thoughts. Have a feeling it might be a wild ride.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

had another LD last night. I was  in familiar territory. There is like this town overhead, but the LDs always take place in a sort of sub area underneath the town. It feels as though you are operating in a large underground sewer network or something. It is really weird and always very dark here, with really strange shit going on. It is one of the places i have been to many times before.
There was a malevolent entity there; it took the form of a dark shadow, and it was toying with me, talking to me, and telling me evil things. Its voice was like a cross between Sauron from Lord of the Rings and {cannot remember }. I had me paralysed when it was telling me this, but it wasn't SP as it was from the state of the lucid dream, like it could paralyse me in the dream. I realised it was stopping me from trying to do whatever it was i was doing. I turned to it.....and said "no". I will not play this game. I will give you the time of day, and started to release myself from the paralysis, to which this thing cowered. I woke up shortly thereafter

perolator and Alice have reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

Interesting dream last night. It started with me at a Disney park. I was meeting someone there. A woman? I think it was but hard to be sure. We walked around a bit but didn't ride any rides. We decided to find some place to eat and the dream shifts to "movie" mode, were I'm just watching. There is imagery of someone/thing/entity escaping from a cell/box/container by fitting itself through a hole in a brick wall? Shouldn't have been possible. It was odd to watch. This sets off silent alerts. Trinity from the Matrix movies is alerted to investigate. She has Neo's ability to manipulate physical reality and does so subtly. Like making doors open ahead of her or shifting objects out of her way. At one point she needs some equipment so heads home to her apartment. It has a crazy lock/security system to get through before she can enter. She has cats! She gets what she needs and makes a phone call  to coordinate some backup before leaving via a portal in one of the apartment's windows. I follow along on her investigation/mission. At some point she does meet up with another agent and they talk about the target and some strategy. Throughout it all I keep seeing a grey(?) cat that also seems to be keeping an eye on events. At one point Trinity notices the cat and asks it what it's doing here. That's when I woke up and wrote all this down.

Hours later as I'm at my desk I realize I never flipped my calendar to the new day. It's a photo of a grey cat.

JayTNR1357 has reacted to this post.

Awesome @goldleaf. There is some confluence of pop culture references in our dreams. And some predictive programming too. Probably need to zoom back even further to look at the big picture.

This stuff needs some pondering. My initial thoughts are that there is some interpretor involved and it uses pop culture references. But we don't have a common interpretor it seems. Or common online interpretor. Maybe the network features are not switched on haha.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

My theory on that is our dreams use what's familiar to us. If we watch a lot of tv/movies, it uses those characters/actors to help hint at the meaning.

I'm thinking we use an interpretor somewhere in these dreams to show us a secondary view of reality in our dreams. And yes it's unique to us. But I think we do share a collective consciousness or reality. So why not a common dream world?

And if we do or can share a common dream world, then a common interpretor will zap us together. That's how DM and SD could meet in their LD. They are close enough to have interpretors that can bring them together in a dream.

If that can be done then we bring DM's void space into our reality. Or something like that anyways.

It's something like how your synchronicities come about, I think. Have to read some Freud to understand where I'm going with this.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

ML I suggest Jung over Freud.  He had a much better understanding of the void space with his collective consciousness and animus concepts. And rumours have it that he was an LDer

Alice has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

@goldleaf, have you watched the matrix 4 by any chance? trinity is now more powerful than neo


Daegon Magus

@dori2190 I haven't seen it yet. I keep meaning to. The Trinity in my dream did look more modern than the original movie. Did you enjoy it?

Oh dear. My reading list keeps growing.

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