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dream this morning: I was at my old house - the one where I had my first experience with the Elder Guardians, out the back making a phone call. Nothing had changed; there was still the table we used to sit at under an old apricot tree, and the ratty couches lining the veranda. It was a Friday night and I had nothing else to do. MM answers the phone, but I can't quite hear him properly. it's like he's got a filter on his voice that makes it somewhat intelligible. To begin with I thought he was drunk, but then I realised it was this filter skewing his voice. He is trying to tell me something, but i just can't work out what it is.
The strange thing is, this part of the property never had cell phone service. it was almost like the dream was telling me this was a sacred part of the property that could be used for communication purposes.

@congjing yu I  find this particularly interesting given our conversation the other day.

Daegon Magus

Had some dreams this morning, but can only remember parts of it, not so vivid: a longer dream but I only remember the end - I was in some kind of ceremony, and somebody passed with a big burning wooden stick, with a lot of white smoke coming from it. As I inhaled the smoke I immediately passed out. Then nothing void black (but I didn't wake up). Another dream  just a flash, me looking at a crossroad in the forest and noting the number 10 57 (?). And also something with me lying on my back, couldn't move and flames on the ground approaching, but I wasn't afraid and it left me untouched.


Just an interpretation: seems there is some interference on the communication, something is jamming? Some 3rd party which tries to lock on?

But your last remark "The strange thing is, this part of the property never had cell phone service. it was almost like the dream was telling me this was a sacred part of the property that could be used for communication purposes." says again something else. Anyway it was written a couple of times that this forum is a safe place. I sometimes have difficulties here to connect to the website, it says "server timeout", doesn't want to load the blog pages etc.

Hi, Just checking in from a very brutal work week. I am still having difficulty remembering my dreams ... the only thing I do remember, is becoming alert during a bout of sleep paralysis, and some form of entity was trying to communicate with me ... once it realized I was aware, it quickly left.


Perhaps it was my imagination?

Been quiet here lately. thought i'd pop in to say something has been going on in the dream department but i don't know what. More of those "access is denied" dreams, but pretty sure it is all relevant

Daegon Magus

Yeah, I stopped posting my dreams for various reasons, mostly personal, and they didn't seem to relate to the greater MM audience. One thing I will note is that my dreaming has ramped up. I now have 2-3 a night. Sometimes I can remember them all, sometimes I can't. Last night I know I had 3 distinct dreams but only remember the last one I had right before waking up for the day. The day before I had 2 and wrote both down.

The only thing I've done differently this month is update and add a couple affirmations. They weren't dream specific but one could have contributed? I suppose it's possible though an unexpected result. I also have not bought or tried mugwort though I'm still curious about it.

No LDs. They're just "regular" dreams. No AP yet either.

Getting there GL! Try the mugwort, since you mentioned it, lol. Or you can look for Mexican tarragon, maybe? These are relatively easy to get.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

I've been looking into Amanita and how to process them, since they literally grow on my doorstep. I'm quite confident to try them this year.

Has anyone any idea how I change my nightmares into good dreams? I'm having trouble realising that i am dreaming most of the times because it always starts very realistic. With people I know, talking and doing stuff i would also do. Then it just turns... gross. Torturing,deaths,blood...then i wake up. I started doing frequency raising exercises in daytime, because i think, that's maybe the cause. But there is still a lot of bad stuff at nighttime....

@alice Yes, I can check most boxes. I also thought about being attacked. I had a really really bad breakdown the day before yesterday. And my husband had high pitched noise in his ears the same day and the day before. On that bad day I noticed thoughts pilling up, thoughts that weren't mine. They came out of the blue, to some of them i just woke up. And they were...well not nice at all. I think the bulk of it is just that, we left our home, and now they seem to come to their senses, the politicians and the inevitable "if" comes around the corner. i know I really KNOW we did the right thing in leaving and i KNOW it is possible that the changes just come BECAUSE we left! BECAUSE we learned to make proper affirmations. I mean we left "to be safe" again.At that point we didn't know about MM. and we are safe. But our family...they thought we were crazy...and they think "it's getting back to normal! They could've stayed!And why did they freak out?Just get the jab and everything is fine" So yeah, I guess that's OE tactics right? Or what do you think @memory-loss aka OE-Boss?

Oh and Alice, you're always welcome for another visit!

What OE-Boss? 👀👀🤔.

I have a ton of books to plough through, but Dispelling Wetiko has me in its grip. @mirri, you should read it and see if things make more sense to you. I uploaded it I think previously. It really is very good.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas
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