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@memory loss, since you are talking about mugwort, I suggest reading my latest article. You know how SD made me that tincture the other week? Turns out she did have an LD relating to the consciousness facilities because of it, even though it didn't do anything for me. That article details what she experienced, and connects it to some other interesting things

Daegon Magus

@dori2190 , I have read your article. I have some thoughts about it, actually but currently still trying to understand them. They relate to mental or spiritual parasites and Daoism, which is not an area I'm familiar with. The Daoist parts have pre birth contracts and stuff our @laoban4site talks about. I think the parasites are also in Daoist medical books. I will forward to you in due course, but I think you may find them useful. Daoism and its application to MM was a total surprise to me but my reading is a very slow snail. Prebirth contracts and MORE, stuff that tells me I need to know more about Daoism.

It's a little strange because the mugwort thought was probably swawn by @goldleaf. I managed to get some from the neighborhood. The thing is I got it when they had just been planted. And within 1 month, the house owner "weeded" out his plants. I don't quite have enough cuttings.

So it appears a little synchronicity is happening here. I was surprised when the mugwort did not affect you, but SD found it effective. Why it affects her but not you is something to ponder about.  What did the tribes in Australia use for their dreaming? Could they take you to hidden departure lounges and airports?

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@Mirri Hello, I would like to help you learn and that you use certain discoveries that may be harmless for you but have effective repercussions. The dream is for me the unconscious roots of our more or less developing consciousness tree. I openly try constant general exercise. From waking to bedtime to the last subtle drop, strive for every incoming and outgoing thought and action whether noble and positive or benevolent. If for some reason negative emotions surprise or contaminate you, try to gradually hybridize them with a positive emotional vector to use its power to obtain better results. Yes it is a long term technique at the beginning and not easy. That is why you must come to encircle the knowledge of why it arises. And after a few days or weeks you solidify your positive bases and your parades of the obstacles encountered. Normally your dreams will change and where will be what to do in your Nightmare according to your constituent base.


Normally your dreams will change and where will be what to do in your Nightmare depending on your constituent base.


Drugs and excesses of all kinds. I had my experiences too but the most important thing to remember is do your bullshit with responsibility and small amounts with a solid positive goal. I do not encourage you to do this, but if you can't help yourself, at least choose a secure framework and a worthy goal. Drugs that cannot be used without a well-thought-out purpose do not have a peaceful future. Do not forget that drugs are a poison directed towards death. With a healing purpose it kills disease. Our first drug of unlimited availability is indeed our spirit ISBE and physical body production vehicle.


@azark i agree. i am not a fan of using drugs to initiate LDs, particularly anything that will make me trip. I prefer to induce them through mediation and my own techniques etc. However, I will admit i was curious to see if anything would happen off them, and knowing that they are practically harmless I figured why not.

@memory-loss yes i have seen the word Daoism being thrown around here and there on here, will gave to check it out


Daegon Magus

Dream last night 26/01/22

Was at a council meeting regarding the ET agenda. The building was this sort of old school stone type thing high up in the sky like in the star wars buildings. There was a few other people there, maybe 20 or 30, but they were off to one side of this room, and me and this other guy were on the verandah outside, overlooking this futuristic city. He sort of looked like Patric Stewart – note Star Trek reference, possible crew caption or pilot or something. The commander (of our forces) appeared and addressed the crowd in the room. The group was further broken down into further 2-4 man groups, some of which were female, and these were the “operations” teams. The commander went and briefed each group separately on their various missions and projects. It was strange in that the atmosphere was very casual, with seriousness injected into the briefings, like we were having some R&R but our tight schedules didn’t allow for any other place for the meeting.  After the commander had finished he made his way over to me and Patrick and introduced himself. He was quite respectful and held himself quite well. He began to debrief us on what we had been up to. This was all in relation to what was going to happen when the matrix was turned off; this is what this whole meeting was for. The others that were inside made their way over to us, as there were elements of our intel that were relevant to them and their missions. The commander then told us (me and Patrick) we’d be getting special kit to help with when the matrix was turned off and we were resolved to a purely astral based entity. Apparently it was going to be quite a shock to everyone’s system – they were anticipating quite lot of chaos and confusion from people who had become too dependant on the physical plane.  Everyone in attendance was essentially going to be policing a mass riot from the deluded who they were expecting would still try to cling on to the physical plane. The kit was designed to alleviate that shock at a much quicker pace so we could get on with the task of helping others when cut came to chase. Our specific task was to directed towards recovery of specific people within that crowd, that were deemed as valuable assets. All the others would be left to fend for themselves until logistics allowed for their processing. The kit was essentially our ticket out of rehab, and it was to be administered through another astral body upgrade we could expect in the very near future. The gist I got was that the switching off was expected to be carried out in my current lifetime. The commander had the ability to make us experience things just by placing his hand within our energy fields. He used this ability to give us a brief simulation of what to expect when the switching off happened.  I have experienced this exact same thing before in a dream regarding the same matrix switching off several months ago.

the other matrix switching off dream:
SD and were on this farm. It was absolute chaos. It was as if news reports on TV and the radio suggested some mass disaster was going to happen that was going to practically wipe out the humans on earth, but no one really knew what it was.  There was a comet near earth that everyone just assumed was going to hit, but no one had been given any actual official explanation. The TV and radio stations basically just told everyone to say bye to their loved ones as there was nothing anyone could do. SD and I knew better. Somehow we just knew it was to do with physical reality being switched off. There were thousands of people out in the middle  of a paddock on this farm that were just running around screaming aimlessly. SD and I met each other in the middle of the crowd, and had a quick discussion about what were to do next; this was “it”. This was the moment we had been prepped for our whole lives by our handlers. We reminded each other that no matter what, we had to remember ourselves and our objectives on the other side of the switching off. We parted ways as we both had things to finalise in different areas; we knew down to the exact minute when this switching off was going to occur, and it was getting close. SD went inside the house across from one of the paddocks where a few families had gathered, and I went in one of the barns on the opposite side. I was lying down meditating in the bed in the shed, when it happened. First, it appears as if atoms are being stripped off everything as it deconstructs and you can see them being sucked up into the sky. They are replaced with this sort of creamy light brown colour. Then there is a period of a few seconds of pain and everything has changed to that same colour. The reality that replaces it is then dependant on ones thoughts; if you’d carried that chaos and hysteria over from the physical, it would manifest here as well. I ended up thinking up a similar scene to the farm, but this time nice and peaceful with few people there. I floated around in non corporeal form and found SD reading to a bunch of kids in the living room. This is all I remember of that dream.

first the landscape dissolves around you as if something is pulling the atoms apart right in front of your eyes; you see the actual fabric of reality be deconstructed and carried off into the sky. There is a painful period of a few seconds before you are left floating in a sort of creamy light brown colour, and from this the physical plane is replaced with a less dense astral version.

Daegon Magus

.... remember jumping on MM the next day after that dream regarding the farm and the user bewarethecaptivehostwithagunagainsthishead (since banned for trolling) and he mentioned something very similar to having a dream about the matrix being turned off. couldn't tell if he was trolling or not, but i found the synchronicity very curious


Daegon Magus

I'm an idiot. First the Russian dream. Now there is a Japanese themed dream that I told myself this is so interesting that there is no way I can forget and went back to sleep. And now I have forgotten about it. Except for country involved.

The only conclusion is that there's a worldwide theme involving some countries? I dunno but man, am I dumb.

@dori2190, I suppose turning off the matrix would be a worldwide affair haha.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@azark thank you for the technique. You're right, it's not so simple to trace every thought back.

And about the drugs, are you refering to Amanita? I don't want  to use it to "have a trip". To me this is medicin, and I use it for a purpose. It's not meant to be recreational and for "fun". I need help, and the people around do as much as they can, but there is a limit. They cannot tell me, what I like and what I love to do and how I can be of value to the community and society. And I want to get the spiritual aspects back to something solid.

I promise: I will not do anything stupid!

And in case someonelse wants to do some research: She is very thorough and careful.

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