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Hi @ohio-guy, thank you for sharing. I also don't know what to make of it, but I regularly dream of being at the Northsea beach, which might be like you described but is mostly a bit colder, and I also dream of a white horse, but that's probably while 3 of the ones I keep here are greys. and the older they get the whiter. That they are greys you can tell from the color of their eyes, true whites are having mostly lighter eye colouring as they are albino. The biggest and the oldest one here is now completely white and often in my dreams leading me to places as I try to catch her when she has broken out. In one of my earlier dreams she went into a cave and fell in the water. As I tried  to save her I fell in the water myself, but the water was nice and warm, so not a bad dream and the horse was ok.

Maybe we are really "dream sharing" bits, in parts. Btw - I also have a wooden deck which is quite flimsy and you can easily break through, but is not white painted. Just to say that your dream feels familiar to me.

Ohio Guy has reacted to this post.
Ohio Guy


I was waiting for someone else to reply because my interpretations tend to be subjective.  Since I’ve been “analyzing” dreams, especially in Dream Share,  the messages they convey is what the dreamer feels it is telling them.

Now my subjective view is your timing in your revelation. lol. My family and I have recently been discussing relocating to an area similar to your dream. I’ve been house hunting and your dream described a few of the houses I have looked at. Odd coincidence, no? We do have white horses but they have blue eyes, not brown.

Anyways, thank you for sharing. Is there a place you vacation that may  resemble this place? Though I just had a thought - you were not in body, but spirit. So spirit was traveling and experiencing this place. Care to share what you believe you experienced?

WaterTiger and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
WaterTigerOhio Guy
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

My 2 cents, horses are fearful when lacking confidence, you can see it in their eyes as you did in your dream OG. Maybe the dream related to yourself giving confidence to others. As I said only my 2 cents. Cheers OG and all the very best to you man hey



Ohio Guy has reacted to this post.
Ohio Guy

Another one on white horses, water, beaches and structures that are to weak to hold - water is generally the unconsciousness, you dive into it and you dive into the unknown but known. white horses leading you somewhere and telling you something, beaches being the border of 2 elements earth and water. a structure that might not hold - fear (like tas wrote, the eyes of the horse)?

First off, thank you all for the valuable insights. Yes Tas and Water Tiger, there was fear in the horse's eyes and I feared for the horse. When I moved my spirit closer to the horse, the horse looked at me with visible distress. That happened twice as I recall. Once on the flimsy deck, and again on the lower level with the large, see thru partition or force field holding all the seawater back.

Perhaps, this all has to do with my work situation. Six years ago, under family ownership, it was a great place with good people. Now, there are only 4 or 5 of us left with any seniority. The company was sold to a board of nameless, faceless "people" headquartered in a bigger city 200 miles north. Almost all the new hires have 1 year or less in here. Drug or alcohol addicted, or some behavioral issue. The FDA was in today to inspect, as it is a food making facility. We did not pass our last inspection so we are now on their radar, so to speak. All the value in our products and people is being sucked away and sold to the highest bidder. So many companies having a hard way to go. Maybe it's time for a job change? Don't even know if that's possible in this economic climate here. Thank God for my wife and dogs and cats. (and friends near and far) They keep me sane and balanced. I don't "think" I see myself lying down in the middle of the freeway yet...

Love to you all


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My first reaction was that you felt helpless trying to protect something that should be wild and free, and what you thought was beautiful. And that you were being forcefully held back and made to watch it drown.


That definitely would be a horrible feeling. That imagery could have a lot of interpretations.

Ohio Guy has reacted to this post.
Ohio Guy

My initial interpretation with the frightened horse, I didnt connect it’s behavior to you - as you were attempting to calm it down and were unsuccessful even though it sensed your presence. Horses sense energies beyond most human’s cognition and this inconsolable frantic state is a telling sign that something powerful is approaching. Example - If you look at most movies with horses ( LoTRs specifically comes to mind ) they will freak out and bail on you for seemingly no reason, but later the traveler realizes the danger when he meets a unconfined force(s) on the road. Whether  that be a bad storm approaching (energy), a Balrog, a legion of demons, or a fire breathing dragon lol….

ANYHOO -  the horse couldn’t have been afraid of an approaching storm because it was freaking out underwater when high tide (energy)  came in. There must have been something past your bubble of dream perception to only take notice of the state of the horse, the house - AND my favorite part of the entire dream …. A craft hidden by a force field!!

To me that screams - locate your craft to get out of dodge because there is something brewing beyond our limited comprehension. That’s just me though. I could be way off but it’s what I got as far as interpretations. 😉

Hope you find the answers to your unsettling but awesomely symbolic dream.

Ohio Guy has reacted to this post.
Ohio Guy
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@geisterfahrer, I did not see this horse drown. This animal was still quite active in the seawater well over his or her head. The horse's behavior was the same in and out of the water. My fear of the horse's safety was also the same whether in or out of the water. I must say though that when I saw this horse in water over his or her head, it was so unsettling that I woke up.

@alice, Your interpretation of this dream really makes sense to me. Quite a gift you have there! Thank you, dear.


IDK if it's a gift, but thank you nonetheless. Dreams are slightly more tricky to interpret because they are consciousness interpreting a menagerie of memories the subconscious weaves together. It's why some dreams you scratch your head at the randomness of it all.  Dream-visions and visions are projections that we receive from our highest state of being, and can be prophetic or a warning of events to come or occurring on another time-line. They are important.

From my experience with a waking vision - the scenery was symbolic and left open for interpretation but the message the story it told was pretty dang clear. That message is for you and you alone to interpret. I have a couple more interpretations to throw out, if you like but at the end of the day.... it's your message not mine.

I would like to point out one thing - after I read your dream-vision, I was cleaning off my desk and stumbled on notes from an MM A.I. parsing I took a few weeks ago. I even underlined the exact words you used in your post:

"Doomed structures synthesized from gypsum or underground bases covered by electromagnetic force screens, are easily constructed to house the Domain Force." Hope that helps.


- Alice

congjing yu and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
congjing yuOhio Guy
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Wanna hear another one? Pull up a chair kiddies, uncle OG had another dream sequence, ohhh, about 3 or four nights ago. My typing fingers are agile and ready to drop this dream. Now, without further fanfare, here's the setting; I'm entering a room through a 4 feet squarish opening. Where I came from seemed small and cramped, not well lit. Kinda like crawling through a portal, but square, like some odd door frame. As I enter, the area is lit with artificial light like you'd see in an office with soft flourescent fixture tubes. The area of this room is approximately 15 feet square by 25 feet high, it is damp with water (again) collecting on the floor about 8 feet below my portal opening. It is cluttered with boxes of varying construction, most strong enough to support my weight as I use them to descend. In this room of clutter there are two cats. One is a tuxedo, the other is a yellow and white. They seem pretty happy in the clutter room. I'm looking around and find a hand held spot light thingy with three separate light sources. Each capable of emitting different kinds of light. I look for a way to turn the light on to see what kind of light emits. I can't figure how to activate it. So, me being me, I try to open it to look for a power source. Instantly, it swings open from a hinge on the left and immediately out pours not one but two clear, gelatinous blobs, each having the mass of a softball with a light violet, pulsating light in the center. They both just plop onto the floor by a clothes washing machine. The black and white tuxedo kitty cooly walks away from theses glowing blobs but the yellow and white rubs her face right in them with eyes closed, almost smiling with glee and comfort. I'm mortified because I've no idea what this glowing substance is that poured out of the spot light or if it could harm this cute kitty. But... the kitty seems to dig this thing. Has a very content, dare I say, blissful look on her face. Well, I'm not one to be a buzzkill, so I let it be. Thus endeth the dream.

Make of it what you will. It was one of those cute and pleasant dreams. Nice to have once in a while to break up the stress of the others. Peace out my peeps.

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congjing yu
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