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Type 1 Greys

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out of curiosity, would skinny bob (or that general image) be considered a type 1 grey?

keff has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

Great question. I would love to know the answer too

Of the thousands of pics on the net, there are at least 3 pics out there that seem legit to me, but they all look very different. Maybe Airl gave a hint by letting us know that different body types were being used by her civilisation for different purposes. There at least, Officer (Airl's rank), Junior officer (dead crew on the spacecraft), soldiers etc.


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  • skinnybob.jpeg
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  • boydbushman.jpeg
pissedlizard and daegonmagus have reacted to this post.

Of the pictures, the first and the third are real. The second is a fake.

But you need not listen to me about this. Just trust your inner feelings. That is what you should be going by most of the time anyways.

lindseigh has reacted to this post.

That third resonates A LOT. Maybe it’s the human hand in the picture that does it. But it evokes a lot of emotion. Lots of sympathy. Just knowing what I know about humans makes me think whatever happened to it wasn’t pretty.

I saw 3 UFOs in my life. Sparing everyone the details (typical sighting stories). The first 2 were the triangular type. Both within a year or so. One was seen by so many people - it was attributed to a concert in the area (it wasn’t).

I mention this because as I grew older the question pops up - if there is life out there - is it alive per our standard definition of life (which is very shallow). I can say - for certain 2 of the 3 sightings - I know - like REALLY know how I felt both times.  It felt like I was being scanned. Both times -  from the air.  The second time was more intense. Like they were looking for something.  I get goosebumps writing about it. There was no fear - just the feeling of being scanned. That HAS to be a living entity that does that. To me anyway.

The location of both sightings of the triangle were in upstate NY. IBM was big in the area at the time (mid 80s) so that may be the link.  The 3rd was off the coast of Attu in the Bering Sea. Old Navy people will know this as a base up there. When I was in the USCG as a junior enlisted person you stand watch on the deck above the bridge. I’m looking at Attu   10 miles off our port side when I look to the left and about 5 miles out I see this huge glow under water. I freak the hell out thinking it’s an erupting volcano. I call down to the bridge and everyone is watching. This frigging thing pops up out of the water - and you could see water pouring off it, orange as the sun at at sunset - and boom-gone. Straight up, gone.

All of us that saw it didn’t really hang out off ship. From that night forward we did.

That being scanned though. I’ll never forget it. Ever. It wasn’t bad and it wasn’t good. Strange stuff.

lindseigh has reacted to this post.

I think everyone would be surprised at all the "behind the scenes" activities that take place on the world today.

So true-- And now we know who pays this muppets salary, too. He kept neutral for 18 months, now the pressures on, obviously.

WHO my arse.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

What is "news" is nothing more than a specially crafted "reality" that boxes people in. The actual true reality doesn't resemble any of this.

Big news in China...

[1] American military  aircraft violates both Chinese and Taiwan airspace, lands for 35 minutes and departs. China says if it ever happens again, that it will blow the aircraft out of the skies.

[2] Chinese and Russian military have been working on combining their nuclear arsenals and Intel data collection.

[3] American retreat from Afghanistan was a fiasco. So Biden announces that the retreat from Syria will be organized and in stages.

[4] The "silicon valley of China" for artificial intelligence, IoT, and robotics is moving a pace with the latest spur lines for the High Speed Train network connecting Zhuhai, Guangzhou and Zhongshan.

[5] The Taliban is embracing it's neighbor China, and are negotiating for BRI roads, rail, infrastructure and factories in the regions formerly occupied by American military bases, weapons systems, and regional military garrisons.

[6] Project timeline, budgeting and costs are being established for the joint Russia, China lunar base.

Ultan McG and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
Ultan McGMemory Loss

Just finished the latest installment of Alien Interview Parsing, Mr Man. Your comments help so much, even though I've read the entire book several times, you've added some cutting insights.

Before, we could only guess what MAJestic got up to. Along with your breadcrumbs, and the unrelated volumes of absolute shit on the completely controlled internet, which thankfully I never more than superficially sperlunked because by some accidents of fate I knew more than 25 years ago that was a waste of time and energy regarding the Big Questions, especially. (And pretty much everything else besides unless one's looking to buy even more shit. Or advertise it. Or sell it. Or eat it. Or whatever.)

For me it's always humbling to be aware that all over the world today, there are guys walking around looking as normal as can be, driving regular cars living regular lives, and yet behind the curtains of their regular homes they're assisting one mega powerful race of inter/trans dimensional "alien" beings utilising post Star Trek technology, battle against another (only slightly less) mega powerful race of same-- who in this other case happen to look just like us, Ingo Swann confirmed this too-- for control of not only this galaxy, but this sector of the whole frikking universe.

I mean, who could even make that up! And the technologies that MAJestic must be tinkering with. Fuuuck meeee. Bob Lazars in the ha'penny place, right?

And to say my imagination has been stimulated beyond even a reading of a classic Umberto Eco novel, or two, would be quite the understatment, dontcha know. Fascinating.

Thanks again for that, too, MMan.

And I specifically remember reading in one of Mr Mans classic earlier revelations that after a number of gargantuan Galactic-wide wars eons upon eons ago that almost fucked things up completely for everyone, a system of rigid, agreed upon controls-- for want of a better term-- was agreed upon by all parties to ensure something like that wouldn't ever happen again. Including some sort of Federation if I recall correctly.

The scope is astonishing. And I dont care what anybody says-- The Moon WAS a Deathstar just like in that old movie. 🤭

Truth is indeed stranger than any fiction. And if I can be of any assistance, guys, you know how to contact me-- I'm sure that wouldn't cause you too much of a problem. 😉

In the meantime I'll continue with my little old affirmation campaigns, and look after your 4 legged creations right down here. The two legged ones I struggle a bit more with, tbh-- that's the wife's territory-- but I do try. Must be an affirmation for that lying around somewhere!

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

If I told you that we are all connected, you would nod and smile and say "yeah, I read that on the internet". But we are.

I have a post (well I started, but haven't gotten around to finishing it) to how the connections between the consciousness of others (most notably pets) create special places... not a good term... but go with me on this... a special place in our consciousness. And when they physical leave, there is a void...

Now there are elements of both the non-physical and the physical that contribute to our personal consciousness. When a pet dies, this creates a void of the physical elements of the consciousness (again not a good descriptor) and we miss our loved ones. But they are still there in the non-physical.

To heal, we need to reconnect with them on the non-physical.

We can do this. I have some techniques. Not well established, but some general guidelines and I do want to post them out on MM.

They involved a combination of affirmations, and some exercise you do before you go to sleep. Nothing fancy. Just keep in mind that you want to "connect" with your loved ones. You can do so. Enable the affirmations that says you can do it, then calm yourself and ready yourself to meet them when you physical consciousness is sleeping.

Maybe I am getting too off in La-la land. Sorry for that.

Feal, Ultan McG and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
FealUltan McGGoldleaf

Not in the least, Mr Man. The pain of a lost pet is truly indescribable. But thankfully enough I've experienced what you describe already regarding that.

Realities that don't really exist, right?

Suure, and dogs can't skateboard around bends, neither.

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