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Type 1 Greys

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Could this have been a battle between Old Empire and the Domain?

Good question. A very good question.


Yes, there is definitely something metaphysical going on with the bigfoot creatures. And those accounts of them some how interacting with Greys, it is just too unlikely a pair for some hoaxer to make up. LOL.

I am convinced there is some link.

congjing yu and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
congjing yuUltan McG

There's a link. However, it is peripheral. One of the snares is to have us waste our time on things that do not contribute to our objectives.

pissedlizard and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardUltan McG

Maybe it's Chewbakka and friends on an R&R trip to the boonies?

And I say that only half-facetiously! I mean, Lucas got a lot of other stuff right, right? Or maybe that's just another coincidence theory!

Lucas and Spielberg. And how many others...

I have always been intrigued by the Yeti in the Himalayas. Not so much the beings-whatever they are-here on my continent. The Yeti - I don’t know. Just something about it. I think it’s great how everyone says “all we need is a DNA sample”... what is that going to tell us? We don’t even know what WE are looking at when it comes to DNA analysis.

My big question with it is - what is the message? If they are making themselves seen - it must be for a reason. Why? What do they want us to know?

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

@pissed lizard, seeing as you are on the topic of star wars, here's your brotherhood of the serpent connection that links the movie with Ancient Egypt (I cannot vouch to the accuracy of this particular person, but I have been reading a lot on these guys from a self proclaimed descendant of that templar line);

THE FIRST JEDI – THE ORIGINS OF THE TEMPLAR ORDER – Templar Priory of the White Stone (

Daegon Magus

Interesting. More so the -hi at the end of Arabic means ownership or “mine”. For example ach means brother. Achi (with the -hi) means MY brother. The way to write the rest in Arabic (as one “S” letter will be pronounced sha when another “S” letter will be pronounced shi. THIS word can only be spelled (ضد) or pronounced “djed”. It translates into English as “against”. So in that neck of the woods they were speaking several versions of Aramaic which Arabic is a bastardized version of (it’s easy for an Arabic speaker to translate hieroglyphs - because of that way of speaking) - the word “djedhi” translates into “that is against me” or “something against me”.  Jedi is really dark in that sense. Vader being a Jedi and Yoda being “evil”. That’s all the characters I know-I’m not a Star Wars or Star Trek person. But interesting wording.

daegonmagus has reacted to this post.

And real quick-because I know you all can relate - I am not Muslim. 10 years ago literally - that drive came to learn everything I could about Islam in 7 years. Yes I was “given” a timeframe. And as fucking life would have it - seven years to study it opened up. And I learned Arabic on my own then studied the Koran, Sira and Sunna (both Bukhari and Muslim) then flew into Shi’a territory, taught myself Farsi and studied twelver thought and Hojjahteah thought THEN Sevener.

Freaking crazy, right? No reason just a drive. My wife is a saint putting up with my shit. I literally became a person who was teaching muslims about their own religion. Most have no clue about ANY of it no less it’s history.

I believe Islam to be a rabid death cult. I do not mean to offend you if this is your practice, but for a religion to direct those nonbelievers to die or pay-no- go fuck yourself. Come try take your jizya. At least I’ll die fighting.

But that being said, if I chime in on the topic of Islam, I am no expert, but I studied it. Still no fucking clue why, but if  it can benefit others by putting it on my “cloud”-then it’s  worth it.

congjing yu, daegonmagus and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yudaegonmagusMemory Lossxzianchow

no offense taken, though I believe that some other mainstream religions could be thought of as cults as well.

Interesting about the wording, thank you for breaking that down for me. I wonder what it was referring to about being "against them"?

keff has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus
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