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Alien Interview possible false facts I found and some questions and perspectives I got

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@pissedlizard  Thank you!!! I could really use some fortune! Pre-Christmastime is punching us very hard again.

I remember "meeting" my first praying mantis in Italy. It didn't hop on me (it would have scared the crap out of me) and I don't remember it waving . Maybe, maybe not. It looked like the one on the picture.

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pissedlizard, perolator and 2 other users have reacted to this post.

@pissedlizard Your post triggered a memory. Back when I first discovered MM and started chatting on this forum, I was taking letters to the mailbox and saw a teeny tiny mantis on my car. It was maybe a little over an inch long. I told it good morning and wished it a lovey day 🙂

I've been thinking lately I need to go reread some blog posts. The section currently drawing me is the MWI index. I think I'll get started on that this weekend.

@memory-loss I look forward to your next big theory post. I might not reply because I'm not sure I have anything constructive to add. I sure do enjoy reading them. They always make me think.

pissedlizard and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardMemory Loss

@glodleaf - those old articles are key. What I CAN say is that things started really changing behind the scenes on my end - I definitely got a vibe of something. Not a bad vibe, but not a good one either. It was just - something - but it was when I read the “Cat Heaven” article - as it’s mostly about the quantum world. I really didn’t want to READ the article because I was not ready, in any shape or form, to be reminded that one day the center of MY universe, will pass and go there. I love her too much. But that article did it. That’s where I know now - I was on somethings radar.

@mirri - I was scared to death of them too! When they show themselves - these “insects” - it’s not to hide from you, if you know what I mean. From my understanding - 9 out of 10 times they show themselves is LITERALLY to say hello. People will do something very unique as humans - shit they find “cute”. For example-  If you made a YouTube video that was cool and someone REALLY wanted to comment - that what it is. If that makes any sense. Instead of commenting they say Hi and reward us with good fortune! Good fortune IS heading your way.

@daegonmagus - Thank you! It’s always good to be back. I found a course from an old company called “The Teaching Company” on regular and advanced calculus. As much as I hate their bullshit liberal ideology - the courses were great. The most important one on planet pissedlizard was “The Secrets of Ancient Astronomy”. There are no “secrets” but it puts a TON of stuff into a perspective that I use daily. All can be found on any torrent site. In the search box I put in “TTC video” and shitloads will pop up.

What got me the seat at the table that I am sitting at - and this goes to all that are interested - I added this group - ESPECIALLY those MM mentions need it - to my intention campaign. And it was only to keep everyone safe and healthy in general. If someone needed a little extra - like some of you struggling with stuff now - when I see you all writing “I am struggling with xy and z right now…” off my intention goes into the matrix.

I also use Tesla’s 3/6/9 method of campaigns - he was and is a big mover of energy - he credits his method with his success and so far on my end, so good. Keep in mind the 3/6/9 is ONLY for the saying/writing part of the intent. It gets you into the train station, the train you get on is ultimately up to you. Everything else is MM to the letter.

Finally (I know, I know-quit writing books here, PL - I get it - nobody wants to spend 20 minutes listening to my shit - but this one may help) - the Dogon/Sirius/DNA connection. I put that little bit of DNA winding in there to save anyone who goes down this road time. Here is my understanding of the first step:

Keep in mind DNA was discovered in the late 20th century and the Dogon have been around for centuries - plural.

The Dogon said that our DNA (they called “life springs” like a car suspension spring not a drinking spring) is wound the same way/direction/angles as the star Sirius rotates in the night sky. According to the Dogon - and dive a BIT deeper than Wikipedia - trust me on this - if you can get inside the spring and look at it from the inside - heaven will be revealed. It’s how THEIR Shaman communicates with the universe. They get inside the spring when meditating - then link up so to speak - with Sirius - and boom - off you go.

They also said that our DNA actually spins WITH Sirius - when we are in a “state of well being”. People that were sick were not spinning with Sirius and it was up to the Shaman to figure out why.

This is was revealed to the Dogon centuries ago. Again - the path to REALLY get into this - is a lonely one. But it HAS to be done alone. I don’t know why, but it does. IF you follow this White Rabbit - an unbelievable reward awaits!

Keep the intentions going - if MM mentions someone that is struggling - even if it’s a “someone I can’t name” - no matter-just adding SOMETHING helps. Immensely.

And to people that are new here, the curious lurkers - the internet is going down worldwide. You ALL know this in your gut. You can’t fight a physical war with every idiot with a twit account goes spewing critical information everywhere-hell - Biden wants to shut it down for a sniffle - but it’s going offline. In the meantime - print off what you don’t have time to read on MMs site. It’s a lot but doable.

I hope everyone is well!

This I know to be absolutely true.



Ultan McG and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
Ultan McGGoldleaf

Hey @pissedlizard. It's great to see you around. I also miss @guyfromafrica and hope he comes back asap.

For a lizard you sure make me think. For starters whatever is "EMMA\EMCT"...?

I'm going to look into your hints which has gotten just slightly less cryptic lol. You have inspired me to try make a little sense of the DNA stuff. I was mucking about with the biochemistry of life on my own the last two years. Stuff like the amino acids etc, and it was pretty lonely. Your little post relating to Tyrosine was like a revelation to me, because I always thought it was a weird and wonderful molecule. Also just slightly scary stuff.

A lot of people think it helps with lucid dreaming. But at the same time in rare cases, I think it can be dangerous. For myself I believe it can increase alertness, might cause mania, blah blah. It does affect consciousness.

PL, I will look into the Dogon people. Your clues for a treasure hunt are preeety cryptic still but that's half the fun. Like Katya Walter who writes about the I Ching and DNA. Now that is someone to get on this forum. Someone who is a professional physicist and yet will be open to the ideas that are floated on MM.


Will post something up which is half speculation but I figure it's ok to speculate about human health and how the Domain would have look at in designing the critters on Earth (and by extension other humanoid planets).

Stuff like arginine, tyrosine, tryptophan, dopamine and my favorite, rapamycin would be fun building blocks for engineering organisms (like mammals) using a template of sorts.

@daegonmagus might be able to utilize some of the above stuff. I think haha.

pissedlizard and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardUltan McG
Ciao! Gip me your ideas
Quote from Goldleaf on December 3, 2021, 10:24 pm

@pissedlizard Your post triggered a memory. Back when I first discovered MM and started chatting on this forum, I was taking letters to the mailbox and saw a teeny tiny mantis on my car. It was maybe a little over an inch long. I told it good morning and wished it a lovey day 🙂

I've been thinking lately I need to go reread some blog posts. The section currently drawing me is the MWI index. I think I'll get started on that this weekend.

@memory-loss I look forward to your next big theory post. I might not reply because I'm not sure I have anything constructive to add. I sure do enjoy reading them. They always make me think.

@goldleaf, I experienced something very similar two or 3 months ago. A small (tiny) mantis was on the windshield of my car. My initial reaction was to wait for a while to see whether it flew away. I was going to visit my brother in-law’s house. After 5 minutes I decided to leave. My relative’s house is 6 miles away. The mantis went away with us (my wife and me) affixed to the windshield like a Mack truck emblem. I drove even at 45 mph and it continued exactly at the same spot the whole trip. Few minutes after we arrived to our destination it flew to some bushes nearby. My wife and myself were astonished.

pissedlizard, Ultan McG and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardUltan McGGoldleafxzianchow

I see on this forum that other people have been physically visited by "mantids". A few weeks back, I had written a prayer affirmation for my Mantid guardian (still in my ongoing affirmations campaign right now) about seeing my past lives, and for information on whether the IS-BEs assigned as my biological family members and my past "friends" and acquaintances are actually funnelling/redirecting/trapping mechanisms to herd or trick my consciousness into following an assigned path. My first prayer to them was very badly worded. So a few hours after saying my affirmations, I work on the computer and take a rest. I come back and take my computer out of its sleep mode, and all of a sudden my mouse starts acting up on its own, right clicking here, undoing what I typed in some document...I was scared shitless! Did I get hacked or something? I also discover that a screenshot I took on August 19, 2019 when I was still in my old apartment showed up on my desktop! I had deleted this some time ago, so how did it show up on my desktop? I unplug my mouse and put down the screen of the computer. I look up how to check if my Mac got hacked and follow the steps. it shows I wasn't hacked.

Anyway, I am confused about my wording, I message MM (our kind host) about improving the wording of my request to my Mantid (occurs a few days after first strange computer incident). So I reword my prayer, and hours later, the same strange thing happens on my computer--mouse acting funny, doing right click here, etc.

So I message MM (our kind host) and tell him what happened, how this happened twice (once when I first included my prayer to my Mantid, 2nd time when I reworded my prayer). He explained (confirmed by the Domain commander) that I was acting pretty dense (a dunderhead) and this was the Mantid's way of slapping me/knocking me on the back of the head with a 2 by 4 to get my attention. No appearance of an actual mantid insect where I am, as it's pretty cold at the moment (average 8° celsius).

Even though I did not see a physical Mantid, will I experience good fortune too since my Mantid communicated with me through my computer? ^^. Too bad I can't use emoticons.

pissedlizard, perolator and 2 other users have reacted to this post.

@memoryloss Other than saying if you know what it means then it’s for you - if not - it’s for me.

Think of a combination of a breadcrumb to find your way and a solid anchor thing mountain climbers permanently screw into rocks for other climbers. It’s sort of in a way like that. That’s all I can say about that specifically.

I will tell you point blank that Time and Space are CLEARLY not what we are taught. At. All. In fact, at some points they are interchangeable. Yes. Time and space can be interchangeable. That’s all the Yeti and Bigfoot and all the other cryptozoological shit. It’s how YOUR ancestors were able to literally shape-shift and do what needed to be done. ALL  cultures have these and they are ALL as real as you and me. But make no mistake, Time and Space are not what you think. And both should be given a LOT more respect than we give them.

The other thing - and I think this is why I am not permitted to say much is because I don’t have the big picture. A lot of what is said - like predictions and stuff - do not match the reality that I am presented. For example:

The worlds “superpowers” - America, Russia, China, etc are not preparing for a war with eachother. Do not be fooled - by anyone - that that’s the case. That’s how it will START - but that is not what the gameplan is. It’s to fight what’s coming. It’s to show the people that we - as the human race - will at least go down swinging.

Do not be fooled by the posturing. There is a bigger war that is about to be waged. YOU ALL are part of the Domain fight right? THAT and a lot of other incidents are coming.

Planet Earth is about to be shaken up like a fucking snow globe and the powers that be are freaking. It’s really that simple. No country is immune. If the first wave don’t get you the second or third will. There is no reason for a fourth wave - as I understand it - but again - I only have a fraction of the picture and the restrictions that are imposed about what I can and can’t say are too tight. Just as you all are in war mode for the Domain, so are we for something else.

One thing that I FINALLY can say here - and I think they just got tired of me asking and gave in - like you would a kid - to just finally shut them up - BUT  what I will tell you all is that your Mantids are making an appearance because the time is close for everyone to sorta really get to know them. They are showing you that they or a representative will be there to greet you on the other side. It’s a message of hope. From them to you. But they are showing up everywhere because the day draws closer - pun intended. They bring good fortune out of kindness - something that is extraordinarily rare for their kind. VERY rare. Thank MM for your sightings - it’s all because you are here.

Finally - the people here that either say they need help or MM mentions it, or even for people that are making big moves in their lives - if they need help - add them to your intentions. One line is all. This community is very special. I don’t think many really understand the uniqueness of that specialty. But it is special. Every participant MM let’s through has a unique ability to help those in need. Many are struggling worldwide. And many are struggling because they can’t make sense of what tomorrow is going to bring. Sometimes a little intention or prayer or spell or whatever you call it - sometimes that’s all the help someone needs to get through their day. @Merlynn with his floods, @Ultan with his move, MM just mentioned a few others - they need us more than ever.

All of this I know to be true




congjing yu, perolator and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
congjing yuperolatorxzianchow

@oldwine - Yes. You will. Even through a computer.  Yours just physically bit me to go back and see that you posted something at the end of your post I did not see. One physically flew onto my ear and bit it. It happens when I overlook something - so I would say hell yes to the computer question. Here is how:

If you were to put your nose on to your screen - the one you are reading right now - the distance between the screen and your eyes is pretty small, right?

Well - there are TRILLIONS of waves or quanta that physically link your eye to your computer. Google “quantum biology optic nerve”.

We, ESPECIALLY in the West, are so narcissistic that we refuse to believe it - but the info is allllllllllllll out there.

Thanks for the bite, BTW! I don’t care what they do to me as long as I don’t get on their bad side.

All of this I know to be true!


perolator, Ultan McG and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
perolatorUltan McGxzianchow

I had a dream last night that had some mantids in it.  They were quite small though, but there were many of them.  This is the first time I've seen them in a dream.

Not sure what it means, if anything, but I'll document it.  Also noted it in my dream journal.

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

@PL "the internet is going down".....yeah i heard the other day America had a shit show when it came to all their social media. Apparently all anyone could access was tik tok. I have a contingency for MM's work in case that happens that I have been keeping a lid on - I have downloaded most (and I say most because it is impossible to get absolutely everything like the SHTF index, but definitely got all his Majestic/ Domain stuff) and have been editing it into a book format for paperback publication so he can hopefully get some royalties to keep the site up (assuming said internet debacle never happens). Currently I have finished the training and retirement sections. I will send MM PDFs of these and the raw files of those I haven't finished yet so you guys can access them easy enough. took me hours to access each page from his site and copy and paste it all into word, so I am sure it'll help you guys out immensely in that regard

perolator, Ultan McG and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
perolatorUltan McGxzianchow
Daegon Magus
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