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Accepting questions for the next Q&A with the Domain Commander

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Quote from guyFromAfrica on January 25, 2022, 6:23 pm



DSKlausler has reacted to this post.

Hi MM and forum members,

I have a question if possible,

  1. What is our real connection to our biological offspring (our children), due to imprisonment, amnesia and the recycling of our souls back into physical form via "a mission profile" and the light are our biological children connected to us in the non physical realm as "part of us/me", the concept of protecting my child is very very strong in myself, it's my life and my motivation. I understand maternal instincts are strong in us but are we only "custodians" of another young developing soul. I hope this makes sense

Thank you so very much for this chance to ask this question.

Best regards and have a great day


Alice has reacted to this post.

I have an on-going Q&A. I added it to the pipeline and will continue answering these questions when the opportunities arise.

In general, each question takes about one hour to process and about three hours to edit and compile. It's four hours per question and I have about 50 in the pipe.

Memory Loss, azark and Tas have reacted to this post.
Memory LossazarkTas


Thank you for the response, no hurry mate and cheers for adding my question to your list, greatly appreciated.

Have a super day cobber and all the best to yourself and your family.


Hello once again,

Please direct me if this has been already addressed.


Rather than work so seemingly wide-spread (on this earth), and time consuming, and given that the entities in meat-suits are immortal... why not just terminate their (the really bad guys) existence here? Are not these Old Empire parasites easy enough to identify?



If I remember correctly, the Commander said that OEguys recycle directly without memorywipe and without life review so they are hard to catch.

And I asked some time ago, if it would be of help to have an affirmation so the domain can catch them or recognize them (like their lost battalion members)... It hasn't been answered yet.

MM: I know I'm back on this subject again, but I just want some clarification - if possible.

The Commander said that there is a physical earth (also physical solar system and "universe"). He also said that yes, our collective consciousness constructs this matrix earth. He also indicated that this matrix earth, this Prison Planet of recycling ISBEs has been in place for a VERY long time. Back in the day, I'm talking tens of thousands of years at least, I can only presume that whatever form the ISBEs took, they too were subject to the memory wipe, and matrix-earth "building".

This matrix earth had historic global destructive events - the results can be seen in ice-core data, geologic data and other credible methods. These records indicate that such massive population ending events are NOT rare, and are in fact cyclic - perhaps every 10,000 years or so. Repeating... EXPECTED.

  1. Are those measurable scars, a result of collective belief that destructive events occurred - the "experts" through the ages "said so", and the local entities agreed (ba-bing - they appear); or, are those scars upon the physical earth?
  2. If those scars are a result of physical activity, it seems to me that they may have occurred as a result of Solar Activity, or Galactic Activity, or, I suppose, Galactic to Solar... is this true?
  3. This whole scheme was designed by a skilled ISBE, corrupted by The Old Empire, and overtaken by The Domain. A very intelligent collection presumably. I could see withholding such information as to somewhat protect, and control the resident general population, but we here at MM are NOT the norm. Tell me please Commander, when will the next extra-terrestrially sourced cataclysmic event take place and affect the physical earth... or are such events now blocked by The Domain?



Chromacat has reacted to this post.

@dsklausler I think the answer to your first two questions was in "Alien Interview."

Due to the myriad types of naturally occurring global cataclysmic events which are indigenous to Earth, it is not a suitable planet for habitation by IS-BEs.

It seems the Han race descended from the Lemurians (ancient OE refugees?) while and the Americans and (some?) Europeans are reincarnated Atlantians. I'll upload an old book to do with that later in a different post.

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

I have a question for the Domain, please:

Would they be able to share with us who placed the Moon in its current orbit, where it came from and when was it put there? (Or offer us a little history of that period of Earth's history, instead?)

I know this isn't related directly to Domain Operations and irregular assistance from us, but I'm curious now that moves are being made to dismantle the Old New World Order and replace it with a New New World Order aimed at an eventual win-win for everybody regardless of race, colour or creed, as stated by both Putin and Xi in recent years.

Thus I think it wold be beneficial if humans could start at least to gain an appreciation of our true history instead of the layers and layers of lies that have been placed over our true origins; especially since more and more people became literate, affluent and started to ask these questions during the 17th and 18th centuries right through until today-- but were always rebuffed with a stream of horseshit from intellectual authorities, so called, whenever they tried to access some Real Truth.

A taboo subject even until this day, also. But then again, anyone daring to question the western horseshit narrative was also taboo until China and Russia got their collective rocks on earlier this week and began action! So fuck taboos, pardoning my French, and here's to a little bit of context as we move forward towards something better at last-- it's been too long in coming. No doubt there will be some major setbacks along the way as psychopaths don't like losing, but we'll get there eventually; and some extra background in addition to what Arl has already kindly revealed-- as to who we are and where we came from-- would really help.

Shout out to Arl if she's reading this, btw!

Feal and perolator have reacted to this post.

It's in the pipe.

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