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Accepting questions for the next Q&A with the Domain Commander

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Quote from congjing yu on January 10, 2022, 8:53 am

@soulwithabody Are you serious?

Can someone else explain the "rules of the game" to this person for me. I'm about ready to rubbish the entire site, and send off everyone to the cornfield. I had a troll from Kentucky bothering me first thing, and now this. Sheesh!

On a positive note. Here's a podcast that you need to watch. -MM

Sorry, not my intention to cause trouble.  Thank you for the podcast link.


I understand. It's cool.

@soulwithabody You should read through the Affirmation Index if you haven't yet. It should help with your current life situation. You can get your premonitions back with some work.


Please message me at and I will hook you up with a "key player" who will help you with your issues. This is a serious offer.

If you decline, that's fine, but do not think that I am not trying to help. We all go through difficult times, and what that happens, we try to reach out to others. Sometimes when we stretch out our hands, they get slapped. Not a problem. I hear your angst.

azark has reacted to this post.

Yes. Hello guys. How have you all been?

I hope all of you have been much better than me.

Recently I had a dream. I think it was a memory from the past. It looked medieval.

In a medieval building, we were a few people. I think I was the leader or something similar. Too much to mention so little time.

My question is Was I in the Old empire or where did I come from?


Question number 2 is :

Why can't the Domain build a teleporter and zoom their personnel off this fuck place to a galaxy/planet far far away and start rehabilitation then?


Sorry if this causes any inconvenience

Here @guyfromafrica, nice to hear from you again. Interesting questions you have...



A1 to Q1. Possibly the Domain wants us to figure our dreams by ourselves?

Q2. Probably because they can't for some reason.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Hello @guyfromafrica, hope you feel better.

Nice to know about you again.


pissedlizard and DSKlausler have reacted to this post.

Greetings Domain Commander, I have two questions: Q1 What values ​​ingrained in our current civilization should we banish or gradually come to a civilization that is more in tune with ISBEs and environmental creatures, as it seems the old empire still controls the directive. Q2 Should your actions be driven more by the psychological mind or more by peaceful disobedience. Thank you for your answers, I feel almost since my childhood like a camouflaged jaguar who has taken too many naps. I hope alliances have been formed, we are divided. Thank you for your answers and your compation, I hope one day to thank you ISBE at ISBE.


There's been a lot happening so I haven't had much chance to read the latest articles. But @laoban4site , I wanted to thank you for asking my earlier questions. As an update, it took a couple weeks to see the vet for my elderly cat, but we pretty much confirmed it was a stroke. She recovered for the most part but is now mostly blind. A quick lab test also showed she has high blood pressure, so now she's on medication for that along with her special diet. She still enjoys things and now likes to tour the house to check on everyone even though she can't see-- she simply uses her other senses.

congjing yu and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
congjing yuMemory Loss
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