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Accepting questions for the next Q&A with the Domain Commander

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Quote from Feal on February 26, 2022, 4:02 am

@dsklausler I think the answer to your first two questions was in "Alien Interview."

Due to the myriad types of naturally occurring global cataclysmic events which are indigenous to Earth, it is not a suitable planet for habitation by IS-BEs.

It seems the Han race descended from the Lemurians (ancient OE refugees?) while and the Americans and (some?) Europeans are reincarnated Atlantians. I'll upload an old book to do with that later in a different post.

I have my doubts about the integrity of Mr. Peterson.

My intent, as The Commander now well knows... is to acquire an actual date. I believe that these events are indeed cyclic, AND by design...  as such they would be much like giant clock-work. I'd like The Commander to speak to that explicitly.

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Hi guys.

Yesterday I had a dream. Apparently there is an organization named Midnight in 1997, plus these guys came with a crow in the middle of the night on the roof of my crib. (speak about an entrance) It would seem to me that they are pretty bad "people". I asked what they wanted with me saying that I didn't have anything of value but they said that someone has to do crime. They don't look like good people I did not like them one bit. Luckily there was someone to help me fend of these guys.

In these dreams I am usually never alone. This I noticed. There is always someone I don't know,  who helps me. Though things are not always black and white. From my point of view.

Upon review I realized that their is always something wrong with the right side of people or things, like someone tries to break your right hand fingers or someone has a scar on the right side. Some stuff like that. But it is always on the right side.

Question I would like to ask :

So what's up with the right side of things and who were those guys?


I would like some little advice on life. Is everything really going according to plan?

Over the last few weeks I have accepted my fate. I would not write this unless I had to.


If you do have the time please look into this matter. Do not feel too obliged to answer . At your own time and pace.

Feal has reacted to this post.

It's in the pipe.

Could I please ask the following questions of the Commander if at all possible.

  1. Would the Commander have any knowledge of an item unknown to myself that was removed from behind my kneecap by a surgeon DR Bryan Bomberg (who also worked for the USAF) during the mid 90's in the USA (Rout Hospital).
  2. Would the Commander have any knowledge of my past both physical and that of a ISBE and the future for myself and my daughter if possible. No hurry as I understand others are before me. Thank you very much for the chance to ask the above. Best regards DR

In the pipe.

Tas has reacted to this post.

Thank you

Cheers DR

A new question:

This started a couple of years ago.  When alone, say sitting in a car in a quiet, deserted area at night (using wifi, etc.), I will see out of the corner of my eye or reflected in a mirror what looks like a person approaching the car.  When I look directly, no one is there and no one is around.  This has become more noticeable as time has gone on, and now it's a regular occurrence, once or twice a week.  It's a bit unnerving and gives me a sense of foreboding (bad).  I'm getting older, but I don't think I'm losing it...yet.

Seeing these same things might be happening to others, but they are probably afraid to admit it.

Is this my imagination, something to do with the Domain, or something else entirely such as something trying to communicate something?  If it's not my imagination, then what is going on, and is it good or bad?

Thank you.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

In the pipe


Given the ludicrous decision by the Australian government to give China the middle finger vis-a-vis AUSUK, how serious should we take the threat of Chinese military action (nuclear or otherwise) against Australia in the next 5 years? I live in Queensland  - are there parts of Australia more vulnerable than others - the west coast has only one major city (Perth) and is far from the other major urban centres - theoretically is it safer for me and family to migrate there?

amazon63 has reacted to this post.

@paraic good question. I still am undecided on whether Perth would be safe or not given we house the SAS barracks. You can be sure Darwin would almost certainly be a nuke target due to the Pine Gap facility which provides the back bone of the US military communications; Kim Beazeley did an assessment of it being a nuclear missile target back when he was defence minister in the 90s - the assessment also suggested Sydney as a potential target and estimated casualty numbers from an attack. I think the webpage is still floating around somewhere. Another guy on my contacts lists suggests Canberra would be targeted as it houses the ADFHQ, which is a good point. The good thing about Western Australia though, is that we have thousands of kilometres worth of desert which you could theoretically put between yourself and any detonation. The bad thing is that I did a quick analysis of an attack dead centre of the city using nuke maps with MMs suggestion of a 200kt warhead (found on Russian zircon hypersonic missiles); Catchment areas that provide water to the entire Perth district from the northern suburbs to the southern ones are within a radius that could potentially see them capture fallout particles contaminated with 100RAD/hr. The main concern is the Mundaring wier, the tip of which lies within the 1000RAD/hr fallout radius. Given that this weir supplies every town between Mundaring and 500 kilometres east to Kalgoorlie with water from the C Y O'Connor pipeline, that means people out that far could be receiving fatal radiation dosages (350 RAD is considered the point at which most people die in unsanitary conditions, 450 if you are healthy, but even then it is considered a dose where half the amount of people exposed to it will be expected to die). So my analysis is that Perth city would be pretty well screwed from a single nuke going off. bear in mind though I  am not an expert, and I am just applying what i have learnt through my survival skillset. I could be out with these estimates

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Daegon Magus
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