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Accepting questions for the next Q&A with the Domain Commander

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@daegonmagus thanks for the detailed analysis. I'm still pretty new to Australia but if I were the Chinese military, there are so many unpopulated areas to attack, a targeted nuclear explosion in the desert surely would be enough to initiate a wholesale surrender from the government.

Australia has so many resources to offer China, it would be a no-brainer to do that and claim a  prize asset. In some ways I might welcome an invading Chinese army - how much worse could they be than the incumbent twats? 🙂

Ultan McG and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
Ultan McGOhio Guy

@paraic looks like my idea that Perth would be an unlikely target was unfounded:

Russia-Ukraine war: What would happen if a nuclear bomb dropped on Australia? - New York Times Post (

paraic has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

@Kman.  There is talk that as far back as WW2 there were operatives using a “Cloak of Invisibility” which can be turned on and off at will.  Also, don’t know how open you are to this but there are overlapping dimensions here on earth.  Many of us can see, either clearly or blurry, into them.  The first sign that that ability is developing is that you see movement in your peripheral vision. Well developed peripheral vision sees the form moving…it isn’t always a person….and until this kind of vision enhancement develops, turning to look at it full on, usually results in the form disappearing.

Quote from daegonmagus on March 15, 2022, 8:37 am

@paraic looks like my idea that Perth would be an unlikely target was unfounded:

Russia-Ukraine war: What would happen if a nuclear bomb dropped on Australia? - New York Times Post (

TBH, I don't see their logic. If China just wants to flex its world dominating muscles, then a strategic low yield bomb in the vast desert would serve the same purpose while maintaining the infrastructure if they do want to absorb the country at a later date.The West are a bunch of cowards at the governing level and would quickly succumb to that kind of pressure, IMHO.

Either way Australia is almost finished as an independent free nation as is, even without a nuclear strike and becoming a vassal of China. Its a vassal of the US already. From what MM writes, better to be a vassal of China any day.. where did I leave my Cantonese phrasebook..



You might want to read this article about this invisibility technology that I wrote a few years back.

paraic has reacted to this post.

what's up guys. I usually see this community growing. Had a dream I am/was supposed to be spreading the word about MM and the rest. I have tried but to no luck. There is hope though but the Old empire fear mechanism really works great. I hope it goes through but they fear what they don't understand. I will(must) try my best. My time is really running out. The fear I know am not alone but still. I will try. I must try.

Sometimes I feel afraid, But  being in this place makes me feel some hope.

Ok when I was young, about 10 years old. I was walking in the street playing and minding my own biz. Suddenly some man caught my arm. I was afraid but somehow I just didn't want to scream. We stared at each other for sometime. Prob about 10 sec. His face imprinted in my mind till this day. Then I was called by my dad. I just left the man standing. It happened so naturally I didn't even think about shit. Continued the day "normally" and life "normally".

Since then I thought about the incident many times. And I came to see that The man really looked like me. An older version of me that is. about early 50 or late 40. Something like that.

Question is: Was that an older version of me and if yes(WTF) can u please explain.

Question2: About a week ago I just couldn't lucid dream at all. If I did I couldn't remember anything every time I woke up I tried and tried again. There was an issue. Then I saw images of a broken bridge now repaired. like a normal bridge but it repaired itself.

What happened to the bridge and why was it down? 

Thanks guys and MM. thanks.

Btw The summer is really hot down here. This global warming ain't no joke.


JustAnotherAsian and Feal have reacted to this post.

@guyfromafrica Great to hear from you. It's in the pipe.

Hey Team!

Any chance The Domain commander can provide more specific tips and pointers on self-healing, as well as healing others? My daughter has debilitating migraines virtually every day, and all doctors gave up. Her siblings have some other, though more minor, health issues.

I would love to help heal them, but I also know that self-healing usually works best. I trust this topic will be interesting for many others also.

Quote from daegonmagus on March 15, 2022, 8:37 am

@paraic looks like my idea that Perth would be an unlikely target was unfounded:

Russia-Ukraine war: What would happen if a nuclear bomb dropped on Australia? - New York Times Post (

All the more so from the Commander's latest answer. Lots of good info back from that response. 9.10a

Quote from adi4321234-mm on March 25, 2022, 12:43 pm

Hey Team!

Any chance The Domain commander can provide more specific tips and pointers on self-healing, as well as healing others? My daughter has debilitating migraines virtually every day, and all doctors gave up. Her siblings have some other, though more minor, health issues.

I would love to help heal them, but I also know that self-healing usually works best. I trust this topic will be interesting for many others also.

Hi Adi,

until you may or may not receive an answer, which might take a while, here are my thoughts on this - bear in mind though, that i am not a doctor, but I relate to the ordeals you describe.
Take this with a grain of salt, as you still have to figure out how to get this working for you..

It depends much on your surroundings - if possible, go for a walk in the countryside. As the Commander stated, oxygen is important!
Eat fresh, drink water. If your tap water is not "fresh" enough  - make tea. Go for fresh leaves, or just buy ginger, cut it small, and infuse to your liking. If you have the resources, get the necessary stuff for an alkaline bath. Avoid electronic media as much as possible.

Check the room of your daughter. Are there any electronic devices always on?
There might be small power supply units whch might emit a small humming noise.
(always drives me nuts when i have headaches)

There is a visualization technique which is called the black and white frame method -
one has to visualize all the bad stuff and stuff it in the black frame. (days after days with migraine in a semi dark room etc.)
Then one has to minimize that frame and "trash it".
After that, one has to bring up a white frame - there one hase to visualize the good stuff (a light head, having fun with your friends, all systems nominal) This one has "to be saved".


And, most important of all, do your verbal affimations !
Tell her to speak it out loud - "I want to bealthy and I will be healthy"

If she says "Oh I can't do that" -
tell her exactly this: "I do not want to know what you can ot do - tell me what you can do"
( the universe doesn't know negations) [pun intended]
or "You can't do that - yet"


Do or do not. there is no try.

Hope that helps.

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congjing yuFealadi4321234-mm
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