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Accepting questions for the next Q&A with the Domain Commander

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You cannot change your daughter's condition aside from the physical environment that she is in. All of your suggestions are valid and sound.

The most important thing is for her to verbalize the affirmations loudly. Run a 3/4 campaign. Three months on, then four months off. The affirmation must be...

I am able to breathe clearly, and easily. My body and my lungs all are working perfectly, and I am invigorated and alive with fresh air every single day.

paraic has reacted to this post.

Thanks for posting my previous question and getting an answer.  I have a new question.

I'll say up front I don't really have very many others I would wish to rejoin after death.  My past cats are a different story.  But that brings up the question (actually two):

I wonder about the mental processes and memories from reading sites like this one among those who have just passed away.  It would seem that there is a lot of pressure (or incentive) to rejoin loved ones, and this would be on the minds of almost everyone.  Maybe what is read here simply will not be remembered.  So, just after death, would people really be able to remember to call for the Domain instead of "mindlessly" walking into the light?  Are malevolent forces possibly going to push people into the light, maybe by posing as loved ones?

Dingus and paraic have reacted to this post.

Very grateful for the answer to my last question on Aus and China- even if it was a bit shocking.

Anyhoo, I was wondering if the Commander has any info on potential cataclysm events in May 2040 and November 2046 along the lines of close encounters with comets or other solar system objects coming a bit too close (aka Nibiru etc).

I would normally not entertain unreferenced material without lots of evidence, but on further study there are tons of prophecies, ancient records of same with end of the world type scenarios around them. However  for sure it could be simulation distractions like 2012 was, but the evidence is, on reflection,  pretty compelling.

Having said that, there will be so much shit going on around that time, ppl might not notice an ELE , or they might even welcome one 🙂

In the pipe.

Hello congjing yu. I never thought I would have a question for the Domain commander as most folks here at MM ask pretty relative questions, for the most part. From those Q & A's I always gain some insight and some valuable intel. With that said, I do have one question.

I continuously hear (in my head) a constant frequency sound much like that of an OSHA sponsored hearing test. Most of the time, the frequency is at a constant high frequency tone. Other times, however, there will be lower tones, usually of short duration (no longer than a minute) as if the sine wave is ramping down to a slower Hz. Much like an electric motor controlled by a frequency inverter.

So, my question is this: Are these frequencies that I'm hearing part of thought monitoring and/or subliminal communication and by whom?

Thank you for taking the time to ask this. OG

Alice, isbeverse and Tas have reacted to this post.

Hello congjing yu! Pre-Old Empire Earth has been on my mind, and how it’s continued alongside the prison planet mods. And how quanta configurations/species work.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could ask the following:

What happened to the original members of the species modified to be used as inmate suits? Were they all altered/incarcerated or are there still free ones about?

Could a pre-prison planet human configuration be getting used by some to experience Earth while avoiding the incarceration loop?

Alice has reacted to this post.



In the pipe. Sorry that I have been busy with all this geopolitical stuff lately. Big stuff happening. Right now the world is waltzing with nuclear / biological war, and there is an actual (non-observed) fight going on. I am teaching myself video editing for a YouTube channel that I will launch one of these days, and some other projects. Sheech!

Good stuff down the pipe forward.

Hello congjing yu,

I have been seeing these pulsating rainbow lines and am wondering what they are? They are very thin like fishing line and form a diamond like pattern of a net. I can only see it when I'm really concentrating on the area around me. A friend said I should bring it up with the commander. Am I catching glimpses of traps?

Thank you for all that you do.



@ali I haven't a clue. But, I will put it in the pipe.

Everyone, I am so sorry for the flood of geopolitical stuff, but it's a major time that we are living through. I have MAJ stuff that I will get to soon enough.

Feal has reacted to this post.

Hey MM!
you must not apologize - your work is amazing, your output is overwhelming and your clarity keeps us grounded!
Don't get too caught up with the smoke and sound of the currents, just keep your cool.
Even if it seems there might be a crescendo coming, but it won't. It just keeps going on. and on.

You know, strikes and gutters,  ups and downs.

But can't wait for the MAJ stuff, and an occassional OOPARTS again... 😉

Best regards and have a nice weekend,

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
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