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Accepting questions for the next Q&A with the Domain Commander

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OMG! Yes, I have a super long list on OOPARTS that I have to release, and I really want to release the latest Q&A.

Another good one is “I AM the Perfect Balancing Breath in every breath I breathe” or “I AM Perfection Acting in every single cell, atom, neutron and monopole, and I accept nothing less”.

mtness has reacted to this post.
Quote from mtness on March 26, 2022, 5:20 am
Quote from adi4321234-mm on March 25, 2022, 12:43 pm

Hey Team!

Any chance The Domain commander can provide more specific tips and pointers on self-healing, as well as healing others? My daughter has debilitating migraines virtually every day, and all doctors gave up. Her siblings have some other, though more minor, health issues.

I would love to help heal them, but I also know that self-healing usually works best. I trust this topic will be interesting for many others also.

Hi Adi,

until you may or may not receive an answer, which might take a while, here are my thoughts on this - bear in mind though, that i am not a doctor, but I relate to the ordeals you describe.
Take this with a grain of salt, as you still have to figure out how to get this working for you..

It depends much on your surroundings - if possible, go for a walk in the countryside. As the Commander stated, oxygen is important!
Eat fresh, drink water. If your tap water is not "fresh" enough  - make tea. Go for fresh leaves, or just buy ginger, cut it small, and infuse to your liking. If you have the resources, get the necessary stuff for an alkaline bath. Avoid electronic media as much as possible.

Check the room of your daughter. Are there any electronic devices always on?
There might be small power supply units whch might emit a small humming noise.
(always drives me nuts when i have headaches)

There is a visualization technique which is called the black and white frame method -
one has to visualize all the bad stuff and stuff it in the black frame. (days after days with migraine in a semi dark room etc.)
Then one has to minimize that frame and "trash it".
After that, one has to bring up a white frame - there one hase to visualize the good stuff (a light head, having fun with your friends, all systems nominal) This one has "to be saved".


And, most important of all, do your verbal affimations !
Tell her to speak it out loud - "I want to bealthy and I will be healthy"

If she says "Oh I can't do that" -
tell her exactly this: "I do not want to know what you can ot do - tell me what you can do"
( the universe doesn't know negations) [pun intended]
or "You can't do that - yet"


Do or do not. there is no try.

Hope that helps.

I disagree with that particular affirmation because it implies something that will happen in the future. If there is a sense of time and space acting when directing the atoms, electrons, monopoles and cells, then they will not act as quickly to remedy a situation because we must remember that time and space only exist on this planetary body; consequently because Energy in its Perfect form does not recognize time and space as truth; we are imposing upon them - unreality and unreality is what causes imperfection to manifest in our bodies in the first place.

It is much better to always work “in the now”. I AM Perfect Health in every atom, electron, monopole and cell. I Decree this is my only Reality and I accept this Reality as my Truth now and for as long as I remain in this body”.


Alice has reacted to this post.

@congjing yu I've got one:

it was mentioned in AI that Airl's crew were investigating the effects of nuclear bombs being tested when their ship crashed in Roswell. There has also been various reports of UFOs buzzing facilities housing nuclear weapons. Apart from the obvious effects of fallout etc affecting the physical world, do these weapons do damage to the non physical worlds as well? If so what kind of damage can on expect to find in, say, a non physical bubble universe directly "next" (for lack of a better word) to this one if a nuclear weapon is detonated here? What sort of damage did Chernobyl do?

Qurow has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

Its in the pipe.

I have a quick one too, thanks, Mr Man.

I'd like to ask the Commander if they can tell us whether a series of books known as 'The Seth Material' is a genuine communication, over many years, between a now deceased human named 'Jane Roberts' and a disembodied entity named 'Seth', or if it's (a very clever) hoax.

The reason I ask is that, like most folks on here, I expect, I'm a big seeker after Truth, and the Seth Material entity speaks very much like a member of The Domain-- at least in my limited understanding he does. Much of what Airl and the Domain Commander 'speak of' is also spoken of by Seth; except he never mentions a Prison Planet. He also speaks of what Metallicman has been reporting about for years now: True nature of reality and the universe; individual paths along the MWI; quantum reality and thoughts as real substance.

If Seth is genuine, I believe these works would be a great resource-- lots and lots of helpful detail-- for any Metallicman followers, in that Seth also goes into 'prayer campaigns'-- focused thoughts-- in a LOT of detail, and the importance of doing good works and directing one's thinking toward positive outcomes, and much more besides. It's a fascinating alternative glimpse into true reality and if it's a hoax, it's a brilliant one. Seth also has quite the sense of humour as the Domain and Mantids do, too.

Interestingly, Seth also says that 'revelations' from his kind 'are permitted' about once every 30 years or so to many people around the world and are not really reported on for obvious reasons in this statist society. I thought it was interesting that Metallicman's works are a generation or so after Seth, and could be a continuation of a process that the Domain knows about-- or some inter-dimensional grouping known to the Domain; kind of like what D.M. has referred to.

Lastly, Seth also speaks of the importance of action, rather than thought or reflection as ends in themselves-- and that human beings are creatures of action; and need to 'be active' in order to live fully, or be complete. A much maligned practice in the world of the metaverse we know inhabit. The Commander also spoke of this action, too. I recall their messages about contemplation/meditation not being of much use as far as escaping the Prison Planet reality-- rather, activated and focused thought along with unselfish RUFUS-like behaviour is the way out.

Just a few too many coincidences as far as I'm concerned! Metallicman has provided us with his own unique human insights about his experience, but Seth to me sounds like a true resident of the Never Never. But he has lived numerous lives on Earth-- and confirms that we all do.

Goldleaf and paraic have reacted to this post.

I'm having a hard time putting this into words so if it's too confusing please disregard.

I think something changed. For the last several weeks I've been feeling highly negative, you could almost say in a depression with a lot of anger. Today it is different. It's like my mind opened back up after a long darkness and I feel pretty hopeful, even joyful. I have a clarity of thought that's been missing and I truly appreciate! I'm also not the only one like this. A friend who also follows MM just had a similar experience within the same time frame - we were off by about 24 hours. That can't be a coincidence. Did something big just change in the background? And was it a global change or is it limited to certain people only?

Again, I apologize if this is confusing.

Should have included this link yesterday to give a taster of Seth's "insights".

paraic has reacted to this post.

MM, I'd like to withdraw my question. I believe I have the answer I seek. Thank you for all you do.

A question to the Commander about the Tibetan Book of the Dead (Thödol) and its instructions, on which light to follow or not follow after death. Are these buddhist texts wrong, should you not go into any light (bright or dull) at all, and instead of that stay calm and call the Domain for pickup? How are these instructions in the Thödöl to be interpreted? Where do they come from?

For clarifying, from the Tibetan Book of the Dead:

In the first Bardo, the Chikhai Bardo, the deceased will experience the primary clear light at the last breath and a second clear light half an hour after the last expiration, both lights lead to freedom/liberation the Thödöl says. But only holy men grab the moment it seems, ordinary people miss it and go into the second bardo after being three days unconscious. Day 1 of the second bardo, the Chönyid Bardo, around the 4th day after dying: "Then, from the Central Realm, called the Spreading Forth of the Seed, the Bhagavān Vairochana, white in colour, and seated upon a lion-throne, bearing an eight-spoked wheel in his hand, and embraced by the Mother of the Space of Heaven, will manifest himself to thee. It is the aggregate of matter resolved into its primordial state which is the blue light. The Wisdom of the Dharma-Dhātu, blue in colour, shining, transparent, glorious, dazzling, from the heart of Vairochana as the Father-Mother, will shoot forth and strike against thee with a light so radiant that thou wilt scarcely be able to look at it. Along with it, there will also shine a dull white light from the devas, which will strike against thee in thy front. Thereupon, because of the power of bad karma, the glorious blue light of the Wisdom of the DharmaDhātu will produce in thee fear and terror, and thou wilt [with to] flee from it. Thou wilt beget a fondness for the dull white light of the devas. At this stage, thou must not be awed by the divine blue light which will appear shining, dazzling, and glorious; and be not startled by it. That is the light of the Tathagata called the Light of the Wisdom of the Dharma-Dhātu. Put thy faith in it, believe in it firmly, and pray unto it, thinking in thy mind that it is the light proceeding from the heart of the Bhagavān Vairochana coming to receive thee while in the dangerous ambuscade of the Bardo. That light is the light of the grace of Vairochana. Be not fond of the dull white light of the devas. Be not attached [to it]; be not weak. If thou be attached to it, thou wilt wander into the abodes of the devas and be drawn into the whirl of the Six Lokas. That is an interruption to obstruct thee on the Path of Liberation."

This will repeat every day for four days, going through all the colours, e.g the elements dissolving: blue, white, yellow, red, green - there is always a very bright light which leads to a heavenly realm - or a dull light which leads to a hell-realm. If you don't follow these lights you will wander around in the next bardo (bardo being the state in-between) and be reborn in, on average, 7 weeks after dying according to the Thödöl.

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