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Accepting questions for the next Q&A with the Domain Commander

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In the pipe

To elaborate a bit more the above about the Bardo Thödol, which shows the Tibetan Buddhist view on what happens after death -

There are 3 main exit points shown in the three bardo states, (1) and (2) through  following "lights" and (3) by choosing your future mum and dad and jump into a new body:

  1. upon dying - after the last breath for the duration of around half an hour - exit to a very "fine-pure" level. The bodies of people reaching this state don't decay, or decay very slowly, also rainbow lights are seen around.
  2. from the 4th day to the 14th day - exit to a grosser level - going into one of the heavens or hells
  3. from the 15th to the 49th day - exit through being reborn - the grossest level.

Beings exiting through (1) are fully conscious and decide themselves if they will be reborn or not and if so where and how. This is quite rare. Beings exiting through (2) stay for a while in the chosen heaven or hell and then are reborn again. Exiting through (3) is another path to be reborn, omitting heaven or hell. Question is - if this system is described correctly in the Thödol and also my interpretation is correct -  is (1) the way to escape the earth prison without help or pickup? Are the ones exiting through (3) aware of past lives after being reborn? I would interpret the Commanders instructions as not to follow any lights, go to state (3) and ask/wait there for pickup. But to me (1) seems also a nice alternative...

Hi. Pretty straight forward question about the prison complex I hope you can ask the Commander MM. Unless you already know the answer yourself of course.

I take it that the human beings in this final form were created probably a couple of hundreds thousands years ago  by other beings, some call them Annunaki. Am I correct that they also previously  by other beings  had created another race millions of years ago, and they were being set incharge of humans, as caretakers/overwatchers of the human race? These overwatchers seem in fact pretty much just like prison guards as I understand it. To me they sound a lot like The Old Empire. Are they in fact the Old Empire or are actually the Annunaki themselves OE?

Don't know if this is an appropriate topic for this forum or to ask the DC -  pls ignore if not.

There are many claims that both Trump and Biden are actually clones and that their original bodies have already passed on. Is this true or is this even possible? Any other info on cloning that is Ok to share is welcome. Thnx

This question my not be appropriate, if not please ignore. The Ridley Scott TV series Raised by Wolves has some interesting concepts 're humanity. The story is based upon two androids who after a war on earth between two factions the atheists ( Domain) and a religious group the Mithraic (Old Empire) attempt to establish a colony on a planet to ensure mankind's survival as a species. The story revolves around human nature and who we may really be. My question is could this TV production have any hidden messages from the Domain with regards to Human evolution. The image is from Episode 5 series one, it's a athiest lab where the character Mother is attempting to discover her real past as she has no memory of her origins. With many thanks and best wishes. I know I am a silly old bugger MM.


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Hey MM,

I don’t know if this has been asked before. If it was, please disregard. I want to ask the DC as we all know that time is a human-made artificial construct and does not exist as such, why we humans seem to perceive time is “speeding” and going “faster” in this turmoil period; a common quote is “time flies”. When everything is peaceful we humans perceive time as “slow”.

The question is: Is “time” manipulated as “fast” to get the bulk of human beings on Earth moving to specific (troublesome) world-lines?

My second and last question: The geo-political situation is apparently converging to full-scale world war. Is this situation changeable towards “small bads” or the “big bad” we don’t want (full nuclear WWIII) is now defined as the most probable outcome?

congjing yu and Tas have reacted to this post.
congjing yuTas

Hi All,

The DC mentions the Domain is not the only or the best ISBE "organisation". Would the DC be in a position to elaborate on this and the other "organisations".

With thanks

congjing yu and Dingus have reacted to this post.
congjing yuDingus

A question I have been thinking about too @tas. The use of the word "best" always leaves you with the question: "Best, how? Biggest, smartest, advanced, most good looking etc."

Tas has reacted to this post.

Hello MM.

I don't know if you are continuing the questions to the Domain Commander, but if you are, here are two questions that relate to personal events. They are short and if you need more details I could give them to you by email or by your Patreon page.

1 - A few years ago, during an action where I felt very in harmony with this universe, and that I wanted to help a person just before his marriage, I had the feeling that my body was becoming more lighter, then dissolving and reappearing coming out of a wall one floor up, in few seconds, and with some sound effects like a Disc Jockey "scratch" on a vinyl record. Could this be mistakenly called a teleportation? Corresponding to an exit from the matrix of this universe? An exit from my MWI?

2 - I don't remember having expressly given my intention of wanting to help the Domain before encountering a case very loaded with problems of all kinds. I publicly identify myself as a Quantum Energetician, and one person asked me for help while sending me a list of her "symptoms" (a 6-page letter). Faced with the extent of the stain, just before intervening, I directly asked type-1 greys and mantids to guide me in this healing. Which actually seemed to happen. My question: Was this person guided to me voluntarily? Should I continue to present myself as I do to the public, or should I change my tune to something more personal?

Thank you for advancing the thinking and/or awareness of many of us.

Good for you


congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

All previous questions on this page are now in the pipe.

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