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Accepting questions for the next Q&A with the Domain Commander

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@laoban4site, wow. I can imagine the strain. I wish you the strength to persevere. Your work is really appreciated.

I have been thinking some of those questions, "be careful what you ask about". I see redactions as the only tool in the armory right now for some questions.

Hang on there! You're in all our thoughts I'm sure.


(now I have typed that, another wild thought appears lol. Have to sit down and think about it).

azark has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@congjing yu I was aware I was involved in some serious shit in past lives when I posted the question, as we have discussed previously. I believe taking responsibility for such is the only way to truly evolve past what was into one's true potentiality (is that not the creed of the Domain?). Hence when I say if I can make it out of the earth prison, I am damn sure many others can aswell, regardless of their Old Empire heritage. Our past does not define us, what we are now is what is important. The only importance of what should be taken from one's past is information pertaining how their previous position in an OE empire may be exploited for deconstruction of the amnesia tech.

Memory Loss has reacted to this post.
Memory Loss
Daegon Magus
Quote from daegonmagus on December 10, 2021, 9:39 am

@congjing yu I was aware I was involved in some serious shit in past lives when I posted the question, as we have discussed previously. I believe taking responsibility for such is the only way to truly evolve past what was into one's true potentiality (is that not the creed of the Domain?). Hence when I say if I can make it out of the earth prison, I am damn sure many others can aswell, regardless of their Old Empire heritage. Our past does not define us, what we are now is what is important. The only importance of what should be taken from one's past is information pertaining how their previous position in an OE empire may be exploited for deconstruction of the amnesia tech.

Yes. Maybe the amnesia is not a get out of jail card but it can be a strong mitigating factor. The problem is that the internal ego is very fragile.


Alice, perolator and azark have reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@laoban4site, Thank you for your effort. I know how stressful is this for you.

My 2 questions:

As part of working with The Domain, is possible to have basic training to get a better spiritual understanding of ourselves?

Were we chosen before birth for this endeavor or we are part of this effort by choice and fate (by chance)?




It's in the pipe. -MM

Alice has reacted to this post.
Citation de congjing yu le 10 décembre 2021, 15h15

C'est dans le tuyau. -MM

Bonjour, MM je connais déjà mes réponses je vous sers pour vous aider.
Je vous ai envoyé quoi penser défini. Pesez par déférence et à vos côtés je vous aime et partage notre avenir.


I humbly ask one question, but first I need to explain something I don't understand the purpose or function, so pardon me if the information is way too vague, it's not my intention, I just don't understand enough to be completely clear as intended, neither remember perfectly.

It's highly personal for me, because my life purpose orbits around this question, but I don't know exactly how to ask and never talked about any of this with anyone.

I was giving up, but the clocks synched twice in a row(04:55 and 05:05).

The best way I can describe it: I have some kind of sequence personally bound to me and I never understood what I should do with it. I gave up, tried everything I could think of and I don't know what it is after several years. It's supposed to mean or do something, I'm supposed to use it somehow.

I don't know how I know what I know.

It has no meaning to anyone else and even if I'd put it here it wouldn't be of any use, but I probably shouldn't, so I won't.

I'm just trying to understand and the clocks told me I should be here.

I mean no harm, I just want to reclaim my memories, do my best to sort it all, work together and find a way to help people somehow as I know I did before. You probably know my situation much better than myself, so you understand.

  1. What am I expected to do with it(this code sequence)?

I don't even know how I found this website, I just prayed for understanding and thanked, then it randomly appeared for me as it always happens.

In case I'm not supposed to ask this I'm sorry, just activated trial and error mode here, maybe you're him(commander), if it is the case, please contact me somehow, I don't know how to contact you.

I can't remember the details the last time we talked.

I'm just a random techie guy straight outta nowhere. Please, add to the question my nickname backwards, it should mean something essential in this context.

Basically, this is everything I know, how else could I explain it? I just want to finish, but I don't know what. I'm sorry, but I'm totally lost, I don't even know if it's a question, I'm not crazy, It's just overwhelming living with it without understanding anything.

You have my word I'll tell you everything I can if it leads me to somewhere. My word is everything I have and I mean it, I'm totally broke and unemployed, but as soon as I get something I'll donate.

Thank you for your effort and sorry if the format is wrong or if I'm way too confused, it's inevitable. I'll understand if you can't ask the question.


Your hair looks nice today!

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@noiar,  hang in there.

@alice stop spying 😂. Maybe you looking at my feral kittens. First time I got my hands on them. I think mom is ok with me touching them. Assorted sizes. And boy one of them is really cute. There's a runty one, nondescript, but he's the most inquisitive.

I do have to make my hair grow actually. Was thinking of restarting my hair growth cycle.

Alice has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas


oh bless it. I wish I could reach through and give you a hug. You are going to be ok. That is the same place I started. Praying for understanding, guidance, TRUTH! My answer came in the form of an aerospace engineer named Uriah Heep. Same as yours- its funny seeing peoples reaction when I tell them. You are in the right place. The numbers are your Mantid trying to get your attention. Numbers have meaning. Makes you feel crazy if you dont know. But then again, your numbers may be different. My advice read the affirmation section, understand the importance, start asap. You’ll settle. Good luck, my friend. And @ me if you need anything. XoXoX


Edited: PS- We’re all mad here. 🐱


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The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
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