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Accepting questions for the next Q&A with the Domain Commander

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did you say KITTENS? I wish you lived close. I just happen to be looking for a new kitten and can’t for the life of me find one. Weird, cause normally I could make a skyscraper with all the give-a-ways. Funny how that works?

edited: looking for a boy too

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Sorry @laoban4site, I think we are derailing your thread. 😳 While you are toiling away under difficult circumstances, we are jumping all over like naughty kittens. Please don't send us to the cornfield.

Guys, this one is for posting questions to the Domain.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

One question:

In theory we could have established settlements on the Moon and sent people to Mars by now.  The plans had been proposed 50 years ago, but no one has done it.  Maybe there's a larger reason than lack of money and will, so I'll pose the question.

Does overt human spaceflight into the solar system—say, to Mars—present risks, whether from other beings or from anything else such as unknown microbes?  Maybe if yes, the Commander could elaborate.


I put these in the pipe. With partial answers by other questions. I released the first batch of answers today. More are on the way. It takes time you know.

congjing yu,
The question who am I was asked by half of the forum.. LOL
As I am one of those, I am not sure to whom the answers you gave relates to.

I am more then fine helping the domain as long as it is for the better good, regardless of the effects, good as bad on my personal life.

Not that I am into masochism, my life as ok, but I feel life is about more then one persons life.
In a way this what makes China today a model to learn from. a model not as "The perfect" model, as in the west we like to put everything into black and white, as we embrace dualism (philosophy), but a model of how to do things the right way, as in aiming for the good of all, society as all, mankind .. etc

You don't put your self before the others, not in a healthy society anyways.

And if you happen to have more power(s), which usually is the case, as we are not the same, we differ by qualities and talents and even luck .. as to be born to a good family with good starting point is a huge advantage,

Then, with great power comes great responsibility. you need to be more human as in humane when having this kind of power on others.

Unfortunately for many years and Millenniums, this power structure (as manifested so vulgarly in the west today) is upside down.

It's time this should end. hopefully reversed, more logically put us on a new path.

knowing life is not filmed in Hollywood, this changes would be uncomfortable for most and very uncomfortable for some, but as the other options of maintaining a fractured and cannibalistic society, an aggressive civilization, which based on greed, ignorance and hubris are far worse, demolishing this society and creating a new one from scratch would be the better option for the long run.

Sorry for ranting, seems I can not write a simple sentence or request without ranting for an hour. LOL

I hope this is not too much hassle,

Thanks for all your effort.

azark has reacted to this post.

@daniel Pay attention to the wording in the blog post. MM uses exactly word for word what was asked by the requestor. All the questions about "who we are" have all been phrased differently by each person that's asked. You can use that to map back to who the answer is for by reading through this thread and comparing the phrasing.

Dani has reacted to this post.

I have one more question if you can squeeze it in.  If not, it can wait until another time.  Its importance should be obvious.

Autism-spectrum disorders (ASDs) and mental retardation have exploded in youth over the past 30+ years.  Current research suggests something in the environment triggers autism in children with certain DNA markers around age 2 or 3.  Also, many college-age youth display symptoms of what appear to be mild ASD symptoms, including inflexibility, unwillingness to adapt, need for safe spaces and trigger warnings, desire to censor other viewpoints, irrational behavior, bizarre claims of gender fluidity, etc.

Until the modern cell-phone system was created, higher-energy UHF transmissions were mostly absent from the environment.  So the question:

Is UHF radiation from cell-phone towers the trigger for susceptible children to develop ASDs?

There has been a widespread explosion of rare/little known diseases in the last 30 years.  and there is a very strong correlation with the use and application of glyphosate (main ingredient in Round-up, widespread use began in the early 90's with the advent of GMO crops that would reduce chemical applications and help feed the hungry world - people are still hungry and USA is making ethanol out of corn...).  Furthermore, urine samples from men and women (I believe from Germany) all showed traces of glyphosate and traces of this chemical are found worldwide, including the arctic.  Dr Don Huber is the authority on this and you do a search for him and get lots of interesting stuff.  As the statisticians would say, correlation is not causation, so be careful of the conclusions you reach, however, when all the fingers point the same direction, then one has to strongly consider such a correlation.  Unfortunately, scientific research is not allowed to investigate such allegations.

Glyphosate is evil. And so is Atrazine. There is another correlation with vaccines. I have a crazy theory that glyphosate is to disrupt DNA and Atrazine is to turn frogs (and animals including humans) gay. BPAA to reduce sperm count. All attacks on this planet by the Old Empire, in scorched earth tactics.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas
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