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Accepting questions for the next Q&A with the Domain Commander

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I would like to remain a stranger if possible, but you could with the help of mantid verify the sincerity of my intentions and even by going through the past slides here and now.

  • Questions Have you succeeded in exfiltrating this isbe having received the Nobel Prize in 1984 leaving his prisoner costume a few days ago and his fight does he correspond to your domain or affiliated organization?
  • I devote myself to helping you physically I can't get to LD but could you help me establish a simple, efficient and concise protocol to try with peaceful ways to help transform those (of the old empire) who want to change their future potentials and present, to offer them once again, luck, pole, hand, help.

I'm accepting some new questions for The Commander. If you've got a few to ask, I will accept them and post them in the pipe.

[1] Please only one or two questions.

[2] Let's avoid questions about who we were before we were incarcerated. I get the strong impression that all those memories will flood back easily once you are outside the field and certain changed occurred, and I'm pretty sure that the Commander wants us to participate in discussions that "connects" everyone here to The Domain in one way or the other mentally.

[3] I can only send and transmit based on what I know. So if you are going to have me ask esoteric questions that I have no understanding of, how can I ask about them? And further how can I understand the resulting answers?  Life, relationships, work, career, direction, health, happiness, support, the Domain organization, space, technology, glimpses into the future, etc are all potential candidates.

[4] Usually, I am finding that the questions result in answers that give me new insight. I end up having a host of more questions to ask.

I am working on the batch right now. A question or two here and there, and I'm learning a lot. Really, the Reality universe is starting to make sense to me. You will find out when I release the next batch of Q&A. Some astounding stuff that got me really jazzed up for certain.

perolator, Goldleaf and 2 other users have reacted to this post.

So, I have a two-parter. It's sort of emerging as my "thing" of deeper interest.

What power does language have? Specifically, beyond the ability of advocacy, persuasion and other such arts, is there any weight behind the words we use that extends beyond the physical? I'm sort of thinking of the old stories of spells and suchlike, but in a more general sense. Or a specific sense. Honestly, I don't know what I don't know here. Any guidance on this point would be greatly appreciated, as the power of words greatly interests me.

As a follow up - does the intent behind the words we chose to use matter as much as specific phrasing, such as with manifestation campaigns? I know MM has written at length about the importance of being specific, but there's also been some warnings about being too specific and avoiding the "Hollywood effect".

There is constantly an obfuscation of meaning, a twisting and distortion of facts that puts doublespeak to shame presented in many mainstream narratives. I suppose I'm just curious if everything is just as it appears to be at face value, or if there's something deeper beyond these prison suit shells at work.

Thank you again.

Memory Loss and azark have reacted to this post.
Memory Lossazark

@garrire, maybe you stumbled on enuncia, a 40K Warhammer idea. This idea is pretty bizarre, and if you have not read Warhammer, it probably wouldn't occur to you.

Enuncia is an ancient language, but instead of communication, the language was used as a tool or a weapon: when spoken aloud or written, Enuncia was capable of manipulating the very fabric of reality, a power beyond even the most potent psykers. It was incredibly dangerous, especially since it required no natural psyker ability, and could potentially be used by anyone.

I read Warhammer (well it's bad space opera, so I like it haha. But there are times, when it does seem interlaced with another understanding of reality. I will load up some books for an introduction in the book thread.

Well Mr MM, I am curious about something which may not fit in here, but since cat questions are encouraged, I figured why not.

Q1. What role do crickets play in our reality? The praying mantis are some sort of cousins to the mantis, so where do crickets fit in. I mean, what is the relationship of crickets to mantids and cricket to humans?

There's a cricket or two in my kitchen, and they have been there for months without a food or water source. I kinda think that is weird so if you could look into it TQVM!

Q2. Do the cats (or other creatures) have equivalent intelligence as humans or are they dumbed down by their species-suits? If you observe cats, I swear they might actually be smarter or more cultured than us. They have culture and language, I'm pretty sure. I'm thinking this applies to a host of other animals too.

Q3. Which is offshoot from Q2. If you can squeeze in, all good. If not, is ok too. I mentioned species-suit as a container for consciousness. Meaning can a human can enter a dog container in another reincarnation or vice versa?

Ok I cheated with 3 questions. But basically they are about interspecies relationships. So actually it's one question in a way. You can choose which one to ask, it's just that they feel connected somehow. Don't strain yourself, I know it's hard on you physically and mentally.


Ciao! Gip me your ideas

I am still stuck on this... maybe you can just straighten me out without bothering The Commander.

There is a shared Earth Template, correct? We ALL contribute to manifest this Earth with our collective thoughts - a sort of average; correct? There would be no physical earth unless we humans will it so; correct?

There are our individual Pre-birth Templates; correct? We purportedly set these before being incarnated into this meat-suit; correct? As to whether or not we are assisted in these designs or ordered, is debatable - in my opinion - I think that some are ORDERED, like me, and are difficult if not impossible to alter while a human.

Now then, I say the world as we know it will end shortly in a cataclysmic event; you pick: Human-based Thermonuclear Devastation, or Cosmically induced Geophysical Surface Destruction. For either of these to be realized, many, many humans who have contributed to this [current] manifest earth must share that belief/thought. Is THAT correct?

So, IF we humans came together, in thought, could we overcome even a Cosmic Event, and Save The Earth, so to speak?

I am asking if there are controls in place, entities in place, that would disallow the Earth's destruction even if the vast majority willed it so. Does the Cosmos trump The Old Empire, so to speak. Sorry, but I thought that The Commander skirted this issue earlier.



Hello MM,

Before posting questions, I wish to everyone a happy and hopeful new year. DM & SD must be the first ones to celebrate while I write this.

Now back to business:

[1] Recently I had a dream where I was about to “remember” some ruleset and/or valuable information and it ended abruptly. Did I made a mistake?

[2] Is okay to incorporate more skin-suits (i.e. close relatives) to help The Domain in their goals (and our ultimate goal of stopping the amnesia cycle)?

No worries! Have a great wet tiger new year.

perolator has reacted to this post.

Ugh, I'm really warring with myself about asking another question, but I do need a little guidance since the Commander knows so much about cats.

So how can I best support my eldest cat, after what I think was a stroke on Christmas Eve? She seems so lost now.

And my second question, after learning about the karmic/quantum ties we may have with those close to us--I'd appreciate some advice for my situation, particularly with T. I feel like every place I've looked for answers has given me bad information, and I'm not even sure what to say in my Intentions. This could impact my role as an Irregular so it's important.

Thank you.

Well the Domain Commander is not a human, just pops in from time to time. And it doesn't have all the answers either. It's just an administrator with trillions of years of experience in various areas.

If your kitty has a stroke, you need to take it to the vet. It will probably need some special care and kindness. If you cannot afford a vet, then make sure that it lives in a kind and zero stress environment. That is indeed the best thing for it. It's the same diagonisis for a human.

Ask Pissed Lizard. He will know what to do.

Geisterfahrer has reacted to this post.
Quote from JayTNR1357 on January 1, 2022, 1:18 pm

Ugh, I'm really warring with myself about asking another question, but I do need a little guidance since the Commander knows so much about cats.

So how can I best support my eldest cat, after what I think was a stroke on Christmas Eve? She seems so lost now.

I used acupuncture a lot in the early months when I had a stroke or three. Also I took notoginseng powder to clear stagnant blood (TCM philosophy) I don't know who you can find to needle your cat, but notoginseng is relatively cheap and harmless. Should be easily obtainable. It expels foreign substances from the body. So fetuses and blood clots, out! It's some kind of blood thinner from what I can remember.

This is not medical advice. You experiment on your cat at your own peril. I didn't have a cat back then so I experimented on myself.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas
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