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Accepting questions for the next Q&A with the Domain Commander

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The medicine dosages for cats differ substantially from that of humans. I would suggest a kind call to the vet for unsolicited advice before you try to self medicate.

pissedlizard and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardMemory Loss


”So how can I best support my eldest cat, after what I think was a stroke on Christmas Eve? She seems so lost now.”

First, you have my heart felt condolences with your cat. Why do you think she had a stroke? In other words what is she doing that indicates a stroke? How old is she?

If she did have a stroke, what I would do is keep her anxiety nice and low. A sock or shirt that has her and your smell on it nearby.

Cats get plaque build up too and that is usually what causes strokes and TIAs (mini strokes that have no etiology and can’t be found).

If it was one event that led to what you ar seeing, if she isn’t over weight and there are no other issues going, it was likely a TIA.

TIA or stroke either way the care is supportive. Give her space when she wants it and attention when she wants it. You may want to add some olive oil to her  food to soften her bowel movements (straining while pooping causes more strokes and heart attacks than you can possibly fathom), keeping the familiar nearby and keeping stress down is all you can do.

The GOOD news is cats bounce back QUICK from vascular events, so as long as she is loved, you should have her with you for some time.

YOU are the one who also is going to need some support. Don’t shoulder anything alone if you don’t have too. You got plenty of people that want to help both you and her!

This I know to be true


Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG
Quote from congjing yu on January 1, 2022, 11:19 pm

The medicine dosages for cats differ substantially from that of humans. I would suggest a kind call to the vet for unsolicited advice before you try to self medicate.

Yup MM, I should have said that. I do a crazy amount of research before I consume anything. After all I only have one white mouse for all of my experiments. And you don't want to kill your cat. Human equivalent dose calculations, LD50 stuff, if you cannot do that comfortably, then it means you shouldn't. And cat physiology can be different from human (duh).

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Very important note about self-medicating a cat, or dog, etc.:

For most medications that humans and animals can take, dosage is proportional not to the weight of the animal compared to humans, but to the skin surface area.  This distorts the dosage compared with using weight.  House cats have (very) roughly 1/15 the skin surface area of humans.

If a typical human dosage of whatever drug is 50 mg, a cat dosage should be no more than about 3 mg, or you risk poisoning the cat instead of helping.  I'd use caution and give an even lower dosage.

Hope this helps.

@jaytnr1357 I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty. I said an affirmation today for her. Will say it all week. Hope it helps.

Thanks everyone. She's 17, and is already on a special diet due to kidney issues. It was the falling over on one side and extreme weakness the first day that made me think stroke, though she did recover somewhat. Unfortunately I don't have much money for vet care, but I did make an appointment for her--January 10, which was the earliest they could get me.

With her age, I know it's only a matter of when she'll go (she's not overweight at all, but also suffers from some form of IBS). The real question is whether she's suffering, which I'm not sure a vet can answer. She still eats well and purrs for her daily brushing, but she also seems either suddenly blind on one side, or she's not really registering things, even right in front of her, like her food dish. So that's why I'm not sure what to do.

I appreciate the advice.

Happy New Year to you all, and yes, be verrry careful medicating domesticated felines particularly, they're super sensitive to drugs and you have to really know what you're doing. Tiny, tiny amounts are a good start. (Did I say tiny?) Personally I'd consult a vet first.

My question for the Domain is: how do they see Japan, the Koreas and Taiwan fitting into a brighter Asian future given what we now know thanks to the Commander/MMan's Q&A? Are they predicted to work with China or go down with the Western Ship? (Deagel does forecast significant population drops in all 3 regions, so perhaps that answers my question!)

Having much experience of East Asia and living here again now, it always strikes me how there are a lot more similarities than differences between these great nations across a broad spectrum, and the US model was never a good fit having been superimposed upon Korea and Japan in particular since WW2.

There are many positive things going on in Korea, but having socialised a bit this past week with some reasonably well connected Koreans (businessy types and the medical profession-- old high school acquaintances of my wife's,  mostly), it's clear after some gentle probing that most people still think that "the Virus escaped from the Wuhan Lab" and that "it's all Chinas fault."

Now, having said that, most of these folks are NPCs, anyway, (whereas Korean leadership and elites are most definitely clued in and quite sentient, obviously! I'm just referring in this case to a random subset known to me personally) and IMHO know shit from shinola about the wider world, but they DO represent blue/white collar Korean society in general-- homogeneous; consensus thinking, etc. And they are ALL pro MRNA rollout and feel that the side effects are stastically minor. In fact, many of them have shares in a Korean biotech firm that on the directions of the President is setting up a Korean version of the MRNA jab for manufacture and they're all looking forward to making lots of money in future.

Depressing stuff, I know.

MRNA booster rollout is also being "offered"  to young children soon and the only places open for business to the unvaxxed are grocery and some other outlets. Most businesses are fast becoming vaxxed only and there's no resistance. They're even rolling out a vaxx cert for schoolkids under 16 next month in order to pressure parents who won't consent to MRNA inoculation for them or their children.

No Chinese or Russian traditional vaccines are available or even talked about. They are full on MRNA in Korea and looking forward to making lots of money producing their own version now that airline stocks have gone tits down.

All in all kind of a depressing picture, that's why I'm curious about the future as clearly Korea and Japan are places of great innovative potential. Taiwan, too. And could really work with China and each other once the malevolent US controlled socio- political apparatus is dismantled.

Thanks, Mr Man. Let's hope the Year of the Tiger lives up to its reputation.

xzianchow has reacted to this post.

ps someone mentioned recently that the student must at some point begin to learn independently. I fully agree, and perhaps less of the personal Cosmic Counselling sessions with our gracious Domain host-- and more of an emphasis on moving everything/everyone forward by way of assisting the Domain-- would be a better start to the Year of the Tiger?

After all, she's an administrator/warrior, not a psychologist! (Well, as far as we know; trillions of years permits one to pick up a wide range of skills, I guess.)

I think yet another contributor mentioned that they were actually looking forward to the future despite all the grim predictions and shitty MS media outlook. I agree, me too. Despite all the madness and mass hypnosis, I'm actually sensing some wide ranging positive changes underway and think that there will be something fairer, better and just plain more Rufus Like for us all on the other side.

The malevolence and selfish intent that kicked off this whole mess will come back to haunt those who are responsible if it hasn't begun to do so, already. Even the Domain had had enough back in 2002, eh? They've moved on to more promising pastures too, it seems.

And have even recommended some intentions throughout the Q&A sessions along these lines in recent months. I'm reading through them all again. Some real gems in all that info.

I'm on the hunt for a new cat crew in the meantime. Cat pics, questions and stories are always welcome for me, too, even more so now that we know what those little guys are really here for.

Best to you all,


Feal, perolator and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
FealperolatorMemory Lossxzianchow

@ultan-mcg I'm gonna out myself here as the one who asked questions about joining the Domain after this current sentence is completed. The only reason I am saying this is to clear the misconception that it was some kind of counselling session--it absolutely WAS NOT. I had started the ball rolling by wondering if joining the Domain full time was an option after the meat suit has completed its run. The commander said yes. Awesome. Then he/she/it said "need to attend to matters in the non-physical world", to which I said WHAT! I want to join full speed ahead! Is there some curse I need to lift or something? Jesus what a fucking pain! What are these damn loose ends? The commander said "need" so this means I can't ignore it (unfortunately). And so, the commander was kind enough to explain what exactly these loose ends are. The commander was also kind enough to respond to my query about why the CPC/CCP seems so much like the Domain--it turns out that they had been advising them to create the society we are seeing today! Mind blown!

Fortunately, my queries were general enough to be applicable to a large swath of the prison population. I didn't ask about my my past lives, as I am confident I will know them on my own in due time as I fulfil my goals and intentions. But apparently the commander didn't want me to go half cocked before signing up for full membership and regular duties. Because believe me, I had visions of "damn the torpedoes" before the commander mentioned the loose ends. I was a little irritated actually, but I guess if I have the proper mindset and look at the bigger goal, what he/she/it advised is not a big deal and the wise thing to do.

In my opinion, any time the commander gives us answers, it counts as "counselling" because it colors our thoughts, intents, and eventual actions. Now that you know this information, what do you do? I have done some teaching, and yes--it is easy for some personality types to use the teacher as a crutch instead of thinking and learning on their own. I agree 100%. But how do you deal with students who have a tendency to go into things half cocked? Who think they know enough to take action, only to realise later (very painfully) that they overlooked a precaution that they could have learned about from the teacher if they had asked just ONE MORE question? Oh yeah, I've seen my fair share of those booboos. Assuming of course, you survive that booboo without a permanent maiming. They can't solve or prevent what they are unaware of, after all. And I was definitely unaware that I had accumulated "karmic irregularities" due to my stint at the "soul improvement course" for many centuries (shock, grrr). Soul improvement my ass! (without arguing with the Mantids of course, I do not blame them--I must focus on the bigger picture and my goal, and obviously I do not know what went down before they became parole administrators in this system).

It can be a pain to be a teacher. It's a lot of responsibility, to be sure. Some students are complete asshats, some students catch on real quick, some students go too fast for their own good and the teacher must exert extra effort to slow them down lest they do something rash and hurt themselves. And yeah, this REALLY takes a lot out of the teacher. It sucks (for the teacher). That's why teachers need to be STO sentiences. Intelligence and loads of wisdom isn't enough to make a good teacher.

When we think of how much we had been retarded in our current skin suits (we operate at 1% capacity or less), it makes sense to be EXTRA careful of the things you don't know THAT you don't know. I get that a sizeable number of teachers are malevolent, and you better have some good skills on you that will enable you to learn on your own. I can say that my college education was only good for a piece of paper that improved my practical employment prospects. Otherwise, it would make for really rough toilet paper. On the other hand, one can waste a fuck ton of time "reinventing the wheel" when you rely mostly on yourself to learn. You could have made much more progress at a faster rate if you had acquired a strong foundation from several good teachers.

If one is a warrior, psychology is absolutely important. Your outlook will definitely affect the way you fight, and your determination to win. How do you inspire people to fight for you with all their heart? How do people who should lose (on paper) wind up winning against a superior opponent (on paper)? Psychology, that's how. The best warriors are indeed ace psychologists, for themselves, and for those who follow them.  Even skilled administrators must have some psychological skills to get their assistants to help rather than sandbag the mission. Resentful underlings can be quite effective in the art of undermining and sandbagging when it so moves them, in all types of environments (government agencies, military, corporate departments, etc).

In closing, I want to make it clear that whoever you are in this forum, psychology played a HUGE factor in attracting you. It's not everything, but it sure permeates a lot of things. In my opinion, we all could use a little counselling (emphasis on little, of course).

congjing yu and perolator have reacted to this post.
congjing yuperolator

My mind is BLOWN! What a great commentary and information. Big thanks for all of this. There's a lot of meat here and I would love to have other chew on some of it and offer their thoughts.

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