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Accepting questions for the next Q&A with the Domain Commander

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Hi MM,

Can you help me ask a question or two with the Domain Commander?

  1. Almost about 20 years ago, my mother forced my family (father, siblings) into an ultra-conservative Catholic religion which does not recognize anything post-Vatican II and the group has a very antagonistic stance towards other religions, as well as non-Catholic Christians (a.k.a Protestants), as well post-Vatican II Catholics. I think that ever since she got involved with them - she's a "slave to the Virgin Mary"know - the family dynamics have been very much under strain and there is a lot of unhappiness and tension in the family up till this day due to the inability to show our disagreement.
  2. I also note that there is a lot of religious intolerance in the world, and a lot of hate speech from similar groups - mostly in the US - as this traditionalist Catholic group that my family can't get out of. I'm a fan of the Chinese style of governance and the way it keeps religion out of politics, but these groups keep claiming to be knowing the truth and are often add fodder to the anti-China crowd by spreading fake news in the name of religious truth and anti-communism.
  3. The whole thing has been affecting me emotionally for a long time, and it has never been helpful to the anxiety and depression I suffered my whole life to executive dysfunction that I was born with. Anyway, my ultra-religious mother told me recently that she "consecrated " me to a some deity in a Chinese temple in my country and that was a cause of a lot of problems in my life.
  4. So my question here that, if you would kindly help me ask the Domain Commander in the next Q&A, is:

A) What is his view on the various religions and religious groups that exist on this earth? Is there a true religion that one should follow? Why is it so difficult for humanity to just see the truth?

B) Am I under the control of one or more external spiritual forces that are using other people as tools to influence me?


It's in the pipe.

Thank you!

Are you still accepting questions for the Commander? If so, I have some, if not it's also ok:

I found your website a week ago, so I am completely new to this group. However since I found it I have been reading as much as I can. Then I found this possibility to ask questions to “the Commander”, and I feel a strong urge to ask, though I am still not through the basics described on your website. It’s all very interesting!

So of course, the obvious question first, do I belong to this group, how is my connection to it, what is my role?

In Winter 2010/2011 I woke up one night because of some buzzing sound next to my head. There was a small sizzling light orb sitting on the side of my bed making that sound (very strange indeed!). As it noticed I was awake it asked me something like “Do you want to help spread the light?”. I was so disturbed and sleepy and stupid stupid I did not say yes (or no), but I asked if it really meant me, and if I would be capable to do that at all….. Just doubting myself very much. And then I fell asleep again. Never had any contact  after that anymore (at least I think so).

So basically I ask this question again, and what that light orb was about.

Then the next one, more general, concerning the Deagel list: Why is the forecasted depopulation in the Netherlands so small (2% from 2020 to 2025 plus that the PPP stays relatively high), where neighbouring countries like Germany and the UK have a massive depopulation forecasted, and even the decrease in Belgium is substantial? In NL they also apply the mRNA jabs and there are no dead-virus vaccines available. A nuclear bomb on German cities would also affect the Netherlands.

Thank you for all your work!


It's in the pipe.

You can explore The MAJestic Index for the main stuff.

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And many more. Welcome.

perolator has reacted to this post.

Thank you!

Hello, if you are still accepting questions:

What is the deal with my ex wife?  The day after I told her I wanted a divorce and separated from her, we sat down to talk.  This was over three years ago, but what happened still occasionally has me wondering.  I had called her out being a narcissist and her response was that I was the "narccccciiiisssssssisssssst," like she was hissing, and her eyes changed from normal to snake like.  I do my best to not interact with her, but we have children together, so it's not completely unavoidable.

Second question - does the Commander have any advice for me?  My life situation has been rock bottom and I feel lost, aimless, directionless.  I used to have premonitions that I had understood were kind of like waypoints of me being on the right path, but those have stopped for the last year.

Thank you.

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

@soulwithabody Are you serious?

Can someone else explain the "rules of the game" to this person for me. I'm about ready to rubbish the entire site, and send off everyone to the cornfield. I had a troll from Kentucky bothering me first thing, and now this. Sheesh!

On a positive note. Here's a podcast that you need to watch. -MM

Ultan McG and Alice have reacted to this post.
Ultan McGAlice

Hi no personal questions, little problem with automatic adjustments without the help of MM who suffers to ask and feel the answers. MM has written articles to deal with these classic concerns that we all encounter.

congjing yu and Alice have reacted to this post.
congjing yuAlice

Did I hear podcast?

MM I am not joking this time, pleeeeeeeeease no cornfield for me. I am just waking from the twilight zone. 😩


@soulwithabody Go thru the first QnA and see what kind of situations we are dealing with here. This is a several month to one life cycle operation of the subconscious. I see you may have overlooked the meanings behind these QnAs. Its k. We allllll make mistakes, and I for one am an overlooker of critical information and find myself in your similar situation OFTEN. No biggie, the MAN is a busy busy Man and the QnAs take a toll on him mentally and physically, so poking the Hulk should be avoided at this time.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
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