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@pissedlizard : A picture came to my mind of you watching the odds of event manifestations resembling the scene in A world beyond/ Tomorrowland where Frank Walker sits in front of his monitoring station. I have attached the image.

This is a lot of information. I need some time to digest and will probably be back with more questions ;-).


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  • tomorrowland.jpg

@vianamonen - take your time and research everything - you may get pulled into this realm as quickly and strangely as I did at anytime.

When researching - google translate is your friend. Not everything is written in English. But it’s all out there in the ether. Most of it is on MMs site, to be honest.

All of this I know to be True



Believe it not... it is an authentic photo.

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  • Area51_001.jpg
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I don’t know you and have never dealt with you as far as I am aware.

That said - I would bet ALL of my chips - even the Stones - that your picture is legit. THAT craft has not been photographed in that configuration before.

PS I like the name. The irony is not lost!

I welcome more of what you know to be the Truth.

This I Know to be True




If you are really interested in the evidence based truth, have a look at the Billy Meier case.


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You don’t have to convince anyone here of anything. You can - seriously - let your guard down.

Personally - I would like to hear more of YOUR vantage point. Anything, really. People here are very friendly. And interested in each other. That’s what makes this Space so unique.

I welcome your insight.

This I know to be True.





I feel like every time I interact with you, you blow my mind. In a good way, because you help me fit my puzzle pieces into place. I LOVE all puzzles, but this specific puzzle has been a bitch (excuse my french).

Riddle me this: 3xs I felt you “blow” through my reality, subtle in retrospect but knocks me over in the energy. Even woke me from a dead sleep and my phone started getting notifications of your trippy Apocalypse rant. I know without knowing how or why its connected to you, but you immediately come to mind ——- Keep in mind, I am a highly sensitive and fairly skilled empath (Heyoka Type). For example: last night, my partner and I were talking before bed and without him saying a word, I knew he was done talking and ready to sleep. How? It felt like a door being slammed shut in my face. I felt his energy and SLAM nothing—- Its not possible for me to feel yall time traveling rebels fly through time lines, correct? I mean, MWIs dont travel the same “direction” as Time travelers or do they? If so, I believe you live directly South of me. Or could it be you exude that much energy that you some how cause a wind of energy that stops me in my tracks?

You asked my purpose of experimenting with Time Manipulation. You have no idea the gift that was given to me while sorting out my answer, as it applies to Life, to MM, and my quest to discover where I fit in to the Whole.

Nothing. I have no mission, no agendas, nor reason to Time travel.  My past, I wouldn't change a thing. I have had truly rough go in this life time, but would do it all of it again to obtain what this life has given me—— To love without expectation. For the ability to dispel anger and resentments in an instant. To forgive freely. 7x70, right? My curiosity is simply just to experience it. So, if I ever find myself in a situation that calls for a need to- I am capable.  Never know with the crazy year we’ve had.

Keep fighting the good fight. Its good to know there are good ones out there fighting to do whats right. There is an order to things and disrupting the order for power, greed, or fame should be stopped and at all cost.

This reality might not be capable of living in peace, but I know there is one out there- and thats where I am headed. A pipe dream is better than a nightmare.


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The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.


Thank you. Thank you. Now we can move in a direction.

Let me do some negotiating after this “Day”s briefing and see how far I can go.

This I know to be True




@pissedlizard Is it possible that my frequency sounds like someone making a wineglass sing? It wasn't tinnitus and I could keep the sound going for a while, but then lost focus.

How do I proceed training? I just "stumble" over these things when i'm exhausted. Or is it because i'm exhausted? Does exhaustion help?

And thanks for replacing the "thing"!

Yo PL, you said earlier;

"I pose this question to those who need to see it-do you SERIOUSLY believe that the “migraines” and headaches Xi Jingping suffers are organic? Do you REALLY think this new liver issue he has - doesn’t have fingerprints all over it? Of course it does. But shit has to balance so we can’t just kill him off outright.

And there would be no carnival if he was just killed outright. We need a carnival. It’s been a long few years, no?

The object is balance. Nobody with this technology wants to balance. So entire races die.

I will also say this - all of those cities that Xi built inside mountains and underground? If you don’t know about these - read up - they are absolutely remarkable in their design and engineering. They took a big hole - built a platform that can move around within the hole - in case of earthquakes and shit - amazing really - well a good percent  of missions that I am directly involved with is the sabotage of that support system. We are going to collapse those mountains when they are filled with people. When the Chinese run to their shelters they are running into their crematoriums - literally. Just watch. The ones that live and emerge will die of thirst.

It’s gonna be ugly over there. The whole fucking Asian continent is about to blow. Fully intentionally."

What does this mean? Who is attacking Xi and China? Why?

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