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@alice - I really want you to come along in this game. I can see your growth and it’s AMAZING.

I do not want you to become discouraged.   Therefore, before we get to the “meat” of what and where I am right Now - a little history. It’s going to be a VERY hard pill for many to swallow, as you have developed quite the spotlight. But it IS the Truth, the (one) 1 as I (eye) know the Truth as it is presented to Me.

ALL “Alien” technology - ALL OF IT - never goes to one “people” or country. Different “peoples” get different technology from different Races or Lines.

There was one that is like “Open Source”. It’s allowed for ANYONE and everyone. It was given to a Germanic Tribe long ago. Eventually it ended up in the hands of the Nazis.

At the end of WWII, America took this technology and kept it secret between them (Americans) and the fledgling nation of Israel. And I can see the “goodwill”. The Americans basically said “hey, this was originally Jewish engineered stuff - so it goes to them. So the Americans and Israelis kept this to themselves.

But it’s Open Source. Neither country had ANY right to classify it. It’s just as much YOURS as it is theirs. And only 4 Men got this. And they sat on the info until the 70s.

Now it’s in American Patriots hands. And OUR technology doesn’t use old school Delta - T antenna, we use a thing called a “”. It’s fucking SICK. And we got it.

The war drums beat nice and loud over Ukraine, no? VERY loud. We have 3 “weeks”. Putin will do NOTHING until after the Olympics. Take that to the bank.

Lots can happen between now and then. But I put this forward if you live in America. And I want to be CLEAR - very very clear that Human and Animal suffering fucking REPULSES me. I hate it. I love and embrace Life on Earth and want NOTHING but peace, but we all know that peace is a dream. A pipe dream at best. We were given religion by “Aliens” - and all those MAJESTIC people have SEEN these briefings or they aren’t legit - but we were given religion to prevent us from killing each other off. Altogether.

And here we are.

But strategically and just as a matter of Truth, as an American in America - who is in the very beginning of a civil war - do you want the US military getting it’s gay little ass kicked by some meat eating Russians OR do you want to deal with them HERE - fighting FOR all of these illegals coming across - because they are ALL fighters. Where do you want more guns?

Either way the ENTIRE global economy is CRASHING. Every man woman and child is going to be piss poor overnight. Everywhere. This isn’t speculation. This is slowing the AI trades down in EVERY market across the world. This is fucking up the algorithms that trade EVERYTHING every second.

So where do YOU want a military that wants you dead more than anything in the world?

I want them fighting Russians in the fucking winter. They (Russia) kinda sorta know how to play that game. Ask the Germans.

So bang the Drums loudly - but not too loud - you may shatter walls.

But I digress…

This particular technology is now in the hands of ALL types of  “Independent” wired Souls. All races but one, and have no idea why they are excluded.

I want to share with you, @alice, and to those who have seen what they need to see - but are afraid to actually do the next step - it’s all good. Those know this - know this to be True.

Manipulating Time and Space using a PHYSICAL thing - where I link up with 2 others - that’s this.

If you look at Time and Space EXACTLY as MM lays out - like a physical picture of hills and valleys - that’s EXACTLY what it looks like - Time doesn’t go forward or backward. Time does not “move” around you - YOU move IN it.

Time, like Space, is affected by Gravity. If you can induce a Gravitational field OR ANTIGRAVITATIONAL  field - Time can and does bend. Using a device - the “” - it generates its own Gravity, this moves Us.

Now here is where shit gets even nuttier - but as I have said a billion times over - I could care less what you or anyone else thinks of this - I know it to be a fact - so fuck everyone, you know?

Three Humans kind of sort of “fly” what would appear to you as an orb about the size of a Dorian fruit (I can’t smell them so I love ‘em) or a big grapefruit. You would see it as a bluish light - almost like a black light that gets brighter as We get “closer” in both Time and Space. It’s what I see coming at YOU - on the other end - that’s how I am making my “approach” - by THAT light reflecting off of one of the leaves in the “”. I see and hear that light and know when to “brake”. But you would see it get brighter and either just - disappear OR it will look like we are “shooting” away, when we are really hitching a ride on a ley line.

Now-let me unpack this a little.

There are 3 that are sitting next to each other- legs intertwined. There are others there but just for simplicity just picture 3 people, casually dressed in clean clothes in recliners facing inward.

Back in the day - a Delta T antenna was placed in the center of everyone’s legs - THAT is where the Portal would appear. We have Insectoid technology now. Now it’s like just 3 of us with strange head gear.

Anyway the actual terms for the jobs would mean nothing to you. I could say banana and pear and it would have the same meaning as the language used today. I can just say “Pilot” or “Driver”, “Engineer” and Mission.

Right off the bat - the “Engineer” does all of the real work. I drive, so I am REALLY worried about 3 things - the actual altitude of the ground, if the barometer is falling or rising and where the closest storm cell is - and that’s in a nutshell it. Everything else is a job.

The “engineer” manipulates an instrument that looks like a small Blue orb (obviously not the one we “fly”). That’s the Gravity or G-ball. He or she has it in one hand and a paddle like looking thing in the other. The paddle like thing is what actually manipulates about 90 parameters including light, sound, a level of human psyche, a whole slew of things - as I said about 90 - AND their reciprocals. Whatever is needed to get us from point A to point B. The bulk of the ride is light, sound and time.

I will see - in an image projected around me - a Timeline. I will be given a number that’s already programmed in the “”. I just basically drive there. Like a snowplow in a way. The stuff between your eyeball and screen is very soupy. It’s not just “air”. Landing is what fucks people up. You may have seen this on TV or online - in fact there was a clear shot on a TV show called “the Unexplained Files” that shows a buddy fuck up and drop someone off of an overpass near an airport. A LOT of human work can be done in just a few short years and what was a step one year is now an overpass “this” year. All it takes is 6 inches to go from “holy fuck we made it”! To “holy fuck we gotta abort”. If you were walking along and you hit a sudden 6 inch fall - you can break something and I have caused my share. That’s why it’s SO SO important to not rely on anything but what you can verify - old school - where a certain altitude is.

The orb that you would see becomes a tunnel on your end. A literal tunnel where you could see through it and literally see another sky - DEPENDING on the Gball setting. Sometimes it can only be seen with a certain nightvision and other times only IR. It depends on how the Gball is set and what the engineer tells me to approach will depend on what “wave” or harmonic we come in at. I couldn’t say “ok today we look like an orb” or “we will only be seen by IR” - I can’t know until we get there, because of the atmosphere, gravity, static, all kinds of shit.

Then there is the 3rd Person or Mission. They are the ones we bring to do whatever has to be done. It can be in “This” world or the reciprocal of what we all see - “dreamland”. Now - I nor the engineer go into that realm. We hang out and wait. The meat suit that we are literally assigned to - and it looks exactly like this one - but we go to a hotel - our physical bodies - here - we “see” on the “” screen -  what looks like a giant bus station. Skinwalker ranch is the most famous “bus station” next to the BIG BIG one - we all know where it is so I ain’t writing it - I hate the fucking place that much - but we “see” others - others that are doing the exact same thing as us. There are MANY that do what I do. Hundreds in the USA alone. Mission People are of all ages. The one who is like a grandma to me is a Hunter. She goes into peoples dreams and does all kinds of shit. But she is this old - mid80s woman from India. I love her to death! She is all smiles and just sweet on the flight and when she has to wait with us. She is wealthy here in this Timeline, and we only stay in shithole hotels, so she just takes it in such good stride. And makes Samosas when we are on our off time - so win/win. But she is is fucking KILLER kind of Hunter. A true warrior. She LOVES Freedom. Our kind of Freedom. Other Mission is for someone to get something. A lightbulb or a prosthetic device or some other invention  that could never see the light of day.

When the Mission requires getting something or anything that is in the “Light/Sound” realm - I am responsible for getting the Person to wherever they have to go where the engineer takes care of logistics. In my case it is just hailing a cab.

When we are done and back we are debriefed as a team and then solo. Representatives of both sides that I am involved with are always there for the briefings. We clean ourselves up, get fed and go home.

@alice, my friend, I hope this helps guide you. I am certain this will lead to more questions and if so - lay them on me.

ALL of this I know to be True



@pissedlizard I just finished reading the book about the Skinwalker Ranch. The event on the ranch with the tunnel and the orbs and the creature coming out of the tunnel is well reflected by your explanations. So in that case the creature that left the tunnel, was bascially the 3rd person executing the mission on the ground? What is the overall mission objective of all this time and space manipulation? Can you say something about the agenda or is it still "do or die, do not ask why"? 😉

The open source technology that was allowed for everyone. Can it be accessed and how? Just curious. Thanks and greetings from the North.

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@pissedlizard If everything has a number then so do I.

And I think I get what you said about not being afraid of the void. When I tought the little girls how to do pirouettes, often they would be so surprised if they got it right, that they stumbled at 3/4 when they could have made the whole turn. I guess, the same goes with meditating. I'm so thankful, I can get back to you to get the "Go on! It's allright!".

@Vianamoinen - the bibliography of that book is like a handbook for those Humans that do this - literally it’s the bulk of our first set books. All of the mechanics and physics of doing this can be found in that bibliography.

That said - yes, someone or something was directing that physical being out of that tunnel. The big ridge on Skinwalker Ranch was a gargantuan city underneath it. It’s just a stopover place that has a very high gravity and atmosphere that is dense enough to harbor some of these things.

The majority of beings that utilize places on Earth LIKE Skinwalker Ranch are from the Shape Shifting line. Most but not all. Almost NONE of them have any interest whatsoever in Humans, but some do - and what they like to do is show US - Humans - that we are not as smart as we make ourselves out to be. So they mess around with us. Some are malevolent enough to “haunt” people - but for the most part they have zero interest in us.

What was that one doing? I have no clue. It could be as simple as a “long layover” - where conditions here or at the beings destination are not suitable to move - and they do what we would do if we had a 24 hour layover at an airport - go out and stretch - to that being having a specific mission and is off to do it.

Why is all of this happening now? Simple. 10 years ago a handful of Humans - Obama being a big one - gave technology to a country that was NOT allowed or permitted to have it in any way shape or form. Obama actually did this to screw both America AND Israel. The country was given THREE (3) opportunities to stop everything and give the technology back. They didn’t - now they all die. The whole race.

I pose this question to those who need to see it-do you SERIOUSLY believe that the “migraines” and headaches Xi Jingping suffers are organic? Do you REALLY think this new liver issue he has - doesn’t have fingerprints all over it? Of course it does. But shit has to balance so we can’t just kill him off outright.

And there would be no carnival if he was just killed outright. We need a carnival. It’s been a long few years, no?

The object is balance. Nobody with this technology wants to balance. So entire races die.

I will also say this - all of those cities that Xi built inside mountains and underground? If you don’t know about these - read up - they are absolutely remarkable in their design and engineering. They took a big hole - built a platform that can move around within the hole - in case of earthquakes and shit - amazing really - well a good percent  of missions that I am directly involved with is the sabotage of that support system. We are going to collapse those mountains when they are filled with people. When the Chinese run to their shelters they are running into their crematoriums - literally. Just watch. The ones that live and emerge will die of thirst.

It’s gonna be ugly over there. The whole fucking Asian continent is about to blow. Fully intentionally.

The only safe place will be the mountains of Nepal. Here in the West the only safe place will be the Andes.

The restoration of what is rightfully one species is what this is all about.

In America - notice alllllll the democrats that are NOT seeking re-election? It’s not that they think they will lose - they KNOW what is coming. And like the skraelings withholding key information that would ensure the survival of their Allies - dems and Js are the same. They won’t do it. They will leave and abandon their people.  Like Afghanistan yesterday and Ukraine tomorrow, they just up and go.This is why though. They know that the next US election cycle is just a show to keep its people calm. They are hauling ass to South America. They act like collective souls and want so desperately to be individual souls. It’s AMAZING the damage one religion can have on a bunch of Godless people. All of this manipulation by Israel AND America has to stop. BUT THIS IS SECONDARY to the primary mission of wiping a certain DNA off the map as a punitive measure to obtain technology and a few heavy metals  that were illegally given to it by a person whose race is relegated to the dustbin of DNA history. It’s a fucked up situation - and the fact that a handful of black people in America is the root cause of all of this isn’t lost in irony, believe me.

And all you Motherfuckers that bitched about Trump - “get rid of him he is evil” - well, you got it. Now you have that same handful of black people - THAT ARE GOING TO START THIS CONFLICT. It’s the same actors. Obama, Rice, the skraelings (Rham and Zeke and the rest) all of them. They are going to make you me and everyone else piss poor, homeless, sick as dogs and all the other shit that goes along with Human suffering. You got your wish now deal with the consequences OF that wish.  Quit bitching that the world is going to be turned upside down and your lifestyle is going to end. Stop it. You got your fucking dinner now swallow it. Because you aren’t eating much longer.

I earlier said nukes will not be used - let me restate that. Nuclear FISSION will not be used. Nuclear FISSION is against intergalactic law.

Fusion weapons are in Asia ready to be deployed as well. Both underground and above. 1 mile to be exact. The metric system is not used ANYWHERE but here. On Earth.

@Mirri - you DO have a number! You have a frequency that is yours - it’s that background noise you always hear. Once you figure out THAT frequency - then you can fly. You will use THAT frequency to manipulate other frequencies and harmonics. You are getting there. I am fucking telling you - - you all are SO SO close!

Don’t fear this shit. As I stated - religion is - and I am quoting “Religion was given to the containers in order to prevent them from killing eachother en masse”. The briefing goes on about how the earliest religions were polytheistic. Once someone figured out it’s easy to control people with ONE God - it was off to the races. Satan, the devil - man made concepts. There ARE malevolent beings - very much so - but a guy with cloven hooves and a pointed tail is a story.

I will go one step further for you in particular, @Mirri. Have you ever been walking, and sort of been alone in your thoughts and suddenly you bump into something that isn’t there - but you could SWEAR you just bumped into someone? Well, you did. That’s phoNons you are hitting minus the light reflection. 99 times out of 100 is just an accident. You bumping into someone you can’t see. The 1 time you get a malevolent being - all you gotta do is go on the attack - say - out loud - “You want a piece of THIS, Motherfucker? Come on-let’s go” and then START ACTIVELY LOOKING for it - the thing will RUN. They are like bully’s. They pick and pick until challenged. They are low energy beings. They REALLY can’t waste energy fighting you and they KNOW it! Faith is the reciprocal of fear. Attack with faith in yourself and your God(s) and attack with extreme prejudice. You will be victorious.

I hope this helps!

ALL of this I know to be True





Not a coincidence.

This I know to be True



Quote from pissedlizard on January 27, 2022, 12:05 am

@Vianamoinen - the bibliography of that book is like a handbook for those Humans that do this - literally it’s the bulk of our first set books. All of the mechanics and physics of doing this can be found in that bibliography.

That said - yes, someone or something was directing that physical being out of that tunnel. The big ridge on Skinwalker Ranch was a gargantuan city underneath it. It’s just a stopover place that has a very high gravity and atmosphere that is dense enough to harbor some of these things.

The majority of beings that utilize places on Earth LIKE Skinwalker Ranch are from the Shape Shifting line. Most but not all. Almost NONE of them have any interest whatsoever in Humans, but some do - and what they like to do is show US - Humans - that we are not as smart as we make ourselves out to be. So they mess around with us. Some are malevolent enough to “haunt” people - but for the most part they have zero interest in us.

What was that one doing? I have no clue. It could be as simple as a “long layover” - where conditions here or at the beings destination are not suitable to move - and they do what we would do if we had a 24 hour layover at an airport - go out and stretch - to that being having a specific mission and is off to do it.

Why is all of this happening now? Simple. 10 years ago a handful of Humans - Obama being a big one - gave technology to a country that was NOT allowed or permitted to have it in any way shape or form. Obama actually did this to screw both America AND Israel. The country was given THREE (3) opportunities to stop everything and give the technology back. They didn’t - now they all die. The whole race.

I pose this question to those who need to see it-do you SERIOUSLY believe that the “migraines” and headaches Xi Jingping suffers are organic? Do you REALLY think this new liver issue he has - doesn’t have fingerprints all over it? Of course it does. But shit has to balance so we can’t just kill him off outright.

And there would be no carnival if he was just killed outright. We need a carnival. It’s been a long few years, no?

The object is balance. Nobody with this technology wants to balance. So entire races die.

I will also say this - all of those cities that Xi built inside mountains and underground? If you don’t know about these - read up - they are absolutely remarkable in their design and engineering. They took a big hole - built a platform that can move around within the hole - in case of earthquakes and shit - amazing really - well a good percent  of missions that I am directly involved with is the sabotage of that support system. We are going to collapse those mountains when they are filled with people. When the Chinese run to their shelters they are running into their crematoriums - literally. Just watch. The ones that live and emerge will die of thirst.

It’s gonna be ugly over there. The whole fucking Asian continent is about to blow. Fully intentionally.

The only safe place will be the mountains of Nepal. Here in the West the only safe place will be the Andes.

The restoration of what is rightfully one species is what this is all about.

In America - notice alllllll the democrats that are NOT seeking re-election? It’s not that they think they will lose - they KNOW what is coming. And like the skraelings withholding key information that would ensure the survival of their Allies - dems and Js are the same. They won’t do it. They will leave and abandon their people.  Like Afghanistan yesterday and Ukraine tomorrow, they just up and go.This is why though. They know that the next US election cycle is just a show to keep its people calm. They are hauling ass to South America. They act like collective souls and want so desperately to be individual souls. It’s AMAZING the damage one religion can have on a bunch of Godless people. All of this manipulation by Israel AND America has to stop. BUT THIS IS SECONDARY to the primary mission of wiping a certain DNA off the map as a punitive measure to obtain technology and a few heavy metals  that were illegally given to it by a person whose race is relegated to the dustbin of DNA history. It’s a fucked up situation - and the fact that a handful of black people in America is the root cause of all of this isn’t lost in irony, believe me.

And all you Motherfuckers that bitched about Trump - “get rid of him he is evil” - well, you got it. Now you have that same handful of black people - THAT ARE GOING TO START THIS CONFLICT. It’s the same actors. Obama, Rice, the skraelings (Rham and Zeke and the rest) all of them. They are going to make you me and everyone else piss poor, homeless, sick as dogs and all the other shit that goes along with Human suffering. You got your wish now deal with the consequences OF that wish.  Quit bitching that the world is going to be turned upside down and your lifestyle is going to end. Stop it. You got your fucking dinner now swallow it. Because you aren’t eating much longer.

I earlier said nukes will not be used - let me restate that. Nuclear FISSION will not be used. Nuclear FISSION is against intergalactic law.

Fusion weapons are in Asia ready to be deployed as well. Both underground and above. 1 mile to be exact. The metric system is not used ANYWHERE but here. On Earth.

@Mirri - you DO have a number! You have a frequency that is yours - it’s that background noise you always hear. Once you figure out THAT frequency - then you can fly. You will use THAT frequency to manipulate other frequencies and harmonics. You are getting there. I am fucking telling you - - you all are SO SO close!

Don’t fear this shit. As I stated - religion is - and I am quoting “Religion was given to the containers in order to prevent them from killing eachother en masse”. The briefing goes on about how the earliest religions were polytheistic. Once someone figured out it’s easy to control people with ONE God - it was off to the races. Satan, the devil - man made concepts. There ARE malevolent beings - very much so - but a guy with cloven hooves and a pointed tail is a story.

I will go one step further for you in particular, @Mirri. Have you ever been walking, and sort of been alone in your thoughts and suddenly you bump into something that isn’t there - but you could SWEAR you just bumped into someone? Well, you did. That’s phoNons you are hitting minus the light reflection. 99 times out of 100 is just an accident. You bumping into someone you can’t see. The 1 time you get a malevolent being - all you gotta do is go on the attack - say - out loud - “You want a piece of THIS, Motherfucker? Come on-let’s go” and then START ACTIVELY LOOKING for it - the thing will RUN. They are like bully’s. They pick and pick until challenged. They are low energy beings. They REALLY can’t waste energy fighting you and they KNOW it! Faith is the reciprocal of fear. Attack with faith in yourself and your God(s) and attack with extreme prejudice. You will be victorious.

I hope this helps!

ALL of this I know to be True



Heavy Mr.Lizard, very heavy.

Couple of things:

I believe that I have read every word on this here MM site; every comment in the forum.

I must have missed the parts [in the past] where you were so specific; as in the following:

"The only safe place will be the mountains of Nepal. Here in the West the only safe place will be the Andes.

The restoration of what is rightfully one species is what this is all about."

I would very much appreciate the reasoning, or a reference to the source for the first statement above. Also, that second statement above is some seriously strong commentary - where does that originate?

I probably asked you this before, but perhaps it has changed: do you have a timeline for these events?


@pissedlizard That object there looks really beautiful!!

And yes, I've been stumbling more than once over "something" that wasn't there.

And on the topic of weirdness: This morning I was searching for the icescraper in the car, I couldn't find it. On the way back  from work I saw it sticking in the snow like a post on the side of road. My husband and I agreed that neither of us had forgotten it on top of the car. So we have no reasonable explanation how it got there. We never stop at that point of the road... so I guess someone or -thing left us a sign.

“I would very much appreciate the reasoning, or a reference to the source for the first statement above. Also, that second statement above is some seriously strong commentary - where does that originate?”

I haven’t mentioned it, nor will I at this stage in the Game. The information is “out there”.  The best direction that I can point you is back to the original “Alien Interview”. Look at the footnotes - you will find two that will bring you closer to the answer.

As far as the timeline is concerned - it’s REAL crazy how this works.

Zero Time Reference is a point in Time - a MAJOR point in time where many Humans are affected. Sept 11 is one, D-Day - all cultures have theirs but ZTRs affect HUGE swaths of the population. When MM writes that he was an “anchor” so to speak - for souls or consciousnesses -he was a person who was used IN ZTRs. Whether he knows it or not - THAT is the anchor. It’s an event that affects MANY.

Zero POINT References are different. Where ZTRs are “big picture”, ZPRs are small chunks of time that affects only those in proximity of the machine or whatever that is being used.

So when you “Travel” you go to a ZTR to get there and fine tune using ZPRs ZPRs can be several years long or several hours depending on the Mission, but these are “blocks” of time.

Because of this - an exact timeline isn’t easy to get because everything is always changing. We have ODDs of when things will happen, but they are just that - odds. Nothing in the future - even one second out - can be perceived by your senses. This is because it is a odds ratio ONLY. Due to the Esoteric Nature of Number, there is never a REAL 100%. There is a real zero (void) but no 100%. If you were to see it from my vantage point, it would make SO much more sense.

Right now - the odds of Biden doing ANYTHING other than capitulate - which is different than surrender - is VERY high. The Odds ratio - that I am looking at on a screen to my left as I sit here - of ANY hostility by Russia during the Olympics is so low it’s almost negligible.

That is NOT to say other actors aren’t going to poke the bear. And poke and poke and poke. If Russia goes in during the Olympics then Putins word is as good as Biden’s from a Chinese govt standpoint.

Again, some of us just want to see this elephant put down so that WE do not have to deal with it here on our soil(soul).  We are going to have enough to deal with.

If you are going to see any hostilities before the Olympics - it’s America - Obama and crew - being “led” to false flag them.

One week AFTER the Olympics Putin has his “State of the Union” address. Look this up if you are not aware - because these things are important - so we expect an incursion AFTER the Olympics but before that speech. We are expecting it THEN because the odds ratio - again - sitting here on a projection on my wall - the odds ratio is REAL high for that timeframe.

Knowing THAT info, I can get in the “” and program THAT block of time I’m my ZPR. I am already placed in the ZTR that I need to be in to accomplish the Missions presented.

Does this make sense? I LOVE LOVE LOVE your questions! Love them. Flood me, buddy. Time is ticking. Tick tock.

THIS I know to be true





I can see that the Himalayas might be contentious on some geopolitical front, but it seems that you are not speaking of such, given the additional mention of the Andes.

Those are some big hills buddy.

Are they safe simply because of altitude, or possibly some other geologic attribute?

In strictly geologic action, for some thing, or event, to act upon all other locations detrimentally, it would seem that my old pal crustal displacement could result in such a way.

I am not well-versed in bleeding edge weaponry - especially the type acquired from our little green friends - is there some weapon that would make uninhabitable all those "low" regions?


"One species". WTF? One human species?


Hah! When that "gift" of religion was handed down, there must have already been contention, or the strong possibility for such. Why not just clear out the Bad Guys? Some just don't want to get along.

First, I do not know the significance of the Andes or Himalayas OTHER than those 2 places plus a mountain range on a Continent to the “south” are large - LARGE places that have a lot of activity coming and going. A ton of activity. They are like the large international airports versus a regional one like Skinwalker Ranch. MANY species move through them not just a few dozen. Atmospheric pressure is a big piece of maneuvering here on Earth, so maybe it has something to do with that.

It - like life - is complicated. You just can’t get rid of one group of people - all 5 on the Council has a stake in different “groups” of people. Everything has to balance.

When I “return” from any mission that isn’t training, I - as the Driver - have to take allllllllll of the residual bullshit that goes with it. Heat, anxiety, all kinds of crazy symptoms - because ONE of us has to. When you mess with a Timeline there are always going to be repurcussions - good or bad. The Pilot shoulders that burden and it SUCKS. Bad. But it is what it is.

I wish it was as easy as going back and putting a bullet in someone. OR healing someone. I really do. But that causes all kinds of issues - like a can of worms - they just aren’t going back in the can.

@Mirri - I am telling you I am telling you I am telling you - what bugged you before is gone. It is no longer anywhere near this planet. Nowhere. It has been replaced by a friendly “thing”. A thing that is nice. Take THAT to the bank!

This I know to be true!


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