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Waking up from the vaccine nightmare in Melbourne

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@geisterfahrer  Hi you are looking, so here it is.

Part 1 of the EBP comm with The Domain Commander in December 2021

Geisterfahrer has reacted to this post.

Allegories, eh? Here's another good one: you can take a horse to water but you sho' can't make 'im drink.

We swallow in full  mouthful the lie that flatters us, and we drink drop by drop a truth that is bitter to us  



Hardness and rigidity are companions of death. Fragility and flexibility are companions of life.

this one is from Lao Tseu and the other from Denis Diderot

Quote from azark on February 10, 2022, 8:07 pm

@geisterfahrer  Hi you are looking, so here it is.

How in the h...e...double hockey sticks did I miss that???


Every single thing I suspected that was going on with the mRNA vaccine was written in that response.

Seems Canadian Truckers are catching on to the scam too.

Also here in Australia, People are flocking to Canberra by the thousands from all over the country. The general media has had very little coverage of this event and what they have published is mis info such as Far Right Anti Vax extremists but in reality they are the mums and dads of this country opposing Vaccine mandates. I know at least two people who have flown over from Tasmania this week to attend. It's on going. Cheers DR

Ultan McG, Chromacat and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.
Ultan McGChromacatGeisterfahrer

let it rip, Tas. Good on you.

Ok, I have a little bit more time to explain what I meant by Plato's Allegory of a Cave. I know most of you probably got the point I was making, but I want to make sure that it is clear - no "guessing" what was meant.


‘The Allegory of The Cave’ by Plato: Summary and Meaning

  1. Perception is reality
  2. There has been, throughout history, massive attempts to distort reality.

In Plato's example, we can take the "prisoners" and apply that to Earth being a prison planet. The whole thing about the Empire distorting the reality of every person on the planet through some kind of memory wiping force field of every Is-Be can be applied to the people behind the prisoners playing with tricks of light. Not allowing them to see reality for what it is, which is outside of the cave. The prisoners have never known anything other than what they have perceived ... so suddenly exposing them to even a different perspective than the one they have ALWAYS known, will cause them to NOT BELIEVE what they are seeing. Even though what they are witnessing and seeing is 100% reality. It may, even perhaps, cause them to act out with hostility - because it is a completely different .....foreign?....alien? ...perspective than the one they have ALWAYS know and believed to be truthful reality.


Mark Twain once said "It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them they have been fooled" ....but fooling people their entire lives is going to have some severe consequences. I think we are all starting to see it.


Anyway, here's an interesting take on the vaccine thing; hysteria free, closer to what these creeps are really about, and a bit of technical background that isn't that far away from what the Domain revealed about MRNA's purpose reading between the lines. The Indians have Gates and friends figured out after what they attempted to roll out there nationally in the name of "health" a few years back.

Goldleaf has reacted to this post.

And this looks like predictive programming for what's incoming. Wine isn't the only thing that's bad for you, didn't you know?

(UK centric but I'm sure anyone interested can extrapolate. What did the Domain say about the importance of exercise moving forward for the consenters? This would tie in with the defibrillators in public spaces. Nothing to worry about, though. Just a precaution while we cover our arses by changing reality and you get back to normal, Normie.)

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