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Fate of the earth and humanity

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Do you remember how deadly serious Putin was when he made the last ditch effort with the USA / NATO? Do you remember how absolutely deadly serious he was when he announced that he was going to invade Ukraine? Cold. Chilling serious. Deadly. Heavy gravity on his shoulders.

Ok. Well, the person in charge of the entire negotiations with Russia at this time was the VP. Harris. I really want you all to watch this FOX "news" segment showing how the USA reacted to Putins' very deathly serious threat...

You just have to be stunned!

Feal, Tas and 2 other users have reacted to this post.

You have to think with nonsense moves like sticking Harris into the middle of a world crisis that the US thinks its playing some sort of game. Like both sides already know the outcome and are making token gestures to handle the situation. I don't care how pathetic the US leadership is, they are not all stupidos like Harris. The Joint Chiefs are not idiots and are trained in strategy and would instantly object to Harris being sent to alleviate a crisis. So the only conclusion is that there is some collusion here and Putin is being given Ukraine (or part thereof)  and tension is allowed to rise and cause fear.

Fear is the ultimate control weapon, not military  might, or disease or vaxxes or even nuclear weapons. These cretins live off of fear, its their signature MO. Fear makes you compliant and likely to make irrational decisions.

So I reckon its a fake war, possibly to distract or cover up something much worse going on under our noses. Maybe the vaxx death rate is climbing too fast too soon. Maybe there is a massive emptying of the US Treasury due to the war itself or for some other purpose (prepping in their DUMBs or some other craziness).

If its fake then Putin and Xi are in on it as are the media and US allies (at some level). One thing for sure, we are not in on the joke - we are the joke.


Dingus has reacted to this post.

Hm, yeah maybe. However if you don't send in Harris, who then? Biden himself? To be honest, and I am not Q, Donald-fanboy or even a republican sympathizer, Biden seems to be more and more mentally challenged. His speaches have become even worse lately, he seems so out of focus and distant I really doubt he functions much at all now.

paraic has reacted to this post.

Yeah Biden is a puppet, an actual literal puppet. I have seen some of the CGI speeches where they are literally making his lips move. Reasonably well done, but if you look carefully you can see the unnatural movements.

No you don't send Biden - or if you do send Lloyd Austin and/or Blinken with him. If Potus shows up somewhere with his main military leader and his top political foreign policy guy, people (Putin) will take notice, and TBH he would never need to say a word.

For me its a game. The US needed something from Ukraine unrelated to WWIII or NATO or anything obvious. Could have been the bio weapons labs or just raping the country. But my money is this will be over in a few weeks and the next news story will take over. NATO will breathe a sigh, like an actor finishing a difficult role and business (most importantly) will be back to normal. Ukraine will be Russia's problem and being the efficient imperial machine they are, it will be carved up and may start to function again as two new countries.

I note as well reading the latest Commander answers about WWIII that Ukraine barely gets a mentions so that does hint to me its a skirmish at best. Still always good to be prepared..but this is not the WWIII kinetic event you are looking for..

congjing yu and Dingus have reacted to this post.
congjing yuDingus

Makes sense to me, P. Well put. Two new countries with the tech and educated population reverting back to the Russian sphere. No way NATO has the political will to take on Russia. Without US firepower NATO is a joke and everybody knows it. I think the Russians will persist until the Baltic states and pissants like Bulgaria and Romania are emasculated, then the US will withdraw for another round later. Hungary have obviously and wisely gone neutral very quickly. Orban is no fool. Most likely a China focus again if the vaxx situation doesn't put an end to that idea, as the Domain have also hinted. We all know what is going to happen on that score, unfortunately 😱.

congjing yu, JustAnotherAsian and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuJustAnotherAsianDingusparaic

actually in fairness I should say that the Brits-- as always-- and certainly the French, too, can still pack an independent military/tactical punch if needs be; and both militaries have still kept relatively independent from the US strategic umbrella-- the French much more so; but whereas the brits now (and despite much opposition from within and without the military ranks) rely heavily on U.S. sea power/airpower, and are much more integrated into US command and control than the French. Now they've spent billions on two pieces of shit metal targets-- which we call 'aircraft carriers'-- for 'fighter aircraft' that can't even fucking fly properly to launch off of.

And it seems the submarine protection necessary for them to operate safely are being sunk one by one in the Eastern Pacific. You couldn't make it up if you tried, right? What a joke.

Rest of NATO? Forget about it. Loosing that lot on Russia would be akin to loosing a fat girl in a chocolate factory. For the Russians, that is.

(Such as with S. Korea-- pretty much militarily an arm of the U.S. forces without a jot of independence. Until this is rectified, they'll be going down with the 'Rules Based Order' ship. And fast.)

But neither has what it takes to even bug Russia in a minor military way; nor is there the political will to go it alone. Rather, try it alone, 😂; incursions into the 3rd World are their specialities. But against Russian armour and aerospace forces? No way, Jose. Not a chance.

JustAnotherAsian has reacted to this post.

Actually-- and I might be at risk of an arse singing from our Moderator, here-- but I've spent an hour or so looking at a few interviews of 'Kamala Harris', and if I told you it looks like a man, would you believe me? I've never bothered to look closely, before-- I mean, shit, who has bothered-- but he's a he. 90% + certainty.

Also, his 'figure' (what there is) varies much in different images, which means they're doctored. Overall body shape not consistent. Hip-knee-foot alignment not consistent or feminine when in view. But the dead giveaway is his neck area and jawline. Take a good look. Actually, it's very hard to get a full body shot image of this guy. What there is is doctored or obviously padded out around the ass and hips/shoulders. Freaky.

And they sent him to rally EU and NATO responses to Vlad Putin and his Russian Armies? Good luck with that.

Memory Loss and paraic have reacted to this post.
Memory Lossparaic
Quote from Ultan McG on March 9, 2022, 2:54 pm

Actually-- and I might be at risk of an arse singing from our Moderator, here-- but I've spent an hour or so looking at a few interviews of 'Kamala Harris', and if I told you it looks like a man, would you believe me? I've never bothered to look closely, before-- I mean, shit, who has bothered-- but he's a he. 90% + certainty. Blah blah..

You are not alone, @ultan-mcg.

Actually @ultan-mcg. Sending this guy to Nato/EU works 110%.When the  Europeans see their overlords, they encounter shock and awe 😂. Thereby submission is guaranteed.

On the other hand, have you seen Jacinda Arden and her junk? Ditto Michael Obama. Everything the elite are, is inverted. We are in a movie, "They live".



paraic has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

On the other hand, have you seen Jacinda Arden and her junk?

and her spouse/partner who is Clarke Gayford. Are they messing with us?  Prob MM will fine us both and for sure I won't say any more on this topic.

Quote from paraic on March 9, 2022, 7:26 am

For me its a game. The US needed something from Ukraine unrelated to WWIII or NATO or anything obvious. Could have been the bio weapons labs or just raping the country. But my money is this will be over in a few weeks and the next news story will take over. NATO will breathe a sigh, like an actor finishing a difficult role and business (most importantly) will be back to normal.

Not really back to normal: In the last years Germany started to cooperate more with Russia and the East, also the BRI being built, but now got its big reprimand. It is now solid subordinated to the US and cut off, the pipe has been blocked and a big wall has been put up. So that was some huge success for the US. However, Germany is also cut off from its energy supplies and there are no alternatives to keep its industry going. Maybe that's another success. MM was writing about this too. Western politicians are puppets and heavily compromised anyway, otherwise they wouldn't be in that position. That for sure is just a show.

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