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....though i have my suspicians

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

Just ask them, buddy! They don’t bite if you ask humbly and honor is in your heart. Seriously. Guiding one individual is NOT outside of their realm, believe me.

Honor and humility. And the Secrets of the Universe/Multiverse will start making their appearances. Kinda-sorta-like exactly what MM says to ALL of us in our everyday lives. When I am asked in passing by ANY entity - what MY level and knowledge is - my answer is ALWAYS - “I am a human. That’s all I know”…. That tends to make everything at least - nice. I don’t know SHIT, you know? Actual human beings making apples just appear out of nowhere and shit and my scraggly ass is asked - what do I know?

Nothing. That’s what.

The Five Gifted Ones - the Grand Council - keep in mind - whoever “owns” your DNA - owns YOU.

For example - there ARE Reptilian kind of beings that ARE on Earth. They made THEIR humans with a love of gold or money. That’s how they control people. Get rid of that DNA and you rid yourself of them. Adrenochrome - all that shit is nothing to be laughed at. At all.

Why do you think the US is so interested in Ukraine? Because representatives OF THAT SPECIES have been doing some very dirty dealings there. AMERICAN representatives like Biden and the Clinton Foundation and Obama Foundation. They have been selling arms to Ukraine and laundering the money OUT of Ukraine.

It has NOTHING to do with Russia. It has NOTHING to do with geopolitics. It has EVERYTHING to do with dirty dealings based on the love of gold that has gone out of control.

Don’t believe me? Watch the aftermath.

Those Reptilians and their ilk are why everyone is killing eachother and has been since one monotheist religion weaponized itself and made  another monotheist religion. There was relative peace before monotheism. Yes, there were massive wars - but not an attempt at global control OF humans BY humans in the scale we are seeing today. That’s that Reptilian shit. Believe it or not.

It would be interesting to me to see who the LDers are under. Just ask though.

This I know to be True


Ultan McG and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
Ultan McGMemory Loss

Well, PL, they've managed to monetize everything else so it was just a matter of time before they obtained the tech and raw power to monetize the human being through a series of inoculations intended to be rolled out every six months from now on until the person dies. Guaranteed profit stream and God only knows how much extra money will be made "treating" the ghastly side-effects-- now becoming apparent to all but the most brainwashed-- in those not killed by the first round of boosters or the original two shots.

And there ain't nobody gonna stop them. Sounds pretty reptilian to me, alright. (All due respect to our regular, 4 legged cold blooded friends!)

China and Russia will no doubt strike when they are directly threatened. But anyone holding out for a humanitarian rescue from that corner will be sorely disappointed, I'd wager. We might get lucky, sure, but I won't be holding my breath. A slow kill mass extinction sounds about right, and the funny thing is, most folks are rolling up their sleeves and queuing up en masse for it. Free will, choice, the ones who survive and manage to cobble something together from the ruins won't even be able to claim it was coercion. The dead volunteered for it.

I choose life, personally. No matter what colour it is. I won't be looking for an exit ticket off this rock, either. Guess I'll be going down with the ship. More my style anyway.

See you on the Other Side. And thanks for all the updates and addendums of late. Forewarned is forearmed. And I can operate nicely in that particular space thank you very much.

DSKlausler has reacted to this post.

Hey guys! For all of you loving the extraterrestrial narratives, you might enjoy this thigh slapper of a movie; Iron Sky - The Coming Race.

It's got Nazi Reptilians, republicans, Genghis Khan, Nazi's on the moon, world nuclear holocaust, hollow earth, shape shifting, spaceships, Russians, and diversity.

It's all so American.

Feal and DSKlausler have reacted to this post.

Hitler and Steve Jobs as shape shifting reptilians. LOL.

Everyone guys. You all got to lighten up some. Go out and have a pizza. And splurge. Put all your favorite toppings on it with extra cheese. Get your preferred beverage too. Don't skimp.

Thanks for the suggestion, Mr Man, and I see where you are coming from, but for me food is nutrition and sustenance only, taken in the right amounts that are optimum for me. Brought up that way, too. Small amounts of meat and protein, and larger portions of fibre and carbs-- usually vegetables and rice. Zero drugs, sugar, alcohol and only the occasional cigarette in the evening. (An old habit surprisingly hard to break but I'm working on it.)

Food was never something to enjoy in my circle, and I prefer to eat alone. And quickly. I always looked at folks who are into food with kind of a bemused puzzlement. Which of course says more about me than it does them.

Knowledge of what's coming and a constructive plan and mindset are for me the tools I'll need to get through whatever is on the way.

And the intentions too, of course.

Memory Loss has reacted to this post.
Memory Loss

Ultan, nicotine addiction is hard to break huh. I have a mad cap theory that nicotine displaces nicotinamide and it's analogs somewhere downstream in the Krebs cycle. So it affects NAD production (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) and then no nicotine causes you to feel like death. A totally disrupted Krebs cycle should kill you in less than a minute probably so a somewhat impaired cycle will mess you up. Same thing happens for glycine in the body when glyphosate comes in and competes with glycine. In the case of glyphosate it's pretty documented but probably nicotine competes the same way.

So one way to break the addiction possibly is to load up on the gang running around in that cycle. Niacin, nicotinamide, citric acid, malic acid. It will give you a boost for a week before you crash if you use it daily.

Try it if you want. The dosages are in milligrams so just be careful but in theory, you can break the hold of nicotine naturally and safely. Best case scenario, nicotine addiction broken in 2 weeks.


Edit : Food and alcohol don't affect you much and that's pretty interesting. But nicotine is physical in nature. An impaired Krebs cycle will kick you in the nuts.

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Nice, ML. Thanks for that. The nicotine withdrawals are mild and more akin to a sense I have in my mind (or body, maybe?) of sharper concentration when I do spark up.

....(Ciggies were a good friend for me at times back in the day, and all the guys smoked. I mean, fucking EVERYbody. A regular choo-choo train it was.)

.....Rather than banging my head off the wall or the sense of loss that others I know who smoke describe when deprived of their fags. I tried various party drugs when I was much younger-- dope, mollys, acid, mushrooms, etc.- but rather than get high like everyone else used to, I usually just puked or bizarrely felt nothing instead. (Did have some verrry interesting hallucinogenic episodes on the acid, though. Even had a rather developed conversation with my mum's cocker spaniel-- long since resting in peace that little softy-- early one morning! Weird, 🤭. Thankfully she never ratted me out, though.) Same with excess alcohol-- usually just gave me a headache. Other than very occasional nips of the local moonshine as a nightcap, I never really touched it since. And you meet some interesting people when you're a social teetotaller. Everyone is friends when the booze is flowing, but always seemed a very artificial kind of camaraderie to me. Especially when they arrive at the morning after.

As for the food, she's a tough one to master for sure, and one's relationship to food for me defines pretty much every other aspect of one's life. To take comfort in eating is a big no-no in my opinion, I always preferred the discipline of a regimented routine in which food plays very little part. But it's most definitely each to his own on that score, granted.

Krebs, I'll look that one up and most definitely the nicotine cravings I get-- mild as they are-- are predominantly physical rather than mental in nature. I limit myself to maybe 2 packs of 20 per week but the wife hates it so I promised her I'd quit. (Eventually, lol~)

Interesting. Cheers for that.

DSKlausler has reacted to this post.
Quote from Ultan McG on December 21, 2021, 9:03 pm

Nice, ML. Thanks for that. The nicotine withdrawals are mild and more akin to a sense I have in my mind (or body, maybe?) of sharper concentration when I do spark up.

....(Ciggies were a good friend for me at times back in the day, and all the guys smoked. I mean, fucking EVERYbody. A regular choo-choo train it was.)

.....Rather than banging my head off the wall or the sense of loss that others I know who smoke describe when deprived of their fags. I tried various party drugs when I was much younger-- dope, mollys, acid, mushrooms, etc.- but rather than get high like everyone else used to, I usually just puked or bizarrely felt nothing instead. (Did have some verrry interesting hallucinogenic episodes on the acid, though. Even had a rather developed conversation with my mum's cocker spaniel-- long since resting in peace that little softy-- early one morning! Weird, 🤭. Thankfully she never ratted me out, though.) Same with excess alcohol-- usually just gave me a headache. Other than very occasional nips of the local moonshine as a nightcap, I never really touched it since. And you meet some interesting people when you're a social teetotaller. Everyone is friends when the booze is flowing, but always seemed a very artificial kind of camaraderie to me. Especially when they arrive at the morning after.

As for the food, she's a tough one to master for sure, and one's relationship to food for me defines pretty much every other aspect of one's life. To take comfort in eating is a big no-no in my opinion, I always preferred the discipline of a regimented routine in which food plays very little part. But it's most definitely each to his own on that score, granted.

Krebs, I'll look that one up and most definitely the nicotine cravings I get-- mild as they are-- are predominantly physical rather than mental in nature. I limit myself to maybe 2 packs of 20 per week but the wife hates it so I promised her I'd quit. (Eventually, lol~)

Interesting. Cheers for that.

I have some similarities with you there re:drugs and heavy alcohol. I do love chocolate... I tend to eat it though, rather than savor it. I also like the initial mellowness received from alcohol; large volume, like you, sometimes gives me a headache.

You are to be commended, in my opinion.

I am STILL adjusting my VOLUME of food due to my body preventing the extreme punishing workouts I had done for at least 30 years. THAT is a bitch!

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG
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